a v irv il mmmmmmm Omaha is being threatened with a disastrous flood. McKinley has shown his sin cerity in an effort to conform to the promises of the republican platform, to bring about an inter national agreement on the finan cial question if possible, by ap pointing Hon. Adlai Stevenson, ex-president of the United States, a democrat and a silver man, as one of the three commissioners, created by tbe passage of a law recently, who will be sent abroad to confer with foreign nations in regard to a conference to be held soon. The other commissioners are Senator Wolcott, and Gen." Chas. J. Payne, of Boston, the latter a well known business man. That McKinley is a genuine bi metallist is no longer t doubted, and that he is an hobest man who believes that platforms should be lived op to, is an evident fact. TO KILL. SQUIBBELS. J as. B. AncielL, of Michigan, has been appointed minister to Turkey. Greece and Turkey will surely fight. A declaration of war is liable to occur at any time. It is almost certain that Gov ernor Lord will call a special ses sion of the legislature this fall. An alliance between Russia, Germany and Austria against Eng land is the latest on the European chessboard. Judge 0. N. Denny, of Oregon, has been recommended by the Ore gon delegation as minister to Hawaii. Pkebident McKinley has told several gentlemen who were appli. cants for the same position they held under the Harrison adminis tration that he would not appoint them, no matter how strongly backed, they were, because he had made up his mind not to make such appointments, except in cases where there might be some extra ordinary circumstances justifying a deviation from the rule, says our Washington friend. This is not because he has not a high opinion of the ex-officials, but because he thinks others should now have an opportunity to share in the party honors. Rev. E. P. Greene, of the M E. church, scored onr city govern -vnnl nvotfn tVinrmmrtil v Innt Klin. Don Carlos Boyd has started , . , . f r Mv nirrht fiinentinff Mavor Mor- Idaho. The Gazette hopes that he will succeed in tbe venture. i7i ht: .4. T71 ..- I "'"J r o Morgan is Bate in making any recommendations that be chooses, because he can do little under our It is announced that Uncle Sam charter but recommend. There- proposes to have no interference fore nQ can please the church ele in Hawaiian matters by foreign meDit knowing at the same time powers, Japan in particular. ' that his advice will not be taken unless it is desirable. Thomas is The U. S. senate is preparing to a pretty good officer and as' foxy reorganize the committees. ith as the foxiest the tariff bill on its hands the dominant party will find it a pretty difficult tusk. A 8cheme That Inoculate! tbe Little Pests With a Contagious LMease-lt Works Well. Heppoer people have often read of tbe plan to kill squirrels, and other mem berg of the rodent family, by inoculat ing them with a contagions disease, bat most bave been wont to look opoo it with bat little faith, bo far as accom plishing good results. Bat as a success ful means of removing the peats that devour range and crops in this and otber localities, there is now not the slightest doubt, it baring been experi mented with very successfully by Mr. Harry Warren, the well known druggist of HeppDer. Tbe poison is used in tbe form of a virus" which is fed " to pests in the usual manner of poisons. It was dis covered by an eminent French physi cian, after diligent research, who suc ceeded in 1893 in isolating a specific germ of a contagious and fatal disease, affecting the rodent family. It was ex hibited to tbe minister of agriculture of Fraooe, under whose direotion it was successfully tried. Io 1896 it was intro duced in America, and, among tbe many tests, animals of tbe rodent family were collected from tbe Northwest, upon which to experiment, and in every case it was most successful. Tbe attention of Mr. Warren was re cently called to the oew method of kill ing squirrels and he resolved to try it thoroughly, but not without doubts as to its success. He first inooulated three squirrels, then with these he put in nine more not inooulated, giving them food and water and taking tbe best of oare of all. At tbe end of five days only one live squirrel remained. Mr. Warren is at present experiment ing with tbem with tbe greatest of suc cess in one of bis show windows, and no farmer or person engaged in