Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 19, 1897, Image 4

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    fit. 2
'i-r 't:
TO the;
Of Two Transcontinental
local disease
nil It the result of cold and
sudden elimatio changes.
It can be cured by a pleasant
remedy which ia applied di
rectly into the nostrils. Be
la acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Bay rover 01 u
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allaya pain and inflammation, heala the sores, pro
tect the membrane from colds, restores tb.e senses
of taste and smell. Price 80c. at Drngdist or by mail.
SLY BKOTHJSKB, M Warren trtreet, new im
Spokane l
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For (all details oall on O.K.1N
Agent ta Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Aft.
Portland. Orkoon.
E. McNElLL, President and Manager.
San Franolsoo
And all point in California, via the Mb Bhaata
route of the
Southern Pacific Co
points East and South, Grand Hosnio Route
of the Faoifio Coast. Pullman lionet
Bleepers. Beoond-olaee bleepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
aocouiiuodatiunj for second-class passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping ear reservations,
to,, call npon or address
R. KOKHLKK, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. F. A P. Agt., Portlaud, Oregon
uickly absorbed it gives
ei ai once.
Ely's Cream Balm
Effect of the Playing of the Royal
18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear.
Game Upon the Optic.
It stands first among "weekly" fw.oers
in size, frequency of publication una
freshness, variety and reliability of con -
tents. It is praotically a daily at the low
prioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coon. ,
tries will vouch for the accuracy and
fairnees of its news oolnmns.
It is splendidly Illustrated and among
its special features are a fine Humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
Amerioan and English authors,
Stanley Wbtman, MartB. Wilkinb,
Anthont Hopb, Bbbt Habts,
Bbandbb Matthews, Etc
We offer this uneqnaled newspaper
and The Oazette together on year for
83.25. The regular subscription prioe of
the two papers is $3.50.
The Only Chair Car Line
To the east is the Union Paoiflc. East
ern oities are reached via this line with
fewer changes of oars thsj via other
lines Rates always the lowest. Ticket,
to or from points in the United States,
OsDada, or Europe fur sale by B. W.
Baxter, Uen. Agt., 135 3rd St.. fortiana
Sfm- mm
m mm
Through Pullman Palace Bloopers.
Tourist Hloopnrs and Fro Rocllntng Chair I
Can daili to cuuago.
Many hours saved via this line to Eastern
THS CHROmciJI ranks wlU Ike greatest
Bewspapers In tti United States.
TUB (JHHONIOLK has do equal on the Pact So
Coast. II leads all In abllitr, enterpris sad news.
THS) OliKUNIOUrs Telsraphle BsporU are
ths latest and most reliable. Its Local News Uie
fullest and spiciest, and Its JCdltorlals from Ue
suliist iens In ths oounlry.
TI1KUIIUONIOLK has always been, and always
will be, the friend and onainpton of Uis people as
axsinst ooiubliiallons, sllques. corporations, or
oppression of any kind. It will be Independent
In svetyUilug nsutralU noUilna
The Devotee ot the Sport Acquires a Far-
Away Expression and It Mokes
'1 J Him Oblivion of Ills
f Friends.
If lie a calculating yet wistful look
whioK comes unconsciously into the
eyes of the man who drives the rubber
ball over the links. He cannot control
it any more than the wheelman can
regulate the bicycle face which creeps
upon him with the lapse of time. This
man with, the penetrating glare, with
the look which seems to measure all
things on earth, has the "golf eye."
- Jt isn't a pleasant thing to have, es
pecially when you are engaged in the
everyday vocation of life. It give your
friends the idea that you are either ob
livious of your surroundings or are
long sighted, and, perhaps, bard
The "goll eye" must come il a man
devotes himself long to the royal game,
The great secret f playing golf is to
keep your eye on the ball. Golf ia the
putting of a ball into a number of holes
with the smallest number of strokes,
with clubs of various sizes and complex
ions. Stockings of gay hues are em
ployed only to lend tone color to the
game. All you really need is one, two or
th.ree good clubs, and a big field, with
9 o.r 18 holes distributed at distances
ot 100 yards or more. Of course, there are
some things called hazards slight un
dulations of the ground, stumps, per
haps brooks and various obstacles
which make it difficult to land the ball
in the hole.
