Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 23, 1897, Image 1

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Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
I WEEKL? dO. 737
, Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At M.50 per year, R1.25 for nix months, 75 ota.
.'or tbree moncns, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKB is kept on tile at E. C. Wake's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exchange, San Francisco, California, where con.
raoU for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 5:45 p m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner junction B:ia p. m
Leaves Heppner Junotioa 10:50 p. m. ana ar
rives at Heimner 1:20 a, m.
Bpokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m and arrives at Heppner junction asm p. m
anil Tim a ilia 9:26 d. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Bpokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Juncti m 6:12
a. m. ard ar ives at Portland 11:59 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Porilund 9 p. m and ar
rives at Heppner Junction 8:48 a. m. and at
Umatilla 5:05 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave Umatilla 9:25 p.m. and
arrives at 'eppner Junction 10:40 p. m. and at
Portland 6 a. m
For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. K A N., Heppner, Ore.
Li Mar. 11. 1897. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
her Intention to make final proof 111 sUDnort of
her claim, and that said proof will be made I
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on May lu, Mi, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4170, for the SEW. SE Sec. 29. NE'i I
8E4 and EK NEk. Sec 3z, Tp. 4 S., K. 26 E., W.
She names theHollowine witnesses to prove 1
ner continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Charles S. Emerv. James O. vuillams. Mrs.
Ann E. Chapel, Edward 8. Cox, all of liardman,
Oregon. jas. e. Muune.,
526-36 Register.
ft so?
; Don't idle
ana as&a ry
and youTl find" out how quickly and surely it SOOTHES and CURES.
McClure's Magazin
For 1897
Pendleton, Oregon.
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '97
At Heppner, Echo. Pendleton, Baker
Oity, Elgin and Huntington.
from his
ornciAij xjisaBCTOsa-z-.
United States Officials.
President William McKiuley
V i-Vresident Garret A. Hobart
Becretaryof Btate John Bherman
oeoretaryof Treasury Lyman J. Owe
Secretary of Interior.... Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Russell . Alger
Beoretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-fioneral James . (jury
Attorney-tienaral Joseph McKenna
Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
rtovernor W. P. Lord
Becretaryof State H. B. Kincold
Treasurer v. Phil. Hetaohan
Bnpt. Publio lnstraction ft. M. Irwin
Atinrnev General C. M. Idleman
u . ( G. W. MoBride
Henatora ij u Mitohell
- J Binger Hermann
vuwioxiuioii 1 W. R. Ellie
Printer W. H. Leeds
I R. B. Bean,
rltinrema Indues iV. A. Moore,
( C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge .'...Stephen A. Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
joint Senator A, W. Gowan
ileDresentative. J. N. Brown
Plans and SpeoiBoatioos famished on
Contracting a Specialty.
fSB All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash.
oors and windows on hand and furnished at
reasonable rates. Olve me your order.
All kinds of repairing done at reasonable
rates. Leave orders witb P. O.
Thompson Co.
'ountv Judge.
J. W. Beokett.
" Clerk
" Sheriff....
" Treasurer
" Surveyor
School Sup't...
'' Coroner
....A. .
J. U. Howard
....J. W. Morrow
...E. L. at lock
... Frank Oilliam
J. ('.Willis
.... J. W. Horuor
..Jay W. Bhipley
....B. F. Vaughau
iimn tdvk otvtokrb.
Thos. Morgan
(wnnni'l'mmi Geo. (Jonser, Frank
Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J. Blooum, U.
I .;nktAnlliul and J K. Himons.
u ..i, W. A. Richardson
T easnrer . . . .' I Wi,8!"""
sianhal A. A. Koberts
Precinct Offloere.
jn.ti of the Paui W. K. Kichsnlson
Constabl N. B.WheUtone
United States bend Officer.
i m iuih Keciater
A'sLBiesn .' Beoeiver
i.a aaiMrta or.
R F Wilann Register
J. H. Kobbins Beoeiver
a. A. R.
"eats at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
aob montn. All ve
(," C. Boon,
veterans ara Invited to loin,
UBO. W . HmlTH.
Presides!. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Term.
