Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble arc! Sick Headache t'nz Kt-sultj Doc tored for Years Wlthovt Beiter. " My blooi w.ts : , W o.v -i . r.i: i J bo gan taking M.:.v! -v.-.2i!U! u haj purified my I.. : ; t r-.Tcn-d iv,:) of rheuraatura, '.'. oud s'ok headaches. 1 t.i tia,U these difncuUi U.i- j i ii;r, B,,... 0t-la to do a good ua.v'3 rorr. Rheumatism has troubled mo oirso I -.vasathitd, bat I a;n now er.'i I;; "'!." Mi.ts P'rscss LEY, Box 45, !Fd4daa, California. "I hsveiMi'fiird (run the electa of im pure l luod, bcils, pimples, etc., for five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles of Em -d's Snrsapariltn. The boils and piir.pli .i J.mvo nil disappeared since I bsgan takii, tliin medicine. I am now entirely carrd." .Louis Thomas, 1412 11th Street, Oakland, California. food's Sarsaparilla I.t the boat; -in fact tlis One True Blood Pu-rl-fidr. AM .Insists. $1. six for 5. Get Hood's. i Hood's Pills BPORTINO MATTERS. are purely vegetable, re liable, beneficial. 25c. Take Notice. The Bum of Ova nentji nAr Una will u charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of reipect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and not ices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 1 Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and mad f known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over and the winter season again with na, all will want an adequate supply of i resh and varied reading matter (or the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: 'JE&e GAZETTE 2.50 and Club Rate ' Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00.. 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25 ! " B. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 i Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Here and There. Local matter on 4th page. It's out today, first of the season. Hop Gold Bock beer. 88 41 E.W. RbeaA Co., pay the highest prioe for hides and pelts. tt Did you ever notice that the man who does the least for a newspaper expects the most from it? As usual, always tn the lead. Hop Gold Book beer on sala today. Bee that you get it. 88 41 Lewis KioDey sold bis interest in the Swaggart saloon stand today to Bob Beard. May Bob succeed. A good bicycle, suitable for either lady . or geotlemnn, in fine repair, new pneu matic tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam & Bisbee's. tf Dr. John W. Rasmus is keeping the best o1a8S of goods At the Rdlight and he will treat you right. Call In and see him. ' tf. . The length of life may be increased by lessening dangers- The majority of peo ple die from lung troubles. These tnny be averted by promptly oseing One Minute Cough Cure. Conser & Brock L. O'Conner was arrestei yesterday for disorderly cond not while nnder the influence. O'Conners a decent, honor able fellow when sober. As the Irish man laid, "Whisky is tba devil." Hoaly eruptions on the bead, chapped hands ami lips, outs, bruises, scalds, burns are quickly cured by De Witt's Witob, Haml Halve. It is at present the artiole most used for pile, and it always cures tbem. Conser Brock. An Incipont Are rot at Harry Jones', week ago last 8nnday, was observed in lima to save the residence. Tba rafters opstalrs were all ablaze wben tba fire was discovered. Harry at cnoe organ ixai an impromta fire brigade and the blue did not last long. Oor'Old Reporter on Deck A gala With a Few Pertinent Remarks Sport Not Well. Old Sport must make an apology for long remaining out of the publio sight. He has had many trials and tribulations sinoe his last publio ap peareuoe. Last fall be was as chipper as a ground squirrel; this spring his soul is loaded to the guards with grief and bis heart is not in the reportorial work. He has a load of sad memories and bad digestion. His liver is wrong. A gay widow is (he cause of Old Sport's troubles. The latter was won, bauds down, and just when he thought be was solid the g. w. goes dowu to Portland and weds a red headed baok driver. It was too much for one dose and hardly enough for two. But Old Sport baa not been idle all the time. Yesterday he went down to the Darktown . stables and found 'Honey" Bennett busy with some prom ising horses Dutch, and a three-year-old Ally, and last but not least, May M. E. J. Duffy is the trainer. "Hon" and Say BeDnett are full partners "Hon" does all the work and Say keeps full all the time. A redheaded kid named Boy Miller is the