Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 06, 1897, Image 3

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    Upon having Just what you call for when
yon go to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla. There
Is no substitute for Hood's. It is an In
sult to your intelligence to try to sell you
something else. Remember that all
efforts to induce you to buy an article
you do not want, are based simply
the desire to secure more profit. The
dealer or clerk who does this cares noth
ing for your welfare. He simply wants
your money. Do not permit yourself to
be deceived. Insist upon having
And only Hood'i. It li the One True Blood Purifier.
Hnnrl'c Pi lie easy to buy, easy to take,
UUUU a fins easy to operate. 25c.
Now that tho great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want en adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of Ibis the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodioala and now
.offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE (2.50 and
Weekly Oregon lan, $1.50
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50...,
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50....
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00
Webfoot Planter, 50c
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00
Club Rate
.... $3.50
.... 8.75
2 50
Here and There:
J. Devin was in Saturday last on busi
ness. Andy Oook was over from Lena Tues
day last.
Advertising spaoe for sale at the Ga
zette ranoh.
The town is filling np with sheep
shearers. Harvey Pbipps and wife are in town
for a few days.
Alex Oornett was over from Batter
Creek Saturday last.
The Heppner Transfer Co. have wood
for sale. Call on tbem. 25-1 oa
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
earth, bee ad. elsewhere.
The newead of E. W.Rhea & Co. is
bound to attract attention.
Every business man of Heppner
should advertise in the Gazette.
Some wood on subscription or on old
debts will be graciously acoepted.
The Bedlight people will treat you
right. Call on tbem when in town, tf
Art Minor caught a nice basket of
Iron I Sunday last out of Willow Creek.
Frank MoFarland bas completed the
moving of bis stock to the Herrin build
ing. Dave Fressley's little boy is quite ill
down at the Farmer's hotel from an ab
oess, M. J. Greene, O. M. Reiser and H. A.
Moser came in Sunday to see customers
3. D. Daily and J. A. Meozie, traveling
men, are interviewing their onstomers
bere today.
Every business man who wants to
bave bit lipbt shine should advertise in
the Gazette.
Low Tillard keeps wet goods down
at his new place, near the council
chambers. Call at The Welcome and
make yourself at borne.
Soaly eruptions on the bead, cbapped
hands ami lips, cats, braises, scalds.
burns are quickly oursd by De Witt's
Witob Hazel Salve. It is at present tbs
artiole most osed for pile, and it always
cares them. Uonser Brock.
See Our
In Ages From
We make m speolalty
.rleee will be eure t
We still lead
W W GiQtmng aufl Wigs.
f II W. RHEA & CO.. :
L 1 -
Th. First National Bank Building,
Every business man in Heppner ought
to advertise. It pays lo do it.
For sale A fine six-year-old Jack.
Call on or write Ben Swaggart, Lexing
ton, Or. 6315
John CriBman and James Turner came
in Sunday from Long Creek for mer
shandise. A snow blockade in the Rocky moun
tains is interfering with trains on the
bbort Line.
Smith Burob says that last Saturday
a f ot of snow fell up at his plaoe near
"the Sad lie."
Allen MoFerrin and J. H. Ridgeway
are back from the valley. They prefer
Eastern Oregon.
Rev. C. R, Howard and family will
move into the new M. E. ohuroh par
sonage to morrow.
H. J. Striokfalen arrived 'rom Pendle
ton this morning to take the position of
foreman of the Gazette.
Mr. E. E Hewitt and wife bave moved
into Mrs. Jndy Mitchell's residence,
oorner of Canyon and Chase streets.
G. M. Clover, of San Frsnoisoo, repre
senting the Sew Home Sewing Machine
company, spent Saturday in this oity.
Frank Holland's little girl, Mabel, was
taken down to St. Vincent's hospital last
week for treatment for some sort of hip
Pat a quarter in yonr pocket and
don't spend it till yon get down to Low
Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars.