First National Bank
Vice Peealdent
- Caahlar
Au'l CaahUr
Heppnbb, Oregon,
Sent Free
A New Life of flrant by Hamlin Oakland The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begins in December. )
Rudy&rd Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, aud is probably
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period I:
recollections and correspondence.
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits it is Intended to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title of
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLB, in which he wtu use nis extraordinary
talent for myBtery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him
a place beside Poe and Oaboriau.
iak MAr-r.ARWKi All tha flr.Mnn that, he will write durinir the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to ano'her publication which were engaged from him loug ago, will
appear in McClubk's Magazink.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the fame field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlinblennger" stories.
RTJDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to MCCMIRB'S
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year.
OCTAVE THANKT la preparing for the Maoazinb a series of short stories in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself.
Anthony Hope Bret Harte Robert Ban-
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories in McClubk's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important featurea of McCluhs's Maoazini for
18U7, the subscription priee of w men is only ,
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
At tbe M. E. chnrob, Sootb, there will
be tio nervines Sunday morning'.
Tbe oongregntion are dismissed to at
tend the first services, in tbe M. E.
church' under a new pastorate.
Regular services in the evening.
0. R. Howakp, Pastor.
Elder W. M. Jones, late of Portland
Or., will preach at tbe Baptist church
jiext SuoJay, April 25tb, rooming and
evening. Bis subject in tbe evening
will be, "The Thorn in the Flesh." On
Monday evening he will give a hnmor-
ona lecture on "The Ups aud Downs of
Life Courtship Inoluded," for which
10 cents admission will be asked. 1
J. H Millkb.
Rev. W. E. Potwine will bold services
at tbe M. E. obnrob next Tuesday even
inn at 7:39.
To any person interested in humane
matters, or who loves animals, we wil
rend free, npon application, a oopy of
the "ALLIANCE," the organ of this
Society. Id addition to its in
tensely interesting reading, it contains a
list of (be valuable and unusual pre
miums given by tbe paper. Address
410-411 United Charities Building, New York.
Going East?
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
D. J. Bandy, a Cincinnati o'tlored boy,
has earned an appointment tn a oidt
shlp at tbe Annapolis nsval aoideiny. It
is threatened that if he is allowed to ou
ter the greater number of those in at
tendance will resign. This should in no
way deter the ynnog man from beoom
ingaoadet. He bavitig fairly earned
the cadetebip h is entitled to all the
rights and privileges of the aoadeny
the same as any other appointee. Gen
eral Bhattuok, congressman, deserves
oredit for the backing be has given the
oolored lad ever since it was known
that he had fairly won tbe appointment
in a competitive examination. Justice
is of greater moment under a govern
ment of tbe people than oolor. See that
exaot justice is done and all other mat
ters will take oare of themselves E. O.
Lord Lets Him Out on Very Short
Time-Went to Southern Oregon.
Gov. Lord last week oommoted tbe
sentence of Jack Parker, eenteuoed to
tbe penitentiary from Harney county in
1894 under a seven j ears' eenteroe tor
raanxluuphter. It will be remembered
that Jack's incarceration in tbe peniten
tiary was tbe result of tbe trial for the
killing of Bud Howard at Born?, at tbe
time Bud killed Til Glaze. Tbe pardon
of Parker was in reeponse to a petition,
hiob was strongly supported by bis
own exemplary oonduot sinoe his oon
Qnemeot in tbe penitentiary.
Jack left Salem for Southern Oregon
where hie parents reside, and where em
ployment awaits bim. L. O. Eagle,
April 16.
Harvy Scott, editor of the Oregonian,
the most inconsistent and selfish
publio man in the West. No wonder
be has got everybody to despise him,
Ooudon Globe.
Something to Depend on.
Mr. James Jones, of tbe drug firm of
Jones k Son, Cowden, Ills., in speaking
of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that
last wiuter his wife was attacked with
La Grippe, and her oaae grew so serious
that physicians at Cowden and Pane
could do notblng lor her. It seemed to
develop into Haty Consumption. Hav
ins Dr. King's New Discovery in store
and selling lots of it, be took a bottle
borne, and to the surprise of all she be
gan to get better from first done, and
half doeen dollar bottles cured ber sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guar
nteed to do tins good work. Try it
Free trial bottles at Oooeor & Brook's
Drug Store.
rtircc Important Points.
