Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 23, 1897, Image 4

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    N S5
To the;
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on O. R. 4 N
Agent ta Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Obkqon,
E. McNElLL, President and Manager.
Sciix Franolsoo
And all point In California, via the Mt, Bhasta
rout ot ths
Southern Pacific
i peal
olnt 1
The great highway through California to
point Kant and South. Grand Boenio Route
Of the Paoino Coast. Pullman Buffet
Bleepers, Beoond-class Uleepera
Attaohed to ezpreea trains, affording superior
accommodations ror second-class passengers.
For rates, ticket, sleeping oar reservations,
eto,, oall npon or address
R. KOKHLKR, ManaKer, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. K. A P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon
I 9 . I
and lath result of colds and
sudden climatic chanoes.
It can be cored by a pleasant
remedy which is applied di
rectly into the nostrils. Be
ing quickly absorbed it givea
relief at once.
Ely's Cream Balm
la acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses
of fcwte and smell. Price 60c. at Dmeglsts or by mail.
LX iittul units, 60 warren street, new 101
18 Pages a WeeL 156 Papers a Tear.
It stands first amouR "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication ana
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is praotically a daily at the low
nrioe of a weekly : and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive marsei reports, an me
latest fashions for women and a Iodk
series of stories by the greatest liviny
Ameriosn and English authors,
Conan Doyle, Jerome E. Jbromb,
Stanley Wbtman, Mart E. Wilkins
Antiiont Hope, Bret Habte,
Brander Matthews, Eto.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
and The Gazette together one year for
83.25. The regular Bubsoription price of
the two papers is $3 50.
The Only Chair Car Line
To the east is the Union Pacific. East
ern oities are reached via this line with
fewer changes ot oars tbaa via other
lines Rates always the lowest. Ticket,
to or from points in the United State,
Canada, or Europe for sale by R. W.
Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 3rd St., f ortlana
iMHuV mm
1 . v I I III II I II
Through Pullman Palace Bloopers.
Tourist Weepers and .Fret Reclining Chair I
Cars DAILY to UliK.HK".
Many hours saved via this Hue to Eastern
TUB CHRONICI.a ranks with Ik greatest
aawapapern la the United IMate.
TI1K CliltoNICIJC has no equal en the Paoino
Coast. It leads all In ability, snlerarlse and nam.
TUB OHUONICLK'H TeWigrautilo tW porta are
the latest and most reliable, II Local News the
fullest and spiciest, end ita Kdltorlala from tbe
atilunt pens In the country.
'I'll U (JltltoNlOLK haa always been, and always
will ba, the friend and champion of the people as
against combinations, cliques, corporations, or
eppremlnns a4 any kind. It will be udopeudsal
lu everything neutral la nothing.
R. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agent,
J'ortland, Oregon.
J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon.
HUee & St. Paul H'y
v ,5;
J o w a "At y ",
i &w mm
aiufilka-jA' '8 m
Glance at this Map
Of tha Chicago, Milwaukee and Ht, rani Rail
way and note Ita connections with all transcon
tinental lines and ML Paul and i iuaha, and I
remember that Ita trains art lighted with elec
tricity and heativt by steam, Ita equipment Is
uperb. Klrgant Buffet, Library, Smoking and
Hleeptng cars, with free reclining chairs. F.ach
sleeping car berth haa an elertiie reading lamp, I
and Ita dining cars are the best In Ilia world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none are
shorter, and no other offers the shore Insurious I
aceommodaUima. Theeeara sufficient reasons
lor the popularity oC'TheMtlwsiikea." Coupon
Irketagenla In arery railroad offlca will give
you lurthor lulorinatlon, or addms
C. J. innV, flonsral Agent,
i. W.CAHKY, Trav. Paaa. Agent,
PoaTi.tKo, Oasooa. I
The Chrontrle Itulldlng.
Ity Ma i. Poeiaae l al.l.
$6.70 a Year.
The Weekly Chronicle
The Grtiksl Wc ely b the Ccmtrj,
$1.5 O a tat
(luclutlliif pniarii tyf prt nf lh UnHl
Mii, r&iia.U witl Mtikik
knd mat nnnilft Wtitj Ktwitimiwf in Uta
orhl, (ifinw r'ir1jf H4 eolumiift. r twir
fMkfw. ( Kfwi I lUratura mA (Mnnl lnftrmt
Uuit ;;) mu tftout Arii-ullurs lh(uintnla
OOava,CMTB A iv
Anton aMln a keHi atul Mrnp4ina iay
wwlalH, ttra, whrllier a ll.. Mill, .11
(,.,i,, Hliill.i. t'.wiiinlilim wnwly
(nn.lnllsl. HIM aneiM-l r -unm mniu
Hi .iiri,v We he a ..mrm.
