4 p OFFICIAL Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS Hie Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1897. WEEKLY NO. 73fi( SEMI-WEEKLY NO 5S6I 1 SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays -BT- m PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. NOTICE OF INTENTION. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. . . Editor Business Manager At $2.50 per year. $1.23 for six months, 73 eta. ;or three monens, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. TMJI8 PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's L Advertising: Agency, HI and 05 Merchants Exchangs, Han Franoisoo, California, where cou raots for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. ra. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. ra. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m.; east bound 12:51 a. in. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 p. in.; going west, 5:30 p. m. ana t.4 a. m. OFFICIAL DIBEOTOBT. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Mar. 11, ltOT. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 10, 1S07, viz: ANNIE GILLIAM, Hd. E. No. 4170, for the 8E! SEU. Sec. 29. NE'i SEJi and Eii NE),, Sec. 32, Tp. 4 S., K. 26 E., W. M. She names thclfollowine witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles s. tmery, James O. Williams, Mrs. Ann K Chapel, Edward S. Cox, all of IJardman, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. FRED W. HENDLEY The Lancashire Insurance Co. A. W Of MANCHKHTRHi ENGLAND PATTERSON. AGENT, o q the neBt i w or l "i McClure's Maeazin For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Mrfo. nn Clinc nf '07 v w fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his recollections and correspondence. YV (jl) I J S( ) T ,T) Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of uraut ever puonsuea. (Begins in uecemDer.j Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins iu May.) Charles A. nana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for tnroe of the most critical years ol tne Civil war practically a memtier ot unicorn s uauinei, auu is prooaoiy Deuer NOTICE OF CONTEST. United Statics Land Officii, 1 a Grande, Oregon, March II, 1897. OOMPLAINT HAVING BEEN MADE AT J this office by the duly verified and cor roborated affidavit of John Mc Jullough alleg ing that Lena A. Munkers who made timber cul ture entry No. 2133 at the U. H. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on February lMh, 1KK8. for the XA S54 and Wv4 SEW Sec. 17 Tp 3 8, R 28 E. W. M., has failed to comply with the timber culture law in this, that she fRiled to break or cause to be broken five acres or any number of acres on said tract within one year after her timber culture entry of said tract; that Bhe never made any improvements upon said tract and did some time in the year 18MI remove from saiu county ana state ana has never rerurnea and did at about said time abandon said claim. Therefore, with the view of the cancellation of said entry the said pirties are hereby sum mo"ed and required to be and appear before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the fith day of May, 1897 at 10 o'clock a. ra. of said day then and there to produce such testimony as they may have concerning said allegations, tne nnai nearlug to be naa oeiore tne Kegister and Receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on the S2d day of May, at 10 o'clock a. m. u. r. Yl 1I.SON, Register. J. H. ROBBiNH, 531-541. Receiver. United States Officials. Peeitient ; William McKinley V 'lo-President Garret A. Uobart Secretary ot State John Sherman onun.tai y of Treasury Lyman J, Guge Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Kliss fcjuoretary of War ItuxHell . Alger rt.mretary of Navy John D. Long Postinanter-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKennu Seoretary f Agriculture tiames Wilson Mate ot Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metsehan nupfc. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman u . ( G. W. McBride 8ouHton) )J. H. Mitchell ( Hinger Hermann Congressmen w ft EUi8 Printer W. H. Leeds SR. B. Bean, F. A. Moore, 0. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Henator A, W. Go wan ktiaiwontative J- N- Hrown ' imntyJndge A. G. Bartholomew Commissioners i. 11. nowaru J. W. Beckett. " cior .T.W.Morrow '' Sheriff E. h. Matlock " Treasurer Frank Gilliam " ABHsor J. F. Willi ' Surveyor J..W. Horaor School Sup't Jny W. Shipley ' tloroner H. F. Vnughan EEPFNEB TOWN OFFI0I11H. M iyoI Thos. Morgan wiiiatm Geo. (limner, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blocura, 11. Lichtenthal and J. it. Simons. R uorder W. A. lJirhardHon T eainrer L. W. Hriggs ..Unshal , Koberui Precinct Offloers. Justice of the Peaoe W. K. Kichardson ( unstable N. 8. Whetstone United States Land Officer. . THE DALLES, OB. J. F. Moore KegisteT A. 8. Biggs Receiver LA GRANDE, OB. , B. F, Wilson Kegister J. H. Kobbins ...Receiver At Heppner, Echo, Pendleton, Baker (Jiry, Elgin and Huntington. C. E. RANOUS, Heppner, OuuaoN, of portraits it is Intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of make. Kb on THE union lrom Washington to L,incoin. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction Stories of Adventure. A serial by CON AN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talent for nivstgry and ingenuity which have, in tne "snenocK uoinies stones, given mm le roe ana uaooriau. . a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS MMLIli Pinna nnd 8peoiQoations furnished on application. Contracting a Specialty. ffl" All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash. doors and windows on hand and furnished at reasonable rates. Give me your order. All kinds of repairing-done At reasonable rates. Leave orders with P. C. Thompson Co. f AN MACLAREN. All the fiction that he will writediinng the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to anoiher publication which were engagoa troui nun long ago, win appear In McClure s magazine. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as tho "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimblellnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McClure's all of the short stories he will write during tne coming year. OCTAVE THANET Is preparing for the Maoazine a series of short storieB in which the same characters will appear, aitnougn eacn win oe complete in lioeii. Anthony Hope Bret Harte Robert Ban- Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McClure's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClure's Magazine for 1897, the subscription priee oi wmcn is oniy One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. Qnnt 1-ViP.Q The S. S. McClure Co., New York. To any person interested in Immune matters, or who loves animals, we will cend free, upon application, a copy of the "ALLIANCE," the oman of this ooiety. Iu addition to its in tensely interesting rending, it contains a ist of the valuable and uoiimiftl pre- iumH given by the phper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-4U United Charities Building, New York. GOCIETIES. Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FOKGET lircc Important Points. KAWLIN8 WST, NO. 91. O. A. K. "vtts at Lexington. Or., the lost Saturday of hit. mouth. All veterans art invitoa to join. :(. Hoon, Geo. W.Bmith. Adintaut, tf Commander. D. J. McFaul, M. D. IIEPPNER, OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m , nnd 12 o 2 p. m., at residence. Mrs. U. Welch'i Dronertv. and 10 to 12. a. m . to 2 lo 5 p. in , at oflioe in the rear of Bora's jewelry store. 01 I. WM. PENLANI), ED. U. BISHOP. 1'resldent. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLKOTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD UEPFNEC tf OREGON First National Bank OF HEPPNER c. A. Rhea, t. A. RHEA, Geo. w. conser, s. w. spencer, President Vioe President - Cathie AVt Cathie Trmsarls a GenenJ Banking Business. 