Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 27, 1897, Image 3

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    Almost Blind
Scrofula Affects the Eyes -Little
Boy Traatod by an Oculist With
out Relief -But Now He Is Well.
"When uiy liltle'boy was three month?
old his eyes became very sore an.l he was,
almost blind. 1 took him (o an cculist
who treated him for six month?, ond left
him as bad as he waj at the beginiiiag.
Finally Hood's Sarsaparilla was recom
mended and I began giving it to him.
In less than three weeks he was abio
to go into tho sun without covering
his eyes, and today his eye? are perfectly
wall, and his ears and nose, which were
bid'y affected, oro also well. Hood's
wrsaparilla has certainly done wonders
the One
True Blood
Purifier. All druggists. $1 six for 55. Get Hood's.
jj rJll are the only pills to take
nOOa S PillS with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is tn he (in-
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a une. 'l tiese rules will be strictly adher
e 1 to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
upon application.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long eveniDga. Cognizant of I his the
Gazette baa made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new aod renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE S2.50 and
Weekly Oregonian, 11.60
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50....
" N. Y. Tribune, 1.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00
" 6. F. Chronicle, $1.50....
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00
Webfoot Flanter, 50c ..
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00
Club Rate
.... $3.50
8 25
2 50
Here and There.
Local matter oo 4th page.
Milt Maxwell Is in from Gooseberry.
Nets Jooes is in from Batter creek to
. Cbas Hale was ia Saturday from Gal
Obas. Johnson was npfrora Lexington
Saturday last.
Frank Lee leaves tooight for Portland
on a business trip.
Sheriff E. L. Matlock got biokfrom
Salem oo Saturday last
E.W. RbeaA Co , pay the highest
prioe for bides and pelts. - If
J. L. Porter aod Ed Day were i
Saoday from Batter oreek.
. As asual, always in the lead. Hop
Gold Bock beer on sale today. Fee that
you get it. 38 41
J. Dtivin has been drawn on the fed
eral grand jury and will tooo go below
to be io attendance.
A. Fosher returned to Heppoer Huo
day from outside points where be bad
been to lo 'k after sheep.
A good bicycle, suitable for either lady
or gentleman, la 8ae repair, new poeii'
matio tires, for sale oheap at Gilliam A
Fresh vegetables and fruits of theses
on arrived today at tbe Orange Front,
ODDosite City hotel, oorner Main and
Willow streets. tf
Low Tillard keeps wet goods dnwa
at bis new place, near the couDoil
chambers. Call at Tbe Welcome and
make yourself at borne.
Hcaly eruptions on tbe bend, chapped
hands and lips, cats, braises, eoslds.
bnrns are quickly cured by DeWitt's
Witch Haasl Salve. It Is at present the
article most od for pile, and it always
cores tbem. (Junser Brock.
Mrs. J. M. Yaughan is oo the sick
Will Brown ia up from the valley to
Mrs. Mike Eeiney is still improving
in health.
Ed Holland was in Heppner Sunday
and yesterday.
Mrs. O. E. FarnBWortb has been ill
for several days.
Mrs. Herb Bartholomew ia visiting
friends In Salem.
The Bheepshearers are making times
lively while in town.
Jerry Broanan was over from . Little
Batter creek Satorday last.
Ed. Doherty and Pat McDaid were in
from "the sand" last week.
Ed. Getzell is op at Walla Walla
training a three-year-old, Juno.
Dr. J. M. Wilson ie preparing to take
out h lot of ebeep for tbe trail.
Geo. Hnfford was in from tbe Mo-
Donald oanyon ranch Sunday last.
T. B. Lyons left for the Dalles this
afternoon to be absent several days.
Miss Ida Cowins went to Portland
Saturday last to have her eyes treated.
Fred K. Eeyuer, representing The
Cbioago Portrait Co., is is town today
Tboa. Gilfillen dropped in from bis
Sand Hollow possessions Saturday last
Tbe W .R 0., of Morrow county, held
meeting in tbe Odd . Follows hall Sat
urday last.
Joe Luckman was in from his ranch,
between Heppner and Little Batter
oreek, on yesterday.
Aoy person having files of tbe Gazette
will oonfer a (avor by bringiog in copy
Of issue of April 16th. 1897. tf.
Michael Broderiuk and John Crom
well, praotioal miners from Bisbee,
Arizona, outfitted here last week.
Any soldier who deserves a pension
should call on the Gazette offio wbere
be will learn something of value to him.