Near city hall. a
A new invoioe of the latest styles and
patterns in spring and summer dress
goods and trimmings jnst reoeived by
E. W. Rhea & Co. 2t
The oelebrated imported running
stallion, Calphnrnus, will stand the
season in Heppner. For particulars
call op W. O. Minor. tf
Roy Pareell, Diok Sheets and Paddy
Ireland are down from Milton to shear
the little lamblets, and perobanoe an old
"pelter" now and then. v
E. W. Rhea & Co. are awake and ex
pect to do business. See their ad " call
ing attention to a fins display of bo'
clothing in another column. 2t
Orville Jones is the author of a very
etoellent school essay on "Cuba." It
shows much bard study and research,
and reflects credit upon the young man.
l)r. P. B. McS words cut his bund
while performing an operation recently,
and for some days suffered muoh there
from. The injured member is now bet
The Gazette bas interviewed a number
of our sheepmen and all seem to be wil
ling to meet the sheepehearers in their
demands for 6 oeots per sheep. This' is
Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as
sociated together down at Charley's
old plaoe in tbs tonsorial business.
Call on them and get your whiskers
pushed in.
Judge S. A. Lowell came in this morn
ing from Pendleton to bold an adjourned
session of oonrt. The consideration of
some equity matters was the oooasioo of
this session.
Tbs Gazette will take potatoes, apples,
eggs or butter on sohsoription aocounts.
Any one owing this office can settle their
scoonnts in this manner end can't do it
too soon to sait us.
At Heppner's warehouse Phill Conn
will pay the highest market price for full
wool pells, bides, furs, etc Phill sells
direct to Eastern bnyers. See bim be
fore you sell your pelts. tf
Oregonian: A. L. Shulse. a student
in the Portland university, will shortly
go to San Francisoo to attend the Coop
er medioal school. His father is the
Rev. J. M. Shulse, of Jacksonville.
Hick Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm name of Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in the bvber
business in the new stand, two doors
sonth ot the postoffioe. They aolioit a
obII. tf.
The old lady was right when she said,
the child might die if tbey waited for the
dootor. She saved the little one's life
with a few doses ot Ons Minute Cough
Cure. She bad osed it for oroup before.
Conser & Brock.
Window !
3 to 15 Years.
of this line of ooods and
please you, ejuaUty eon
the trade In
- A -
' a
Fred Rood, son of L. A. Rood, et Hills
boro, and nephews of Ed and Andy
Rood, arrived Saturday from below. He
will probably cross the trail with sheep.
Any reader of the Gazette who bas
copies ot the issues of Maroh 2nd and
5th will confer a great favor by leaving
them at the Gazette office.
J. H. Bellenbrook took charge recent
ly of the Heppner Lone Rook stage line,
and has prooured a brand new wagon for
it, something that was' very badly
Have yon a baby ? If yon have, we
are interested in you as we have a fine
line of infant's tootwear. Bring the lit
tle ones to E. W. Rhea & Co., and bave
tbem fitted out. 2t
In last issue of the Gazette appears a
politioal speech, two columns ot which
were on psge two, and the remainder on
page four, whioh fsot should have been
stated in that issue.
T.-M : Ed Wingate and" Fred Wilson,
our wanderers, arrived safely at San
Friio oisco on their return from Honolulu,
and expeoted to leave San Francisoo on
to-night's train for home.
T.-M : The Portland Tribune will
merge into a morning paper on April 15
and will take the press reports. The
Tribune Publishing Co. has reoently
been reorganized, and bas incorporated
with a oapital stock of $50,000.
Any lady desiring to purchase a sew
ing maobine should call on J. W.
Vaughan and examine his latest im
proved White machines. A happy com
bination of a writing desk and machine
combined. Light, rapid and easy
running. tf.
The O. R. & N. Co. ought to look after
the oondition of the Heppner branob.
The ties are fast beooming so rotten that
travel over the Hoe is attended with
much danger. This is no "fairy story"
for any employe of the road will verify
what the Gazette says, if he cares to say
anything at all about it.
Joe Lnckman oomns to the front with
an ewe that is responsible for an in
crease of five perfeot lambs, all living,
or were at time ot lambing. Joe vouch
es for the truth of his statement, and his
well known reputation for truth and
versoity makes it entirely unnecessary
for further proofs. This is the most re
markable case on reoord.
Miss Anna Balsiger, the efficient as
sistant prinoipal of the Heppner school,
is conducting a private school for the
ninth grade ody, and at the end of two
months will bave tbem prepared tor the
tenth grude next year. Miss Helen
Myers and Mrs. Oney are eaob oocduot-
ing a private school this spring, oorri'
meooing their work yesterday.
H. V. Gates will present a proposition
to the Commercial Club tomorrow nigbt
to establish a looal telephone system
here, says the Baker Oity correspondent
of the Oregonian, ohargiog $2 for stores
and $1 50 tor residences, provided 50
subscribers are guaranteed tor the first
year. The proposition is favorably
looked upon by the buisness community.
