Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 04, 1897, Image 4

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    TO THE
Of Two Transcontinental
18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear.
P1C1I Rl
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
It standi first among "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
prioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Conan Doyle, Jerom K. Jbromb,
Stanley Wetman, Maby E. Wn-Kisa,
Anthony Hope. Bbet Habtb,
Bbandbb Matthbws, Etc
We offer this uneqoaled newspaper
and Tbe Gazette together one year for
83.25. Tbe regularsubnoription price of
tbe two papers is $3 50.
For full details oall on 0. E. A N
Agt nt at Heppner, r address
Gen. Fhsb. Agt.
Portland. Oregon
E. McNEluL, President and Manager.
San Francisco
And all point In (Wifornia, via the Mt. Hhasl
route of the
Southern Pacific Co
Th irrnat hiuhwKv thmnirh California to all
point Kant and South. Unroll Nrainlc Himte
of tho Paniflo Coast. Pullman Hnffet
Weepers. Hnnnnri-olaiw Weepers
Atlanhwl to express traina, altiirriin npanor
aooommoHationa for senund-nlaM iiawninifein.
For rates, tinketa, slmpiliR nar reservations,
eto. nail npon or address ,
K KOKHl.KK, Manaxor. K. P. ROOKUH, Asm
fin. V P. Alft.. Portland, Oreirnn
Tickets issnsd to all points in tbe United
States and Canada
Chicago "1 All other f Omaha
Washington points I Kansas City
Haltimokb id tbe St Jobfph
New Yobk I East and I Locib
Bvffalo J Southeast I Boston
Union Depot connections
at St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Karjsss City, Omaha, St.
Lnnis and other promi
nent points
Bnggape ohecked through to destination
of tickets.
Through tickets to Japan and China, via
Tacnma and Northern Pacific Steam
ship Company's line,
For full information, time cards, maps,
tickets, etc., oall on or write
W. 0. A llaway, A. D Carlton,
Agt.N P Ry Asst. Gen Pass. Agt.
The Dalles, Or. Portland, Or
THE CHRONICLB rnk wltt, Ik create
iirwHijappni id th United num.
THK CIIKONLCMC liu no equal on the Pacific
oaHt. It tenia aM In ability, ent rprtw and newt.
I IIK CIIHONICLK'h TfftHKrupnlc Heporin art
the laUmt and limit rellaole, ltd bona. News itia
ruHtHt and Hpirtcst aad tu hiditortaii (row tu
tijliidl perm In tlic country
I'll KCllltoVlCLK nnnalwav-abmn, and alwara
vfli he, the friftid and ch amnion of tha ptmple m
ts(Hti)st nomlil iaMoiia, i:ltqua. (Ufritoriitiiins, ur
tpiiP''NS(otii of huv kind It will b liuleyvuileii.
u (vtirytuiiig uuuuai lu no tu I
If so, be sure and e tbnt your
ticket rend via
He loitMm linn
Turn in the
Great Short Lir)e
dulutii.st. l'AUii.ciucvao
Their MiDtnlllccnt Trark, Peerless Ventiliulcd
DiiiImk ami Kli-i-pliiK l ar
Trains, and Mntlo:
hss given tit In roail a national reputation. All
ilaHaeauf naMHHiKi-ra I'Hrrlf.l on the vestlliuleil
trains without iixtis cliarnii. Hhlp your IrelKlil
ami travel over tliia laiuoui llnu. All RKeiils
havu tickets.
Civil. Ani-iit. Trav. K .V I'. Ait.
Jin WaiililiiKton Kt., rortlaml, Ut,
miiwauRee & St. Paul R'y
This Hallway Co.
