PAPER OFFICIAL Put in Your Spring Ad AND DOr BUSINESS The Gazette Doei Job Work , Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work I r HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 26. 1897. , WEEKLY NO. 742 I SEMI-WEEKLY. NO 538 FOURTEENTH YEAR 1 J SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. FCBLI8HID Tuesdays and Fridays BT 1!E- PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS A. W. PATTERSON, PATTERSON,' . . - Editor Business Manager At f3.IV) per year. 1.2S for ni months, 75 ota. tor three montns, etricuy in advanoe. Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. NOTICE OF INTENTION. OFFICE AT THE DALLK8, OREGON, 11. 1KU7. Notice is hereby eiven that the followinfr-named settler has filed notice of her intention to mate linal yroof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. vv. Morrow, county tier, ai neiiuoi, Oregon, ou May 10, 1H'J7, vis: ANNIE GILLIAM, Fd. E. No. 4170, for the SE SEM. Sec. 29, KE SEJ4 and Etf Nifi!, Sec. 32, Tp. 4 S., R. 26 E.. W. M. She names thetfollowing witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles 8. Emery, James O. Williams, Mrs. Ann E. Chapel, Edward 8. Cox, all of liardman, Oregon. JAb. F. MOORE, 5;H-34 Register. M6NMIMmMNMNNINNMOtlH I sl I THESE FIGURES ARE YEARS, YEARS IN WHICH, In 1 SINGLE INSTANCES, PAINS AND ACHES 40 isi FRED I THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. itake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 89 Merchants Gxohangs, Ban Francieoo, California, where con Tacts for advertising oan be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. dally, except Bunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m. ; ease bound 12:51 a. m. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:48 a. m. and 8:45 p. m. ; going west, 5:30 p. m. and 6.45 a. m. Pendleton, Oregon. rVOOU COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Hepimer, Eoho, Pendleton, Baker (Jity, Elgin ond Huntington. OFFICIAL SXiaEGTOEVX". United States Officials. s Pi eairient .'. . . . .. William IcKinley V'oa-rVeaident.... Uarrft A. llobart Hncretarvnf Htate John Sherman nt niHUiiy of Treasury Lyman J. Huge Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Kanrulurv nf Wftr KuRtteil Alser Secretary of Navy. JohnD. Long PostmaBter-General James A. Gary Attomav-'Hennral Joseoh McKenna Beoretary f Agriculture jameB Wilson state of Oregon, ilovrirrior W. P. Lord Beoretary of State., ITeasurer .. Sunt. Public Instruction .. . Attorney General Senators. Congressmen... Printer '. ..H. R. Kincaid ...Phil. Motechan ......G. M. Irwin .C. M. Idleman . Mc Bride Mitchell Supreme Judges. J G. W, M ' l J. H. M ( Bineer He 1W.K. W. ( R. 8. 1 .If. a. I C E. ( Bulger Hermann W.K. Ellis ,.w. n. Lieeos Bean. Moore. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District Oironit Jndge Stephen A. Lowell IVrnuvmina Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator A, W. Gowan HnuuaTiiiH,ra. J. N, HrOWn i :..t,Mtv .iiifiira A. G. Bartholomew Oommifwioners J. B. Howard Clerk -J.W. Morrow " Sheriff l; '? ?ok 'p..u.,nM Frank Gilliam . ' Asseeeor i-"11"" Surveyor v J.W. Horuor School bup't Jay W. Bh-.pley Coroner R Vuughan irrDDHVn TOWN nWTfiKRS, t.. Thos. Morgan U mnniimeu'.'.'.'."". Geo. Conser, Frank n.lliam Arthnr Minor. E. . Blooum, :L I1...1 .wl .T 11 Mimnnl. - W. A. Richardson 1 ' ea.oYw'' ...V. "... ......y ..L. W. Brigg. ' PreciwrtOfflesre. . United Statet Land Officer. TBI PA1AC8, OB. , J Moor Kegister LA OBANDS, OB. B.F, Wilson Register J.H. Robbine Receiver Rheumatic, Neuralgic, Sciatic, Lumbagici 1 HAVE RAVAGED THE HUMAN FRAME. ST. JACOBS Iaa! nn OlXi CURED TMKM. KU BUl I mil umi JlJt U SOLID FACTS HELD IN PROOF. W Z iMIHNnHetNMHNNMMIMINNMNI EFFECT OF MUZZLES. Out McQure's -Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS C. E. RANOUS, Heppnkr, Orkoon, IMl FlaDs and Speoifioations farnished oa application. Contracting a Specialty, ffl All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash, doors and windows on hand and furnished at reasonable rates. Give me your