w 11 CONGBE88MAN HOLMAN, of Ind., is dead. He had served his state in congress for nearly thirty years. The king of Italy and the presi dent, of Uraguay were each re cently attacked by assassins, bat not seriously hurt. McKinley is not taking sides on the matter of amendments to the Dingley bill. All he has anked senators is that they will act as speedily as possible. McKinley does not think that he is greater than his party. Habold M. Sewell, of Maine, son of Arthur M. 8ewell, the late candidate for vice-president on the democratic ticket, has been ap pointed Minister to Hawaii by President McKinley. Sewall sup ported McKinley and Hobart. The offer of the Spanish to give the Cubans home rule if they will lay down their arms, means that the Cubans have all but won their independence. Spain is ruined financially and is constantly taking away soldiers from Cuba, claiming that they are not needed. The facts are that Spain cannot keep up the enormous expense any longer, and the final success of the Cuban cause is but a matter of time. THE SUGAR INDUSTRY. The matter of the renewal of reciprocity relations with Hawaii is now being discussed by news papers and business men of the Pacifio coast It aDDears that most of the republican sentiment is against the renewal of those. re lations with the island republic. The Gazette is free to confess that at present it is a contest between Claus Spreckels, in Hawaii, and numerous other millionaire gentle men on this side. If Hawaii can ship sugar to the United States free of duty it would materially 1 1 1 n , a lessen me pronts ot our sugar manufacturers. In the mere con test between large money interests the people have no particular con cern, but there is another and more important feature to be taken into considertion. The beet sugar interests are quite extensive in the United States, aud the beet being indigenous to the soil of the Pa cifio slope, it stands to reason that ere long many bugar factories will be located on this coast, Oregon getting its share. Probably many local companies will be organized for the purpose of convening beets into sugar and it is the plan of the republican party to protect strug gling industries until they can safuly take care of themselves. This priuciple when applied to the mdustry under discussion is far reaching. Every resident of Ore gon would be benefitted by the establishment of sugar beet fac tories in the state. It would then appear that the business men of the coast were just in their demands that reciproc- ty relations be not resumed with Hawaii Hawaii cannot return any special favors for what she asks, and as such treaty would be of great injury to the growing in dustry of raising sugar beets and converting them into sugar, as well as being a violation of the prin ciples enunciated by the republi can party at St. Louis last year, a principle that swept the country, it should be stamped by the disap proval of our members in con gress. THAT MOODY LETTER. Now that the Greeks are getting down to business, they are gaining ground and it looks as though they had the Turks "on the run." The Turks are great fatalists, and few reverses will serve to discour age them. When they get in this condition, they think that their luck is against them, and fighting is of no avail. "Hun like a Turk" is an old Baying. They are no coward, however, aud they fight with fanatical zeal ae long as they can get the host of it, but they are poor soldiers when out of luck. (The above would be true if recen telegraphio dispatcher had not no sot all of our calculations. Ed. Judge Day, of Canton, Ohio, who is going to Cuba as a specia U. JS. consul to co-operate with Consnl-Qeneral Leo in making an investigation of the charges con cerning the cause .of the dtath o Dr. Ruiz, was in Washington, re oently, for the purpose of con ferring with 1'resideut McKinley and making a study of all docu meuts in the department of state that are likely to assist Lira in tl investigation. While Judge Day' official mission to Cuba will be confined to the lluiz investigation La will not close his eyes to what goes on around him, and it is ccr tain that President McKinley wil get the benefit of everything li learns over there. Tni regular semi-weekly row be. tween the followers of Represent alive Bailey, of Texas, and those of Representative McMillio, Tenn., the rival would-be