0ratfR its trains on the famous blook
Litflits its trains by electricity throtih-
I'm'H the oilibratt'il t'lt'Otrio berth rend
liitf liitnp;
Huns ai'i't.ilily t cnii I amonr train
tvirv day aixl uivlit littwiiti Mi. 1 an
and C'lnoao, and Oiunha and Cliicugn
Chicago, Ailvvaukcc &
St. Paul
Also otitfratf nlHHtn lifhl'd vrHtilmlr.l
Iraio. crrlii Him lHtiat prival
Coint arliuf nl Cars, library battel amok
intf tar a, and ilact drawing room
Parlor cars. frir rt'linlng rliair oars,
nd lh vry btat diniun chair oar
For lowest rntrs to any taiint in th
I ni'ed 8UIh or Canada, ii ply I
Hftil or addrt'HS
a J. r.PDY,
J W. CASEY, Urm ral AuhhI.
Trav. I'na Ak'.Mit. Purtlaiid, Or
fe? pb m
The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co,
Leave The DhIIhh d til v ( xa-?pt Sunday
at 7 a. mi., arriving in Portland about
2 :30 p. m.
When yon go to Portland, stop off a
The Dalles and take a trip down th
Colnmtri.; you will enjoy it, and save
General Airent,
Write to T. 8. Qtii:rcBV.
Drawer lofl, Cliltaco, Sccrc
tary cf the SrAa Acciden-i
Company, for information
regarding Accident Insur
nnce. Mention t'.iia papei
Ey to doin jcu cau sav
member5lilp fee. Has paid over t5W,C00.C0 fo,
accidental injuries.
Bo your own Agent.
Tho hrontrlo HallulOf.
the: daily
II r l I. rntlaira I'alil.
The Weekly Chronic
Th) Crnt st Wee' J. h tbe Cm Iry.
$1.50 a h
llt 1 miti. Ill Mfti
TIIK WI-KKI.V rilltoiri.K. Mm brtcM-M
rtit. (ir.nn fi'4inriy H4 'ii.num tr i
'.ion;: u iutlti cul Vitru itiluiAi Ucf nuciil.
Reversible Map?
Tho United States, Dominion o
CiiuaJa ami Northern Mexico
I tlci' i lieri'liy kIvcmi that an hiiiiiihI meet
lii(T of the t' fklHuderi of the Nriners Wnre
onue edinpHi'V nl lone will he held at the otlic
f Kiitil ('inn tin ny 'ii lone, Orcyci". nn KRtiirilav
the Mil ilii'- of June. IH'17, nt I o cluck p, in , for
the purpose of electiiiK (lirectorR hihI for such
ither humiicKN h limy ue h-khiiv tmiianctea ny
them. M. J. WILLI KM H.
f rerldcut.
pone ht lone, thin i"ith day ot April, l(t'.7.
See new ad. fo: . J. Slooam.
Geo. Gray ia out receiving abeep ttiia
Otto Frederick's little girl is on tbe
aiok list.
Tom Staunage ia up from California
to abear.
Cbarley Barnett, of Lexington, was in
town on Friday laat.
Mrs. 0 Cate was In from her home in
Baud H-jIIow Saturday,
Sidney Blumentbal went down to bis
Portland borne Saturday.
Mrs. Eugene Matteaon is suffering
from an abceae on tbe neck.
L. Blumentbal arrived borne from
Portland 00 Wednesday of last week.
Bock beer, Book beer, Bock beer, at
J. B. Natter's and . G Sperry's 88 41
Speoial sale ot pocket knives and
pipes at balf prioe at the Orange Front,
Urandma Hagnewood reoently re
turned from California where she viaittd
Jas. Carty, John Kilkenny and Ed
McDaid were up from the "Sand" Fii
day last.
C. A. Rea has finished shearing for
this season. His clip amounts to 95,000
Grandpa Florence was down from his
home on Willow creek Saturday last.
Be is 86 years of age.
Born To the wife of I. L. Howard.
on Little Butter oreek, Friday, April
30tb, an 8 pound girl.
An incipient blaze was discovered in
T, K. Howard's, Sunday eve., just in
time to prevent a serious 6 re.
Mrs. Dubois, sister of Mrs. John Jenk
ins, is very low at tle latter'a borne
She will soon return to ber home in
Greens and vegetables, arriving dailv
at the Orange Front opposite City hotel
oorner Main and Willow streets. Prompt
lelivery to all parts of the city. tf.
