PAPER Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Docs Job Work Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS 77te Gazcfe Does Job York FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1897, WEEKLY rlO. ?m UEMI-WEEKLY NO 5361 OFFICIAL t i u It m 1 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. FUBLISHgl) Tuesdays and Fridays BY V.IE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY.' OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager At $3.50 per year. 11.25 for kit month, 75 oto. 'or three mourns, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIB PAFKB is kept on file at E. G. Dake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 85 Merchants Exohangs, San Francisco, California, where eou raot for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Arrive! 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m. ; east bound 12:51 a. m. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. aud 8:45 p. in.; going west, 5:30 p. m. and 6.45 a. m. Omci.A.Xi DIEECTOET. United States Officials. P -sideut.. William MoKiuley V -PreHldent Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman 0. cmiary of Treasury Lynuin J. Gage Neoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss fcaorelary of War Russell . Alger hmiretary of Navy John D. Long Pootinaster-fteneral..... James A. Gary Attorney-General ; Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State ...H. K. Kincaid Treasurer ..Phil. Meteohan Hnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General. C. M. Idleman Henatom W. McBride Congressmen 1 $?grEH1fg'm8nD Printer...... . .'.W. H. Leeds SR. 8. Beau, F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Cironit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Hean Morrow County OlUcials, Joint Senator A, W. Gowan Representative J. N. Brown lloiinty Jndge A. G. Bartholomew " Commissioners I.H.Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk J. W. Morrow " Sheriff E. L. Matlock " Treasurer Frank Gilliam Assessor J. C. Willis Sarroyor J. W. Iloruor rtohool Sup't Jay W. Shipley " Coroner 11. F. VbUgnan HIPFNIB TOWN OmOIBS. Mioi Thos. Morgan C "inciluien Geo. Conner, Frank Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J, Slocum, it. Liohtenthal and J. K. Simons. R oorder i W. A. Klchardson T naauror L. W. Briggs jlarshal A. A. Roberts - Precinct Officers. Justioeof the Peace... W. K. Hiohardson uustabte N. 8. Whetatonr United States Land Officers. THB DALLES, OR. 1. F. IHoore Register A. S. Bigg Receiver LA GBAMDC, OB. B. F, Wilson Register J.H. Kobbins Receiver 8XC3XEX BOCIETIES. RAWLINS POST, NO. IL G. A.R. "wt at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of -art month. All veterans are invited to Join. I C. Boon, Gxo. W . Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. OfBoe hours, 8 to 10 b. ro , and 12 to 2 p. m.. at residence. Mrs. H. Welch's property, end 10 to 12. a. m , to 2 to 5 p, m , at tiflioe in tbe rear of Borg's jewelry store. it Bank of W. PENLAND. ED. K. BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREGON First National Bank OF HEPPNER C. A. RHCA, - President T. A. RHEA, Vlee President GCO. W. CONSCR, - Cashier S. W. SPENCER, Ass't Cashier Transacts i Genera! Baaliag Ensiaess. EXCHANGE On all parts of the world Bought and Sold. Collections mads on all point on reasonable Terms. Hurplus and undivided Profit, I.U.(MK) 00. Ontario-Burns Staac Line A. ! t BURH3-GHHYDH 3THGELIHE H A. WILLIAMS. P op 0STAM0-BURX8 Leave Borne Dally at 6 p. m. ami a' rives at Ontario to 42 boors. Single Fare $7. BO. Round Trip $15.00 Through Irrifbt l' cent per pound. BUItXS-CAXYOX Im'N Burn dally, cpt Sunday, rontwrt t anyoa City with Hlpnt. Monument U tiMi rwiie fntrWr f mm Pnrtland. ( nnwru with ih Onurln, frtntvlli and Lakvvta jue at Bura. nation: Hem. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1 AND OFFICE AT THE DALLK8, OREGON, IJ Mar. 11, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 10, 1897. viz: ANNIE GILLIAM, Hd. E. No. 4170, for the 8E'4. Sec. 29. NE'l 6EJ and NE!. 8ec. 32. Tp. 4 8., It. 26 E., W. 8he names the!fni lowing- uUnHoi In nmv. her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: unanes o. Emery, James O. Williams, Mrs. Ann E. ChaDel. Erlwnril S COT all of ai-ilmm. Oregon. JA8. F. MOOP.E. ' 52R-36 Register. I. Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner, Echo. Pendleton, Baker Uity, iilgm and Huntington. C. E. RANOUS, Heppner, Orkqon, jK PI ao's nod Specifications furnished oa application. Contracting a Specialty. SsV All kinds of lumber. flhlnirlpR mauh doors and windows on hand and furnished at reanonable rates. Give me your order. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable rates. Leave orders wilb P. 0. Thompson Co. Sent Free To any person interested in humane matters, or who loves animals, we will 'end free, upon application, a copy of the "ALLIANCE," tbe organ of this Society. Io addition to its in tensely interesting rending, it Oontains a list of tbe valuable and nunoial pre miums given by tbe paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLHNCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Ike Important Points. FIRST-Go via. St. Paul be- cause the lines, to that point will afford ) ou the very beet Bervice. SECOND See that the coudod beyond St. Paul rends via. the W ibcodbiu Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-coDtinental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 21ft Mark St.. Portland Or. Gen. Pas. Agt.. Milwaukee, Wis. ETOCt BRANDS. While yon aaepyonr subscription paid up yes saa keep y oar brand in fneof charge. Bor. P. O.. Heppner. Or. Hone. P B t.i lefl shoulder; eat tie. same on left bip. Chapin, H.. Hardman. Or. Horse bran den onriarht hie Caitl hratiftol th aain. A'fe. brand ("I on hone right thigh) ea'tl nmnd on right shoulder, and out off and o right r. Cook, A. JLma.0r. Morwe, 90 on riahUhonl lr. CattlA. aaraeon riffhthiot mmr mark onar drop off left and split in right. ImdaM. W. M . Gallowar. Or.-'ttl. R I) or, rinht swmlow-fork to Men ari hone, B I) oa n nip. Klv. Bra. TVmmIm. Or. Hom brandwl ELY on l"ft houldr, cattle sum on Mthip. hoi in ngni ear. Flnrance. L. A.. Hnnnr. Or. Cjittl. I. Hcht hip; horw. t with bar andar on right tnoaiaar. Jon, Harry, Happnf, Or Hon bran Hod H J on the rn shuuldnr: eattl branded i on nirht hip. also uoiWbit in Ml ar. Kang la Borrow cooniy. Johr in. Felix. Ln. Or. Hnraoa. slti-UT m ft titt; oattla, asm no right bip, aadr ha" irop in n" ana uut .n lan ear Knnr. Mik. HuoDner. Or. Horaa kntadiol KNK on Uft hip oitl Mmi and erop off Ufi mr nn-iar lotM on the right KaiBhwbuid.W.nMMiDt Varnnn. Or. I I. aattl on right and Uft id. swallow fork in W ft car ana onnt aop in right ar. Hwm aanw braou oe tort aoul(Mr. Hang in (irant county LnfW. rVtirw . It, Or. ft L om Uft kit ua enttl. crop and split on right Mr. Hmm aiu brand oe loft boaJor. tUngc (trani OOOJltV. Leahey. J. W. Happoor Or. Horao branded Land A 04 lft ahnnldar; cMtl aarn on Mi hip, watllaovar nght y, Una slit in right ar. Minor, llaoar, nappnar nr. teltle, M D in right hip; nun, m im latt anotunar. Moraan, H. N.. Hpp"r. Or. Horaa. M ) oe lrt atwialdai eatu aaoMoe Ian bip. Oshorn. J. W Doogta. Or.! horaa O Me lf shnnldar; oartl sama oa right bip. Pwkar k (Jlaaaue, tUrdmaa.Or, Bona IP oe Ian ahoaldar. Hi par, J. H., Irtintua. Or.Horaaa, JR nan. artad onlart ahottldar; eat tl. awna oe laf alp ndar bil la aanh aar. Itarinr i. W.. 11-ppDar. Or.-Horaaa. JO m lrt suuuMar. catu, () oa rlgtit bip. 1 ftnamr. K. 0. tTammar. Or. Cattle W C im lafi bip. rrp "S? right and andarliit la laft yaar, Valaoi horaa W C on laft aaunklar. Thorn pa. i, , A.. Happnaa. (r. Horaa. or laft ahMil4ari mill. I oa laft atwmldar. Taroar K. W.. Happoar. Or, (Small capital T Uft ah.ail.lai. knrara; aaUle eaiaa an laft kie 7iK plit I bnh aara. Tiuirotoa. II. St.. lor, Or Horaa braoikd BT aonaartad oa kt atlfk; baaiaama bmnd. Wa'iaahargnr, W. J., (lalloway r.;hor euanar ntrl JW oa right liili-': rani. Ouariar rurU J W no right hip aud right da, rtop an1 kola in lafi aar. iiarga la Morrow and I gMUile roantta. FRED HENDLEY As sure as winter comes, omes STIFFNESS SORENESS As sure as