PAPER Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1897. WEEKLY cfO. 740 I SEMI-WEEKLY NO 541 1 OFFICIAL SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. Ar, ,3.50 per year. S1.2S for six months, 75 eta. .or three monens, strictly in advance. Aduerti8ing Rates Made Known on Application. FRED I. HD IT 5 THIS PAPER in kept on tile at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agenoy, B4 and 65 Merchant bxohangs, ban Francisoo, California, where oou- raota for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Pendleton, Oregon WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner, Eobo. PendletoD. Baker City, Elgin and Huntington. C. E. RANOUS, Heppner, Oregon, I) A tr The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHESTER, ENGLAND OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. oo the Be the McClure's For 'azine ISEVEN Ma 189? GREAT SERIALS Train leaves Heppner 5:45 p m. dally except Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m. Leaves H eppner Tuno io i lu;5U p. in, and ar rives at Heppner 1:2(1 a m Bnokan Express No. 4 leavs Portland at 2:4S p. m and arrivcH at Heppner Junction 8:22 p.m. and Urns ills V 26 p m. Portland Exi'ess No. 8. from Spokane, arrivs at Umatilla 5:05a m and Heopn r Juncti n 6:12 a m a d ar ives at Portland 11:59 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Por 1 nd 9 p. m and ar rives at Heppner Jdi.ction 8:48 a. m. and at Umatilla 5H)5 a. m. Fast Mail No 1 'eave TJmatila 9:25 p.m. and arrives at eppner Junction 10:40 p. m. and at roruat a oa. m For further information i-quire of J. C. Hart, Agent U-K & Heppner, Ore. United States Officials. President V.-e-Vrwildent Beoretary of Htate CMcrHtnry of Treaanry.... Secretary of Interior Secretary of War Henretaryof Navy , Postmuster-Oeneral Attorney-tieneral secretary ..William McKhi'ev ....trarret A. Hobart John Sherman Lyman J. Hage ...Cornelius N. Bliss liusaell . Alger John D. Long James . ttarv ....Joseoh McKenna f Agriculture games Wilson state ol Oregon. tovernor.... W. P. Lord Beoretary of Bute H. K. Kincald Treasurer : Phil. Metsnhan Rupt. Pulilio Instruction O. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman ., (. W.MoBnd 1 J. H. Mitchel ,-. I Kinger Hermann Congressmen 1 W. K. Ellia Printer W. H. Leeds ( U. B. Bean, Hiorema Judaea V. A. Moore. f C. E. Wolverlon Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Dean Harrow County Officials. Flans sad SpeoiSoationa famished oa application. Contracting a Specialty. ftt" All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash. doors and windows on hand and furnished at reasonable rates. Ulve me your order. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable rates. Leave orders with P. 0. Thompson Co. Sent Free To Day person interested in hn tonne matters, or who loves animals, we will send fre, npnn application, a ooiiv of the "ALLIANCE," the organ of this Society. Io addition to its in tensely interesting re 'id in 4. it contains a list of the valuable and unusual pre miums Riven by the paper. Address THE NATIONAL BUMiNE ALU, ME, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET New Lite of Grant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins In December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American aerial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) ' Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenaon'a atill unpublished (Begins in May.) Charles A.Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana wae for three of the moat critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and la probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative hlstoiy of thia period from hia recollectio a and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Msny of them unpubliahed In connection with thia series ot portraits it is intended to publirh special blographicd studies under the general title of MAKEKS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Bpeclally taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A Rerial by CON AN DOYLE, in which he will use hie extraordinary talent for mystery and Ingenuity which have, In the "Sherlock Holmes ' atoriee, given him a place beside Poe and Uaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS AN MACLAREN, AU the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception 0' two contributions to ano her publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear in McClukk's Magazine. JOEL CIIANDI.KK HAKKLS. A aerlea of new animal storlea In the same field aa the "Brer Kabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" atoriea. RUDYaRD KIPLING. Besidea "Ciptatna Courageoua." Kipling will contribute to McClube'b all of the ahort atoriea he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET Is preparing for the Mahazinr a series of ahort atoriea in which the same cnaractera will appear, although each will be complete In ltselt. Anthony Hope Bret Hart Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have atoriea In McClure's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClubk's Magazine for io'ji, uie subscription price 01 wnicn 18 only One Dollar a Year The new volume beglna with November. Subscriptions ahould atart with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. I mportanx Joint Senator Representative. tlonnty Judge ' Commissioners, J. W. Beckett. " IMork. " Sheriff " Tre&sorer Assessor ' Bnrveyor... , A, W. J. N. Gowan Drown ..J. W. Morrow . E. h. f atlock . Frank Gilliam J. '. Willi.. , J. W. Horn or rlchool Bup't Jay W. Bhiply Coroner B. F. V-ughan HKPPMU TOWN OVSlOaRS. Mtror Thos. Morgan 11 mn'Mlrnen Geo. Conser. Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, K. J. Blocum, U l.inhtMnlliRl And J. K. Himons. W ru.niur W. A. llichardHon T assurer L. W. llriggs siarehal A. A. Boberu Precinct Officers. jnlMiu nt Mia Paam W. K. Kirhardson l...tabls N. B. Whetstone United States Land Officer. TBI DALLES. OE. i.t, Moore Hegtsrw A. 8. Hiirgs Ksoeiver f.l flBiMni. OB. B.K, Wilson Rngtstar J.H. Kobbina Haoalvar BURET 800IITIES. KAWLIN8 POST, NO. tt. O. A. K. V1wt at Lexington, Or., the last Batnrdsy of ,. month. All veteran are tnviuw i ynn. n xu u-uk IV ft. Frrut'A. Adinuot. tf Commander. rr D P MQiAnrrJc PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City FIRST-Go via. St. Paul be- .a. 0. Harthoiomew Cmoh6 the Hues to that point will J.K.Howard , .. 1 L Huoru jou iiih very oesr, service. SECOND Se that the coupon beyond St. Paul rends via. the V iHConsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, aud us service is nrst-class in everv ... m 1 particular. THIRD For information, call on your nniubbor and friend the nearest ticket agnt and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central hues, or address A Campaign Of Education HOW to Get It (TIT AA -ForJ.UU Mtllm, UNPfiBALLELED OFFER Jsa. C. Pond, lien I'aa. Agt.. Milwaukee, n Is. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Airont. 21 Strk .. Portions Or. I Offloe in tba City Hotel. Drug Store, near tf 01 WM PENLAND, tf). President R. BISHOP. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL B VNKiXG BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made oa Favorable Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREOOS KTOCH BRANDS. While yon aoep yonr anbscription paid up yea eR keep your brand in freeof eharge. Dora. P. O.. Henoner. Or. Horse. P B i.v left honjiler; csltlo. same on left hip. Cook. A. J..Lena.l)r. Horses. SOon rightshonl lar I 'atile. same on right him ear mark suture imp on lelt ana split In right. DonilMt. W . M . Gellowar. Or.