order. All kinds of rppe.iring done at reasonable rotes. Leave orders with r. V. Tbompson Co. A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished RAcrliiu In Mav.l . . nDMn i,t nn. f w.r 'nma " Mr innft wm Tor inree ui me mvrov years of me Civil war pracucauy a meinuer m ojiiiuoiu i. Cji imm kl. fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from hit recollections and correspondence. ... - . . , -r . , nnl1tiit.hnii Tn crtiinectlon with this series P0"of portrailHtis intended K pubfiK sVeoTaTbio7raphic7l studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THIS ironi waiiningiou ui uuiuuiu. nirhimi f Dxi.tlna. SDeciallv taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use h extrordinarr talent for mystery and ingenuity wnicn nave, in ine auenui;. numin e.. . a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear in McClurk's Magazine. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbiefinger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will conwiDuie iu all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. nr.TAVir. thanrt ia nrermrinn for the Mauazink a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hope Bret Hart - Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McClure's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCltjbs'b Maoazinb for 1897, the subscription priee of which is only t Their Enforced Use flu Changed Breed of London Dogs. The muzzling order has now been so long in operation that one is able to see its practical results, at all events so far as London is concerned, says the Lon don News. They are really very remark able, especially from a point of view not likely to be immediately taken. The supremacy of the fox terrior is gone. One misses tne little, vivm wmte spots that moved about so quickly and made streets and thoroughfares gay, and. it must be admitted, noisy. Most of these dogs were mongrels, and, being1 of no appreciable value, and probably of no clearly defined ownership, they passed quickly in a wholesale way into the lethal chambers. London is rid of them, but at all our town the white terrier with the odd markings is still in the ascendant. On the other hand, here in town we have the Irish and the Scotch. These are as yet pretty pure ; they keep rather to themselves, after the manner of the provincials, but in a couple of years mongrelism will assert itself, and Lon don will be overrun. Asiit is, the hardy little Aberdeen, with his long body, ! PULLING A DOG'S TEETH. Xen tilt's Experience ia Removing; Teeth from a Canine. ) "I have never been called to pull a dog'a teetjb. but once," volunteered a, well-known dentist, report the Wash ington Star. "Had I known for what purpose I was needed I would not have responded, but being on the ground I was too nervy to refuse. The case was that of a dog belonging to the wife of a Michigan - senator. She had Bevetal nice dogs of fancy breeds, aiid I noticed that one of them acted strangely. Thri telephone directory of that day had my name well lip tin top in the list of dentists, and I presume that is vhy I was called. It ia no unusual thing for dentists to be called to the houses of pa tients who are aick Or otherwise unable to go to the dentist, and I packed up a few necessaries end started. I was met at the door by the lady, who spoke of the sufferings of Kliidge: I took it that Madge was either a child or a favored servant, and tripped as softly as I eovil upstairs to the room to which I was directed. I noticed there were two or three little pug dogs in the room, but did not dream that Madge was one of them. In a few moments mxmm Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulnesS. Assures the food Against alum and all forma of adulteration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAK1NQ POWDER CO., NIW Y RK WHAT OCR EXCHANGES SAY. JameB N. Davis, tha "late speaker of the Davis bouse" at Salem, has tip par. short legs and nondescript markings the lady came up and picking up the ent,Y reoovered from the sho6k of bis of black and gray and mustard, holds the