3ixci-iA.israK )n all parti of the world- Bought and Sold Collections made on all point on reasonable Terms. Burpltn and undivided Profits, I t H.OOO.OO. Ootario-Burns Stajc Lin -A. IV I- H A. WILLIAMS, P op T A Campaign Of Education How to Get it For LONG CREEK EAULET. From the Eagie. Ool. Frank Parker, of the Walla Walla Statesman, is in lack. He took a claim inRoesland, B. n.,for a $25 bad debt. He oouldn't sell it, and now the adjoin ing claim on the same ledge is turning oat $75 ore. J. B. Boyd, who has for two years past very accept ibly fliled lhi position of foreman on this paper, is tikiag treatment iu Spokane for lead poison which he' has ooutrnoted during tie many years that he has been handling the "types." He is under the care ot bis father, and hopes in a short lime to fully recover. E. N. Crockett returned home last Sunday from St. Louis where be has been for the past seven months attend ing the Marion Simms Medical college. One year more and Mr. Orookett will raturn with as good credentials as any physician. This was Mr. Crockett's first year in this medical college, having spent bis first term in the Bellevue Hospital Medioal college of New York. He was assistant demonstrator ot anat omy ic the Marion-Simms institution, a position seldom given to an. under-trradaate. The True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., Chief," Bays: "We won't keep bouse tion Twenty six in Township Three (3) South of without Dr, King's New Disoovery for SHERIFF'S SALE.. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en- tereainsaia court on tne ml day ot Marcn, l!K)7. in lavor of L. V. Davidson, rialnt.ilt, and against Samuel E. Walker, Defendant, for the sum of One Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars with interest at the rate 01 e per cent, per annum from the 12th day of October, 18. and the further sum of Foity Dollars with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 27th day of April 1896; the sum of Fifteen Dol lars attorney lees; tne sum oi ix.ju costs and disbursmcnts of this action I have levied upon the following described real property, to-wit; Hontn-west quarter oi sec Range Twenty-three (28) East W M, to satiBfv I,, .. r . , ,. said judgment, costs and accruing costs. 1 will uousumpiion, uougns ana uoias. UjX on Saturday, uerimented with manv others, hot never "hANth (Inv Aff Mnv 1X17 - " atone o'clock p, m., of said day, at the front got the true remedy until we used Dr, U1UK D HOW IIOUUTCI J. i-U VltUCI IQIUCUV oan take its plaoe in our home, as in it we have a oertain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on yon as just aa good as Dr. King's New Dis oovery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of oures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles tree at Couser & Brock s drag store. MITCHELL TELLS A STORY. ppner, finitu Mi-mrnn Ball all tha t!l a u,l l teres! oi tne said Samuel it. wainer in and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for chhIi in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. n. L. matmjuk., Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated April 5th, 18U7. M3-4I Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Publication. United Status Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon, April '2. 1R97. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JACK- li son H. Stanley, of Hillsboro, Oregon, has (lied notico ot Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his otllce In Henpner, Oregon, on Monday the 17th day of nay, 18117, on tinnier culture application no. JUK7, for the N E of section ro 28, in Township 1 North Range No. '24 East. He names as witnesses: A. T. McKay and i nomas J. tiarie, ot Heppner, Oregon, Keateu B. sperry ana t'aul iteltuiau, ol lone, Oregon. JAS. JF. MUOKli, 5:53-4-1 Register. $5.00 FIRST-Go via. St. Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford ou the very best service. SECOND See that the coudod beyond St. Faul rends via. the Wisconsin Ceiitral because that ine makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD -For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket aint acd ask for a ticket rending via. the Wisconsin Centra) lines, or address I QIPMlllLLELED To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature is expensive, Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, li full of the best things. Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary 'AS departments are edited with con- u iimmate skill. r: Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every K4? M home, U ft The subscription price of Leslie's t P nnum. ft We make the unparalleled Oder of a copy of X Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- (x & Weekly one year for only $5.00. & No such offer was ever made beforo. N6 such offer will ever be made 'a S again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday p gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Q Hfe Remit by postal order or check to the f Heppner, Oregon. Alouzo M. Markham. Nathan Shaw, of Henri ner, Oregon, Ralph llenge, James Brown, of Lexington, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE. '.28-38. Register. Jas. C. Pond, (jen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, Jlf. Stark St., Portland. Or, riTOCIl BRANDS. Whil joa .oep yonr subteriptioD paid np yet I oaakeap four brand In frMof charge. Bor. P. ().. Heutnr. Or. Horses. PBci loft hoa)dr; cuttle, mm on lft hip. ChBidn, H.. Hanliimn. Or. Homes hrDdBl . nnrluht hlii. Cattle bniiwlwi th same. Alx brands ( I on borw nht thighi cn'tle ma brand ud right shimldur, ami out oil and o rlht ear. WEEKLY The MONTHLY Outlook Cook. A. J..In.Or. Horwia, 9don right shoal ler; ('a"ln, Mtneon right hip: wtr mark suarr Published Every Saturday ir.orU.ni 13 Astor Place New York srp off left and split In right. I)hi1km. W. M . Oallowar. Or. Cttls, B lli riht wdow-fork in Mch in loft hip. Kr.ia.. T)mla.Or. HomM branded KIA nn lf t shonldnr. cauls sain on loflhip. hole ip riglit er. Pl.intnna. L. A.. flel.r.nr. Or. Cnttln. Lf shoaldw. The Oatlook be In 1H07, s it bss 3m. Rarry, HPinr. Or -Horns hran.led w0 daring Mob of its twfoty seven H J on ln Inft nhimliliir; cnttl bm.idwl J on I . . riirht hip. alwt antlxrbit in left Mr. Range In years, History of Our Own rimes. In Morn, e-Mintj, its vnrious editorisl depsrtroeoU Tbe J..hrMO, KK, Ina. Or. Hnr. elrclT m I' ,i left tiH; ptlli, mimi riirhthlp, nndf la!' I O'ltlfKik glTJ'S S cntnpsnt fftiew Of lllf . .1 u k jua -orld's progress s ' '" " Ronnr. Mike, Heppner. Or. HornM branded . .r KNY on lft hip ca'tloumntnd enip oil Ufi I l lb ImportHUt (illllHntliropIO sua ID mt, m.d ..o,-on ih. rw.i . Justrii.1 tnoHrneDts of the dsyj bus S MttU on right and Uft aidM, swallow fork in U fl Mr and on l"T p in riitht Mr. HorsMsemt bian I uo loft suouldar. lUuig lo Grant ouutr Lofton. Bt'tihon, Fi. Or. H L on left hit mi rnl. cn.p ard apl't on rll't Mr. II Minn brand oo left hoo.ulwr. lUuic l.riuii Ottllltf. L-he. J. W. HeMiner Or. HornM trandw IajiH k oi lit should", iwttl Him im l'l hip, wnitUonir nht . UirM eliu in right guj rtnsoiisble rbtt-rlsintiifrit complete department o( religious oej devotes tnnoli spare to the interests of Ibe h'imfj reviews current litfsture; furniklies cheerful tsb!e-tnlk shorn mP sr d thing: sr.d. io short, situs to give frenb loformtflon, crigmsl brvstioo, OSTAhlO-DUKSS leaves Hums Daily st 0 p. m. sud sr rites st Outsrio to 42 boar. Si-iQle Fare $7.BO. Round Trip $10.00 g y Throng h freliht V rents per pound. BVRSS-CAXroX MtM Bums dHy, tf Sondaf . Conneri I l .nton cut lilt llrppo'r M.itninienl ! u-j .i. i.,l.ri.,r from I' irlUnd .nn Is Hk lt Otiiarw, l'rliielii U("S si Hutu. nl Utael' m-t. rar. ipner nr.-l atu, M rinhl hip; horM M on lft h.mlilr. Moriw., II. S., Hppnr. Or.-Hr no l-ft inm !'!! rttl mow on Wft h'p. (.l.rn. J. W.. D..mlM. Of.i h"t-m O un lf hiHildrr; rattle Mine n rixhl hip. farkee & (ilMaun, liarliua.Or, UorMsIfoc left huulder. I'iiwt. J. H.. !ilrt. Or. -Hurt, if. en. Utflmt n left h'l!'lf ; MliU, Min B lef hip. Omlor hl III Mrh MT. IUrt..r.J. W.. Il-ppner. Or.-HorM. JO m lt t shoulder. ((U. Oun riiil.t hip. Hirry. K. . ln"". Of. -CHl (' Ml hip. "f"P off rii,t ami tidrbit in Ufl Mf, dUp: him W dm l'l siHinhlar. Ibompvn. 1 A-. ll-iMin'. Or-HieM, lt ah.ml.Wr: Milk. 1 uii Ufi hool'Uf . Torrn H. W . Mvpue. .