growing orops should fail to call on Mr. Warren and investigate for themselves as to tbe merits of the virus. Tbe virus must be ' used within ten day after it is made, to work well. Tbe The Gazette understands that Mr. War ren intends to keep tbe poison in stock, and is expecting daily an invoice of it. A BANK PRESIDENT; W. N. BECKWITH, OF BUDA, ILLINOIS. SUFFERING FROM AN OLD INJURY. SHERIFF'S SALE. Causes a Serious Complication-of Diseases a Successful Business Man His Opinion Always Accepted -What he Says Regard ing a Well-known Remedy. From tbe Republican, Princeton, 111. ' Tbe "union" state central com mittee is arranging for the contest of '98, their chairman J. C. Cooper, having issued an "address" calling for "unity and action," The Gazette has received the first number of the monthly jour nal called "Sound Money," pub lished at Chicago. It appears to be well edited from its standpoint, and is entirely nnn-partiBan. The Pendleton E. 0. is taking a commendable interest in cycling and better roads. Aside from the actual value of the wheel these modern times, it is plain that its general adoption as a means of transportation and for pleasure will cause nearly all to become in terested in bettor roads. America needs better thoroughfares. HE WAS DISCHARGED. Hayes Coulrt Not be Convicted for Attempt ed Rape or Anything Else. Last week Win. Hayes was arraigned before Judge Richardson for attempt ed rape upon the person of Mrs. K.B. Nye, but tbere was no case and he was discharged. Tbe Nye people offered to compromise on $'20, and finally on $10. Tbe Qantte would judge that tbe case was either mighty weak, or that tbe in' jured husband could be very easily paoi fled, or both. Later on Hayes was arrested for the use of profane language in the presence of ladies, but this fell through also. Wdeiie is "Old Man" Corbett now? Since his boosters loft Washington he Booms to have been lost in the whirl. Ilia appointment is a huge Joke but the Gazette doubts if he can see the funny end. Toe discussion of Dickens as a writer, in newspapers and maga sines of lato, brings forth the criticism from one Maurice Thompson that Dickens was "ig norant and Blovonly." Were tbere more like Dickens. Hoth young and old will read Dickens' stories when these wouid-ue critics aie dead and forgotten. W. C. T. V. MATTMIH. to Srcn senatorial doadlocks as the xh Temprac Work PrepariM ri v one in Kentucky are bo costly that K"t""""tr- larun senators may get tired of buying AliwILw Uorub, who baa won their way in after a time, ana ie BBtiooal reputation at a temperance willing to take their chances with lecturer, and who u well kuowo and the people. Let us hope so, says personally loved io Ucppner and in nil the Wasco News. A Cihcaoo paper asks, "Who is the hero of the hour?" Barring Fitzsimtnous, the hero of the hour is the man who ate the hunk of ealeratus secreted in his pancake and never lot on, says the Pendle ton Tribune. The salmon catch ou the lower Columbia is rather light bo far. There is a difforeuco of one-half ceut a pound between the fisher men and canuerymeu, but it in thought that matters can bo set tled without difticulty. Lx.VioE Presidential Casm- Traffic In Live Stock. Wro. Matlock, of Huppner, on Tbnrs- y purchased 100 steers in Fossil from W. 8. Thompson. Zaobery Bros, and Frank Knox. Tbe onttle are to be de ivered at W. 8." Thompson's ranoh Fossil, on May It next. The price paid for yearhugs was $U, tor two year-olds 919, and for three-year-olda. 824. Abou six weeks ago Goe Barnard sold 50 bead of two-year-old steers, not yet delivered to Mr. Matlook for 817 per bead, which was then the going price, so it is appar ent tbat tbere has been a raise of at leant two dollars per bead on oattl within six weeks a remarkable advance. ith all Indications pointing to tbe fact that the top notch bas not yet been reached. Fossil Journal. UrKKARY NOTK8. PATE Hkwai.L Bays that tho recent ! . .. .i - i i ..: ..it. i elections in Wir inei eiguiiy mim ing in a jHilitical way, local issues being paramount in aluKMtt every contost, but thiuls that unless this administration bring better times the party of free silver will sweep the country in 11RX). Uut times will got bolter, in fact they are im proving all the time. Oreiion, is just returning from an ex tended tour of the Eastern states and Kansas, and will corns to us ou Tuesday morning for a three days' vUit. We give tbe