L;.'7,.',a.!.,"" Umm art
neuHfttll HltMtraled, emtaM of
anf cnanllae l..rual. -tir.lm,..,ai 1W
liaiws Bi.n(h. Kw.'i,iH.a ei.pimw.4 llaaai
"uu om l arsara wit ina
Reversible Map
eut trtk AdUreea
St I Hrwexlway. Mew l ark.
lutlt I tee V . tla
rm I"' """" I'l a k.na aC
, . ir. mhhhii i rt trm
ftelfif l''?'lB , vi (..r. m...,!,,,,. J VI
Ki.lK.I. lferta.4 'l-luli.rt,frmlMlM AV fft
S..OII. flhtlr.4 ll.lrtl lu, L V-Ai li
pf.maaiii ral Im 4iil aiM I. a ii,i, ,sm,i-li.i. I 'if.
auliil. '.) ia.lH iiHhMit. llw.. ,u cutvl
aw.ft.lwrtili,. r parilrui.n Ml.ln. flit, Mama,
The Unitod States, Dominn of
Canada and Northern Mexico
UN tINK sll)K, j
i A4 tha i j
Map of tho World
ii J fa and (lot lhe Map and
W"hly t hrnnli'l fr On Yar,
jmmii)C' rpal.l o i M ii audi Ipr.
" f
mil i'w
M, II 1 vtTNr.
IJUXl' .yajak bib
m Drought to its proper level. ATI articles man-
nfactured by machinery have declined In prtoe,
for the reason that with each Invention the
cost of producing the article la lessened. Hu
man genius haa produced more remits tor
cheapening production in the last 60 years
than in all the agea of the world before that
time. These grand triumphs of man over mat
ter. Instead of showing depression from
standard of value, show forth the glory and
dignity of the human Intellect, and are an un
mixed blussing to the whole human family.
Gould any one outside of a lnnatio asylum at
tribute all these diverse and Inconsistent
movements of prices to one cause, and tha
cause acting evenly and uniformly npon all
things alike?
What Makes Interest JatwI
Interest haa declined since 1872 in my part
of the country from 8 per cent per month to
6 and 8 per cent per annum. There la no deny
ing the fact that the golQDUga ma mat. ine
south and west have saved more on the decline
of interest than they have lost In the deoline
in wheat and ootton. Interest 18 always low
under an honest standard, among an honest
people, where money la plentiful. It la lower
In London than in any other spot on the globe
because her standard Is stable and her com
mercial Integrity baa been the care of her
statesmen and her people for agea past. Eng
land's punctuality In meeting her obligations
baa made London the clearing house of the
world. Tyre was the London of ancient times.
Boated on the eastern end of the Mediterra
nean, she reiKned ciueen of commeroe for cen
turies. The scepter of commercial greatness
passed from her when her own children reared
Carthage at the other end of that Bea. Some
DUO vears ago England planted colonies In
America, and today the united Estates is Eng
land's only formidable rival for the com
merce of the world. The object lesson of an
cient history Is being repeated. If the Insati
able mine owners by use of their millions, and
tho nlace hunting demagogues by unctuous ap-
neals to Dreiudice, succeed in driving thla
country from the standard of civilization and
commerce, tha standard that announces in
toftrlty at home and inupirea confidence
abroad, to a flat standard and silver basla,
then England will have no rival to grapple
with her in the marts of the world.
More Gold and More Credits.
The third proposition Is that the supply of
eold is insufficient to make It a correct stand
ard and Its scarcity will tend to depress
prices. The averuge annual output of gold of
the world for the flrst half of this century, in
round numbers, was I15,UOO,000. From 1851 to
18C5, covering the gold boom In California and
Australia, the yearly average was 18O,0OO,00U.
The output for 1898 was $165,000,000 and for 1804
$181,000,000. The birth rate among gold using
countrins is not increasing, while the produc
tion of gold is on the increase, aa Just stated.
