Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 04, 1897, Image 3

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    Scrofula Sw
On the Neck and Creat Weakness
Caused by Impure E!ood-YVas
Constantly Crowing Vorsa,
" When my son was 5 ytars old hs wsr
in very poor health and we could get
nothing to relieve hiro. At th? rv cf 7
years he began to complain of F..reiUsa oc
both sides of hia neck aud soon luiat-e be
gan to gather on one side end grow tr
half the size of an egg. We t lieu'teme
more unea.-y and began to doctor hkn tor
scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how
ever, until at the age of twelve years we
had lost all hope of his recovery. Be be
came ao weak he could sit up but b few
minute.! at a time. My wife saw Hood's
fiarsaparilla recommended as a great blood
purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We
began giving our boy the medicine ac
cording to directions and It was not long
before we sew he was improving. He
continued taking it until he was in very
good health. He is now 13 years old and
is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa
rilla for all troubles caused by impure
blood." S. M. Silver, Grouse, Oregon.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists.
1 i six for $5. Get only Hood's.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of Ave cents per line will be
yHPtS "c.ard8 of thnk," "resolutions of
i?J5 llBt8 ' welli"? preaents and donors,
i.ol?t!?,ary n"tlRe. (other than those the edlti
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
I. Notices of church and society and all other
S?i?rta'1J1 te tom wn,oh revenue Is to be de
rived, shad be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
e l to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Now that the great politioal OBrupftign
ia over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long eveningB. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and
Weekly Oregonlan, 1.50
" 8. F. Examiner, 1.50.
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00..
Club Rate
.... 83.50
" Inter-Ocean, 1.00 it us
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8 75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8-25
Webfoot Planter, 50c. .. 2 50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Here and There.
Local matter on 4th page.
Oondaotor Dunn ia in Portland.
Pat Klehar was in Sunduy last.
Rev. Jenkins came np Sunday last.
Found Two biyg' hats. Call at offioe
J. H. Eolmao returned reoently from
a trip below.
Mrs. Redfleld haa been on the siok list
tor the past week.
Mia Elizabeth Matlock ia in Pendle
ton visiting friends.
It'a out today, first of the annn.
Hop Gold Bock beer. 38 41
"Uaole" Jake 8baner and Leg Matlook
are in from the range.
Jai. Leahey brought in some horses
for sheepmen Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hill were in from
Davidson yesterday.
E. W. Rbea t Co., pay (be highest
price for hides and pelts. tt
O. 8. and W. A. Andrews are banling
in their wool from Alpine.
Hon. J. N. Brown returned from
Washington on last Saturday,
Edgnr Mattason and Reub- Oaunt
were In Saturday from shearing.
Henry Thompson reports M. 8. Corrl
gall as quite ill down near Alpin e.
The Giizette ia worth its weight in
gold as an advertising medium. Try it,
L. R Faircblld and J. N. Fordyce
traveling meo, were here Sunday and
A usual, always in the lead. Hop
Gold Bock beer on sale today. See that
you get it. 34 41
If 70a haven't paid jonr subscription
and you are behind and your paper
stop, yon ran gnes the reason. We
can't do business on prortiises.
r '
ft . . ....
Shirt Waists
H. New Shipment Received ttys j
$' Week from Chicaqo. V
X WeeK roxx) Chicago
1 1 This trmon Shirt vainta
JX among the Uulirs. HV hair
We are also displaying our fine line of
An1 nr pwnt rm wihr h no ilf.nM t'iv4 In Ti
th ti1 nt morerm(ortl. ci rnjiflst hMl'.f. lh!t
. lutinn to )ou lb c
Si Our new stock of Spring and Summer dress :;
goods will arrive in a few days.
IE. W. RHEA & CO., I
T rint National Bank Bulldlni,
...-.r-r- "M" C f"l O M
To the Neversweats and all Other Inoffen
sive People.
This is to give all members of the
Neversweats to understand that on
Thursday night next, about half past
-teveo, there will be a meeting in Tom
Ayers' barn, and nothing short of end
den death will be taken as an excuse for
absence, "either." Some degree work will
be done at that time. Pap Minor is
also requested by all means that are in
his power to be present, as the Tyee is
very certain that bis committee will
have to report. Pap ia also requested
not to wear carpet slipDers ou that occa
sion aa be will doubtless have some 1
work to do. I
Bob Wills ought to remember that be '
must be on deck with hia bible or take
the ooueequenctB.
