2 r to! OFFICIAL sfV P A P E R Put in Yoii Spring Ad Put in Your Spring Ad . AND DO BUSINESS - TAe Gazette Does Job Work AND DOBUSINESS Gazette Ooes Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1897. WEEKLY WO. ?34l I SEMI-WEEKLY NO SXi , i a m I 1 . The mm fmaamuagBBBtwsmssxsszaas SEMI-WEEILY GAZETTE. t pBLISHID Tuesdajs and Fridays -"- fRE PATTERSN PUBUSH1NG COMPANTf. f . OTIS PATTERSON, . - - Editor A. W. PATTElSON, . Business Manager At $2.60 per year, 11.25 for six month), 75 oU. for three monds, strictly in advance. Aduertisirg Rates Made Known on j Application. THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's AdvenisiriR Agenoy, 84 and 86 Merchants Exohangs, Jan Franoiaco, California, where cou raote for sdvertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West round passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2: It) a. m.; east bound 12:51 a. m. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 p. in.; going west, 5:30 p. m. and 6.45 a. m. Doited State Officials. President William McKinley Vice-President (iarretA. Uobart Secretary of State John Sherman .lom-Mtary of Treasury Lyman J. Huge Seoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss deoretary of War Russell . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long "oettnaster-General. James . Gary Attoruejr-General Joseph McKenna Secretary . Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor .W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid Treasurer .....Phil. Metsohan Bupt. Puhlio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman ft-X:S?SS5 Congressmen j gE"""11 Printer .'.W. H. Leeds ( R. S. Bean, Supreme Judges ! F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney U. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Jiut Senator A, W. Rowan Representative J. N. Brown ilonnty Jndge A. G. Bartholomew '' Commissi '.aers J.K.Howard J. W. Beckett. " (Jlerk J.W.Morrow " Sheriff... E. L. Matlock " Treasurer Frank Gilliam " Assessor J. t'. Willis Surveyor J. W. Hornor School Sup't Jay W. Shipley '' Coroner B. F. Vaughan B1PPNCB TOWH OFFICERS. Myor Thos. Morgan Uounnilmen Geo. Conner, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Slooum, 11. Lichteuthal and J. It. Simons. R comer W. A. Richardson Treasurer L. W. Briggs Marshal A. A. Roberts Precinct Officer. Justice of the Peace W. E. Richardson Constable N. 8. Whetstone United Statei Land Officers. TBI DALLXS, OB. J. F. Moor Register A. S. Biggs Receiver LA OBAMDB, OB. B. P, Wilson Register J. H. Kobbins Receiver SSOBST SOCIETIES. RAWLINS POST, NO. II. G. A. R. Meet at Lexington, Or., the lut Saturday of .act month. All veterans are invited to Join. ; C. Boon, Gbo. W . Smith. Adintant. tf Commander, D. J. McFaul, M. D. OPPICI5 I At Mrs. H. Welch's Residence. Might telephone connection with the falace Hotel. tional Bank of HeDDner. .AND, ED. R. BISHOP, 'resident. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Mad on Favorably Terms, EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREGON First National Bank OF HEPPNER C. A. RHEA, . President T. A. RHCA, Vic President GCO. W. CON.CR, Cashier 8. W. SPENCER, Ass't Cashlr TransarU I General Backing Baiincss. EXCHANGE On all parts of the world Bought and Sold. Collections made on all point on '. reasonable Terms, hrplus and undivided Profits, I3S.0O0.00. Qitario-Burns Staac Line A. JV o iBOBNS-GHHYOIi STflGEURE H A. WILLIAMS, P-op. , OSTAlilO-BURSS Burnt Daily at 6 p. m. and or- , r at Ontario to 42 boar. Siv.qo Fare $7.00. round Trip $10.00 f"Tt- ,-- ta freight Vi cents per poo til. K7?JSS-O4AT0A - v. - i.Hav aiMhl fln nil fAfflllfal kol f ' W v . - i a.. ..A 4 .... . t wxm l .. all l rniwTjii mil' MHfit ai NOTICE OF INTENTION. AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I Mar. 11. 1897. Notice is herehv irlveii that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 10, 197, viz: ANNIE GILLIAM, Hd. E. No. 4170. for the 8EU SE Sec 90 Kv.u BE and E SKh, Sec 82, Tp. 4 S., K. 26 E., W. Al. She names thelfollowinor witnenspa tn her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: unarlee 8. Emery, jRmes O, Williams, Mrs. Ann E. Chanel. Edward s. Cot. nil of ::inim.n Oregon. JA8. F. MOORE. 