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause tbe lines to that point will
afford j ou the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Faul reads via. the
Wisconsin Ceutral because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is nrst-class in every
THIRD -For information, call
on vour neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket readme via. the W isconsin
Central lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond,
Oen. Pas. Airt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. B. Batty,
General Airent,
2W Mark St.,
Portland Or
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 Fifth Avenue,
Mew York, Is full of the best thtnics
Its illustrations are superb; its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con
summate skill.
Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Leslie's t P nnum.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
Mo such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or cheek to the
Heppner, Oregon.
Old People.
Old people who require medioioe to
regulate tbe bowels and kidneys will
nd the true remedy in Electrio Bitlert
This medioioe does not stimulate aud
oontatna no wbiaky nor other intoxicant
but sols as. a tonic and alterative,
sots mildly on tbe stom ioh and bowels
adding strength and giving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Mature In lb
performance of the fo notions. Electrio
Hitters is an excellent appetizer and aid
igeation. Old People find it lust ex
aotly what they need. Price fifty cent
nd $1.00 per bottle at Consor s Brock'
Drag Store.
. Transacts a General Banking Business.
On all parte of the world
Bought and Sold.
Collections made on all points on
reasonable Terms.
Surplus and undivided Prodis, t.'IS.OOO.OO.
Notice of Intention.
I a tif.h n imjT Notice Is hervhr Ktven
tht th followlng-nanwd wttlef has Bird nnllra
f nil Intention to niaks flnsl proof In support
of his rlalm. and that said proof still b mU
awfor K. L Kmrlmid. 1. . Com. at Hrppnar,
Oregon, on kUy Mti, 1M7, vis:
Hd. I,No.!tVforth E'4 "ESiSse t3 and K
M Wi a . w, Tp l , R ' k.
H namaa tha following witnesses to provs
his ron II noons maldenr upon aud culUvatton
Ml u 11 latlfl I '
Alonio M. Markham, Nathan Shaw, of HtP
Ber, nrrfni, kalpa Bvnga, Jsoi-s Brown, of
U.lnglon.oregoa. jAi.ri(ooHR
mH. Register.
While yoa aoep your subscription paid up yre
eaakaap four brand In fraaof eharga.
Bora, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B G4 left
shoulder; oattla, same on left hip.
Honk. A. J..Lana.Or. Horses. Won riaht shoal
dsr. Cattle, samoon righthip: aar mark square I
crop off left and split in right.
Donilaaa. W. M . Hallow . Or.-Cattle. R lint)
right -iil. awailnw-lork in each aar; horses, B V
an laft hip.
VI Rna. T)on!aa. Or. Horaos branded FTA
on left shoulder, oatUe Bam on leftuip. bole
in right ear.
Plorenee, L. A., Heppner, Or. Tattle, LF on
riant hipi horses F with bar under on right
ri J on the l"h stwmlderi cattle brm'idixi J on
right hip. also nndsrbit in left aar. Range to
Borrow eoontr.
Johnson. Fella. Lena. Or. Horaee. eirrleT or,
left stifle) cattle, same on right hip, oader half
wp In riwi and sunt .n lert ear
RennT. Mike. Hammer. Of. Horaee branded
EN If on left bin ealtle same and eroD oil left
aari nndar elope on the riant
Leahe. J. W. HeoDner Or. Horses branded
L and A on lft shonlderi eett Is same on left
bip, wattle over right ere, three slits in right
MiLor. Oanar. netipner Or. battle. M D on
right hip; bona. M on left shoulder.
W M W Um.mmm " " Ml
on left aboaldet settle same on left hip.
Oehnrn. J. VT.. Donates. Or.i horses O on lef
aboalderi ealtle same un right hip.
Parker ftleaeon. Hardmao.Or, Horaee IP o
left shoalder.
Walt. Tbo m peon rune stage between
Deppner ao.l Mono maul, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving ever
day eieept flanday. Hbnrteat aod ebeap
east isiU to thsj interior. OoDaer A
Brook, a gent a, 1
Mouthing, Rod not Irritating, strength-
ing. aod oot weak lag, email t ttt, efTe
li,e eaeta are tbe onsliilee o Us Witt's
Little Eerly Hieera tbe feojoqi little
pillf. Cwaer 4 Brock.