Eli Keeney should bring along his
regulation garb of office, too.
8am Meadows needu't get flossy over
that new baby and stay away, if be has
any respect (or Pap Minor's number 14's.
Tom Durham cau get a man to fire his
engine Thursday, and ha had better
lo it.
John Spray will be over from Hay
stHok with the soads of this order intaot.
without doubt.
Peter Borg must engross the minutes
up in good shape and come over, watch
es or no watches.
The officers thereof having been sepa
rately warned, 1 do hereby collectively
and geoerally invite a!l brethren out
Thursday night. Pap Simons, Tyee
Dr. B. F. Van Kb an will leRve very
soon for Long Creek. Those needing
work should come in at once. tf
The Gazette is nnder obligations to
Mrs. James MoBaley and Mrs. John
Brown for old copies of the Gaz' tte.
J. B. Boyd and wife came in this morn
ing from Spokane and will leave tomor
row for Long Creek where Mr. Boyd ia
employee as foreman on the Eale.
Jack Parker got book Sunday from
below after an absence of two aud one
half years. Jack haa bad a hard road
to travel and has profited thereby. He
will leave for Montana soon.
Edward Bartlett, of Sandon, B. 0.,
has purchased a lot of mules of Ben.
Stvaggart, besides other stook else,
where, and will soon ship to his home,
over the line. He will probably leave
this evening.
The old lady wa right when she said,
the child might die if they waited for the
doctor. She saved the little one's life
with a few doses of One Minute Cougb
Cure. Hbe bad used it for croup before.
Conser & Brook.
Father Briody writes from Condon
that he wis unavoidably detained from
meeting his congregation here at the
tme set, but he promises to be here on
May 16tb, nt which time a mission will
be held in the Catholio church. All are
The Inud case, Jas. K. Alien v. Mrs.
Hattie Cecil over a quarter section of
land is up before Clerk Morrow as
referee, Judue Freeland taking tb testi
mony. Attorney Rfdfleld ia for Mr.
Allen while G. V Ri represents the
other parties.
R-v. Wiib ir Hirwnrd preached to a
largo andienre at the M. E cbnrcb,
South, Snndav night laat; subjet, "The
Spirit of the Ae." Rev. Hurwoml
lectured last eveuing on mixsiouary mat
ters to a fuir audience, as per previous
announcement in the Gt.z-'tte.
One of the best and neatest pieoes of
residence property in Heppiifr will be
sold here on the 2(b lost. It is known
as the Nor dyke place and is situated
Dear Tom Morgan's -nearly every per
son in Heppner knows where to find it.
There is an acre and one-third in fruit
trees and garden, anil the buildings are
of exnellrnt oharaater. Go see it. tf
J M. Bonnlman is down from Mon
tana for cattle. On the 15th or Uitb of
i June he will mike a shipment from
! Wallul anil on June lmb will ship
several lhusib( head from Uuutingtoo
These cattle nre intei.ded for the range.
Mr. Iloarduifcn is a very pleasant gentle
man and Hie editor ol the Ga.ette is in
debted to him for a great deal of geueral
ii formal ion about Mojtaua.
. .
will he rcry much in nmr
just ultut you vanl.
r '
w ti'j ii.
ur'dfMDGUS SIZE OF Trie bu.
Some CoiiipiiriftoDi Thnt AffcrVd a Concep
tlon of tile Orb's Ininienglty.
Ponder also upon the stupendous size
of that orb, which glows at every point
of its surface with the astonishing fer
vor I have indicated, writes Sir Rob
ert Ball in McClure'a Magazine. The
earth on which we stand is no doubt a
mighty globe, measuring aa it does
8,000 mlies in diameter; yet what are
its dimensions in comparison with
those of the sun? If the earth be rep
resented by a grain of mustard seed,
then on the same scale the sun should
be represented by a cocoanut. Per
haps, however, a more impressive con
ception of the dimensions of the great
orb of clay may be obtained in this way.
