JJ Hi sfiHrM M it To the: jb A- GIVES THE OHOICK Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. V PACIFIC RY CATARRH BUGS AND WOBM& Is a LOCAL DISEASE nd it the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. It can be cored by a pleasant remedy which is applied di rectly into the nostrils. Be tag quickly absorbedit gives relief at once. Ely's Cream Balm L Novel Battle Waged Between Noxious Insects. Horde of Potato Beetle Make aa Oa laaght CpoD InTadin Army Worms and the Battle Last for Boars. AIM OF EDUCATION. fa to Teach Oar Tooth How to Live, Nothing; Leas. Perh&pe we shall the sooner see our mark by first dearimrthe crtmnrt nti ! nd declaiming some of the end pro- tVUUul 4a - J A. -a , s- cuucsuon. My own 11 srt of un , admitted end is somewhat lor?. I do not, for example, setas the object for ed- BRUMMELL. Iandy aad is acknowledged to be the most thorough core lor Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of ail remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passrges, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, prow tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Price 60c. at Drnsijiste or by maiL ELY BKOTHJ5RS, 6s Warren Street, New l or BEAU At the Grave of a -.. Wit. I English visitors to Tilly-sur-Seullea , having satisfied their curiosity, turn to i ften, where lie the bones of an Eng j lishrnan, who has left behind an im i mortal reputation as a dandy and a wit. Beau Brummell. after Wvino. CoRmna P,l,vL. t.-.i., !""gw oittzen, asueceasf ul bread- friend rvf ti,. ' " "B was in neadingllothe; ITstT"?" j I" nSST Cn 2 the details of a most extraordinary no. I!' lr,an 1778, George Bryan Brummell , cated at Eton, where he made a name ior social aplomb, readiness of repartee extraordinary oc- . . J ' currence which happened upon his farm I' "KmlUl Pby8!Ciai1. recently. Mr. Eckenrode has a notatn ',ZZ " Pesr, a prosperous THE VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full rlnfnila ooll - T Agent ta Heppner, or address 4 N. W. H. HUELBURT, Gen. Pass. Agi. PoBTLAND. ObeOON, t. McNElLL.- President and Manager. QUIOI TI3VII3 t 'so &oxi Fraliolsoo And all points In California, via the Mt, Bhasta route ef the Southern Pacific .Co The (rreat highway through California to all points East and South. &rd Boenlo Ronte of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Seoond-olaae Hleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior oooinmodations for seoond-olass passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, eto,. oall npon or address H. KOKHLKK, Mananer. K. P. ROGITMS. Asst. Gen. F. A P. Aft., Portland, Oregon m lien -TO TBK- mcvt VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palace Bloopers. Tourist Rlenpers and Free Recltnfmsr, Chair vara uailx to unikago. Many hours savod via Points. STEAM HEAT. tlili lino to Eastern PINTSCH LIGHTS, HATICM. It, IF. BAXTER, Oen. Agent, Portland, Oregon. J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. OIIIOAQO. Plilwaice k SI. Paul an CITY ""MILWAUKIA Glance at this Map 01 the Chicago, Milwaukee and t. Paul Rail way and tints lu connections with all transmit, tlnantal lines and M. Paul and cmaha, and remember that lu trains are llghUKl with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment Is superb. Clegaut Buffet, Library, Kincklns and Bleeping car, with free reclining chain. Each sleeping ear Iwrth has an elect! ;o reading lamp, nd Its dining can are the best In the world. Other line are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no othsr offers th above (usurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon Icketegeiita In every railroad office will give fou further Information, or address C. J. IDDT. General Agent, J. W.CABir, Tray. Pass. Agent, I'ostlspD, Oasnoit. 