-Cattle. B D en right snla.swailow-fork in each ear; horse, B D on left hip. Klv. Hm Dooalas. Dr. Horse hrandsd ELY on loft shoulder, oattl (am on lefthip. hole IP nglil ser.. Florence, L. A.. Heppner, Or.-4Vtle, LF m ighl hip; hone f with bar ondsr on risbt houliler. Jon. Hairr. Hntnr. frr Honw hmndod H J on the left stionliw: ee'tl bra iomI J on ight hip, also uruWbit in left ear. Kange in I morrow county. Jnhrs n. Fstit, Lena. Or. HorMe. eirleT m left stitle: eattle, Mrrmon right bip, aider halt woo In n ann sunt n lart aer KnnT. Miks. Hennner. Or. Horse brendad KNY on let hio eattle sums and emo OB left an nndw slop on the right Leeher. J. W Hunnner Or Horeo brandnd I. and A 01 lrt shnulderi eottle inro on lft hip, wattl over right y, tlira slit in right To b educated one must read the best literature. The beat literature Is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenuo, New York, la full of the best things Its illuitrattoni are superb; Its atorie charming; and It literary departments ar edited with cou- mmate skill. Such a paper la a great popular educator. It should be In every borne. The subscription price of Leslie's Is t pe nnum. We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No aurh offer waa ever made before. No such offer wl I ever be made gain. These two papere make a moat acceptable Christmas or birthday gilt, and will be comlsnt reminders of the gtver'i kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the fj Heppner, Oroiroii. Minor. rwr. nepenr or. I ftie. M D on right bip; bursa. M oe toft shoulder. Ilnrmti. H. M.. Mononar. Or. Hone. M ) on ian enoninai eenie earn on in nip. 0.tx.rn. J. W Dongtsa. Ilr.t h'rat (I on Inf hoehlari cattle sauie on rght hip. Parkar AMlsason. Hardman.Or. HorsasIPos laft ahoaldar. Pi oar. J. H.. I4itnru0. (r.-lfiirsas. Jt. on art art 01 left shonldari eattle, same on Uf hip. onoar mi m men aar. HaHr, J. W Happnae. Or. Horses, JO m left snuakler. Cattle, t) un right bip. Wim. E. . llannnar. Irr. ( att e w i; or lat hlo. rmp f nht anil endarhit I left faar. Aaviatit Miraas w y on lari erioniiiar. Thompajm. J. A.. Haniinar, Or. Horsa. t or lart ahociMr; rm'tla. 1 on laft shonldar. Tnraar K. W Haiumar. (r. Hmall eaplt! lat almnldar, horaaa: eeltl same o l.rt hie tin atiiii i raee are. W taotmrfar, W. J., flallnwar. (Ir.t linnum a . I IV B . t . . . .. I . . . . L IJ' I ' I.I I I 1. 14 I nnartare tela JW en right bio etui rtglit ir J -J -a-J- W ---- - v--' - I rrop and b"ile in lf ear. IUi la Morruw uiti Imalilla sntiaa. WEEKLY I MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York First National Bank OF HEPrNER C. A. RHCA, T. A.RHtA. GCO. W. CONtCR, S. W. SPCNCKN, a President Vlee President a Cashier Ass't Cashier Tmdsic'j i Genera! Bacliuj Easioea i til paruof th world- Bought and Sold. Collertlona mad on all point on reasonable Tsrma. Surplus and ondlrtdsd Profit, t IS. 000 00. Notice of Intention. TiD ornrt atthk rLi rsonrnrc, a Ifarrh 17. m1 Hot ire I horahy given bat Uie follAwlng nemeilsatilsrhu fil-d notwe el his Intenli of kMrlalm. ttnra S L. Oragvn.oa InayMn. IseJ.els: ALKXAKbKl L waLEIR, HI I."o ti totth H KCiihen sod s,i4U saa xa. T I . K j a. H M-aa ths following wlfneasa to tr blenntlnuous raskiaue upon aud suiUtslioa Nl Sain lani. vt: . r. m Marknam. flelhas Hepp- Her, tttagnn. Km ph Ban, Jama Brown, of Lexington, urefosv ili to make ftoal pmo' In stieeort ' He e a, and thai said ff.l will ba msd m llnw . fraaiai.d L". Com. at Utppnr, "Mien. Notice of Intention. Lap Orrii s at Tms Osttss, nw, Abrtl t 1W7, NOTIff. M HERrBY WIS 