Eat Thia 1b the complaint of thousands at this season. They have no appetite; food floes not relish. They need the toning up of the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost " a magic touch." nJood's Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hrwwl'e are the best after-dinner 1 1UOU S KlIIS pills, aid digestion, aso. A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great politioal campaign is over and the winter season again with ns, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE a.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, J1.50 $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, fl.60 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, U.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, U-00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2. 50 ' Leslie's Weekly, W.OO 5.00 Here and There. Everybody should have a telephone Gome in now snd subscribe for the Gazette. in from Eight Mile Sqnire Jones was last week. Ga Tom Davidson was over from David son Saturday. Advertising epaoa for sale at tbe zette ranch. Job work and lezal blanks at tbe Gazette office. Nets Magnosen was in from Lexing ton yesterday. Wm. Penland was down from the big ranch yesterday. Joe Mason was in from lower Rhea oreek yesterday. Ohas. Johnson was up from Lexing ton Saturday last. T. W. Stephens, of Burns, was in Heppner over Snnday. The Heppner Transfer Co. have wood for sale. Coil on them. 231m Frank Laoy went down to Portland Inst week on business. Tom Durham is reoovering from an atti0 of liver trouble. wrney Doberty and Mike Marshal I desire to attest to tbe merits of Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy as one of tbe must valuable and efficient preparations on the market. It broke bo exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 24 hours, and in gratitude therefor, I desire to inform yon that I will never be without it and you should feel proud of the high esteem in which your remedies are held by peo ple in general. It is tbe one remedy among ten thousand. Suooess to It. 0. R. Downey, editor Democrat, Albion, Ind. For sale by Conser & Brook. Crook County Journal: On Saturday last, Alex. Beleher, deputy ooustabli' of Mitchell preoinot, arrived in this city with "Kid" BufSogton, who was lodged in the onunty j nl on a charge of rob- oery. The "K.i1 " as he is called, is about the same as "Kid" Moore, who was "moved on" from our city noma time ago and laBt heard from was being "moved on" by other cities and not wanted by any deoent looation. Mr. D. C. Downer has luckily seoured as a partner, tbe renowned painter of tbe Paoifio coast, Mr. Emmett Swann, late of San Franoisco, and will do oarriage, house, sign and ornamental painting, plain and deoorative paperh engine, They lead while others follow. They originate, others imitate. Shop opposite City hotel. tf. St. Helens Mist: It appears just now that Secretary Kinoaid is the most im portant offioial in the state. He refuses to issue warrants on any of tbe several funds for oarryiog on state business ex oept his own salary and a few other items. Mr. Kinoaid in point of impor tance is all that the word implies. "Exouse me" observed the man in spectacles "but I am a surgeon, and that is not where the liver is." Never you mind where the liver is." retorted the other. ''If it w an in his big toe or bis left ear DeWitt's Little Early Risers would reach it and shake it for bim. On that yon can bet your gig-lamps." Con ser & Brock., Mrs. John Jenkins has lately pur chased one of tbe celebrated Newoomb Fly-Shuttle looms and is now prepared to do all kinds of oarpet and rug weav ing. Any one desiring first class work should oall on her at her Lome on lower Main street. Low prioes and all work guaranteed. 7-35 Eagle: The Blue Mountain Eagle was declared by tbe oounty court last week to be the official paper of Grant oounty for the year 1897. This distinc tion was given this family journal by virtue of its having the largest oircula-! tion of any paper in the oounty. The old lady was right when she said, the child might die if tbey waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. Sbe had used it for croup before. Conser & Brook. Judge Bartholomew has decided that be will pay over state taxes as usual, as refusal to do so would mean large pay ments of interest, and be considers it better to do business on a cash basis as long as possible. Judge Spargur, at the head of the Foster ditoh enterprise, was arrested last iriday by a Nebraska sheriff near Umatilla on tbe O. R. & N. train while en route to Portland, obarged with crookedness back in Nebraska. THOd. WOuLERK SHOOTS HIMSELF. An Attempt at