62H-30 Register. Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL. COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner, Echo, Pendleton. Baker City, Elgin and Huntington. C. E. RANOUS, Hbppneb, Oregon, PAMTf) k HT Plana and Specifications furnished on application. Contracting a Specialty. fif All kinds of lumber, ahlnrfpa sash doorB and windows on hand and furnished at reasouaDie raies. uive me your order. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable rates. Leave orders with r. O. Thompson Co. Sent Free To an; person interested in hnmane matters, or woo loves animals, we will send free, opon application, a oopy of the "ALLIANCE," the organ of this Society. In addition to its in tensely interesting reading, it oontains a list of the valuable and unusual pre miums Riven by the paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLHNCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. Goinor East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Ike Important Points. FIRST-Go via. St. Paul be- CBuse tne lines to that pomt will Rflbrd you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that ine makes close connections with all the tranB-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-clasB in everv particular. TIIIRD-For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket aopnt acd ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Ja. C. Pond, or Geo. H. Batty, General Agent, 24i murk Ht, Portland, Or uen. ra. Agt.. Milwaukee, Wit. STOCK BRANDS. While ion aaep roar subscription paid up jrra eai keep your brand in fraaof charge. Bora. P. ().. HeDimar. Or. Horsea. FBci left shoulder; cat tie, same on left blp. Chanin. H.. Hardman: Or. Horaea branded "3onriht Md. Catti brand! Lha atm. Alte brands CI on horma rinht thigh; ca'tl ana hrnni on right ehooldor, and out off and o riht car. Conk. A. J.. Lara. Or. Hotm. 80 on riahtshonl aer; I mile, samaon riglil hips ear mark eqnare erop on ii ana spin in right. Donclaas. W. M..alhiar. Or.-Cattla. R Den rtht i.lo, tvailov-fork in each ear; Boreas, B I) on left nip. Kir. Bros.. Dcmalaa. Or. Bona hrandad ELY oa Mt shoulder, eattia aama un UftUip. hole in nsht ear. Florae oe. L. A.. Itaonner Or. Cattla. t.t na rlaht hiDi hursai. 9 with bar nndar on rihi snimifwr. Jonas, Harry, Htipnr, Or Motmas hrandad hod ma irri amm ,ur: eattia hr.i,id j m right hip. also andarbit in left Car. Kanfe In nurrow oounty. inheson. Fulls. Lena. Or. Horaaa. ittrrlaT nn left ettHV, oattla, aama on right hip, nadat half into in ni ana sunt .n tan aar Knny, Mika, Happner, Or. Horaaa braadad KNY un left bin oattla aama and eruo off iafi art nnlar slope oo th rhrhi KntnbarUnd.W.O.. Mount Tamoa. Or. I Lon eattia oa nsht and Uft atdaa. (wallow fork in Uft aar and nndar nop in right aar, Horaaa aanw brand oa left shoulder. Huge la If rant ooaotv. Lofton, Ht apnea. fr. Or. B L oa laft kip na eattia. crop and split m right aar, li-itaa. am brand on Uft ahooJriaf. Kaaga Urant oountv. Laahey, J. W. tiappnar Or Hnraas brandad Land A l"ft ahmildar; rottla same un laft hip, waiUe ovar right a, Uiraa aiiu to right Minor, llanar, nappaar rr. atUa, M D right hipi bursa, M on Ian anoaldar. Moraan. H. N., Happnar, Or. Tlnraas oa laft ahoaldai eattia aamaoa laft kip. Oahnrn. i. W Dnaglaa. Or.; bnnaa O ua laf thonidar; cattle saioa ua right bip. Parker A Oianeua. Hardomail.OT.-Horaaa IP ua laft eltualdar. Pipar. i. R.. Islington. Or.-Horaaa. It aartml m laft ahfaU'iari aaUja, aaase ua laf bip. annar on la aaon aar. rUrUir J, W llappaar. Or. Rmaa, JO as Ian atwmklar, liUr q on rig tit nip. Pparry. K. O. Happaar. Or. faftla W C aa m hip. crop ,,f right and anaWrrm to laft tawlaot bNva W C na laft anunhtar. TVnnpai, J. A., Happaar tr, Hnraaa. foe n is eatiia, I ua lan anooioar. Tarnar H. W Httnar Or.-aimall oafHal laft annailW, bnrMi naUJa aama aa laft blp tth at. lit ta hna aan. Thxnutm. H. M.. rm; Or-BJoraas bffdd BT mtinwlal na K I fW; ahan aifa hrand. V a'tabtHirgar, W. J., I.aituwar. Or.i tx,r nartar mn-ta J W na rgt,t alwmUW: ra'tia iwnf cvria i w tm rlghi nip aid ngll aut rrnv and b'M in laft aar. Uarga la Unimt an. taiau Ja auantuav RED W.HENDLEY, McClure's SEVEN A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. Urant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The (Begins in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." years ot the Civil War practically a member fitted than any other man living to give an recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them of portraits it is intended to pubiirh special biographical Btndies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Waahlngton to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talent ior mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place beside Foe and Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will of two contributions to another publication ' appear in McClu re's Magazin k. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimblennger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLJNO. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCmjbe'b all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazinb a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete In itself. - Anthony Hope Bret Harte Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McClure's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClubb'r Magazine for 1897, the subscription priee of which is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OF! MANCH BT A. W PATTERSON, AGENT. Qe of A Campaign Of Education HOW W 061' IV .... For Mitm, DjiPflBflLLELED summate skill. Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every home. The subscription price of Leslie's 14 pe nnum. We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal ordor or check to the u Heppner, Oregon. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Oat look will bo lo 1397. at it has been darlDg each of its tweoty eeveo ears, History of Our Own Times. In its various editorial department The Outlook gives e compact review of the world's progress; it follows witb cars all tb important pbilsotbropio sod to il ast rial movements of the dsjr; bss complete department of religious news; devotes mnob spar to tb interests of tbe borne; reviews onrreot literalare; faroieba cheerful table-talk about mas ! t,d tbings: sod, io short, aims to give fresb information, original observation, sod reasonable entertainment. Beginning witb tbe fifty fitftb volume, lbs paper will sacum tb regular mg cine sit, wbiob will sM greatly to its OoOTf riii-no and attrartiveoea. The 0itlx k Is poblM.ed every Saturday fifty two issue year. Tbe first issus lo neb month is sn Illustrated Magsiios Somber, containing tbottt twice as maoy cage as lb ordinary iaaoe, together witb lerg somber of pic tors. Tb pries of The Outliiok k three dollar year in advene, or Its then s rent day. Head ( gpeeHmen epy end Itinerat ed prnfetos to TLe Ootloclr, 13 Astor Ilalw, New TixkCltv. Magazin e For 1897 GREAT SERIALS The first authoritative and adequate Life of only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better authoritative hlstoiy of this period from his unpublished. In connoctlon with this series the editor's direction. write during the coming year, with the exception which were engaged from him long ago, will animal stories in the same field as the "Brer R, BNGIvAND the Bent the World $5.00 To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things. Its illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con Hootbing, and not irritating, strength ing, and not weskmg, small bnt, effec tivesnob are tbe qualities of De Witt's Little Early Risers tbe fsmons little pills. Oonser k Brook. Now is the time to get tb Weekly Oregon lan, tbe greatest newspaper of lb West. Witb tbe 0 aiette, both strict ly in advance, on year, 13.60. No better oombiottion of newspapers oaob mad a tbe state. Walt. Thompson raos stag between LTeppner sod Monument, arriving every day eioept Monday sod leaving every day exoeptBonday. Shortest and ohesp est ronte ti tb Interior. Oonser k Brook, apanre. Throogb trains on tb O.IUN. will run via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pendleton. Through sleepers, first and seennd-clgsa, will run lo onoaeotion witb tbe Union Pacifio, tb same ss hereto fore. A through first-olaes sleeper Port land to Bpokan. connecting witb tbe first class sleeper to 8t. Panl, and througb tourist sleeper Portland to 81. Paul, will ran Id connection witb tb (ireat Northern rail way . It fur sale Aboot thirty tons of rye bay, located abont two and ooe-hslf mile of Ilardman. Also 400 acres of good range, fenced, to go witb earns, tleofy of ontshie government range bear at band. Bbeiter for 2,000 bead of sheep or large band of cattle. Oood houae oo plaoe. Call on Ossett o flies for particulars. A rsr rhaur to get bay o liea p. All signs iodloata bard wiotar sod delays are dangerous. If Two year ago R i. Wsrreo, drag gist at 1'ieaeaol Hrood, N I , bongbl a small sapply of Chamberlain's Congb Keitedy. lie soma np th ralt a fol lows: "At that tiro tb good were no keowo io tbisseettoo; U-dr Cbsmher lain' Congh Itomly is boubold word." It is the same to hundreds of omti, unities. Whereevar the good qnaliMf-e of Chamef Ism's Congb lUm- edy oeoome known the wfiple will have nothing els, for sale by Cocser k Brock. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and bv virtue of an execution inniieri nut of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for ouniy oi Morrow, unaer me seal tnereof, and to me directed and delivered, upon a decree rendered and entered in said Court on the arrf day of March, 1897, in favor of P. C. Thompson, rminun, ana against J. B. operry, 8. C. Sperry, Perry Snyder and the Oregon Railway and Navigation Comnanv. Defendants, forthaanm of Four Hundred Thirty-Nine and 33 100 Dollars with interest thereon from said 3rd day of March, 1897, at the rate of eieht Der cent Der annum and Fifty Dollars attorney's fee and the further sura of Thirty-two and 70-100 Dollars costs; and whereas by said judement it was ordered and adjudged that the following des cribed real property, to-wit: The north one-half of the northeast quarter and the north one-halt oi me normwest quarter of section twentv-n.ne (29) intownshipthree (3) south of range twenty, six (26) east W. M., in Morrow County, State of Oregon, be sold to satisfy said decree, coBta and accruing cost. I will, on Saturday, the 10th day of April, 1897, at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, at the fiont door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell all the right, title and interest of me saia j . u. sperry . a. u, Bperry, Perry Snyder and the Oregon Railway and Navigation C ly in ana lo tne above described real proper it public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be anDlied to the tion of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, sneri ii ot Morrow Countv, Oregon, Dated March 11th, 1897. 526-34. NOTICE OF CONTEST. United Status Land Office, La Grande, Oregon, March 9, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN MADE AT this office by the duly verified and cor roborated atlidavit of John MoUullough alleg ing that Lena A. Munkers who made timber cul ture entry No. 2133 at the U. 8. Land Office at I Grande, Oregon, on February 18th, 1888, for the JSU HA4 and Wyj 8E! 8ec. 17Tp3 8, R28 K. W. M., has failed to comply with the timber culture law in this, that she failed to break or cause to be broken five acres or any number of acres on said tract within one year after her timber culture entry of said tract; that she never made any improvements upon said tract and did some ttme in the year 1889 remove from said county and state and has never returned and did at about said time abandon said claim. . Therefore, with the view of the cancellation of said entry the said pnrties are hereby sum moned and required to be and appear before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the Hth day of May, 1897 at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day then and there to produce such testimony as they may have concerning said allegations, the final hearing to be had before the Hegiater and Receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on the 22d day of May, at 10 o'clock a. m. B. F. Vi IL80N, Register. J. U. ROB BIN 8, 531-541. Receiver. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for me uouiuy oi morrow ana to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and en tered in said court on the 2nd day of March, 187, in favor of L. P. Davidson. Plaintiff, and against Samuel K. Walker, Defendant, for the sum of One Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars with interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the l'2th day of October, 1MB. and the further sum of Foitv Dollars with Intoreat t the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 27th day of April 18; the sum of Fifteen Dol lars attorney lees; the . sum of conva aim uisoursmenis ot mis action I have levied llnou tha following dam;rlbcd leal property, to-wit: Houth-west auarter of aec. tion Twenty six in Township Three (3) South of ivaiiKe i weuiy-uiree iii .aai w si, to sallsly said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will un DHiuruay, The 8th dav of Mav. 18'I7. at one o clock p. m., of said day, at the front aoor of tne court house in Hemmer. Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the right, iltle and In terest oi me sain Samuel K. walker in and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of urn execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. E.L.MATLOCK. Sheriff" of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated April 6th, 18117. &33-41 Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Publication. I'mTgn Rtatfs Land Orricg, Th. Itallua ilvoa..., U 1 UA-J NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVKN TJIAT'JaVk 1 son H. Stunk v. of Hillshoro. Oretron. has Died notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office In Heppner, Oregon, on Monday tiie 17th day of May, lhy7, on timber culture application No. WI, for the NE! of section No i. iu Townshlu 1 North Range No. 24 East. He names as witnesses: A. T. McNav and Thomas i. Carle, of Heppner, Oregon, Kraten H. bperry and l'sul Reltinan, of lone, Oregon. JAB. r. MMKK, S33- Register. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING Ii RIDGE. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED until May Mh. 1M1I7. at . o'cloc k P. M . for building g bridge across Kliea ereek, near C. A. H hea's, wcordlng to plans and specifications tn be seen at my nflicn. Lumber Ui be furnished by the county on the ground. The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A. O. BARTHOLOMEW. uarcn n, iw. au-iu county judge. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE CALLER OREOON, A March 17. IKI7. Notice is herehv given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make filial proof In support of Ills claim, and that said proof will lie mail before K. I. Kreeland. Li. 8. Com. at Heppner, Oregon, on May.'ith, IM7, vis: ALEXANDER L. WALKER, II I K.No.il.Vfirtha Kv4 NEtf Hm 82 and Wu NWi4ac.S.l,TP'". Kltl. He names the following wltneaseg tn prove his continuous residence upoii and oil llvatlon of, said land, vis: AIoiimi M. Marsnam, Nathan I'lisw, or Hepp ner, Oregon, Kalph Mange, James Drown, of Lrnliiftou, Oregon. JAH. F. MOtiRE. MH-m. Keglster. Ilrppger "pee Association Heetg. As per previous call the Deppner Speed Association met at E. O. Rperry's olab rooms last Saturday afternoon, E. L. Matlock, vioa president, presiding lo tb abeeno of Pre. Oonser. Tb fol lowing officers and director wer sleoted for th snsulnj year: Oscar Minor, Pre ; J. C. Bore hers, Vic Pre j A. W. Pattersoo, Heo.; K. U Freeland, tress- orer, and E. L. Matlock, E. (1. riperry, D A. MvAtee, Geo. Harrington, Henry Heppner, J. W. Morrow, (lid Halt sod ii-o. Aiken a director. Tb newly elected offloers aud direc tors met last evening, sod after thor ough diafoeglun tb following eomruit- tee war appointed: Fioanoe snmmlt te, E I, Matlock, E. Q. fprry, E L. Freeland, and (lid Halt. Track oom mltiae.Oeo. Ilarriogtou aol D. A. Mo Ate. Tbes oommittee were instruct ed to sot promptly and ask for meet ing of tb eiecotiv committee at tbeir arlieet oorivenieona. Even at this early data th Proa pad or Spring rare sr very bright. Wanted-An Idea SE-S talak O'.eia aas. Wat,iatu, It. ( l4r 1 j wias agar aal UM a toe kasMgad lavakuuui weal. GETTING PERSONAL. A reoent issue of tbe Walla Walla Statesman speaks out in snoh a manner that its remarks well fit other towns