jock, and tbey say that he is a good one, too. Gidd Hatt has a three year-old named Gladdys in training. It keeps Gid busy shaving and catting hair to pay expens es, and when ho gets on the raoe circuit it will probably require a whole barber shop, may be more unless he gets tapped off lucky. A kid known as "Yak," but whose right name is K. O. Devoigne, a rather euphonious name for a jock, is doing the training. He is in duetriouB and is making a good job of it. "Yak" has a horse of his own Lan ky Bob. "Yak" says Bob is a "cracker jack." Bill MoEinley, the Duran horse, was under trainiug for a short time. He was too good a race horse at the wrong time and his name is now engrossed in the list of those who will ooutest for the alfalfa stakes this summer. Paul Jones is out of "kelter," having had to undergo an operation recently that most anybody would objeot to, and he is eating crass this summer. Cozy and Penland Buttes are also on the retired list. Beu Swaggart sold his flue horse, the full brother of Suwbuck, to Ed. Bartlett of SaDdon, B. C, on yesterday. The horse is a fine looker; so is the mining stook that Ben got for him. Low Tillarl's saddle horse, Sinner, is in good shape, out at the Matlock ranou. The feed bills are sent in regularly and the trainiug in every other respect is mo(t success. ul. He will run Sawbnck a mutch race on the first day of the Hoppner meeting May 29ih. Ben Swiiggart backed Hsheepsheitrer's horse Hvinust Hawbuck, no Inst Suu day. The shearers nil btt on ibei favorite and Sawbnck woj. Swuguart said that he was well satisfied with the decision. Geo. Aiken is looking nfter Swamp and Holly, witb Tom McKane as jock. George is an energetic horseman but bas bad awful poor luck. It may change and ge t worse, but Sport hopes not. Fred Pattnn has Cora J. and Ofleeta. Some nf tbe boys "josh" Pat about his horses having crooked legs, but be comes baok by saying that tbey are just crooked enough to win. Jim Jooes is fixing np Ltil iRigga and everybody knows that .litn will bock bis favorite. Like Sport, Jim most always bunks the wrong horse. Tbe races flie last of this month and the first of next p omise to be good. TELEPHONE NEWS. The Line is Being Rapidly Poshed to the In teriorWill Probably Reach Monu ment by Sunday. The Gazette was oalled up Wednesday by Frank Thomas, one of tbe construc tion crew on the telephone line, from Mabogony ltidge. Frank stated that a reoent fall of snow had lowered the temperature considerably and that a big fire was neccessary to keep from freezing, but that tbe weather would not interfere with tbe speedy construction of the line. 'Phones are in at Rhea oreek, Hardmani Toll Rock and it is thought that the line will be completed into Monument by Sunday. Long Creek will be reached at no distant day. Indeed tbe speedy con struction of tbis line shows a spirit wbioh the Gazette is pleased to say is worth tbe emulation of residents of towns muoh larger than Heppner, and who have been wont to oonsider us but little better than a large Bheep-camp. HeppDer is getting to tbe front rapidly and will oontinua to reaoh out for tbe interior tradj. Here is a diamond, here a pieoe of charcoal. Both carbon ; yet between tbem stands tbe mightiest of magioians Nature. The food on your table, and your own body; elementally the same; yet between tbe two stonds the diges tion, tbe arbiter of growth or decline, life or death. We cannot make a diamond; we oan not moke flesh, blood and bone. No. But by means of the Shaker Digestive Cordial we can enable the stomach to digest tbe food which would otherwise ferment and poison tbe system. In all forms of dyspepsia and inoipient con sumption, with weakness, loss of flesh, tbin blood, nervous prostration the Cor dial is the successful remedy. Taken with food it relieves at once. It nourishes, and assists nature to nourish. A trial bottle enough to show its merit 10 cents. A Noted Colored Lecturer and Evangelist to Appear at the M. E. Church, South. Tbe Rev. Wilbur Harwood, D. D., pre- loing elder of tbe Afrioan Methodist Episcopal church, of the Paget Sound conference, arrived 'here this morning nd will deliver a series of lectures at the M. . churob. South, oommenoing Monday evening at 7:30 p. m, entitled A Missionary Voyage Around tbe Globe, and Amerioa, the Cynosure of tbe Christian World." The mere fact that Dr. Harwood bas traveled in Europe, Asia, Africa and the isles of the sea, and engaged in missionary work