Ed. Bartlett's sorrel horse, reoently
pnrchHsed from Ben Swagvart. ran Jug.
Jones' mure a quarter dash today at tbe
truck, Bartlett's horse winning.
Tf you want a good glass of genuine
Rook beer, call for tbe Hop Gold Bock,
made only by the 8ar brewers. Port
land. Or. On draught at J. B. NatNr'F
nmi E. G. Sperry's. 38-41
Geo. Swaugart made an Assignment tit
liis properly on last Sutnrday. with Ed.
11. Rinbni as assignee Tbe lialii'ii'ns
Hie 812,000 and there. seems to be enough
property to pay that amouut.
Anlone Abaliainsick, son ot K. Ab'a
hAtnaick, of this place, was kicked in
the month by a colt with wbirb be was
playing, nu IhsI SaluMav, losing most nl
his ttetti. Autone has plenty (f bad
grat girl.
Sh rimw tba In at the Boarding-Boom.
"Greatest girl at our boarding-house
you ever saw," declared Quirkly, with a
T. A. Bloenn, H. , the Great Chemist and
Kelcatlst, Will Bend, Free, Three Bottles of
Ml Newly Dincov red Krmodu-s to Bafferers.
gigrgle, accordiDj to tie Detroit Free re)lllbla onre (or Qonsnmptioo and all
Pree. "Never aays what you expect Bronohisl, Tbroat and Lung Diseases,
her to eay, and you'd be disappointed General Decline. Loss of Flesh and all
if she did, after hearing her. : , Conditions of Wasting Away. By its
"Dry goods clerk sits opposite her and timely use thousands of apparently
asked the other day if she really hopeless cases Lave been cured. 80
thought there were bargain in the proof-positive am I of its power to onre.
self have been marked down from 38 0OTerer Remedies npoa reoeipt of Kx
to25. p.es snd Pnntffioe sddress. T. A
"Old bachelor that sits next to her at SLOCUM, M.C.,98 HineHtreet.New York.
the table spilled his ice cream in her
lap. She never screamed nor ran away,
matrimonial lottery. 'Of course there ,bat, ' n0B.ke ,U "1 jkoJ.n; J
, , . , , . . . ,x fend, free, to any t.fflicted reader of
are 'she answered, with a laugh. 'I my- pe',., three bottles of my Newly
but effusively took him by the hand
and congratulated him on the coolness
of the entire proceeding.
"Dude boarder had the nerve to pro
pose to her and she took half an hour
explaining to him how it was all she
could possibly do to support her mother
and herself. When she thought of tak
ing on any more obligations she would
certainly have another taJk with him.
The chump went around telling it, proud
as a turkey gobbler.
"Real estate fiend wanted to sell her
n lot for twice what it was worth. She
closed the deal by offering to take half
his commission and give him a quit
claim to the lot. He atill scratches his
head and looks at her from the corners
of his eyes.
"Think of laying my own fortune at
her feet. Haven't the slightest idea
that she will accept and for that very
reason am inclined to think thatahe
When writing the doctor, mention this paper,
i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat
ent butineu conducted for moderate Fees,
our Office is Opposite U. 8. Ptejit Office
and we can secure patent ia was time wan Utoae
fnm Waehinrrtnfl-
r , , ' ..l .A Mt.t. J.uv1n.i
.... W adviia. if oatentable or not. tree of
charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured.
I . " How to Obtain Patents," with
icost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries;
Jscnt tree. Address,
Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C
A A1
Mrs. Eva Priatis, daughter nf Mrs. Fi
F. Vautehan, hHS been selected as tht
vulediotorinn tt the graduating clues a'
Moumouih this year. It is an honor to
lie coveted, 11s it is the reward nf merit
and ability. Mies Brians stood tbe
highest of twelve.
Through inadvertency, many local
a weekly rHte
Bo Wont Up with It, However, When the
otook Rose.
"Nicotine," said the moralist, accord
ing to the Washington Star, "is a ter
rible drug."