following program m ar ranged by tbe local W. C. T. U.: At 2:30 Tuesday, p. d, a reception will be held at tbe residence of Mrs. Belle Thompson. All members of the Union re cordially Invited to attend. Tuesday evening, public lecture at tbe M. K. church, Houtb. Weduesdey at 330, p. to., a "Mothers Meeting" will be held at tbe M. E. ouurt'b . Tburadsy evening there will be an other public lecture at the Christian oburcb. II It earnestly hoped that all frieuds will eot only attend but will aid in mak ing tins matter public, and it It confi dently believed that theee will be count - d as "red letter days" bf friendt of and morality io our eom- A reminiscent article on Jenny Lied and her borne life bat been prepared by her daughter, Mrs. lUvmond Maude, (or publication in the May Ladies' Home Journal. It is said Io be filled with in. lereeting memories of tbe famous singer, and is noteworthy also as being tbe first view we have of her through the eyes of her adoring daughter. Mrs. Maude brings to light the fact tbat Jenny Lind was always nervous and overstrung be fore events- ust before singing in a new opera or oratorio, but wat quits calm when tbe very moment of aotion arrived. IKUIUATHIM NO I UK I trillion through bae will b el lowed only bUa the hours ol ft ted 8 n. m. lVrtont planting garden! to be Irri tated bf city water do to at their risk, u ii.. watsr mav be wimarawn at Oar New Tariff. The American Protective Tariff League Unoed an ofueiel print of tbe new Ding- ley tariff within a few hours of tbe time it wat passed by the House of He preven tatives at Wabinittoo, on March Slat This broad, oomprebensive interpretation of the republican platform should be studied br every voter. Any ot our reader etn oliteiu a copy, without charge, by tending a pnelal card request as follows: "Hon. I me a oupy of No 37!)." Address, W. F. M'akimax, Oenl. 8c., 133 West 23 ISt., N. Y. liM) HKWAKlt. A rewarJ of $2.50 will be given for the recovery, or Information (sailing to a.ime, of three cone, one dark red, branded triangle on left hip. Had a baiter on when last Been. One now halt Hertford, red in color with white fane. Onednk bflndle, breaded TOM ao left btp, T. A. DaiKKtLL, tf Heppoer, Oregon. Mr. W. N. Beckwitb, of Buda, III., is a man who is very well known in Bureau oounty. He oame to Illinois in 1855, and ever since bas been known as an active business man, popular with all, for bis positive integrity and honor. His opinions have always been acoepted with tbe highest regard and he has a life to look back upon that is filled with deeds of well doing. ,5.- Of late years Mr. Beokwith bas been in retirement from aotual business. ... For a number of years he was president of tbe Buda bank and enjoyed tbe cod 8 deuoe of - tbe entire oommumty. Mr. Beokwith ssys tbat about five years sko his health became so bad that be felt he must retire, and besides be was getting well along In years and believed the younger generation should have I chanoe. Some years ago, when quite young Mr. Beckett suffered a slight accident during play, and ever since tbat time be has been troubled with hemorrhages of tbe lungs. . Tbe lona- continuance of this trouble soon brought on others such as inflammatory rheumatism and heart rooble- "Why." said Mr. Beckwitb when tbe reporter oalled to learn bow be was pro greasing, "its a wonder I'm not dead seventy-one years old too. Yon won't fiud many men of my age wbo bave withstood for years suoh complication of diseases as mine. Tbe doctors bave told me many a time tbat tLey have never seen anything just like it ; I know it is so, for I understand it pretty well mvsvlf. Of oourse from such a comph cation my system finally became ran down. The greatest trouble I have bad is in keeping my food down. The assimilation was very poor and under the most favorable circumstances, I could not take much nourishment. "I forget wbo it was some one ol my old business acquaintances who told me of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 had also read a great deal about tbem in tbe newspapers, and one day did oome very near sending for a box ot tbe pills, but it finally slipped my micd. It never oooured to me again until my frieod asked me why I didn't try tbem? He was very entbueiastio over them, know ing so many cases that' had teen cured by their use. "I became intere stedflnnlly and upon going to town agHin bought a box ot the Pink Pills. I