V PAPER OFFICIAL Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1897. WEEKLY WO. 7381 SEMI-WEEKLY NO 5o9 FIFTEENTH YEAR OF V. U9BB9BBS8S SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED , Tuesdays and Fridays i BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $3.5(1 per year, fcl.2-1 for six months, 75 ota. or three moncne, etriotly in advance. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I j Mar. 11. 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to mase nnai proot in support oi her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 10, IK97, viz: ANNIE GILLIAM, Hd. E. No. 4170, for the SE SEI4. Sec. 29, NEH SE4 and EH Nk!, Sec. 32, Tp. 4 S., K. 26 E., W. M. She names theSfnllnwinsr witnesses to prove her continuous residenco upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: cnaries s. .emery, james u. miuniuii, aim. Ann E. Chapel. Edward 8. Cox, all of .'iardman, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, 6ai-36 Kegister. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THI8 PAPKB ia kept on tile at E. C. Dake's a. Advertising Agenoy, o ana do meronauu Exohangs, San Franciaoo. California, where cou. raota for advertising oan be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 5:45 p m. daily except Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m. Loaves Heppner Junoiiou 10:51) p. ni. and ar rive, nr. HnnnnAr 1:20 a m. Hpokani Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m and arrives at Heppner junction a&& p. m and II ma ilia 9:26 d. m. . Portland Exoress No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5115 a m. and Heppn r J uncti n 6:12 a. m. a d ar lves at Portland ll:W a. ra. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Porll-tnd 9 D. m. and ar. rives at Heppner J miction 8:48 a. m. and at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves TJmati'la 9:25 p. m. and arrives at eppner Junction 10:10 p. m. and at PnTtlund ft a. m For further information irquiro of J. C. Hart, Agent U. K & N., Heppner, Ore. OFTICIiLIi DIEEOTOBT. NOTICE OF INTENTION. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OH MANCHESTER) ENGLAND One o tto Boat in t1-3 FRED HENDLEY OTIS I'ATTERSON, AGENT, worm e WHAT OCR EXCHANGES BAT. Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At .Heppner, Echo, Pendleton, Baker City, Elgin end Huntington. McClure's Magazin For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins in May.) Charles A.Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period Irom his recollections and correspondence. n ix- r vinv nf them linnnhllaherl. In connection with this series of portraits it is intended to "publirh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to uucoin. Dlr.tures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary Greece will not be beaten until she bus been defeated. Her troops have done some retreating, bat every soldier ex perienced in war knows that there is a good deal of retreating in most bottles, even by the portions of the army wbiob ultimately wins. The fact that a small foroeis driven baok by a large body ot the enemy does not mean either defeat or dis honor. Greece is weaker in men and armament than her foe, but today she ia far from being beaten. Portlaod Tele gram. D C. E. RANOUS Heppnbb, Okeqon; U talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the a place beside roe ana uaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS "Brer E lilted States Offl oi als. P eeident ..William McKinley V r.e-Prosldent Garret A. Uobart Secretary of State John Sherman Beorelsryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage Seoratary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Seoreury of War i Bunnell Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long PfiBtinHHtnr.Genaral James . Gary Att irney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Seoretary of State H. K. Kmcaid Treasurer Phil. Metachan Bnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman u ( G. W. McBride Benstors j, h. Mitchell 5 Binger Hermann Congressmen ft, EUis Printer - WH' Veedt 1 R. B. Beau, i F. A. Moore. ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Cironit Judge Stephen A. Lowell I'rosicuMng Attorney H. J. oe&a Morrow County Officials. joint Senator A. W. Gowan KBDressntative. ? !? P""1"1 :.untyJadg8 A. it. narcnoioiiiBw ' Commissioners J. B. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk J-Y-0J7Z " Hheriff L. Mat ock " Treaanrar Flank Gilliam AsetlaOT ...... J. P. Willi. gnrTeyor J- w- Hornor Bohool Bup't J WVHhiDl, ' Coroner.... . B- V. Vaughan BKPPNKH TOWN 0FF10KM. Mwor.... .Thos. Morgau J mnnilmen Geo. Conser. Drank Gilliam. Arthur Minor, K. J. oiocum. m. Lichtenthal and J. K. Simons. ... R oorder W. A. K8"0" Precmot OffloerF. fo.-:r::::3"- Unltd States Land OUioera. TBI DALLM, OB. j n m. Kegister A. 8. Biggs av wili !....' Register J. H. Kobbins Plaus and SpeoiQoatioos furnished on application. Contracting a Specialty. gtf All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash, doors and windows on hand and furnished at reasonable rates. Give me your order. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable rates. Leave orders with P. 0. Thompson Co. nu trim idvw aii th.flnHnn that ha win writ.o fiurinar the Rfiniinz vear. witn tne excepviou of two poutrlbutions to ano'ner puoacauou wiucu weio ciigngo" iuu ... appear in McClurb s magaklns. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCMJRK'B all of the short stories he will write during ine coming jear. OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Maoazinb a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hop Bret Harte Robert lUrr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McCluek's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCisrk'S Maoazini for lB'Jv, tlie suDsenpuon priee 01 wuicu m umy One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. RtQnt FrPP The S. S. McClure Co., New York. To any person interested in hnmane matters, or who loves animals, we will send free, opnn application, a copy of the "ALLIANCE." the orirau of this Society. Ia addition to its in tensely 'nteresting rending, it contains a list of tbe valuable and nnuoual pre miums given by the paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLHNCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. Going East? o IF YOU ARE,' ' DO NUT FORGET BURNT THEM DP. Alfred W. Baker, son of Col. Edward Baker, who represented Oregon ia the U. S. Senate in 1861, died in San Francisco, April 11, 1897, aged a little oyer 60 years He bad beeu a clerk in the oustom house for thirty years, and until a year ago was so vigorous and healthy that be seemed as young as most men at 35 veers. Persistent dyspepsia caused the first breakdown and be grad ually booame unwilling to take nourish ment to sustain life. He left two sisters, Mrs. Caroline Bake Stephens iad Mrs. Liucy Hopkins, both residing in Seattle, Washington. St. Helens Mist. The old gentleman Irwin who sits in the chair ot superintendent of publio instrootion is after tbe eculp of Ool. Bob Hendricks, euperintendnit of the reform school, beoause of some oriticism be received in Heodrioks' paper, tbe Salem