Suicide Happily Averted by the Worthlesgness of the Weapon. Given Away These Useful Books o town Saturday. I were jjjram'hornton was up from his lone possession.' l08t auna8y- TOk. is Hod Gola7 Best beer on if uai earth. Bee aa' elsewhere. p-i tielebar was in Saturday looking after tome business matters Le Kilbourne was over from Goose berry laB Friday and Saturday. j( Greece roasts Turkey, Minor & Co ill famish tbe cranberries free. Heppner wants some raoei tbis spring. e oannot afford to mist them Some wood on subscription or oo old debts will be graciously accepted. Every business man of Heppner should advertise in tbe Gazette. Tbe Redlight people will treat yon right. Call oo tbem when in town, tf Minor k Oo. bare the largest line of Indies' tan aboet to be shown io tbe city Ever business man wbo wants to have bli light tbino should advertise in tbe Gazette. Minor k Co. can sell yon so all wool anit for what oar competitors ask lor a ootton suit. Lnn Leathers is in town tbis week. Ha haa ben clerking in Mrs. Geo Crown's store tbe past winter. S. J. Eleedmsn, representing Etberg, Const ft Co- was in town Saturday look ing (tier bis customers bere. Otis Weloh came in from Portland on ..... rlday't train. Otis bat been using a immarmtl eourte down there ton winter. J. I. Carson, wbo was bere last wa on, bM arrived from Central City, Neb , and will tka out tome sheep tbis season over the trail. Low TilUrd keeps wet Roods dowa at bis new pltca, oesr tbe eounoil obambert. Call at Tbe Welcome aod make yoamelt at borne. President Cleveland bat got through hnnitno dncka at ffowomeol upeoie, bat too can hunt bargains at Minor ft Oo.' i tod save expenses, Tbos. Woolery if reported as fat r imrtn from bit root . P.4l.nd. (It It t In bt UVIWU b w. . . -- Good Samaritan botpilal. John T. Drowo, ttrangor here. .... of tome twenty-two i...iwu ,iht hand hurt VwJIjr homt&i recently. Th urniiug iy wjw and of a ixiard containing a nil n .tnktu two finger lacerating them. He narrowly t.oaped cats of blood poitoniog. Dr. L. J. E-ites, who left here some time ago to attend tbe Keeley Institute at Salem, baa left tbe institution thor oughly cured and will spend tbe sum mer iu tbe mountains of Baker county. Tbe reservation Indian can buy whis key as usual, if he can get it, but under the new laws tbe dealer must tske bit chances. Tbe Umatill reservation will reoeive tbe attention of the authorities. E. O.: B. F. Saggart has been de tained in town until today with sick ness. Tbis afternoon be started borne by wagon to bis plaoe near Heppuer. Mat Hogbes and Jaa. Leahey ere down from tbe head waters of Willow oreek yesterday. Tbe boys bad a good time while in tbeoity. Walt Thompson, the stage man, was in )esterday. no reports i)i feet of snow at the "noon station" and I feel up on Mahogany ItiJge. E. O : J. B. Boyd, of the Blue Moan tain Eagle, left Thursday evening for Spokane, bit wife remaining in Pendle ton to await bis return. Tbe celebrated imported running stallion, Calpbarnns, will stand the season in Heppner. For partioulara call on W. O. Minor. If Mr. E. E. Hewett arrived from Port land Sunday morning and baa accepted a plaoe witb Conner k Brock, in tbeir drug store. At 1:05 o'olock on the afternoon of Friday, March 19, says the Portland Telegram, Thomas Woolery, a merohant ef lone, Morrow oounty, this state, at tempted suioide by shooting himself in the head, while in his room at tbe Perkins hotel. Dr. A. C. Panton was at onoe summoned, and a oall sent in for the police patrol wagon, on tbe arrival of which the man was oonveyed to Good Samaritan hospital. Woolery,, aooompaoied by his wife, ar rived at tbe Perkins hotel ou Friday last, he stating it na his intention to remain in Portland for a month at least, busi ness and pleasure being oombined in bis visit. Up to Tuesday last, Woolery appeared to be in perfect health aod tbe best of spirits, be and his wife apparently en joying themselves. On Tuesday Wool ery was taken down sick with an attack of grip, and forced to seek bis bed, he not leaving tbe room since nntil carried out with a bullet wound in bis head this afternoon. Last night Woolery suffered greatly, his feverish condition being suoh as to at times bring on semi-delirium. Tbis morning, however, he appeared quieter and his wife, who bad been in constant attendance upou bim, sought some need ed rest. How Woolery readied the bureau and seoured the revolver with whioh his mad aot was oomnaitted, is not known, but shortly after 1 o'olock the wife was startled by the report of a pistol Quickly reaching her husband's side sbe was horrified to find bim lying face downward on the bed. a ghastly wound over