street, and the Irish terrier loafs about, social and easy-going. They are both excellent in their own way, but, for all that, one misses the sharp, quick vitality of the fox terrier. Even as a mongrel he seemed to concen trate in his active little body all doggy qualities, especially fidelity and hatred of cats. HIS CREDITORS FOUND HIM. Sent Free One Dollar a Year I The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. SEOBET SOCIETIES. To any person interested in hamnnel maters, or wbo loven animals, we will nend free, npnn application, a oopy of the "ALLIANCE." the orrtw of this Society. In addition to its in- tensfily interesting reading, it ooutains a list of tbe valuable and aowmal pre miums Riven by the paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALUIKCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. Going $ast? IF YOU ABE, DO NOT FORGET fhrcc Important Points. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It (TIT A A .For J) J.UU KAWLIN8 POSr, NO. 11. Q. A. B. Moets at Lexington, Or., ths laet Saturday of ch month. All veterans an Invited to Join. : C. Boon, Gbo. W. Smith. , Adjutant, tf Commander. D. J. McFaul, M. D. Mrs. OPKIC1C I H. Welch's Residence. Night telephone ennnectkn with the falace Hotel. U0 Bank i Mm. WM PENLAND, President. E. K. BISHOP, Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL flAMG BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREGON First Rational Bank -,--OF HEPPNER C. A. jRHCA. - - Pesldent T. A.iRHCA, - VleePssldent CtC. W. CONCR, - Ushler S.'M. SPCNCtH. Ass'tUshler w TratJarti t General Banking Busilss. EXCHA-jSTGI On all parti of ths world Bought and Sold. OutlectlnM made on sll point on rtMoaable Term. Burplu and undivided Profits, I3S.OO0.W FIIIST-Go via. St. Faul bo- CHUH6 tbe lilies to that point will Cord jou the very best service. SECOND See that tbe coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the WiecoDsin Central because that ine makes close connections with all tbe trans-continental lines en tering tbe Union Depot there, aud its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD -For information, call on vour neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent acd rbk lor a ticket readinc via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address QKPBRHLLELED OFFER To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things. IU Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and its literary departments are edited with cou- Blr. Jones Had Been Unable to Bee Them Daring a Long Search. George Washington Jones, colored gentleman, 'was ad, very sad. He was a Caloiminer when he had work to do, says Harper's Round. Table, but, a he expresses it: "Dem dere white trash, hab trone into de trade, an' now Ise got no work to do." But this was not what made him sad. "Dis yere life," he said, "am not wuth livin'." "What's the matter, George?" in quired his friend. "Why, Ise got a little money on dat last job, and Isi went round to settle de bills Ise owed. "Didn't you attend to it all right?' "Dar's de strange part of it. ' Do butcher he wuz out, an,' de crooev he wuz out, en' every one Ise wanted to pay wuz out, an' den wJiat'd I do but lose dat money. "Well, that was unlucky, end no mis take: but still you showed your good Intentions, aad no doubt they won't press their claims." "Press dere clalmsl Yah. dat's de trouble. When Ise got 'omc fonnd ebery one of dem waltin.' to press dete claims, an' as Ise couldn't fix dem, dey done an' fixed me." dog spoke sympathetically Of Madge's sufferings. I was in for it, and in. a short time had a towel tied in. Madge's mouth, and the next thing Madge knew she was three teeth short. I was asked my fee, but as I had never performed such a service for money I did not know exuotly what to charge. I made it three dollars and was paid. Since then when I am called by telephone I ask something about the work to be done, for, Unless it is my own. dog, I prefer to be excused from the work.' inability, bb one ot the minority, to manage tbe great majority in the inter ests of Simon tbd the Oregonian; He has resumed practical buBiae es in dthitr liu. Last week he went to SpokarJ. purchased a 60-aore block of tbe town and ordered it to be platted and put oa tbe market immediately. Mr. Davis well, Mr. Davis ia all right, if hit "House" Wksn't.Pottland Tribube. 