McCl ure's II Sew "NV I i-iniirfc- For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of (irant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's ' St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins iu May.) Charles A. Dana.' "Recollections of War Time." Mr Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series pf portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies uuder the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. " Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Sforles of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" tnrtB vlvn him a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACT.AREN, All the fiction that he will writeduring the coming year, with the exception , of two contributions to ano'ber publication which were engaged from him long bko. will appear lu McClure's Magazine. JOEL CHANDLER HAKRI3. A scries of new animal stories in the came field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCMJBK'b all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazink a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete iu itself. Anthony Hope Bret Harte Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories In McClure's for the coming year. $ These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClure's Magazine for 1897, the subscription priee of which is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign - Of Education How to Get it rr na For DJIPHBRLLELED OFFER summate skill, Buch a paper is a great popular educator. It should bo In every horns. The subscription price of Leslie'a Is (4 pe nnura. We make the unparalleled oner of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such ofter was ever made before No such offer will ever be made' again. These two paers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the GAZETTE, "tj Heppner, Oregon. WEEKLY I lltf MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Tbe Outlook will be In 1897, aa il bis been during each of it twenty seven yean, a History of Oar Own Times. Io lie various editorial departments The Outlook gives a compact review of the world's progress; it folio with care all lb important philanthropic and in. dustrial rnovemenls of the day; ba a complete drprtrtment of religions news; devoir ranch space to the interests of Ibe twine; reviawa current (iterators; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, io short, aims to giv frrsb Information, original observation, and reaennable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty fltflh volnmr, tbe paper will assume th regular mage iineila, wbiob will adJ grratly to il eonveiiifoee and eltrartiveoeaa. Tbe Outlot k la pnMUhed every Hatnrday fifty-ten lnea a year. Tbe first iaan Io earth month is an Illustrated Mngssine Somber, cofilainiog: about tetaeM msoy page a tbe ordinary issnr, together wilb large aombrr of pu:ture. Tbe pnoeof The Outlook i three dollar a year In advenes, or Iree thee a cent a day. Rend for a prinei a 'py ao 4 illuirt- 4 prrapeeln to Tbe Oetlnok, 13 A.lor Place, New Totk Oitv. St. Jacobs Oil comes, it comes to CURE. The ailment goes. ninfsvwvvvvvv Magazin e jyj.vv To be educated one must road the best literature. The best literature is expensive. Leslie'a llluatrated Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best things It illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con Hootbiog, aud not irritating, strength ing, and not weaking, email but, effec tive aucb are the qnalitle of De Wilt's Little Eirly Rieere tbe famous little pills. Oonser Ar Brook. Now ia tbe time to get tbe Weekly Oregooian, the greateat newspaper of the West. With Ibe Oaerdte, both strict ly io advance, one year, $3.50. No better combination of neaapapera oao be made n the atate. Walt. Thompson run atage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday. H bor test and cheap est route to the Interior. Oonser k Brock, agents. Thronsh tMioe oo tbe O. R A N. will run via. Uu atilla, Walla Walla and t'endluton. Through sleepers, Bret and eeonod olaas, will run io connection witb tbe Union l'aclfJa, tbe