-inU M.IJ T Un sr-oMr. IfMi mill Mm oa lft ip rih .l,lilrt . th.rttit.rn, II. M.. Ime. Or-H'imM r.rmrd.d T in1 mi l-t tie;: .ht, Mtie hranil. W-talurve. W. J , If l..r. rnflr f-irfp -1W f-Kt.l tlffitdfT: rattle iitarf-r ntrl J W on rtri. t hip ml nfl.l n.fp ft lv.l in Uft w, IUt ( ID JdorTi.u tmo I 'p'.tuls roiiiiln D n. Begiofjing wi'.b tlm Brty Hifitt oinme, fi ) the pnper will MMiiiine tb regular mags sine size, which mil all greslly to it 0 ilienifli0 Slid HttriM llTftiieK. The Oiitlm k Is poblubed every Hatnrday fifty teo laene S yesr. Tbs first Issue In enb rouiitli is su Illnatrtd U.ig1!;ue Nuaitier, ooDlaiuiin: sbont twlc as Uisuy pages s the ordinary jMue, together itb lrg bu Oilier ot pirtare. The price Ol The Outltx.k i three dnllar year In liioe. or li s tbno s fftit day. Heed for epimeo eny t ill nt rat ed proe pectus to 1 he O'lll'Hik, ". Astof Viw, Nw York Cv. Houthing, and not irritating, strength ing, and not weaking, small but, efToc tive mob are the qualities of De Witt's Little Early Itinera the famons little pills . Ciiuser k Brook. Now Is the time to get the Weekly Oregonmn, the greMtent newspaper of the West. Witb the Gazette, both strict It in advance, one year, $3.60. No better oombiustinn of newspapiTt oan be made n the state. Wait. Tboinpaon rnus stage between Hoppoer and Monument, arriving every dsy except Monday and leaving every day eicept Sunday. Hbortest and obesp- eet route to tbe interior. Omser k Brock, agents. TbrongH ' ams oo the O. II & N. will run via. Co stills, Walla Walla and Iv nd'eton. Through sleepers, first snd eeooud-olaM, will run in oonneotioo witb tbe Union I'aclfio. the same as hereto fere. A through Orst clas sleeper l'ort- land to Hpokane, oonnecting with the fiist olnea eleeper to Bt. Paol, and a through tourist sleeper Portland to Ht I'nnl, will run io ooonectinn witb tbe (J resit Northern railwa . tf For sale Aboat thirty tons of rye bay, located elxjnt two and one-balf miles of ilnrdman. Also 4'X) acres of gixxl range, fenced, to go witb same, Plenty of outside government rsnge bear at hulnl. Hbe.ler fur 2.IKKI bead of sheep or Urge band of cattle. Good bous no plaoe. Gallon Oazette ofTloe for iiarticuUr. A rar ihanee t gut buy ehep. All sign indioate a hard winter and delays sr dangerous. tf Two year ago J. Warren, a drug gie! at rienssfil Brt'id.N Y.b'inglita mall supply t Chamberlain's Cougb lUredy. He'itnnp the result ss fol low: "At that time tb good were no known In Una section; t' di.jr Cbanber. lam' Omgh IUmel Is a bonebold word." It la the tu to bundled eonininmtie. Vlireer the good qmlitie of Chamlierlaiu's Hongh lUm it lieoum knowu the people will bsv tioibl. g els, fur sale by UoPtcr Brock, Notice of Intention. (HI POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and healthfulness. assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. KOYJ.L BAKING POWDER CO., NKW Y BH. WHAT OCR EXCHANGES SAT. Tbe Portland Chronicle baa ita bnnds upon tbe lever that controls the uni verse. Tbe cowardly, though natural, instinct of self preservation, prevents the Qazette from engaging in a hopeless oombiit with such a powerful enemy. Oorvallis Oezette. Compare the Recalcitrant Legislators to the Horse that Yon Can Lead to Water, Etc. The following appears in the Washing toe, D. 0., correspondence of the New York bun, o rider the date ot Maroh 24th Senator MoBride, ot Oregon, and former Senator Mitchell were witb the nreaident several minutes. The ores! an n or r iLC a.1 i lit u aj.uun uwiun, l . . ...i..j u... . .,.:.! i.ui. J March 17, 18!I7. Notice Is hereby given a"u' noaou nuuut tuo niisivriti uui iu that the foiiowing-na ned settler has iiied notice Oregon and appeared sorry to learn that of his intention to make final proof in support rr ' of his claim, and that said proof will be made Dir. Mitchell OOUld not be re-elected. before K. L. Kreelaud, U. H. Com. at Heppner, v.. i i.