didn't look for any imme diate results at all'. Knowing so well my serious condition, I knew that even the very best and most applicable reme dy, whatever it was, must be need very thoroughly and soieutifioully to obtain the best results. I began taking the pills at . onoe. I noticed no results whatever until I bed taken nearly a box of them. ' "First, I noticed that I was eating more tban I nsnally did. Furtbemore, I relished it and became hungry much oftcner. I told my wife that this alone wat worth everything to me. But it wasn't all, for besides eating more heart ily, Dr. Williams . Pink Pills did just what I bid been wishing to heartily I Could get some medicine to accomplish. They succeeded in to toothing my stomach tbat my food stayed where it ought to. After nsing two boxes of these pills I ascertained tbat the tone of my tvttpm wat much better. I - felt almost like a new man. I slept better tban I bad for years, and fell better in tbe morning. Instead of getting down town onoe a day I managed to get down twice. My friends all remarked that I was looking remarkably well for a man of my years. I weso't well yet, by any menus, I knew that. But I was better, wbinb was something unusual for me, and I fell greatly encouraged." "All this time, Mr. Beokwith, did you notice any good effects of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills on your heart?" "0 yes, iudeed I did. I noticed a very marked effect in that direotion. For merly my heart bad been 1 acting very irregular and I now noticed tbat this bad greatly deminisbed. Tbe muscular rheumatism had also become lessened. and altogether I felt as if I was going to get well. I continued tbe use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, satisfied tbat if a little was good, much was better and so it proved to be. "I have taken about eighteen hi x of tbem, extending tivtr a period ot a year and a half, and you don't know bow much better my body is nourished I sleep and eat regularly, my stomaoh bothers me no more, and I believe I am on the gam every day. In tbe use of a remedy for such a disease as mine, the regular, continual use is of the utmost impoitanoe to my way of thinking. "My enocess with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills has been much more than I bad anticipated, for I bad tried sj many things that I had arrived at tbe oonolu eion tbat it was well-nigh useless to further experiment. I feel very kindly toward the Dr. Williams' Medioiue Co who handle the Pink Pills, for they bave done everything for me. Mr. Beckwith is a remarkably well looking man for bis age, and tbe retort er during the day, beard a Dumber of inquiries about how he was getting on with tbe pills. His case appeared to be watched witb unusual interest. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are an unfailing remady for all dis eases Arising from a poor and watery condition of the blood, suoh as pale and sallow complexion, general musoular weakness, loss of appetite, depression of spirits, Uck of embition, Rnsonoia, chlor osis or green sickness, palpitation ot tbe heart, shortness of brr-ath on sHgbt exer tion, coldness of banils or feet, swelling of the feet and limb., pain in the back, nervons beadnobe, dizziness, loss of mrmnry, feebleness of will, ritwing in tbe ears, early deoay, all forma of female weakness, leuoorrboei, tardy or irregu lar periods, suppression of menses, hysteria, paralysis, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, sciatica, all diseases re suiting from vitiated humors in tbe blood, causing sorofu'a, swelled glands, fever sores, rickets, bip joint diseases, hunol back, acquired deformities, de' osyed bones, chronio erysipelas, catarrh, consumption ot the bowels and lungs, i and also for invigorating tbe blood and system when broken down by overwork, worry, diseases, excesses and indiBore lions ot living, recovery from aoute dis eases, sued as fevers, etc., loss oi vital powers, epermatorrhiei, early decay, premature old age. These pill are not a purgative medicine. They contain nothing that could injure tbe most deli oate system. They act direotly on tbe blood, supplying to tbe blood itt life giving qualities by assisting it to absorb oxygen, tbat great supporter of all or NOTim IS HEBEBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and bv virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the county