I Fret last and all the time Hood's Sarsaparilla has been advertised as a blood purifier. Its great cures have teen accomplished through purified blood cures of scrofula, salt rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired feel ing. It cures when others fail, because it Always Strikes at the root of the disease and eliminates every germ of impurity. Thousands testify to absolute cures cf blood diseases by Hood's Sarsaparilla, although discouraged by the failure of other medicines. Bembmber that Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier, r'ti easy to buy. easy to take, 1IUUU a rllis easy k operate, zsc. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over and tbe winter season again with ns, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette bas made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers tbe following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, tl.50 $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, 1.60 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00. 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, J1.00 8.25 " S. F. Chronicle, $1.50 3.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 3.25 Webfoot Planter, 60c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Here and There. brief Oa- Mrs. Bradley is up again after a illness. Advertising space for sale at tbe zette ranch. Dave Dickson was up from lone tbe first of the week. W. H. JSenham is looking after bis customers here today. A. H. Smetzer visited bis customers at Heppner yesterday. A. O. Petteys returned Wednesday from a visit to Portland. Jas. McUumber was over from Gallo way on Wednesday last. Tbe Heppner Transfer Go. bave wood for sale. Call od tbem. 25-1 m What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth, bee ad. elsewhere. Every business man of Heppner should advertise in tbe Gazette Some wood on subscription or op od debts will be graciously accepted. J. B. Natter was quite ill last Wednee day but is much better at present. Tbe Realign! people will treat you right. Oall on tbem when in town, tf Olarenoe Johnson was a passenger on tbe branch Wednesday, coming from Baker City. Every business man who wants to have bis light shine should advertise in tbe Gazette. Tbe M. E. chnrob, South, will bold regular services next Sunday morning aud evening. Rev. Drake, of Lexington, was in Heppner Wednesday, accompanied by bis little ion. Tbe Gazette bas passed its fourteenth milestone, having been established Maroh 29, 1883. Low Tillard keeps wet goods down at bis new place, near the oounoil obamberi. Uall at Tbe Welcome and make yourself at borne. Soaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands ami lips, cats, braises, soalds, burns ere quickly on red by De Witt's Witoh Hazel Salve. It is at present tbe artiole most used for pile, and it always cores tbem. Uonser Brock. Mrs. Mark P. John departed on Wed nesday evening for her borne in Pendleton. For sale A fine six-year-old Jack. Call on or write Ben Swaggart, Lexing ton, Or. 6315 W. A. Frasier, an old time special in- surance agent and adjuster, spent yester day in this city. The roads over tbe mountain are in bad shape, and before long will be worse owing to malting snow. Mrs. Hewitt, wife of Conser & Brook's accommodating drug clerk, Mr. E. E. Hewitt, arrived Wednesday from Port land. Put a qnarter in your pocket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillord's. Finest liquors and cigars Near oity hall. a Miss Marie Tongue, daughter of Con gressman Tongue, lft for ber Hilleboro borne Wednesday, after a pleasant visit with friends here. Tbe celebrated imported running Btallion, Calpburnus. will stand the season in Heppner. For particulars call on W. O. Minor. tf Ed Nelson came in yesterday from Canyon Oity, on his way to Condon. He says the roads are in very bad condi tion in the mountains. Mrs. 'Gene Vaughan arrived Wednes day to visit ber relatives here. Sbe was aooomnanie'l by two little Dieoes, chil dren of S. P. Florence. Prof. Howard, wbo has bad oharge of tbe Heppner sobool as principal the past school year, left on Wednesday's train for bis borne In Spokane. Eev. Potwine, finding it impossible to keep bis appointment for this evening, (Friday) makes announcement for serv ices next Tuesday evening. Frank Hale got in Wednesday from the John Diy, coming in via Monument. tie says that there is fully 10 feet of snow in the Ditch oreek section. Tbe discovery of gold-beariug quartz. on bauire Donaldsons ranch, near FofsiI reoen My, has metamorphosed busi ness men into miners over there. E. 0.: Mrs. Dr. Vaughan was aocom paoied to Heppner Tuesday evening by Lavelle and Edna Florenoe, who will visit their father there for several weeks. Bob Gilmore and John MoCarty came In Wednesday from below, having ship ped some oattle to tbe Uoioa Meat Co., of Portland, going as far with tbem as Arlington. Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as sociated together down at Charley's old plaoe in the toneorial business. Oall on them and get your whiskers pushed in. The Gazette will take potatoes, apples, eggs or batter on subscription aoconnts. Any one owing this office can settle their accounts in this manner ud oan't do it too soon to suit ns. At Heppner's warehouse Phill Oobo will pay tbe highest market prioe for full wool pelts, bides, furs, etc. Phill sells direct to Eastern buyers. See him be fore you sell your pelts. tf Rogers k Huberts bave reoently com pleted a mnob-ueeded awning for Park Gurrigues and Hick Mathews. This pop ular firm of carpenters and contractors have a new ad in this issr.e. There will be p reaching in tbe Obris tian cburob Sunday morning and even ing by Elder J. W. Jenkins. The Sun day school and Endeavor will meet at tbe usual hours. All are invited. Hick Mathews and V. Gentry, under the firm name of Mathews & Gentry, are associated together in tbe btrber business in the new 6tand, two doors south of tbe postoffloe. Tbey solicit a Any lady desiring to purchase a sew ing machine should oall on j. v. Yaugban and examine bis latest im proved White machines. A happy com bination of a writing desk and machine combined. Light, rapid and easy running. tf. E.O.: Ex-Senator Henry Blackman, oollector of internal revenue for Oregon, Washington and Alaska, is in tbe city. He came over on official business and will return to Portland tonight. Mr. Blaokmm bas been on a visit to bis family at Heppner, and came over from there to Pendleton on Monday night's train. Ike Barr bas returned from Bossland. He will remain but a short time, expect ing soon to return to tbe mining coun try, says tbe E. O. Mr. Barr is a broth er-in-law of the Tillard brothers. He is expected over from Pendleton soon, ac companied by bis wife, nee Miss Alice Tillard, wbo is very well known in Heppner. The merchandise from the MoFarland stock is being moved trom tbe former looation in tbe National Bank building to tbe Herren store room on May street, and is now being rapidly put in shape by Frank MoFarland who will be found constantly on hand and ready for busi ness. Don't overlook Frank at bis new looation. Dr. E. N. Orookett arrived this morn ing from St. Louis where he has been taking a course in medicine. "Davy comes back with his'faoe adorned with a Vandyke, is looking well and happy and will leave shortly for his home at Long Creek. He bas one more year's work to complete before he is a full- fledged physioian. Married On Maroh 27tb, in Oolville, Wash., Mr. Frank Bowman and Mrs. Bell Taylor. Mrs. Taylor formerly lived m Heppner and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Matlock. Mr. Bowman is a prominent horseman of Colfax At present the oouple are residing at Boundary City, Wash. Tbe Gazette extends its best wishes. There is some talk of the oounoil passing an ordinance against peddling of meats within the corporation. Much oare should be taken in the passage of an ordinance of this obaraoter, as it is an easy matter for the town to put itself in a position to lose a great deal of money defending an unconstitutional measure. WHAT OCR EXCHANGES BAY. The appointment of Henry W. Oorbett to be United States senator from Oregon is disappoinment to tbe people, al though highly acceptable to a oertain faction of tbe republican party. Mr. Oor bett is a politioal back number. He has been out of sight of tbe publio eye for nearly a generation. The people had quite forgotten him. He is not male ol the stuff whioh goes to make a politioal leader. His sympathies were never with tbe people boJ tbe people bave never been in sympathy with him. His ap pointment is a misfit which can be ac counted for only on; ne of two hypoth eses. Tbe appoiutment is either a temporary makeshift to keep stronger and more available men out of the way of a oertain man who aspires to be the senatorial nominee of the next legisla ture, or tbe influences brought to bear have been otber than those of a a politi cal charaoter. Governor Lord could hardly have made a more injudioiou? and unsatisfactory appointment. Mr. Corbett's age and extreme physioal incapacity, being almost a hopeless par alytic, should bave been an insuperable barrier to bis appointment to so honer ous aud responsible a position. Oregon's chief exeoutive has made a serious blun der and one tor which the people will not bold him politically irresponsible. West Side. state offioea being extinct because of the failure of tbe assembly to attend to its legitimate business, tbe offioe of secre tary of state, governor, judges, district attorneys and otber state officers wbo depend upon the biennial appropria tions for their salaries must also be "extinct." Moro Observer. I am not Running The Weather. If I Were Spring Would Have Been Here Long Ago. Volumes could be written upon tbe senatorial situation of this state and tbe appointment by Governor Lord of H. W. Corbett, tbe Portland capitalist, to succeed Senator Mitobell, but it is bard to say anything regarding tbe politioal complexion of the state without treading on some one's toes, an aot wbioh migbt cost as several round dollars. As dollars are soaroe, and political opinions abund ant, we will withhold ours at this very oritical time. Wo are not icoliced to believe that Mr. Corbott will be reoog nized by tbe senate, as tbe august body will find abundant reasons for ignoring bis appointment if it sees nt to do so. One thing is certain Mr. Corbett's finan cial standing will give him plenty of dignity in the senate, it that is a requi site to tbe office. Arlington Record. At a conference in Washington Toes day night tbe silver republicans of tbe house and tbe senate deoided that they would not stand in the way of enaot ment of the pending tariff bill. This is tbe true policy. Tbe silver republicans represent western oonstituenoles. Tbs present tariff is unfair to western inter ests. In this eeotion wool and lumber are two ot our obief resources. 'Both are on tbe free list, and the wool industry bas been almost annihilated by tbe nilson tariff. Throughout Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon thous ands of people once prosperous from he profits ot this industry have suffered severe losses, and many have been bank rupted by the frightful deoline in tbe prioe of wool. Restoration of the duty on wool would put new life into this languishing industry, and all interests would share in the benefit. The rail roads would have more tonnage, tbe oouutry merchants would sell more mer chandise, the local banks would profit by (be restored oredit ot their old patrons unong the wool growers, and employ ment would be given to a large number if wage earners. So far as our interests are effeoted by the existing sectional tariff, we have free trade in the things we sell and protec tion tor the thjogs we buy. This is worse than absolute free trade. Since tbe protective prinoiple is to be contin ued indefinitely, it is the duty of every western representative to work for fair treatment for western industries. The silver republicans ought to go a step further in their course as planned at ruesday night's meeting. They ought to throw their united inflaenoe for ade quate duties on wool, lumber, barley, lead, bops and foreign fruits. Spokane Review, Silver Republican. A store, however. You need supplies for the sheep camp; I have them. You want some gents' furnishings; no trouble to supply you. You require groceries ot all kinds; call at my store. "Live and let live" is a good motto. I sell as cheap as possible, to be consistent with good business management. I want to do business. I can please you. My goods arc fresh and well selected. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Hotel Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry St., Alton, 111., suffered with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctoral for it nearly tbe whole ot this time, nsiog various remedies reoom- mended by friends, and was treated by the physioians, but received no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Fain Balm, whiob effeot ed a complete cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what oured ber. Tbe 25 and 50 oent sizes tor sale by Conser k Brook. wzmi 1? Is ESP ISBH 1 .SIMM Ml" i --- KT urtrin nri niiisf iwairw!1 i HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop 'jjggi Guests will find the best of accom modations in every respect. Every business man in Heppner ougbt to advertise. It pays to do it. The Peonle Are Convinced When they read tbe testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. They are writ, ten by bouest men and women, and are plain, straightforward statements of facts. The people bave oonfiJenoe in Hood's Sarsaparilla beoause tbey know it actually and permanently cures, even when otber medicines fail. oall. tf. The school bo use at Sbllob school district near lone oauubt fi re last Tues day from a defeotive flue, but by prompt action on tbe part of teacher and pupils tbe fire was put out before any great damage was done. Tbe old lady was right when sbe said, tbe child migbt die if tbey waited for tbe doctor. Sbe saved the little one's life witb a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. Sbe bad used it for croup before Conser k Brock. Hood's Pills are tbe only pills to take with Hoods Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet efficient. "Excuse me" observed the tr. an In spectacles "hut I am a surgeon, and that ib not wbre ibe liver is." Never you mind where tbe liver is." retorted tbe otber. ''It it was in bis big toe or bis left ear PeWitt's Little Early Risers would reach it and shake it for bim. On that you can bet your gig-lumps.'' Con ser k Brock. W. H. Spangb, chairman of tbe Lane county populist oentral committee, ex pressed bis opinion of tbe legislative bold-UD through the columns ot tbe Florenoe West last week in tbe follow ing letter: "Mb. Editor. That Populist Mani festo published in tbe West week before last strikes me as ratber a lame exouse tor our representatives to give for stand ing in with tbe old party politicians. Tbey claim that great things could be accomplished it one oertain republican was elected speaker ot the bouse. Do tbey think that the rank and file ot tbe people's party are all tools and oan be made to believe that, with the aid of this stalwart republican as speaker of the bouse, legislation oan be secured in spite of a republican senate and governor? Tbe Holt judge of eleotioo bill failed in a republican sen a te two years ago and what assurance does this manifesto give that it will not meet the same fats again this time regardless of who is tbe speak er of the bouse? Has this particular candidate for speaker of tbe bouse any oontrol over tbe ao lions of senate or tbe veto power ot tbe governor? If so, why not mention it iu the manifesto? If not, then tbe reasons given in tbe mani festo are false reasons and are only given out in lieu of tbe trne ones. It 1 were on tbe ground things might appear different, but as I see no good reasons for people's party representatives to be scheming witb old party politicians to block legislation, and of one thing 1 feel sure: The people's party is gaining no reputation tor bocesty and fair dealing by such a pcliov. The manifesto is too thin to bold water and smacks strongly of old party taotios. Anything to fool the people." Ashland lU'cord. The U. S. Senate bas refused to seat H- W. Corbett, the millionaire banker ot Portland, whom Governor Lord recently appointed to take Hon. J. H, Mitchell's plaoe, at whioh Mitobell is of oourse g eatly pleased. Some ot tbe papers think that tbe governor will cow call an extra session, but our guess is that be will do nothing of tbe kicd. Tbe result is that Oregon will bave but one senator for the next two years. It is a safe bet that Simon, Bourne and his highway men, or hold-ups, will not be in it tbe oext time, as there will be another eleo tion before tbe legislature convenes again. Globe. QILIvIAM Ss BISBEB, At the old stand, have the usual spring outfit of FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, Besides the thousand odds and ends that are too numerous to mention. Call on.- GILLIAM & BISBEE, Next Door to First National Bank Building. I Am The Father of A duty of eight cents a pound on wool would greatly please tbe Australian sheep owners just now, seeing tbat con gress was about to make it twelve. It would give them a better obanoe at the Amenoan m arket, their favorite marktt, by four oents on tbe pound. Tbe small favor they would thankfully receive. But this county Is just now beginning to be run iu tbe interest of tbe people wbo live iu it. Statesman. Fortunately, the wool growers do Dot have to go to free traders masked as "moderate protectionists" this year. If tbey did, tbey would be glad to get of! witb eight oents a pound on wool, or even mnoh less. But thank tbe fats, MaJ r McKinley and bis party are in pow er, and they oan confidently ask and tbey will surely get tbe McKinley duties on wool restored. Statesmao. 3 I Am also a Merchant and Want Your Patronage. And in order to get it we have pro cured the finest line of General Merchandise ever shown in this city. (No flies on ns, or fly speoki on our goods; We are not like tbe fly, or our competitors, wbo lay dormant six mcntba, but are open for business at all hours, day and months.) What is the Matter With E. W. Rhea & Co? Nothing wrong with them, only they have their shelves loaded down with M New Goods Tbe old way ot delivering messages by postboys compared with the modern telephone, illustrates the old tedious methods ot "breaking" colds compared witb their almost instantaneous oure by Due Minute Omub Care. Conser k rock. The Rosebnrg Plaindeeler rightly con cludes tbat if Mr. Secretary Klnoaid's reasoning is oorrect as to some ot tue Uncklrn's Arnica Halve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Mores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkio Erup tions, and positively cures Files or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refonded. Price 25 rents per box. For sale by Conser & Brook. Tbs officers and directors ot tbe Hepp ner Hpeed Association are hereby oi ti Bed to meet at E G. 8 perry's club rooms on Haturdsy evening, April 3, for1 tbe purpose of making arrangement for a spring meet. Election of officers will also be in order at this time. But this won't lant lont, for the way th itock Is tellins they will have to replenlih very Boon. Thli li not strange! Why, good foods and detent prices always win customers I Who Come Back u f.. W. Rh Co. pT particular attention tn mll oMr. Those wbo cni,ot tint in percoa to their iUr nwd hats no tears In trusting their orderi by mall or farrier. B 00TS AND SHOES' THt PLACE TO GCTTHCM IS AT He hii anything In thli line that you mar dculre and yon can depend on It you get a good article whuu Mat guarantee It. SHOES IN ALL THE Old Stand, Main Street. LATEST STYLES. Repairing a Specialty Mrs. Jobo Jenkins bas lately pur- based one of lbs celebrated Kewoomb Fly-Hbnttle looms and is now prepared to do all kinds of oarpet aud rug weav ing. Any one desiring first claas work hould call on ber at ber home on lower Main street. Low prioes and all work guaranteed. 9-37 THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. C. BOROI-USRS, Prop. - Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars Americans are the moat Inventive people oo rartb. To tbem bave been Issued nearly 000,000 patents, or more than one-third of all tbe patents limed in Ibe world. No disoovery of modern rears bas been of greater bent fit to ' - mankind than Gbamtwluin's Colic, Cuolwa and Disrrhoce Remedy, or bas done more to relieve pain and anfTVring. W. Vangbo, of Oaktoo, Kf., says: "I bave used Chamberlain's Colio and Dierrbii-a Remedy in my several tears, and find it to be tbs best medicine I ever ud for cramps in tbe Btomaob and bowels. For sale by Con ser k Brock. Tbs length of life may be increaard by lesawniog dangers. The majority of mt pie die from long trouble. The may l avvriod by promptly nring On Minute Coogb Core. Conar k Brock t E. W. RHEA & CO., I V The rirat National Bank Building, HEPPNER, - - OREGON. V ft " raon w euma out. ana n mi ur A V I . p j OxpPpm0 SZtSSS.: Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH Ed. K. Biabop, sncceetor lo Tbe Mo Farland Mercantile Co., U still oo deck giving great bargains in all liar. Tbe stork rnoul be old nut. and It mi sur Wool Growers ! Witb MoKinley in tbe White House, ws prediot bigber prices for wool during tbe coming seatoo, and feel assured tbat II"ppoer will altraot more Eastern boy srs than formerly. Their headquarters will be at the Wool Growers' Warehouse and it will be to yoor inter! to slor your wool with u. losuraoo rat are alto moob cheaper tban last year. W famikb wool sacks and twin to patroo payabl when wool is sold. TV pay freight to teamsters, and forulub blank rniripia to woolgrowsrsoa application. W l.av on band rolled barley and fed for tmiters. W pay tb highest eaab prioe for sbp pelt and bide. W ar agent for Li tils' Fluid Dip, aud lb famous LI auk Leaf Tobaeoo Dip. Mark your wool sscis fJ and direct yoor teanxttr lo the lower Wreboua, lie j por, Oregon. It. 1 HYND, Manager. aoooi OUR SPRING STOCK AMOUNTING TO OVER s now in and ready for inspection. Call and examine; we are here to show goods. Why do you wait dear brother, Why do you tarry so long; When Minor & Co. will give you What you want for a song. Yours for Business, MINOR & CO. rlUVI THIS FAMOUS Oolct Hop A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK, fcrltfir Brewery Company 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. You can Woger Your Sox that You are Always at Home at .... T WELCOM Oo Willow Street, Dear tbe City Dall. THE BEST WET GOODS in the MARF TW try to iileas all. Fin olub room lo eunocttoo. row 'rirvTviVir, rr FRANK DMEM i. J. Rogers & Rober Contractor ami Duikler.- Flans and Estimates Given on Short Ni All Kinds of Repair Work Done OFFICE HOURS-Da? and Night Leave your orders Place" ad Rog. or Jim will jjet 'epj. 0 0 0 0 V J ...... .i 11 - - --z -