- .a ,u i i .. ... Oregon, on May sth, in7, viz: "You have beard tbe old story, Mr. ALEXANDER h. WALKER, President." Raid ex-Senator Mitchell, Hd. E,No. 4iK, fortheE'4 NESec32 and WW "about the boy leading tbe horse to $WV .Sec, 8:i, Tp 2H, R2fi K. , . ,, . , .. , , . He names the following witnesses to prove T, but could not make him drink. his continuous residence upon and cultivation yel. this story is pat in my 0BS6. You of, said land, viz: ... oan eleot a man to tne legislature, but there is no law by wbiob you oan oom pel him to do hia duty." That prophets are not all dead can be gathered after studying thin vision, painted by Henator John H. Mitchell in tbe United States Senate in Maroh, 1893: "Suppose at the end of my present term ehould be a canons oandidate for re election. Suppose that tbe republican party should bave a majority ot the leg' islature of the state ot Oregon. Sup pose that some men with unlimited wealth should induou a minority ot the legislature to prevent an organization, thereby preventing the legislature from performing its fnnotions. Suppose tbe man of wealth should be on intimate terms with the governor ot Oregon and that it should be arranged between them that tbe governor should appoint the man who corrupts the legislature in order to prevent an eleotion. Suppose that then the governor should appoint the rich man in spite of tbe will of tbe people to the contrary. Should suoh a man be seated in this senate? I say most emphatically, nol" These words were brought forth in tbe debate upoi tbe seating of Lee Mantle, of Montana, and every letter quoted seems to bave been inspired. Portland Tomahawk. NOTICF OF CONTEST. Files! Piles! Itching rile. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itohing and stinging; most at night; worse by scratohicg' If allowed to oontinue turn ors form wbiob often bleed and ulcerate Swayne's Oitit- Unitkd Htatks Land Offk i, U Orande. Oregon. March II. 1H97, ClOM PLAINT IIAVINO HK.KN MADE A1 this olllce by the duly verllled and corrobo rated affidavit of Haul O. W. Halslger, alleging hennmmir vrv aora No. lillll. on Oct. 22, 1hi2, at the United Wales I mellt atODS tbe ItOUtng and UleeulOg. Lnd Olllre at La (Iramlo. Oregon, for the NVS',. heal nlneratinn and In moat A nan re K iw E. W. M .lias wholly Abandoned Mid trai t! moes tbe tumors. At druggists, or by that he has changed his residence therefrom mall, tor 50 Oeuts. Dr. Swayne & Hon, lor more man six inoiuns since inasiug ssid l I'lnluilulnliia enlrv and that said tract Is not settled upon nor cultivated by hk'.I party as reipilred by law.- I nereiore, witn tne view oi tne cancellation of it. 1 entry the fluid parties are hereby sum moiicn aim rcquireii lonesppear nciore it. i Kreeland, U. H. Circuit Court Couiinlsiiloti er at ma onico at Heppner, Oregon, on the ith day of May, 1h:i7 at the hour of CANNOT RK BEATED. H IU o'cliK k A. M. of said day, then and there to priMiuce such testimony as they may have con- W. Cnrbett htlll Lingering la Wash' Ington. Special Cor. Astoria Budget: erulng said allenatloiia, the llual hearlna to be I Waabinirton. I), fl . Maroh 24. Oof. I....I pU fl. U,.ul.t... ...rf U.u...l..u. u . f - I T irande, Oregon, oil the '22(1 day of May, 1 H.i7 at I 1 lOt luoceeulug so wen Here as 10 o'clock A. M. 11. K. WlfON, u. n.(.n -..l,1 k... IV,. nr,U Heir slur. 1 1 r J, H. HOHitlNH. Oreuon believe. All tha member of the 621.39. Kccelver. ... ... , , oommiuee on privileges snu eiecuoos ar thoroughly familiar with tbe proceedings He Comfortable While Traveling t Halem, ami WlIU lew exceptions say n cool weather. Tbe Union Pacific that suob precedent oan not be raoog system heats its trains Ibronghonl by nized under any oiroumitancet. When steam boat frhra tbe engine, tbn mak- ,,. v..ki .ilm. u as 1 on wiupii Ruuiiiuilimui win ug uu ng every pari of a'l its cars pleasant , .. . .... ... ,, B.ui nnmfi.rialii. It .i.n iiui,t. it. c.r. lb" senate it will be attacked witb all by t ha celebrated Pin Inch Light making the strength ot the dominant opposition Ibero brill'ant at night. Paeeengers Corbett will not be seated .nrneii daily on the last mall, ror sleeping oar reservations, ticket, or In formation, oll nn or dre K W. Baxter, Uen. Agt., 13-i Third St., Port- laud, Oregon. Free Pills Bend yoor address lo II. . Bucklen k Co., Chicago, and get free sample box ot Dr. King's Nsw Life Pills. trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy Iu aotion and are particularly effotir In the oars of Con For M As Klrgsnt Present Jesse Wiley, thin week, sent to Otts Patterson, ot the Heppner Gazette, beautiful D'Oiy pheaaaut, handsomely Ll(iUon ,! mk Ueadaobs, mounted. It is nobby present that laria and Liver trouble that bave been liiia Mrtll DimiBAiBts tl.a fl.irva I proven iiiTaiuaoie. inej are gusran in,t.,l 1.