in Africa, the West Indies, the Fiji islands and tbe isthmus of Panama, will assure his audience a broad soope of evangeli cal and missionary experience. Tbe doo tor is on bis way to tbe Transvaal Repub lic, South Afrioa. In addition to his leoture be will also render a large nam ber of missionary tongs, composed by himself. Tbe leoture will begin at 7:80. sharp. Admission 10 oents. All ere in vited, as this leoture promises great results. Tbe difficulty of deciding whether the First National Bank, of Arlington, or Tbe National Bank, of Heppner. bBd the first right to the sheep belonging to Beok Bros, caused the case to be taken to the federal ooorts, and yesterday ex aminer in cbanoery, Geo. A. Brodie. heard the testimony in Heppner. Re ceiver R. T. Cox of tbe Arlington First National Bank, Wirt Minor, of Portland and Messrs. Raley and Ballerav were here on the case. Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in plaeo of Castor Oil. Young Lovgreen, wbo was taken be low recently to be treated for appendi citis, was too far gone to be benefited by treatment. Word came up yesterday that be was dead. PtNALTY OF CHARITABLENESS. "How to Cure all rjkln Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment.'1 No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itoh, all eruptions on tbe faoe, bands, nose, &o., leaving tbe skin olear, white and bealtby. Its great bead ing and curative powers are possessed by do other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swsyne's Ointment. J. P. Htyden, tbe well known and popular traveling man, ii in town today looking alter bis customers here. Tba old lady tin right wben she aaid, tbe child might die if tbey waited tor tba doctor. She saved tba little one's life witb a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. Sbe bad need it for oronp before. Conser k Brook. WELL WORTH BEARING. AT THE CHRISTIAN CHOUGH. Rev. Wilbur Har wood's Discourse as Told by The Dalles Paper. t From The Dalles Chronicle. Yesterday at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. an unusually large congregation assembled at tbe First Christian church to bear the Rev. Dr. Harwood, whose masterly and well delivered disoourse was an intel lectual treat to bis attentive and no less interested listeners. In the evening every seat was crowded to tbe doors. After a song by tbe choir, the dootor, in a few well-chosen re marks, introduced himself. Tbe doc tor's father is a West Indian, and his mother an East Iodiao, a native of Ben gal, India, both parents afterward mov ed to Cey'on, where the doctor oame ioto existenoe. After paasiug through the primary and normal schools of Cey lon and Calcutta, be was transferred to London, England, and completed bis studies at King's oollege, Cambridge. He was subsequently ordained in tbe Anglioan churob and was sent as a mis sionary to the Niger river in Africa, where he served two years, tbence to barbadoes. West Iodias, tbe Fiji islands, Trinidad. Panama, thence to the United States, where be connected himself with the Colored Methodist church, and was transferred to tbe Puget Sound confer ence as superintendent of missions. The dootor is on his way to ihe East, en route tor South Africa. T HIS SPACE is owned by ' T. R. HOWARD, who is still doing business at the old stand. His new ad will appear in next issue Sinoe the change of time on the branch travel bas improved very muoh. There were a number wbo could not find rooms last night and were com pelled to sit up till morning, and yet Heppner bas better botel aooommoda tions then any town in the country of its size. The hotels must be reaping a harvest. The "apron social" or bazaar at tbe opera bouse last evening was well at tended and thoroughly enjoyed. The receipts netted $71.20, a pretty good aom for these bard times. . 