Statesman. Hendricks has made good rffioer, and Gov. Lord and Seore tary Kinoaid would be severely censured by tbe people of the state it tuey allowed Irwin to oarry out his desires. Long Creek Eagle. Pops llettt Down In Jackson County, aud Score Their Recalcitrant Pop Representa tives to the Legislature. A diepatoh to the Salem HtHtnomao, from Ashland, dated April l7tb, says: A lively ruuetiiig attended by th l jad iog populists of., the, southern ; pirt of Jackson county, was held this afternoon. Precinot comm'tteemen were elrotpd, from the three preoinots, to attend the oounty central oniiuittee meeting oeit Friday. Strong . resolutions wera iutroduotd by Copt, M. F. Egglestou, condemning the legislative hold-np, the alliance of the populist members with thd ultra gold-bug-Simon-Corbett-Qregonian tao tion, deponooing Representatives Honser aod Schmidtlein for aocepting money from "the enemies of Senator Mitchell;" oalling upon them to name the people whom, they allege, offered them bribes to do certain things, said to be in the interest ot Senator Mitchell, and urging them to place tbe evidence before the Marion county grand jury, and insisting upon the principle of the right ot tbe majority to rule, as a part of the faith of the people's party. The resolution prodnoed a debate. Deputy - County .Assessor Bryant con ducted the opposition. Tbe resolutions were adopted by an overwhelming ma jority, only Ave votes neing pouea against them. This represents the pop ulist sentiment, in tbe largest preoinots of the county at least, and tbe condem nation was oarried in the face of tbe slate committee's attempt to whitewash tbe legislative record. A Campaign Of Education How to Get, It, (TC AA .For4J.UU Mtntim V nasnrer. Marshal... I mporant HTU Poi . Receiver SOCISTIB6. FIRST-GO via. St Paul be- cBase the lines to that' point will ..'Receiver afford j ou the very best service. 8ECOND Se that the coupon bevond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that 1- 1 .1 ...iti, I uxviiMu uit ko ii. line manes ujubo wuuraiuuo a. a.r. all the trans-continental lines en- MtaatLxinitton.or..th ut Saturday of terinff the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on vour neicbbtr and friend the nearest ticket agnt and ask for a I ticket readine via. the WiscoDBin Central lines, or address OHFBRHLLELED OFFER t. k Ail tinni ar Invited to loin. a w Smith. C.O.FogOA. Adiutant. tf Commander, Hal Bauft oi HsDDnsr. WI. PENLANO. ED. & BISHOP. PrMldcaU Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Jas. C. Pond, Urn. I'as. Agt.. Milwaukee, Wis. or Oeo. B. Batty, General Agent, 2WHtrk St.. rortlana Or, To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature li expensive. Leslie' Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 fifth Avenue, New York, ii full of the best things Its illustrations are superb; its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con summate skill. Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every home. The subscription price of Leslie's lstP nnum. We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever mad before. No such offer will ever be made again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the GAZETTE, Heppner, Orecon. Another legislative soandal baa been unearthed at Olympia, says tbe Kalame Bulletin. It is another populist row in whioh one pop faction shows up tbe dnplioity and rascality of another pop faotion. The pop journal clerk ot tbe Loose has been arrested tor tampering with and obanging the reoords of legls lation ot tbe lower house. Speaker Cline has been charged with beiog party to