same a hereto fore. A through first-class aleeper Port land to Spokane, Connecting witb Ibe first elaea sleeper to 8t. Panl, and a through toorlgf sleeper Portland to Ht. I'anl, will ron io eoooectioo wilb the Great Northern railway. tf For sale-Aboot thirty tone of rye bay, located alont two and poe-balf mile of Hardman. Also 400 acre of good range, fenoed, to go witb fame. Plenty of outside government range near at hand. Shelter for 2,000 bead of beep or large Irnnd A rattle. Oood boiiae ob place. Call oo Giselle offtne for pertieular. A rere tbanre to get nltesp. All eigne iodleate a bard ainiar and delay are dangerous. tf . Two year ago II i. Wsrrro, drof gi'lat Pleasant Brood, N. Y., bought a small anpply of Cbamberlala'e Ooagb ttenedy. He sum up lb rolt a fol Iowa: "At that time tbe gonde were no- known in lhiettB; to dy CbaBter. laiu Oongh Kemedf i a tioosebold word." It m tbe same io buadrede of eomn.nnitia. Wharaavar the good qMlitir nf Chsmbarlain't Cough Kern- rdy liacom kaowo tbe people will bav j BOihig f0, g. by Ooncer lirock. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Unitep States Lanp Office, La Grande, Oregon, March 9, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN MADE AT this offlce by the duly verified and cor roborated affidavit of John Mc Jullough alleg ing that Lena A. Munkers who made timber cul ture entry No. S133 at the U. 8. Land Offlce at La Grande Oregon, on February 18th, NWS. for the KU 8 54 and Vt'K SEf Sec. 17 Tp 8 H, R 28 E. W. M., has failed to comply with the timber culture law in this, that she failed to break or cause to be broken five acres or anv number of acres on said tract within one year after her timber culture entry of said tract; that she never made any improvements upon said tract and did some ttme in the year 1889 remove from said county and state and has never returned and did at about said time abandon said claim. Therefore, with the view of the cancellation of said entry the said p rties are hereby sum mo ed and required to be and appear before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, 011 the Hthdayof May, 1897 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day then and there to produce such testimony as they may have concerning said allegations, the final hearing to be had before the Register and Receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on the 82d day of May, at 10 o'clock a. m. B. F. ILSON, Register. J. H. ROBB1N8, .531-511. Receiver, SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and bv virtue of an exnnuHnii tmuie.1 nut of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for lha rnnntu nl . ... 1 . . 1 1 . 1 I ... v. Muiiuti niiu io mo uirucieu aim delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en tered in said court on the 2nd day of March, 1897. in favor of L. p. Davidson. Waintilt, and against Samuel K.' Walker, Defendant, for the sum of One Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars with Interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per pimtim from the 12th dav of October, 1896, and the further sum of Fo.ty Dollars with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 27th day of April 18; the sum of Fifteen Dol lars attorney lees; the sum of $28.20 costs and disbursments of this action I have levied upon the following described real property, to-wit: South-west quarter of Sec tion Twenty six in Township Three (3) South of Range Twenty-three (2H) East W M, to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. 1 will on Saturday, The 8th day of May, 1897, atone o'clock p.m., of said day, at the front door of the court house in Hemmer, Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and in terest of the said Samuel K. Walker in and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfactions! said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, , Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated April 5tft, 1897. 