1 HAT THF. foUoaliig iisma-t sattlar has fllarl notl ol MsliitrniHiii t tnshp final In tnif.r1 nl hlsrl.lm, s Ilia' said pnail will lie mad la lora i. W. Moriow. ( oimlT I Itrs at Ueppner, Urrguo.on M .'its. vis: REL rEN J, OALXT. Hd. . J(. sMi. lor lb t"4 KWU and V Mt4. aej, Tesil t. X. He asanas lt lollneing witnaasre tananaa bm nno rasideure upon end culllfsllon of H. !' M -. . I U.. iMUrt a U m llMAH f. Leng, Jena XcCstfla all ol Ueppuer, Vraeoti, JAI t. MX)kE. Af1t.r. Timber Cullurefina1 Proof. JAA t. atfaeE fisir. I AID fiffirit AT TUB DAM M OMtOOX. 4 a ill , lW. Motlr Is krtf fivwa Hal hrtaard eurkav. ol l'H' lin, ea Boutbloc, sod aot lrrlttlf, strengtb (.. sod ol wensiei, mall tot. tSc ,l.a-aneb re IH ejislniti of In Will's tiappn-r tr(on LltU E'l H-r lb fennel llllte rid O' Prvv., Clad oettre of tlitautloa IO fnske S' i PtrK tatra 1 w. Morrow. Coxiity Clark, et fcl maeln lppnr. twajm. on i-atunwr the li'iA dsf of May la7, on ilmlar emiir siip'l eatlne ke 7u, inf Ike T 4 of aria 0K la li,t l.lp a. I North. H fset. He ti no4(H wtt.ais ienn,si I .tie Of Paul eatfean. .fis MaUf laau. kah w atfa-rrt. "sfl of l''"e. wf-e la, r , The Outlook will be Id 1W, it bis heeo during- earth of its twenty leveo yesrt, a History of Our Owo Time. Io lis verlou editorial departmeot Tbe Oatlook give s eompftet review of tbe world's prngres; it follows wilb Psre II lie important (iliilenthropia sod ID rl net rial mnTemeols of the day; has ronplele depariment of religion news; devote tsaob Spare to tbe interests of Ibe b"tue; reviews enrreot llleistore; farntaties rbestrfnl tsble-lelk about aieu id thing, nrl, io Short, inai to give frrsb liil'if 3lo, rriktinsl observation, and reasonable etilertaiouirut. PeKlunief wiih lbs fifty fliftb volutn. tbe paper alii MDni tb rrtnUr mat tine tf, wbieb will add (really to ils SonveriifOrte aod attrarliveoeee. Tbe Oatlockis pu'ilUbed every 8lnrdsy fifty-to laeuee a year. Tba 8rt lu In nob ojotitn so Illuatrt U sgaaite Nonbrr, eoataiolof about lelce as rata; page ae Ibe ordinary lane, togetber lib a larga aoaber of pirtares. . Tbe pnes of The Outlook t three dollars a year Io 4vo, or Ira Ibso a ceot dejr . 8i.i for a epacimeo o py end lllntrat ed prnepeeine to Tbe Oetkvtk, lit A or riarw, XevTo'kCtt. NOTICE OF CONTENT. 1'wmtn Htatks Land Orrirt, la (. rands, Oregon, March . 197. COMPLAINT MAVINO HhEN MADE AT this ornce h the duly verified nd eor rohnrated affidavit of John Mo ttllnnsh alleg ing that Una A. M linkers whomsde tlmhar etil tu re entry No tiiMal Ids U. H. Und Ottlce at la riranile. Oregon, on F'aliruary Inth Ihks for Ihe h! I and H nK' net: 17 Tp I M, K K. W. M , h failed to comHy Hh Ibe tluilwr rtilliire law In tills, that she fsllad U brrak or raue In be broken live srres or any numlMtr of a-rps on said tract within one yrer attar bar tlmbrr ciillurs entry til aald tract: that she never rnsde any itnprnvsmetits upon said trart anu Hio aiuii time in tne yrar uuw remove from said roomy and state and has never returned lid did St Stmill said tlina shannon aalil plalm Tharefore, with Ih vlaw of Ihe ranrellalloti otsai'i entry the said p riles are berahy sum mo ed and raqnlred to lie and appear bafore 4. v. Morrow, i on niy riari ol Morniw ooiintv ' 'ragon, at his 01111 at llrppnar. Hregnn, on the tin nsy ni way, taw at 111 o run a rn nl said dav ihsn and there In produce such tastlmony ealbry may hi e eonrrrnliig said alleirallotia. Ihe Dual hir., to I id bafore the H'li"r 'id Hecaivaret fa Orsnde. Uregon. oil Id t-id ua; 01 May, si iv o clot s a. m B. f. wMX'I'v. Hrriiter, J. H. ROpHINa. Ml. Ml. Hecelver. THE GIRL IN GRAY. Irresistible Impulses Whleh Called Her to a Life of Renunciation. Susan earned her daily bread by try ing