tbe orime, but baa not yet been arrested. It discloses a woeful state of affairs! . With the records ot tbe state in the hands of these pops, what assurance have tbe people that their rights and their property will not be stolen from them bodily T Things are io a deplor able oondition. It looks like tbe hun gry pops bate lost all seuse of bouor end common decenov I We believe the press ot the state shonld suppress these soandals as much as possible and save our state from beoomiog a reprosob to tbe nation. People ontsids tbe state will soon think that we are a gang of iiareputable heathens, shameless, aud devoid ot honor. mxmm Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great lesvtning strength and heall hf ulness. Axeuris the food against alum and all forms of adulteration ounimon te the chnap brands. ROYAL BAKIMO POWDEB CO., MEW YORK. IRRIGATION . NOTICE. COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREGON rVTOCIl BRANDS. Whila you auep jrortr subscription paid up jrro aaa kwp your bran J in free of chart. Bora:, P. O.. Heppner. Or. Horaea, P B ci left boulder; eattla, sama on left hip. Cook, A. J..Iiiia.Or. Horaea, STion rightahonl 4r. CttU, aameon riht hio: sr mark square crop off left and split in right. . . ,. I n I Dou1m.W. M.all.rw.or.-ni..nunj, First National bank kta m,,,,II) Elr. BroT)onl.Or. Horaoe brandsfl r.L,i WEEKLY The MONTHLY OF IIEPPNER- C. A. RHCA, T. A. RHCA, GEO. W. CONSCft. S. W. SPCNCCR, President Vloe President Cashier Ass't Cashier on Wt ahouldar, eatU awna on lafthip. hole I in ribt tar. FlrmmcA L. A., Heppnar, Or.-TtU. LF rm rioht htm bofM f wiU her under oe nghl houldar. JiniM. Hanr. Heppnr, Or Horwa hranded rl J on tha left shonWInr; eattle brairlMl J on right hip. also amWrbit ia left er. Rang io Morrow county. Jnhr. Mis. Lsna. Or. HnrMM. rtrrT nn left silfl; eaitl. aatn on right hip, oadaf hall ia rit mitd mlit Jl laft ar Kannf.Mika, Heppner. Or.-Bonm hmnAA RNY ou lot hip ewttla aam aod crop ofl ton aari no-Ur slot no th right Lanhry. i- W Happnar tJr. Horaas brenrla1 L and k 01 lft ahmiliWi eattla aame oo lft hip, wailla ovar right era, Uira sliu io right aar. Minor, (tarar. nappnar rr. tatUa, H Dm right hip; ktiraa M no laf t shooiitor. Mnraan. H. N tlappnar. Or. Hoas. M) I oa Uft ahoalrtai eattla aam on ton hip. Oihnrn. J. W.. Doagtaa. r.( horaas O "O laf hcmldar: salt la saina oo right hip. Parkar H Olaaaoo, Hafdaaao.Or. Horaas lr o left shoolder. Pipar. J. H.. Iatlnt. Or.-Hirtaaa, Jit aartad m laft iiool.ur; aatua. aamaua tar nip. r.iW oil 10-wn aar. Hartnr 4. W.. MpowT, ir, n'niw, mv tofi atawiaar. CaiUa. due right biy. I .. Kr-rrv. K O- H-pnoar. iw.-i ama w na Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Transacts a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE On all parts ol ths world Bought and Sold. Collections rnada on all polnto on reaaonabla Terms. Surplus and undivided Profit. $3S.00.O0. Notice of Mention. T AND OrrK K ATTHK DALI.M f UW, j Warrh 17. I7. Nolle is herehf gtien ih.tthlh.llowl.gnamr.1 -Hler hMaie.lnml of hUi rl.lio. and that said proof will - nia-le bal" il t rrrel.ud. f. k torn, at llrppaef. Oregon, oo May.'rth. vU: .!, i tt'iltrn " . , vr,,, .1U wu Mt hio.erop of right and an4-rt.il to toft yaar, o i w h ivf th t'i Xtli Sec n aud !4 T.-i. ... k. W Coo toft Uoolitor. .-- . , ....... m.iA iniiivatiiiu i " ' . . .. ... ... i a i . ..... .... . . l. Toroar It. w., navvoar. ..r.-nwu iB ,', Which Will Mil greatly l HP i.n Iumm: oattto aama oa toft hit) 1 iwiiii ai.ni i maaaara. a rutrne aod etiriiiveoae. 