This answer ought to satisfy even the extreme
16 to 1 'people the "per oapita" Populist es
pecially In view of the faot that Improvements
in power and machinery are being applied to
the production or gold, while me genius oi in
vention finds no Inducement offered nor Hold
for operation in the population business.
My next answer Is that the more highly en
lightened the world beoomes, and the greater
the Improvements in business methods, the
less necessity there la for the use of actual
money of any kind. Steam and electricity
have so knitted civilized people together that
they are practically one oommunlty. Business
men speak to each other around the world aa
if they were assembled in the same building.
Their business is done on a system of credit,
without the uhi' of money, except for ultimate
settlement. KX- is thla method confined to
business men. It is broadening with the evolu
tion of man from a lower to a higher plane of
intelligence. A farmer may now live for a
whole year on the fat of the land and never
handle a dollar In money during that time.
He may reoeive chocks for his crop, deposit
them to his credit with a bank and draw on
the bank for what he owes and spends. Nei
ther ho nor the men who bought his orop had a
dollar In the bank. They only had credit
The bank owns the money in ita vault, and
ita customers simply have the bank's obliga
tion. Bunk credits perform preoisuly the same
work that gold and silver do, and they per
form It much quicker and more conveniently.
The Boots are the most conservative people In
the world, and thoy have had the best banking
svHtem of any people for WO years. Un a gold
rosurve of $23,062,000 they support bankoredita
to the amount of $448,1188,000. The best author-
itlos estimate that only one bill of exchange
In 600,000 la ever paid In money In England.
(iold, stiver and other money perform 1 per
cent of the exchanges in this country, and
orodlta in the ahnue of bills, notes, ohecks,
eta., do the other OB per oent. The business
of the world oould no more be.done today with
gold and silver than Ita Inland transportation
oould be done with ox wagons.
The 16 to 1 orators, In denouncing tha act of
1878, assort that half the money of the country
was dostroyed and hold out the idea thut our
money haa boon oontraoted to that extent. In
187? our population was 40,600,000 and our per
otipltu of nionny was $18.70. In 1804, after the
country had boon suffering with goH standard
for lil yoara, our population la 88,276,000, and
our por capita of money la $116.44, and we have
much better money now tnan ne naa inon.
The adoption ot the gold standard aa a muaa
nre of value did not Increase the demand for
gold for use to any great extent. Alcohol U
the standard for measuring the strength of all
spirituous llqaora, yet that fact haa never boon
found to bo very straining on alcohol.
A Surfeit of Silver.
Fourth proposition, that the free and unlim
ited oolnngo ot atlvor at 16 to 1 wonld create
unlimited dumand for sliver and restore It to
a oar. How the more coinage of silver ean in
any way Increase Ita use among the people I
am nnable to understand. It there was not
enough of It for use aa money and tha govern
ment waa limiting tha coinage of It and there
by denying the pooplo of the naa of It aa
money, then there would be foroa In the prop
osition to tnorease the ouinage of silver. But
our oondltlon la exactly the reverse of that
The amount of mined and nnoolned silver In
the treasury is $B12,0UU,O0O, while the amount
In circulation la about $107,000,000.
To unoournge the use of silver by the people
the government sxotuuigea outned silver at lti
muiU for gold or legal tender currency and
pays the express charges on the silver to any
part of tlu eoautry. This coined sliver Is all
good money. The dollars are iegal tender for
all debt In any amount, and the balvea, quar
ters and dimes are exchangeable In sums of
IA) for gold or other lugal tenders. Notwith
standing the InduoMueut ottered by the gov
ernment to promote the taw of silver, It haa
hitherto bnen unable to foroa Into circulation
more than about one- fifth o Ita stock on band.
Then, why all thla clamor for more eninage! If
a man had five times aa much blood In his body
as bis arteries and veins would ctmulate and
four Of lbs of It was lying Idle around hla
heart, would any one aay that soon a man
needed a free and unlimited Infusion of blood!
A government can no mors Induce people
nee money they do not want than It ean Indnes
them to eat what they do not like. The true
ulaeeof silver lass a change money. It la India-
penwilile for that purpuee and unaulted to any
other, and all the sliver tongued orators In the
land onnn.it change thla fart. The $1, $X&0 and
$11 goldplerea were too email and were unpop
ular aa change money, and the government
skipped the coinage of thera.
tin the other hand, silver la not a debt pay
ing money In any eonslderable amount, nr
the money ot nuiimerve, for the reason that It
la too bulky and too heavy. When man gel
over $6 or $10 ot It, he unloads on the flret
tnk be eomea to, and the bank unloads on
tha treasury. Tliua tha circulation of It is Urn
It.-d to Jnat what the people will use. When
the people get enough of a thing, they kmv
It, ami yon cannot argue with thera about It.