'I sometimes think that it doesn't
hurt a person who indulges in modera
tion," responded the Star reporter, who
was smoking a cigar.
"That's the danger of it. It U the
more pernicious because of its many
insidious phases. If I had my way I'd
abolish every leaf of tobacco from the
markets. It's a constant temptation
to waste, and I am thankful that I never
squandered my resources in any such
"You never smoked?"
"Nor chewed?"
I "Certainlv not."
'Nor used snuff?"
"The idea is preposterous!"
"I suppose you must have saved a
reat deal of money, then? These
small expenses count up very rapidly.
But, of course, a man must invest his
money to get as comfortable an income
as you appear to enjoy. A friend of
mine was telling me about how you
laid the foundation for your fortune.
It was a small speculation, was it
"Urn yes, it wa."
"Would you mind telling me just how
you managed it?"
"Why, you see, a friend of mine who
knows all about the market gave me
a tip and I bought some stock in the
tobucco trust."
Cummings & Fall,
Ot the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4
Q., C. M. & Bt. P., O & A . P. Kt. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta.,
The compsratlvsvalusof these twoearde
Is known to most persons.
They Illustrate that greater quantity hi
Not always moat to be desired.
These cards express the beneficial qual
ity of
4s compared with any previously known
Rlpsns Tabules: Price, $0 cents a boa,
Of druggists, or by mall.
BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Sprues St.,N.Y.
thine to patent ?. Protect your ideas ; they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKR
BURN & Ca, Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. C, for their 81,800 prize offer.
The regular subscription price of tbe '
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and tht
regular price ot the weekly Uregonian
is SI. 50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year ia
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for 83.50. All old sub
soribers paying their subscriptions fcr
one year in advanoe will be entitled tt
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m, and 12 to
2p.m. at repirlenee. Mrs. H. Welch's
property, and 10 to 12, am, to 2 to 5
p. m , at office in tbe rear ot Burg's
jewelry store.
To persons who served in the wars of the United Statesor to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a m
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ? N
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
to vou and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present fo)
(i your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. ax
iT-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. VW
No Fee unless successful. fn
Notice of Intention.
4 Airll 7, H'.I7. Notice Is hereliv ulveii thai
he fiillow I1111 101 inod settler tin tiled not lc nf
his Intention to nmke tliutl proof In support of oi. M, n,,
his elmni. and that snld proof will he made advertisers will) pay ouiy
ielore Coiinly lerk, Morrow County, drown, have been pettinff the benefit nf the
at lleppner, orciton, 011 iav 1 itn, iwi;, vu: 1 ..
llr.Kl If. 711 1 h r.nr. I.I,, nriui nriii; on hub, t un uiaqi 10 uiitm
K W tie." m, Tp ft 8, it 27 fc W m. ' "P0" business principles and
He iismea 'the IoIIohIiik witneio'es to prove those who pay for a weelv ail. must
inn I iiimiiiiiuii. ii-nmriM d .h. nmi .-,.i,iniioii
it mlil land, vis: Henlaniln r. Ilevlaml, Sam
uel ('. t'reeann, lu.ler ( oile and llsvld A.
Iittinilti.il all of Hoppiier, Oreiton.
B. r. i ji ri ,
M.Vtti. Keulster.
expect that it will appear only once a
week. tf
Tbe Gazette does not question the
honesty ot any person, but it ia com
pelled to insist npon tba oasb-io advance
i . i I : . : i ... . i ..u
I AND OFKlf'K AT I.A (iRANDK. OREGON, IV'"" Buu-un.iuu, iiiuh iud .'iu
4 April ti, 1W7. Notlee Is hereby given that I anriher lid Cornelius Vanderbilt or the
the lollow liiK-nsiiied settler hss llliil notice of ,. , .
his intention to make final proof in suptrt oi man ho earns bis bread by honest toil.
Ills claim, anil Hint salil pnaif Mil) he tnaile be- r.- ., . .,-.
fore l onnty Clerk nl Morrow county, Oregon, Cannot TUU the pBper OO Boy Othei
iwj.vii; uUn. tf
Notice of intention.
at llcppnur, Oregon, on May IS, lx'.i7,
Mrs. John Jenkins baa lately pur-
IM. F. No . stth. for the NWi viU See :U. Tp
i 8. R 2"l K W M.