A reprssentativs of the Gezette in
company with Low Tillard, E. L. Free-
land and J. J. Harris visited the Matlock
farm last Sunday and were shown the
horses now being trained for tbe sea
son's rares. Among them were Sinner,
the four-year-old, belonging to Low Til
lard, aod Morrow, Henrietta and Nora,
belonging to to the Matlock brothers.
All were looking well, especially Mor
row and Sinner. After enjoying a baoh
elor's dinner, prepared by T.J. Matlook,
tbe boys returned borne.
Tbe Peoole Are Convinced
When tbey read tbe testimonials of cares
by Hood's Sarsaparilla. They are writ
ten by honest men au'l wouitto, ana are
plain, straightforward statements of
facts. Tbe people bave confidence in
Hood's Sarsaparilla beoaase tbey know
it actually and permanently cares, even
when other medicines fail.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to take
with Hoods Sarsaparilla. Easy and ye
"Excuse me" observed tbe msn in
lH-Ucles "bat I am a surgeon, and that
is not wnxre the liver is." Never too
mind where tbe liver is." retorted the
other. ' If it was in bis big toe or bis
left ear DeWitt's Little Early Kiers
would reach it and snake it for bim. On
that yon cm bet your gig-lumps.' Con
ser 4 Brock.
The old way of delivering messages
by postboys compared ith the modern
telephone, illustrates the old tediuns
methods ot "breaking" colds oompareJ
with their almost iustsntaneous ours by
One Miunts Oob Care. Conser k
Tbe offl.-ers and directors of the Hepp-
ner Hpeed Asscoiati'io are hereby oti
fled to meet at E O. Bperry'i olnb
rooms on Hsturday evening, April 3, for
(be porpose of making arrangemnnta
for spring tneft, Klceiion of ofUorrs
ill also be in order at this time.
Mrs. John Jenkios bas lately pur
chased one of tbe celebrated Xewoomb
Fly Hbottle looms and is now prepared
to do all kinds of oarpet aud rug weav
ing. Any one desiring first clas work
should call on ber at ber home r,n lowrr
Main strsrl. Low prices euJ all work
guaranteed. 9-37
Americans are the most inventive
people on earth. To tbem bave beee
iseasxl nearly fk,000 patents, or more
than oct-third of all tbe patents isaard
io tbe world. No diseuvrry ol ntodrro
years bas been of grsater beutfll to
mankind than Chamberlain's Colin,
Cholera and Diarrhoeas Kernsdy, or bas
done more to relieve pain and suffering.
J. W. Vsngbo, of Oektoo, Kj., says: "I
bave ql Cbsmherlaio's Colia. Cholera
and Disrrbict lUmdy io my family fur
sevrral yer, and fin J it to le the bmit
medicine I ever iimmI for cramps In the
'toraaoh anil buVs, fur lal iy CD-
Mta Fay Bartholomew Entertains a Number
of Her Young Friends Last SatanUy-Uc-
easiott of Her Eleventh Birthday.
On last Saturday Miss Fay Bartholo
mew provided an excellent entertain
ment for her many young friends, at tbe
home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. K.
Bartholomew, in this city, in the shape
of a "Mother Goose" party, this being
the eleventh annive eary of ber birtb.
It is not neoessary for the Gazette to say
that tbey all bad a good time. Miss Fay
was assisted in ber entertainment by tbe
following, the respective characters ap
pearing after each name:
Aora Hale, Bess; Essie Lsezer, Els-
peth; Leala Campbell, Betsy; Nora
Matlock, Elizabeth; Ooar Borg, Jack
Sprat; Eva Bartholomew, Mrs. Jaok
Sprat ; Zoe Patterson, Cinderella; Hep
pie Blaokman, Simple Simon; Elise
Bartholomew, Fairy Godmother; Earl
McFarland, King ot Hearts; Gertrude
Bishop, Qaeen ot Hearts; Blanche Red-
field, Little Miss Muffett; Mary Mo
Swords, Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary;
Leah Minor, Red Riding Hood; Wills
Minor, Old Mother Hubbard; Willa
Herrin, Bessie Brooks; Fannie Kirk,
Old Woman in the Shoe; Rena Meadows,
Daffy-Do wn-Dilly; Olin Hays, Little
Tea-Wee; Elmer Wills, Old King Cole;
Reuben Wills, Little Jack Horner; Etta
Rogers and Nelson Bartholomew, Jaok
aod Jill; Mamie Dunn, Carl Rhea, Bo-
Peep and Boy Blue; Harold Dunn, Tom,
rom, the Piper's Son.
