Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 26, 1897, Image 4

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    01 OO.I' ,0
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on O. E.
Agent ta Heppner, cr address
& N.
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Okeqon
E. McNEIlL, President and Manager.
San Franolsoo
And all point In California, Tin the Mt. Bhasta
ruate or tin
Southern Pacific Co
The (Trent highway through California to all
point bant and Mouth. tiranri ttoenlo Route
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
Weepers. Seoond-class hUeepers
Attached to express traini, aflordmR inperlor
auuuiuiuijuaviuns ror second-class passengers.
Kiir rates, ticket, sleeping our reservations,
etc.. call neon or address
R. KOKHLEK, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. B. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon
and is the result of colds and
sudden climatic changes.
It can be eared by a pleasant
remedy which Is applied di
rectly Into the nostrils. Be
ing quickly absorbed it gives
relief at once.
Ely's Cream Bairn
Is acknowledged to be the most thorough enre for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain snd inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses
Of taste and smell. Price 50c. at Ornggists or hy mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 68 Warren Street, New York-
!8 Pages a Week. '156 Papers a Fear.
It stands first among "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is praotically a daily at the low
prioa of a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign conn
tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and
fairness of its news oolomns.
It is splendidly illustrated and among
its special features are a fine hnmor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
Amerioan and English authors,
Conan Doyle, Jerome E. Jerome,
Stanley Weyman, Mart E. Wilkins,
Anthony Hope, Bhkt Habtb,
Branded Matthews, Eto.
We offer this uncqoaled newspaper
and The Gazette together one year for
$3.25. The regular subscription price of
the two papers is $3 50.
The Only Chair Car Line
To the east is the Union Pacific. East
ern oities are reached via this line with
fewer changes of oars tbaa via other
lines Rates always the lowest. Ticket,
to or from points in the United Htaten
Canada, or Europe for sale by R. W.
Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland
m mm
Through Pullman Palace Sleepers.
Tourist Sleepers and Krea Reclining Chair
Cars DAILY to ChUago,
Many hours saved via this line to Eastern
It. W. liAXTER, Gen. Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon.
Plilwalee & SI. Paul R'y
wilNrllAfOUsj "I
. n
t O W A --H
?" " Bv"
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and HI Paul Rail
way and not Its ronnectlmii with all transcon
tinental lines and Ht. Paul and I malia, and
rememlier that It trains are lighted with elec
tricity and healed by steam. Its vnlpmenl Is
uierb. Klrgant Buffet, Library, Hinoktng and
Sleeping ears, with Ire reclining chair. Karh
alreptng car berth has an electee reading lamp,
and It dining cars are th beat In the world
Other Hues arc longer than this, but none are
shorter, and no other offers the short In xurtoui
aeoninnindatlutia. These are sunVlsnt reasons
lor therHipulerlty of "The Milwaukee." Coupon
leketagetita In every railroad oftV will gtv
you further Information, or address
C. i. KDDY, Oeueral Agent.
J. W. CAHK Y Trav. Pass. Agent,
FueTLAfP, Oasuoa
0 VIA)
A ,
'iiesV OiaiOMS,
AnrnnesoiMlIng a ami imiHM ma.
yl, HxHtoin, turn. hhn mn nitwitm l(
s.r...4i.lr iuit4lil. f 'iHiinninlmlhiiM sin.!
r.Hifl.lMill,). ltrt wmh'I r,a-nii Mimlu
IN Amenc. We ha.e a uhlti, ,.,.
I'1""" " tkrufc Mum a lu. rewv
SpMlal II. MM lu the
THR cnROPUCLH ranks with Ue greatesl
aewspapsrs In Uis United ttlates.
TIU UHKONlOLH ha nosqualon Wis Facias
i oast. It leans all In ability, enterprise and news,
TUB OHHONICUfS Teliigraiihte Report ars
Hie latest and most retlahia, It Local Nsws Uis
fullest and sptolest, and lu ltdltorlals from th
slilest pens In th country.
TH K (,'H HON IOI.K has always been, and always
will he, th friend and ehamnion of th people as
axamst combinations, cll(uis. corporations, or
oppressions of any kind. It will Us uidupeudaal
lu avuryuung uuulral la nothing.