1 Wa'toebrar..W. '11"T'.','""'rL, .. . , .,. . . u.....l onanar nrr J oa ngn "hwi"i I umux I H lim'li.ii'u rm; I . i I tL; kin ... .1 Mahl urf. 1 ?n.od to.to fa leiT ItorV. U. Morrow ao, fif t, -t -O le.n S ye.f. Tbe flr.t MU LBMttina ..... ,,, .1 VI ;n. BBMBBiaaaHaBHaaiRiai i m raou nuDiu ia au inu.wir.i -m The Ontlook will ha In 1W, ss it ba baeo dorlog sob of its twanty seven yaars, llietory of Onr Own Tiroes. Io its various editorial department Tbe Outlook gives conn act review of tbe world's progress; it follows with rare all ibe Importui t pbilanthropio end io dnstrial mnvamsots ot the day; baa complete department of religions news; devotes mnch space to tbe Infarcts nt tbe bom; reviws corraot Itteiainre; furoifbes rbaerful table-talk about men ar.d thing: aod, io short, aims to give frrsh informatloo, original brvstioo, and reasonable eDlertainmaot. NOTICE OF CONTEST. UNiTsn Rtatks I.ixn Orriri, la(,riHli. (irci.m. March 9. IW. rtOMPLAlNT HAV1NI1 8KKN MADK AT J this urtloe br the duly verified and cor robnrsted altldavlt of John Mo iillongh alleg In that Ina A. Mntikesa who made tlmher eti tn re entrv No t lllil the U. M. land iimi e i Ia Omiirle. Oregon, on February IHih. IH. for I he KU BH and ht'i hen !7TpH, H t K. W. M . hll fal ed to romidr with the Umber- culture law In this, that ah failed to break Of caioe to lie broken five sere or any number of srrrsonsald tract within on year alter ner timber culture entry of said tract: that sha never made any Improvements upon said trwt and did some time In th year lmu remove from said comity and stale anil ha never returned and did at about said time abandon said claim. Thrrelnre, with the view ol th cancellation of said ontry th said p rtle ar hereby sum mo ed and required to be and appear befor J. W. Morrow, Viiinty Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at his ottlce at Heppner. Oregon, on tli nih ilay of May, h7 at 10 o'clock a m of said day then and ther to produce such testimony as they may hav eonceriilng said allegallons. the final hearing to lie had befor the llrglater and Kcelver t la .raul, Oregon, on th t.'d dayolM.,,.. looclotkm. f Heglater. J. M. ROHMINH, Ml Ml. Keclvr. Dr. King's New Dlsoovery for Consumption. This is the best medicine in tbe world for all forms ot Coughs and Colds and (or Consumption. Every bottle is guar anteed. ' It will cure and not disappoint. It bus no equal . for Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bron chitis. JJa Orippe. Cold in the Head and for OoDSumotion. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all) a sure cure, it is always wen io tags ir. Kine's New Life Pills in connection with Dr. Kinff's New Disoovery. as they teeulate and tone tbe stomach and bowels. We guarantee perfect aatisfso tion or return money. Free trial bottles at Conser & Brook's drug store. Regular size 60 cents aod (1.00. LETTER I.1BT. AT Irrigation through hose will he al lowed only between the hours of 6 and 8 p. m. Persons planting gardens to be irri gated by city water do so at their risk, as tbe water may be withdrawn at any time in case ot shortage. Remember. water is our property and oosts money to put nnder pressure, and persons that dou't feel like they oan oio form to tbe above regulations will confer a favor on ns by not asking tor water for irrigation. We expeot to . rigidly enforoe these rules by shutting off and oharging 50 cents for tbe trouble. Hfppnbr Liqut & Watbr Go. 636 tf I ETTER8 ADVKKTlBEl) lj Or., April M, ln HEl'PN'ER Rust, Joseph A. Charters, David - Marshall. W. U When calling for those letter pleas say advertised. J. P- Williams, P. M. A Kansas City journal says that