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
Unitsd Htatks Lam Orru a.
U Urande. (ireson. March 9. IW7.
this offloe by the duly verified and cor
roborated amdavlt of John Mo :ulloiih alleg
lug that Lena A. Mmikers who made timber cul
ture entry No. ll.'Welth U. H. Ind Orhne at
Ia (jramle. Oregon, on IMiriiary leth. M. for
the t'i H t. and KK'i Hec. !7TpH. K H
K. W. M . has felled to romnlr with tbe Umber
culture law In this, thst she failed to break or
cause to be broken five acres or any nuintier of
arresonsnld tract within one year after her
Umber culture entry of said tract: that aha
never made any Improvements u pon said tract
E. O.: L.O. Buhl has at lust seonred
divorce from hi wife, Anna, for refos
ing to on me to bim. They were married
In Germany in 1873, aod in 1K81 be came
to this oountry to make bis boms. Hhe
promised to follow after he became I
oated. He sent ber money sod tickets
for passage, but she refuaed to eome to
bim, and (or 17 years be has been wait
ing and watching. Hhe took bis remit
tanoes until a few months ago, when sbe
refneed to reply to bis letters and be
considered that be bad be?o daeerted
ltahl is an East Morrison street baker.
Tbe Outlook will be to 17, it bee
been during esob of its twenty ieven
years, a History of Oar Owo Times. Io
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a compact review of tbe
world's progress; it follows with care
sll the important philanthropic and in.
dustrial movements of the day; baa a
complete department of religious oewg;
devotee rnoob space to tbe interests of
the home: reviews eurrent literature:
tTp. farotebe. cheerful table-talk about men
a d things: and, io short, alms to give
fresh information, rriginal observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning witb tbe fifty fliflb volume,
tbe paper will sesame tbe regular mega
tine sic, wbiob will add greatly to its
Oontenieoee ai d ailrai tiveueea. Tbe
OntlwkU puUIUIied every Htur Jay
fifty two inauee R year. The first ieoe
In each month is an Illustrated Magssias
Number, eoolaiuiog about twice eg tnaoy
pages as tbe ordinary iaeuee, tngelber
wlib a large number of pictures.
The pries of Tbe Outlook is three
dollars r year In advaoee, or lees tbao a
eeot a day.
Heed for a eineti eopy and Illustrat
ed pros pent us to The Oatlv, 13 Astor
PlRC, New Toil Cite.
ear ll remove from
said county and state and has never returned
and did at about aald Ulna abandon said claim
Therefore, with the view oftlie cancellation
of said entry the said D riles ara herebv sum
mo ed and required lib be and appear before
J. W. Morrow, Counlr I'lerk of Morrow countr,
Oregon, st his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the
in uayoi Slav, at lu o ciocs a. m m sain
day then and lucre to produce sucb teatlinouy
as the? mar hi ve Concerning said allegations.
the filial hiring to be had before tbe Hftater
end keciver at Im Grande, Oregon, on the tlA
us) ol May, at 10 o clock a. m.
B. F. WlIJWlN,
MlMI. Receiver.
find.v hif In each ear.
Ke'ie. J. W.. Heppner, Or. Htiei
left ettooider. Cattle, Oon right hip.
Rnem K. H. Her. oor. Or. Tattle W C m
left hip. emp off right and an4erbit is left year,
oVwIapi hones W C on left ebonlder.
ThornDeon. 4. A.. Heppner, lr Morsee, I or
left e.Htal4er: ealtle. 1 nn left shoo liter.
Tamer K. W.. Heppner. tr. ejitum eepiuu i
left ahnnlder, bmaei oetUe sauna oa left kip
with split la bote ears.
Wa'tenbnrger, W. J., flallicwajr. Or.l ore
qnaner etrele JW on right, shoulder; entile
quarter eireleJW on tight hip end right etele.
crop end hot in left ear. Ka gs in Morrow and
Cnaetilia eunntH.
Few realiM that rscb squirrel des
troys tl 60 worth of grain snnoally
Wakelee's Squirrel and Uopher Ei ter
minator is tbe most effective Rod eo
aotnicai poison known. Prioe redooed
too)eeae. Cupser A Brock and Minor
A (, agents, lie pimer; 1, A. Woolery,
ageot. Ions; Nichols A taeb. ageote
' Letitgtuo.