demo cratic leaders, hat become a feature of the abort meetings of the house of representatives at Washington wuieu uraws iuii galleries anj which hat crowded Jerry Simp. one little populist circus to th wall In tuis rivalry a Washing ton paper, which poses as Rryau'a mouth-piece, Las aought ti convey the impression in its daily dia tribe agaluit Bailey that McMil. Uq waa the personal representa tive of Mr. Bryan. One of these editorials was denounced on the floor of the Louie a "an infamous and tnaHoioui It" by Mr. Btiley, mho added ty way of emphasis: "I denounce every man who has helped to circulaU it aa an in ft. mom and malicious liar." Toe editorial in qne-.tiou'aald fn rffeet that thfr leadership of Mr lUiUj m t" leader.hip of Mr. Heed. The much-talked-about amend ments to the Dingley tariff bill, which Western senators have asked or, turn out to be very different from the predictions made by those who have been hoping for a breach in the republican ranks in the senate wide enough to defeat the tariff bill. The amendments dea! mostly with the wool schedule, and are largely devoted to so classify. ing wool that some of the frauds known to have been perpetrated under the classification of the McKinley tariff, will be avoided It is also claimed by the western senators that these amendments are intended to equalize the pro tection given to the wool manu facturer and the woolgrowcr. Devotees of Pimoa and Corbett Write Letter for the Old Fossil. -. Not long ago Vice President Hobart received tbe following letter from the Moody eontingent" in Wasco oonuty. This gang aided in bringing oat North op last year and were prominent io tbe bold-op at Salem. Tbey have do stand ing aa republican, though presuming to represent that party in their respec tive localities. Tbe letter reads as fol lows: Thb Dallbb, Or., March 8, 1897. Hon. Oarret Hobart, Vioe Freaidenl ot tbe United States, D. 0. Dear 8ir: Tbe legislature of Oregon having failed to orgnnizs after sitting beyond tbe prescribed limit, and tbe term o( Hon. J H. Mitchell having sab eeqnently expired on the 4th of March, 1897, tbe governor of tbe state baa ap pointed Hon. H. W. Corbett, of Portland. to till the vaoanoy. There may be some opposition to the seating of Mr. Corbett and in view of tbis possibility we with to aoqnamt yon witb tbe pnblio opinion Ana wish in tbe matter as we under stand it. It is important for the state to be full? represented in the senate, and il U equally important that euoh representa- ive De a trustworthy anJ Hound money nan, ana in run eooord wi'b tbe reuuh Moan principles ae enunciated in tbe St. Liouis platform of laet year. There can be no doubt of Mr. Oorbett's fitness in these respeote and bis appointment is ailed with universal satisfaction. Anyone familiar witb tbe history of Oregon will at onoe reoognize in Mr. Unrbett one ot tbe earliest and most potent factors in tbe industrial develop' ment of this stare, and there ia no one of our citizens to whom more credit is giv en for the rapid urowtb aud advancement Mr. Cornell's ntness is father empha sized hy tbe fot, of hi" previous senator nil experience from 1867 to 1873, and me record there ma.;e still atanHa an an nduring monument to bis ability and otegrity, We wish to assure you that non-parti- an nod republican Oregon hope for tbe seating of Mr. Corbett aud have confi dence that his appointment by Governor Liord, who whs for many jtarsoutbe supreme bench of tbe state, in strictly legul as it is in the highest degree ap propriate and judicious. Tbe signatures are as follows: P. N. ones, joint representative for Sherman and Wasoo, hold up member at tbe re cent fiasco; 8. G. Hawson, county neu tral committeeman of Galium county, representing ex Gov. Moody's ware- house at Arlington; J. D. Wiloox, county central committeeman of Sherman oouo y ; M. T. Nolan, county oentral commit teeman of Wasao county; J. M. Patter- ton, ohsirman Wasco couuty central oomraitjee; M. A. Moody, state oentral committeeman for Wasco county, and unsuccessful candidate for onnurese: ohn Micbell, j int senator, representing Sherman and Wasoo counties for Simon own at the abortion at Salem; Unas. Hilton, . delegate-at-large to tbe St. Louis oonvention; E. O. McCoy, member f tbe state oentral committee (or Sher man onnnly; W. H. Moore, ohairman of tbe oounty central committee of Sher man oounty and unsuccessful candidate for joint senator last year. Tbe whole outfit are a lot of bolters and soreheads not worthy the notioe of republicans in Washington or anywhere else, ArrARENTl.Y Kentucky will go without a senator rather than elect Uuuter. That is right. Better a vacancy than a man who piny fast and loose with great principles, Uregon a one senator is ever worked, but the state casts no vote for free silver in the senate. Ore- gonian. Also better a vacancy than man who is sent to Washington as the result of a legislature Lei up by methods such as were em ployed in halem last winter, Take the seat out and throw it in the fotomao river first, re torts the Salem Statesman. Yes, and let it stay there. THE tLUtlt TRtC. oat of the Tradlllout and Stiprtltlntis Attached la It. The traditions attached to this tree ore very numrrout mul viiUsprtail irom tiir days of 1'liny dowinxiinl, sav Notes and (Jiiprlc. The fancy or Wit f that J iid. is hung hlmwlf upon an rid tree, whirh will Imp found in (icionl ninl runny old ht-rhulists mul (m(m, l.cr Johnson among them, of toutw, cn the mime to the purplish-hrou u fundus which, plows on its hark under the tit of "Jinlas" car," w hlrh Colte refers to as "Jewea Kur, called in Uttin I'unpu ninibieiinus and Auricula jinlao." Th I'huit aiiinrt to have had in Knijland the old iviroonirn of l tree or bvtir tree, ninl In Scotland bore tree, tHulnut from the facility with which Im or tulc for musical or other irpe liuve always lieen made hy i. itching out the ;th from the jounper litnnche. Wescrintopetthe ruime fivlit the lhitc iioi.ier with the lrrnion IiolihimWr, surraa with the French, In Holland vllcrboom, Italian wttnhtieo, Iiussian liitalna, ami Spanloh miico. The lcedw ineaoalnKt tmUrnmlly mnile from the berries in country tlu trirtu, ami the nivUic iml irun at intuited -and not without rvunn-io rry many prvramtlona mod frvni it I ark, shoots, leaves mi J roots ly cvun try folk from time Immemorial, an roportlnn of which ere found In the pharmacopoeia, have douhtlc made It topular J'latit, end gathered around ! many of th iuirUlior, tale, aud cvro tahanced the vlrttes tt is said to wwea. At nil event, In l-rarlv rvriy r juitty In l!ii:li: I lta. f:i roll' Is I f (iil, and w civil ni t.'. In cm i cc lion with tt w i 1r found toex.-t. Nature's Best Remedy. Paine's Celery Compound Prevents Nervous Brakedown. NEW SCHOOL FOR MONKEYS. They Will Be Trained for Domestic Serv ant!. There haa just been founded at Cal cutta an institution for the education of monkeys, says an exchange. A young monkey is taken and be' foru hian is plivced a aet of block on which are painted in oapitola the let tt rs ot the alphabet. These blocks are. In. fact, exactly similar to those which chiliKrvn play with In every civilized country in the world, and they are used in precisely the same way oa if the monkey were a young specimen of the human race. There la one professor for each monkey, and the monkey im taught by means of the blocks to spell certain words. If the word is "fruit, for example, the monkey, after having been tuught to arrange the blocks so as to KiM'll the word quickly and with out error, receives a bit of fruit aa hi rewnrd. The anme exereiae la repented wUh other wonlaj and it ia hoed that in time the aimian will learn how to reud and spell und understand Eng lish, if t hey cannot speak it. An effort w ill also be muilo, it ia uid, to educate these beasts so that they may become fairly efticent domestic aervanta. The hohool is so young aa yet. however, that what it w ill accomplish ia entirely a matter of speculation. Iu "professors are enthiuunMtiic about their novel work and seem to think that a new field of iinefulneM will lie opened up for theaw Chattering ItWle beaata. Spring has oome. It is time for all persons to think ser iously of their health. Bat that doesn't mean taking tbe first spring remedy that happens to be offered. Persons who make it their business to g'-t tl e most i fffOtive remedy to be had are sure to oarfy home Paint's celery compound. No other remedy is capable of oleaosing the blood, nourishiUK tbe nerves and regulating the bowels and di gestive organs like Palne'a oelery oom- ponnd. If yon are troubled at all by rheuma tism, nenralgia, headaches or sleepless ness, even If these attacks oome only dow and then, now is tbe time to pnrify the system of