of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered nd en tered in said court on the 2nd day of March, 18'J7, In favor of William Penland, Plaintiff, and against William Doonan and Mary 1. Doonan, Defendants, for the sum of Five Hundred Nine-tv-nnR and ISt-lOO Dollars, with interest thereon from the 15tb day of October, 1X95, at the rate of ten percent per annum ana rmy ucumrs mr- nev s tee ana tne lurtner sum oi iniriy-evt!j Do'llars costs; and whereas it waa further or dered and decreed by the court that the mort gaged property described as follows, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter of section twenty-eight (28), and the southeast quajter of section twenty-eight (2K), and the south half ot tne soutneastquarierana tnesouia ntuiui uie southwest quarter of section twenty-seven (27) all in township one (1) south of range twenty- seven (7) ta8l OI w m , De aoia u imiuj judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will, on The 21st day of April, 1897, at one o'clock, p. m. of said day at the fmnt Annr of the vnrt house In ueppner. Morrow County, Oregon, sell all the right, title o no I n trpat of the anid William Doonan and Mary J. Doonan, Defendants, in ana to me above described property at public auction to the highest and nest bidder lor cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction oi saia execution auu au uuoio, mm .. may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Bnenn oi rayrrow VjUuiii-j, x.icswi.. Dated March 19, 1897. 529-37. Timber Culture, Contest. i ITmitkd Status Lano Offick, The Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVINO BEEN N lttifcu at this oHice by O. E. FarnBWorth, Hepp ner, Or., against Thomas Huntsberry for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 2918, dated Feb. 28, 1888, upon the NEVi hv.u KU KVM and NEW NEW Sec. 81, Tp. 3 8 K 25 E, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to tne cancellation oi saia euiry, iwaiuiia ing that said entry has been and is abandoned and no part of the Baid entry has ever been brolcen, piantea or cuiuvawju. . imv .uuu ures still exist. The said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this office on the 22nd day of May, 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m., to respond and furnlsn testimony concerning ora failure. J.W.Morrow, County Clerk, is au- th..ri7Pn to tjie the testimony iu this case at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on May 15, 1897, at 10 o'clock, a. m, JAS. r. muuke,, negisier. 733-718 ELY'S CREAM BALM Is epoiltWecnre. Apply Into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Draeelsts or by msil : samples 10c. by mml. ELY BUOT1IEKS. 68 Warren St.. New ork fit;-. SHERIFFS SALE BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT ISSUED OUT of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed, com manding me to levy on the goods and chattels of the delinquent taxpayers named on the de linquent tax roll for said county for the years 1891, 189-2, 1893, 1804 and 1895, thereto attached, and none be found then upon the real property as set forth and described in the said delinquent tax rolls, or somucn mereoi as wi 'j y" amount of taxes charged therein, together with costs and expenses. I have duly levied, having been uname to nnaauy iouiurtii.rei "'"" ing to the respective delinquents hereinafter named upon the following described Pieces or parcels of land as set forth in said tax lists, lying and being in said Morrow County, State of Oregon, described ana assessed as ioiiuw a : Jackson, C 8, S4 of lot 4, blk 15, town of Lexington; tax 1894 ; ; 820 English, K C, lot 1, blk C, town of Dairy- ville; tax 1894 :rv: 1" Harryman, M F. lot 5, blk 15, town of Lexington; tax 1894 Conoway J Jf , lot 9, blk 11, Mt Vernon addition to tne town oi ne""uci , i 1893, $0 97; 1891 3 45 .. 3 T2 Taylor. O f, NE and 8E of sec 14, tp 2 n, r 23; tax 1893 3 26; 1894 8 10 11 36 . Tyson, A fl commencing at NE corner of lot 3, blk 3, Quaid's addition to town nl Uonnnlr running north 148 feet. west 1G feet, south 148 feet, east 16 feet to beginning; tax 1894 Royse, Mary A, lot 5, blk 20, town of Lex ington; tax 1893 0 81; 1894 3 20 Pettys, M B, SEX of sec 24, tp 2 n, r 23; tax 1894 ' Murray, Grace Annie. lot3, blk 7, town of Lexington; tax 18930 20; 1894 ft 20 Ladd, Alice, lot f, blk 7, town of Lexing ton; tax 1893 0 20; 1894 3 20 Carr, E M, lots 1 and 2, blk 10, Mt. Vern- ou addition to Heppner; tax 1893 $0 57, tax 1891 $3 45 , Spoonemore, J C, lot 9, blk 7. town of Lexington; tax 1893 0 61 ; 1894 0 32... Mavfield, 8olomon. 