He timiies Hie tollowliif wltnoMcs to rror I ..v,..,l nna tha . Ukuia,! Nnnmli
II l. cool iiiiioiir iniurm r ii iw.ii mm i-ni 1 1 mi mil i ... .
oi, sail lami vis: Herckuh Tipta-tt ami Ainiy I ( ly Huiiltle looms and is now prepared
imis, or i4na.orec n, r.nwanu napiuan ana I , . . .
Charles Poherty ol Vinson. Oregon. so uo aiuaa oi oarpes suu rug wear
U. r. vtiJM)?i, I .ns Anv nnai iiairinir flrat elAsa work
M . negisier. i , , . ... , i
1 1 Ml 111 l'OII UU m UCI II J T' liu l"iri
Main street. Low price and all work
ot the shoe touches the pavement, rnd
often, the foot is well iu rulvance of the
body. Try it once and be convinced
that the mincing: waJk of the typical
dandy ! aometime safe if not grace
ful. ,
i- II L 1 I i F L L U Li I I t1
If imrnuircu vui
r i . ii . ( . t a, ; a I Ti I
TOTICF 18 IIKRKBY OIVKN THAT I'NPKR I ail aosoroing mpio, sue t-uoan
ami liy virtue ol an ri ecu I Ion IssiiimI out nnnatinn. ia auitatina annirresa. but in
..t tl, 1 Ireull I'.mri ol llm HlatM ol Oregon for 1 " '
the County ill Momiw ami to me illrm'ieil anil I Heppner ti ClllleOI are Siriving 10
ile Iverril. iiiain a iinigmein rennerrii ann en- I . . . n will, in T1U..V
lere.l I,, ..1,1 ronrt on the 2i.il ilay of March, aaflf'tain how H. 0. Wills, in lilacs
IU7 In lavor m I.. I'. Iinvhlson, rialutltl, ml I .n,,J i..n iiff,.r tnrh haraaina
!... I V VI - L .. . 1 1.. I I .. t l..m . V. . I " - ' "
Pliniiivi r-iiiii r. m fTi,". ....
iii ill line Humi'M i iiirty rive poiiars stun i in sni-es. arjrinaT ana summer ureas gooas,
lulercst at the rate of per rant, per annum ., ...... , , . ...,u. , i,...
irom the uth .u ol ivi..it, iH-s ami ih I Mr. Will la maktotl a specialty of tbeee
luriher sum ol ro ly Pollars with Interval I at lloMI bot bg) w,l yo0 b,rgain ill
literal ol ten wr run per annum Irom the 1 ' "
J" Ih ilav nl April l; the sum nl Kllti-eu IM- I thousand (if Other article. It lll PV
lars auornry irrm, in uin vi ji i , ,, n iriii. 1..1 ...
routs ami nishursinenis o( Ih action I J" " . v. in unui H.u.wM
hvlvle.liH.nlliel..linliignea,-rllH-.lrrl f crillir M of(Jt,r, , specially,
m.ii.arlv lik.Mll- Mi til I H Out il llatrlass (if Ma. I
tliiu Trtit 1 x In limttthli 1)irrt (J)Kouth ol I Uou't fururt (to pla0. it
ls MM waiiT HIT W 11 nvt " n , pnnai
-!""''. Tb. Wfttletd (Iod.) New pnol. tb.
ihtii day ot way. isw. I follow ing in regard lo o ol J resident of ! (fueat on that memorable occoalon. and
r.ar!,lh.;r.,.m'"n s::b5Vn.w ih. -Frank m.avov. to, ntten on0f th many bnght
poem wnicu lormeu pari oi tne en-
The Press Claims Company j
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. (
K. B.Thit Company ii controlled by nearly one thousand leading neiff
paten in the United State, anil is yuaruntccd by them.
The Only Way to Walk to Keep from
There are right anil wrong ways to do
most things, and walking on icy sitle
wulks is no exception to the rule, says
the New York World. Many people
follow the wrong met hod, and a a re
sult they often make exhibitions of
themselves more pleasing to the specta
tors than to the exhibitors. Falls are
frequent in New York city during the
winter. Some of them are absolutely
dangerous and many are painful.
The dangers of slippery und icy pave
ments may be reduced to a minimum by
uxing caution when walking. Hypoing
on tiptoe and keeping the heel of the
shoe from striking the pavement until
the foot is firmly in xjnit ion slipping is
rooided. If, on the contrary, you start
with the hefl ntvd toe gait )xpuiur with
pedestrians your heel will slip from un
der you and you fall before you have
hud time totselect the safest spot.
This ia readily explained by the fact
that when the ball of the foot is placed
on the ground a large section of the shoe
touches the pavement and the body
must necessarily be pretty well bal
anced on the foot. Hut when the heel
cornea down first only a small portion I Leafing Alder Street Dock. Portland, for A'toria, Ilwaoo, Long Beach, Oceaa
Attorneys tit Itixv,
All business attended to in a prompt and 'satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Cilia II
in in mi
fpnnn i'iivat Annn vo
nui aiiuiuiouuiwiuumii
Winn I a
Park and Nabcntta. Direot oonneotioo with Ilwaoo steamer and rail
road; also at Young' Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leaves Portland T A. M. Dally, aiccpt Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, aicept Dunday.
Leaves Portland PPM. Dally, except Hunilay. Hattirday nlht, 11PM. Leaves Astoria Dally a
at 6:16 A. M., axcept Sunday and Monday. Huuday night. 7 f. M.
Leave liaco Wedueaday and Friday at 7:.) A. M. On Sunday Digit at P. H.
Baggie Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free cf Expense.
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on th Telephone, Bailey Oatiert and Octaa Wav
Bar Safetaard.
Among tbe numberlc torie of the I Leaves Portland and mnsdlrert tol'waro. Tuesday and Thunvlayat A. M. Baturday'at I P. M.
quick wit ana iriicitotin saying or vr.
Oliver Wendell Ilolmei I one connected
with tbe breakfast given In hi honor
by the publishing firm of lloughton.
Osgood & Co. on tht occasion of bin
seventieth birthday, y the Youth'
Companion. Not long after the break
fast h met a friend who had been a
A ail lb
Map of tho World
rnil S'i ami (ei th l4i aoit
Wt kly ihronulK f-r line ivr,
l k rsl. oi M n ami l'pr.
r Hi Mniuuirr, Morm
r...ll.iy..irr..n. ll ail ine r,i... ...ir am, , U. 1. V
trrrst nl Ihe aal.l Nimiirl a. shut ininn m m"" j
Ihralniirilrx illnHl .riiH-iiy al piiblle aui'tlun jl (i nB .1 hav flawil
In Ihr hlsli-alanllieai M.Mrr li.r ra.h In haml. U Der'" DIV
the .rM .la lo l-r aMllnl to Hie Mt!lart!nii nl ('bamlierlalu Colic, t'noler aou Uiarr
mi i rievuuiiu anil an rii. ami i-i"' may
Wool Growers!
aiirrlff o( Vnrnm 1 on ut y, ormon.
Ilalril Alll .1111. . .villi
M, It il VlH'VIt,
rrr,i'w e rhr-w.i.-i.
" tC TBAOt M.1,1,
r'rrtV otaicua,
", COPVsjicmtb la
'"'"" rutins a h a.,,) 4n-H4l.n .
" . i i ,!,. f,,,, ,.. f an ii,,,,,! ,,
..i ,M, iin.iai.),, i ,,.,i, i,,, am. llf
1 il. Ii l l aa-i,, . I I ,,, n.'ma
In Ii....... , ha. a Ma ai.u.a..