Think of the moon, the queen of the
night, which circles monthly around
our heavens, pursuing as she does, a
majestic track, at a distance of 240,
000 miles from the earth. Yet the sun
is so vast, that if it were a hollow ball,
the moon could revolve on its orbit
which it now follows, and still be en
tirely inclosed within the sun's in
terior. For every acre on the surface of our
globe there are more than 10,000 acres
on the surface of the great luminary.
Every portion of this illimitable des
ert of flame is pouring forth torrents
of heat. It has indeed been estimated
that if the heat which is inces
santly flowing through any single
square foot of the sun's exterior
could be collected and applied
beneath the boilers of an At
lantic liner it would suffice to produce
steam enough to sustain in continuous
movement those engines of 20,000 horse
power which enable a superb ship
to break the record between Ireland
and America.
They Are Fond of Paying Social Visits
Amnug Themselves.
Indians, contrary to widely received
opinions, are of asocial nature and fond
of paying friendly visits, the etiquette
of which would make u chapter of it
self. Not much attention is given to
the order of their going while in the
dust of travel, but when arrived within
a short disance of their destination a
halt is called, the ponies are relieved of
their burdens, the rawhide packs are
opened, and gala dresses and line, orna
ments come to light. The two young
men selected to be the bearers of gifts
of tobacco deck themselves for their
mission and ride on in advance. A sur
prise party is not in the Indian b list
cf amusements; he takes his enemy
unawares, but not his friend. The
young men return with messages of
welcome; sometimes members of the
family to be visited come with them
personally to conduct the party.
Meanwhile, writes Alice C. Fletcher
in Century, all have been busy prink
ing; brushing and braiding their locks,
painting their faces, and donning their
best gear, the wide prairie their dressing-room,
their mirrors each other's
eyes. When the visiting fmrty is again
cn route there is not a man or woman
v ho is not gorgeous with color and the
glitter of shell or feather finery. Even
the children hove daubs of fresh, paint
cn their plump little cheeks, while the
dudes are wonderful to behold, resplen
dent in necklaces, embroidered leg
pings, and shirts, and with ornaments
innumerable braided into their sculp
locks. The visit over the Indians go
back to their homes pleased and con
tented, happy if they find, as may not
always be the ense, that the enemy
have not been at work in their absence.
An Explorer's Wife Cheered hj the Mes
sage That It Ilronght.
One duy a wonderful bird tapped at
the -. indow of Mrs. .vunnen'a house at
ChriMiauu. Instantly the window was
opened und the wife of the famous arctic
explorer in another moment covered
the little me nger with kisses and
caresses, says the Philadelphia Times.
The carrier pigeon had been uway from
the cottage :iu long mouths, but it hud
not forgotten the way home. It brought
a note from Nnusen stating that all was
going 011 well with him and his expedi
tion in the polar regions. Nauseu hud
fastened a message to a currier pigeon
and tnriird the bird loose. The frail
courier darted out into the bli.ardly
u'r. It flew like an nrrow over l.(ini)
miles of froen waste and then sped for
ward over another l.OUO miles of ocean
and plains ui:d forests, unci one morning
ent. nil 1 h- w indow of the waiting inis
t.rei.(. and delivered the message which
ahc hnd been .r. uiting so an viously. We
boast, of human pluck, sagacity und en
durance, but this loving little carrier
pigeon, in iu homeward flight, nft r an
absence of .10 month, accomplished a
feat so wonderful that we can only give
ourselves up to the umuzciurnt and hi.
miration which must overwhelm every
one when t)f marvelous Mory is told.
Mrs. Nansen's p'geon is one of the won
ders of the world. ,
0Utlaa BubslBDcs Kprcad on Ualvao-
lied Iron Wrb.
"The first tuccrxtful substitute for
(rlatis," says on architect in the Wa.ili
ington Tint's "i t'tt'iHum, a t'eJntin
ous c.iiixition. It bus not appeared
in tin country at all, us yet, but is
beinif introduced in Kurop".