8W) of sec 18, tp 2 s, r'26 e: tax 1894 Barclay, Richmond C, commencing at SW corner of N W of sec 10, tp s, r 28, . running north 85, east 20 51-100 chains, south 1 15-100 chains to south line o! said NWK , thence 20 chains to begin ning, containing 1 65-100 acres; tax I89g 4 76; 1894 $0 60 5 38 Willis, Henry C, SW of see 28, tp 4 s, r 23 e: tax 189.1 17 20; 1894 4 06 11 2 Owens, Wm C, NE of SW)4 and lots 1 and 2, sec 30, tp 1 n, r 25 east; tax 1894 . 5 76 Odium, Lorenzo, BVt'i of sec 12, tp 1 n, r 24 east; tax 1893 3 26; 1891 $1 06 7 82 Brown. Isaiah. SE1 of sec 18. tp 1 n. r 25 east; tax 1894 5 28 Bowen, Owen, NW of 8EH sec 16, tp 2 n, r 24 east; tax 1894 2 25 Davis, Frank, east 25 feet lot 6, block 9, town of Lexington: tax 1893 0 20: 1894 3 20 3 40 Blythe, Percy H, SV4 of 8 of sec 25, tp 8 . s, r an; tax i'.n o oo King, Ellen 8, N WJ4 of sec 36, tp 8 1, 1 21 east; tax 1894 o 70 Gilmore, Adaline. lot 4, blk 13, Stans- bury's addition to Heppner;'tax 1894. .. 17 25 Wright, Linden, 8W-i of sec 84, tp 2 s, r 24 east; tax 1894 sot And on Raturrinv- t.hA 21th dav of Anril 1897. at the hour or 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the court house in said county and state, I will sell the above described real estate at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, sub ject to redemption, to satisfy said warramta. costs and accruing costs. E. L. MATLOCK, 530-38 Sheriff of Morrow Co., Oregon. 1 70 4 01 4 06 8 40 8 40 4 02 93 1 St For Sale or Trade. If you want Heppner property don't fail to consult J. W. Morrow. For the rieht person, one wno wants to garden, milk a few oows, raise chickens, eto., I have a fine proposition o offer one. Onoe developed will produce revenue of Sl'iOO yearly. will be sold on eav terms, would not obiect to takinor 160 aores as part payment. 523 tf NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE', firm of Downer & Swann, composed of D.. C. Downer and Emmett Swann, and doing gen eral house, sign and ornamental painting im the town of Heppner, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, Emmett Swann hav ing disposed of his Interest to D. C. Downer who will continue business at the same loca tion, collect all accounts and pay all bills con tracted by the above arm. D. C. Downer, Emmett Swank. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 2nd day of April 1897. 32tf- THE: lew M Mly Trii FOR Farmers and Villagers, FOR Fathers and Mothers, FOR Sons and DaiiQhters, . FOR nil the Family. With tbe close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their time to home and business interests. To meet this condition. politics will have far less space and prominence, nntil another State or ganic life. Io this way the blood, be- National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for coming "built up" and being supplied which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its incerjtion to the nreaent r day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a with its lacking constituents, beoomes rich and red, nourishes tbe various or gana, stimulating tbem tosotivity io tbe performance ot Iheir functions ; aod thus to eliminate diseases from Ibe system These pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine company, 8ohe . neotady, X. T., aod are sold in biles bearing the firm trade mark an t wrap per, at 50 oeots a boi or six boxes for $2.50, and are never sold in bulk. Tbey may be bad ot all druggists or direot by mail from Mr. Williams' Medicine com pany. Tbe prioe at which tbese pills are told makes a oourse "of treatment inexpensive ae compared witb otber remedies. National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member We iurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. Y. Weekly TriDiine one year tor $3.00. OA.MII Address all Orders to IP ADVANCU, THE GAZETTE. "How to Tare all Bkle Distant " Himply apply "Seayne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cores teller, ecteina. Itch, all eruptions oo tbe face, baods, noee, io., leaving the skin elear, white and healthy. Its great bead ing and curative powera are possessed by on otber remedy. Ask your drug gie! for Hwayne's Ointment. any time In case of shortage. Itemember water la our property and eosls money Io put Ptider pressure, and