Just here is where the golf eye begins
to evolve. The man with the golf eye
takes in every unevenness of the links
at a glance. He measures the' distance
to the ihole, calculates instinctively as
to the exact elevation which it is neces
sary to give the ball in order to send it
on its way rejoicing to the "putting
green." He handles driver, maahie or
niblickwith. practiced hand, every move
i of whiich is controlled "by the golf eye
I the farseeing eye which rolls in fine
irenzy and his proplhetic ken. If the
ball flies far from the hole, this man
with, the golf eye knows just exactly
where to go to find it. He does not
start lor the place where the ball
strikes. Ilis golf eye tells him where
that ball trill roll after it has struck the
links. lie starts instinctively for the
place where he knows the ball will sure
ly roll, and he always finds it.
To the man without a golf eye plaid
uits and striped stockings are as
sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.
Not quit so loud, perhaps, but just as
ineffectual for golf playing. Fine
clothes, brilliantly polished clubs of
wood and iron and cabbies in strange
attire are mockeries when the golf eye
is absent.
The eye In some cases acquires a set
expression. The crystalline lens by
constant expansion becomes perman
ently enlarged, and the muscles around
the eyelid hold the organ firmly. It
gives the impression that an invisible
monocle is fastened there. The ex
pression of the face becomes in conse
quence very set, and ia some cases it
may be said that the countenance
seems to freeze.
The tendency to excessive "golf eye"
should bo counteracted by occasional
Inspection of objects close at hand.
N. Y. World.
She "Since my return from the
south of France I'm another woman."
Sarcastic Friend "How delighted your
husband must be." Tit-Bits.
"Sister McGinnis, you must exer
cise patience with your husband's in
firmities." "Dr. Fourthly, the weather
is too warm for exercise and I won't."
Chicago Tribune.
No Need to Look. "O, Harry!" ex
claimed Mrs. Cumso, "do look at that
bug crawling across the mirror." "It
must be a ladybug," replied Cumso,
without raising his eyes from his news
paper. Detroit Free Press.
Mr. Meanitall "That Miss Flurt
some is literally throwing herself at
Cholly Cbumpleigh's head." Miss
Coldeal "I don't doubt it. She said,
the other day, she would stop at noth
ing to make a hit." Brooklyn Life.
, She "Did you have a pleasant even
ing at GaybirdM" He "Glorious."
She "What did you dor He "That's
just like a woman. How could it have
been a glorious time if we could remem
ber anything we did?" N. Y. Evening
The Retort Trampean. Miss Chille-
dame "Don't you know that nature re
bels against laziness? A man can get
nothing in this world without labor."
Wrestling Off en "Humph! Can't he?
He can git hungry, I guess." Harper's
Piano Teacher (to father of one of
his pupils) "I have come to ask you
for your daughter's hand." "Oho
that's your game, is it? You have beeri
making love to my daughter instead o
teaching her? Very well, you can have
her, but I shall deduct the money I paid
for the lessons from her dowry." t
Fliegende Blaetter. . J
Aunt Mary "But tell me, how di4
you happen to marry him?" Bertha-4
"Why, you see everything was ready
He had asked me to have him and I had
consented; he had procured the license
and engaged a clergyman; and I had
sent out cards and ordered the cake;
so, you see, we thought we might as well
go through with it. There, aunt, that
is the reason, as near as I can remember
it." Boston, Transcript. .
One Yea. tare of Alaska Which Distresses
the White Man.
' Father Barnum, who is in charge of
the Catholic missions in Alaska, re
turned several months ago for a visit
to a civilized community. Nxt to the
cold he found the extreme silence to
cause the greatest suffering to white
men. There were the white plains
stretching off to the horizon, and no
bird nor beast is seen; where a footfall
is hushed in the snow the stillness be
comes almost intolerable at times. The
natives are good natured and welcome
instruction. While teaching them what
he could, the father endeavored in turn
to learn something of their language,
but in this experienced some difficulty.