. . V yw
w I
3. F3 m
IhS.tV' l'.
Th riirnntrl llnlldlag.
the: daily
t Ma I, P. a arf l aid,
Wlj Chronic
Tha Grci st Vit h Ibo Uaiirj.
$1.50 a k
(lu.ilmllttl no, ,, lu i.t tun nf ih tnH
TIIK WKKKI.V lMilill'l,i:, h l.fUM
fth.i mm C'Mit .)..( w.-ki Ntkwivktfir In Hi
'tfll trl'iaj f.' r iitl'lt It, Uf at'
tf t.ur ittin t ttnfl Infirm
II in ui a,,,!
n.rui ttit imiLKn
Ihfc iw.K.a m 1
au ire. A40ta
4l Hnssssr, JUw terk.
W H I'l I Un
him iriMit t,f ir m
tlrlns rhnMH . m i-r.
h.il.l i.t''(if ,1. li.Hli.i, I r.H i.iii.
h-t.'i,iiMi. ftrli.at . rtM.ii lis
SictftH. simI .frt, ta.h. tt ll,.4Mii.i rl4.
wilMw,ii.iit. r , i, man frl-lina, wik "
llW KW fll'P ..w.iw mu.
Oil I LLIiiini.i.m iuuiiii,
T T t
do you want tiii
The United Statos, Dominion o
CmiJ.i and Northern Mexioo
tN O.N K atlDK,
J Ass tk l
Map of the World
nni v'j n,i tiet the Hap an
i"-kly I hrnnlrl rr On Tear,
!( age ri'at,l o i M anil l'p
hi. II. .to YIMINO,
Tiisi a 9 fhfanMs.
. . hai ewkkHUaSAa cau
i .1. 1. r I n. .. ..V F
there is nothing the matter with sliver exoept
the fact that it is debarred from the mints,
then free and unlimited coinage, without the
legal tender provibion, would aet it all right
and bring it to par. (iold would not suffer by
such a tent. Your proposition would nauseate
him. Why? Because it is not coinage he is
after, but repudiation by means of legal ten-
aer law
They pronose two plans for forcing a debased
silver stuntlrd on the country. First, not al
low contracts lor payment in gold, (second, II
this does not work, then reduce the gold in a
gold dollar. With reference to the first plan,
maintaining the value of money by legal en
actment and penalties has been tried in most
countries and has proven an ignominious fail
ure in every inHtance. England tried it off and
on for nearly SOU years. France tried it for
centuries. The north tried it with greenbacks
and the south tried it with Confederate mon
ey. While it was a. death penalty in France to
refuse the awiignats, they fell in value until it
took Kjo,UUU of them to buy 1 In specie. ggs
uut have been worth iaUU apiece in assignaC.
What a nity our Inflation friends could not
have lived there and then I
A government can rob one part of its Deonle
for the benefit of the other part as to existins
debts, but there its power ends. It cannot
make ite people trade witn eacn other, except
upon terms satisfactory to both parties to the
contract. If the money offered to the seller
dues not suit him he does not Bull. If offered
to a laborer, he would need rest. If offered to
a farmer for his produce, be would have onlv
enough for home consumption, until he found
a man with better money, ana so it would be
all along the line. The proposal to take away
the right of contract shows that desperation
hus usurped the seat of reason. -We hold all
that we do hold by virtue of contract right.
It is the bulwark of our liberty. It was for
this, above all things, that Magna Charts was
written. When we surrender this supreme
right, we go back to barbarism and become
miserable puppets to every mob that may seize
me nuim or state.
A Mew Counterfeit Device.
The other method suggested to bring about
parity of the metuls is to reduce the gold in
a gold dollar. Our government has hitherto
manifested blind, unreasoning prejudice
aguinst that kind of statesmanship. Indeed it
has had its deputy marshals busy for 100 years
hunting miHguided patriots who were trying
to take this near cut to wealth. If this sort of
bill ever passes congress, I suggest as a rider
to the bill that all convicted counterfeiters be
liberated and given right of action against the
government for false imprisonment. All gov
ernments have honored their pioneers, and
these men were but the forerunners the John
the Baptists of this new religion of debauch
ment of our money.
A repuonc rests entirely upon the morals or
its ceoule. The storv of Washington and his
hatchet, told by loving lips to innocent child
hood, has made millions of 'truthful men and
women. What would be the effect in this
lountry upon unborn generations of a storv
like this: At the close of the nineteenth cen
tury the people of the United Btates became
so corrupt they repudiated one-half of their
douce by paying I nam in money worth only
half of its face value.
An Amerioun in a foreign land looks with a
swelling heart upon Old Glory, as it proud-
aunts the breeze, the symbol or liberty
and honor. Pass this act of repudiation and
he would look upon it with shame. For en
thusing purposes we might as well pull it
iwn ana run up a dish rag.
But, Mr. President and gentlemen, allow ma
In conclusion to say that our country is in no
danger of repudiation. This 16 to 1 coinage
clamor is but one of the manifestations of hard
times, brought on by the late panio. On low
lands In the night time a deadly miasma ac
cumulates, but when the bright sun climbs
over the hilltops and shoots his purifying rays
into the bottom, the miasma is dispelled, the
tmosuhere is sweetened and made wholesome.
and men go forth to their dally avocations
With assuranoe of health. In spite of all the
isms that huve afflicted us, m spite of dema-
ogism on the stump and in legislative balls,
his country is rapidly advancing. Our fac
tories are taxed to their utmost with orders,
and the wages of their employees have been
everywhere voluntarily raised. Price that
nave Deen depressed ny tne panic are improv
ing. Hinlster discontent, with all her Imps, is
eelng before the benign presence of prosper
ity, and 1n after years the heresies of today
will only be remembered as a troubled dream.
The American people are honest and patriotlo.
Upon this rock we build our faith, and all the
ages and agencies of truth are ours fur the su
Electric Bitters.
Elootrio Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gener-
lly needed when the languid, exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid
and sluggish and the need of a tonic and
alterative is felt. A prompt use of this
medicine has often averted Ions' and
perhaps fatal bilious fevers, No medicine
will aof. more surely in oounteraoting
and freeing the system from the malariul
poison. Hoadaobe, Indigestion, Const!
pation, Dizziness yield to Eleotric Bit
ters. 50o. and II ner bottle at Oonanr
A nrook't drug store.
Mr. McClelland Know Bow Elp Taa
Winkle Felt When Ba Woke Cp.
The village l Graysville haa devel
oped a strange case as viewed from a
medical standpoint that of a man who
had lain upon, his bed for 2 ' years,
during a great part of which time he
was blind and speechless, and some
times unable to hear, but can how walk
about with tho aid of crutches, and his
eyesight, voice and hearing all restored.
This maa is Asa McClelland. He was a
soldier in the late war, being a member
of ccmpnay C, Eighteenth Pennsylvania
cavalry, and will be remembered by
many of his old comrades.
In the early part of the '70s he wits
taken ill and became bedfast. He lost
the use of his body, and finally sank
into a half-conscious state, during
which he lost both eyesight and power
to speak, and for a time could not hear.
Some time before his illness his mind
became temporarily affected, and he
attempted to take his life by shooting.
The ball struck him near the base of
the brain, but failed to penetrate the
skull. But little injury was done, ap
parently, by the wound, and he went
about for several months afterward.
After he became ill his case baffled the
aid of physicians.
Much of tho time he would lie upon
his bed with his head and entire body
under covers. He would show no sign
of recognition, and his food was fre
quently pushed under the covers within
his reach, end thus he ate enough to
sustain life. This lasted durinfi: a peri
od of 24 years. After the first few yea rs
old acquaintances ceased their visits,
and he almost dropped out of their re
membrance. He now relates the fol
lowing strange story:
A short time ago he felt strength sud
denly return to his body, and had an
impulse to rise. He tried to do so and
found that he could get up. About the
same time he found his evesisht re
stored. He had not uttered a sound for
years, but the thougHt occurred to him
to speak, and he found his voice restored.
His first attempt to walk was by rest
ing his hands upon the back of a chair
and pushing it along, but he now uses
crutches. He had forgotten many
words, and those were taught him just
as a little child is instructed. In the
same way he was taught to read again.
Everything was new to him. ne, how
ever, remembered the names and faces
of former acquaintances. An old ac
quaintance who had not seen him for
many years met-him at the store at
Graysville, and was quickly recognized
by McClelland. The latter refers to the
pertod of his life prior to his illness
as one who has been away in another
ptrt of the country-for many years and
has just returned, ne speaks of places
about the village as "when I was here
before they looked so and so." He says
there were but two or three houses in
Graysville when he was there then.
Like Kip Van Winkle, he seems to
have awakened from a long dream-. He
says tuat during nia Illness ho was
many times able to hear what was said,
but had not the power to whisper even
a reply, ne nas an interest in a piece
of land, and draws a small pension, and
mys he now is able to conduct his own
business. Mr. McClelland is 54 years
old, and formerly worked at the paint
ing trade. Pittsburgh Dispatch.
She Was a Well Kqnlppd to fccare Bur
glars aa Himself.
"Wake up!"
"WThat do you want me ta wake uf
"Hush are you awake or asleep?"
"Asleep and how can I hush when
am asleep?"
"Well, wake up then and stop argu
ing. 1 here's a burglar in the house.
"Well, ask him to leave."
"Leave what?"
"Leave everything."
"But he won't do it. He'a probably
a selfish, disagreeable man. Now, if
he were a woman burglar, such as
we'll have when women get their rights,
there might be some sense in appealing
to her generosity. But not with this
one. You must pet up and scare him."
"How can I scare him?"
"Why, you are a man. You must get
up and put on your trousers and go
down stairs making an awful noise, and
he'll go away."
Well, my dear, you just get up and
put on your bicycle knickerbockers and
skate down the front stairs on your
iwheel. If that doesn't scare him
there's no "e in my trying." Truth.
from V.S. latnui of Mrts
Prof. W. H. Peeke, who
makes a specialty or
Epilepsy, haa without
doubt treated and cur
ed more cases than any
living- Physician ; hla
success is astonishing.
We have heard of case
of so years' standing;
cured dv
him. Ho
publishes a
work on
this dis
ease, which
ne senas
kwith a
lares bot
tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferer?
who may send their P. O. and Express address.
We advise anr one wishing a cure to address
"rotW. H. ?, 7. D., 4 Cedar St, Hew York
i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-
jent business conducted for MODERATE FEES.
iOunOrricE is Oppositi; U. S. Patent Office
and we can secure patent in less time than those
f remote from Wuhincrton.
i Send model, drawing or photo., with deserip
ftion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ,
I A PAMPMLE.T, "How to Obtain Patents," with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
jsent tree. Aaaress,
Ope. Patent Office, Washington. D. C
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting, inci
dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples.
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box
Cummings 8c Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
rh Farmer
Did Dot Care to Stop th
I was standing on the corner of Hawk
and High streets when a frisky-looking
old faruier came to me, says a writer in
the New York World, and said excited-
"Stranger, does) a minister of the
GoKix'l live in yonder brick house with
the green blinds?"
Itev. Mr. Sawyer lives there," I re,
"Thank goodness, he said, with a
"Sickness In your family?" I asked.
"No sickness there, stranger," he re
plied, "but daughter Libbie run away
frum hum with a feller this morning'.
Soon's I heard of it I started after'em
an got sight of Vru jo' outside the city
an' krp' sight of 'cm till they went into
yonder house,"
"Why don t you go into the house and
stop the wedding?" I askrd
"Slop the wttldin'? Me? Say, stranger,
do I look like a noodle? Do I look like a
gawk that would kick at havin'38yeara
of care an' worry lifted off his shoulder
in a minute?" he asked sarcastically.
"Not exactly," I replied.
"Gueaa not, stronger. I jes run after
the guilty pair to keep mi f rom chang'
In their minds. I'll jes' wait here a
happy aa an angel with a new pait of
wings 'till the happy pair come out
then I'll give 'em my bleaaln' an' hurry
hum an' kill the fatted calf. Stop the
wcddiu 7 Mxey
Why th Bartender Kefn4 ta Sail HI
Hum a Urlak.
Because a man makea a lavr he may
not lUvtays break it with Impunity,
Hiram Clayton, who keep the Branch
town hotel ami ia quite a well-knowu
character, made a rule some time ago for
the government of bis barroom, anyt
tha 1'hilitdelphia lteeord. He decided
that when a man went to sleep In hi
barroom that wn mfllelent evidence
that the man htul had enough to drink.
I'pon awaking, therefore, the sleepy
one wa promptly rtfuaed any more
liquor. The rule wa rigidly inforeed
both by Clayton himself and by hla
brother-in-law, who acta aa bartender
One day recently, however, the rule
proved to lie a boomerang. Clayton wa
sitting in hla barroom. It was a very
warm afternoon and the hoat gradually
doed off Into a aound sleep. Some
time later a customer came in. He wo
heavy boot, and the noise of hi
entrance awakened Clayton. The latter
aat up and rubbed hi eyoa. "Come an'
have aomethin , III, aald the customer.
First Teasel Equipped with the Device to
Determine Bound.
The Gate City is the first steamer go
ing out of this port to be equipped, with
an aurophone, the new device for en
abling the lookout to determine the dt
rection of sounds at sea. The auro
phone was tried on the way up, but lit
tle could be told about its utility ow-
ug to its being placed in a poor posi
tion. It consists of a brass box which
fits over the mast and which hus pro
jecting over each end abroad-mouthed
funnel. From this box, close to the
funnels, two tubes, like ordinary speak
ing tubes, 'lend down the most and
through the maiu deck to the deck be
low. Inside the box there is a com'
plcx arrangement of diaphragms and
founding boards, so placed that a sound
will enter only one of the tubes when-
it ia passing through the funnel on the
opposite aide of the box. On the lower
deck is an arrangement like an engine-room
indicator, by which the box
aliove may Ikj turned around the mast,
unci directly under the ir.dleator in a
tell-tale comixinx. The man below places
(he tube to hi ears, where they ai
held In place by a cap. I riless the fun
nels above are pointing directly toward
the sound which -lie wishes to locate
he will hear it only faintly, and in one
ear, because one of the funnels bcilng
turned away from the sound the(tulie
oppxwlte doe not operate. He then
turns the Indicator in the direction
from w hioh the sound appears to come,
and when the funnel la pointed directly
at the aound It posae through the fun
pel and out of the other, putting liot.h
tubea In operation, and the operator
hears the aound distinctly, and in both
earantonee. Ue then glances at the irv-
dirator, and the point on tin tell-tale
at which It rest gives the exact bear
ing of the sound.
Ift the ease of the Crtte City, the box
wa pi need on the foremast, ami the
operating station was oh the forecastle
deck. There wa an much nolae theirs
rnuaed' by the hands moving alxMit and
the breaking of the sen agninat the
ttcm of the vetwcl, that the sounds came
In a confuted way, and although War
ing could lw better taken than by the
ear alone. It ka thought that th opera
tion of the Instrument can lie much Im
proved. On th next trip it Will le
p'.iiccd on the jigger mast, and the op
erating station will 1 In the women'
stecrnire, vthere It will be quieter. The
nrrnngement I in use on the Old
Dominion -steamers, and one or two
other line, and haa been found U
work finely. Whistling buoya and light
vihlstliw can be murh better located.
and can also 1 heard to a much great
cr distance than with the ear alone.
Boston Tranaorlpt.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put ti
horse in prime condition. Price 25
cents per package.
Death on the lively Flea.
As a protection against the fleas that
even well-bred cats and dogs some
times introduce into our houses an en
tomologist advises the owners of such
pets to provide a rug for them to sleep
on and to give the rug a frequent
brushing and shaking, afterward brush
ing up and burning the dust As even
with thia care some eggs will probably
remain on the infested animal, it is well
to occasionally rub into the hair of the
cat or dog a quantity of pyrethrum pow
der. This will stupefy the fleas and
cause them to fall off. They should then
be swept up and burned. Houses some
times become infested with fleas, even
when no pet animals are kept, through
visitors carrying them home from the
houses of friends who have cats and
dogs. The conditions most likely to
cause an outbreak of these pests are
dampness and lack of proper sweeping.
These conditions are most likely to oc
cur in unoccupied houses. The remedy is
a free sprinkling of the pyrethrum pow
der in the infested places, and if that
fails a spraying of carpets and floors
with benzine with no fire or lights
about for six or Eeven hours. Chicago
I X for the County of Morrow, State of Oregon:
We. the undeniiirued leiral voters and resi
dents o( lone precinct. Morrow County, Oregon
respectiuny potitioii your Honorable body to I
grant a llcenae to Charles Kobinaon to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous Honors in less I
quantities than one gallon, in the town of lone
ana your petitioners will ever pray:
; Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of
Q., C. M. fc St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C
C. B. &
i U.
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads,
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts
csioAao. luu.
The eomparatlvevalue of these twoeard
Ia known to moat persona.
They Illustrate that greater quantity la
Not alwaya moat to ba desired.
These cards express tha heneflclal qual
ity of
As compared with any previously known
Rlpana Tabules: Price, 50 B
Of druggists, or by mail.
thing to patent ? Protect your Ideas ; they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDPEEU,
BUltN & CO.., Patent Attorneys, Washington;
D. C, for their S'1,800 prize otter.
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and the
regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tha
Gazette and paying for one yearia
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriDtions fer!
one year in advance will be entitled tc
the same.
Via the Union Pacific System
Baggage is cbeoked through from Portl
and to destination. The specialties on
the Union Pacific are unexoelled. track
and equipment, union depots, fast time
through oars, steam beat, Pintscb light
nnd courteous treatment to passengers.
For rates and information apply to K.
W. Baxter, Gen. Agt. U. P. system, Port
land, Oregon.
fS fS
J A Woolery
j u r.mery
H A Tliiun
O w (linger
J R Dooley
O C Cochran
John Cochran
E 11 Hnrgeut
8 P Haney
Ret Nelson
Walter Canon
Arthur Vaudrey
Louis Male
Uus Glnck
Clyde Snerry
K C Hperry
Thos Woolery
Bon Fleming
r E Holland
W T McNabb
H C Lewis
E L 1'adberg
T Maronet
W H I eagu
C T Bmlth
Dick Lnhue
Oeurge W Ctt
Joe Haney
Frank Kngelmao
Kil bngelmau
J A Hughes
I 1) Padberg
4 A Shaw
D J Ritchie
0 B Cochran
H M Thornton
Drop us a line if you ain't
Clayton at nod up ag.lnat the bar and Ct Scllfflmifs Ikst of VOltf
sleepily called for a beer. "Sorry," said 0 tA J
the bartender, "but you can't have any CTOCCr, Or if VOU don't HlvC
drink." "What!" yelled Clayton, who j. , .. .
tt unu cau ici vuur money
Oscar Mitchell
h Ritchie
E Klctmnun
Ed Clnir
Mlke Hale
T 1 Wilhclm
W A Morgan
H Obner
J Cnlcstock
C C Wilson
Wm H Hadberg
L M Hills
Gilbert Aldrlch
W 8 Smith
Chas Hperry .
Paul Kletmann
Mat Halvorsen
Jas Nolan
W H McCormlck
John Lindstrom
M J Williams
J 1 Mcfclllgott
J W King
N Dickson
H Pari berg
Levi Hansford
1. B Knox
W M Haguewood
Notice is hereby given that the underlined
will apply to the County Court of Morrow
County, Oregon, at the May term, 1S97, on the
Mn oar 01 said motitn, lor a license to tell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In less
quantities than one gallon for a period of one
M.WK. Applicant,
Notice of Intention.
IJ Feb. '.1. 1HH7. Nolle is herebv riven that
the following named settler ha filed nolle of
hla Intention to mate final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before 1 ounlv Clerk, I matllia Couutv. Oreson,
at reuciicion, uregon, on Marrn , 1K'7, vti
Hd. K. No. Ktn, for the NWV.Sce. $4 ,nij
H W V tec. iff, Tp. J N., K. 27 K.. W. M.
Ha names the fnllowlna wltnee to prove
hit continuous resldeuc upon and cultivation
,,f aM l-.wl Ml.,
Frank Hloan. of flallnwav Oregon, and Henrv I
C. Thompwm, Albert Davis, Davis Mcc arty, ail
of Kcho, uregon. B. F. n llXlN.
01.-.'( Register
Notice of Intention.
I J Feb. 11. Iwrr. Notice Is herebv siren that
th following named settler ha nled notice of
his Intention to mak Anal proof In support of
his claim, and that Said proof will be made
before J. W, Morrow, rniinly clerk, at Heppner,!
uregou, on jaarrn w, i-, vis :
Hd. E. No AV, fur Ih NKV dec. II, Tp. Jl, R.
Kl F... W. U.
II name the following witnesses to prove I
his continuous residence upou and cultivation I
01 asm iani, via:
Frank Rngelman, Chilton Wilson, R. C.
Starry, all of lone, Oregon, and Thorns arle,
ol Heppner, Oregon. JAS. F. M1H1RK.
417. '7 Register.
11 trrs of ariinlnisrlatlnn on th estate of
llellen M. Allyn, deceased, were sranlrd to the
undenlsneil on th ,rd day of February, wr7,
hv the .unity Court fur th County o Morrow,
Male nf reon. All prnna having rlatma I
gains) saiii rstat are renireil in eahlbll them
to me fur allowance at th nltice of Fills A
Lyons In Heppner, Oregon, within all months
after th datn of this nolle or they shall be
lurever parent.
Dated thia th day of February. I Mr?.
&J0 S. Administrator,
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to. their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do Ybu receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
VJ law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
(!) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
ij your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the ffi.
-v time you uppiy. now is me nccepieu nuur. ,
v fWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.' VW
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company j
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, ()
. 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
Jf. H.Thlt Company it controlled by nearly one thousand leading ntvm- fW
i papers in the United States, and it ffuaranteed by them.
Attorneys tat Iyaw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Cilia River and Piwet Sound ItoLi Co
Leatinf Alder Street Dock, Portland, for Astoria. Ilwaoo. Lona- Baaeh. rw.
Park and Nabcotta. Direct connection with Ilwaoo steamer and rail
road; also at Young'a Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leave Portland 7 A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. DalHy, exoept Sunday,
Leave Portland IP. M. Dally, except Hunday. Haturday night 11 P. M
i9.v a. a., except eunaay and Monday, bunday night, 7
mm riiru.un mm mn, inre-i m nwnco. rueauAy ana Thursday at a A M Attn
minu.Ku nniinuu iiiu Iran; i: t, s, on Sunday nlgrit at 6
Bagg&gB Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free of Ejpeose.
ror safety, speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on th Telephon. Ballcy Oatzert and
Leave. Astoria Dallr
r at t P. M.
Ettlty Institute
rv u
For the Cure oA
Liqaor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It 1 located at Balem, Oregon,
The lioit Beautiful Town on tht Coast
Call at the G.tiTT office for particular
Wrtrlly confidential. Treatment FrtvU. ..i .ur
wa new thoroughly awake, "if
against the rules; you'va been atleep,'
aald the twrtemler, seriously. He stuck
to It, and hia lxjs rral'uit)(r the' Just Ice
of it wa ohllirej to irivs In. The rule
ka alnca been abolished.
For Ml by
J. A. Woolery, lone
Wantpd-An IdGa I Mat LU M.tiibal fan Ju.t rcit the
1 ''' T""' "T "' naT- wMii. ' ',rl alylea in I ant a' and ladioa' he.
I Vim. jAua aniikaiil'ka a v r.u-.i an., y k..i.i I ... .
w.t.iit... ii i . r thir l -u 9tm loo looulj ttietn. a.
wiU l ! Sqr4 Lusaitsa .
writ to T. m. Driiecry,
. Drawer LV1, Chkafu, Seer.
lary of th stab Acctoaat
V 0F
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri-
hcc. l ou need :t in vour busing nnru
j i
CourARV, for Inlormattoa
retarding Acctdrst lass
anc. M reik thia rpf.
n an fl,.Hi . . . ....
"!r.uJijOT"w"to matter ol business we must sell it.
D your Own Agent.
no mimical examination aicui'iira
as a
The Patterson Publishing Co.