5:13-41 Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Pnblicatloa. I'NiTgn Btatks Lanp Office, N ..IC Unili:,, UII'KIIII, 41lll , mill. OTICEI8 HEREBY GIVEN. THAT JACK son H. Stanley, of HUlsborn. Orevnn. has tiled notice ol Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at hlsnflice in Henpner, Oregon, on Monday the 17th day of May, 1897. on timber culture application No. 2987, for the NE'V of section ho 28, ltnfWnslilp 1 North Range No. 24 East. He names as witnesses: A. T. MeNay and Thomas J. Carle, of Heppner, Oregon, Kraten B. feperry and Paul Reltman, of lone, Oregon. JA8. F. MOORE, . 533-44 Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, J March 17. 1897. Notice la herpbr trlvioi that the following-named settler has l.-rl noil... of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made oeioree,. u r reeiauu, u. 8. Coin, at Heppner, Oregon, on May.rth, 1897, vis: ALEXANDER L. WALKER, Hd. E. No. 4315, for the ES KE'4 Sec 82 and ii N W Sco. H:i, Tp it H, K '2,1 K. He names the following witnesses to nmv. his continuous residence upon and cultivation ii, sain laua, viz: Aloiiui M. Markham, Nathan Rhaw, of Hepp ner, Oregon, Ralph lienge. James Brown, of Lexington, Oregon, JA8. F. MOORE. Register. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Uditkd Rt4Tks Lako Orrici, l Grande, Oregon, March V, 1897. CIOMI'I.AINT HAVING BEEN MADE Al this olllce by the duly verified and corrobo rated aMdavltof Paul G. W. Balslver. alleirlna that George W.Isom. who made honivstead nl- .o. tii'.n, on ix-i. -u, 1KW, at the I'nltwl 8tates for mora than sis months since making aaiil entrr and that said tract is not twltled iiihiii nor ciiiiivau-ii ny sa'o pany aa required ny law. Therefore, with the view ol Ilia nsnpellstlnn of sld entry the said parties are hereby aiiin- mum-u aim rt-quirYii in i appear iietoro K. I. Freclaud, I). H. Circuit Court Cnimnlulon. er at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on ma (Mil liar III hit. imi ai Ilia hour nl 10 o'clock A. M. of snld day, then and there to immure sucn unu moil i itiev rnav nav con- ceriiing said allegations, the final hearing to he had before the Register and Receiver ai L Grande. Oregon, on the 22d day of May, 197 t iu o rani a. m. n. r. nllMIN, Hi-glstor. J. ft. ROHHINK, 52939. Rwclver. He ('oetforUble Wklle Traveling Io cool weather. The Union I'adflo system heat its traina Ihronghool by steam oral from the engine, thus mak ng every pari of all it ear pleasant and comfortable. It also lights It car hy th erfehratsd Pinlech Light making Ibem brilliaut at night. Paasengera csrrled daily on the fast mall. For sleeping car reservations, tickets, or In rnrmatlon, call on or addre R W, Baiter, 0n. Agt., 135 Third St., Port land, Oregoo. Mat Lit blenlbal bat just received Ibe latrat styles in genta' and ladies' shoes You sboold see them. a. Schilling's Best lemon is 20 to 30 times as strong as common flavoring extracts. Try a drop in a tumbler of water. Money-back. rorubby I. A. Wxlrry, lone Irrigation rale will tie charged by the Urppper Mght k Water Company front the first lime that water is osed Ihroogb tbe hose for tbit purpose. S - ? Tbe Gaxnll will take polato, a; plea, egg or batter on subscript on aoroant. Aoy one owing Ibis bfilteran settle their areonale la tbit maoner ti ean'l do it too aooo Io oit oe. Vianffid-lln Irlpa Tsi?. tatnB w aa aiag topau-fetf fcai.f.liKMt kg a r7rtMM ait., aara, WaMiiagUM, l c,. It laaw Miaa agar a4 stet vt lay kaaiifad laaauae a as 14. unit-e at m uranue. Oregon, for the N'i IK',. N'iHWU and MW! NW! Kcc 33, Tp 4 8. R 29 E. W. M , lots wholly abandoned said tra.-t; that lie has changed his ri slileiice tharelrnm IONE ITEMS. The s oial, at the sohool-house, F.iilny evening. Growio? we4thr Is at htnl 'an I thin is begin to look Kreao. - Miss Lena Jordan j .ined the Cuntf ohnrch the previous Sunday: ; Qardenina is bains; poshed, as it ha been delayed by the cool weather. 