In one instance he desired to learn their
designation of an orphan, and( while
' talking to one of their old women;' said:
"Now, I want you to tell me some
thing," and proceeded to question her.
She did not understand, however, and
he tried it on another tack. Hfe said:'
"I have lost ray mother, and my father
is dead. Nw what ' but he was inter
rupted by a loud wail from the old
crone, who wept bitterly, bemoaning
the loss of his parents, attempting to
condole with him. The father did not
learn from her what she called an or
phan. Washington Star.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
"Sun," writes: "Yon have a valuable
prescription in Eleotric Bitters, and I
oao oueerfolly recommend it for Consti
pation, Hick Headache, acd as a general
system tonic it has no equal." Mrs
Annie Htehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave
Ohioago, was all run down, oonld not eat
nor digest food, bad a backache whiob
never left bet and felt tired and weary.
but six bottles of Eleotric Bitters restor
ed ber health and renewed her strength.
Price 50 pen ts and $1 00. Get a bottle at
Conser & Brock's drug store.
T. A. Bhicam, M. ;., the Great Chemist and
Scientist, Will Bend, Free, Three Bottles of
Bis Newly Discovered Remedies to Sufferers.
Editor Gazbttb : I have discovered
a reliable on re for Consumption and all
Bronchial. Throat and Lung Diseases,
General Decline, Loss of Flesh and all
Conditions of Wasting Away. By its
timely nse thousands of apparently
hopeless esses have been cured. So
proof-positive am I of its power to oure,
that to make its merits known, I will
send, free, to any afflicted reader of your
paper, three bottles of my Newly Dis
covered Remedies noon receipt of Ex
press and Pnstnffioe address. T. A.
SLOCUM.M.C 98 Pine 8t reet.New York
When writing the doctor, mention this paper.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-
eat business conductea lor Moderate Fee.
and we can secure patent in less time than those
remote from WuhmfftoiL.
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
a lauLr-r. " How to Obtain Patents." with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent tree. Address,
Or. Patent Orrict. Washington. D. C.
Cummings ,&L Fallj
The comparative value of these twoeards
Is known to most persons.
They illustrate that greater quantity ia
Not always most to be deilred. .,
These cards express the benenclal quaU
RipansTabules .
? As compared with any previously knows
... .
3 RipansTabules: Price, 50 cents a boa,
: , Of druggists, or by mail. . . .
BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce St., W.T.
BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, ,
D. C.i tor their $1,800 prize offer.
Of the Old Reliable
s Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of
Q., C. M. & 8t. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
W. BAXTER, 0n. Agent ,
rortlund, Oregon.
J. C. II ART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon.
piilwaiee & St. Paul E'y
. e,V
" XIllWAUrtt 4
e6,Tt .V Ai
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 81 Taul Rail
way and note lis connection with all transcon
tinental lines and St. Paul and fmaha, and
remember that It trains are lighted with elec
tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment I
iiirb. Elegant Huftet, Library, smoking and
Hlevping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each
sleeping car berth ha an electee reading lamp, I
and Its dining car are the best In the world.
Other line are longer than this, but none are I
shorter, and no other offer th shore luiurlou I
acoommodstlims. These are sufficient reasotiil
Inr the popularity ol"Thslllwike." Coapnn
Ic ket attenis In erery railroad office will give I
foil further Information, or address
C. J. BDDT, General Agent,
J. W. CA8K Y, Tret. rase. Agent,
PosTLino, OasaoM,
I The Chrnnlele Italldlag.
rr Ma't, Foatene raid.
The Mj Chronicle
A Carious Business.
There are not many persons whowould
stay up one night in a week in the ojk'ii
air the whole year round for the pur
pose of earrUng a few pence, Itisaliv.
ing which is roliowiil by a few men
whoso income are excwdingly small
and prcoarious. In ninny parts of Lon
don markets are held on Sundays, and
very ammatod are the scenes to be
wltuoHM-d. It ia a very difficult task
to obtain a "pitch" in which on caii
buy a borrow or stall, and ninny stail
ktHiiM'Jw, who ara anxious that their
"pitr-h" should not bo occupied by
newcomers, hire a man to keep an all'
night watch. The several "pUches" an;
temporarily occupied by lengths of
boards, old boxes, barrels, etc., till the
morning bringn the arrival of the Ixir
rows and stalls. In this way a man
ran rest content that he will have no
difficulty in securing his "pitch" In
th morning, after a night of slumber.
The wintrt- is dresvlcsl by these night
watchmen, but precautions are taken
that they may be made comfortable.
A huge fire is lighted, and th men,
with a plentiful supply of tolmcoo and
a sinall hottlft of spirita each, are able
to defy the Inclement weather. All
tluwc things are provided by the people
wbxs "pitchi" have been necumi.
SU Louis Republic.
It w, or should be, the highest aim of
every merchant to please hii customer;
and that the wide-awake drug firm of
Meyers k Eshelmao, Sterling, 111,, is do
ing so, ia proven by the following, from
Mr. Eshelmao: "la my siiteen years'
iperlenoe in ths drng business I have
never aeeo or sold or tried mediolue
that gave as good satisfaction as Cbam
berlsin'a Oolio, Cholera sod Diarrbu-a
Keniedy." Hold by Conser k Brook.
Meet and Stylish Garments to the Com
ing Reason.
A stylish costume is made of dark'
blue Irish poplin. The skirt ia five
gored, the half-fitting sleeveless waist
is of fancy silk, and there is an Eton
jacket of the poplin. The sleeves are
leg-o'-mutton, with flaring cuffs, above
which are bands of dark blue velvet. A
rather novel idea is shown in the revers,
of which there are two sets. The lower
ones are made of dark-blue velvet, and
are corded with yellow satin, and are
embroidered with a vine of black Bilk,
The round collar is of blue velvet, and
above this are rolled over points of the
yellow satin with the black embroidery.
The effect is pretty, although rather
A cape suitable for cool days or an
evening walk is made of black satin. It
is cut in. sections, and left open in very
slender V-shaped divisions. These are
filled in with embroidery or lace, and
the satin is edged with galloon cov.
ered with spangles. There is a high
flaring collar, a very large bow at the
Dock 01 the neck, and at the front a
small bow with very long ribbon ends.
The cape is lined with taffeta, and there
is a frill of lace around the lower edge,
A costume for a young lady is made
with a skirt of dark-blue silk. The
skirt is plain and made with five gores,
The waist is of blue and rose-colored
changeable taffeta. A very wide collar
with square tags reaching out over the
sleeves is of antique lace over rose-col
ored silk. Long points of the lace ex
tend down the front of the waist, and
are tucked under the rose-oolored silk
belt. A rose collar with bows at the
ides finishes the neck.
A much-admired costume ia made of
blue taffeta silk, embroidery and bro
cade in two shades of heliotrope. The
five-gored skirt and upper revers are of
the blue, the Eton jacket and sleeves are
tt the brocade. The full vest front, the
tuider-revers and the cuffs are of em'
broidery. The collar, belt and sleeve'
bands are of blue and gold galloon
Anew sleeve is In leg-o'-mutton shape,
but Is gathered very full from wrist to
elbow. This gives the effectof a puff to
the lower portion of the sleeve. N. Y.
. -
flooding trot Lnseaeaa .
Water, much as men may dislike it.
is good for - men to drink. It
is possible to prevent many diseases
and cure others by drinking larare
quantities of water. An eminein
French physician says that typhoid
lever oan .be washed out of the sys.
tean by water. He gives his patients
what would amount to eight or ten
.ounces an hour of sterilized water.
Experiments have been made with dis
ease caused, by bacrttxia which dem
onstrate the curative value of water.