They are gullible oti theories, but Intensely
pre. Ileal In buatneas.
The Ureal Crime of liTV
We have heard a great deal about detnonetl
tatui of silver. ! ua si the extent ot "the
groat crime ot lHTtL" In liVA In order to pre
vent the subatdtary coin from giang atmewl,
the silver half dollar waa reduced la weight
from N to ItO grain, and tbe quarters, dimes
and I rent plxraa wers reriaeed In the
pniortlon. Three coins Wers then made
legal tender for only $6 In amount, and the
iMuage ot them for private aenmnt waa stop-
wl, bat the government purehaaed the stiver
and coined them as they were seeded.
crime was committed In I'd against
balv. Quarters, dimes and half dimes.
That crime was eommltted under Millard fill-
more, in UCV those coins were made tegtU ten
der fr sums nl exceeding $10.
In Kit the standard silver dollar of 41?S
grains waa left mil ot the eotnage set and lbs
trade dollar ot 4JU grains waa aulartlluted tor
It. Thla waa done at the rMjurel of the IVIIto
lope, In eitat'le our dollar to corn pete with
lb Meileam dollar of shout thai weight. In
t'ltlna and Japan. The standard dollar was
not a le d tender from Feb. 14 Utn, to Feb.
r, KK at whteh time tte reeotnatfe was provid
ed for, slut It waa relnetaited aa s legal Wndi r
tr ait debu, In whatever amount, llul SMIU,
OH) of this "daddy dollar" waa coined prior to
1x73. out of a total eolnage of ll.UV.mu.
Jrffera aiopped the eotnaee 4 It In H and
for au years nut .Mt of them was eoln.it, and ,
the daddies never (llidalneL They did Holy
have m rtHHigh to ae thai Jeftersoa ha.)
sold tml ti 4Unlnrit street! Three dollar;
were hi t la tart h al tender yruf tu MCA
to yny ! ;d not tender thenj n paf
raenttof uelite nor in purcliaae ofigooda. They
had not boen iu circulation since Andrew
Jacksor was president, and hardly any middle
aged man biwl over seen oneof them. The peo
ple had. demonetized them by melting them
down or by sending them abroad for that
purpose, and to this good day they have never
been -demonetized in any other way. '
The act of 1873 simply recognised what the
people had done and for five years continued
the policy that the people had been pursuing
for nearly half a century. The legal tender
faculty of this dollar waa restored to It 17
years ago. Tho government haa $350,000,000
of it on hand nonv, and has stood ready at all
times to furnish it to anybody who wanted it.
Tbia Is tbe biography of the demonetization
mouse that haa been evolved from s mountain
of 'denunciation. - The Door little thine never
lived but five brief years and haa been aa dead
a door noil for 17 years. While It lived It
was so harmless the poople paid no attention
to it. Shakespeare says, "The evil that men
do Uvea after them." But it is even worse in
the case of -tbia mouse. The evil that it did
not do Uvea after it in the shape of grasping
mine owners, two ply editors and unscrupu
lous poimciane.
Concluded in next issue.
Electric Bitten.
Eleotrio Bitters ia a medicine suited
for any bbbsod, bat perhaps mure gener
ally Deeded when the languid, exbauated
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid
mad sluggish and the need of a tonic and
alterative is felt. A. prompt uee of tbie
tnedioine has often averted long and
perhaps fatal bilious fevers, Nomtdloine
will act. more sorely in counteracting
and freeing tbe system from tbe malarial
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Consti
pation, Dizziness yield to Eleotrio Bit
ters. 50o. and $1 per bottle at Conser
& Brook's drug store.
Making War Balloons.
Women make the aercstats, or vrar
balloons, used by the British govern
ment, and also do some part of the rop
ing1 of the balloons. TT.ey work in
sheds built specially for the purpose.
There are about 35 women engaged,
and all earn good wages. They are
mostly the wives and daughters of sol
diers, and have all been carefully
trained by the superintendent of the
balloon department. The making of
the balloons requires a very delicate
touch, one thin Aim of bullock's skin
having to be laid over another with the
greatest care. The ends of the xopes
have also to be woven into each other
with extraordinary deftness.