- a.... 11 u . m Vieour rree rrom evsry ,"r,,V' .w ,1,. Ul.lL.H. ..UI.S.SI. MMfl l K- nm. ...... ... . I lirlV'tr'i ifisp ij s 1 1 ies muM UW JjlHOIT baudaoms bird whioh tbe editor of this Uegetabl. They do not weakeo by their paper will ever keep, wbiob, aside from action, but by giving tone to stomach it. in i imieh rl.epl.l.ed token .f I ami bowels greatly invigorating lbs Mr. Wiley's frien.lsblp and g'Miditill. system. Begular aizs 25o. per box. Hold by Conser Brock, druggists. Mat Lichtenthal has just received tbe latest style in gonts' and ladies' aboe. YoQ should Se them. Schilling's Ilcst Us ri.ff? fit fSaklnS pnwdr fluvmiiig rmtart ami spu r Ti'tler, Hall-llheutn and lUtrrna, Tlitt ltitMti ll-lilni kml BlnBrtlnff (n-l di'tit to thean dlKeunoa, i i net ant) y alaynl I by upply Irikf ChHttilxirlnlir s hye and I rikln Ointment. Many very bad caee have Wn tM-riuiinoiitly cun d by It. It la iwiimlly i-flli-lent for itching piles and n favorite remedy for sore nipples I'liapiieil banda, chilblaina, trust blt and chronic sore ryes. i!1 cts. per box will justify you in KnK to your Sixty-six republicans ot the Kenluoky legislature are voting for a republican U. S. Senator, two are oombining witb tbe populists nod democrats to defeat bis eleotiou. This oombiuation iu opposi tion to tbe ohoioe ot tbe republicans a well as the flllibuHteriog tactioa to de teat any eleotion at all, are fully en dorsed by the Oregonian. Possibly this republican organ has hopes that if there is a failure to elect, the governor may ap point Carlisle to fill the vocauoy. This would be almost as good as position in tbe treasury department, for which be was recommended so strongly and ought to satisfy a man whose for mer supporters would dot bear him in tbe presidential canvass. Tbe proba bility, however, is that the fusion of Cleveland democrats, Blackburn pop ulists, and two bolting republicans will not be a success in the Corn-Cracker state. The only comfort that repoblioan fus- ionists in Oregon oan derive from the senatorial contest in Kentucky is that Oregon is not tbe only state in the Union where men, calling themselves republi cans, are sacrificing their principles by oombining witb tbe pops and democrats to defeat the republican party. "Politics make strange bedfellows." Iiillsboro Independent. Tbe republican editorial writer of the Oregonian fears tbe "moderate protec tionist" wbo presides over those ool nmns will be taken for what be really is, a free trader, and so be attempts lo ex plain the matter to tbe readers of that papei wbo are for Amerioa for Amerloans. But no explanation was necessary. Tbey know him of old. Salem States man. It appears from reports from Salem that the commissions are not Ibe only publio ofllcials whom the seoretary ot atate refuses to recognize. Tbe clerical foroe In the various departments oome under lbs ban. These persons are neces sary lo lbs transaction of tbe business of tbe stsls, and tbs seoretary would surely not be exceeding bis authority lo audit their claims for wages and permit them to make tbe best terms possible in tbe disposition of the same. Beosuse be should audit and allow a claim be or his bondsmen would not be held responsi ble if tbe legislature should fail to make provision for tbe paymsul thereof. llaiudealer. Ir. (ally's Condition Powders, are just what a horan needs when in bud condition. Tonic, blood puriller and e .1 t t t verinirnge. 'iiiey are na ihhi nut RroCCr for tllCIll and Ol gCt- ,nMMm ami the Ut In u to put a borne in primi condition, nice m the trouble of asking ting your money back if you don't happen to like any of them. cents per package. Why don't you get mad at food adulterations? Schilling's Best UkUf 1 SVflH tf18 BBS tBBCM 42 for talc by I. A. Woolcry, lone Wanted-An Idea Wn M Milnk of sfMM aim,.. lain iu Mi-mi pp-UoS your Mma; lhT riBf tirta T' mii. Writ jriiiM Wkubr.tiut.'kii 00 . rwi ah.--st. Wa..lnlo, li 1 ,. ImU SI ll vgf a4 us wf aa.nlt4 imttuH waniti arc the money-back remedy. fut sale 7 I W, VfiuRhan