the right temple, from which the blood was pouring, and the still smoking pistol on tbe fljor, instantly revealing tbe tragio aot of her husband. The sound of the shot aod Mrs. Wool ery's ories spread the alarm to the hotel attendants. Dr. A. 0. Panton was sent tor and immediately responded. On ex amining the wonnd he at onoe ordered Woolery, who was unconsoioua, con veyed to Good Sumaritan hospital. The senseless form of tbe attempted suioide was carried down stairs and placed in tbe patrol wagon whioh had been oalled, Police Officer Jackson and 'bus driver Obeen, of tbe hotel, support ing the body. Just prior to reaching tbe hospital Woolery recovered oonsoiousness, and grasping Gheen by the wrists drew him self upward and gasped: "What's the matter? What's happened?" Before an answer could be given bim he bad ro lapsed again into unoonsoiousuess. It is generally believed that Woolery was laboring under an attaokot delirium produced by tbe fever from whioh he was suffering, when the desperate aot was committed. He bad but last night appreciated how ill a man be was, and had decided to be taken to tbe hospital today, tbe hack in which be was to be removed being iu waiting at tbe hotel entrance at the time Woolery turned the pistol on himself. It was at first supposed from the des cription given of the wound that Wool ery was seriously if not fatally wonnd ed. Tbe examination at the hospital, however, shows that the bullet, which was fired from a cheap bulldog revolver, had not the foroeto penetrate Die skull and Woolery escaped witb a severe soalp wound. Jne Woolery, brother of Tboa. Wool ery, the well known merchant of lone, left on Friday night to be at tbe bedside of bis brother. Instructions tor making n ana Fancy Work Mrs. Nellie Daggett' of Boston, has reoently-written a book, "Fanoy Work and Art Deoorations," that gives prac tical instructions for making doilies, lable-oovers, soarfs, tray-oloths, pin ousbions, etc, etc, with fifty illustra tions. This book, together with "Sao. oesstul Home Dyeing," will be sent tree to any reader who will address "Dia mond Dyes," Burlington, Vermont, in closing a 2-cent stamp. . The above liberal offer is made to ad vertise tbe reliabble Diamond Dyes, and to get their book upon home dyeing into the bands of women wbo want to dress well by making their old olothing look like new. Tbe fact that Diamond Dyes have been the standard home dyes for nearly twenty years, and that tbeir sale inoreas' es from year to year, is proof positive that they have never bad an equal. For Bent. The Bailey Ditah company have for rent three or tour 40 aore tracts of fruit and garden land nnder this ditch on tbe Columbia river below Umatilla whiob tbey desire to lease for a term of one or more years for oue-fourth of orop raised tbe renter to plant such trees as are furnished and oare for them daring the lease. The lands are well irrigated have plenty of water and lay well are close to railroad or will sell on easy terms, long time and low rate of interest For information write to the Bailey Ditch Qompany, Umatilla Or., or call at the company's farm. BILLS BY. ELLIS. A Number Introduced Which Were Pending la the Last Coneresa. Washington, March 21. (Oregonian Dispatoh.) A great many bills have al ready been introduced in oongress, naauy of them bills whioh were pending in tbe last oongress. Representative Ellis has introduced quite a number of tbe bills which were pending in tbe last oongress, among them being tbe following: The bill granting pensions to surviv ors of Indian wars, including tboBe in Oregon and Washington. Tbis bill passed tbe last senate, and a large ma jority of the members of the last bouee approved ;of the measure, but the speak er would not agree to a day for consider ation, and it was, of course, lost. The bill for the relief of settlers on publio lands was also reintroduced; also to pro ride topographic surveys and marking elevations ou arid lands; also authoriz ing the seoretary of war to exchange with the Oregon National Guard, giving Springfield rifles of the pattern of 1884 Mr. Ellis also introduoed tbe following olaim and pension bills: For tbe relief of John W. Lewis; grant ing a pension to J. W. Swift, of Baker City; for tbe relief of Margaret MoKay, widow of tbe late William C. MoKay; for tbe relief of William 0. Adams; granting an inorease of pension to John Walters; to provide for carrying out tbe findings of the court of claims in the oase of John Campbell; for the relief of T. J. Miller; tor tbe relief of Peter Grant Stewart; granting a pension to P. F. Castleman ; granting an increase of pen sion to John P. Thomas; for the relief of B. F. Do well; for the relief of George Hughes, of Portland. Senator MoBride introduced the In dian war bill in the senate. you r '11 ILL. HAVI Nothing BUT THE GENUINE you will find one coupon Inside each two ounce bag and two coupons lntlde each four ounce bagof Blaokwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this oelebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and how to get them. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The BeBt Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Conser & Brook. Hotel .....HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will find the best of accom modations in every respect. Sheepshearers' Union. Notice is hereby given to all sheep- shearers to meet in Heppner, April 3rd 1897, at the court house at 1 o'clock m., to bold a meeting in regard to tne price of shearing. W. A. Richardson, President Shearers'a Unioo. Tbe old way of delivering messages by postboys compared with tbe modern telephone, illustrates the old tedious methods of "breaking" colds oompared witb tbeir almost instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Care. Conser k Brook. To cure all old sores, to beal an In dolent nleer, or speedily oure piles, you need simply apply DeWitt's Witoh Salve according to directions. Its magio-like aotion will suprise you. Conser & Brook. My Neighbor Told He Abont Hood's Sarsaparilla aud advised me to try it tbis is the kind of adver lining which gives Hood's Sarsaparilla the largest sales in tbe world. Friend tells friend that Hood's 8arapanlla gores ; that it gives strength, health, vi tality and vigor, and whole neighbor hood! use it as a family medicine. Hood's Pills aot easily and pro m tit I y on tbe liver aud bwel. Cure ick beBdacbe. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the National Bank of Heppner at Ueppner, xn the state of Oregon, at the clone of businesn, March 9th, 1897. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .$ 46,200.94 Overdrafts seoured and unse cured 1,503.75 U. S. bonds to secure circula tion 12,750.00 Stocks, seourities, eto 5,9f4.43 Bunkiughouse, furniture, s fix. Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) Due from state banks and banker Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items.. LAWrUL MONEY BEKKEVI IN BANK, VII: Specie $ 817.80 Legal tender notes. 20.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per oent of circulation) 2,509 30 303.33 102.14 402 9.24 337.80 CC2.50 9 70,357.45 The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With T R HOWARD. Wbo never lets politios interfere with business. At tbe same old stand, next door to M. Lichtenthal's. Notice to Farmers. I will plaoe for sale at Couser Brook's a receipt for killing squirrels aud gophers, whioh is easily prepared and can be made at a ooet not to exoeed 5 oents per gallon. They readily take tbis poison and it is a suooess in every partioular. I will furnish with reoeipt drugs to make twenty gallons of the poison tor $4 and guarantee the drugs to eost less than 5 cents per gallon. tf B. F. SwAQGART, Heppner, Or. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Alain Street. Heppner, Oregon. For Bale or Trade. It yon want Heppner property don't tail to consult J. W. Morrow. For the right person, one who wants to garden, milk a few oows, raise chickens, etc, I (lave a fine proposition to oflbr one, Onoe devoloped will produce revenue ol 81200 yearly. Will be told on eaoy terms, would Dot object to taking 1C0 1 no res as part payment. 6231 f flint flint Itrbln riles. Symptoms: Moisture; inteuee itching and stinging; moot at night; worse by scratching- If allowed to ooutinne torn- orafoim which often bleed and nloeralt bfOuiuiog very tore. Hwayoo't Oint ment ttopt the Itching aod blwdmg, beait oioeratioo, ana in mutt cant r- Diovrt lbs tumors. At diuggnta, or by mail, for fx) oents. Dr. few ay ot A Hon, f hiladelpbia. As Inhnmiin Fiend. We bave been informed, on reliable authority, that tba direotort ot the Antelope school district on Itst Thurs day dismissed Prof. Lake, the principal of the tcbool at that place. Tbe reason ustigned waa that Lake attempted to oommil rape npon a 13 year-old daugh ter' of a well known resident of that plaoe. When oar informant left feeling ran very bigh and it would not be sur prising that barsb measures were used lo meting out juttioe to tbit inhuman fleod. Prlneville Review. II. O. Lake, bit wife and liiter-ln-law, left on the ttage lail Wednesday morn ing for llillsboro, tbeir tomeohat sud den departure being entitled by tbe sotinn of tua aobool board la-it Monday Antelope Herald. Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid National bank note outstand ing 11,250.00 Due to 'State Bunks and bank era Dividends unpaid . . . Individual deposits to check Demand certificates posit William Hogbea let a pistol fall in 3 W. Rasmat' saloon yesterdsy moroiog, striking so it o foot railing lo aocb i manner at to discharge the weapon The ball grazed Sam Kiotmao't pols loont near tbe ankle aod tped oo into tbe oeiling, making a nice, round bolt but fortunately hurting oo out. It wm a lucky accident Tba Heppner Nest of I. O. O Owla will meet in Matlock's ball at tome time during tbt dark of the mooo. Nooe bnl tbot of impeachable cbereoler likt Hay Bennett aod Diok Neville are allowed lo beoome nitaiben.beoce Ibt galberiog will be mot telect. Tbe lax lry 'bit year auiooutt io ail to 31 M milit io Morrow coooly, at emn- mred with 41' millt laat year. Tbit it a mocb needed rwdoctioo and will be m.ffeial-d much by our tat ridden ditsrns Cha. Bru!t tame op from Letiog too )trfiUy morning, leafing tor b'mw ou Im. to gut's iiwu. I How's Tbur We offer One Hundred Dollars IUward for any case ot Catarrh tbat oanoot be rared by liall't Catarrh Cure! F. J. CutNir k Co., Prop, Toledo, O, We, tba nodertignel, bave knowo F J. Cheney (or tbe laat 13 years, and be lieve bim perfectly honorable to all bust oea trantaotiont and Ouanoially able to earry out any obligation made by Ibrir Arm. Wt k Trosi, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Waldlug, Kiooeo A Marvio, Wholesale Drnggiata, Toledo, O. liall't Catarrh Care it lako infernally, acliog dirlly opon tbe blood and mo cm tarfaof t nl lb system. Prioe 76e. pr buttle. Hold by all Druggista. Iimoiiialt free. aubjeot of de- 50,000.00 7,000.00 605 83 20 00 600.00 560.72 221.00 Leading Feed Yard. The feed yard next door to tbe Gazette ollloe, now be ing oonduoted by Wm. Gordon, is per fectly equipped in every particular. Billy solioita your patronage and you may rest assured tbat your horses will be well cored for when left in bis charge. Prioet very reasonable. Hay and grain for tale. tf Total Htats or Okboon, I f 70,357.45 is. Count? of Morrow I, Ed. It. Hhbop, Csahier of tba eliove named bank, do solemnly ewesr tbat lbs above statement is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. F.D. H. Uihhop, UHntiier. Hub.oribed and sworn lo before me thi2o:b day ot March. 1H07. UTM I ATTXBSON, Notary I'ublm for Oregon. Correct-Attent : Wm. Penland. O. E. Farntwortb, P. C. Thompson, Directors. This Space Belongs to GILLIAM &BISBEE, Heppner's Hardware Dealers. I Am The Father of Hilly V itiJaM was io from bis Butter "k tunth l iday. Mut Ifl Matlock eame op this roort . ing from Portland lo visit ber parents, Mr. aod Mra. Jss. D. Matlock. Frte Green came in from tbe mom taint today where be tayt tbere it all of Iwo feet of tnow, but it is ebinooktog and ooooot last long. VjThfM hti nTr hfmu ft tlmft whwi trow- 1 fnUonl1 (uftrrl fttrftintt filial with Dior 1 rm, Thr b Dvr bmn tun whoa i I ferry MttHt WfHt ttiurti TU. Thmf ftf I L ftlwfcya lb brat. Kr Ml ty Ifftdmc . Y tltjftUv bftfm, Insist oo oft Ting lhaun. I FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL I ! fnll of Information for iM ftn4 I fUntttra. TriPf will nowr t bUr dm lhan fMi to Mind forth ifl tvlltinn Pro BJO TWIETS I Am also a Merchant and Want Your Patronage. And in order to get it wc have pro cured the finest line of General Merchandise ever shown in this city. i 1 r m rt I WJ XoVOY '',; A tW-a ft ''... If I M i (No diet oo ut, or fly tpeckt oo our goods; We are not like tbe tly, or our competitors, wbo lay dormant ail months, but are open for bosioest at all botira, days aod months.) OUR SPRING STOCK AMOUNTING TO OVER wtoo r.l.V'O mr.AM IWI.M laaMMlUrw Atiiilf Into tlx Brlla. It i qnkkljr atwrti4 emu at lnnrytu ur tr snail : amplaw Mir. Iif mall. kit UlliIIIKliH. at Wsrraa Su. New lurk Ut.-. Is now in and ready for inspection. Call and examine; wc arc here to show goods. THE PALACE HOTEL BAK, J. C. OOlTCI-nmS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars Wilt M SM 1W -1 -" f '0 aai hf E. W. Rhea & to. III?CIC 'riiis FAMOUS Hop Gold Beer A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. JStfir Brewery Coinpuny, 203 Washington St.. Pertlanrf, Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. the GAZETTE. $2.50 A Year for CASH. Why do you wait dear brother, Why do you tarry so long; When Minor & Co. will give you What you want for a song. Yours for Business, MINOR & CO. You con Wogcr Your Sox that You ore Always ot Home at .... F WELCOME Oo Willow Htrtsl, oaartbt City IU11. THE BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. Th7 try to pltaat all. Kiot olob rooms In coootctioo. rOW 'X'lIvIvAIili, Prop. il 1 r JL