them. Don't proorsstt nate and dally till frightened into doing something when yon find tbe task of get ting well has assumed desperate propor tions. Paine's celery compound will onre kid ney trouble, heart palpitation and dis ordered live aooorately, intelligently and permanently when other remedies only raise hopes that are never fulfilled, Puine'a celery compound, which owes its origin to the most distinguished phy eiciao and investigator this country ever produced, Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D, of Dartmouth college, has been pnbliolv.. indorsed "among medical experts as tha only spring remedy in any sense entitled to that name It can ba said without fear of contra diction that uo others remedy oun truth fully refer to men aud women so re sponsible, so trustworthy, so convincing, because of tbeir straightforward, enthusi astic and esaily-verifled testmontals in SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE 18 HEhfcBY GIVEN THAT UNDER i.H hr vlrtnx nf an eif-cutton tstld Ollt of the circuit court of the Bute of Orefron for the county of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en tered in said court on the imd day 01 siarcn. 1H97. in favor of William Pen land. Hlalntltl, ana against William Doonan and Mary J yoonan. iwienatun, iur inc mm ui rivv nunuit,, ty-one and 13-100 Dollars with interest thereon from the 15th day of October, 195, at the rate of ten percent per annum and Fifty Dollars attor ney's fee and the further sum of Thirty-seven Dollars costs; and whereas It was further or riAnwl km! dMnMl hv thn court that the mort gaged propertv described as louows, ic-wii: i east half of the northeast quarter of section twenty-eight (28), and the southeast qnajter nf uvtinn twentv-elpht and the south half of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-seven all in township one (1) south of range twenty seven 127) K.Rnt of W M . be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will, on The ziHt nav 01 Anrll. tti'j. at one o'clock, p. m. of said day at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow Conntv. Oregon, sell all the right, tille and interest of the said William Doonan and Marv J Doonan. Defendants, in and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and nest bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction ol said execution ana an costs, ano ma mm may accrue. E. L. mailuciv. snenrr ot Morrow uouuty, uregon. Dated March 19, 1897. 6i9-37. Timber Culture, Contest. SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTUE Or A WARRANT ISSUED OUT nf the Countv Court of tbe State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed, com manding me to levy on the goods and chattels of the delinquent taxpayers named on the de linquent tax roll for said county for the years 1891, 1H92, ll98, 1894 and 1895, thereto attached, and none be found then upon the real property as set forth and descrined in inesaiaaeunquenc tax rolls, or so much thereof as shall satisfy the smount of taxes charged therein, together with costs and expenses. I have duly levied, having been unaDie ui mm any goonsorcuaiieiioeiong ing to the respective delinquent hereinafter named upon the following described pieces or parcels of land as set forth in said tax lists, lying and being in said Morrow County, State of V.l A ... . . ,. - " .' ' Oregon, described and assessed as follows AMI. TAJL, Jackson, C 3, S of lot 4, blk IS, town of Lexington; tax ism a M English, K C, lot 1, blk C, town of Dairy- , ville: tax 1894 l? 0 United Btats Land Officf. The Dalles, Oregon. March -U. 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BERN ENTERED at this office by O. E. Farusworth, Hepp ner, or., against Thomas Huntsberry for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 2918, dated Feb. 28, 1888, upon the NE!4 SEH S'4 NE and NEH NEK Sec 8t, Tp. 8 8 K 25 E, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, contestant slleg ing that said entry haa been and is abandoned and no part of the said entry has ever been broken, planted or cultivated. 1 hat such fail ures still exist. The said parties are hereby sum moned to app"ar at this office on the 22nd day of May, 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, is au thorized to tae the testimony in this case at his office at Heppner, Oregou, on May 15, 1897, at 10 o'clock, a. m. J AS. F. MOORE, 733-74H Register. praise of Paine's celery compound. It is foolish to take poor health "philo sophically" these spring days. There i9 no reasou why anyone sbonld sit hands in lap, and snbmit to headaobes, poor appetite, continual tired feelinu or oon stipation. If every disheartened invalid will go right at getting well by aalug Paine's oelery oomponnd, that person will be astonished and delighted with the quickness witb which tbis wonderful remedy is able to call a bait on wastiug diseases, direases of debility and a "run-down" condition. Paine's celery compound does wonders in making people well. Here is what a woman, an ambitions and.bard working member of tbe legal profession in New York cify, says of tbis remed : 220 4th Ave.. New York. While a student in tbe New York nai vereity law sohool' aud under great pres sure from work and study, I was ad vised to take Paine's celery compound. I did so, ajii its benefioial results to one whose nerves are nnder the trial of severe mental effort, I am ooly too ready to aeeert. After taking three battles I found that it produced quiet ness of nerves and induced sleep, very beneficial to my health. For those troubled witb insomnia I can heartily recommend it as a harmless iudnoerof sleep no scoouut of its quieting effect on tbe nerves. Yours very truly, (Signed ) Florence H. Dangerfield. Attorney and Oonnselor at La Paine's oelery oomponnd, whiob made the weak strong, has received testimon ials from thousands of people who had almost despaired of everaguio being in perfect health. Harryman, M F. let 5, blk 15, town of Lexington ; tax ios Conoway I v1, lot 9, blk 11, Mt. Vernon addition to tne town oi oeppner; lax 1893, 0 27; 1894 3 45 Taylor. O H, NE4 and 8E!4 of sec 14, tp 3 n, r23; tax 1893 i 2fi; 1894 8 10 .. Tyson, A H commencing at NE corner of lot 3, blk 3, Quaid's addition to town -. of Heppnlr, running north 148 feet, . west 16 feet, south 148 feet, east 16 feet to beginning; tax 1894 Royse, Mary A, lot 5 blk 2 town of Lex ington ; tax 1893 $0 81 ; 1894 13 20 Petty . M B, of seo 24, Ip 2 n, r 23; tax 1894 Murray, Grace Annie, lot S, blk 7, town of Lexington; tax 1893 $0 20; 1894 3 20 Lsdd, Alice, lot P, blk 7. town of Lexing ton; tax 1893 ?0 20; 1894 S3 2U Carr, E M, lots 1 and 2, blk 19. Mt. Vern on addition to Heppner; tax 1898 (0 57, tax 1891 $3 45 Spoonemore, J 0, lot 9, blk 7. town ot Lexington; tax 1893 tO 61; 1894 10 82... MayHeld, Solomon. bW'K of sec 18, tp 2 s, r26 e: tax 1894 Barclay, Richmond C, commencing at SW corner of N W'H of sec 10, tp 3 s, r 26, i running north 85, east 20 Sl-100 chains, south 1 15-100 chains to south line (' said NW!, thence 20 chains to begin 1 ntng, containing 1 65-100 acres; tax 189b $4 76; 1894 fO 60 Willis, Henrv C, BWfc of sec 28, tp 4 s, r 23 e: tax 189.117 20; 1894 4 06 . Owens. Wm C, NE! of N WJ4 and lots 1 and 2, sec 30, tp 1 n, r 25 east; tax 1894. , Odium, Lorenzo, BW14 of sec 12, tp 1 n, r ! 24 east; tax 1893 13 ?6; 1894 $4 06 ' Brown, Isaiah, SE4 of seo 18, tp 1 n, r 25 , east; tax 1894 i Bowen, Owen, N of SE& sec 16, tp 2 n, 1 r 24 east; tax 1894 .. Davis, Frsnk, east 25 feet lot 6, block 9, I town of Lexington; tax 1893 $0 20; 1894 t-1 xu Blythe, Percy H. 854 of 6 of sec 25, tp 8 s, r 25; tax 1894 King, Ellen 8. lsW)4 of sec 36, tp 8 8, r 24 east; tax 1894 -. Gilmore, Adaline. lot 4, blk 13, Stans- bury's sddition to Heppner; tax 1894.. Wright, Linden, 8WK of seo 84, tp 2 s, r 24 east; tax 1894 And on Saturday, the 24th day of OT S 20 11 sn " 1 110 ' 4 01 4 06 3 40 3 40 4 02 93 7 34 ELY'S CREAM BALM Is a positive enre. Apply into the nostrils. It Is quickly absorbed. P0 eents at Druggists or by mall ; snmples 10c. by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Wsrren Sl, New York Clti'. For Bale or Trade. If von want Heppner property don't fail to oonsult J. W. Morrow. For the right person, one wno wants to garden, milk a few oows, raise cbickena, etc, I have a fine proposition to offer one. Once developed will produce revenue of $1200 yearly. Will be sold on e-v terma, wonld not object to takine 160 acres as part payment. 523tf 5 36 11 26 5 76 7 82 5 28 2 25 3 40 6 66 5 76 17 25 8 98 Anrll 1897, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the court house in said county and state, I will sell the above described real estate at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, sub ject to redemption, to satisfy said warrants, costs and accruing costs. E. L. MATLOCK. 