on hats in one of the majestic dry goods palaces of the metropolis. Her beautiful head, fine eyes, exquisitely re fined expression and beautiful figure had been the source of a splendid in come to her. She did not know it, but nature had been most kind in making her an ideal model for the millinery business. Susan was a gray girl. She was a perfect poem in, gray. Her eyes were deep, twilight gray; her skin the cream gray of tlie white flesh about a blue bird's beak; her eye that drab gray brown which Is noticeable in the eyes of Welsh girls, and her eyelashes such a tint of chestnut gray as ornamented the mane of the famous race horse Sir William. Susan waa! full of gray moods, and her favorite position was, to sit half bent over in one of the guest a chairs in the aforesaid emporium, with a Paris crea tion upon her fair head, and to gaze out of the window. Feople came and people went, and they wondered that such a beautiful girl wns not fairly carried away by Kome rich und appreciative wife-hunter, who had a tuste for the fine prta. An artist who went to the shop to sketch hat mid bonnets raved over Susan, but Susan didn't mind. To all his com pliments he only smiled a cold, gray, far-away smile that could be easily in terpreted. Susan inteiveted an author one time enough to have her question the girl and find out 'vhy she always wore Buch a pensive look and seemed altogether removed from lver environ ment. She found that Susan was all alone in the world; that he came from a good English family; that she was obliged to cross the ocean to earn her living; that she cared little for dress and worldly things. After becoming better acquainted with Susan she learned that most of the girl's female relatives had been nuns. Susan said to her one afternoon, when they were friends: "I have a perfect horror of ever becoming a nun myself, but day tiftr dny the idea grows upon me, a.nd I am sure that some fine morn Irg 1 shallgotothes'rstersandask them to take me in. I truly believe that heredity has called me to that mission. I think so much about not becoming nun that my mind is drawn to them. and their lives own me. I unconsciously read all about them publications. I follow them about the streets; I cast my eyes down when I meet them, and always1 speak to them It I hart" a chance. I cannot keep wny from the nun costume, and every reus I luive is made as near like theirs as it cun ossibly be. I wonder if it la hypnotism or thought transference, or the effect of training, or what? "Do you know much about mysti- ihiu and mental science? If you do, tell me. Do people always leel ciruwn to do what their heurta tell them not to do?" The author could notanewer, but was eft guessing, as the girl had been. Cue day Ihe author went to the whop o get a new hut for a swell miitinie, nd of course asked for S 11 win mid she was told that husnn hail sudtlt'iily Ic onic very pioiiMsiidhndgivi'D upherjm- ition to do religious embroidery in one f the tecliiiioul eluqis comiccU'd with he church. The uiilhor heard nothing more from he nii l until one day, w hile investigut- ng a rlutnty on tne east sitlc, she saw funrliiir ilgnrn fl't past. l"pon look up intfiiH Ay ul it. it proved In be Hunan. rt'if sirllfil, 11111I rvognietl the au thor, und kiijI: "Ami how is it with 011? I hue iinsvu'ied my own ques tion. I luive pi own to niYM-lf Hint euch ndiviilual is giicn Hie mental life to icrct iw mid enjov those things which ing pleasure nml to lie nble to micri- lice und gic lnii ines to oilier, ami the spirituul lifvuaati Inspiration oint ing the way to a better life, wlure the only plcukiire Is in giving up ph'saure mil the only happiness in bestowing your cwii Iniuritanee of it Umiu those vi bo