Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 30, 1897, Image 1

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Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
I WEEKLY dO. 7311
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W.
. Editor
Business Manager
At $2.50 per year. 11.25 (or six months, 75 ote.
tor three moncnB, strictly In advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKR is kept on tile at E. C. Unke's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exchange, San Francisco, California, where oou
raota for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. daily, except
Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Holi
day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc
tion 2:19a. m. ; east bound 12:51 a. m.
Freight trains leave Heppner J auction going
east at 10:48 a. m. and 8:45 p. m.; going west, 5:30
p. m. and 6.45 a. m.
United States Officials.
Piesident William McKinley
Vice-President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
onormary of Treasury ... Lyman J. Hage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Kussell . Alger
rteeretary of Navy ' John D. Long
Postuaster-Oeneral James A. Gary
Attorney-General JoBeph McKenna
Secretary, f Agriculture James Wilson
state or Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Seoretaryof State ..H. R. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metechan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
Ho, ( G. W. MoBride
Senators 3. H. Mitchell
n 1 Binger Hermann
Wua.u... j w b, Ellis
Printer l.W. H. Leeds
( H. 8. Bean,
SuDreme Judges F. A. Moore.
( C E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge ....Stephen A. Lowell
I'roaeouting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator... ... ... A, W. Gowan
KeDrnsentative J. N. Brown
County Judge ..A. G. Bartholomew
' Commissioners J. It. Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff E. L. Matlock
" Treasurer Frank Gilliam
Assessor J. (. wuus
" Surveyor J. W, Hornor
School Bup't Jay W. Shipley
Coroner , B. F. Vaughau
Mtyor Thos. Morgan
Counoilmeu Geo. ConBer. Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blooum. 11.
Lichtenthal and J. B. Simons.
R eorder W.A. Richardson
T easnror L. W. Briggs
Uarahal A. A. Roberta
Precinct Offloer.
Justioeof the Peaoe ......W. K. Richardson
Constable N. S. Whetatone
Dnlted States Land Officer!.
J.F.Moore Register
A. 8. Biggs Receiver
B. F, Wilson Kegister
J. H. Kobbina Receiver
Mar. 11. 1897. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
her Intention to make final proof in support of
her claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on May 10, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4170, for the 8E SEM, Sec. 29. NEH
BEJ4 and Etf NEJ4, 8eo. 32, Tp. 4 8., R. 26 E., W,
She names thelfollowlne witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Charles o. uniery, James O. Williams, Mrs.
Ann E. Chapel, Edward S. Cox. all of XTardman.
Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE,
Kfli-iJb Register.
McClure's Magazin
For 1897
Pendleton, Oregon. ,
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '97
At Heppner, Echo. Pendleton. Baker
(Jity, iigin and Huntington.
Heppner, Oregon,
Flans and Specifications furnished oa
Contracting a Specialty.
fjf All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash.
doitrs and windows on hand and furnished at
reasoname rates, (live me your order.
All kinds of repairing done at reasonable
rates. Leave orders with P. O.
Thompson Co.
A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begins lu December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous. (Begun in November.)
Robert Loafls Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(BegniB in May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence. '
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes stories, given him
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau.
IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two coutributions to another publication which were engaged from biin long ago, will
appear in McClure's Magazine.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit ' and the "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLINO. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McClure's
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year.
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same
characters win appear, although eacn win be complete in liseii.
Anthony Hope Bret Harte Robert Barr .
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories in McCluhe'b for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClure's Magazine for
lay, me subscription priee 01 wnicn is oiuy
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begiuB with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
Sent Free
To any person interested in humane
matters, or who loves animals, we will
rend free, upon application, a oopy of
the "ALLIANCE," the orgau of this
Society. Io addition to its in
tensely interesting reading, it oontains a
list of the valuable and uuusaal pre
miums given by the paper. Address
410-411 United Charities Building, New York.
i O. A. R.
for ,Met at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
I montn. All veterans are lnriiea to join.
Mrs.3. Boon, Geo. W. Bkith.
... t AdinUnt, tf Commander.
KJ2). J. McFaul, M. D.
oilmen; i
' At Mrs. H. Welch's Residence.