I'eiTsn Htstis Lgn Orru a,
let tiranda. Oregon. March t. iV7.
this office by the duly vended and corrobo
rated eaVlarltnf fsu U. w. Kalsleer. alleging
that Ueorge VY.Ieom. who made bomeetead entrv
No. SIM. on Oct. tl. lti, at tbe I niteel etetee
lend Office at Lm (iranda Oregon, for the N W u
s a.
that be has rbanged his residence therefrom
N Mle Hee xt, Tp
aliendo ed aald tract
HK'. N'iMVtU end HWIa
K tt a. W. M , baswiioll
for more than els months since making said
entr and that said trea t Is not nettled upon nor
cu Dueled bv sa'd Mrtr se required br lew
therefore, with the view of Uie cancellation
rf said entry the said parties are hereby aunt
moned and required to he appear iieiore a
Kreelaud. I,, a. Circuit ( oiirt Commission
r at his nltlce at H'Miner. Oregon, en
tbe Mli da of Mav. lri at the hour of
f orlock a. M of aald day. then and there U
produce such teetlmoni as the mar nave eon
renting sent ellegatlona. tbe flual hearing Io
had U fure the Register snd Herelver al I
Mar. laW at
VWI.11 iN
Orande. Oregon, oa Uie I-i dey of
loorliak AM at. W.
6A W. Revelvtr.
Now Is tbe time to get tbe Weekly
OregoBian. tbe greatest aewtpaper of
the West. With tbe Oasetu, both striet-
ly io advance, oot year, $-1.60. No betUr
eoDbioRtioo uf Bfwgptperi ito U made
la Us stst.
Two years ago II J. Wsrrr o, a drag
gist at Pleasant lirood, N. T.,bongbt
email supply of Chamberlain's Ooogb
Hetiedy. Ha earns up the result as fol
lows: "At that time tbe goods were nn
known in Ihisaeotion; to-day Chamber
sin's dough lUmedy Is a bousebol
onl." It is the same In bnndrec
nomninnittes. Whereever the good
qualities of ChamberlsiD s Cough Item
edy tteootne known tbe oeviple will have
nothing elae. For sale by Conser
Timber Culture Final Proof.
J Aurll t. IMT7. Motlce Is hcrel.jr glvet
that Kile ard marker, of lone. Oregon, has
Bled liotli of Intention to mass Dual proof
belora I. w. Morrow, County clerk, e
his office In Heppner, Oregon, on Heliirdey lb
'nd day of Mav lf7, on limber culture appll
calliin No. fu, lor the NKU of sertloti No. l,
In township No. I North, Kange No. V f aal.
Hanameaas witnesses: 1 nomas i. t.urie. 01
Heppner. Oregon, Caul keltman, Rrneat hett
uau, tlliba U. fperry, all of Ions, Oregon.
JA. F. M'HiHF.,
6M M Hegtster.
Tony Noltner, tbe democratic states
man journalist of Oregon, is at Wash
ington. Tony does not expect an office
under tbe present administration, nor
bis newspaper (it is understood that
he does publish a newspaper somewhere
in the state) prosperous enough to per
mit its owuer to indulge in a journey
This demooratio relio is at the nation
al capital oa business cash business
He is ably seconding tbe efforts of tbe
lost "Charley" Boss and Constitutional
MoOamaot to have Oorbett seated
Tony's duty lies with tbe democratic aod
populist members of tbe senate. He
tells them if Oorbett is seated, the gov
ernor will not call a speoial session, giv
ing tbe next legislature to be eleoted the
ight to elect a senator. He tells them
also that tbe "allied foroes will control
tbenext Oregon legislature, insuring a
demooratio or populist senator." There
(ore be argues, io tbnt oonviuoiug way
of bis, that bas made his name In Ore
gon hardly R memory, "it is the duty
of us 'sixteen to oners' to seat Mister
Oorbett." Oorbett'i prospects are so
eak that be once more makes terms
witb tbe enemies of tbe republican
party. Nolter, while be is in tba employ
of Oorbett, evidently carries definite as
surances, given by tbe Simon-pure re
public ana to the leaders of populism,
to the future. It is wtitten. "Py
tbeir works ye shall know them." Pro
fessions are of little account. There
seems to be but little real difference be
tween Oorbettiem and populism as to
means Rid ends. Oorvallis Gazette. ,
Absolutely Pure
Cslebrnted for its areS leavening stren t'h
and healthfulnees. Ansnns the food against
alum and all forms of adulteration common te
the ohnap brands.