1 Ladies' I Shirt Waists I I NO FINER LINE TO BE $ FOUND IN HEPPNER V Vr H, New Shipment received tnis in fm-or fj 5. I i H t WecK fron) Chicago. This $c(ion Shirt Waists villbe very much among the ladies. We have just what you want. We are also displaying our fine line of STRAW HATS AM enr ptfont wsrm wih' hM tin !nM stirr' to jm th 1 of mots romlorfsbl r4 prrtnU blar. Ibis a-ld. sum-su to you tbt (.lacs to aU It. Our new stock of Spring and Summer dress goods will arrive in a few days. E. V. RHEA & CO.. T Fir Nloal Cak PwlU'ra, UCDPMF.R. - - OHLUUN. f I 'AS 'i & After All Her Labor She Was Snubbed for Her Pains. "Are you much interested in charita ble work?" asked the girl with, the eye glasses. "I was," returned the girl in the fur cape. "I'm afraid that hereafter my charity will begin at home and go no farther than next door. "Ah, you. are wrong there," said the girl with the eyeglasses. "Of course, it does discourage one to hove the waif in whom she is interested pick her pock etnnd the destitute widow for whom she has been persecuting her friemls crit icise her taste in millinery; still, the broad principles of humanity " "Look here, said the girl in the fur enpe, fiercely, "it is all very well for you who ore engaged to a young clergyman to talk obout the brond principles of hu monity I'm surprised that you don' u.e capitals in pjvnking of them but for my part T'd like to Ree a little less public Charity in some people nnd a lit tie more common humanity." "Oh, if you nienn in regard to pauper izing people by " "1 menu nothing of the kind. Now there is Harold " "I was wondering how soon Harold wns eoming into the conversation said inc girl with the eyeglaxfes roftly. "It it wasn't Harold, exactly," said the girl in the fur eaiie; "it wa his mother; she it Interested in charity J 011 know." "Of course, a womnn with a nose like hat couldn't be expected to keep it out of other people a affairs." "I think she hns a very nice nose my self," said the g'rl In the fur enpe. stiff ly. "TTarold l thought to look a great deal like her." "Oh, I that is, by the way, I heonl that you bought a gold thimble th" other lnv. ITave you been doing much fewlng?" "-V not very much. Oh, Elsie, if you will never, never tell as long as you live, I'll tell you nil about It. You see, Har old's mother has somehow gotten nn Idea that I am a frivoloua person, and Inst week I well, I decided that IM how her how praeticul I um." "Well, and did you?" "It was this way I was, of cours", anxious for her good opinion." M yes; I understand that she ha 0 pood deal of money in her own right." She wants Harold to msrrv a prac tical girl, so I gave up curling my hair. taught a pair of hoot a mile too long for me and asked everybody to eall me 'Margareet' Instead of 'Daisy.'" "Yes, and what was the result?" "She told Harold that she hoped she was tbe one, not she, who wit mistaken In my character, nnd eas'inlly men tioned the fact that athe thought every young couple should own the house In which they set up housekeeping!" "Oh, Dal I mean Margaret, how per fectly lovely!" "Wasn't It? Then I heard that she wo Interested in on orphans' home, no I decided to become Interested in It, to. I told her that I would make n lot tf garments for the orphans, and ynu should have seen her surprise and pleas ure: "So you really made garment for the children? How did vou g alxiiit II r "I mad one. I bought lot of nfT: th people at the shop seemed t- think It mtber unsuitable for the p'irrio'e, but It was so pretty that I eouh'n't r fist It. I had esne'-tfd msrr.trfi tn r-.H- Pie, but ahe showed such a l.irk of In terest In It that I Just shut ir''fjf ur It? and made little tlrru all by rrr 'lf!" "Yoti don't say o! How l..ra' did It " "Take rue? A week. Wti- n It v f n'thed I 1cchM not to w ii' nr.' .! tV otVra were trade, but tpte 't tf -to 17rr!d's rr.nthr. When I rot th-r-I was so proud end ao erelted that 1 could hardly onen tbe prVire aD ,,PI op the dre for lnre-tier !" "AnA w.rj't he stirpri- AT' The as. fhe he I 'M it in hr nrvji i"re 'me. virr rf it thu i" and tint, tl.en the iWd rre " "Where y,n 4rv r- i't tVt Ter jaarrlM!?" "Xo: ah h i'ked me whit on rsrth It was!";i oroTimet-l,Vrn Rev. W. M. Jones, wife and ohild, wbo have been visiting here for tbe past ten days, left yesterday for Milton. The best possible terms for anything new to you are: Get of your grocer a pack age of Schilling's Best tea. He pays you your money back if you don't like it. hillinr San Ft R. F. Hynd went lo Portland Wednes day . Dr. J. M. Wilson came up from Tbe Dalles tbis morning. Commissioner Beckett was over from Eight Mile Wednesday. Mrs. T. W. Ayers accidentally fell on last Tuesday, bruising herself badly. J as. Raney, a oonsin of the Binns brothers, arrived yesterday from Poplar, Qrant county. Subscribe for the Gazette. Don't be a moBsbaok. Take the paper and aJ vertise your business in it. John Carter, Jas. Cochran and Chag. Bockler oame in Wednesday for freight tor Monument. Tbey left yesterday. The Gazette is in receipt of a letter from Newt. Jones, now of Baker City. He seems to be prospering over there. Tom Buokley and diet Sargent be oame involved in a oonllict Wednesday, Tom using a oane. Tbe fun was worth $10 to Tom, so Judge Riohardson de cided. Condon Globe: W. O. Minor, a Heppner merchant, advertises in tbe Gazette that he ss the father of 26 children and needs tbe trade of the publio. Very few minors oan boast of such a record. r 'AN Hotel !t,I:' ill?