"This pvl.t'ilioUM hiil(aiice is giin
rijfidity by lx intr spreml on a jilvan
inl Iron cb. which hold the tdiert
in any lit..rl hnp' but di not ob
s'ruct the p isnre of Hjrht. It if trans
lucent, but i,ot i raiirpiirent, mid run !
r 1. 1 Tied in Mich a Mimiiiiit as to cxnctly
imitate. Hidln'-'l lf!MH.
"It rnnnot be broken nor Miftcm-d by
t i rnyn of the sun, but i flexible ntnl
easily bent Into any desired tiho
When urmla ned It nt firt ia yellow,
but on expjinir' to the nun it. turns
white, it tlw nrne t:me IxToniinjj hard
er and nior' durable,
"Like rlH. It is a x,or onductor of
heat. It is lhtrr than p!a, and on
this arcotint la well adapted for roofs.
t'nle It can Iw made !rfinpa.rrr,t It
rn nvT hope t entirely rupersede
pl'i. but. I' f-heapne and su
periority to aria In othr direc
tions art wurinjr for !t extmivt mV
for factory w indow. sVylirhta for hot-
noun, roofirp and liV purprwra "
Your tea trade from ncv
Schilling's Best wants it
your money back if you
don't like it
Mrs. Inruh Visits Heppner and Talks Inter
estingly oa Teuperauce Subjects Other
It has been the good fortune of Hepp
ner people to be again favored by a visit
from Mrs. Ada Wallace Unrub, state and
national organizer and lecturer for the
W. 0 T. U. Her visit extended 'over
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, the 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd
ult., and all public meetings and
lectures were eDjoyed each day by good
andienoes, beginning with a reception
given at the resideooe of Mrs. Belle
Thompson on Tuesday afternoon. This
was a deligbtiul occasion aud as the
Qours passed in conversation, both enter
tabling and instructive, aud in doing
justice to the flue dinner prepared by
the hostess, it was demonstrated that
W. C. T. U. women although such
earnest workers, are also sociable beings.
The lecture Tuesday night at the M.
E. ohorch, South, eubjeot "That Old
Baohelor," presented that interesting but
oruHty personage in several unexpected
attitudes. After showing np hia unpre
tentious domicile with its seldom-nsed
broom and historio and antiquated dish
towel, etc., a parallel was drawn between
this one sided method of housekeeping
and that of our venerable relative.
"Uncle Sam;" and the abuses of our
national administration were exhibited
in so strong and true a light as to be
simply astounding.
On Wednesday afternoon a "Mothers'
meeting" was held at the M. E. church,
whioh was well attended and much in
tenet was manifested in prao!ioal ques
H-v Decided to Hold t
-AND .
Tuesday, Wednesday and Hay,
O JUNE 1, 2 and 3. o
I $700.00 IN PURSES! j $700.00
FIRST DAY-Hatnrdav, May 2!)-Uaee 1. Quarter mile diih, match race
between Sinner, owned by Low Tillard. an I Hawbuck, owned by Ben Hwaguart,
(or 8100 a aide. Race 2. Four and one-half furlongs, free lor all. Purse, $HM
Race 3. Thrpa-eiifhth mile dash, free for all. Purse, $7..
HKOOND D.Y-Tnday, June l-ltac4. One-half mil dash. free, for all.
I'ur-ip. SUM). Rte 5, Hix hundred yard daub, free tor all. I'urse, 87.1.
THIRD DAY Wednesday June 2 Race 1. Quarter mile dash, free for all
Purse, $!iil. Rnoa 7. One thousand yarda. free fir all. Purse, SliHI.
FOURTH DAY Thursday, June 3-llnc-t H. Ohm half mile, handicap, frer
for all. Purse, 8 1(H). Race 1). One half mile, consolation raOH, for defeat!
horses. Purse, 875. Race 10. Mule raoe from wire to wire, opeu to the world.
Purse 8 !5.