In cases of cholera, where the system
secretes a large amount of fluid, enor
mous quantities of hot waiter are of
great benefit and will cure many cases
without other medicines. One doctor
saya that perfectly sweet cider, taken
in large quantities, has been known to
cure cases of bowel complaint. The
acid kills the bacteria, which are speed
ily thrown out of the system. Ilot wa
ter in fevers is of great use, aid
an ordinary tumblerful of water as hot
as run be taken once an hour is one
of the very best remedies. The impor
tant thing is to get into the system
and out of it a sufficient amount of
water to prevent accumulations of
ptomaines and toxins within the body.
N. O. Picayune.
A for the County of Morrow, State of Oregon:
We. the undersigned leral voters and resi
dents of lone precinct. Morrow County, Oregon.
respectfully petition your honorable body to
Kraut a license to Charles Koblnion to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less
quantities than one gallon, in the town of lone
ana your petitioners will ever pray:
C. 3. &
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
The regular subscription prioe of ths
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the .
regular price of the Weekly Oreou'ian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the
CrBsette and paying for one year i
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for 83.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions fcr
one year in adyanoe will be entitled tr
Via the Union Paciflo System .
Baggage is cheoked through from Port
ami to destination. The specialties on
the Union Pacific are nDexoelled track
and equipment, union depots, fast time
through oars, steam heat, Piutscb light
and courteous treatment to passengers.
For rates and information apply to K.
W. Baxter, Gen. Agt. D- P. system. Port
land, Oregon.'
J A Woolc.ry
j (j tmery
rl A '11 mm
W liiiiKer
J R Dooley
O C Cochran
John Cochran
K H Harirent
8 P Haney
Ket Nelson
Walter Cason
Arthur Vaudrey
Louis Male
(u a Ulock
Clyde Sperry
Oscar Mitchell
To persons who served In the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to youand is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
jyWrite for laws and complete information. . No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
JT. B. J7k Company it controlled by nearly one thousand Uadir.g news
papers in the United States, and it guaranteed by them.
Thos Woolcry
win riemin
K C Hperry
Y E Holland
W T McNabb
8 C Lewie
E L Pad berg
T Maronet
W H league
C T Bmlth
Dick Lahue
Oeorge W Utt
Joe Haney
Frank Engelman
K'l Engelinan
J A Hughes
I D Pad berg
8 A Khaw
8 1 Ritchie
O B Cochran
H M Thornton
(rely LorMlrk.
It I not long since the emperor of
Austria definitely settled the stieces
Mon to the throne on his nephew, Arch-
r x N. U . duke Otto, pausing over the latter eld-
I ril J A Mil I brother, Francis Ferdinand, hwauar
ITij Great st WteMj b lhCia:trj.
(lacliidlni poetasel m any part nl ths l?nlt4
Mum ranaila and Mstfcu
an,l must e- Weekly ,rii la tne
ttrt't, print rt'Nlwl Ms rulitmne. Welve
(, f nt Uwrai'ir an-t iwmnl Ini.ir n.
Uuu: also a aUiuincul Afrtvultural Ixartmrnl.
Anerms smiltnt a sketrh snd dwri4i an
au"'ti eMonain. free, Uhn innii, is
.r..l,.l., iiWitls, 1 .Hniuiinlcall-ma H.-tle
r,Nin.iw,nei, n,, (,mniia wwi
l 1 Wi htii a uluml.a
UiuU a.), m u, reeetrej
oewtlfnllr illiMtmted. mfmi etmlstlua
ant wimiiIsw ymnui. U m r sari
II Ml SIS aiimlhs. SlMaq v 4 IUjis)
fcoua vi 1-ataaT saei lr Address
Ml stroedeas. Mew Vera. '
AT a PW U...IU. , s luriit-
ttmt WMii
Urine KhnMaa nf Ml ,r, n.n.