-- mmrn- HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop S79 - F 1 mm tAL m CUHtS WHtHt ALL HSf (AII&. , ... - r 1 bom i;ouiin Bjrrup. 'rules uoou. in time, sold nr nnigumts. uud.' Use EEC?! -"- Guests will find the best of accom modations in every respect QILWAM & BISBEE, At the old stand, have the usual spring outfit of FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, Besides the thousand odds and ends that are too numerous to mention. Call on- GILLIAM & BISBEE, Next Door to First National Bank Building. RACES! RACES! . I Am The Father of ? V. ' 1 "Tf) -i-k-;-r iTTTT 11. THE HEPPNER SPEED ASSOCIATION Hfive Decided to 1 1 o 1 1 m, Mace IMLoetinLjo: iVt IIBPPNEK, ORE. ON FOUR DAYS AS FOLLOWS:1 Saturday, May 29, -AND - May, Wednesday and Thursday o JUNE 1, 2 and 3. O j; $700.00 IN PURSES ! $700.00 PROGRAMME: cikbT DAI -Hatnrusv, May 29-Kao I. U'larler mil. dish, match raoa between H:oner, owned by Low Tillard, and Hawbuck, owned by lien Haagvart for tlOO a side. Kan. 2. Four aud one-half (arloogs. free lor all. Furs., 100, IUce 3. Three eighth mil. daub, fre. for all. Purae, 17."). HKOONIJ DAY-lo-aday, June 1 Hao 4. One-half mil. dash. (re. for all. I'nrse. Raca 6. Hit hundred yard dash. fre. lor all. l'urae, 175. THIRD DAY Wednesday Jan. J! lUo 1. Quarter mil. dab. fre. for all I'lire. :). lUos 7. One thousand tarda, (res for all. 1'il'ss. IIDO, FOURTH DAY Thursday, Jon. 3-lLcs 8. Ou half tnlln, handioap, free for all. I'nraa, $). Han. . Ou. half mil., consolation ran., for defmttd horses. I'orse, f 70. Rao. 10. Mai. race from wire to wire, open lo tb. world i'nrse S o CONDITIONS These race, will b governed by th. rules of tb. I'.nifln Hlood Hors AiMociation. Entrane. fe in all racas. Dot otherwla. apaoifled, 10 pr rent of amount or paras, Ov. or more to enter, thr. to start. In case that porsea abova eiveo do not fill with flv. complnt. entries, lbs board bas tb powar lo redoes tb. amounts of lb. parse, as tn Ibair jirlgmaul seem proper. Tb. di reetors reawrv. th. right lo poatpon. an? and all raoe. on account of inilnneol weather. If above raoM do not fill. pnrs. will ba givan fur apacial ran, to I iitxtituted by lb. directors. I' arses will (hi divided 70 per ont lo th. first bora., i) (r cent lo second. All .otrln. to clos. by S o olook, p. m, on tb. .veiling pra oaeding th. raoe. ILL MSB ILL III! PAID IN FULL. Am also a Merchant and Want Your Patronage. And in order to get it we have pro cured the finest line of General Merchandise ever shown in this city. (No Dies on us, or fly W. ar. not like tbe speak, on onr soods: fir. or onr oomnetitnra. wbo lay dormant six mtntbs, but ar. open for business at all hours, day. and months.) sawn w I OUR SPRING STOCK AMOUNTING TO OVER Is now in and ready for inspection. Call and examine; we are here to show goods. Why do you wait dear brother. Why do you tarry so long: When Minor & Co. will give you What you want for a song. Yours for Business, A1I1N0R & CO. TUB FAMOUS Hop Grolcl Bee A COOL, REFRESN 10 AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. Brewery Conipnny, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. You can Wager Your Sox that You are Always at Home at .... W WELCOME Oo Willow Htrael, near the City Uall. THE BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. They try to pl.aa. all, Fio olob room, lo coonactloo. LOW .TILLARD, Prop. A. W. !ATTF.UON, Hwalary. W. O. MINOR, fra.idat.1. K. It. KKEKLANI). Trra.orar. E !. Maths k. lJv MAte, K. (i Hrrry, (Uo. llatrlnilon, Henry Ilcptner( J. W. Morrow, (lid Hall, Aiken, I)inol'.n. If 00TS AND SH0ESm., TMt LACC TO OCTTHCM IS AT H hu tuytalof la 'SIS tin tbt y "r 4alra n1 yni rn 4pn4 an It roo frl s fvi arUi-la sua Mat (uartntaat It. SHOES IN ALL THE Old Bund, M.ln fitr..t. LATEST STYLES. P.o.lrlnf Sp..llty. roAUK Bo.rus I. J. soteari Rogers & Roberts, - -Contractor And Boilder. Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice. All Kind? of Repair Work Donca OFFICE HOURS-Day and Niht Leave your orders -Any Old. Flace" acd Roj. or Jim will tret 'era. o o o o o o o