CONDITIONS: These raceg will be governed by the rules of the I'anifln
Wood Horse Ansociation. Entrance fees in all races, not otherwise epeoifled, 10
I per cent of amount of purse, five or more to eute-, three to start. In case that
j pnrses alxive men do not till with five cimip!et entries, the hoard haa the power
lo reduce the "mounts of the piiras as in thir ju lg'nnut seem proper. The di
j rectors reserve the right to poatiinne any and all races on account of inclement
weather. If above races do not till, nurses will be given for special raoea, to be
substituted by the directors. Purses will lie divided 70 per cent to the Brut horee,
Ilo per cent to second. All entries to close, by 8 o'clock, p. in., on the evening pre-
ceeding the race.
rare will li rim is full
A. W. PATIKRON. Secretary. W. (). MINOR, i'reaidei.t
K. . F I IF. K LAN I). Treasurer.
K. L Matlock. l)vn McAfee, K. (I Hperry, (ieo. Harrington, Henry Heppner,
.1. W. Morrow, Old Matt, Oo. Aiken, Directors. tf
5'' ..
nowx Ar
IT .titint p4 1 -v I m ,
HviiaoiiAliiM I'rlufH.
Bill New Drug Store
You Can Find It
Next Door to the I'ostofHee.
Wtars preparad to fill prnr.ti..n with Kreah Drug.
Oar ttnrk i nw sod (ru od an t(.arinrd phartn.
riat la in ehargo at all timM. Teleptinn r,otnetlnoa
Ith all pHa of Uppasr and tba Long Diattcoa.
Call up No 17
E. J. SLOCUM, Mgr.
tions pertaining to subjects near to the
woman's heart.
Wednesday night the subjeot dis
cussed at the Christian churoh, "A
Woman's Sphere," showed in a convino
ing way that while a woman may not be
excused from home duties and social
amenities yet the channels of her life
may be deepened and broadened into a
usefulness and beauty which none but
the ideal "new woman" has yet attained.
Mrs. Unrub lectured again on Tuesday
night at the M. . cbnrcb, the audience
at this, as all other meetings, being good
considering the busy season. Her argu
ment on this oooaeion was most convinc
ing, being an earnest appeal for perse
verance in temperanoe work although
the worker meet with discouragement
and rebuff again and again. Many
signed the pledge and beoame members
of the union.
The talk to girls at the Baptist church
on Friday was the dosing meeting of
the series. This will long be remembered
by Heppner girls, and the earnest words
spoken in her sweet winning manner
found their way to the hearts where she
badalready a warm plaoe, and those
young lives were made better and bright
er for all time to oome.
The thanks of the W. C. T. U. are due
to all who so kindly assisted to make
the meetings so pleasant and profitable.
The four ohurohes who opened and
lighted their houses for us, the ministers
and others who belpel with muoio and
singing, the Gazette for numerous
kindnesses are all remembered with due
appreciation and Heppner W. C. T. U.
will go on in its labor of love strength
ened for new duties or for faithful per
formance of the old.
May 29,
You Cannot do Better Anywhere.
HIS SPACE is owned by
T. R. HOWARD, who
is still doing
old stand.
appear next
We are preparing for a big spring trade, but must have help
to make it a howling sueoess. We are filling up and com
pleting our etook of
whioh will be iold as low as possible for a legitimate business.
We have many oustomers now but there are still several
vacancies in this department of our store, to be filled.
Application! will be received at all hours of the day.
Apply in person or by letter to
P. C. Thompson Co
Corner Main and Willow Streets.
I Am The
Am also a Merchant and Want
Your Patronage.
And in order to get it we have pro
cured the finest line of General
Merchandise ever shown in this city.
(No flies on na, or fly speoka ou our goods;
We are not like the fly. or our competitors,
who lav dormant six rmiitha, put are open
for business at all hours, days aud months.)
Is now in rind ready for inspection. Call and
examine; we are here to show goods.
Why do you wait dear brother,
Why do you tarry so long;
When Minor & Co. will give you
What you want for a song.
Yours for Business, MINOR & CO.
IIoi3 Gold Beei
tfir Ilrowcry Compji ny,
203 Washington St., Portland, Or. VANCOUVCR, WASH.
You can Woger Your Sox that You
are Always t Home at ....
Od Willow Hlreet, n.tr the City i;V,.
They Uj lo plai all. Kite elnb rooms In cotineelioo.
OW 'TJr,rYlJ, Prop.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractor and BuilJora.
Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work
OFFICE HOURS--Pay and Night Leave mr orders "Anr 011
business at the
His new ad will
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
Father of
mi wf. ui jra ii7ii z 175. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0