Isolated Weather Station.
Rockall, a desolate granite rock ris
ing only 70 feet above the sea, between
Iceland and the Hebrides, is to be made
an English meteorological station. It
lies 850 miles from land, the nearest
point to it being the little island of St.
Kilda, 150 miles away, and itself nearly
100 miles from the main group of the
Hebrides, Bockall is in the path of tbe
cylonic disturbances on the Atlantic,
and the station there would give timely
warning of storms approaching tbt
British coast.
from F.S.Joma ef MUs
Prof. W. H. Peeke, who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, haa without
doubt treated and cur
ed more cases than any
living Physician; his
success ia astonishing;.
We have heard of cases
of so years' standing;
$XJ rir
laree bot
tle of hla absolute cure, free to any sufferer
who may send tneir f . u. and Express aanress.
, Hew York
We advise anv one wishing a cure to address
rof.W. B. PEEKE, r. D 4 Cedar St
American Who Killed
Oreat Matabele Doctor.
He Is a Fighter from Texas Engaged la
South Africa A Long Bide on Hos
tile SoU The Shooting of
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting, inci
dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples,
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-1
eat business conducted tor MODERATE FEES.
Ouaj Office is Opposite. U. 8. Patent Office
and we can secure patent in less time than those
or l-r .
Send model, drawing or photo., With descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, tree ot
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured,
i a sumrr. "How to Obtain Patents," with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent free. Address,
Off. Patent Office, Washington. D. C.
Tha comparatlvevalue of these twoearda
Is known to most persona.
They illustrate that greater quantity hi
Not always moat to be desired.
These cards express ths beneficial qual
ity of
4a compared with any previously known
Rlpans Tabulea ! Pries, so cents a box.
Of druggists, or by mall.
BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruct S4fl.T.
Cummings 8c Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Dr. Cadv's Condition Fowders, are
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood punner and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price 25
cents per package.
; Gault House,
BUKN & CO., PMent Attorneys, Washington,
D. 0., for their $1,800 prize offer. -
The regular subscription price cf tb
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and ths
regular price ot the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tha
Gazette and paying for one year im
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advance will be entitled U
Wherever you go you find the Ameri
can, and ne is never in une rear ranKs.
The best scout in the Matabele war a
an American, Burnham, a Texan, who
wears a Texan sombrero and rides a
Texas saddle. He fights for the pleas
ure of fighting. "His education and his
natural powers of inductive reasoning,"
ays an English newspaper correspond
ent, "raise him at once to a high rank
among the scouts of this or any other
countrtj ." Burnham yea are tbe won
der of all beholders. They are small,
roving, blue eyes. Women fall in love
with them. Cecil Rhodes says thef can
see right through a mountain when ft
Matabele is on the other side of it. An
other correspondent declares the sin
ewy little man he is only five feet
four in height to be a veritable pocket
edition of nercules. Then he adds,
most impressively: "And withal he i
modest and truthful," which is some
thing wonderful and unaccountable in
South Africa.
Burn ham's greatest feat was the
shooting of M'limo under circumstances
that would have done credit to Davy
Crockett. M'limo was the great witch
doctor of the Matabele. He started the
rebellion, eaying that he could turn
away the bullets from Uncle Hiram
Maxim's patent music box into water
if his fellow countrtymen would only
bring him presents in return for the
favor. His throne was in a cave which
was the center of pilgrimages for the
natives far and near. Burnham deter
mined to kill him. The British officers
laughed at his attempt as a "fool's
errand." But he enlisted the assistance
of a sturdy young Englishman named
Armstrong, and they started for
M'limo's cave. The hills were fairly
swarming with natives, and Burnham
and Armstrong traveled by night and
slept by day. They led their horses, no
aa to mnke as little noise as possible,
and also to keep them fresh, as they
knew after M'limo had been killed it
would depend upon their horses wheth
er they would be able to return to the
laager or not.
When they arrived ia sight of the
cave they found 'hundreds of natives
about, but were disgusted to find that
M'limohLmself waa not there, being two
or three miles away. They sent the
negro servant whom they had brought
with them to tell the witch doctor that
some natives were waiting for him with
great quantities of presents. Then, like
the good scouts they were, they moved
on some distance from the place where
they told the servant they would wait
for him, bo as to be on guard in ease ho
played them f aluc. But in doing so they
ran plump into a body of Kaffirs. II ail
the Kafllra been Matabele the two scouts
would have been killed then and thert.