530-88 Sheriff of Morrow Co., Oregon. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of Downer & Swann, composed of D. C. Downer and Einmett Swann, and doing gen eral house, sign and ornamental painting In the town of Heppner, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, Emmett Swann hav ing disposed of his interest to D. C. Downer who will continue business at the same locv tion, collect all accounts and pay all bills con tracted by the above brm. D. C. Downkk, . , . Kmmett Swank, Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 2nd day of April 1897. S2tf- THE: Booklea's Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Braises, Mores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and poniiively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 rent per boi. For sale by Couser A Brock. Lost In Heppner, a red leather pock rlbook, si'ver bow on oorner, cootaitiog a flva-dollxr greenback, a ten-dollar gold piece. 9'23 in county scrip in the name nf Thompson A uiun and other valuable papers. Finder will ba re warded by leaving lame at Thompson k Binns' stable, 5 6 SrVlFl More Thaa HlifcONS. Mlaata la SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICH IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT UNDER aud by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for County of Morrow, and to me directed snd de livered, upon a Judgment rendered sud entered in said Court on the 1st day of March, 1897, in favor of The Morrow County Land and Trust .rnmpauy, a corroratlon, plaint! IT, and against Ed :. Allen, Martha E. Allen. Wm. M. Kudto, Mattie H. Rudlo and J. P. Teal, as ad ministrator of the es steof I. R. Dawson, de ceased, defendants for the sum of Two Thous- ana I wo Hundred and Fifteen Dollars with Interest thereon from the 21st dsv of N IK9H. at the rate of ten per cent per annum, aud one mi mi tru ana ruty miliars attorney's lees, and the further sum of Twelve and s.i( Ib,l. lars costs and whereas by said judgment it wss ordered and adjudged that the following de scribed real nrnnertv. to-wit: lit Kn tn Mm In block No. two (2) ol Looney's addition to the town of Heppner. Morrow county, Oregon. I !uin ui ssiisiy saiu juugmeut, costs and accru lug costs. I will, on Wednesday, The 26th dy of Mar. 1897. at one o'clock p. m.. of said day, at the Court House dour in Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, sell all the rivht. title and linr.t i ih said defendants, Kd C. Allen, et at., In and to the above desert lied property at public sue ion to the highest and best bidder for cash In hand, the iruceeda to be applied to the miaiwiiiiM oi sam execution an i all costs and costs mat may accrue. e,. L. MATLOCK, bheritfnf Morrow Countv, Oregon, By J. W.Matlock. Deputy, fated April 26th. 1897. J39-47. HUs Mad Becent Trial. Aided by a southerly wind und a per fectly clear sky, the first teat of tha pigeons which are to represent the first ('hicngo Homing club In the National federation rncea this year waa a moat notable sneer, aays the Chicago Chron icle. The trial was remarkable In more thnn one, feature. Two hundred and righty-one birds, the largct number which the club has ever liberated from one racing station, made the trip, and of that numlirr every bird aa reposing peacefully in it loft by one o'clock in the aftcnwHin. The time made by the flrt birds ta arrive home was the fast est rvcr tuadf'-over the course, and rep rcceiits a seed of more than a mile a minute. The hinht were lilwratct! at Mortce, 4! mHea away from the nearest loft, a t ? : 30 o'c lock , a nd Y h i t e V I n g, ow ned by I.. Vcrchucren, stepped back In Its loft at f;ll,. White Wiugt a.eWly follow ! by nearly half the flic', and 10 nrrlt nli, ere reported between .: 1 J and Hi 17. lnrruch aa every bin! spent at least as much na five minutes in circling hefor" Mart'iijr on a line for home, the speed shown la materially niort than a mile In ruch 60 seconds. As an Illustration r? how little even the lost fancier are able to Judge of the merits of their own pets. It Is In teresting i note that Whit Wings bad been considered almtt worthies. Only a mm. tli - be was flown from Sixty first street, a distance of tight miles, to his loft, and took 16 days to teaks the journey. That was hla first trial, and it