To COX TASK the rots of either In-reons tbat doa'l f.ellike Ibey can ooo- t'hicaco or BL Iiouia, io the recont form to tbe above wrnUitoos will roofer municipal election., with that of 't.0 l' 0 Mk,og laat Kots.tjImt, in an endeavor to ,0 ,1, enforce the prove, a partizan gain or loss, U tQtM iy Cutting off ami ehatglog Ml very far-fetched. Hard pouttct Mq( f(r tba rouble. weraWeL.ht cf in Loth cities. Hin a Umt Co auJ the Lowlinc of "Dioclny bill," . . .. . i 'ir or aomethlns flf. la all out on . n n N u trftrit a tew plats, ThJ peopla V"tcJ for pi O- rJ, but whether it ' will erMo the tcctioDn J bei re gofng tq gtt linger V""b, OwlM UnoaWs H .. . oy, ' " mt'RCII ASNuCM'MrXM. Next Monday morning, April lHtb. at U o'elook. Hv. E. P. Ureene wilt preseb his farewell eermna at the M. K. ohoreh. The evening exernisee will aotisist of a beautiful Faster service rendered by Ibe children ol Ibe Sunday school. Every body eordiellv Invited to atteod both set vires. Tbe old way ot delivering messages by postboys compared with Ibe modern Itlepbooe, tllostretea the eld tedious methods of "breaking' colds eompered witb ltnir almost iiiianoeou en re by MAYR YlH K DRAIN. Few realise that each squirrel dee troys f 1.50 worth of grain aonnally Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exter minator is the most effective aod eco nomical poison koown. Price rednoed to 3 ceate. Conser k I! rock and Minor A Co., egoute, Heppner; J. A. Wnolery, agent, loor; Nichols A Lob, egenta Lexington, Notice of Intention. Land Orriri at Thi Dalle, Osroom, ADrll . 17. KTOTl("K IS HEREBY OIVF.N 1 II AT TBI 1 V iollnwinniaineil avttlor haa (lll notice ol hit Intention t make flnal proof In support o( hlnclann. ant that talil pnxil will ba mail be fore J. W. Morrow, County ( lerk at Hoppncr, urt-fon.on May vxn. veji, ru: KKt'BKN i. GAl'NT. HI. E. No. MM. tor the S'i KW1; ami Wa SIS'. rW i. Tp 6 li R ta K. W M. He name the follnln( wltnesee to prove hit rontliinoiia realilriice upon and cultivation of Min mini. vi: ! .-...In U.f.d. U t Uallata..,. lUnly I'. 1-ong, John Mderiln allot tlrppmr, llrwin. Jkv-hi JAS. f. MOORE, Rt'iUter. Pol a quarter la yonr pocket aod doo'l spend il till Jot gel dowa to Low TdUrd's. Finest liquors and elgars. Near city ball a Tbe celebrated imported running stallioe, Cwlpbareoe, will etend Ibe eeseoa la Deppner. For particulars call eo W. O. Minor. If What is Hop Oold? Beet rib. dee si. elsewhere. t.. .1 .j... in ... ... . i . beer CD One MioqM r-'Ofh, f1?' prck( H l ' Jul Mai. rj a j af t aroe. i.im b.ui, Ll Timber CultureFinal Proof. t and orrirn at the dalles. OKEtiON, l J April .V M7, Nolle la hrrror liven that Mart Marie?, of lone. Orrfon, ha) filed notlia of Intention to make Bnal prool h, lure J. W. Morrow, Comity Clerk, at htiortireln H.'ppner, oniron, on eeiuntay lha Mod rtav ol M 1-17. on timber culture appli cation fin lor the NE' of aecllmi No. V. In laonahlp o. I nortn, Kant Ha. 1 ratal. He num. II new 1 homaa J. I'line nl lli ppnei. tireoii, l'iil Keltman, t rneal Kelt- wan, Ml.lia ta. eperrjr, an oi ion, .re-nn. JAS. f X"OKE. 5.4 te Reglttajr. HELP WANTED ! We are preparing for a big ipring trade, but rnost hAve help to make it a howling success. We are filling op and completing oar stock of GROCERIES AND HARDWARE which will bo sold rs low as possible for a legitimate busi ness. We have many customers now but there are still several- vacancies in this department of our store, to bo tilled. Applications will be received at all hours of the day. Apply io person or by letter to P. C. Thompson Go. Corner Main and Willow Streets. To care alt old sores, to heal Io dolent oleer, or speedile enre pile, you need simply apply PeWilt'e Witch Salve rcording Io direct inns. I's magm like set loo will sopriae yon. Cooeer A brock. Mood's fieat to take alter lanixr; fjae I prevent d trt-a). aid dttire "vj I I I tioB, fure r un 1 1 1 pa t in n. I I I I 3 1U. tttfUfe. 4.1 liwt e"r "PI" er tHHM l-va. wH Ir f 1n.,lu. eer.i hi4 ij f L. Uvllu, I."1". M4 FY. V.. fA n' ) uont You Want a I'lace to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle r i r I. ,.i ' v -a, , j H orse All the can be procured at Thompson it Bin as, Lower Main Street Heppner, Oregon. Thf eant'.entea are well aenalnted wtik ftiant. Bamev. front. Ollliam anil olhar eouetlet aaat rasa aava moiiei and time la making the artoti vita trY.in man. rrlce In keeptiif ellti Ih time.