Salvia! I.. .I,,,- ii, 1 1, , " "
.IH.. tll.tr.. l.rvMl rim.l.n, of
j..i a. .1,1 1 l..i t.,n,... I
i Has ..,i,a ,. ,, ,,., ,rt alAau
tlwu VI IMttttn mi, . AJJltas
Ml Ui.a.ar, f,0w ,ri
I l- It Sana, ana jam
ilM'iwulii ran ff?
stKrl"IHa-i.i i,... r. , Vy t I
f..l a.1. .1.. w.m O i. .li iH ' h f,a A X. f f
....,...,,., lllt.,t(l.. , l,M I lit JJ
Tin Hi'iui Kuan YaMii.-Tl e firai fe,-.l
lar.l the teamster strikes in lleiipurr
ia thai tun lucle I by William tJ.irdun,
neil iliinr t.i Ih Meppner Onj-ll
ranch. Mr O irj-m 1st aeeiiiiitim.Uiinii.
ha a ifin! tarit an t ahnnilanl facililtra
i tk ear ot alivrk in first class shape
Ilia pr Ira are er reasonable He rtaa
lia a ii, I jfin tor sale II lately
dded 0 fur ii.nf cfhiUil fim.'fnjl
TimUr CultureFinal Proof.
hnllr lor Pabliralln.
fiiTr atTs t.sr Orrii .
Itir liall.s lirrsi.li. Afrll .'. I'
x.'irii r t ii tu niv i.nts i ii r J atk
i su.ii II eui'l.v nl HillsUirn, iireeon. Ima
Itlf.l tt.ti .11 li.triitiiMi ti it'sae nal ru.
l, i,,i.J VI M.irri. I'liim'r 1 In!, al his I'ltlre
In I'r l.'i'-r. ninton, on Miimlai Hie I'th .lay ol
Va I"" mi tiu.lx r i iiliutr . lii-'t.oii .i
t..t llir M nl Hi' ii ho J. In lni uhli
I S.hiii t.ai N" 'I
II.- nanuses iiii-a.a A T V.Nav and
1li.Mi.aaJ i sue. nl llei'i'iirr I in ."i. kraieu .
lrlt) sii.t I'aul hrllniaii. e' lunr. ih. s.mi
) t I, MmiKr-.
Nil 11 Hrslsier.
hoe Hi miily for leo year or lunger-an
tieter nilbotll It lo 11) J (ainiljf. I Coo
'der it tb best remedy of Ih kind
niaiiulscnrrd. I lak pleasure Id rv
otnmeiHliiiii it.' " It I a tpeoiflo tor all
bowel disorJer. Fur al by Conaer k
tertalnment. In rrferrinir to the late
fintlvltv. the diH'tor raid to hi friend:
"I knew there would 1 a pood many With McKioley In the Whit Hon, w predlot hlher price for wool dnring
thinpi aoid that would be calculateil tbe comloa eoo, ai d feel aureJ Ibat Fl'ppcer will altraot more Ksstern boy-
to drnw tear. I u reaolved Ibat I I r) tbto formerly. lbir beilnarter will be at th
ould not cry--llint. nolhinir auoulil
muk me cry, and ao I went to the
timtkfaat determined to maintain a
rigid upier eyelid !"
Ir. T. I'. McSwuttl reoently pur.
chased a lieel, a " w laennain," il to
he Ihe tiurst tlf)' in llei pi ef.
Tli man who think th loan ontflil
to have a belief paper la Usually lb
man h dursu't help I i tuakf tt au
l,l-,i.llll. I '!
ala. i.. aia t I.!.. a lil i. il II-, u. w li cui4
" S'i.f si l-a.ilt S' -I I. s .
"4ni'iai. r H''int" W.IM '.s "'
,"1 Ua lift
whether SMiivg's .