be sides Walla Walla. It Bays: "Much against the wishes of the pro prietor ot the statesman, he ban been obliged, against bis inclinations ' to dis pense with the services of Mr. Walter Lingenfelder, who has been city editor of the Statesman for over a year, and in that capacity has proved bis oompe- petenoy and fidelity in every way. Not tbe least fault have we bad to flad with hjm. He has proved his fidelity to this offlue and tbe dumooratio party in every way he oould be of service voluntarily, for all tbe editorial business has been heretofore left in his charge. But : the hard times, in cob neo tion witb the faot that the business men of this oity evi dently do nol appreciate, by their ad vertising patronage, the advantage of a good oity editor," and others who really go out of their way to send to Portland, Seattle, Spokane and other plaoes for their printing, which they could get as cheaply done at home,: obliges us to dispense with the services ot a good and true man who is, with his family, identified with the city. While it 'ie purely, in some respects, a matter of business with . the proprietor I of ' the Statesman, to forego , tbe services of a good man, that same business proposi tion obliges him to dispense with him because the business element will not stand io to assist, in anyway, a news paper that is devoted to their interests. It is with sorrow, we pea these lines but the advertising columns of both, the daily papers ot the oity will tell tbe tale. In other towns, ' tb business men are tsxed to support their papers but here .. i . , . . . . . . . never nas anyiuing or. ids kind ever been proposed. In Walla Walla, people come here, start id business and expect every favor from the. papers; but hov few ever by their patronage in adver titling or printing assist, in a reasonable degree, the great efforts of tbeir daily newspapers lo make both ends meet and assist in paying their hands off every Saturday, although every oent is distributed amongst them. Compare tbe advsrtisiog columns ,ot aov one. horse town witb Walla Walla and you will find four to one advertisers to this great city." "How to Core all Hkln Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne'a Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eozema, itob, all eruptions on tbe taoe, bands, nose, to., leaving the skin olear, white and healthy. Its great bead ing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist tor S wayne's Ointment. HOW IS THIS? Portland Paper la Responsible for a Hard Story os President Cleveland. tbst goes oo in Washington, and eepeomlly at tbe White House, Is oot known to the general publio, and the following bit of delectable Information oonoerning tbe domestic relations ot tb ootopus who baa disgraoed tb admini- trution and tbe country, will be a sur prise as well as a shame to tb Amer ican people, esy the Portland Daily Tribune. A lady now visiting this oity for a few days, who bad eooess to tb White House, speaking from ber personal ob servation aud knowlsdg, said last even Ing thst Cleveland wo so brutal in bis treatment of bis wife that sh packed op three times and left blm, going to New York. After be got over hi brutal pes sion, bs loduoed ber to return. He got drunk frequently, and io Li rag would beat aud brule bi wifs and os tb most profsn language, nolil lif was a burden and ah bad to fie from bi preeenoe. H wonld get so drank at time tbst it rrquired four meo to pack blin from on room to another and ding bim on the bed. lis was ill-tampered about bi fsmily apsrtmsnl and maoy people wer ashamed to b oaogbt in ther when be wu oa ooa of bis taut rams. Tb informant also give the de. piorabla fact tbal "Baby Ruth," tbe oiJeal child, Is a toro idiot. Thee foots hsv been withheld from tb public lo order that tb Whit Hons might not be shamed doriog tb slmlnlsiratloo It wu intimated that Mr. Cleveland will do! put op witb bi brotal conduct oow. As b Is wortb over .UUU,(X)Ol although bi salary omontiled to only 1100,000 io tb tight years b wu In, she ill stand a ebaoee to lv bint with uoagh to keep bar throogb lif. Ill not to b woodrd at now that t proved so ingraU to bit political friend wlieg Ii wu a brut In bis household Spices and flavoring ex tracts arc favorite nests o adulteration; perhaps you don t care. liut Schillings Best arc Hire and money-back, . Tut Mk by J. W. Vaughaa Absolutely Pur Celebrated for its great leavanlmr atmunrth. . and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to ' the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NIW Y RK LITERARY NOTES. The April magazine number of The Outlook takes timely notice of the bd-, proaoblng dedication of Oen. Grant tomb, by publishing an article on "The Historical Utterances of Oen, Grant,'' from the pen of General James- Grant Wilson, tbe historian, friend, aud war- . oomrade of General Grant. The short, orisp, "rifle-shot sayings of Grant, were mauy, and tbe author desoribes In most interesting way the oiroumstances wbiob called each forth. Portraits of Grant and Lee (some heretofore, no pub-, lifibed and tao smiles ot famous histori cal documents illustrate tbe article. . $3 a year. Tbe Outlook oomDany. 13 Astor Plaoe, New York. '. Tbe Hebrew News, ot Portland, ha added a new feature to that neat and interesting journal. - Hereafter it will disouss Judaism and Jewish doolrioei, from a Jewish standpoint. Mr. R. Farber . is the editor while Mr. Lsaao Stern will continue as tbe proprietor and manager. . In the oourse if Mr. Farber's saluta tory, be says: "There ore many of oar oo religionists especially in the North west, living scattered in small country towns, who do not know tbe whole year whether tbey are beitbens, Christians or Jews. In time tbey forget every thing eveu themselves. Tbey bear Bottling of Judaism ezoept lorongh . the paper, and therefore it is th duty of a Jewish weekly to contain sufficient , reading matter ot a religious oharaoter presenting Judaism to tboie who other wise have no opportunity to hear tbeir religion expounded." Thr I Nothing ao Good. There is nothing just as good aa Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, so demand It and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there it anything better, but in order to make more profit be may claim something else to be just a good. You want Dr. King' New Discovery because you know it to be saf and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Cougbs, Colds, Consumption tod for all affections ot Throat, Chest sod Lung, there Is nothing so good u is Dr. King' New Disoovery. Trial bottle free at Oonser k Brook's. Regular size 60 cents and 11 00. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Tbe City Dadi Meet and Oo Considerable Business Prddllng Ordinance Laid oa th Table. Couooil met last evening In tba coun cil obambert, Mayor Morgan presiding, and all members of tb oounoll and Re corder lilohardson pruent. After reading of tb minute of last meeting and tb special session of Marob 4. lH'J7, and on motion ot Couur, seconded by Himons, tb report of tb Bnano committee wu aoceoted and warrant ordered drawn oa tb truarr for tb following amount: L. W. Briggs, 11.10; Molli Heed, $3 45; La nusPenlaud, $175; N. 8. Hhipley, SO oeoti; A. A. Iloberts, $50 00; W. A. Itlchardsoo, $1666; H. L. k W. Co. $70 00. Heppner Transfer Co., $5 33. disallowed. Marshal loitraoted to notify property owners to remove privies that ar stand ing ovar tbe oreek, oo motloo of Simons, seconded by Oonser. Tbe ordinsno licensing meat pedJUrs was given to tbe oommitu on ordinan ce. Motion mads by Oilliam that ordi- otoo b laid oo lb table, seconded by Conser. It wu oarrled. Motloo mode by Conser tbal tbe tr orer pay off warrant to lb amount of tl'0. was tsooodsd by Lichtentbal and . Oarried. Petition ot A. E- Biuns wu carried over to Dtit meeting. Mayor mad oggtion tbat oouocil Instruol marshal to ofor ordiosoors Irrespective of persons. Counoil then adjourned. Nolle la rorauif. I will ploo for sal at Oouaer A Brook' a receipt for killing qulrl and gopher, wbiob i asily prepared sod can b mad at a eol nol to iod 6 eent per gallon. Tbey readily tak tbl poieoo tnd It la a suoom la very partioular. I will famish with reeelpl drug to nk twenty gallons ot tba poleoo for t and guarauU tb drag to poet leu tbao S rots per gallon. tf ' D. F. Bw ao oa at, Uvpfracr, Or.