have neither mental perception ntir pir.tuul inspiration. When I fought my own soul I waa hearing a ioint w here my intinl would have Income shuttered lieeiiuxe my mind h.ul not solved the wants of tiiv pirlt. Now I lots ftiut whleh I lulled, and bate nothing, and I feel that this la lie highest slate a human being can nrcli." And artists and society women look 11 vuin for an ideal model In the fnmoiui Iry goods ahop to antlcipnte their ar- lat.u want. N. V. Mull and press. LITEKARY NOTES. All who remember Mr. Stephen Bonsai's brilliant services last winter as Cnban war correspondent ot the New York Herald will ' be interested id Lis stBiemenl ot "Tbe real condition of Cuba today," whioh appears io lbs May Review of Keviews. This is tbe latest authentic summing op of the Cuban situation that bag toeo given to tbe press, aod i should be read by all who oare to know the fict horrible as many of them are oounected with the beroio straggle tor liberty whioh Gomez and bis brave oompalnots are making. Mr. Bonsai's artiole gives as a realizing aeuse of tbe truth that we have an Armeuia at our very doors. Absolutely Pure PAlnhrntnd for ita arna1'. lAnvnninir alrantfll, - The May OUmber of McClure's Maura-I "P"1 heal'hfn'ness. Assures the food aeainst a 1 .Inm onH all fnm. nf .mn. tne oh ap orandB. BOxAL BAKINO POWDKB CO , HEW YORK. zioe is especially abundant and inter esting in the matter of portraits ol famous people. Io illustration ot paper by Miss Tar bell on the remark able work of Q. B. Cox in photograph ing portraiture, there are truly speak ing likenesses of Dooald Q. Mitchell ("Ike Marvel"), Walt Whitman, Elea nora Duse, Beory Ward Beeober, and others; and a series ot life portraits of Dauiel Webster exhibit that most august snd impressive ot great men at close intervals from middle life to the year ol bis death. Some ot tbe Webster por traits have never before been published; sod all have interesting histories, wbiob sre set forth in notes by Mr. Obarles Henry Hsrt. "It Is the Best on Karth." ; Tbat is what Edwards & Parker, mer chants ot Plains, Qa say of Chamber lain's Paio Balm, for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated aod muscular pains.' 8old by Oonser & Brook. Arlington Record : 0. II. Short e, of Cbioago, who represents the Union Stock Yards, is in this vioinity. Mr. Bhurte is a cousin to Bburle Bros, aod 0. A. Sburte of Arlington. N Teachers' Examination. OTP 'I I HEKKRY OIVE THAT ffi lha imrtKayp of matins sn elimination ol all parsons who may nrti-r Ihamaalvas as randl data fur tnsrhars of lha st h'ails of this county ami nun ruataaitn iiianiiiomas. Ilia rxiunty, at iiihii silparlntalMlatil lharaol will holi a plth- ue risnu soon at ilia ronn hooaa at Mautjuar ffpvniug Tiafinaaoay, xa Irtn. IV, imu-d Ihls4lh day of May. I"7. l iAV W. eillPt.KY. arbool Supt, Morrow Vm New Is tbe time kt get tbe Weekly Oregopiao, Ibe t''at aewspaper of theWel. With tb0se(le,botb stHet. ly Id advance, ooe year, 1.1. 60. No bettor Otrnibiostkiti uf fiewspspari eas be made o tbe sials. AVE YH'rl 0RAIH ft ' fealne tbat erb eqolrrel de Irovs 1160 vorlb of'grela rinsatly Wkelee'f Sqiirrel and OThef filer tnioator m ibe cooet treeiive d4 eeo obbIoh'i poleoa koewn. I'riee rednod Io80rts. Coneer A Brook sed Mloor k Co, fertte. Heprmef i J. A, WooUry ageet, !'; 'irlU V tabr tfnr LIIBt0D, The Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Cbil nowie, va., certines tbat be bad con sumption, was given up to die, sooght all medical treatment tbat money could procure, tried all oough remedies he ooald bear ot, bat got no relief; spent many nights sitting Op In a ohair; was loduoed Io try Dr. King's New Disoovery. snd was oured by use of two bottles. For tbe pnst