3AUGHT THE BOYS' FANCY. It should be In every Jas. C. Pond, On Pas. Agt.. Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. B. Batty, (ieneral Agent, IMArttark tt., Portland, Or tummate skill. Such a paper is s great popular educator. home, w The subscription price of Leslie's 1P nnum. y We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy ot 4j Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- Weekly one year for only $5.00. & No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made main. These two papers make s most acceptable Christmas or birthday yJ gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Q Remit by postal order or check to the 14 GAZETTE, H ITopioiier. Orecon. xj STOCK BRANDS. WEEKLY The A0NTHLY Ontario-Burns Stimc Lin a. t r- BOBKS-GHHYOH STaGEUHE- While yon ap roar nbeorlption paid np yen aaa keep ?oar brand is freeof chart. IWa. P.O.. HeDoner. Or. Hornee. P B on left hoolcUri eattle. same on left kip. ftiat'tn. H., Hardman. Or. Horsee branded Ion right hip. Cattle branded the same. A! brands CI on home riht thlifhi ca'tle M brand on riht shoulder, and cut off end e right ear. Cook, A. J.,Loa.Or. Horn, Won riirht shoal lor. Cettlo, same on right hip: ear mark ejanra cms off left and sulit in right. n,.luL W. M .Oalhiwav. Or. Tattle. Rl)l riht aidn. wallow-fork in each ari horn, U Uj j jtor PldCC Kly. Hrm. Dongla. Or. Htm brandad KLY ! ra lrt hnnldar, oat ti same on lefthip. kole i right ear. rirnnea. U A., Heppner. Or. TatUe, LT an rivht hip; bna F with bar ondw on rihl hmrtiwr. .,nr, Harry. Hppnnr. Or Horns brandud H on tho left. timlrler; mttU bnwidMl J on rinhthip. ali andorbrt in left ear. Kang In Morrow countr. Jnbrt m, Fllx, Lsna, Or. Hntaaa, nirrUT mi taft Uflii; eattla, aama on right hip, sadar half woo in nt and tolit Jl left ear Koflny. Mike, Heppner. Or. Horaae brwa lM KMf on Urt hip eattle ama and arop oil atr: nodar lp no tha right Knmrwland.W.O..Moint Varnon. Or. I Lou atttaoa right an 4 Uft id, awallow fnrk ia Uti nr and mi. tar nop la rigbt aw. lliiraMMia braad toft ahoaldar. iUaga in Uraat eoaotv. Uifton. Bttan. Fog, Or. H Loo lff W kn entile, crop and os right aar. ii'inai mm braod on krft hoolder. lUuga to rant uuatv. tmhry, J. W. Mtpnr Or Horaaa brsndwf A ot Jan fiolllilar; oailia aama iw ian aula orar right , Uiraa sliu in right Outlook Published Every Saturday LIQUOR FROM GAS BURNERS: Hotel for New York H A. WIL'.UMS. P-op. OSTAhlO-BURSS tsvs Burns Daily at p. m. and ar rives si Ontario to 43 boars. Sinale Fare $7.60. Round Trip $15.00 fay Th roof k freight f cents per pound. nafipnar nr. tartia, Uua tat ahoaldar. H D oa BVRSS-CASYOS lwaflurtis daffy. rPndar. f .tVTtiTon nr with with lt ot.tatl'i, U4 tt llntna. iTiorTilia Cotinarta man! ta f.ntiai-UI ai.d Laka i Mimir. 4 righi bipi kui lgan, . S.. Ilappuar. Or.-Hor B Urt himloat eaUla mjm oa laft nip. Oato-rn. J. W.. Dooglaa. Or.: hnraa O OB laf kualilart oattla saina oa right hip. Parkar Olaaaon. Hanbaaa.Or.-Horaaa IPes ft alMHildaf . Pina. J. H.. Iiintn. Or.-Hnvaaa, It ami ia4 m.laft atmaldWi aatUa, ua M hip. stiar hll is aach aar. wtor. i. W.. Hanpaaa, Or.-RmtM, IO NVbooidar. CatUa, O a right hip. i Star. K. O. Hatear. Or. - Pattla tfigi lati arna ' nght and anaWtnt la laft year, aawt.. W C cm laft atwaUar. Tttaam, J.A Happna r. Hotaaa, m Ian m,it; eattia. 1 ua laft ahmiiilar. Tarwu. W-Hafnr.r.