One of the features ot the affair was
an elegant lunch, participated in by all
and relished as none but children can.
Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry
St., Alton, III., suffered with soiatic
rheumatism for over eieht months. She
doctorel for it nearly tbe whole of this
time, nsing various remedies recom
mended by friends, and was treated by
the physioians, but received no relief.
She then used one and a half bottleB of
Chamberlain's Fain Balm, which efleot-
ed a complete cure. This is published
at her request, as she wants others
similarly afHioted to know what oured
her. The 25 and 50 oent sizes for sale
by Conser & Brook.
The length of life may be increased by
lessening dangers- Tbe majority of peo
ple die from lung troubles. These may
be averted by promptly nseing One
Minute Cough Cnre. Conser & Brock
Hon. H. W. Corbett, oar would-be
senator, is still hanging on the ragged
edge of a senatorial seat at Washington,
bat he is banging on, that's all T. M.
Mr. Oorbett's attorney is at Washing
ton telling bow tbat wicked minorty in
the Oregon legislature preveuted tbe elec
tion ot a United States senator, and now,
on aooount of this outrage, our sovereign
state is threatened to be deprived of its
just and proper representation j vouch
safed to it by tbe federal constitution! 1 I
The only way to prevent tbe consumma
tion of this terrible injustice, threatened
as the result of tbe awful work of tbat
minority, is to seat this great and good
man, who bas kindly oome to tbe front
and csst himself into tbe breaob to save
the state be loves so well from tbe
threatened interregnum, offering him
self, pure and nncontamlnated as a ves
tal virgin, and bis services to keep tbe
sacred fires of liberty burning on the
altars of bis oommoo wealth. This un
selfish patriotism, this devotion to tbe
cause ot the people, of this great and
good man, is enough to recall to earthly
scenes the shades of tbe heroes of old
It is, in fact, enough to turn tbs heart
of a grindstone, or to s'art tears, large
as hens' eggs, triokling down the cheeks
of a wooden Indian oigar sign. Let us
weep, and, if we cannot pray, at least
take op a oolleotlon. Statesman.
Himon did not want Mitchell elected,
U'Keo did not want to keep bis pre
election pledges, so tbe eotiemer and the
demagogue united their foroes and held
np the lesisiHtnrs. Ibis is tbe reason
in a batsbell wby a anion of tbe plato-
He has any thine In this line that ynu may (In I re and ymi ran rtVpend on It you get s food
arllcla when Mat (uarauuwi It
Old Stand, Main Street.
J. C. BORCI-nRS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Wool Growers!
With MoKioley in lb White House,
the coming sessoo, and feel assured that I!ppnr will attract more Kastero bay
ers than formerly. Tbtir bead'narters will be at the
Wool Growers Warehouse
and It will be to yoor interests to store
aUo rounb cheaper than leal year.
We furnUb wool eaeks end twine to
pay freight to teamsters, aod foretsb
W have oo band rolled barley aod feed for teamsters.
We pay tbe highest eaab price for sheep pelts aod bides.
We era sgeots for Little's FloiJ
Mark your aool sacks (!) aod direct
The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH
crats and populists was brought about.
Oregon City Enterprise.
This is the way it looks down in Claok
amas county, and it is correot as far as
it goes. Bat it does not go far enough.
There were wheels within wheels, mo
tives open and within tbe sight ot all
men, and motives secrets and hidden.
It was h peouliar combination ot oir
oomstacces and men, capable ot a sit
uation new to American states, not be
fore experienced in all their history,
It could not have been accomplished
had any one ot a dozen cironmstanoes
and things been wanting. Tbe one of
these ot paramount importance was a
man with plenty of money, and willing
to furnish $50,000 to $100,000 ot it
Statesman. And his name is H. W. Corbett.
Has it ever ocourred to tbe editor of
tbe Heppner Gazette that any fool can
ran a newspaper with money? It re
quires brains to ran one without. Be
sides some folks, like the editor of tbe
Gazette, sometimes imagios tbey are
publishing a newspaper when they' are
simply turning tbe orank of an organ.
Portland Dispath. And this "do" set
tle it.-Ed.