three years has been attending to business, and says Dr. King's New Dis oovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it Das done so much for biro, snd also for others In his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed lor Uougbs, Unlds and consumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at Oonser & Brock's drag store. J. W, Morrow's baby son, on last Fri day, suoceeded in getting an apple in its throat In tbe wrong plaoe, bat be fore soy thing serioas happened Dr. Mo Swords relieved tbe little fellow ot the disturber. Something to Knew. It may be wortb something to know that the very bet medicine tor restoring tbat tired oat nervous system to a healthy igor if Eleotrio Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by eivioa lone to fie nerve oeotres io tbe stomach. geutly stimulates tbe Liver aod Kidneys snd siiU these organs in throwing off nipurities In tbe blood. Eleotric Billers improves tbe appetite, aids digestion, and is prooooooed by those who bsve tried it as the very best blood purifier and oervs tonio. Try it. Bold for 60c or tl. (XI per bottle at Coneer k Brock's drng store, The Best Remedy for Rheumatism. From the Falrbaven, N. Y., Register. Mr. James Rowland of this Tillage, - states that for twenty-five years his wife has been a sufferer from rheumatism.' A few nigbts ago she was io snob Dsin tbat she was nearly orazy. She sent Mr, , Rowland for tbe doctor, but he bad read of Chamberlain's - Paine Balm and in stead of going for tbe physioisn be went ' to the store and seonred a bottle ot it. His wife did not i pprove of Mr. Row land's purchase at first, but neverthe less applied tbe Balm thoroughly and in an bonr's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an eobi or paio aid finds tbat it always gives re' let. He says tbat no medioloe wbiob she bsd used ever did her so much good. The 25 and 50 cents . sizfts for sale by 0nser k Brook. As bas been previously aoooauoed in these columns, Rawlins Post, of Lexiog- ton, will bold an open meeting hers oa May 8th, for ths purpose ot determining whether or not it will be possible to hold the next state enosmpmeni io Heppner. All busioess men are ioviled to be present. Mr. J. B. Hoot bas jnsl renoyerrd from a seven weeks' illness. Us recently lost two of bis best cows by poison be binks. Troubles seem Lrysr to ooms singly. Lock ib Door Before tbe borse is stolen. Pnrlly. en- ifli and vitsliieyour blood snd build op your physical system before disease st ank yon and serious sickness comes iiiMxis Dsrsspsriua will mske too rung snd vigorous DJ will expel from yonr blood all impurities aod germs of diarsse. Take flood's Bsrssparilla tow NOT DUE TO HER SERIOUS TALK. Matber remitted a Speckle to I". sari It Pereeaalve I'owars. "Did you notice," asked tbe girl with the saintly expression of the girl with the laughing eyre., "htm beautifully Tommy Jaekeou behaved in church to day?" I lie girl w ith the laughing eyre nodded silently, and Otm girl with the saintly expression went on dreamily "I think I hat l must Lut e innuugwd Io tom b his atony little heart at last. she said, thankfully, "but It has been a herd struggle. I talked to him M-rlou ly on Hatnrday when I waa celling n my RuntJay eehord pupils, end h-a moth tt seemed much Interested, fine said site bad puniaUad him severely only tbe 8undsy before last, aod ewe bow ihsnif fu!ly he bebavod last week. While jeav tefiST " "She punUhed biro, U," Lntemipi4 the girl with tbe laughing eye, uer rily, "otily she re-versed ber usual orde of proceedings. Generally she speak him after she comes bopa f rwn ebureh. ad be forgets til shout it bfora th t-t.t Sunflay enmee srounl. jrut vwe lerdsr she had a brilliant Meat arul b dy be fanVed Lira be,fare settij out." O," lh :1 ,wr4 'J-e atinUy ftor, t? tUw r.vV th.H vm w'tfc.