waa sent to fone Saturday qnite .fts much In the hope that bt would be lost aa for any other reason. A CASE OF "GIT." Why th Family Left th Country With at Delay. A family, consisting of man and wife and four or five small children, were riding along in a wnpon loaded with household poods, anys the New York Journal, when an old fellow coma to the door of his cubin and ahouted at them: "Hello, Sam whar be you folks a- ffittin' to?" We're a-g-lttln' out o' tha kentry." replied the man on the wag-on a he) hailed hla horaa. "What are you a-fitttn' furr "(littin' 'cause tha vigilance commit tee told ua to pit." ; "Whar'a your two boys, that they halnt a-j-ittin' with you?" "They got pliened afore they could Kit." "Do you mean plzencd by a anake Iiiter "No, lead. They wm a-plttin' too rtiimy pood ho rue, and (rot alwt." "Wal, e'lonir. Sam," called the old fel low in the doorway. "Sorry to ae you a-g-ittin' but reckon yoa potter glu" "S'lonp," answered the other, and puthcrirp up the line he shouted V his home: "tiit rlpht up thar', duro yer ole hide, 'cause we potter be a-pittln' a pit on u and git into the next county aa fast aa we kin gltP And they pot Fallowing kappo4 laatraeUaa. At a certain London hospital a patient waa recently piven some extract of malt, with instruction to take a teponnful twice a day, commencing on the follow ' inp morning, and to report himself at tha end of a fortnight. At the expira tion ot this tima be retimed, and aald to tha physician: Tleaae. sir, am 1 to go nn taking them insect you gat me?" "Insect!" sid the atoaishd rhyaiclan. "what Inaecur "Why. them oockroaoltea, air. I have taken one night and morning ta a teaspoon ul of tha atieky stuff." Inquiry elicited that the cockroaches had nut been disivnaed. 1 i but Lad put Into the jr during the firat ; H' ent tdy, first of tb I toj fttftt'i bouvt, Hop Oold Bock over. LITEKARY NOTES. Th story ot tbe pursuit, capture, and death of J. Wilkes Booth, tba assassin of Lioonlo, haa been told a nnmber of time and a oumW of ways; bat Mo ClurVs magstine for May will give i version ot it which promises to b the first really fall aud accurate one. It Is written by a relative ot C"l. Baker and Wl . a. , mew. caaer, me aeteotives who or ganiied and led tb pnrsnit, tffrcted tb capture, and disposed tf Booth's body after bis death; and it embodies their aocouut, never before published, ot all these transaction. Tba article will be fjlly illusirsted. On of the great magaiiaee of the at is lb Review ot Reviews. Every family should have it. It is in every ptrtien lar what Its name saggect. "How t Car all Bkla Dla Simply apply "Swayne'e Oinlmrat." No internal medicine required. Cure tetter, ecietua, itch, all r option on tb taoe, hand, no. o-, leaving tb skin elear, white and healthy. It great bead ing and curative power ere pseed by bo othsr re reedy. Ask your drog gisl for 8wayne'e Oiatmvut. FOR Farmers and villagers, FOR Fathers and Mothers, FOR Sons and Dauonters, FOR All tne Family. With the close of the Presidential campaign TUE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their time to home and business interests. To meet this condition politics will have far less space and prominence, uotil another State or JNational occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inceDtion to the nrflannl day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member We iornlsn "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly Tribune" one Year lor $3.00. OAHII address all Orders to IP ADVANCE, THE GAZETTE. HELP WANTED ! , , mvlcbsi ve are nuiDc ud er and completing our stock of GROCERIES AND HARDWARE ii.Ch Tv 1 16 80,J 88 ,ow M PB8ib,e ,or legitimate bnsi. nesi, We have many costomers now but there are still several vacancies ia this department of our store' to bo Application, will be received at all hours of the day Apply in person or by letter to 7 P. C. Thompson Co. Corner Main and Willow Street. Tbe length of life may be ioesMd by Issssning daagare. Th majority of peo ple die from Inng tmoble. The msy t avrtd by prntBptly tns On Miool Ctingri Core. Oonser 4 lirk in sir ,.4p ae. as it Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? er Main Street, All these c&n be) procured at Thompson A Binns, Lo Heppner. Ore iron. T" fUmn an senslntwt vttk Orenv Rsene riefc ftin.. Prt In tMlH. .iik .k. " men. e -" - hi a Mtnj THOM PROlsr V