Ileftmer ! IVlidletmi tU Ilrppeir-
KelioHlaali I.llie. 'rrti ilestmna i f Iwller.
visiiii'g IVt'it'einn can af tlifai and - 1 - "
inotie by Iskii'f h ico'e. H e-1 . ,
qnUillnlhutlh pre ion to. i ( 0St I'.OtlUnC; tO timl OUl
ing tti li Will pass ei.nnrr-n.il w ,. u
V "'flock train t IMio fi" I'endlelon
(f!le al City ito Pior. W. l. lnp,
Tul a qti.tt-r to your ket nJ arc goOi. CnOU'h for VOU.
dun't wa J it lill yoa gl dowa ki lorn , 1 '
Tilt.f.1. tiir-t linori aod lur. Ts,tf. ,
' s.-w-iv
fl,i-.. , SIISfT
Sn4 p
Kaillfs Irradiate Ih Cuaairaaare
When ISime atrocioti Innlily trnubl,
iliiH ami Irve , dvipei. kidney Of
rlieiiitialio duorder, yield, a they iu
Variably do, to tli twnl-n acll'iD of Hi-
letter Wi.iroHi-li Hitler, a reuiily of, rijm rfferrrd to. It I a fa.-t all the
e.'ini rehe.iaive oe, pur In Composition, ! 4ne. The receptioo I upeok of. thouph
fUreptloa of a .'resident Thai Waaa't
lleia la th II hit llssia
'There was one New Year' reception
held by the president in Uiec;ty,".iUl a
liwal historian, "wbii h aa not b Id in
t tic nhite hotiee. Thoiiirh Uie eent L
lIDol jecliooabl to a dsllCal palate,
and Iborooh ia iffvls. 8ick bea.l
ache, lo uf rpelit. fl-sh n.t lep,
tiauar. hearlburo, ar aruor, the by -ical
aiiBoyanee obviated by the II. iters.
They ar lu th nature of t?ol of id
Ui function then jreneraiiy went by
the name of levee. u jtven by Tre!
dent MalJon f 0 New Year' day, 1515.
In the IX ivou, al the lurm r cf 1- ,'ht
eruth tret aad Nv York aenu.
Tbe Ur;tiih In DM hancg burned tha-
vi hit bo 'te. riealeut Mad.
Wool Growers' W arehouse
and It will b to yonr iolereat to alur yonr wool with a. Iouroo rate ar
si so roucb cheaper than laat year.
W furnish wool ek and twin to patron psyabl who wool if ajn. W
pay freight to leatnMer, nd fortlsh blank reeeip to woolgrower on pplicailoo.
Wt hav on band roiled bane? aou reed for teamster.
W pay tb Llghrat raah price for liep pelt aoJ bl.les.
W ar ageoti for Littl' Flold Dip, aod Ih Nmom BUck Lf T0Kh0flo
Mark yonr wool tack 0 ar.d direct yoor lmitri to th lower Warborii,
Oerpoer, Oregon.
"R. 1". HYND, Mnnngcr.
dsn moved Kim 17 P A T A PT? TTr.fPlaT 1. 41
Ire displayed ly a diaordereJ l.io,eb, 0T t) o-iMa houe, which w. -L AXXJ 1 ikUikVU HV 1 lj Jj iJXlt.
Iir and how!, aad dlppef with ! oPfd by Col. Jwtm TayU. Heapent r , -tt t TyiT"TTiT-f -i-v
Ih fans tb at produced lhaj. Bdl over five montii there. A.I ho at
tbes ngoal houid b herded al ooe. j tenJrd the levee bae Icrj :cee ftvxl
Then tb wiie Wgoe lock ofchroolu ay. but It aaa been ay rod fortun
til b.Hb will P-dlly di.app.ar.aed 11 ft yean to ti ulkcl wjevr.:
uor and comfort re.tor. .cheerful "r"Zr.?xv
" . ... . . . ... , .r!be It a eery f.'sTvnf afa r. All
.pl to th f.ea. Thai f.iibfal io.l.t lh- ,rM ef !ht crtt w,rt eul
lo th oo4itloa ol tb (yitea cTr ,f Col Tuioe sxVet, that jeUlemaa
fail to war a look of saoshio bo ' Wtt iwrrawv.:y 4hy aad l.brJ
!?) Di'ttn p o J ft (Jnpl olotjl. lw;i. n;i ihhipimMuHm
,Sit tins r'fj"
Keeps the Finest Wine?, Liquors and Cigars
iThe GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH,