Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 26, 1897, Image 3

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Is essential to
health. Every nook
and corner of the
system is reached by the blood, and on
its quality the condition ot everv organ de
pends. Good blood means strong nerves,
good digestion, robust health. Impure
blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma
tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest
way to have good blood is to take Hood's
Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi
talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends
the elements of health and strength to
every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep
and cures that tired feeling. Eemember,
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hnnd' PilJefT Llver. Ills; easyto
l iuuu a rills take, easy to operate. 25c
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
tie, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gszette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE (2.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 11.50 $3.50
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 3.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 3.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50
Leslle'B Weekly, $4.00 5.00
. T. Perkins, who is driving the milk
wagon for J as. Jones, has a bad case ot
herpes or "shingles," as it is commonly
Walla Walla county is having a gold
mining craze. The oompaoy organized
intend to work a quartz claim np on
Blue oreek.
Ed. R. Bishop and son, Rtlph, left
Wednesday for Pendleton to be present
at the funeral of Judge B. B. Bishop,
O. E. Ranous is building a house
down on Willow street for Mollie Reed,
and will have same oompleted in the
very near future.
The oelebrated imported running
stallion, Calpbnrnus, will stand the
season in Heppoer. For particulars
call on W. O. Minor. tf
Low Tillard keeps wet goods down
at his new place, near the counoil
chambers. (Jail at Tbe Welcome aud
make yourself at home.
E. J. Slooum is preparing to put in a
new drag store in the Morrow building,
W. L. Saling and him oooupying the
same stand. for the present.
Mr. H. T. Booth, representing The
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co., of
Springfield, Mass., is in Heppuer, look
ing up business for bis oompany.
On acoouut ot the quarterly meeting
servioe at the South ohuroh, there will
be no preaching in the morning at tbe
M. E. church. Servioes in the evening
as UHnal.
Here and There.
Raoes sure this spring.
Races roust go and will go.
J. B. Hunt is on the sick list.
Jas. Adkins is reported as ill.
Sohool ends today for this school year,
Os Wells is out again after a brief ill
Chas. Emery is down from the moan
Ben Swaggart is up from his home
Come in now and subscribe for the
Advertising epaoe tor sale at tbe Ga
zette ranch.
Job work and legal blanks ot the
Gazette office.
Ex-Senator John H. Mitchell has gone
to Washington.
Mrs. Julia Bradley is ood fined to her
room by illness. -. . .
Cantata, "Queen Esther," this eve at
the opera house.
J. O. Williams was over from Spring
Hollow yesterday.
Dr. B. F. Vanghan was over to Pen
tbe first of this week.
Frank Farnsworth is in from tbe
Hard man ranch today.
ffhe HeppnerlTranBfer Co, have wood
naie. jau on mem. lm
. . i i T i . a n
OiarK r. jonn is over irom ren-
ea AflnonugQ was in irom mo-
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
earth. Haa nil. elunirhera.
I. L. Howard and G. W. Vincent are
over from Galloway today.
Miss Bessie Vinson is siok at tbe
borne ot her parents in this city,
Every business man of Heppner
should advertise in tbo Gazette
Perry Gould is over from Pendleton
looking after wool consignments
Some wood on enbsotiptioo or on old
debts will be graciously accepted.
Wash Thompson and Ed Day were in
yesterday from Llttje Butter oreek.
Tbe Redlight wsople will treat yon
right. Call on tbem when in town, tf
Hod. John JO. Wilson is np from
Salem looking, after bis interests here.
The chlnoolfc and warm weather rather
froze on laqA night, bat it is better to-
H. Bf MoOormack, a well known
traveliig man, was in town Wednesday
v. B. F. King reports grain sowing
In nroureM down in the lone neighbor-
Mrs. C. Cate and daughter, Bertha
returned yesterday morning from Walla
B. F. King and family bete moved
from Heppoer down to tbelr lone po
F.iart hnsioete man wbo wante
have ble light shine eboald advertise In
tbe Oasette.
O. T. Dooglas, of Douglas, bas bought
property io Pendleton aod "ill mote
there shortly.
Hi Corbin thiuks that Balm Fork's
reservation will sooo be ready for farm
ing operations.
Boro: To tbe wife of Chas. Bperry,
ot Iooe, Saturday laet, a ten pound boy.
Charley is Just reoovenog.
Memaloose island, on tbe Colombia,
baa been reserved to tbe ose of tbe
In Hans ts a burial grnood.
U. R. Borke.ol tbe Koyel Iosuranoe
Co, wae looking after Ibe eompeoy's
InUreels io this city yesterday.
OsrJcn makiog and bollJln U now
la progreas to Hfppoer. Hpjor Is
maklog a ood many improvements.
imak Sirup.
Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as
sociated together down at Charley's
old place in the tonsorial business.
Call on them and get your whiskers
pushed in.
Tbe Gazette will tbke potatoes, apples,
eggs or butter on subscription accounts.
Any one owing this office can settle their
accounts io this manner ud oan't do it
too soon to suit us.
Messrs. Jnok Hirnor, Clyde Saling
and Abe Jones leave tomorrow for
Juneau, Alaska, where they intend to
looate. The Gazette's best wishes go
with the young men.
S. W. Vinyard, a sbeepherder of The
Dalles, tried to commit suicide down at
Portland a few days ago but made a
failure of tbe job. The knife cut in bis
neck was not in the right place.
Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm name ot Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in tbe barber
business in the new stand, two doors
south of the postoffioe. They solioit a
call. tf.
R. T. Hyod sold a clip of last year's
wool on Wednesday at an advance, ot
one cent over any offer that bad been
previously made. The lot was very
heavy and readily brought 7 cents per
The old lady was right when she said,
tbe child might die it they waited for tbe
dootor. She saved the little one's life
itb a few doses ot One Minute Cough
Cure. Sbe had used it for oroup before.
Causer & Brook.
At Heppner's warehouse Phill Cobo
will pay the highest market price for full
wool pelts, bides, furs, etc Phill sells
direct to Eastern buyers. Seo him be-
.ire you sell your pelts. tt
The directors of tbe Heppuer Speed
Association well meet at ouoi. and de
vise means for having races this spriog
Sufficient money tor raoes has already
been pledged. Tbe solicitors tor parse
money will be on deok in a few days
and will call on tbe people.
The officers and directors of the Hepp
ner Speed Association are hereby noti
fied to meet at E G Sperry's olub
rooms on Saturday evening, April 3, for
tbe purpose of making arrangements
tor a spring meet. Eleolion of offloers
will alio be in order at this time.
Mrs. John Jenkins bas lately pur
chased one of tbe celebrated Newoomb
Fly-Shuttle looms and is now prepared
to do all kinds of oarpet and rug weav
ing. Any one desiring first class work
should call on ber at her home on lower
Main street. Low prices and all work
guaranteed. 7-35
Nate Ceoil and mother were np from
tbe Cecil ranch, on Willow oreek, Wed
oetdsy. Mate does not believe that bis
brother, Frank, wbo was reported as
having been frozen to death not io
Wyoming, is dead. He thinks that tbe
body found is that ot some other person.
Mr. D. O. Downer baa luckily seoured
as a partner, tbe renowned painter of tbe
Paoiflo coast, Mr. Emmett Swann, late
of Sao Franoisco, and will do oarriage,
bouse, sign and ornamental painting,
plsio aod decorative paperbanging.
Tbey lead while others follow. They
ongioate, others imitate. Shop opposite
City hotel. tf.
Tbe congregatioo ot tbe First Chris
tiao ohoroh of Heppner will bold regular
servioe on 8uody, March 28. Preach
ing both morning aod evening by tbe
pastor. Elder J. W. Jenkins. A fall st
tfndaoee of the members at these ser
vices is requested and a gfoeral invita-
tioo is extended to all those not worship
ing elsewhere.
E. O.: Miss JUnoa Cameron oame
borne this morning from portlaod. She
tes oomplMed tbe conrse io stenog
mrby and typewriting in the tUKins
etllege, and will take a poeitlon in tbe
oftYe of tiff father, C. A. Cameron, who
is inperiotendxnt of bridges sod build
ing for the O. R. k N. Co., with bead
quirters In Peodleton.
Iho. J. N. Brnwo is back from rtaloin,
and lata that timoe are ver? bard down
there, and tbat alter April 1st tbey will
be worse. No appropriation bill baritg
Ima r,.wl by tbe Ute legislature,
HlerD will eooo dkio to fret tbe bad
effects ot this. State institutions do
much 'o kep op tbe towo. Mr. Itrowo
bleve Ibat an etlra eeetoa will be
called ty tbe governor this fail.
Oo Fridav evening next, April 21. the
LailV aid Koetetv of lb Cbrutlao
church ill a-ive a social and rounoul
enterUiotteot at tbe Dew cburo. Tbe
moeio iH r furnibed by tbe Ladies'
( ornet Bind, wbn are preparing earns
stations rseecially for Ibis ooowiion.
Ao edmiMtiti l'-e of 10 en's will be
ehartf! it tb door, ami the leJioe will
l.o-rt Itorb ilnriug tbe evening for
whmb It) eri ill be ehargml. C me
land biiog a few dituoe with yoa-
The East Orreonian Recite Surae Important
Historical Events In Which Judge Bishop
was Prominent
A telegram came this morning from
Salem announcing tbe death of Judge
B. B. Bishop. Judge Bishop was one
of the earliest ot Oregon's pioneers, hav
ing oonoe here when the country was
new and Eastern Oregon contained no
town excepting The Dalles. He was a
prominent citizen of tbat city during
the days when it was the distributor
for the whole country east to Boise.
He was one of the principal promoters
and owners of tbe Oregon Steam Navi
gation oompany, wbioh was later
merged into tbe Oregon Railway &
Navigation oompany and now operates
one thousand miles of trackage, with
eteamboat lines on the Columbia and
Willamette rivers, and an ooean steam
ship line playing between Portland and
San Franoisoo. He was during recent
years a resident of Pendleton, and took
a prominent part in the formation of
Umatilla oounty. He lately wrote on
artiole for the East Oregoniaq piotorial
historical edition wbioh related an in
cident ot one of tbe Indian wars of early
days which had never before been put in
print. During the contest over the lo
cation ot tbe oounty seat, when Pen
dleton and Umatilla were rivals and
were straining every nerve to win in
the fight, Judge Bisbop oame up here
from tbat town and arrested the sheriff
on a warrant issued by Judge WiIboo of
The Dalles. From the "History of
Umatilla oounty," wbioh appeared in
the historical number is taken the fol
lowing for publication :
"Judge B. B. Bishop, now in Pendle
ton, was tbe man who oame up from
Umatilla in 1869, armed with authority.
to oo in pel the officers to return to Uma
tilla. He oame to arrest Sheriff O. F.
Thompson, on a warrant from Judge
Wilson, of the oirouit court, aod bis ap
pearance and the suooess of his mission
were tbe ocoasion of much wailing and
gnashing ot teeth on the part of Pen
dletonians. However, their protesta
tions were in vain, and the oounty seat,
after tbe court rulings had been ren.
dered, went baok to the town ou the
Columbia. But, revenge was as sweet
in those days as now, and it was not
long before Judge Wilson again ren
dered the deoision before referred to,
which settled the legal controversies
and gave Pendleton the permanent
oounty seat. In conversation with tbe
writer, Judge B. B. Bishop told tbe
story, and remarked that the final re
moval to Pendleton bad proven the best
thing that oould have been done, al
though, at tbe time, tbe people of Uma
ilia regarded it as a bitter pill to swal
low. When tbe books and seals were
finally brought to Pendletou, they were
literally stolen io tbe night, and brought
up to Pendleton on a "bob-sleigh," tbe
ones aosoonaing with them knowing
they bad tbe law on their side, and re
sorting to such measures only beoause
the people of Umatilla refused to allow
tbem to be taken away in open day
Judge Bisbop bas been a practicing
attorney of late years in Pendleton.
He is survived by Mrs. Bishop, and
Miss Bell Bishop, of Pendleton; Mr.
Ed Bisbop, of Heppner; aod a married
daughter wbo lives in the slate of Wash
ingtou. E. O.
Is a deep-seated blood disease which
all the mineral mixtures in the world
cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely
vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for
blood diseases and has no eqnal.
Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had
Scrofula for twenty-five years and most
of the time was under the care of the
doctors who could not relieve her. A
specialist said he
could cure her, but
he filled her with
arsenic and potash
which almost ruined
ber constitution. She
then took nearly
jg every so-canea Diooa
medicine and drank
them by the wholesale,
but they aid not reach
her trouble. Some
Jpip' one advised her to try
b.b.b. ana she very
soon found that she had a real blood
remedy at last. She says: "After tak
ing one dozen bottles of S.S.S. I am
perfectly well, my skin is clear
and healthy and I would not be in
my former condition for two thousand
dollars. Instead of drying up the poison
in my system, like the potash and
arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out
through the skin, and I was perma
nently rid of it."
A Real Blood Remedy,
b.b.S. never tails to cure Scrofula,
Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood
Poison, or any disorder of the blood.
Do not rely upon a simple tonic to cure
a deep-seated blood disease, but take a
real blood remedy.
Uur books
free upon appli
cation. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Qneen Esther Presented at the Opera House
Last Evening by Local Talent A BaooeBS
Last evening Heppner people had the
opportunity of hearing tbe biblical story,
"Esther, The Beautiful Queen," present
ed in song, or to use tbe term of singers,
in "cantata." It was all under the di
rection of Prof. J. S. Henry, and the
participants were members ot his sing
ing olass.
Taking into consideration that many
were novioes, tbe rendition- of tbe can
tata was very good. Indeed there were
several surprises, many wbo were not
known to sing, acquitting themselves
most oreditably. possessing excellent
Tbe Gazette congratulates Prof. Henry
and his olass on their splendid showing.
The prooeeds will be given to Heppner's
churches, and will be repeated again
this evening when it is hoped tbat a
large audience will greet tbe presenta
tion ot this beautiful song story.
The following is tbe oast of characters:
Queen Esther Mn. 8. P. Garriiuei
KliiK Anoauerus Mr, rranx Mo.ranana
Hamuli. Kinir'i Counsellor Mr. Abe Jones
Monlecai, a Jew Mr. W. L. Baling
Zerlsh, Hainan's Wife ..lilss Elsie Ayers
Ida, Hainan's daughter Zetta tiager
Mordecal's Sister Mrs. E. J. Hlocura
Pronhetess Mrs. Frank McFarland
A Median Princess ....Mrs, K. P. Greene
A Persian Princess Mrs. V. B. McHwords
Hcribe Mr. J. W. Shipley
Beggar Mr. Percy Oarrlgues
Hcgai, Hign priest Mr. m. u.uaiioway
Haroonali Mr. Burton reck
Herald Mr. Thos. Ingrahain
Chamberlain ., Mr. T. R. Lyons
King's Guards.... Messrs. Grove and 8. C. Kmtth
Pages. .. .Ueppie Blackmail and Karl McFarland
Maids of Honor, Muses Edith Potter, Ethel
ly albrldge, Iva riargent and Dottle Warmoth.
Maids... Misses Myra Yeager and Elsie Driskell
Tbe Gazette was Correct, Yet the Statement
ts Misleading.-Judge Bartholomew Talks.
Editor Garzttb:
In your issue of the 23rd inst. there
appears tbe following:
"The tax levy this year amounts in all
to 31 mills in Morrow county, a com
pared with 41 mills last year. This
is a muob needed rednotion and will be
appreciated muoh by our tax-ridden
Now unintentionally the above item
makes a statement which Bbouid be
correoted. The tax levy in tbe oounty
this year for all purposes is 20 mills as
against 22 mills last year, and the spe
oial sohool tax, distriot No. 1, and tbe
tax for tbe town ot Heppner combined
is 11j mills, against 19 mills last.
wnicb makes tbe total tax for school
distriot No. 1 and Heppner 81 mills as
against 11 mills last year, and not the
entire oounty. I agree with you that
taxation should be reduoed to tbe lowest
possible limit consistent with good busi
ness management of our oounty, school
district and oity affairs, but think
your allusion to our citizens as
"tex-ridden denizens" is perhaps a little
too strong to go out to tbe world as tbe
conditions existing in our county.
I have taken the trouble to address a
communication to eaob oounty judge in
Eastern Oregon requesting tbem to
give me the amount ot their tax levy
tor 1896, aud also the date to which
their oounty warrants are paid , replies
to nearly all of whioh have been re
eeived. From these oommunioations I
find that but one oounty (Umatilla) bas
a less oounty levy, and that but one
(Gilliam) leads us in payment of war
rants, while some have a county levy as
high as 29 mills and are ten years be
hind in payment of warrants.
Everything indicates a speedy reduc-
ot our county indebtedness, and our
county oan be run on as small a levy as
BDy in Eastern Oregon.
A. G. Bartholomew.
Maroh 24, 1897.
Backlen's Arnica Salve. '
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erap'
nous, and positively cures files or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by
Cooser & Brook.
Tbe old way ot delivering messages
by postboys compared with the modern
telephone, illustrates the old tedious
methods of "breaking" colds oompared
with their almost instantaneous oure by
One Minute Cough Cure. Conser &
t.L' i sit
pcai ' It
is the
very best
Blackwell's Genuine
Yon will And one coupon Inside each 1 onnoe bag and two coupons Inside ueh 4 oonM b(.
Buy a bag, read the coupon and see bow to get root share of 1230,000 In presents.
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
Who never lets politios interfere with business. At tbe
same old stand, next door to M. Licbtenthal's.
Truth in a XnUheil.
Impure blood is the natural result ot
close confinement in house, school room
or shop.
Blood is pariQed by Hood s Sarsapa
rilla, and all tbe disagreeable results of
impure blood disappear with the use of
this medicine.
If yon wish to feel well, keep your
blood pure with Mood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills are the best family oatbar.
tic and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable,
McClnre's Magazine for April will
contain a series of unpublisbsd letters
written by General Sherman to a yoang
lady between whom and ao army oflioer
tbe General undertook to re establish a
broken romaDtio relation. The letters
embody a story as good as any pieoe ot
fiction, and exhibit Sherman in a very
oharming way.
I desire to attest to Ibe merits of Cham
berlain's Congb Remedy as one of tbe
most valuable and efficient preparations
oo the market. It broke ao exoeedingly
dangerous oonsh for me in 21 hours, and
iu gratitude therefor, I desire to inform
you that I will never be without it and
you should feel proud of the bigh esteem
io wbioh your remedies are held by peo
ple in general. It is tbe one remedy
among ten thousand. Hnoonss to It. O.
It Downey, editor Dxmnorat, Albion,
Iod. For sale by Conser & Brook.
We all know that any tired muscle
can be restored by rest. Tour stomach
is a muscle. Dyspepsia is its manner of
saying "I am tired. Give me rest." To
rest tbe stomaoh you must do its work
outside of tbe body.
This is tbe Shaker'j method of ouring
iudigestioo, and its suooess is best at
tested by the fact tbat these people are
praotioally free from what is without
doubt tbe most prevalont of all diseases
Tbe Shakers Digestive Cordial not only
contains digested food wbioh is prompt
ly absorbed without taxing the lired di
gestive rgans, but it is likewise an aid
to tbe digestion ot other foods in tbe
stomaob. A 10 oent trial bottle will
convince yon of its merit, and these you
oan obtain through all druggists.
Notice to Farmers.
I will plaoe for sale at Conser A
Brook's a reoeipt for killing squirrels
and gophers, wbioh ia easily prepared I
and oan be made at a cost not to exoeed
5 oents per gallon. They readily take
this poison and it is a suooess in every
partioular. I will furnish with reoeipt
drugs to make twenty gallons ot the
poison tor $4 and guarantee tbe drugs to
oost less than 5 ceuts per gallon.
tf B. F. Swauqabt, Heppner, Or.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
JMaln Street, Heppner, Oregon.
To enre all old sores, to beal an In
dolent uleer, or speedily oure piles, you
need simply apply DeWitt's Witoh Salve
according to directions. Its magio-like
sotiou will suprise you. Cooser & Brook.
Laxol s the best medioine tor child-
reu. .Doctors recommend it )u plaoe or
Castor Oil.
Few realize that eaob squirrel des
trovs SI CO worth ot grain annually
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exter
minator n tbe most effeotive aod eco
nomies', poison known. Prioe reduced
to 80 oents. Conser k Brook and Minor
A Co-, agents, Heppner; J. A. Woolery,
ageut, Iuoe; Niobols A Leaob, agents
For Bala or Trade.
It yon want Heppner property don't
fail to consult J. W. Morrow. For tbe
right person, one who wants to garden,
milk a few oows, raise chickens, etc.. I
have a fine proposition to ofir one.
Onoe developed will produce revenue of
Sl'iOO yearly. Will be sold on eay
terms, would Dot object to taking 160
aores as part payment. 623tf
This Space Belongs to
Heppner's Hardware Dealers.
I Am The Father of
Lkadinq Feud Yard. The feed yard
next door to the Gazette ofllos, now be-
inif conducted by Wm. Gordon, is per
fectly equipped in every particular. Billy
solicits your patrnoag and you may rest
assured tbat your bnrse will ne well
oared for when lelt in bis charge. Prioes
very reasonable. Hay and grain for
sale. tt
Oar Hrppoer School.
The Heppner school today oloses this
year's work of six months. The term
bas bern a most saroessfnt one and the
people ot Heppner should be very well
satisfied, which tbey do doubt are.. The
teachers bate been faithful and pains
taking. Tbey are all competent, having
roads tesobiog their respeotive profes
sions, rather than steppingstonee to
something else, bat It is to 1 regretted
that He ppner oanoot have a longer term
than six months. Rpring, tbe best sa-
son of the year tor study, should be d-
votrd to school work to tbsextrnt of two
roontba, at et. It Is to be bopod that
tbe financial condition of oar distriot
will not longer preolade onr children
from having school advantages equal to
thime of other towns io Oregon, perhaps
of muoh lees sice aod importance Iban :
O until May Ath. 117, at o'cl'x k V. M., lor
hiillihnr a brlMx across Klina crw. near G. A.
plum s, 'Cipiiiis; vu piaits aim .imcim-mniii. kj
b M-en at my "Hun. Lumber to be furnished
hv th con hi v mi tlx (round
The trinity Court rrv.tyn the rlht to reject
SIlV or all Ul'lS. A. U. SARI ll'llM r.w.
MarubM, IM, V-) touuiy i unite.
This Ia Your 0Hrluiiliy.
On rt'oointof U-n cents, cash or stanm,
a i-cuHi-oua aiumile w ill hi mailed of the
timnt jKipulur Cuturrh and Hay Fover Cure
(J'lv's Cr-am Halm) snflicient to demon-
true the grt-nt im-rita of tho remedy.
lly nuonir.r.a.
60 Wm :i r t., New York City
I'r. Jobn Itoid, Jr.. f C.r-at Fulls, Mont.,
recoiiimcinliHl Kly's Cream Halm to me. I
can emphasize Ins s'sti-im-iit, "Itlsa jioai.
tivs cure for rntnrrh if oed aadireoted."
llev. r'rancUW. Pool. I'antor (antral J'res.
Church, Huldiuk, 11 out.
Kly's Cream Ha'm in tbe acknowledge)
cure lor cniarrn aim rotunina no iwtcutj
Dor any injurious drug. 1 noe, Ml cents.
5 I
Am also a Merchant and Want
Your Patronage.
And in order to get it we have pro
cured the finest line of General
Merchandise ever shown in this city.
(No flies on ns, or fly specks on our goods;
We are not like the fly, or our competitors,
wbo lay dormant six months, but are open
for business at all bours, days and months.)
Go buy this brand what
Schilling's Best
halm owe'er
ftata aatracts
a4 sv1
and go by that brand, if
you like them.
Mrs. M. LeBalister
Leading MilliQer of Heppoer
Invites yoa to attend ber Hprlng Opening wbioh ooonre on Tan lay, Wsdnes'lay
and Tbarsdsy ot next week,
MARCH 30th, 31st, AND APRIL 1st,
At which time sbe will he pleaaed to show you ber well selected stock
ot Fenbhrtiable Millinery (iooils.
Is now in and ready for inspection. Call and
examine; wc are here to show goods.
Why do you wait dear brother,
Why do you tarry so long;
When Minor & Co. will give you
What you want for a song.
Yours for Business, MINOR & CO.
i:jipiic THIS FAMOUS
Pur aal by
E. V. Rhea & Co.
J. O. BOltCHEUS, Prop.
iStur Urowery Coi aipniiy,
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH,