t Hays 01 severest trial and test prove in regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla st, Greatest Merit Secured by a peculiar Combina tion, Proportion and Process unknown to others which naturally and actually produces 2d, Greatest Cures Shown by thousands of honest, voluntary testimonials which naturally and actually produce 3d, Greatest Sales According to the statements ot druggists all over the country. In these three points Hood's . Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself. Inloodri Sarsaparilla Is the best It iBthe One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Dill a the only rlllS withHood'si sills to take sarsaparilla. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great politioal campaign is over and the winter season again with ub, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter (or the long evenings. Cognizant ot this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number ot periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew ftl subscribers: The GAZETTE 18.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50. 13.50 " 8. F. Examiner, J1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, 1.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, J1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, J4.00 5.00 Here and There. H. W. COUBE'FT IS OUT. The Buncombe Senator Will Not Get the Coveted Seat. FIGHT FOR SENATORIAL APPOINTEES IS No One Wanted Them Gub ernatorial Appointments Below ParThe Sim on Gang Downed. the blame tor the non-seating ot would- be senators at tbe hands ot silver men. This is not true. A majority of tbe re publicans, and the leaders of the part; in tbe senate, do not deeire that tbey shall be seated, and especially does this apply in the oase of Oorbett. He is the creation ot Corbett's money end does not represent the party. Without his money the legislature would have met regularly and a senator would have been ohosen. Lock the Door Before the horse is stolen. Purify, en rich and vitalize your blood and build np your physical system before disease at taoks you and serious sickness oomes. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make you strong and vigorous and will expel from your blood all impurities and germs of disease. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now- Walt Richardson ii on the siok list. Cantata, "Queen Esther," March, 25 and 26. Assessor R. O. Fetteys is in today from PetteyBville. John Shaw and Dave MoOarty were in town Wednesday. Tbe Heppner Transfer Oo. have wood for sale. Oall on them. 231m T, jt. Allyo was up from bis ranoh oear lone) on last Wednesday. Wat is Hop Gold? Bast beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. W. S. Brown, a sheepbuyer, arrived from Nebraska Wednesday. If Greece roasts Turkey, Minor & Go. will furnish the cranberries free. Some wood on subscription or on old debts will be graciously acoepted. Carl Crow has sold his Lexington property and moved to the valley. The Redlight people will treat yon right. Call on them when in town, tf Mrs. W. B. Potter left for her boms near Hood River on last Saturday night. Minor & Co. have the largest line of ladies' tan shoes to be shown in tbe oily. Born On Marob, 18th, near Heppner, to tbe wife of John Hughes, a 12 pound boy. Rev. Ulysses 8. Drake, of tbe Lexing ton Congregational oburob, was in town yesterday. Minor & Co. can sell you an all wool nit for what oar competitors ask for a ootton suit. Remember tbe cantata, "Queen Esther," Mcb. 25 and 26 Benefit for Heppner'a ohurob.es. E. E. Willard, who has been buying cattle in this region lately, oame in this morning from Portland, Mat Lichtentbal has just received tbe latest styles in gents' and ladies' shoes. Ton should see them. . Tbe Mid Columbia Association of Congregational charohes will meet at Lexington on May 4, 5 and 6th. Jm. Hart lrt last eveninff for his new location, Dayton, Wash. Tbe best wish es of all Heppner people go with him. The oaotata, "Queen Esther," Hepp ner, flarrigaea' opera boose, Thursday and Friday evenings of next week, Mob. 25 and 26. Washington, March 17. (Oregonian's Washington Dispatoh ) Tbe determina tion of the republican managers of tbe senate not to give time to tbe considera tion ot the cases of appointments by governors ot stales was reaobed only after it was found that tbe democrats were determined to resist the seating of the appointees as long as tbey oould talk, and that they would be aided in this by tbe silver republicans and popu lists. There Is a feeling among many senators who really believed that tbe governors bad a right to appoint in the oases of Montana and Washington four years ago that, it having been settled by a vote of tbe senate egainBt admission, it is well to make it a preoedent for tbe future, and make legislatures responsi ble for tbe vacancies of a state In tbe senate exoept in oases of death or resig nation, when the legislatures are not in session and appointments are provided for. One senator, disouBsing tbe Oregon oase, said that, if the Oregon appoint ment was sustaiued, that hereafter it would be in the power of 11 men in the senate, by refusing to go into organiza tion to prevent forever tbe election of a senator and make tbe governor the sole official to choose senators. Some six years ago tbe senate in Florida refused to vot6 for seoator, and as a body refus ed to go into jointsessioo with the bouse. Some ot tbe senators went into joint session with tbe house, a sufficient num ber to muke a majority ot the legisla ture. Tbey voted tor Call, and be held bis seat without a dissenting vote. In looking up the vote on tbe Mantle oase it is found that tbe following sena tors, wbo are still members ot the sen ate, either voted or were paired against seating Mantle: Berry, Oaffei y, Cullom, Faulkner, Gal linger, George, Gray, Harris, Kyle, Lind say, McMillan, Mills, Allen, Morrill, Morgan, Hale, Mitchell of Wisconsin, Murphy, Pasoo, Piatt, Procter, Smith, Vest and White. Ten of these were free Bilver men, and althoogb it would have added three more silver votes to tbe senate, tbey would not support tbe claims oi Mantle. Those who favored Mantle and are still members of tbe senate are Bate, Daniel, Davis, Frye, Haosbrougb, Hawley, Hoar, Jones of Arkansas, Jones ot Nevada, Lodge, I'erkioa, Sboup, Stewart, Teller, Turpie, Walthall, Wol oott, Allison, Pettigrew, Chandler, Quay, Gorman and Roaou. Gorman afterward obanged his vote, along with Voorhees, )a a motion to re- oousider, tor it was knowa that, In the few days that elapsed from the time the first vote was taken until tbe fiualvote oo tbe motion to reoousider was tabled several silver senators bad been induced to change tbeir minds, among them being Ptffer. It waa thought that enough votes had been secured by means ot tbe silver argument to seat Mantle, but as soon as Gorman w aware ot tbe sobeme, he and Voorbeet obaoeed. Afterward, when a statement was made in tbe silver debate that Gor man ana Voornees onangea oeoause tbey did not want a silver man seated, Gorman made a speeon uoooveriog tbe whole silver deal, and asserting that he and Voorbeee changed to keep tbe record of tbe senate straight, and not to allow a great constitutional question, settled on its own merits, to be reversed in order to gain advantage for a party or other Hood's Pills are the favorite family cathartic. Easy , to take, gentle, mild. 25 oentB. CORBETT KNOCKED OCT. Fituimmoa's Wins tbe Championship From Corbett-Both Men Fight Hard Weight and Science Against Grit and Tenacity. Wedding at Lexington. Mr. John H. Padberg and Miss Delia D. Lieaallen, both of Lexington, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lieuallen, at 1 o'olook, p. m., Wednesday, Mob. 17, Rev. Ulysses S. Drake, of the Congr egational church, officiating. About 35 relatives and friends were present. Tbe oeremony was followed by an exoellent wedding dinner. Tbe young couple will mak their future borne near Lexington. Local interest in the Carson figbt oo Wednesday was up to the highest pitch. Bulletins were reoeived at the Palace hotel giving a full aooount ot the fight by rounds and from the crowd gathered to hear and obeer it would seem that the sporting spirit ot Heppner's citizen's is certainly well developed. In all it was an interesting fight from start to finish and it can oertainly be said that Robert Fitzsimmons defeated James J. Corbett in what was probably tbe most Boientifically oonteBted battle in the pugilistic world, and wrested from him tbe title of obampion of the world. Tbe figbt, whioh lasted for 11 rounds, was fiercely contested throughout, and is generally conceded to have been won on its merits. During the first tew rounds, however, and in point ot science tbrougbont the fight, Corbett seemed to have tbe best of it, but a tremendous blow over the heart from Fitzsimmons' right oarried him to the floor unoon soious, and he did not rise until after the referee's fateful "One-two three-four-five-six-seven. eight-nine-ten and out" bad been counted, proclaiming to tbe world the advent ot a new pugilistic champion in the person ot Robert Fitzsimmons. 10NE ITEMS. We can afford to say : "Get every sort of Schil ling's Best tea of your gro cer, and get your money back on what you don't like:" Your tea-trade for the rest How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that oannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure I F. J. Chbnev& Co., Props. Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, hare known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- of your life is VVOrth the risk neve mm perieciiy oouoruuieiu hu uusr cess transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Walding, Kiuoan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aoting direotly upon the blood and mu cous surtaoes ot tbe system. Prioe 75o. per botlle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes timonials free. -and there is no risk. A Schillini San I 8t Company 'rancisc 424 Mrs. 0. A. Rhea baa returned from Hillsboro where she went to be at tbe bedside of her brother, Dr. J. E. Adkins, wbo has been very ill with pneumonia. Those who have beguo lambing down in the lower country are reported to be losing a great many lambs. The weath er bas not been propitious for early lambing. Ed Moore has been away visiting relatives. lone will have no sohool in session this spring. Mrs. J. A. Woolery has returned and is convalescent. The Christian Endeavor met at the home of Miss Lena Jordan on Wednesday. Snow fell nearly every day of the week and tbe weather remained slightly oold. Tbe Saddle Butte school commences today and tbe Douglas school tbe first Monday in April. Joe Woolery will have a ooraplete stook ot lumber again this summer. Bnildincr will soon oommenoe, and it seems that lone will gruw considerably during the season. At the lone sohool meeting it was de cided to have a six months term of sohool beginning the first Monday in September, and perhaps two or three months the following spring. Robt. Glook, who has been sojourning with bis brother Ed on an island iu tbe Southern Oregon lakes sinoe last fall, returned tbe other day. He will return to tbe East this week an 1 remain for some time. The annual sohool meeting at lone passed off quietly. Joe Woolery was elected director for a term of three years, and Paul Rietmann for two years, to fill the vacancy of E. T. Perkins resigna tion. Ed Keller was re-eleoted olerk. We quote the following from an East ern paper: "Our people should be alive and more zealous on the school question A good school is an exoellent sign in aay community, and is one of the best adver tisements any town or distriot can have It offers more inducements to good citizens and business to oome than any other one thing. With good school ad vantages come many other good things suoh as an advanoe in the price ot prop erty, a general enlivening of business, a mental and moral advanoe,- We have beard it from tbe mouths of men who would be a desirable addition to any community, that they would have oome into town, had its school advantages been what they ought to be. Our term should be longer. A term of six months is an injustice to tbe rising generation." Jake. Ionb, Or., Mar. 15, '97. r I8f ? ) The highest claim for other tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as ifp inoaung uo&acco You will find one coupon inside each two ounce bag, and two cou pons msiue cacn tour ounce Dagoi Ulack well's Durham. Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco nnd read the coupon which gives a list of valuable Drcsents nnd ' to get them. g f MRU - 1 X J I 1 .1 Hotel Palace HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will find the best of accom modations in every respect. Al Roberts, tbe city marshal, has run out as many as twenty hoboes lately. One, Stall, brother of W. H. Stull, the murderer ot Johnny Looknaoe, was among the number. To cure all old sores, to beal an in dolent nicer, or speedily oure piles, you need simply apply DeWitt's Witch Salve according to directions. Its magio-like aotion will suprise you. Conser & Brook. Tbe repairs for tbe damaged dynamo have arrived and Wednesday end last evening incaodescents took the plaoe of ill-smelling, smokina coal oil. Wbo would change the latter for the former T Hon. A. A. Jayne, proseoutiog attorn ey for the seventh judioial district, has formed a law co-partnership with Hon. John Miohell, ot Tbe Dalles, where tbe new firm have located. Tbe Gazette ex tends its best widbes. I desire to attest to the merits of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy as one of tbe most valuable and efficient preparations on tbe market. It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough tor me in 24 honrs, and in gratitude therefor, I desire to inform you that I will never be without it and you should feel proud of the bigb esteem in wbicb your remedies are beld by peo ple in general. It is tbe one remedy among ten thousand. Suocess to It. O. R. Downey, editor Democrat, Albion, Iud. For sale by Conser & Brock, A tired stomaoh is very much like a sprained ankle. It you suffer from any, ot the symptoms ot dyspepsia, voor stomaoh Is tired. It needs a orutob. We must relieve it of all work for a time, or until it is restored to its natural strength. To do this successfully, we must use a food whioh is already digest ed outside of tbe body, and whioh will aid tbe digestion ot other foods that may be taken with it. Much a produot is the Shaker Digestive Cordial. ' Tbe Shakers have utilized tbe diges tive prinoiples present in plants for the manufacture of this article, and its sno oees has been truly phenomenal. You can try it for tbe nominal som ot 10 cents, as sample bottles are sold by all druggists at this price. Laxol Is tbe best medioine for child ren. Doctors recommend it in plaoe o f Castor Oil. Mr. D. C. Downer bas luckily seonred as a partner, the renowned painter ot tbe Paoifio coast, Mr. Emmett Swann, late of San Franoisco, and will do carriage, house, sign and ornamental painting, plain and deoorative paperb angina. They lead while others follow. Tbey originate, others imitate. Shop opposite City botel. f, Backlen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tious, and positively cures Files or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Conser & Brook, The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With R HOWARD Tbe old way ot delivering messages by postboys compared with the modern telephone, illustrates tbe old tedious methods ot "breaking" colds compared with tbeir almost instantaneous oure by One Minute Cough Cure. Conser & Brook. Who never lets politios interfere with business. At tbe same old stand, next door to M. Lichteothars. iiaMsannmimrni Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOUCHERS, Prop. Till Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stau), a generous sample will bo mailed of the I moht popular (JatuiTii and nay tever iure T . -. tir r ' 1 (Eiys cream Baim) sufficient to demon- Keeps the r inest Wines, Liquors ana Liars ELY intOTUEItS. 5U Wurreu Kt., Kew York City. Rev. John Raid. Jr.. of Croat Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Croani lia'.iu to me. 1 can einpbaxize his Btatciuout, '"It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if nued as directed." Itev. Francis W. I'oole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely'B Cream flnlm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh ana contains no morcury nor any injurious drug, i'noe, 60 cents. I . . P. Hsyden. tbe popular and well claimed that It was tbe duty ot tbe sen ate, when It bus once pasted upon the J known traveling man, was in Heppner yesterday looking after tbe needs of bis rights and qualifications ot seoator or various oustomert. I olaimant, to abide by its deoisioo and Jaok Mills bAa returned from Rosslao J, I not to reopen it because of advantage B. 0. Hs SHJS that everything is over ran there aiad that it is a poor place for any ooe i.t DOW. dent Cleveland bas got through t government expense, btyyoacan bunt bargains etMioorA iSa.' and save expenses. Did BH lost thorough-bred mare Treyfd buning ducks whiskers oat at Csas Matlock's ranch last Son day, She wee registered s Charlotte J. known io Oregon as Cirole J. OidHattand Charley Jonee are as sociated together down at Charley's old place la tbe toosorlal business. Call on them and get lour pushed In. I lev. E. P. Orerne dmilree to enooaooe that there will be no servloe at tbe M. E cburob next Saodsy mirniog but lo the evening preaching ill be bad as nsaaL ; Tbe old ledr e right when she said, tbe child might die if tbey wailed for tbe doot.. She saved tbe little one's life with fe doste ot One Minute Cough Care. Hbe bad seed it for eroap