Night telephone connection with
the 1'alace Hotel.
l Bank ol Henoner.
President '
Made on favorable Terms.
First , "National Bank
Vlee President
- Cashier
Ass't Cashier
T. 0l, Rhea,
GEvb. w. conser,
' Transacts I General Banking Businta
On all parts of the world
Bought and Sold
Collections made on all points oa
reasonable Terms.
Surplus and undivided Profits, I3S.OO0.0O.
Ootario-BurDS Stanc Line
-A. T4 I-
leaves Barns Daily at 8 p. m. and ar
rites si Ontario to 42 boors.
Single Fare $7.00.
Round Trip $10.00
Throoib freight V cents per pound.
A Campaign .
Of Education
How to Get, It err a a
-For J) J.vv
and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
County of Morrow, under the seal thereof, and
to me directed and delivered, upon a decree
rendered and entered in said Court on the 3rd
day of March, 1897, in favor of P. C. Thompson,
riaintin, aim againBt J. B. Bperry, 8. C. sperry,
Perry Snyder and the Oregon Railway and
Navigation Conmanv. Defendants, for t.ha mm
of Four Hundred Thirty-Nine and 33-100 Dollars
with interest thereon from said 3rd day of
March, 18i7. at the rate of eiiiht ner cent Der
annum and Fifty Dollars attorney's fee and the
further sum of Thirty-two and 70-100 Dollars
costs; and whereas by said judgment it was
ordered and adjudged that the following des-
crioeu reai property, to-wit: The north one-halt
of the northeast quarter and the north oue-half
of the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine
(29) In township three (3) south of range twenty
six (2fi) east W. M., in Morrow County, State of
Oregon, be sold to satisfy said decree, costs and
accruing costs. I will, on
Saturday, the 10th day of April, 1897, ,
at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, at the fiont door
of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell all the right, title nd interest of
the said J. B. Sperry . 8. C. Bperry, Perry Snyder
auu mo uregou naiiway ana navigation cam
The Portland Meeting a Grand Success
Heppner Represented There Too.
Dr. C. J. Smith drove borne thia mom
lag from Adams, where the delayed
tram now la, aaya a reoent issue of the
E. O. He was oo bia retaru from Port
land and mat aooompanied to Pendleton
by the following; Maocabeei delegates: i
Rev. H. Harm, of Oove; Judge Wheel
er, of Val; J. F. Burleigh, of Loatine;
Eogeoe Holmes, of Wallowa; George
Biddleman, of Union ; P. R, Robinaoo,
or Baker City.
Tbey bad been attending the first
state convention of the Knights of the
Maocabees which was held io Portland
Wednesday in the ball of United Arti-
Bans, Abingtun building, and was an
'Absolutely Puro
entirely snooessful affair. The attend. Celebrated for its great leavening atreneth
anflA . f.,ii. nn t ? " "?"'in" . 88.ur.." " 'ol sgHnrt
cash fn hand, the oroceeds to be annllert in lihk 7. ' r ". ?i '...'" OI auuiierauon common te
satisfaction of said execution and ill costs, and throughout the three sessions, the last " roy al ba kinV
pany In and to the above described real nrnnnr.
ty at public auction to the highest bidder for
costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK.
oherltl of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated March 11th, 1897. 526-34.
United States Land Offici,
a Grande, Oregon, March 9, 1897.
this office by the duly verified and cor
roborated affidavit of John McCullough alleg
ing that Lena Munkers who made timber cul
ture entry No. S133 at the U. 8. Land Offlce at
La Grande, Oregon, on February 18th, 1888, for
the ES SWH and Wtf SEU Sec. 17 Tp 8 8, R 28
E. W. M., has failed to comply with the timber
culture law in this, that she failed to break or
cause to be broken five acres or any number of
acres on said tract within one year after her
umDer culture entry or sain tract;
continuing until nearly midnight, the
utmost enthusiasm prevailed. The main
interest was centered on the eleotion of
a state delegate to attend the session
of the supreme tent, which oonvepes at
Fort Huron, Mioh., next July, and Port
land proved to be the suooessful com
petitor, although Dr. Smith was a very
oloae second, and wai eleoted alternate
with J. W. Sherwood, of Portland, as
the delegate.