S,l rHr.-U,,Hull.. tr-,, l.i,.-a
sr.,i,a. iii1i,Iim, n.M.i'M, ,a I V
r" r" n-n S'xl !,, 1 m. 1. 1. 1, h 1
Btclto il w.i, u,iin iiul..p II I k.KMuks runak
ans.trniiaii,, partirmar l.lr, wiih stamB,
Reversible Map?
he was on the point of death from con
sumption. Francis la apiarrntly
rorrrlng Ms health, however, and it
l hliiU-d that be was not suffering so
much from lousumpUon as from blight
rd afftv-Uon. He haa long wished t
marry Archduchres 8trphanle, ths wid
ow of Crown Prince Kudolph, whoa
tragic death at Mcyrrllnf a few year
ngo will lx m-alled, and he wm eon
f titutlonally debarred frtira dolnr ae
ahlle h rrmalned in the dim-t line ol
uocrsalon to the throne.
Ula "Sheer.
The distinction of being the richest
and the inc-aneat man in the town in
which he lived belonged to old Andy
itcragfra. No one quwrtioned hi right
to tli as honor when old Andy's wife died
and he went to four different under
takers trying to pet them to make him a
eofiln for five dollars out ot some worm
eaten old black walnut boards he hivd
kept in hi lrn for 20 years "for that
very purpow,,H m he admitted. .When
he waa worth over $150,000 a committee
went to him to solicit aomcthing for
a widow with six little children who
had been burned out of house and home,
and who hail not a penny in the world
nor a change of clothing for her chil
dren or beraelf. "I m dreadful sorry
for her," aald old Andy, "dreadful sor
ry, an I agree with you tbat it a right
for ber friends and neighbor to help
Ler out. I'll do my sheer, gintlomln.
Ill do my aheer." He was making hi
tiaual five or six tons of maple sugar at
the time, anil, after a few moments' re
flection, he said: "I'll t-ll ye what I'll
do, I'll send her over two quarts) o'
maple sirup It she'll le sure to artul
back the jar I'll have to put It In. I
think that'll be 'bout my sheer, gintle-
tnlo." Detroit Free Ptcm.
'he United States, Dominion of
Canada and Northern Mexico
As Ike f
Map of tho World
Ptend 93 and Get the Man an4
Merkly t ttronlt le I r One Tear
Haiat repst I on M and raair.
M. 11. i viiimii,
rrs.iM a t iVasWr,
I ' CllaWUIoae's Versatility.
In all the stress and trouble of till
long political career, aaya the Dramatic
Mirror, Gladstone haa never gave aucb
Mary's DeSaltloa.
It was In the 8unday-ex-hool cla
"What U a wine bibbrrr asked the
teacher of the little tot.
I'p went little Mary hand.
Well. Mary r .
I fink it ia a man what drinks wine
wlf a Mb on art's he wou't spoil his nlca
new clothe." Cleveland Main IValer.
Schillings Best pepper is
evidence of his mental Ulanc and hii peppcr-hot, and IjingCr eilV
title to human admiration as he did tb , r r i
other day at Hawarden. He waa Judgs Jjer-HOl , DUl flOl einiTCr
J H Ritchie
E Kletinann . .
Krt Clutr
Mike Hale
T 1 Wllhelm
w A Morgan
H Obner
J Colesrock
C C Wilson
Wm H Pad berg
L M Hills
Gilbert Aldrich
W 8 Hmith
Chas Hperry
Paul Kletmann
Mat Halvorsen
Jas Nolan
W H Mccormick
John Ltndstrotn
M J Williams
J J McKlllgott
J W KliiR
N Dickson
H Pad tiers;
Levi Hansford
L B Knox
W M Haiiiewood
Notice Is hereby liven that the underslened
will apply to the County Court of Morrow
County, Oregon, at the May term, 1W7, on the
nin nay 01 sia montn. lor a license to sen
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In less
quantities tnan ouesanon tor a penoa 01 one
H-n, Applicant,
Notice of Mention.