a dozen expert doctors testiflud that ao Emporia woman hail been so injured by railrosd aooideot that maternity ronst be to ber s thing unknown. (She got damages on this testimony, and tbe railroad appealed to the supreme court, where, after three years ot waiting, tbe A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison ot WortbingtoD, Ind "8un," writes: "Ton have s valuable prescription in Eleotric Bitters, and I oau cheerfully rvoommend it for Consti pation, Bick Ueadacbe, and as a general pystem tonic it has oo equal." Mrs. Annie Htehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, eoold not eat nor digest food, bad s baokaobe which nver left ber aud felt tirrd end weary, but six bottles ot Eleotric Bitters restor ed her health end renewed ber rtrsngtb. Price COoenls and II 00. Oat a bottle at Conser & Brook's drug store. Electric Bitters. Two daily passenger trains are now ran between Portland aod Umatilla. No. 4, the afternoon train out ot Port land, U a new through train to Spokaoe, and arrives at Umatilla' in tbe evening, oontinuiog to Spokane viaWallula with out obange of oara aod connecting direol with Spokane Falls and Northern train tor the Kootoai and Great Northern east-bound fast express. Great North ern palaoo aud tonrist sleepers are oper ated daily on Ibis train. This train ii the connection for Heppner branoh trains from Hejpner Jo. and all branoh lines north of Walla Walla. No. 2, tbe evening train out ot Portland, ia still tbe through east-bound oonneotion ot tbe Union Paoiflo, but now rune via. Wallula, connecting with Oregon Short Line east-bound flyer at Huntington. Pollman and tourist sleepers, also free reclining obair oars, are operated on tbis train to Chioago via Granger and Omaha. Two years ago R. J. Warren, a drug gist at Pleasant Brood, N. T., bought a small supply ot Cbamberlaio's Coogb Remedy. He sums np tbe result as fol lows: "At that time tbe goods were no known in this section; to-day Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is a household word." It is the same in hundreds ot ' oommnuitie. Whenever tbe good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy tieoome known the people will have nothing else. For sale by Conser A Brook. "Eionse me" observed tbe man Id The well knowo musicians. Messrs decision of tbe lower ooort has jnat been Jake Watteuberger and Cbaa.Iograham, Lretaoles "hut I am a sura-eon. aod tbal afilrmed. Meantime the Emporia wo- have deoined to give a grand May JJey i Dol where the liver is." Never yon nn ku. oii.n titeth tn fnnr nhilrlran. I hull nn Mav eve. Auril 80, 18U7. lbs mind where tbe liver Is." retorted tbe ulnu . . I ' - - . 1 .,. . ; I t,; Kin hi. success ot alt terpsicboreao entertain. w7.7. ij Tu "vl. n:.'Z The senatorial deadlock in the Ken- " nnu',, M maoagemou ui wonld reaob it and shake It for blm. On ..,.m,.ii.i,i seDtlemen in me psi, i i"'""'" nat yon can uw your gi-iami. uon nrieri ...in., that tbe May Day ball will be a pleas act anair. uooa music win oe pro vided. Popular prices. fW-BS tacky legislature bae by charges of bribery tbe principal candidate for tbe isoator ship, Dr. Uuolrr, which, uowever are as strongly denied. Tbe opposition to Hunter have resorted to Ibe tactics that have diegrsoed otber legislatures, of re fusing to go io aod make a quorum, aud all in all Kentucky's Maniple has not been surpassed io tbe history of dead locked legislatures, It would seam. The principle of iiur government that the majority shall rnle la wilfully disregard ed in Kentucky as it was io Oregon. There is consolation however in contem plating that