In Custody of Tbe Sheriff.
Last November It. 0. Bogga ' was ar-
rested on a warrant sworn ' out io
Juetioe Hall's oourt for tbe laroeoy ota
hat and pen knife from the store of D.
P. King A Co. He waived examination
and was plaoed under $250 bonds to
await the action of the grand jury, giv
ing an undertaking with A. 0. Ballance
and Q. J. Tuoker sureties. Last week
the sureties got word that Mr. Bogga
was preparing to skip out of tbe ooun
try, so they at onoe prooeeded to Cotton
wood and returned with Mr. Boggs and
turned bim over to Deputy Sheriff Oua
Sloan. Being unable to give a new
bond, he was takeo to Canyon Oity Moq
day, and now languisheth in jail. L. 0.
Irrigation through hose will' be al
lowed only between the hours of 6 and
8 p. m.
' Persons plantiog gardens to be irri
gated by oity water do so at their risk,
as the water may be withdrawn at
any time in case of shortage.
Remember water is our property and
costs money to put under pressure, and
persons that don't feel like they can con
form to the above regulations will confer
favor 00 us by not asking for water
for irrigation.
We expect to rigidly enforce these
rules by shutting off and charging 50
oents (or tbe trouble.
Hippnrh Liout k Water Co.
. 636 tf
A populist statement signed by all
tbe senators aud represeotatives ol the
party, iaeued last week, shows that tbev
stand about where the silver republi
can senators do on the tariff bill. Tbey
ill endeavor to secure amendments in
tbe interest of tbeir oouatituents, in the
seoate, but to emphasize tbeir belief
that oo sort of a tariff will oure our
troubles they may decline to vote 1 1 all
when the bill Is put upon its final pas
ssge. mis adds 10 ids certainty mat
tbere will be no trouble about passing
the tariff bill wbeo It reaches a Boa
vote io tbe senate. Iog Greek Eagle
Tbe old way of delivering messages
by postboys compared with tbe modern
telephone, illustrates the old tedious
methods of "breaking" colds oom pared
ith tbeir almost instantaneous oure by
One Minute Onngb Cure. Conser k
Brook. ,
The well knowo mnsioians, Msasrs.
Jake Wattenberger and Cbas.Iogrsbaro,
bare decided to give R grsod May Day
ball on Mar eve. April 80. 1897. Tbe
saooest of all terpsichorean entertain
meets ondor tha management of these
geotlemen Id the peat, is a guarantee
that tbe May Day ball will be R pless
ant affair. Good moslo will be pro
vided. Popular prices. 80-8H
Lock the Door
Before lb boree is stolso. Parity, en
rich aod vitalise your blood aod build op
yoor physioll system before dieeaee at
taoks yon aod serious sickoeee comes
Hood's Harssparilla will make yoa
strong and vigorous and will expel from
your blood all impurities Rod germs of
disease. Take Hood's Baraaparilla bow
Hood's Pille ars the favorite family
eathartl Easy to take, gee tie, mllJ
'id onote.
"The proof of the pud
ding is in the eating."
Your grocer oners you
Schillings Best
Deputy htock Inspector,
lv A ten baa been appointed rVpuiv soak
Inspector lor the Rutter creek section of Mor
row eoiiiilf. a", WVI.AND.
H7 e Mora iiisperuir.
Notice of Intention.
Laps Orru s AT Tas llsM.aa, Oasooe.
April . fr?
ikjoTirg m fiRkr.Rr fiivr iiiat imr
1 v following named settler has Sled nolli e of
his Intention to eieke final proof In support of
hie claim, end that aald prieH will he made be
fore I. w. Morrow, iMiuty l lerk at Heppner,
Oregon, oa May rdli. l"tl, U:
Md K. No. mi. tor the N't NW' and V.U
NK.Her J. Ipsa). R. R. W M.