1 U pt of tbe farmers are busy plowing Mqpb spring grain is also btn nwn, The Bale of 8. .Walker's nviobiuery, tto., at lone tbe other day brought fair prices. ' ". A number of pupils from the lone dis trict are attending tbe Saddle Buitr sohool. - .1 Mias Ivy Dormaq is engaged at teach ing the Rhea Or. sohool. Nine pupils are in attendance. '. ' i Grain ia in exoellent oonditioo and with ocOHglonal rains during the spring an immense orop will be expected. Sometime ago . tbe report ' oume to lone that Paul Bietmann's tw year-old boy bad strayed from borne and was lost. Nearly the whole neighborhood joined in tbe aearob and late in the evening be waafouud still marohing away about two miles from the borne. He bad been missed sinoe 4 o'olook and when found it was already dark. Clyde 8 perry and Mr. Brown were the luoky ones to find him. i Jaks. April U, 1897. - The True Remedy. . W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa. UL, Chief," aays; "We wou't keep bouse titbout Dr, King's New Disooverv for Uonsnmption, Coughs and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. rung s New Disooverv. No other remedy oan take ita plaoe in our home, a io it have a certain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Oongh, etc.'' ia idle to experiment witb other remediee, even if tbey are urged on yon as just as good as Dr. King' New Dis oovery, Tbey are not as good, because tbia remedy baa a record of ouree and beside is guaranteed. It never fail. satisfy. Trial bottle, tree at Oonser A Brock' drng store. . ' ' lloa't l)o It. Bill Nye nnoe said: "Do not attempt to cheat an editor out of a year' subscrip tion to bis paper, or any other sum. Cheat tbe minister, cheat anybody and everybody, but if yoo have any regard for the future ooosequenoe, dou't fool an editor. Yoo will be put up for office sometime, or want some publio favor for yourself or your friends, and when your look i a thing of beauty, a joy forever, tbe editor will open on yon and knock your rastlee into a cookei bat at tbe first fire. He'll subdue you, and then you'll cuaa your stupidity for being a driveling idiot, go hire some man to knock tun down and kick you for falling " GKKAf KXCITKHENT. . f Lot or II and There Is Caas for It All. The Konteoay oountry is attracting the attention of proapeotors, mining men, capitalists, speculator and all tbe world, because of tbe vast wealth of its mineral resources; but that is nothing to tbe excitement wbiob arise al meal time among the paaaenger between 8 1 Paul and Chisago on the Wisconsin Central Lines, where the dining oar service io the best In tbe world and prices are reasonable. For further particular apply to yonr nearest ticket agent, or address J. 0. Pood, O. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis., or Oeo. H. Batty, Oen'l Agt , 2W Stark Ht Portland, Or. Piles! Piles! Itrklng Pile. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itching and stinging; moat at night; worse by scratching' If allowed to continue turn- ore form wbiob often bleed and nloerate brooming very sore. Hwayoe't Oiut merit elope tbe Itching and bleedimr. beala alteration, and in most oa re moves th tumors. Atdmgglsta, nr by mail, for 50 sent. Dr. Swayn A Hon, Philadelphia, Hark frost Hawaii. Evan Eetep came In Thursday evening from tbe Hawaiian Islands. Almost nine yeara Lave passed since Mr. Estep left Dsnville. He is well and talks with a prnt.otinoed foreign accent that would make bis voice ooreoogniaabl. II ba entered the lw eonre io tbe college, ay the Danville (Ini) Republican. Evan and the publisher of th Osteite wrre raised In the earn neighborhood 00 Indiana farm, and attended the sme little, country eobool. Evan m a brlgbt, eaergetio young man. He can el tTpe, keep book or teach acbool, all soccrsafully loo, aod be will docbtlee make a naoa as an alttraey. Tetter, Malt-ltheum and ltrma. The intense IU hlng and Btnartlng incl dtmt to theae diwaiwa, ts instantly allayed bv apidving C hamlx-rlalit Ere and Hklti Ointment. Many very bad enmat have bwn pnnanftitly cnrwl by It. It ia equally efficient ffr iu hlng illa and a favorite remedy fur sore nlpiil-g, chappml hand, chilblain, froet bltea and chronic aore eye), cu. jr bog. Dr. fady' PeadlUoa Pawdera, are Just what a horae noda wrh-n In bawl condition. Tonic, bkiod purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the beet In use to put a nor In prime condition. J'rica K cent per package, PODBEB Absolutely i Pure Celebrated for ita ernLt lpnvantnor atpancH. and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration, common to ine cneap oranas. ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., NSW Y UK AFTERNOON PARTY. A Pleasant Affair in Honor of Mrs. K A. ( Vantihan, tf Pendleton. . Ou last Wednesday afternoon. Mes- damea J. R. Lake and A. A. Roberta gave a most enjoyable afternoon party , ai ibe borne of tbe former, in Henpner. In bonor of Mrs. E. A. Vangban, of Pendleton. Tbe afternoon was spent in the nsual manner nf such oooaaion. musio and refreshments being important test ores. 1 , There were present: Mesdamea Rob. erte, Lake, Blackman, Brook, Conser, H. W. Bartholomew, p. K. Bartholo. mew, BiBbop, Spencer, Duttonl Hallook. . E. W. Rhea, Morrow, Redfield, McFar- land, Rogers. Hart, J. A. Patterson, McSwprds, . aarrigues!! and E. A.. Vanghan; Misses Cora Rhea, Ada Minor, Elizabeth Matlock and Mable Leezrr, and Misse Barnert and Gold- atone, ol Sea Franoiaoo. i! ; . A GOOD NEWSPAPER., The New York World OtTera Eighteen Pag. a a W eek or One Handred and Ffty SH ; Papers a Vear for the Baaie Price as aa . Ordinary Weekly. The tbrioe-a-week- World ia a paper aa useful to you aa a great $6 daily for only , one dollar a year. Better than ever.: All the new of all the world all the time acourate and fair to everybody. Against trusts and all monopolies. Bril- liant illustrations. : Stories by great author ..iu every number. Bolandirl reading lor womeo and other speotal departments el unusual Interest. It stand first among "weekly" papers in sics, frequency of publication anrl fresbnea, variety and reliability of con tents. It ia praotioallv a dailv al tb low price of a weekly: and ita vast liai of anbscriber, extending to exery state ana territory of the Union and foreion countries, will vouch for the aconraoy an 1 rairoeea of 11 new oolomn. With tbe Hemi-Weekly Gszette. onlv $3 23 per year. Tbia Is a bargain. W AT OVU EXCHANGES HAY. Ex Senator Cor be it ha been given "00 seat" In Washington aa yet and be baa been there several weeks. Tbe old gentleman must be a regular "Weary WagglHr" by tbis time. T.-M. Bulil take Henry Wattereon, ottla Loniaville Courier-Journal, to give bis New York brethren pointer on Ibe real Oregon atyle, says tbe Halem Statesmen. Mr. Wattereon ia having quite a serious tussle witb tbe democratic editor ol Kentucky. In a late issue of the Courier. Journal we find tbe following: "Por a good old Gyaskoli-leek,, self-satisfied and yet vicious with ear like a schooner-rigged windmill, and a bray long aoongb to reaob all the wsy from Bitter Creek lo Uell-for-Harlio . commeod 01 to th Lexington (Ky.) Ob server." Ws bave not been privileged to wil oees lb r xeouiion of the return swire by tba Observer. For several years Oregon baa bad a very good compulsory educational law, bnt several newspapers throughout tbe tat aerm to bave been ignorant ol tbia faot nnti quit recently, Like many law lo be found on our slstute this oaa ba never been enforced to any extent. Parent who ar careless about sendiog tbeir ebildren lo school ought to to Jogged np and where obildren ean'l ba properly clothed and book furnished by Ibe parent, tbey should be supplied aa Ibe law provide for. Even from a financial standpoint this ia cheaper tban to lel them grow op In vice and Ignor. anew, Newberg Graphic. Tbe "irregulars" don'l bave to ask 111 Christian power wbn tbey want to kill off a fw TnrkUb murderer of tbCbri-, tian io Crete. Probably all the Greeks will turn out lo be irregrtlar.-Htate-man. The popuiMs Br broken op oa the tariff question. On of Ihem Voted lor the Dingley bill, aod many 1 1 them re fused to vote one wsy or tbe other. Probably eom ol lb fsvorsd lb mraaore, but ware dderred from decUr. log for It by Iter ol tuelr constituent. It ia cleat that lb protection cause I gaining In strength all over tbe eoantry, It te splitting ell partiee except lb retnhlioao.ot a blob tl oa of lb Cardinal ptneiplas.-Htstetno, "I-. 1. '.'.) jt. r p, f 1 - .