0 XPtNlgNOL 1 irWS A K. JT TA0t MARKS) 'tflf OlOIOMfa, w men anaain StamaJ lUK.u, tm the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Mired llluMnut l . MUNN A CO.. 8t Hreoe.ey, mm ,fkt J FATEolks?buwp. ' I (" Uh.ih i., s ,.,, fa jsaa "" " "J h.. ll I b..Midi ui4 s.Ar,,,' T"ATI0 BY MAIL 7 ,'"'" NriruiM MtHa. Milk niea "v ' I Ui.KtssMna,se tut. iNW Wl WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. i8 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. It etaDds first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is praotically a daily at the low price of a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news oolumns. It is splendidly illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors' Oonan Doyle, Jebomb K. Jbromk, Stanlbi Wbyman, Mabt E. Wilkins. Antuont Hope, Bbkt Haetb, Bbandbb Matthews, Eto. We offer this unequaled newspaper a odTbe Gazette together one year for $3 .25. The regular subscription prioe ef the two papers is $3.50. a learned pateh af about an acre and a half near T. 7 r vuuu5 ia iu wifiuseives, i oo and the UrnotAVvn ItrtA n 1, M 1 t . . "vout,iu a i i-i3 ui ilia I n riii nniAiniiiii the land of SamueJ Kenderdine This t T n- B 7 place was so infested with potato buRs i tZV ??? f And that several weeks ao ha i nn ..... 1 ,y are aot- because they are sec- hope of having a cron. .nr1 1,. n', ! "TV1 minor- ends, The Only Chair Car Line To t he east is the Union Paoiflc. East ern cities are reaohed via this line with fewer changes of oars tbaa via other lines Rates always the lowest. Ticket, to or from points in the Dnited Statefl, Canada, or Europe for sale by R. W. Baxter. Gen. Agt, 135 3rd St.. Portland errrr lAfflMFS weisanc amsr 1! ranks with the greatest Thb rmnomciM Bewspapers In the Cseta 1 THIS CHUONUnJI bs no squat en the Paetae Coast. IlkmdaalltoabUla.. enteeprtae and new TUB OHRlNtCLK TaegrapMo lUporta are ths latest and aeoet reUataa, Ita Local News Uie fullest and spletest, smt He JCdtturtals rrorn the ablest pens ta ths country. THUOI1IIONIOI.R has alwy been, anilalwars will be, ths friend and etwunploa of ths people as axainat eomblnatlons, etiqiiea ewporallone, or oppreeslona of any kind. It Willi be Ladepeuusal U evaryUUng Bsutrai la aolalug,. , The Chronlrle Hulldjae). t Malt, rostavw Tata. Only S 670 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle The GreiM Weeily la the Cooilry, $1.50 a Year (taetudlns mnm l any pen at the United Hiau aoada and Metloo. Tlttt WRBKI.V CHHONIi'l.K. the hrtsit"H anil miMt e.niilte Wekiy Krmtitmt In me ,.ri,l prune nweiwly H4 caliiiniie. ur twelve easee.af News. Uimun and lieumtl Infor.ii. tluniaiena Bianinnl Agricultural li,rt lUful. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FIU.E. hope of having a crop, and he allowed ne Dugs to have their own way. In spite of their numbers, however, they had not succeeded entirely in eating up the rapidly growing vines. The army worms invaded the farm of his neigh bor, Mr. Kenderdine, and crossed over into Mr. Eckenrode's land. Mr. Ecken rode went out to observe the progress of the pests, and in doing so came to the potato patch. He found potato bugs Bflscmuieu in couatiees thousands on the edge of the patch nearest to Mr. Kenderdine's land, and facing the di- '""u "viu wuica me army worms were coming. When Mr. Eckenrode firt came to the potato patch the advance guard of (he worms were arriving. As soon as a worm would come within reach of the bugs one of them would fasten itself upon his back and begin to eat him, just as if he were a succulent potato vine. The result would be that before his wormship could advance a yard he would begin to writhe and wiggle in the agonies or death, and would soon be hors de combat. The worms, whose appetite is a most voracious one, appeared to be all un. suspecting of the design of the bugs. aux upuii ineir nrsi approach, invaria bly attempted to eat them. suDoosino-. no doubt, that they were some new kind of vegetable, but the hard shell of the bugs served as an impenetrable armor, runaereo. mem perfectly safe against any weapons the worms could bring against tbem. It is needless to say that Mr. Ecken rode watched this curious battle with intense interest. In a short time after his arrival the worms began to come by the thousands and tens of thousands, and the battle raged most furiously. The army of potato beetles was appar ently numberless, and as fast ae the army wormscame on they were attacked and killed in the way before described. Sometimes when there was an unusual rush, a sort of Pickett's charge, as it were, ths inflow of worms would ad vance for a yard or two within the line of the bugs, but only to add their dead bodies to the wriggling, writhing mats. The slaughter went on at such a rate that in a few hours a strip of ground about ten feet wide along the edge of the potato patch was covered to an aver age of a foot in depth with dead worms. I In the meantime the neighbors for quite a distance around had heard of this unique battle and had assembled to watch it. From early morning until late in the afternoon it kept up, when not only did the advancing army worms begin to thin out, but the barrier raised by the dead bodiea of their companions prevented further advancing in that direction. Then, by some sort of an ap parent understanding among them, the worma changed the direction of their march and ceaed to advance up on the demesne of the bugs. The latter, shortly after this took place, scattered back among the potato vines and re sumed their usual occupation thereon. There were to all appearances but few casualties amour the biura. nl- though many of them were caught in the crunh of the advancing worms and smothered or trampled to death. One day lntcly hundreds of peoplt from all over Pike and adjoining town ships came to view the result of thl Btrange battle. Mr. Eckenrode esti mates that the dead worm will proba bly wergh eight tons. He intends to use them for fertilizing purposes. Phila delphia Prats. Well and Psnip Aeconnt. One of the curiotm features of the ap projriutions mado by the Brooklyn aldermen is the "well and pump ac count." The account comes down from the) dfiyg when the various aldermen of the city received certain sums of money annually to expend on the wellg and pumps of tholr resetive ward. When water mains bud hydrant suc ceeded the more primitive method of water upily the aldermen were loath to prrnit the account, to which they had uccome RonUAcucd, to Uie, and by easy grailatioM the nccount wm made to apply to curlxdoncjt, gutter and crowi Wftlkn. The account amounts to about tao.OOO fur 1806-97. CbJesigo Inter Ocean. loauiuious neatness in rlro. rx went to the Oriel college, Oxford, for m years. He was presented with a coronet cy by the prince of Wales in the Tenth Hussars, and for some years enjoyed ... ... i luc princei wno waa , afterward George IV. At last they j auarralpd. hut. p.,, t tllZ:kenWCS; ! -ai society until gambling losae. uioue mm nee tne country. In 1830 he Thev ar not the major ends in life, though they are often mistaken for such. We are DREADED CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. T. A. Bloenm. M. !., the Great Chemist and Scientist, Will Bend, Free, Three Bottle of His Newly Discovered Remedies to Sufferers. EpiTOB Gazbttb: I have discovered reliable cure for Contumptioo and all Brnnohia), Throat and Lung Diseases, Ueneral Decline. Loss of Flesh and all Oouditions of Wasting Away. By its timely ose thousand of apparently hopeless eases have been ournd. 8o proof-positive am I of its power tn cure, that, to make its morits kDown, I will fend, free, to any hfflicted reader of vour paper, three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remedies npon reoeipt of Ex S;e nd Pnstoffioe address. T. A bLOCUM, M.C.,98 Pioe8treet,New York 'nen writing the doctor, mention this paper. of take for education any training which has a partial and special end in view. To erect any one of these ends into the end and declare it to be the goal of edu cation is to fall by the wayside and de liberately to turn one's face away from the New Jerusalem of the intellect. The end in education should be the major end. It should be the very big gpest thing in life, the most general and far-reaching enood the mind late. We cheat ourselves, we cheat the children, if we express the end in terms any less catholic than this. It may in clude good citizenship, wise parent hood, successful breadwinning, literary or technical skill, but it is not any one of these things. The greatest thing in life is life life in its fullness and to tality. It is this that education should set its face toward. Its end should be wholeness, integrity, and nodhing less than this. It is failse to i miuin,, it turn aside into any of the bypaths of uvemence, or industry, or even of ac compnsnment and erudition. Dr. C. H -tierwerson, in Appleton's Ponular Sci. enue jnonrniy. A PLENUS OF HATES. The Why of the Strained Relations the Five Great Powers. There are in Europe five great powers England, France, Germany, Russia and Austria who all hate each other coraiaiiy, although they make alliances oetween themselves whenever diency suggests agreement. England hates France because they are """ w tne supremacy of the world; England hates Germany because she is irritated by her presumption and her trade competition; England hates Rus sia because of the distant east; England nis Austria because she is not Eng, land. France hates England because it has oeen the duty of England to put a pe, Hod to the glory of all other hrchs; France hates Germany with a racial hate; France hates Russia be cause the two peoples are so essentially made to disagree; France hates Austria Decause she always has hated her. - Germany hates England because V.ntr. land was great before she existed, and win oe great when she in her present iorm snail nave ceased to exist; Ger many nates .France because she fears her; Germany hates Russia because fate decrees that these two nations shall cut each other's throats; Germany hates Austria becmiRP Vi v tria does not love her. Russia hates England n on n lift a rt future; Russia hates France because of rne past; Kussia hates Germanv he. cause of the present; Russia hates Aus tria ror every conceivable reason. - Austria hates Enclnnd hii.n.i . ,i bilitated nation always hates a healthy one; Austria hates France, for France naaroDDea her; Austria hates Germany natea Jacob; Austria hates Jiunsia through sheer force of circum stances. Westminster Review. was appointed British consul at Caen, nis creditors closed round him, and in May, 1835, he was cast into prison. His spirit seemed to have been broken, and in 1837 he showed signs of imbecility and died at the Asylum of the Bon oauveur, caen, in March, 1840. fflfldUtiifc PETITION FOR LICENSE. I f r ?""ABUS COUNTY COURT w , uuuiy u, morrow, state of Oregon : rtenSli ? "utler8 ned legal voters and resil dents of lone precinct, Morrow County, Oregon lWifU i'y Petl"" your honorable body to grant a license to Charles Robinson to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon, in the tow of lone and your petitioners will ever pray: 9 J A Woolery Arthur Vaudrev Louis Male tins mock GALLOPING BILL'S 6H-24. MOORE, Register. Timber Culture, Final Proof. Notice for Publication. Chitsd Rtatis Laud Orrtrg, The Iktlp. n.iirr.n 1T..V. a tar. TSTOTICK 18 HEKKBY GIVKrf THAT tj mitt 8. Keith ly, of Heppner, has died notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at his office In Heppner Oregon, on Monday, the lMh day nf M.rxh lull? .... !., i.. ,. ., ' oi m lire ii, iw, on timber culture application ..... ., i imui , i. e,., an j aim N 4 HE of sec tion No. ID. In townahln No & umh u nmf". witnesses: Chariot H. Halloa. It. ..IMIIII.II, ,.(,'II1, "" ab. r. MUUKE, Register, A Valuable Preeorlptlon. Editor Morrison of Worthington, IdJ., "8un," writet: "Too hve t, valuable preecription in Eieotric Hitters, ami I oao cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation, Hick ileadchea tnd it general system tonic It has do equal." Mrg. Annie Htehle, 2025 Oottssg Grote Ave.. Chicago, was all ran down, ooald not eat nor digest food, bad backache hloh never l(t her and felt tired and weary, but rii Imltleg of Eieotric Ililtert resUir ed her health and renewed her ftrengtb. Price oOoente and $1 00. Get ft botlle tt Conser A HrncVg drna atore. do you want tiih CHRONICLE Reversib le MaD? kllOWINO The United States, Dominion of Canada, and Northern Mexico OH ON K MtDIO, Q Aaa the f Map of the World ON TIIH OT1IKH HID 10. d 93 and Oat th Mas a4 M ex kly ( ttninli le f .r On Year, IHieiage rrepl,l on Map and I'sb).!, AUHatna M. It. Am VOITNO, rei it r nsMirta , AWaM CAk IeAnttloaa ses 1 Mrg. Ilenpeck (lo Mr. H., who n re at! ing) Your llttl eon juat ttMked you question, and you didn't even notice him. You ought to I ehamxl of your wlf, ik1 I shall Mr. lh nivkI didn't hear Mm. Mra. II. th, you never hear when a rtn'iiiWr of your own family sp.-akt to you. You are t!f to the very one you should love and cherish denf to Mr. II. What tUH-a he want to know? Mra. U.-lle asked you what a hermit waa, Mr. H.-A hermit, my son, la a man ho lotn prace an,! qu,ti y Weekly. II at, or should be, the highest aim of wy mtrehael ta pleat hit customers; ami thai tht wule-awtke dmg firm of Myara k Ehelmao, Hterling, III, U do log , ta proven by tba following, from Mr, Eahelmtn: "la my tiiteen year' iperlene in th drag tiasioea I bar ever even or aoM or tried a medicine that gat aa good tali.faotion aa Cham. Iwrlaiu'a 0oli, Cholera and Diarrbu t lUiuedj." 8olJ py Conser A Urwek. ESCAPE. Ite Loose a Meat of Hornets to Torment the Woold-Ba I .n.k... ' Man and horse looked like an eques- twtan a At. i . . .u at, vne euge or a dense forest. The bay of the bloodhounds in hot pur- oiiw imm me wooded deptlis. WTien Uiey dashed into the open with an hrmod posse clattering at their heels, mc man tnrew up big hands in token of surre ruler. That a the boss, boys, an' thar't the uiieviu varmint astraddle on Mm," said the leader. "He's GiUlopin' Bill, the canianxerestcusatn th'nor'west. We'll lest make a lasso kernection atweeo hi neck an" a stout lira', lead th' hosa rrom under hu an' leave him ter look out for hiaMiLf." When they had disntounted the man Whose doom find Ixvn rirnnrnn,.H whirled his steed with marvelous nulek- urea, miuie a swinging motion with his right arm, drop-d his head to the wither of the gallant block stud and once more aped toward the mountain fastiiesaea where there was security. The howling hounds rolled in the grass, raked tlieir side ngaiust the tree and then tore away in, search of water into which they might plunge. The horsea madly broke from all re straint, kicked, bit, frantically switched their tail and went crashing Uke hunted bucks through the thickest un derbrush. The ineuilx-ra of the posse scattered In hot haste, roaring maledic tions, cursing with frontier fluency, tearing their hair, rending their cloth ing and beating themselves with their hands aa they leajied and yelled. Their heads were like those of a poisoned pup and their bodiea like a cranberry patch. Aa Galloping Bill turned he had struck the long neat above Urn. The horneta did the rest Detroit Free) iTca. lint Slaw. To make hot a aw slice with sharp knife a solid head of cablgij put it Into kettle and add half cuoful of hot water, or more If needed; cover ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. closely and cook from 80 to 30 minutes; avortrw t- r,wu.77.. . then add and .Ur through it quickly ' N .f'timfou'rJ.T.on'' mii ami nutter xo season, with one rgf veil bra ten, and at the last two table. ioonfuU of vinegar and aerve hoL Huston Herald. J C Emery n a Timm O W Ginger J R Dooley O C Cochran John Cochran E H Sargent is r Haney Ret Nelson Walter Cason R C Sperry Thos Woolery Ben Fleming F E Holland W T McN&bb 8 C Lewis E h Padberg T Maronet W H esgue C T Smith Dick Lahue Oeorge W Utt Joe iianey Clyde Sperry Oscar Mitchell J H Ritchie E Rietmann Ed Cluff Mike Hale T J Wilhelrn W A Morgan H Obner J Colestock C C Wilson Wm H Padberg I. M Hhls Gilbert Aldrich W 8 Smith Chas Sperry Paul Rietmann Mat Halvorsen Jas Nolan W H McOormick John Ltndstrom M J Williams .1 J McKUigott J W King N Dickson H Padberg Levi Hansford L B Knox w M Haguewood Caveats, and Trade. M L . 7, " saiAi 4, ly L,u.,uc.COnaw:ealor Moocrtc Fees. Our Office is Opposite U, 8. Patent Office ana we can secure Datentin fesa tim. than ko remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photoM with descrip tion. We advise, if Datentahu m n Lt k... n... t . . j' .7,, - . -" vMfi vu, uuc on patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office. Wummini. D. C. W 7 3 The compsratlvevalue of these twoeard Is known to most persons. They Illustrate that greater quantity ia Not always moat tc be desired. .'. These cards express the beneficial qual ity of RipansTabules 4s compared with any previously knows DYSPEPSIA CURB Ripans Tabules : Price, 50 cents a bos; Of druggists, or by mail. 81PANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce S1..N.T. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Frank Ensel man Ed Engelman J A Hughes J D Padberg S A Shaw 8 J Ritchie 0 B Cochran H M Thornton .Notice is hereb will aoolv to County, Oregon .,iVi..y, 1 """month, for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In 1 quantities than one ga llon for a ! Sod of one CHARLES ROBINSON, Applicant. Bby glvon that the undersigned the County Court of Morrow n, at the May term, 1897, on the year. 63-32, STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN THAT THE AN ntial meetinir fnr th. -,i,i.,j. ' . : . M"ow County Land & Trust Company w 11 be Kl?. ilf. ?.fficeJ'f treasurer on the Second oaiurnay in March at 7 p. m , for the niirnone nf , "ie neiore tiif meeting R F. HYND, Secretary. 16-2i Notice of Intention. I , l, u AT LA Ci KANDE, OREGON rt:L. ,1. IttH 'N.i-iriic, lu t,, ..I .1 : nis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Countv Clerk l!m,,n'iia .,,.V at PnHln,.n'V..."' w,cKuu, un iHrcn zi, ih'J7, viz BAMUJSL, W. WATTENBURGER. XT T t. . . ' nu. iiii, n,7 fnrthfl K1Z NWL Baa Of ..J ' vv p, ecu. i, 1 y. n. i k w.M. He imiiipa thu .n...(.... ...i... '..- hi.. .Vt. v. "'" wiinifHBUB 10 prove of, said land, viz: "u u"n Frank Sloan, of Galloway Oregon, and Henry of' Vh Albert Vvi Davl1 Mccarty, all ..' ' D. I. WILSON. Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B fi Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & j. and the C. St. L. 61 P. Railroads. MATES 00 PBR rAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CHIOA&O. ILL. WANTED-AN inFAh0Cantnlnk .i . .. VT " a'tHof someeimple thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may BWrnrT6' yTiU J0HN WEDDEfi BURN & Ca, Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. 0.. for their $1,800 prize oiler. The regnlar subscription price of the 8emi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year ia advanoe can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub sonbers paying their subscriptions fcr one year in advanoe will be entitled tr the same. Via the Dnlon Paciflo System Baggage is cheoked through from Portl and to destination. The specialties on the 1 TJuioo Paoiflc are nnexoelled track and equipment, union depots, fant lime through oars, steam heat, Pintseh light and oonrteorjs treatment to pnaseugers. For rates and information apply to R W. Baxter, Gen. Agt. D. P. system. Port land, Oregon. 617-H7 Register. Notice of Intention. 7 P. OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON m. FKD. INU7. Nldinn 1a t.n...t... ..j that the followlng-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to nmlin Hmi nn.i i .. of hi. iim a ... .". ""I'l'". kLi. w1.. u priHii win ne mane jnorruw, uouniyuierk, at Ueppuer, Oregon, on March, lftth, 1x97, viz: HARLAN STANTON, lie names thA f,tllwl.... .,1... l .ih i..; ..... " """ ''suua v., -u.v. ,biiu, ria; John Jenkins. Allen w s.iina rh..i.. n Ashbaugh, of Eight Mile, Oregon, and Charles w. ingraham, of Heppner, Oregon. JAS. F. Oregon Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICB AT THE DALLES. OREGON J POO. l'Z. N.itl,. I. i kJ . seiner nas nied notice of Ms Intention to make final prmif In support of oefnre J. V. Morrow, cnntiiv nia.w .. u... I'll AMI KV t' UUlVtf rti.f w! m ,ur N,' 80, Tp-S8- B- He names the following wltneasee to prove Is continuous residence upon and cultivation nf .