He names the following wltueaera ! prove till
ron (I n nous residence upon and cultlatloii of
aald land. Vic
Benjamin Malteeon. Robert P. Maltrson,
Hefdr f. Long, John Mi ferrtu all of Heppner,
a JAR. r. MOORR, Register.
bak Ing powder
SavMing eatre1t
ana spNsa
and your money back if no
fur sale by
). A. Woolery, lone
Tter, Kalt-Uhovia and IVmrnav.
T-V lHl.nu llnklne .. .m.Hln. In -I
A 111 irftt n. moat "'' -,uSi ".
dent to thee dleeejwHi, Is instantly allaye.1
by applying CbainWrlaln'fl Eye) and
Hkln Ointment. Many very bad eaaws
have beien permantitly enred by It. It
ia erinally emrlnt lor Itching plies ana
favorite) remedy for mm blptilea,
chatriKxl hands, chilblains, frost tiitne
and ( brunto sore eyee. 29 cts. per bus.
"Exouse me" observed tbe man Id
pectaolea "but I am a surgeon. and thai
a not wbere the liver is." Never you
mind where the liver Is." retorted tbe
other. ''If it wsa in his big toe or his
eft ear DeWitt's Little Early Risers
would reach it and shake it for bim. On
that yon can bet your gig-lamps." Con
ser A Brock.
Condou Globe; John Lyons bas just
received official notioe from Con
gressman Ellis that be bas been appoint
ed poetmaater at Condon by President
MoKloley. His sppoinment will give
general satisfaction to the patrons of
this office, and it is hoped thst be will
appoint r deputy postmaster who will
alao be satisfactory to tbe patrons.
To core all old sores, to heal ao In-
dolent nleer, or speedily sure piles, yon
need elmply apply DeWitt's Wilob Salve
according to directions. lis magio like
sot ion will supriae you. Conser A Brook.
Mrs. John Jenkins bss lately pur
chased one of the celebrated Newoomb
Fly Shuttle looms and la now prepsred
to do all kioda of oarpet aod rug weav
ing. Aoy one desiring first class work
should eall on ber at ber home nn lower
Meio etreet. Low prioes and all work
guaranteed. 9-37
Plleat fllesl llrblsf riles.
Symptoms: Moisture; intense itching
snd stinging; most at night; wore by
soratchlog' If allowed to continue torn
ore form wbiob often bleed and uloerate
beooinmg very sore. Hwayoe's Oint
ment stops lbs Itching aod bleeding,
beals oloeratioo, and in moat eases rw
movee tbe tumors. Al druggists, or by
mail, for 60 oents. Dr. Swsyo A Son.
Tbe celebrated Imported runtlug
stallion, Calpborooi, will stand tbs
season In Heppoer. For partieulars
eall oo W. O. Minor. If
Special sale at tbe Oraoge frool.
Fifty-eeet pipes at 2' pipes at 13o.
Mat Licbtentbal bas just received tbe
latest style in gents' Rod ladies' shoes.
Too should See them. R.
For eale A One sii-year-uld Jack.
f!a.ll on Ar write It Hsiibferl. fll&iS.
tvo, Or. 681 ft
At Heppnsr's warehoae Phil Uobn
will psy the big-beet prioe for fall wool
pells, bldee, furs, etc. Phlll sells dlreol
to Eastern buyers. Hae bin before)
llr. f'adv's Cwndltloa PeweVn. are
juat what R Ivrrn) feeia when in bad ,
e.kn,1ltb,n Tftttlr.. tilvkit tmriflef and
vemilfngii. They are ori UA but; JOR ell yoor pelts
medicine and the beet In one to put a
ti.te.ve In hrilna Mitulltbin. I'TUM US
c,,,,- Wanted-ln Idea SSS
Tbe Heppoer Transfer
fur '. Cell oo tbea.
e vvweawe . aawva tslag ei faleeir
P- k... atntul rT"w yer doe! ttf lr eelag fm ereelia.
25 lta ' weeeewe, U Urn tfceW SI lu wieaneTet
,m iaw Uet vt tee kae4ri lu'eaiwei eaelee.