J. C. Meek is over from Condon and
ill likely cross the ' trail this season,
Mr. Meek is a brother of Mrs. W. P.
Sorivner of this place.
Frederick M. Branch, special agent of
tbe Lancashire Ins. Co., of Manchester,
Eng., is in towo t' day on business. Mr
Branch resides in Portland.
On last rjatorday Mamie S., belongiog
to E. G. 8perry, and Ja Jones' bay
mare were matched tor $20 a side, quar
ter mile dash, Mamie winning.
Telepbotiio connections have been
been completed to Hardman and the
line is being rapidly pushed on to Mon
ument. Tbe lioe works Exceedingly
well so far.
All old Heppnerites will remember
Chs. 8- Waite who nsed to be io tbe
photographing business here some time
ago. He now resides at 1105, 16th street,
Detroit, Mich.
The report that J. W. Ivey was tnrned
down in bis nspirations for collector of
oostoms of Alaska was entirely 'unfound
ed. The Oregonian published for faots
what it boped might prove to be true.
Cbas. Ttfft baa given . up tbe Model
restaurant and now bas charge of tbe
Palsoe hotel diuiog room. Mr. TefTt is
a caterer of expeneuoe aod he will un
doubtedly nuoceed io every particular.
Sunday dinners a specialty.
Rev. Win. Jones and family, of St.
Ctiarles, Mo., are here visiting S. P. Gar
rigaea and family. Rev. Joues is a
oonsin of Mrs. Gsrrlgues. He desires
lo return to newspaper woik, a profes
sion io which he has bad considerable
G M. 8troud, better known as "Pap,
srrived Saturday morning to visit Hepp
oer Lodge No. 69, A. F. t A. M., in the
capacity of Masonic lecturer, remaining
till last evening. M. ep" was one of B'-n
Uolladaj's old O. 4 C. passenger coo-
duotors, and Geo. Oonser, the rasbier of
tbe first National Bank of this plaoe,
was one of bis brakemeo. What
obangt time will wrnnght.
The old lady wan right when she said,
tbe ohilJ might die if they waited for the
doctor. She saved the little one's life
with a few doses of One Minnte Cough
Cure. Hbe bad need it for oronp before.
Censer A Brook.
Friends of the Game Stand Up in
Ita Defense.
Sport Without Danger to Be Found
Only Id Buch Games as Croquet
or Squat Tag Compare- '
live Cases.
Stimulate the stomach, mm
rouse the liver. cure bilious- l3 II
ness, headache, dizziness, III aS
our stomach, constipation, Bl
etc. Price 25 cent, Sold 'by all drufnclnti.
Tbe only rills to taaa with Hood's Saruparilla.
The annual protest against the rough
ness and brutality of football as played
in American colleges and schools was so
vigorous at the close of this year's
season that the friends of the game are
coming forward with facts to show that
it is no more dangerous than any other
vigorous exercise or game, and they
cite bicycle' accidents, shooting acci
dents and drowning while sailing or 1
skating to show that the record' of foot
bull is not open to serious criticism as
un exceptionally rough game. In a late
issue of Harper's Weekly Caspar Whit
ney mentions his ten years' exclusive
study of amateur sport and its depelop
ment, and his extensive acquaintance
with football player, adding:
"In all this time I have never had a
friend nor even an, acquaintance who
was killed or permanently injured by
football. On the other hand, f have an
acquaintance who lost his eye, and one
damaged for life playing polo; four
friends have been drowned by the up
stttingof a sailboat, two drowned by the
overturning of a racing shell, three
drowned while swimming, two while
skating.twokilledinhunting, one by an
an infuriated giizzly bear, the other by
a defective rifle; one killed by the care
less handling of a' shotgun, and one
killed by one of those didn't-know-it-was-loaded
fools who was fingering a
revolver. Several friends and as many
acquaintances have been killed and sev
eral badly crippled while riding or
driving horses."
Mri Whitney says that in 20 years he
has been able to trace only six deaths di
rectly to foot ball, two of which oc
curred this year. One of these deaths
was that of Bert Serf, of the Doane col
lege football team in Kansas. He died
from injuries received while playing the
University of Kansas team at Lawrence,
in that state, on. November 14 last. A
New York representative of the new
journalism declares that Serf was killed
in a mass play, and was picked up un
conscious after a scrimmage. Chan
cellor Snow, of the University of Kan
sas, has written a letter giving the facts I
about the death of young Serf, who was
only 18 years old. Chancellor Snow
says: '
"Speak of the Kansas eleven, the
lightest man in the team, weighing
about 150 pounds, had the ball and was
making an end run for a touch down,
lie had a clear field for the gonl, when
Serf, who was playing full back, ran to
tackle him, and as the result of a too
high tackle was thrown, striking the
ground with his head, just as Speak
carried the ball over the line for a
touoh down. The real cause of Serf's
death was h'u being out of condition.