tbese degenerate tactic are Sliding tu the sebtimeut favoring the lotioti of senators directly by the peo ple. Ashland Tidings. ser k Brock. Lock tbs Door Before the boras is stolen. Porlfy, en rich aod vitalise your blood and build op your physioal system before disease at tacks yon and serious sickness oome. liood'l Harsaparilla will make yoa strong and vigorous and will expel from Tbe old way ot delivering meesagea by postboys compared with the modern telephone, illustrates the old tedioas methods ot "breaking" colds oom pared with their almost instantaneous oara by One Minnie Omiib Care. Ooneer k Brook. To care all old sore, to heal aa In dolent olear, or speedily ours piles, yoa NOTICE OF CONTEST. rgicnln( with tbe fifty fifth volume, tneeaet tn pro htseoiitlnuous reanienc upon .. " 61. aln land. ls: --. - -j"v::, j-- h..u ..I tier. Oregirti, Llngfi . Oregon. WS-SS. Ik. t. MOOHF. steglstar. Walt Tbom"0 runs stage between Heppner and Monumatit, arriving every day exoept Monday aad leaving every A. a.DtSuadey. Bhortesl aod ehrsp- eet mote to tb nnor. Bmek. efarile. MAVC YolH GSAIH. On riser k e Hootblog. aod aot trrltatleg. etreogtb. iof and l weaktea. '. ffc' ,.aancb ar the ejaalitia of UeWUfi LiltieEarlt Ibeare lb fmon little pills. Ooer k Brook. Fr rrslite lbt rseh squirrel ds troys II 60 woitb - 'ln enonally Wskalre's "iqnirr! aod Oopbr Extor mloattif M the most fleiive and eon aomlee: pniton known. Prioe rdncd tn 30 pea. Ooraar Brk aod Minor i Oi.. et.ta, lleppnar; J. A. Wnolery, agent, 1-Hr; NicboU LAb, agent Lrxmgtoa, , Nartibrr, eootainlng about twice a many as tbe ordinary iasue, together with a large somber ot picture. Tbe pries of Ths Outlook is three dollars a year In advaoee, or less tbao a cent dy. your blood all impurities aod germ ot need simply apply ItoWltt'a Wilob Halve t l. ii,,'. u....r,.rin. t., according to directions. Its maglo-like disease. Take Hood Harsaparilla dow Mjon w,(aprlM,oa o,,, A Uroot. Hood's Fill are tbe favorite family Mrs. Jobo Jenkins bsa lately pur oaibartlo. Easy to take, gaotle, mild. t-bed one of tbe oelebrated Nswoomb 'Hi oaots. Timber Culture Final Proof. No. Schilling's Best. AND orPU R AT TH R DAI.I.M. OHItOON erehy given one, tiregun, fias Ira t.ftte Soil raVing priwilei Savnl ng t ft 1 1 M IS ana spice I'hitko Htts Lg Orrics, I. l.r.n.lH Oregon March. tv7. "inMI-l.tlNr H AVINIf ht.f.fl MMn A I ; this "Mica by the duly verirted and cirrol- rated afodavltirf faul ti. w naiaiger, alleging i,.i iiM.,B. Imin. who mooe nomeaieai ainry a fcwl on Oct. 'II. IwiJ. at tha I nin-l riaiea land Oltlce at la Orande Oregon, for tli Nw'i ft. S'tHWW and aWM. Mi'f iwm, ip M -ii K. W. M .has wi,oll abaudo a.1 aalil tract; that h has ehaiiged his renldeiica tlierelroiii foriuor than U months slue making said enlri and Ihat s.ld tract l nut settled nixin nor nililvaied by sa d party as re.iilrd by law. Therefore, allli the ylew ol th eancellallon of .li entry the ftel'l parties r nerei.y un miined and reu ni rl ti I appear to-lor a i. reelaud. U. I Ircull i:.ori Mimmiaaion- er at his ornc t lieppner, "regoa, on lb Mh day of May, I"" tha hour of Hlo rlork a. M. ot aald day. thea ami Uir in protliu such teatlmony aa tbey may haeon eeriilm aal.l allev.tloiis. th Anal hearing In l had tielora tha Keglalef a in lua-eiv.r m. im (,rainl. lire.. ll, ou Hi IM oay oi "7. " a o cloi k A. M. - r- " ."",'7' Keglalar. J. B. RflHHl.ia. tjn. ttctr. that Kdward atarkey, of filed nolle of Intention belnre J. W. Morrow hlanniceln lli-ppner, Oregon, on raturday lb 2nd day of May I"v7, on llinlwr riillure ipll callon No. 