-SmaU eat 'taj taft aWildar. htimm eaUla avu oa laft hip anth Sim hi ,l, aara TV-h.. II. M l-a. fV-Horsaa brardad Ht aWtl na 1' atirla. ahaafi aam brand. .i.tgar. VV. J.. ir.i !. Ths Outlook will b lo 1W, ss it baa tievo during seb of its twenty seven years, a Uistoty of Onr Oo Times. In its vsrious editorial detjarton-nte The Ontlwik gives a onmrsot review ot tbe world's progreas; it fulloss with csre all tbs impnttsot philanthropic, sod in dustrial movamfots of tbs day; baa s complete dep;trlmrnt of religious oeas; devotes much space to the Intereate of lbs b"me; reviews currant Htetatars; farui'bes cber(ul table-talk about mD si.d things: sod, io short, aims to giv fresh inlormatloo, original obaofvation, sod reasonable eotertsinueot. BcgiotiiDg with tbs fifty flifth rolorne, tbs psper will ssums ths rrgalsr msgs tins ir., wtucb will sd.l grestly lo its oonyeiiieDOe scd sttrsi:tivaeas. Tbt Outlotk Is poblialied every Saturday fifty too Issues a year. Tbs first U-oa la rsob month is sn Illustrated Msgasise Nombar, eontainiog about tsicass msoy pages as tbs ordinary iaue, togatber witb a large anmlxr of pirtnrea. Tbs triP of Tbs Outlook Is tbras di'llarf a year In idvsaee, or less than a rant day. Haul for a paoioisa cpy sui illnatraU M ilattsMiat U TaStn 5"H"r. J rrt. d rroiotos lo Tbe Ootlr. 13 Aator riUt1art,Ui JW ' flgt't MP rig'il aula. I - rr'P an t i. la laft aar. ttaug IB Mvrrvw aud I'laoa, AS Turk Clt V. Kootbing, and not irritating, strength. ing, and not weskiog, small but, fino live nob are the qualities of DoWitt'i Little Esrly Hi Mere tbe famous little pills. Coneer de Brook. Now is tha time to get tbe Weekly Oregonisn, tbe greatnit orwspsper of the Went. Witb tbe Onvtte, both strict ly iu advance, one year, 13.50. Nn better oombinstion of newspsptrs oan be made 'o tbe stats. Wslt. Tbompson runs stags between Ileppeer and Montimoot, arriving every day exopt Monday am leaving ttvery day eiorpt Sunday. Hborlsat andebssp. tut tnnte ti tha Interior. Oorjssr & Tlrook. tt i. On lbs morning of Feb. 20, WX', I was siok witb rheumatism, sod Isy io bad ufjtil May 21st, wban I got a bottle of Chaintwrlsiu's Tsio Bslm. Tbs fln sp- pliOHiioti of it rulieved me almost en tirely from tbs psio and lbs s-oonil af forded complete relief. In s short time I was abls to be op sod shout again. A. T. Morasax, Laveroe, Minn. Bold by Oonser it Brock. Through trsms nn ths O. K. A N. will ran vis. Linaiuis, v ails vvstia mu IVndlaton. Tbroogb sleepers, first and teoond claas, will run in eonoectioo witb tbe Union Paclflo, tbe ssms as barate fore. A through Brat class sleeper Port land to Hpokans, eoooaotiog witb lbs first olass sleeoaf to Kt. Peal, sod through tourist sleeper Portland to Ht. I'aal, will ran ia o-innaion with Ids Ureal Northern railway. tf For ssle About thirty tons of rys bay, looaUd aboat two and ons-nsll miles of Uardmsn. Also 400 aorss of gtxxl rsnge, fsnasd, to go w itb same. Unfit of onislds govroreol rsnge near at baod. ribsitar l -r baad of sharp or large band of csttle. Oood houaa no t laoa. Call on OasMte offios for risftlmlsrs. A rsrs rhaors lo gel bay cheap. All signs .... Device of a Portland. Me., Evading the Prolilbltlon Evervbod who vuiits Maine has a different story to tell on his retua-a of his experience in getting drinks, says the New York Sun. The champion story m, purhaps, told by a well-known traveling salesman. lie says that when he asked for a drink at a Portland hotel, be was shown into a room, which ha'J nothing in it but table, on whlrih were a pitehiPT of water and several tumblers, and a few chairs. Over tha table was a chandelier, with apparently half a dozen gas burners. When the cocks were turned, however, not gas, but liquor came out of the burners, which were horizontal, on. tbe Ops being niuscrewed. From one burner oame whisky; from another, rum; from another, gin. Each burners supply pipe conrweted with a caik of some one of these liquors in the room altove. Tine man v. bo tell this story says that five indictment papers ngninxt the bote In question for selling liquor would fill a buHlMil basket, but none of them will ever lie brought to trial; at least, none las been yet. Sine adopting this de- yice, the hotel has evaded detection. They Thought the Pretty Girl Who ttdaght B Paper All Bight. A young woman stood at the corner of Hoisted street and Archer avenue waiting for a downtown car. She had a refined, sweet face, her brown hair was parted over a smooth forehead, and a pair of wonderfully expressive and beautiful blue eyes. Her dress was ele gant, but modest, and seeing her in that locality one instantly thought of sweet charity, says the Chicago Chron icle. Two ragged liitUe newsboys came up to the corner and gazed at her in frank admiration. Their look waa re turned with one of kind interest, and the girl bought a paper from each of them. Just then her car came, and with a smile she left the corner. "Ain't ahe a beauty?" asked one of the boys, while the other sang in a clear, pretty voice: "She may flirt with another, but I'm sure she loves me." A middle-aged motherly-looking woman, who had watched the affair, asked: "Do you mean me?" aa she bought a paper, she could not afford two. . "Oh, no," answered the singer, "the A dlspaioh from Wasliihgtoo, Sent but on St. Patrick's day; the day the other Oorbett received bis quietus, states pos itively tbat tbe senate will not seat Mr, Coibett ot Oregon, boe senator, in dis ousnibg the Oregon case, made a very good point when be stated that, it ttte Oregon appointment was sustained, that hereafter it would be in tbef power of 11 men in tbe senate, by refusing to go into organization, to prevent loiever tbe election of a senator and make tbe gov ernor tbe sole official to o boose U. 8. eustors. The statement of thai senator being oorrect, to have seated Mr, Cor. bett would have been to establish a precedent fatal to our whole political fabric, and wbiob Would Involve the state of Oregon in a legislative deadlock tbat would last as long ss Joe Simon livsg, for Joe will always be able to con trol 1 1 of the 90 members ot tbe legis lature. Sorely though Mr. Corhett'g Tote may be needed by tbe republican party, to seat him Under existing con ditions would be too desr a prioe to psy for it. We oan far better afford to lose his vote tbu to bave a preoedent estab lished tbat an unlawful minority should rule over a lawful majority. Tbat policy would be nothing short of anar- ladt with the pretty eyes." "Now, I'm disappointed," said the 0by, which, though bloodless at first, motherly woman. would very soon develop a crimson "wen, caueo. uoui vukj i on, "you're all right, too." tinge. Fossil Journal. THE OLDEST SPORT.. THE BIGGEST CAT. It b Thirty Inehae Long and Weighs Twenty-roar I'oaads. Just plain "Tom" is the unpretending name of probably the greatest doaiesftlo cat In the world. Edward Simmons, a fUh and oyster dealer of New York, la the proud pos- wwtor of "Tom." This giant of cats Sm 30 inches in length, from his hrwl to the Up of his tail. He is a foot high awl weighed lost spring 24 pounds. Tbe recent hot weather bus caused hint to drop a few mn!e of flesh, but has not Impaired his health or hap nine. Thomas is black and white, and is rather iieeuliarly marked. He ho two complete rings of white around his tail, which makes him look like first cowiu to a r swoon. Mr. Simmons picked up the eat two years ago while walking along Kmith strrwt. Thomas was but a stray si ilea then, so that his pedigree bss never been aw-ertainrd, and It ia not known whether or wit heredity has bad any Uiibf io do with hi enormous alia. Banting sad Fishing Were Maans of Llva- Uhood to Primitive Man. Somebody has asked which la the oldest sport and started a discussion tbat lias already put the antiquity of gw;i beyond the middle ages. Hunt ing and fighting were primitive man s 5 hie occupations, says the rew xork ournal. These, as civilization developed, were gradually converted from being means of livelihood into pastimes. Hut It Is impossible to tell exactly when the change took jjlooe, for It Is not even yet complete, aud what is sport to the squire arid amateur Is necessary work to the gamekeeper and professional soldier. Nlinrod, NonJi's greatrgrandson, was a "mighty hunter before the Lord,"sfld aa he was a "mfgfety one la the earth" he probably hunted for pleasure, Tbil is the ollft record of a simrt. The stag and its kind, which make the greatest demand on tbe skill and endurance of tbe hunter, would prob sbly tie the first animal pursued for pleasure. To hunt the lion was kingly sport from the earliest time. The Egyptian monuments sltow that all kinds of bunting, aa well a fowling, were followed for pleaaurs. Ths Olym pic game were probably tha oldest sthle tio srorta and their origin Is lost In antiquity. They are said to celebrate Jupiter's defeat of the Titans. It Is told of one ot our local populist politicians, wbo has a bob pipe, and sn Impediment in his gpeeoh, tbat be has taken t great interest in tbe great inter, leotual contest to come off st Csrson, Nevsda, and also tbs one recently closed st Salem. Tbe other day be wss in formed that Corbott bad been appololei by Qov. Lord to tbe position of 0. S. senator. Hs nogitated tor a moment. then, removing bis pipe, ejaculated: "W-w ell, Ib-b be-dsm." Then taking another whiff at bis dudioe, be asksd Innoceutly, "W-w-oud s-r if be-'ll g g go ahead with the figbt n n ow?" Ashlsnd Tidings. Republican senators bave decided not to press tbs admission at tbe extra ses sion of tbe senators sppninted by tbe governors of Oregon, Keutuoky and Florida, as it bss beeo fouod tbe silver members will oppose their admission. This is right It would be a bad prece dent lo fwUhtish, allowing governors to appoint United States tenstors wbils it it tbe doty of tbe leg'slstares to elect, spMcislly when it is known that stsVta members of tbe Oregon state Moat oould lie up lbs legislature and prevent tbe election of a senator. Llood Itivsr (ll..oior. What arc Sctittig's Best In tif eatU baking powder Divining tftracIS and sputa It ia, or ehoull lis, tbs highest aim of vry merclisnl to please his customers; snd tbat tbs wide-awake drug firm of Meyers k Eahelmao, Star ling, III., is do ing so, is proven by tbe following, from Mr. Kahelmsn : "Io my siitoso years' tiperlenos in tbs drng business I bsvs never seen or Sold or tried a tnsdiolns tbst gars ss good ssUsfsotloa as Cham berlain's Colic, Cbolars and Diarrbira iUmedy." Hold by Cnnsef k Brook. cood for? Good for anybody who likes eood tinners and doesn't want to pay for adulteration. P. sal by J. V. VauKhsn la Mrstory sf flesaurr Pofnk. Those of tbs Boottrsrt Rlto Masonic fraternity, residing to Heppner, art In receipt of mourning bad gas whioa srs lo be worn thirty days In respect lo lbs twin's of tbt 1st ei-TJoilsd Slates Kenstnr Dolpb. (Senator Dolph was a JtWd degree Mason. Thoas living la llplner wbo belong lo this brsaeb of Mssoory era: J. A. Patterson, J. W. Hlaada st tbs Head. Aug. J. Iiogal, tbs leading druggist of ribrsveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is tbs only thing tbat Cures mi oongh, and it ia tbs best siller I have." J, F. (Jsmpbell, (merchant of Hafford, Aril, writes: "Dr. King's sw Discovery Is all that ia olalmnd for it; It usvtr fails, and is a sure cure for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's Nsw Discovery for Consumption, Gongbi snd Colds is aol an experiment. It bas been tried for a qasrtor of century, sod lodsy itsnds at tbs bead. It never dlHsppoiols. Fret) trial bottles at Conset k brock's drug store. wititf and dslsis i iedicats a i daagstooa. bard KJ R Bishop, suoceeaor to Tbs Ms Fsrlaod Mercantile Co.. is still on deck giving greal bargains in all liaea, Tbs stuck ronat I eloead ont, sn-1 II Is sur brunuii bow ebaao Ihingt srs. Call oa t( tbem. fisak MoFarlaaJ, lalssaaa. Ht (Wsrtable Wkllt Trswlisg Io ctol wsstber. Tbs Colon Ptclfio lystsm beats its trains Ibroagboat by steam beat from lbs soglos, thus task- Dg svery psrl of all Us ears plsssanl and eomfof labia. It also lights Its cars Morrow. P. tt Itorg. Henry lilaskmaa, L ,b, 0,iP,,r.tI pioiacb Light making .b.,,, brilllsnt at night, Poassngsrs carried daily oo tha (sat mail. For Tbs length ot lifs may ha loersassd by iUt,iojt M raaervstioos, tickets, or In. leaning daogers. Tbs msjorily of pao. fo ,4,,. 0, on or .j.iress It W. pla tha from lung trnohlas. Ihass may . . rii Ti i..l hi p. L by promptly osslng One tsitor (l.n. Agt, 1J3 Tblri St. Port- Mlnuls Cough Curs. Con lei Brock lend, Oregon. vaau uaaaUaa,