Li Feb. 11. 1K97. Notice Is hereby liven that
in following named settler naa niea notice 01
his tntenUoii to make final proof In support of
nis riatm. ana mat earn pmoi win oe mane
before County Clerk. I matllla County, Oreson,
at renaieton, uregon, on narcn n, ia7, vis:
Hd. X No, Kfil for the NU NWu.rvc. M and
W B W la. Heo. 'R. Tp. J N., R. 77 S., W. M
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis;
r rain Hioan. or oaliowav. Oregon, ana Henry
C. Thoinpwin, Albert Davis, Davis Mi-Carty, all
of r.i'tio, ureioo. B. r. w I i)N,
a negisier,
Notice of Intention.
It Feb. Vi, Itv7. Notice Is hereby siren that
the following named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that aald proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
(regon, on Hsrcn w. i"'7. vis :
I 11 A K I. K 1 I. HMIIII.
II il. I. No. A. for the NEW. bee. 11. Tp. 3 8.. R.
2.1 K . W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hlseiiiitlimous residence upou and cultivation
ol said land, vis:
Frank Enre man. Chi Ion w lsnn. R. C.
("'ry. all ol lone, Oregou, and Thomas Carle,
ol lirppner. ureion. JAB. r. mimikh.
AIT .-7 Register.
1 V lera ot admliilartatton on the estat nf I
lli'llen M. Allyti. de-uel. were tranled to the I
underslKtied on Ih il day ol February,
by the Cniniy Court lr the Cousty of Morrow,
hlale ol On-s-oii. All persons having claims I
aaalnsl aald estate are required to eihllilt Ihera
lo me lor aunwaiH-e ai tne omi-e ni s ins i
Lyons, In Heppner, Oregon, within sll months I
after the dale of this uutlce or they shall be I
lorever harre.1.
lali this Ath day of February. 1W7.
T. ft LVON",
fOtn. AilmluUtralor.
Attorneys at Iaw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
HEPPNER, : s : . :
n i l tv in
ijnmmnia nivftrann ni
vvi vaissrj jlv itiivi evil a xv
tet Sound Navigation Co
v rvy v vss a ii'.vi Q
Leaving Alder 8treet Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beaob, Ooeas
Fark and Nabcntta. Direot eonneotion with Ilwaoo sleamera and rail
road ; also at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Daily, except Sunday.
HAIIiX3V 3eA.T5B33r.T .
Leave Portland I P. at. Dally, except Sunday. Haturday nlirht, 11 P. M. Leave Astoria Dallv s
0:45 A. M., except Sunday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M.
Leave Portland and ran direct to Ilwaeo, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 A. M. Saturday 'at 1 P. If.
tieaves iiwaco neaneaaay ana rriaay at i:a A. at. . uu Sunday Digit at t P. M. '
Baggage Checked to Railroad DestinatioD Both Beaches Free cf Expense.
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Gatiert tnd Ocean Wla v
lie Keeley Institute
For the Cure oa
Liquor, Opium tnd Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Salem, Oregon,
77k Most Beautiful Town on tht Const
Call at the Gsiitts office for parttcnler
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
and rrtte-giver at a competitive meet
Ing of tS brass bands, lis heard ibero
U play, and he was amiable to thi
last, -
Schilling's Best
f.A. IL Bishop, tuoceeeor to Tbs its.
FarlanJ Msreantlle Co., Is still on dsek
giving great bargaia ia all lioee. The
stink mtjst bs closed out, ami il Is t ur-
prising bo cheap thinga are. Call oa
them. Frank klcFarlanl. saleaman.
baking pnwder
Aavie tinsel
aas spues
.ire money-back if you don't
like them,
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri-
J . regarding Accitltnt laswr. I -T ir I'i 1 1
L-. i Meiio.tuup.pef. ricc. You need it in your business, and as a
,A 'r" T- Cniectv,
, .... r v Drawer 154, Chkmgn, aevre
tary cf the Btaa AxciOMrr
7 Coatrasv, for InforsBstisa
Fur Ml Vy
lS?Jr4w,M,0WB0,,'a, matter of business wc must sell it.
Jhe Pattrrson Pvpi-isiuG Co,
Da your own A (cot.
po. JsEOtAI, EVMINATH Rgnifri
; r: r. ,