'm.t, lor tha NK, ol section No. JO, In townalilp Mi. I Mirtn, Kanga mi. h r.sai. Ha liaiuea a wltiiewu-a: 1 houias J. (Inria of Heppner, Oregon, I'aul rlettman, Krneat Kelt maii, Kllfth U. eperrjr, all of Ion, Oregon. JAM. r. MiXillF., MS 4 Keglator. are not as good as we can .tor"."fiy ",ra',".l rnakc without any regard to! cost. They arc as good as we can make with both cost and goodness on our mind all the time. Deputy Stock Inbpvctor. XTOTI' R IH II KKKHY fHVE THAT J. U i'l Ayers ha le-en spp.ilnte.1 ep.:iy stuck liift. ur lor Hi nutter trees section oi Mor row roimly. JAM. a 1 1. AMI. For sals by J. A. Wootrry, lone Ull kun k liii'U,r. Notice of Intention. Tetter, Hall-lllioorrt ami rU iama. Tha Intenae lt hlna? and smarting. Incl dmitto theaedlaeaae, U instantly allayed tiv anti vlnir CbamtwirUln'a tye arna Hkln (rtnt merit , Many very bail caae have ben fmrmanently enrod by It. It la equally efllclemt tor itching piles and a rsvoriui ratrMxiy mr sore nipiiua, J jsd Orru s AT Tms luuu, Osrnoa, April w7 votii'I h iir.Rr.BY fiivr.N iiur hie t. . .... J .-ai. m4 ... hi liitittlan 1 1 rnnti ft nail prmtt In 'i('"r if chappod hands, chilblains, frost bltee hlat-laim, and thai sail prool win t maia oa- .,! ciirnlllO eorfl ryee. Wi Cta. per IX J I Now la the time lu gt tbe Weekly Oregooian, the greale..! aeaeiaper of the Wet. With tbe OoaetU, both strict- Hand for e spartlmao o py and UloMrat- ly In advance, oee year. 3.fi0. No brtlei . . . ' At a : , ft.Aaa.a.w.e.fatga aft a Ok ka san aV.1 A ed pm. pact,,, to Tbs Outlook, 13 Aalor o-.mt.in at inn of aewspspero ess te maae I'loos, New Yik Cil. tb . la J. W. Morrow, County Clerk at lii ppner, Oregon, oa May ah, it1, vis: kEl'MKM I. UAl'KT, 11 1 C. No. SMi. lor th H'i W! and Wt, N t '. aar J, Tp A it. H . E, W M. II. name the following wllneatet tn prove hi eniiUiiiiooa residence upon and eulilvailoo of said land. l Hii.iiiln Malteann, Roliert P. M.lteaon, Hardy tf. Long, John McCerrta sll of ILppner, Oregon. ttt JAS. f. M'MRI. knistor. Ir. fady's (ondltina I'ewlrra, are jiiat what hore neeU whan tn bad condition. Tn3, UIikhI puriuer ami verm if u ire. TlefT are not food but medicine and tha beat In noa to pnt boron In prime condition. Iric S3 cents par package. i Fly Hbultle looms and is oow prepared to do all kind of oarpet aod rug weav ing. Any one desiring first class work should oall on her at bar home nn lower Maio street. Low prions and all work guaranteed. 9-37 Pllral Pllest Itrblni Pile. Hymptoms: Moisture; Intones itching and stinging; moat at night; worse by loratohiog' If allowed to oootlnoe tarn ore form wtiiab often bleed and uloerste beoomiog vtry sore. Hwayoe's Oint ment stops tbe itching aod bleediog, basis olceraiioo, and in roost eases re move th tumor. At diugf '!, or by mill, fur .'mi seiiti. Dr. Sw.yoe k Hoe, rbilsdnlpbie. The cli-hrid Imported raooing ttslll'io, Calpharoas, will stand ths srsooo in Heppner. For partioatars call on W.O. Minor. It Hpecisl sale at ths Oraoge Front. Fifty oaot pipe at 2, Z'm pipee at lo. Mai Mcblenibal baa Jost received tba ltet styles in gsnts' and ladies' shoes. Tog should se tbein. a. Fur sat A Oris sli yrsr-ol.l Jack. Call nn or writs Bra Hajarl, Lriiog too, Or. WIS Wbal ia Hop UoldT Fast earth. Bee a', elsewhere. beer rn The nrppof Tf aoaUr Co. bia wood tt?,Z7 ItWflSlAV Vl QO tosia. aw-siai 41 Ifta U w k4tra. At Heppoer'a wrh iu Fbil Cuba will pay the blgbest prioe tor fall wool pells, hid-, fur, eto. Fbill sells direol to F.estra buyers. Has blm before yon all roar pelt. tl Vanted-ftn Idea SKv tmt Msa( Ihewf fttfif Wavamft. I kvi-i.Htt( hii t o rtpi ai 4tM