-iwn. The Osxalte seems to have a bard sorsp to keep enongh papers for Dies. Any sobsoriber having any copies ot the ' issue of April SOtb will oonfer a favor by leaving them at this t fflae. Walt. Thompson runs stsge between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day exoept Monday and leaving evsry day exoept Snuday, Hborteet and obesp est ronte to the Interior. Oonser A- Brook, agents. 8tate of Oblo, City of Toledo, i M Linoa Uouoty. Frank J. Cheney mak-s oath that be is ths senior partner ot tbe firm of F. J. Cheney k Co., doing business io tbe City of Toledo, County tod State sfors ssid, and tbst said firm will pay tbe urn of one hundred dollars for each and very case of Catarrh Ibst esnnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this tun dsy or Decem ber, A. D. lWk flood's Pills are tbe favorite fsmlly 1 oatbarlla Easy lo take, gentle, milJ. I 25 cents. rile) I'llrsl lirblag tile. nymptoma: Moisture; fnlense Itching snd stinging j tooet at night; worse by oratcbiog- If allowed to ooutiooe tarn' ori form wbiob often bleed and aloeraU beoomiog very Sore. Hwsyoe'i Oiut- meul slope tbe itching aod bleeding, ueais oirersiioo, and in most eases re moves Ibe tumor. Atdiaggist. or by mail, ft 6o eeuU. Dr. bwayoe A Bon, l Ullaneipuia, I f money-Lack talks, what docs it say ? It says Schilling Best las taking powdar ffa (svatinf stliactS suns and spua arc right for you. SI far ssls by . A. Wtsilery, lone A. W.OIeeaon, Notary rnblio. Uali's Cstarrb Cnre U tskeo internally and acts directly on tbe blood aod ma ooas snrlsees of the system. Bsnd for testimonials, trss, K. J. Cheney k Co., Toledo, 0. .sTBold by droggiste,75d. Any Isdy desiring lo purchase s -Ing msohioo shoolj call oo J. W. Vanghan and rittnlne bis latest ln provet) Whit macbinea. A bsppy eom blnatloo of a writiog desk and machine oemhined. Light, rapid aod assy running. tf. "Exnnse me" observed tbe man lo lav tanles "tint I am a nrgenn.and tbal is not where Ihe liver i. Never yog mind where lbs liver Is." retorted tbe other. "If l wae in hi big loe or bis left ear DeWilt's Little Earl Risers wonld reaob it ml shake It for Mm. On that ynej co t-et )onr gig-lsmps." Cob ser A Brock. Tbe old way of delivering messages by postboys compared with tbe modern telephone, lllnatratee the old tedwos methods of "breaking" oolds coin pars J wilb their almost losisosoeooi euro by Oue M hints O'Ogh Care. Coneer A Brook. To car all old eores, to bssl in dolent olear, or speedilv en'e pilaw, yoo need simply spply D Witt's Witoh Salve arpordmg to directions. Da mag to-like otloo willsaprtaynii. Coneer A Brook. Al Usppner'e warehouss Phil Cob a eiM pay tbe highest pries for foil wool pells, hides, fur, elo. Pblll sells dlrflt to Eastern layers. , Bee bin before yoo sell yonr ntte. tf Tetter, tUH-lllieum and Ixrema. Tlislntenae ttrhlng snd smarting, Inci dent to the disease, t trrstantlr allayed by applying CbsmWUln r-T and Hkln Ointment. Many very Tssd eases have been permanently rmed by It. It Is squally fuctent for itching piles and a favorite reined r for aora nipples, chsptied hand. chtlbUlns, frsst blue and chronic sore eyas. Vi eta. per iwi. Ir. fsdi's Cendltioa powdera, are Jiiat what ft horse needs when In bail comlitUia, Tonlri, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medlrlne and the beat In nae to tnt hors) to prtrne oofldiUoo. 1'rtne ti cetits pe pa:kage. . Freeh vegeUblee sn-1 frail of the see. lf-,torl Hfl IflDa T? son rseeivad Msy ellbeotsefs ffoo'. WcliilCU'-MII lUCa oppoeiie Clf bot.l, tjorn-e lfta and tttt&&KiZJ&IZiSl: l M-w "V aa) laff VB wwjf WHTTf) ayi awMS i ymaiai Wilt..