Burnham pretended they were in great
fear of M lLmo and wanted to make hltn
presents. Tbe Kafllra persuaded the
M&tahele to leave the scouts alone until
M'limo came and decided what should
l done with them. So they started
divwn the road from the cove to meet
M'limo. When they met him Bumharn
taw that if he hot M llmo the whole
crowd of native would be on them in
a minute. . After going throturh a
long orgy, M'limo Invited thorn into a
cave alone and told the natives to clear
out. No sooner were ther In the cave
than Burnham oent a bullet through
Mllmo'i skull.
"We didn't wait to lay the body
out," my Burnham, "but we ran for
our ho men with all our might. The nig
gers followed and shot at ua repeated
ly, but their aim was bad. W put our
horse to it for all they were worth.
It seemed to me that our horwre jumped
over nome rocks aa high aa their heads,
and It U a wonder to me that they didn't
break thr-Vr rieeka and ours into the bar
gain." Though the killing of MUmo
did not have the effect that was er
proted, this detracts none from Bum
ama ham's daredevil cleverness. X. Y. Tree
Appreciated the Cider.
Some years ago a well-known foreign
prince, who owns a large estate in the
midlands of England, invited his ten-
ante to a hunt breakfast, at which claret
was the principal beverage. After the
breakfast, and just before the hounds
svere thrown off, champagne was handed
around in large cups, when one old
fashioned farmer, after taking a long
pull at one of the cups and smacking
his lips, exclaimed: "Well, your royal
highness, I didn't think much of that
port wine we had at lunch, but I must
say this cider is the best I ever tasted."
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
Via the Union Pacific System
Baggage is cbeoked through from Port
end to destination. The specialties on
tbe Union Pacific ere unexcelled track
and equipment, union depots, fBt time
through oars, steam beat, Pintscb light
and onnrteous treatment to passengers.
For rates and information apply to R.
W. Baxter, Gen. Agt. U. P. system, Port
land, Oregon.
Muslo tor the Baby.
One of the native Indian princes is
determined that his infant heir shall
be acquainted from his earliest days
with English luxuries and British mu
sic. For the convenience of this fortu
nate child a pernmlmlator has been con
structed which will play, as the wheels
go round, all kinds of British airs-
lullabies when the infant wishes to go
to Bleep, and martial strains when It
la in a wakeful mood.
Wanted-An Idea i
Who ean think
some simple
thins to natentr
r-rotecc vour laeas; tnev mar nrinir vou wealth.
TTT l YAllkf TI' 1' 1 111 I.' 1. I.I'IIVI .1.1 . .
neys, Washington, D. C..for their $1,811) prise oiler
ana list oi two nunarsa inventions wanted.
A for the County of Morrow, state o( Oregon :
We, the undersigned legal voters and resi
dents of lone precinct. Morrow County, Oregon.
respecuiiiiy pennon your nonoraoie Dody to
grant a license to Charles Hohinson to if 11
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less
quantities than one gallon, In the town of lone
and your petitioners win ever pray:
J A Woolery
J C r.mery
11 A Tlimn
O W Ginger
J R Dooley
O C Cochran
John Cochrau
E H Rargent
8 P H aiiey
Ret Nelson
Walter Cason
Arthur Vaudrey
LiOUlS .MHie
Oils Glock
Clyde Mnerry
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a M
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
I law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
I to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
' jyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
) No Fee unless successful.
j The Press Claiftis Company
) PHILIP W. AV1RETT, General Manager,
) 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
) y. Ii.Thlt Company it controlled by nearly on Ihoutand leading news-
i papcrt in the United States, and it guaranteed by them.
R C nperry
Thos Woolery
Ren Fleming
K K Holland
W T MeNbbb
H C Lewis
K L 1'adberg
T Maronet
W H league
C T fimlth
Dick Lahue
George W L'tt
Joe llaney
Frank Eugelman
Kil Kngelmau
i A Hughes
J D I'K.llK-rg
H A Hhaw
S J Ritchie
r. B Cochran
H M Thornton
Osear Mitchell
J H Ritchie
E Rletmann
Ed Clutr
Mike Hale
T J Wllhelm
W A Morgan
H Obner
J Colestock
C C Wilson
Win 11 Hadberg
L M Hills
Gilbert Aklrich
W 8 nmlth
Chat Hperry
Paul Rletmann
Mat Halvorsen
Jas Nolan
W H McCnrmlek
John Llndatrom
M J Williams
J J McKlllgott
J W King
N Dickson
H 1'adlierg
Levi Hansford
L R Knox
W M Haguewood
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
will apply to the County Court of Morrow
County, Oregon, at the May term, 1H97, on the
5th day ol said month, lor a license to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less
quantities than one gallon for a period of one
bzsxi. Applicant.
notice of Intention.