He had been Injured in a previous
game, at which time he had been car
ried off the Sold unconscious on account
of an injury to his head. He was laid
out during the first half of the game
with Kansas.and tbe referee and others,
members of the Kansas team, protested
against his being allowed to continue
in the game. He should not have been
allowed to play at all." " --- -
Chancellor Snow then makes nn im
portant suggestion. He suggests that
un ''additional official, to rank with the
referee and umpire, a medical adviser,
be appointed, with full power to remove
from the gome any man of either eleven
who is clearly not ia condition to con
tinue the game."
The chuncellor also notes that the
three men of the Kansas team who were
reported "duinrerouslv injured were
not more than slightly injured. He
"I have no doubt that an investigation
of the entire list of those reiiorted dan
gerously and seriously injured would
show a general exaggeration of the ac
tual condition of the players men
Mr. Whitney supplements this by the
declartion that in oil the games that
Harvard, Vnle, Princeton and 1'eiinnyl-
ania have played t here has never been
it death. These games have been the
hardest played in the entire country.
lie ulno declares that there is no
of a pcrinuncnt injury In, any of
games, and that the most seriou
dent in any of them was thut
broken breust bone. The man who
with the accident Is strpng and well to
day. Mr. Whitney says thut if we wish
to have sport without danger wc must
confine ourselves to croquet or squat
tag, or pleasure of that grade. N. Y
Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as
sociated together down at Charley's
old plaoe in the toosorial business.
Call on them and get your whiskers
pushed in.
We have advertising space for tbe
professional men. Every doctor and
lawyer in town should have hie card in
tbe Gazette. j
Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm name of Mathewa & Gentry,
are associated together in the bsrber
business in the new stand, two doors
sooth of the postoffioe. They solicit a
call. tf.
The. crescent waves on Cretan shores,
The cross of Christ goes down;
The Turks are helped by Christian powers
Who bombard tort and town.
Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds
Poor Cuba's piercing cry
Then let us drown these shameful deeds
In Sperry's "Linwood Rye."
For sale at the Belvedere saloon, E
G.Sperry, proprietor. tf
Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry
St., Alton, 111., suffered - with sciatic
rheumatism for over eiaht months. She
doctored for it nearly the whole of this
time, nsiog various remedies recom
mended by friends, and was trented by
the physioians, but received no relief.
Hbe then used one aud a bait bottles of
Chamberlain's Fain Balm, which effect
ed a oomplete cure. This is published
at her request, as she wants other
similarly afflicted, to know wbnt oured
her. Tbe 25 and 60 cent eiz's for sale
by Conser & Brook.
Tbe residents of Heppner Bbould not
forget thnt on Thursday afternoon and
evening, the 29th inst., tbe ladies of the
Episcopal church will give an "apron
social" or bi.zaar at the M. E. oliurob.
No admission charged. Supper 25 ots.
Attend, help a good cause and enjoy
You know coffee is used
fresh - roasted. Tea ought
to be for the same reason
the taste.
Ours are the only tea-
firing works in the United
States; Schilling's Best is
always fresh-fired when it
leaves our hands. .
"Old Sport" bas some-notes for next
issue. The old fellow had a bard winter
but will be on deok at the proper time-
"Bod" WiUiogham will take Js.
Haves' sheep throngb to Wyoming this
summer, wbere J as. will run tbem in tbe
Quite a number of the Heppoer peo
ple went onl to Rhea creek Sunday to
oatcb tbe wiley trout, but high water
made fishing out of tbe question.
The Gazette will take potatoes, apples,
eggs or butter on subscription aoconnts.
Any one owing this office can settle tbeir
accounts in this manner and oan't do it
too soon to emt us.
Wilson E. Brook is the proud possessor
if the finest elk tootb in tbe colony. It
cost bim onlv 25 cents and be baa since
refused S3 for it. It would make tbe
?yes of our Elk water.
Mrs. Geo. R. O'Daniei and child aod
Miss Myrtle Hager left tor tbeir homes in
Pendleton on last Saturday, Mrs.
(J Daniel and Miss Hager ere meoB
of Jus. and Johnny Hager, old residents
of this seotion.
The Gazette's job department has
been busy for the past three days on
brief work. Remember that the Qa
zette can do job work of all kinds.
Most of tbe work sent away can be done
at home.
On May 8th, Rawlins Post, of Lexing
ton, will meet in Heppner and at that
time the members will disenss the plan
of holding the next enoampment in
Heppner. All business men are invited
o meet with them on that day.
W. J. Wattenberger and a Mr. Lov
zreen, a young man about fifteen years
if age, residing in Eight Mile, were
brought to town last week both suffer
ing from appendioitis. Tbey wont be
low for treatment Saturday,
The lecture of Elder W. M. Jones, on
laot evening, at the Baptist church was
not largely attended, but those who were
present join in saying that it was a grand
success in every particular. Ii ia to be
regretted that more were not present.
Tbe subject was: "The tJps and Downs
of Life ConrtshlD Included."
Tbe Odd Fellows, of lone, bad a
pleasant gathering last evening at tbeir
ball. Daring reoees they were enter
tained by Mr. Josef Mueller, of Tbe
Wiley B. Allen Oo., who had been pre
viously invited to .be present on that
oooasion. Mr. Mueller reports a very
pleasent time and says that be could not
sing enough comio songs for tbem.
I am not Running
The Weather. If I Were Spring Would
Have Been Here Long Ago.
I am tjLinLXiLiinig
A store, however. You need supplies for
the sheep camp; I have them. You want some
gents' furnishings; no trouble to supply you.
You require groceries ot all kinds; call at my
"Live and let live" is a good motto. I sell
as cheap as possible, to be consistent with good
business management.
I want to do business. I can please yon. My goods are fresh and well selected.
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
A Schilling 8c Company
San Francisco
Boat Cough Byrup. Tsioua Good. TTae r.1
In time. 8old tiy dnigulsts. fl
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
At tbe old stand, have the usual
spring outiit of
Besides the thousand odds and ends that are too numerous to mention.
Cult on-
Next Door to First National Bank Building.
I Am The Father of
y v v.i' iv- v
I Am also a Merchant and Want
Your Patronage.
And in order to get it we have pro
cured the finest line of General
Merchandise ever shown in this city.
. Ilr i-v-a Deoldet to Hold a
Race IMLeotiiiL.G:
1 Saturday, May 29,
New Shipment Received ttys
WeeK fron) Chicago.
Tliia $caon Shiri Waii trill be very much in favor
among the ladies. We have just what you want.
We are also displaying our fine Une of
AM onr pn-mnt wm WMthr Km no 4tM ttirrt1 tri
lh nrwl of mor eorolorubl tn1 .pmtrlt hJr. 1 DM
iu(sl to jrou U flmc " B"'1
Our new stock of Spring and Summer dress
goods will arrive in a few days.
W. RHEA & CO.,!
The Flr National Dank Bylldlna,
Figure MaTer
Ll, Hat Tblr Bull May
. U Falty.
Flffurra may not He, but on the boat
of etuliHtie may fonx-Uinrti be vwy
faulty. Commentinc on 1 hut limitation
of the iUitixticiuu'i Kclence, Carroll D.
Wright I'ointa out that, in the mutu-r
of crime, the number of aentenoe In a
given Hint may vary with the lffitla-
tiou. Lows are conHUnuy being paxaed,
Mr. Wright any, to rine moral dilin-
n,uenrlra to the grade of oltive crime,
and then, oiler a t.me, audi Iiiwk tnuy
be refieoli'd, with the result of vitiating
com hihioiiM obloim-d by compnrinif
one yn.r with Miother. Thia la !llu
trutt'd by the record of liquor U-pifl'
tion in connection with crimes. I'ro-
hlbitory h (n'alkm aernia uniformly to
Inerrane (IruuUoiuir, for the mmon.
in larffe imrt, thut it incrrnue, if en
forced, the number of conviction. A
new da of MatiMlca ia called into ex-
IhU-lu-e, It la to be noted ali.o Uiut. a
a rule, the authoritii-a oi luifr itiir
are optMwrd to prohibltary lawa,d-m'
liijf lieeime more rational or exiedieiit
They ate acrnrdinifly often led to en
force prohibitory laws with extreme
rlK'T In order to make them od'ouaand
aecure their repeal. With a limn: law
they are le nient in maklrfir arrn.U of
drunken efaona, Tbu It oumea alKHit
that atatlatiea aeem to prove proh'bltirm
extremely proliBa in crime, while 11
cenea promote virtu. In any cate,
error enter the reeord by reaaon of
wai t of uniformity ia method In vari
ou f orU of a 0vea atale. Tbia want
of uniformity at a particular date iaex
ceeded by tie variation between dif
ferent du. Id recent year tatltlea
are tietter kept than formerly, with the
effect of jiearln to abow an increaaa
frrlrne. liutaparanrearedeoepUa
In thlawiae.Mr. Wrif hi think. InlMO
tbe number of eonU ta In penltenltarle
w-aa Vt or 700 to tbo million of popu
lation. Ia Uia ntuBber of ton vie u
$700.00 IN
feUa; ::i Thursday,
JUNE 1, 2 and
(No flies on ni, or fly epeoka oo oar good;
We are not lika tbe flr, or onr oompetitora,
who lay dormant aix mcntbi, but are open
for boBioeii at all boor, day and month.)
Is now in and ready for inspection. Call and
examine; we arc here to show goods.
Why do you wait dear brother,
Why do you tarry so long;
When Minor & Co. will give you
What you want for a song.
Yours for Business, MINOR & CO.
PURSES ! $700.00
FIRST DAY Hiturdaf, Me? 20-Kea 1. Q'larlcr milt dMh, maleu race
blo Hinner. owned b Uiw Tillard. aui Hwbin-k, owned by " nwefneri,
for iliiO a al.la. Rao 2. Funr and on-balf furlong, fraa lor all. Fa , II 0()
Itm a Tlira.ei0lith m la daab. rreo for all. furne. mi.t.
HKfKiNIJ I)tY-Tn-r. Jnnl Kaee 4. Una-ball mile iiaan. irea mr an
Iu tun Unm ft Hit linnilred v ard daab. frae lor all. l'lirae. 1,3.
THIHO OAY WedneaiJay June li-Kao I. tiarter mil nan. irea ror an
P.i.. tTu ltna 7. (in thnnaand tarda, free lor a 1. rO'. IIUU.
VfM ItTII HAY Thnndav. Jnn-ltana H. (to Hall mile, nannoap, ire
r.ir all. Piirae. 11(10. Kane 9. Oo ball mil. eonaoUtloo rafl. lor (lranleU
h.i. I'nraa. t7S. Rioa 10. Miila raoe from wira to if. opea to tb world
I'.ir.a n
fViViiITinVvi Thiwe rare will be sovarned br tbe ruin of the Panifln
lilood iiorae Aaaociatino. Entrane fee ia all racaa, not otharwU apeeifled, 10
rani nt mount cif nnraa. flva ot mor to enter, three to atari. In cat that
nnre attnva aieen do ant nil who nve eompiMi enri, iu ooaru um imww
' a... . 1 1 I.J . a . - 1' a. l a
HEox GeVolcl Beei
Star Brewery Company,
203 Waahlngton St., Portland, Or.
lo rednoe the amonni nf tba pann a io ttiir J i Uinaol aeera proper.
reetor reaerv tb riatht to n oat pone an and all ranr
Tb dl-
flea on arcoaiii of inr.ieinaai
.ih. If ahnva rime an not nil. nor will n eiean lor apaciai rena, io n
aubttnnled br tb dlreetore. Far will ! dlvidnd 70 per Oent to tb flret bor,
:) per oent lo eeond. All eatrle to clot bf 8 o'olook, p. in, oo tb tveolnn pr
eceding tb ro.
You can Woger Your Sox that You
are Always at Home at ....
Oo Willow Htreet, tr the City Ual!.
Thy try to plea all. Fine olob room In connection.
LOW TUvIvA.!!. Prop.
prank nooena
i. i. ROatBTB
A. W
PATTEKHOS. Heerelary
E. I FltF.ELAND. Tr.a.nrer
W. O Ml SOU. Prealdenl.
L Metlnek, Da Me Ate. K. (I Hperr, (leo. Harrinijtoo, Ueory Ueppoer,
J. W. Morrow, Old Uatl, Ueo. Aiken, Director. If
H bM ftQjrtbtaf la thU lit tht ytm ftf dtr tn4 ymi tn 4prt4 on II you ft oM
Old Staoo, Mala 6te. Heeelrlef Baeelalt.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractori aod BuitJera.
Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice.
All Kindsof Repair Work Done
OFFICE H0URSPay and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
Place" and Roj. or Jim will ect 'era. o o o o o o o