Eastern Oregon went down to Port
land with 14 tents represented, against
The Oregonlan asks "What is the mil.
ler with Oregon?" There are several
things the matter. To mnoh Oreeonlan.
too muoh Corbelt, too muoh 8imon, tqo
muoh Kinoaid, too muoh pppulismand
not enough manifeted oommon .sense
and common honesty. Oorvallis' Ga
zette. -
that she
never made an v lmnrovnmnnta nrvm mild t.rRot
and did some ttme in the year 1889 remove from about 40 in the Willamette valley, and
Hid nonntv and atatA and hai navA. PAtiirnad '
and did at about said time abandou said claim, captured half the offioea. The state
Therefore, with the view of the cancellation ofHoora Blunted r- Hint nut nnm
of said eutrv the said Darttea are herehv sum. 0m0er" e'eotea ere. Otate pSBI COm
vey Scott's ideal
Mem tn 1 1
.The Oregonian says of Mr. Hermann:
He, is a good man. He has no princi
ples and no opinions to maintain."
moned and 'reauired to be and ann'hB ore manrlpr. J. S. Van WinWIn f ilh.a. . " "",MB' UUOB uo' Bl. 1De'
J. w. Morrow, county clerk oi Morrow county, . ,. . . , ' ' nermann, but it admirably defines Har-
"'.CB""' " nePiiiwr, vregon, ou lie y , . w- VBT Hnot. ! onnA mo .,,
Imnn n Rab Hil. . .1.1. .., I ' ,-u .-.,-wiiiium
er, Ira M. Hunter, of Oorvallia; state
Qoanoe-keeper, O. a Mayger, of May-
ger's landing; state obaplain, Rev. H.
Harris, ot Cove; state pbyiiciao, J. P.
Pape, ot Portland; state sargeant, E. A.
Hildretb, of Ashland; state master-at-
arms, Dr. A. J. Pbrill, of Sioo; flrit state
master of guards, M. Hayter, of Dalles;
o baled proposals will be received eoona state master or guards, Ueorge
until May 6th, 1H97, at 2 o'clock
t Henmi
Hthdayof May, 1897 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day then and there to nroduce such testimony
aa tliey may have concerning said allegations,
the final hearing to be had before the Register
and Receiver at La Grande, Oregon, ou the S2d
uuj oi may, at o ClOCK a. m.
B. F. WIL80N,
531-641. Receiver.
building a bridge across Rhea creek,
P. M., for
near C. A.
nnea s, according to plans ana specifications to
be seen at my office. Lumber to be furnished
oy me county on tne grouna.
The County Court reserves the right to reject
auy ur an uniH. A. M. BAmnviAJBlH W.
March 24, 1897. 30-32 Couuty Judge.
Going East? . I uhpbrblleled
FIRST-Go via. St Paul be
cause the lines to tbat point will
anord you the very beet service.
SECOND See tbat the coupon
ifiyond 8t. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
ine makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is nrst-class in every
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature la expensive.
Leslie' Illustrated
Published at 110 Fifth Avenue,
Mew York, is full of the best things
Its illustrations are superb; It
stories charming; and its literary
departments are edited with con
summate skill.
Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Leslie's li4pe nuum.
We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml
VVeeklyone year for only $5.00.
No such offer was evor made before. No such offer will ever be made
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
Heppner, Oregoii.
March 17. 1897. Notice is hereby iriven
that the following-named settler has filed notice
his intention to make final nroof in iimnort
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before E. L. Freoland, U. H. Com. at Heppner,
flnumn nn UttwUK 1UOT r( . '
B I WV, ..-., W.M.. .
Hd. K,No.4SlMor the EW NE)iSec32 and WVt
N WU See. (W, Tp 2 8, R 25 E.
tie names the following witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
oi, saia land, viz:
Aloiizo M. Markham, Nathan Hliaw, of Heno
ner, Oregon, Ralph Benge, James Brown, of
ixmgwn, urcgou.
528-88. Register.
The fiplls Acquit Themselvei Creditably
A Nnmber of VlHltora Present.
The closing exercises ot the Heppner
milted to be present. The pupils so-I Rhea creek , and on the Monument end
quitted themselves excellently la every I sre scattered ready to be put in plaoe.
on your neighbor and friend the 1 HE LANCASHIRE INSURANCE Lo.
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond, ,
Uen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
Uenrral Agent.
2 16 Stark hL.
Portland, Or
While yoa twp your sabeorlption paid ap yen
Oaa keep your brand In free of oharce.
Bfrc. P. O.. HeDDner. Or. Horses. P B co left
shoulder; eat tie, same on left nip.
Chanln. H.. Hardman. Or. Hons branded
"5 on rlirht bio. I ul hraudxa the same. A I
brand 1 1 on honm rixht thichi eaitle mi s
brand oa right shoulder, and out off end o
Mht aar.
Conk. A. J..Lna.Or. Horvie. Won riht shoal .
der: Cattle, Mmaon right hip: ear mark eguare I
orop on ten ana spin in n-hi.
DnailaM. W. M . Gallowar. Or. Cattle. R D on
rlnht side, swallow -fork in each ear; boras, H I)
on loft hip.
Elr. Dm. Dongla. Or. Hone hrandod ELY
oo lft ahooldar, eattl kuni on Uftliip. hole
in ngni mt.
Flnrmio. L. A., flapriner. Or. Tattle. LP on
right hipi bona, f with bar sudor on riabt
It J on tho trft oonlilflr: onttl brandd J on
right hip. alau nntmbit to lart Mr. Kaiig la
Borrow eoanty.
Johrwm. Felix. Ln. Or. Hiitm. eirrUT on
left atifl-, flatd. Minaon right hip, oadm ball
erop In ra"t and sulit .n left mr
Kmnr.Mika.Haopr.er. Or. Hon brandod
RNY no Uft hip oattl Mm and orop oil lafl
art nodor slop on the right
nmhorland. W . D.. Minns Varnon. Or. I L nn
oatil on right and lafl idM, iwallow fork in U ft
ear and nixta eiop la rlalit sr. HorM mid
brand oa laft aboukiar. llacc la Grant euantr.
Lmftan, Htaphan, Fox, Or. a L on loft hip
eatti. erou and solit on rwht aar. U
mm brand oa left ehuaidW. Race tiraot
Laaliay. J. W. Haponar t)r. Horaa hrandaH
Land A on lft sh'mldar; rattl Mm on lM
kip, waul over right ye, thra slit in right
Minor, Oarar, nappnar nr. 4ttia, I Dm
right hip; buna. M on laft abonldar.
Muraan. M. N., Hajrnar. Or. Horaas, M )
oo lan MinniiMt eaiii Mm on tanaip.
Oaln'rn. I. W Dongla. Or.; hraaiO ofl laf
atiouinar; eaiu tain n rlglit bip,
Parkar A ftlaacun. Bardoua.Or.-BorMlPoa
ln ahoul'lar.
Pi par. i. H- Iilrt'. Or. Himaa. if, eon.
sactmi mi laft atKmliiari eaUla, Mat u laf kip.
anMr mi in aann aar,
Hanfe J. W . Happnar. Or. Hon, JO
laft slKxtldar. (alUa, Q aa rich I hip.
tavry. . O. Happnar. Or. tVU I)M
lart hip, ra a right anl nndartiii la tft
aValaa: aoraas W C on laft hMildar.
ThnaiDaia). J. AM Happnar Or. Hues, ae
san aniiaiaar; ratua. I oa an baniua.
Tnraar K. W Happnar. Or. "mail MpltaJ T
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place
New York
The Outlook will be lo 1897, as it baa
bfsn during eeob of its twenty aeren
yesrt, a Uistory of Onr Own Times. Io
He various editorial dtpartmeote Tbe
Outlook gives a oompaot review of ths
world's progress; il follows with care
ell ibe important pbilantbropio end io
duatrial movements ot tbe day; baa a
complete department of religions news;
devotes naaoh space to tbe interests of
tbe home; reviews correct literature;
fnroiebee cheerful table-talk about man
acd things: sod, io short, aims to give
fresh InformalloD, original bbearvatioo,
sod reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with the fifty Biftb volume,
tbe paper will aaanme the regular maga-
tine sic, wbicb will au grratiy 10 us
oonvenienee and allra tiveoea. The
Outlook is published every Haturday
Qfty-two laeuee a year. Tbe first iaeue
lo eaob month is an Illustrated Magasios
Nambar, eoDtamiog about twice ae many
pages as tbe ordinary ieanee, together
with Urge Bomber of pictures.
Tbe prteeof The Outlook la three
dull art a year lo advance, or lee tbao a
. en. a. .. uhi all H at rntltMaTtan ' .a a -. " W
at r anyon Uy Hh rlppr Monumant itaira r,., g. k i,,, f .Hm, hra-dad Cent a day
a. . l.,!.!.. ItHorat '.r1 iail.fl I nnti4WfU n h . i e. a a . a 1
(I4W-SI r'"l H - "' " . D I r.WBi aTB I" I eTUlM. nSaf wmm HDina, I M I - - f a) !I a a
bUW AfrOCioaUja lUT I U-JTr a.., la laft aaf. Bare m )Urv aa J'leoe, JiW lot. UltV.
Hootbing, and not irritating, strength-
ing, and not weaking, small but, effeo-
tlve snob are tbe qualities of De Witt's
Little Early Risers the famous little
pills. Oooaer k Brook.
Now is tbe time to get tbe Weekly
Oregonian, tbe greatest newspaper of
the West. Witb tbe Qazotte, both strict
ly in advsnce,one year, $3.50. No better
Oorobination of newspapers oao be made
n the state.
Walt. Thorn peon runs stags between
Eieppner and Monument, arriving every
day exoept Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and sheep-
eat route t? tbe Interior. Oonser k
Brook, spent. e
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, 1 was
sick witb rheumatism, and lsy in bed
ontil May 21st, wbeo I got a bottle of
Chamberlain's Taio Balm. Tbe flrat ap
plication of it relieved me almost en
tirely from tbe pain and tbe seoond at
forded complete relief. In a short time
I was abls to be up and about again, k
T. Moreaax, Laverne, Mmo. Bold by
Oonser k Brock.
Through trains oo the O. II k N. will
ruo vis. Umatilla, Walla Walla and
Fendlfton. Through ale per a, first aod
eoood claaa, will ruo io eotineolion witb
tbe Union IVIfla, tbe same as baretw
fore. A through firat-olaaa sleeper I'ort-
land to Spokane, Oonoentiog with tbe
Art elaae sleeper to rit. Psol, aod
through tmrlt alcper 1'ortlaod to fit
Paol, will mo io ooooecUno witb Ibe
(ireat Northern rail way . It
For sale Aboot thirty toss ot rye
bay, located shoot two and one-ball
miles of II aid man. Aleo 4fX) acres of
good reege, fenced, to go witb same.
Ileoty of outside govtrumeot range
near at bead. Hbeiler fir IS) b-ad of
bep or large band uf eeltle. flood
boo vo plaoe. Ceil oo Oaxette ofOoe
for particular. A rare rtiatir In gat
hay cheap. All algoe tadieate a bard
wialer aad delays are daagarooe tf
Notice of Intention.
Beidleman, of Union; state sentinel, 0.
P. Huston, ot Junction City;, .state
pioket, W. T, Rigdon, ot, Salem.
Dr. Smith was oboaen physician in
the temporary organization of tbe con
We have it direct from Senator Hoar.
in a apeeoh made on the floor, ot ,tbe
upper chamber of the national legisla
ture on Thursday, that the men appoint
ed to seats in that body by the governors
will be given their plaoea after au
international .agreement for. the free
oqinage of gold aod silver at a fixed ratio
isseonred. Thli is very definite. It wfll
be just three years and six days after
tbe man in tbe moon grows a crop ot
Peffera reaching to the earth, so as to
establish communication with the dodo-
. Ths tent at .Heppner was represented list &dqnarter. oa this, sphere by ,bir
bv Sam Meadows. Be rennrl. the mt. BUl eieBrepn.-Diaieaman.
! intr k. mniit annnAnafnl nn.
i.ue ppoiDimeoi or Uon. Bioger Her.
Plleal Pllesl Itching Piles. , , oe general
a 4 -.. jti-a i.i i.-l! WM,wo w" vo Kouor-ii ftUHftCUOn
nd stinging ; tnoet at night; worse by V the J"0 of Oregon, especially the . .
soratoning' ir aiioweu to oontinne turn- "puuucao usviog oeen a member ot
n.a f.m I.1aK 1. 1 I .hi.l...... IL. - . 1 .... . . '
uio tuiiu wuiuu uiiou uinnu auu uiuorave sua oummitiee 00 pUDIIO IBOdS for Sever
meUnt a oV th7. linh. ' "ar'be M?Qlred kno,ed '
heals oloeratioo, and in most oases re- 019 Dam mna Duaineia thai will be of
moves tbe tumors. At dru.giats. or by I value to him in bis new fialJ ot
mail, for W oeuta. JJr. Swayne ds Son, labor. Exchange.
Like Hark Twain's Swamboat, She Needs a
Little Mure Hliear aad a Blgicer Wheel.
Tbe Heppner-Long Creek telephone
Hiah School, oo last Friday, were much line il beinir pushed rapidly. Tbe Doles
appreciated by tboae who were per-1 are let to withio short distanoe of Qaee"berry rules
Corbett, tbe wonld-be senator and Cor
belt, tbe bas-been ohampion pugilist,
ought to be in complete sympathy witb
eaob other, both being knooked out on
St. Tatnok's day. The prinoipal differ
ence between tbe two ia that nnrlar
it took fourteen
particular, "bowing that much care bad
been taken in preparing tor tt oeoa-
sion, rencoting credit not only upon
themselves but upon their instructors.
l tie program rendered upon that oo
oaaion is follows :
I'art First.
Hnnff. "Th Htar Rninula.l Hannap "
m ' - r a
donble quartette.
Recitation, "Bay Billy," Flora Faros
Chorus, "Grand Medley," Lillian Mo
Nay, Jennie Kirk. Amy Currln, Law
rence Palmer, Feroie Oarrignes.
Ueolamatlon. "Antonys Address to
tbe ltoniani," Lonis BaUiger
IUcitatioo.'The Owl Cntio," Mabel
Comio quartette, "Tbe Book Agent,
Elsie Ayen, Amy Currin, Burton I'ook,
Percie Oarriunes.
Deolamatioo, "S'poaio," Burton Feck
Through tbe timber but few poles will
be used as tbe wire will be strong on
trees. If tbe weather does oot prevent,
Long oreek will be oonneoted with
lieppner by 'phone oo or about May
lbiu. i'endietoo will nave to get
hustle oo berself if she beads off liepp
ner oo the telephone soheme.
Pendleton is progressive tbongh. Her
newspapers are splendid directories of
ths business bouses, and it is not peoes-
aary to go personally to Pendleton to
find out who is in business and who are
io tbe profesaiona. Pendleton's mer
chant, hustle all tbe time aod are ipleo
did advertisers. Their newspapers are
patronized as buaineis ventures aod not
as charity ooncerns. Henoe Fendleton
is a growing, progressive place.
But Heppner people are active In
rounds to knock out one but under Uni
ted States senate rules the other was
knooked out in the first round Tbe
diareputable oareer of both should end
here. Mist.
Muoh talk regarding a speoial session
of the legislature ia being Indqlged in,
but not by tbe parties withio whose pow
er it is to oall the speoial session. There
is an old parlor game io which you only
put your thumbs op when Simon says
so. Tbat is the game oalled just now, but
nothing will be done ontil Simoo says
thumbs up, wbioh be may or may pot
do. Tbe fellow that puts bis thumbs no
without Simon says so is "it." Mist.
Ths tariff! on wool ia again agitating
oongreas. Tbe wool clip is one of Ore
gon's cbiet export propuots and our peo
pie are interested io the disooasioo.
The contention onoe made, after Mr.
many respects. Tbey will invent their
ueolamatloo.-spoaio," Burton I'eck. ay in enterprises; tbey will help the tt 77, . ,
lMol.1nutioo,"On.noM8ha,,UepP. Loor. they m with fcCing J,"d'.l,,f h bU f.f'
- , ,in uawuvi.uv f"'1 mum
state by tbe nock and made it feoe aboot
oo tbe wool questioo, was tbat free wool,
by admitting wools of different texture,
would so stimulate the manufacture ot
woolen goods as to increase the demand
for, aod consequently enhanoa ths prloa
of, domeelio wool. That was a very
beautiful theory, but three years ot trial
bas exploded it; the prioe ot wool fell
to the level of the Auatraliao article aod
ths wool industry of Oregon leoguisb-
oer Blaokinan.
"Topsy-Torvy" oonoart.
fart Second. "Mothers Day."
Quotations, by tbe school.
Bead log, "Mothering Day," Millie Her.
Hong, "Melodies of Many Lauds,'
KeoitstioD, "Saving Mother," Elbert
Raeding' "Mother of Corlolsous,'
Ethel Walbridge.
lUoiUtioo, "Tired Mothers," Leo a
Song, "My Mother's Kits," school
Reading, "Waahioirtoo Loved His
Mutber," Bertha Adkius.
towoi In prices of goods; tbey will get
op a race meeting on tbe slightest prov
icHtioo, but they stead la their own
light very often and refuse to do busi
ness witb tbe advertising oolomns of
tbs oewspeper, except in rare instaooes.
This does not apply to all bosloen men,
however. All costomi aod rules have
A eetilleman who was io Heppner last
week said that be was surprised to find
Ueppoer so wsll represented lo every
particular so many oioe business hous
es and so many svidenoee of prosperity,
lis bad seen tbe Oacelte at Arlington
and had lodged the town by tbe adver-
rUoiUllou, "Sweetheart Mother," Lola tislng columns ot the local newspaper.
No, Ueppoer is all right. She needs
a little more Jingle to tier manner of
doing bnMlneea, bat will finally "oateb
no" that the newspaper is a friend to tbe
linsioeM roaa, and that It is aa eeaeotlal
to hi inecaes ae oxygen ie to life-giving
air. Hut Heppner will get there yet.
A Mark Tarain Balit arinramlnff lit
Molo end eoorrw, "Heea lllul Ileods,' lUamboet. "it was a bully boat, but it
Reading. "Sweet Words," Mao Rush.
IWoilatioo, "Calling a Bay io ths
Morning," Lawreooe 1'elmrr.
Itaoitalleo, "My Mo tbsr't Old Uy mo,'
Illa Holland.
Lilliao McNey aod aohool.
Special men! loo should be made of
blackboard drawings by Louis Balsaiger,
Amy Currio, Barton Feck and Orvill
needed a little
more shear and bigger
"How le Care ell Hkla Man
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Cores
MUr, eexania, Hob, all eruptions oo the
feoe, bauds, mwe, An., leevlng tbe akin
Money -back dealing is
organized honesty safety,
if you prefer it.
Schillings Best
bak Inf powdaf
SavHiric stiacte
a4 apHC
elear, whlU and healthy, lie great bae.1 yrp tnnnfV-ti.'lf I: ffOOtl.
In i( aad Curative nuwara are onaaeeaed t r
by oo oihar remedy- Ask year drag
gist for awayee s Viotroaoi.
Fu mI by
J. W. Vaugban
The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. R. B. Qreeve, merubant, ot Chll
bowie, Va., cerlitlet that he bad Con
sumption, was glveo np to die, sought
all medical treatment that money could
procure, tried all oougb remedies he oould
hear of, but got no relief; speot tnaay
oighta sitting op io a chair; was Induced
lo try Dr. King's New Hisoovery, and
was cured by use of two bottle. For the
pant three years has beo attending to
imsineee, and says Dr. King's New Dis.
onyary la the gramleet reniely ever mads,
as it baa doue eo much for hi in and
also for others In his community. Dr.
King's New Discovery is guaranteed
for Con. ha, Colds and consumption. It
don't fail. Trial bullies free at Conser
A Brock's drog store.
Heppner to Pendleton via nppaer-
F.oho Hlaua I.ina. 1'araona itaalmaa nt
vislliog 1'eodlatoo ean save time and
' money by taking this route. By ao
iioalnting tbe sirnots ths previous seo
Ing the stage will make conneeuno witb
'i o'clock train at I a: ho for 1'eodlelon.
Olflee at City Drag btore, W. D. Lord,
Proprietor. .