J Keb. 11. 1'.7. Notice It herebv given that
the following named settler has tiled notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
hla claim, and that said proof will be made
before County Clerk, I'mattlla County, Oregon,
at I'endlelon, Oregon, on March 27, 1m7, vis:
Hd. K No. H7H2, for the N'i K WW, are. M and
W H BWt, sec. n, Tj. x N., ri. 77 B w. M.
He names the following witnesses to Prove
his continuous resilience upon and cultivation
..li 1-...1 -i -.
r'rank Hloa'n, of Galloway. Oregon, and Hen
C. Thompson, Albert Davis, Davis Mi-carty, al
of Echo, Oregon. B. F. WIlxiN.
M7 .7 Kegister.
Notice of Intention.
IJ Feb. 12. 1HH7. Notice Is hereby given that
the following named settler has A led not Ire ol I
his Intention to make final proof In support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be mailr
before J. W. Morrow, county rlerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on warrn r, iwi, vis :
ltd. t No. W lor the NEk. hoc. 11, Tp.28., R.
tit., W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove I
Ms continuous resldencs upon and culttvsllon
of said land, vis:
rrank Eugelman, Chilton Wilson, R. C.I
perry, all of lone, Oregon, and Thomas Carle, I
of Heppner, Oregon,
81, it
Attorneys tit
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Golumbia R
irililiill I ii
iv ti v ii v v
ivftrand Putroi Snnnii Navi
Leaving Alder Street Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Bsaob, Oceas
Park and Nabcotta. Direct connection witb Ilwaoo steamers, god rail
road; alto at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday.
Leaves Portland P. M. Dally, except Hunday. Haturday night, 11 P M. Leaves Astoria Dally t
at 6:45 A. M., except Sunday and Monday, bunday night, 7 P. H.
Leaves Portland and runs dlreot to Ilwaeo, Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. Raturday'at 1 P, U.
Leaves ilwaeo Wednesday and Friday at 7;3U A. M. On Sunday night at t P. H.
Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free of Expense.
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey GaUert and Ocean War
Ih: Ec:l:y Institute
For the Curo Oi
Liquor, Opium ud Tobacco Habits
It la located at Salem, Oregon,
The Mot Beautiful Town on the Coast
Call at ths Gsistts office for particulars
Htrtetlyooundeulial. Treatment private end sura
ja. r.
ft I bullion I
i 3 I tai, no e
I ths ball
How to expose a hum
bucr monev-back it.
How to establish such
thinrrs as Schilling's Iksi
baking powder
flsvoiing tttrarls
and spite
adintmartatton en tha ratals of
llellan M. Allrii, dceeased. were granted to the
undersigned on the 2-trd day ol February, IW7.
bv the l 'minly Court for the County ol Morrow,
atate el Oregon. All persona having claims
against said estate are required to eihlhlt them
to me for allowance at the nines of kills A
oi.s In Heppner, Oregon, within six months
er the date ol this uotke or ther shall be
lorever barred,
lasted this jMh day of Febmary, 17,
T. K. I.YOS.
VM. Administrator.
money-kick them.
Foff aaW by
' J. A. Woolery, lone
KJ, R. Blahop, Qoeesaor to Tha Ma-
arlaoJ Mercantile Co., U still on deck
giving great bargains in all line. The
stock nioal t ploaod out, anJ il is aur-
rrtsing bo ehsap thing are. Call en
th-T. Tm M"Fir!,v1, HlHrntii. ?
' 1 M - - - t - v .
A Writs to T. S. Qrtwcsrt,
Drawer 136. Chkaso. Berre.
tarr of the Braa AcctMart
4 CoMranv, Ut Inforssalloa
J J regarding Accident later
1 Mrstum Ibis paper.
By so doing yosi tea tavs
saemher.hlp fee. )las paid over UUW09 iu(
sKXtdesta! luJorUs,
P your own A tat,
VOF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
The Fattcrspn bmshino Co,
- -
i r.