There are three men representing Ore
gon and tbe portion of tbe republican
party belonging to this state back in
Washington who will not ask for "mod
erate protection," who will never ad
vocate an eigbt-oent duty on wool, when
they have a prospect of getting a twelve
oent duty, and tbe maiden names ot
these men are Mo bride, Tongue and
Ellis. Salem Statesman.
After summarizing the result of tbe de
funct attempted legislature, tbe Astoria
Budget, tiisiooist, remarks: "Thus dies
tbe nineteenth biennial session of tbe
Oregon legislature, which will go down in
history as a orowning disgrace to many
who participated in it. The only mem
bers who esoa ped with honor are those
who held to tbe Benson bouse and joint
convention.' The failure to carry tbe
hold-up through with sucoess will kill
many politioal leaders. J.ie Simon is
seriously crippled and must give in tc
Senator Mitchell. Soott has played bis
last card with Simon ss a partner. They
must separate. Bourne, tbe wrecker, is
dead as the leader of any party. Young,
the aroh traitor in the populist camp, who
lead his followers into tbe Simon ditch,
will be cast aside by bis party. TJ'Ben
who had sn ambition to be Tom Tongue's
successor, is irretrievably ruined,
and be will be relegated to raising and
growing prunes for tbe balanoe of life in
Claokamss oounty. Holl and all tbs
big populist guns bave annihilated
themselves by contamination with Simon
republicans. In taot all tbe hold-ups are
no more. It was a big fight stubbornly
foioght. expensive to the state."
A New Hampshire paper bas recently
published expressions ot senators regard
in, J their opinion of Hon. John H. Mitch
ell's ability as a man and senator.
Tbe great Simon-Bourne obstructionist
sheet at Portland says they are onlv ex
pressions ot populists and demoorats,
ami tbe "me too" organs throughout the
state echo the ory. Yes sit t John Sher
man, John M. Thurston, Oliver U. Piatt,
Wo. B. Allison, O. K. Davis, Eugene
Hrle, Wm. P. Frye, W. E. Chandler, M.
S. Quay, and others ot tbs list are all
populists or democrats. It beats tbe
deuoe how these very truthful organs
will prevarioate in order to oast odinm
upon a distinguished citizen of tbe state.
Bat it is only in keeping with the oourse
pursued by tbem for the past tbret
months. Transcript.
Backlts's Arnica Halve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cats,
Bruises, Ho res, Uloers, Salt Kbeum,
Fever Hores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkin Erup
tions, and positively cures riles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
pnrleot satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Conser ft Urook.
Repairing Specialty.
we pradiot blgber prices for wool daring
your wool with as. Insnreoee rst are
pstnma payable when wool is sold. We
blank receip s to woolgrnwerioa sppllcstioo
Dip, aod the famooi Black Leaf Tubaaeo
your lesmstsrs lo the lower Wsisbonse,
1. 1 riYSlD, Malinger.
I am not Running
The Weather. If I Were Spring Would
Have Been Here Long Ago.
A store, however. You need supplies for
the sheep camp; I have them. You want some
gents' furnishings; no trouble to supply you.
You require groceries ot all kinds; call at my
"Live and let live" is a good motto. I sell
as cheap as possible, to be consistent with good
business management.
I want to do buBlneas. I can please you. My goods aro fresh and well selected.
Alain Street, Heppner, Oregon.
in ww mm
r i n t---j ul n
is li. i
At tbe old stand, have the usual
spring outfit of
Besides tbe thousand odds and ends tbat are too numerous to mention.
Call on-
Next Door to First
I Am The
Am also a Merchant and Want
Your Patronage.
And in order to get it we have pro
cured the finest line of General
Merchandise ever shown in this city.
(No flies on ns, or fly specks on onr goods;
we are not like tbe fly, or our competitors,
who lay dormant six mtntbs, but are open
for business at all hours, days and months.)
s now in and ready for inspection. Call and
examine; wc are here to show goods.
Why do you wait dear brother,
Why do you tarry so long;
When Minor & Co. will give you
What you want for a song.
Yours for Business, MINOR & CO.
Hop GJVolcl Beei
Htcir Brewery Company,
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
You can Wager Your
ore Always at Home at
Oa Willow Htrset, nssr tbe City Hall.
Tbey try to plaese all. Fins olub rooms la connection.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractort aod Builder.
Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice.
All Kindsof Repair Work n
OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old
Flace" and Rep. or Jin will utt em. 0 0 0 0 0 0 q
op, . ' Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect
National Bank Building.
Father of
3 t
: $30,000.00
Sox that You
i. J. ROttRTS