Defers. C-sr k Brock. A farswsll party M tendered Jae. Hart at the borne ot b. A. Uerrvo c.B lest Wfd(Mdr eveoiog. O. bef ot our young penpla were present end ao jijetile time was bad. wbicb some partv or faction might gain by ao doing. Ot the men who voted for Mantle and are etill members of the senate, ten are eilver men wbo would oo doubt oppose the admission of tbe men from Oregon and Kentucky, beoanse tbey are gold men. At least, tbey are silver republicans and demoorats of the silver faitb, wbo would take advantage I Am The Father of 43 CHIIvDMBN KTO TWIRTS! I MSiS! Am also a Merchant and Want Your Patronage. And in order to get it we have pro cured the finest line of General Merchandise ever shown in this city. For Beat. Tbe Bailey Ditoh oompanv have for rent three or four 40 sore traote ot fruit and garden land under this ditch on tbe Columbia river below Umatilla which they desire to lease for a term of one or more years for oue-fourtb ot crop raised the renter to plant such trees as are furnished and care lease. Tbe lan bave plenty of water and lay well are close to railroad or will sell oo easy terms, long time snd low rate of interest. for information write to tbe Bailey Ditch Company, Umatilla Or., or call at tbe oompaoy'a farm. This Space Belongs to GILLIAM & BISBEE, i Heppner's Hardware Dealers. n i HAVE VOt'B GRAIN. (No (lies on as, or fly specks on oar goods; We are not like tbe fly, or our competitors, who lay dormant six mintbs, but are npoo for business at all hours, days and months.) of tbe faot that the matter baa onoe been settled In the senate and mast not bereopennd. To these may be added Gorman, wbo, as a democrat and party leader, does not think it Is policy to ad mit tbe appointed men, and save that let it now be an established precedent tbat legislatures must elect or senate seats will be vacant, where legislatures bave bad an opportunity to elect. Few realise that each squirrel des troys 11.50 worth of grain annually Wakelee'a Squirrel and Gopher Exter minator is tbe most effective and eco nomies', poison known. Price reduoed tn n.nFa r!rinar Jfc Itrnnk anil Minnr A Co.. agenU, Heppner; J. A. Woolery, QUR SPRING STOCK agent, Iooe; Nichols 4 laoo, agents iiiotoB. A MOUNT! Nr. i aill Ull 1 til mm : WITH TO OVER. Irl u e-i M tut li. Nothing is now left lor the governor to do bat to call a special session, lie Is Wery stubborn, wholly noder the guidance ot Hiraoo and may re tone to d j so. Iloeever, a tariff b'H will be pts l, and though Orgn may be e jtnpelU I lo get along with only one senator for tbe next two yoara. owing ti the ac'lin of minority b't call tbmelvM rrpoMie sos, yet it is brtt-r to bave no eeeat if at all than to submit to dstardiy out rage that is oo tottr lo principle thaa thie p-fprl I by Uii (j tntrll gb( firing th Isle '. Th article (' ;o tb Oreuui lira Nolle to rarr. I will plaoe for sale at Ooueer A Urocta a reoeipi tor lining squirrels i . 1 r and gophers, which u easily prepsred is now in ana rcaciy ior inspection. and can be made at a cost not io eiosea 5 ootite per gelloo. They readily take this poison and It is a euoo In svery particular. I will furnish with rseripl drugs to make twoty gallons or the poison fur t and guarantee tbe drugs lo goat less than 6 rents per gallon. tf B. F. HwauoABT, Dppnr, Or. mm and Call examine; wc are here to show goods. Why do you wait dear brother, Why do you tarry so lony: When Minor & Co. will give you What you want for a song. Yours for Business, MINOR & CO. Youro BOUD to Take 'Km. Leaves No Constipation, vwwv. Cares it, as well as all Billioosneea, Hick Ueadaobe and Malaria. The only oom roKTARLi pill in tbe world. Hold by all drngglsta or sont by mall on receipt of prioe, ' cents per boi. I'KKNTlbH MEDICAL CO., Han Franoisco, Cat. The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH. Are Schilling's Best IN da taks SavofM.ff airaris aa4 t" m as good as wc say ? Don't you sec they arc money-back ? m fur ; tr K. W. Rhr & Co. iiiik: this famous Hop Grolcl Bee) A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. 203 WMhlnnto-St., Portia, Or, VANCOUVCrl.WASrf m w m ft 4ftiGLISMUSINES 5p rfcai J. I .III I Tli r-rrrvifttf v-vv h w w m mm mm uuw - mriTi min nncrnu njKILAHU UHLUUI1 Full lnglish course. IklNCH AND nr.RMAN. HUMNtSS IlkANCfirS. Uookklli'Ino, Shorthand, Tiligrapiiy. BOAtDIHC DEFARMHT'" LAMES : ' rm rry n n t ; tt i 7 j ' , ' -i 7 ,, .jf -i v . -2 ii. v . ' ' . ,. 7- y ''';4 -, Y' . A 1 ,