(. "-" VUl.UiUUU vt mut ittitii, r rn Eugeiman, Chilton Wl son, R. C lj..,,..,v. ,.,, vivh, sun i nomas ( arte, " H..l.l.r 517--, Notice of Intention. AND OrriCB ATTHK DALLItS, OREGON, J Feb. 4. Ik7. Nuiin. i. I that the followlne namnl iti.- i... iJ Uce of his Intention to make anal proof In sun. portofhlseialia. end that said proof win be enpuer, Oregon, on March , 1W, lt : JOHN W. AUJJTOTT. H.I. K. No. S7.M, for the N14 NWi, sfu kwu and SW NK, tw. J.., Tp?., l "i ... ,,...1. ,M loiiiiwius: witne.i to prove la continuous rmijaim mi... .,,,1 .... 1.,.' of. sal.t lend, vis: ' ..ua KicnaM Rohlson, Aaron . Haines, John . B kct, I raucts M. Courier, all of Kuhl lie, oretion. JAs. r. WOORg, HeIster. ! THAT I.KT- liellen M. All,,,. .I.hI. , f ranle.1 if ih. Schillings Best means: Ira suda Ink In powder attui( taliacts end spites as good as anybody wants. For tale by J. A. Woolery, lone R. Ulshop, taiveeeor la Th Me FerlenJ Mercantile Co., it tat 1 11 on deck giving great bargain in all line. Th aiock must be closw.) qt, n, ,i u nr pning bo cheap thing ar. Call on , fraak Mrrla4, mImsjim. Sr.i,",.,w"' C"",u ' Morrow Mate otwron. All rois bavin claims asalust sal.l nMie are rinrwi lo rat.il.lt thsm tome lor allowance at the nltim ,.t -im, 4 t.Vons. IB llri..n. r , .... f au,, ,h? .,.'W -ihti uouce" or IheTshaUb. forr.rr tMtrnnl. w I TH U.S. GOVERNMENT I 1 PAYING MILLIONS 1 i A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United Statesor to their g Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars VCv on whom you depended for support ? 1 THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED I UNDER THE NEW LAW g To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it rj) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present f your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. & t?Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company fft) P:i!LIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. fg) IT. B.TM Company it controlled by nearly one thousand leading newt fd papers in the United States, and is guaranteed by V,em. Attorneys tit Inw, All bnsinesa attended to in a prompt and aatisfaotory manner. Notariea Public and Collectors. uroutfi IH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER. OREGON Colli) WHITE COLLAR LINE, a in mrnrnnn PhtaI vnnnrl M 111 HUM UI U I UyG la)' nil a latioo Co Q ' " - vs vav a. fV I Jba. Sbmers TELEPHONE; BAILEY GATZERT 1XD OCEAN WAVE. Park and Nabcot a. Direct connection with Ilwaoo steams" and rail road; alio at Young'. Bay with 8easbore Railroad' TBliIjp XX O 1ST 33 LeavM Portland 7 A. M. Dally, ,ep, Sunday. Leave, Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. T1A TT.-m-V 0- mrw. ..n. Ann., rirem nunnav nik ,, n . ., v-., ouuub; buii nonoay. sunila WAVE Leaves 1 start n.iiv . Sunday night, 7 P. M. i uvics rnmina inn riini d r.t in m j . . i . .T mn.-u, iiinn. inn I n II.V.I. v at A If o- . ...m Leaves iiwaco Wednesday and Friday at 7:'ao a7 M. 6u oundaynlghJ Tat J V.kV " Baggage Checked to Railroad DesUnatioa Both Beaches Frci of Einen-" V for Safety, Speed. Comfort. Pleasure. Travel on th. Telephone. Bailey OaUcrt and Ocean wlv ss-sassssssssssss. Ilis Keels; Utile For the Cure Oa Liquor, Opium ud Tobacco Habits It it located at Salem, Oregon, Th Most Beautiful Town on tht Coast Call at the O.tarrt office for particulars Strictly onndenttal. Treatment private and sui lWd this .ih day of February, hb?. I. H. LVriNA, Almlnuirauir. 5J0. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE , A -WWH, 10 T- Own, pa: . DwT 134, Chicago, crs f Urf cf lb Sraa Accioajrt f i CoatrsjiT. fur taforoiailoa , fc iardiBg Accident Inn. is f' A Weatioa this paper. Hy 19 doi( )nw M4 IBembrr-Mp fr. Us pU orif ft,uwu lut euUcaUl lejartee. B yew own Atertt. HO KXDICAJ. VUU1XAUQX JAJJQVUUTA OUR STOCK V OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The P.vtterson Publishing Co.