Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 16, 1897, Image 2

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.v IT
Tony Noltner, editor of the Port
land Dispatch, has the reputation
of being the only newspaperman
in the Northwest who can rnn a
sheet without either money or
brains. This reputation is well
earned, though Tony is really a
very good fellow who doesn't do
any person a great deal of harm,
though Tony uever knew the first
principle of consistency.
In a recent issue of the Dispatch
he scores Senator Dufur, of Wasco
ISUNl MONITO E IWEDITHU i FRI ISATI county, for supporting Mitchell,
I I 2
I 7 i 8 i 9,
im i 15 ii6
121 i 22 i 23
I2SI29 13013 I
3 I 4 I 5 I
10 i II i 12
17 i iai 19
6 I
20 i
stati.ng that if the people of Senator
Dufur' s district wanted Mitchell
they would have elected a republi
can. It is well known that Senator
Dufur's opponent stated on the
stump and at all times that he did
not intend to support Senator
Mitchell for re-election, while Sen
ator Dufur promised that in the
event that his rtartv cnnld nnf, piWr
ine uregonian in receni issues h wonl(1 fiUDnort M, Mikhail
has much to say regarding the ftnd tht sectioQ bein favorabie to
tarm question, ui course, us ms- Mitohel Mr Moore wa8 defeated
, L , . r .. It is a woll known fact that
aepenaeni, ana cannot carry wie . T . r
. . , "Big Jones, of Wasco county
, i ,. u it. promised to vote for Mitchell, stat-
by republican paperB, such as the f .. . . . .
- n, ; , -n T , ing mis in various letters ana up.
San F. Chronicle, the P.-L, of r
Seattle, or the Salem Statesman,
the leading republican paper in
Oregon. But as the paper has
general circulation in the West, its
discussions of tariff schedules
should not be overlooked,
In presenting its ideas on the
proposed tariff law desired to be
passed at the coming special ses
sion of congress, the matter of
wool is taken up. The Oregouian
evidently does oot understand the
question. It says: "The so-called
National Woolgrowers Association,
which represents only a few Mid
die states, where perhaps G,000,000
attaan ora rnuf nrafl tn hiirVi nrtvnl
i j i j . , ,i . letter publwhed in
lands, demands a duty of 14 to 10 ., . ,
cents per pound on wool, whereas
the Wentem states, with 25,000,000
sheep on cheap lands, and capable
of supporting twioe as many, would
be content with 6 to 8 cents pe
pound." This does not express
the position of the Western sheep
Though it id true that wool can
be grown much cheaper in the
West than on high-priced pasture
lands in the East, yet it must not
be forgotten thai distance from the
on the stump. He never attempt
ed to fulfill a single pledge, but
proved to be a willing tool of Mal
colm Moody. State Sanator Mi
chell promised to abide by the re
publican caucus but never attempt
ed to carry out his pledge, but
could have been seen at any time
during the legislature conferring
with U'ltbn or some other populist.
It is said that Huntington promis
ed to vote for Mr. Mitchell, but
whether he made this promise or
not, he was certainly elected with
that understanding, but from the
beginning of the legislature follow
ed one consistent course, as his
a reneut issue
the Oregouian, and reproduced in
this issue, shows. Wasco and ad
joining counties are favorable to
Mitchell, as Senator Dufur well
knows. Senator Dufur did his
duty. Those who opposed an or
ganization that all could agree up
on did not. Mr. Dufur made his
canvass as a democrat but became,
as any other honest man ought to,
the people's senator when he was
Becomes a H Woman kj Taking Pake's
Celery Compound.
To Baa Francisco.
Hoo. Solomon Hirschaod family leave
(or San Fraocisoo tomorrow night to
participate in the golden wedding cele
bration of Mr. and Mr. Jaoob Mayer,
formerly of this city. Mrs. Hiraoh it a
daughter of tbii particularly blessed
oonple whose wedding anoiveraary falls
on Wednesday next Mr. Jaoob Mayer,
who yet is as sprightly Jand jovial as a
man of 40, was tor many years an aotive
partner of the house of Fleischaer,
Mayer & Con in whiob he amassed a
great fortune lie is one of the moot
prominent Free Masons on the Paoifio
ooaat and is universally esteemed. His
many Portland friends will be with him
in spirit if not in person, on the oooa
sion of the celebration of bis 50 .h wed
ding anniversary. Uregonian.
KlfflilT SALE
Plies! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms: Moisture; intense itobing
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching' If allowed to oontinne torn
ors form which often bleed and ulcerate
beooming very sore. Swayne's Oint
ment stops the itching and bleeding,
beals alceration, and in most oases re
moves the tumors. At diuggists, or by
mail, for 60 oents. Dr. Swayne & Bon,
20,000 POUNDS
The Eagle is glad to learn from the
Tribune that Mr. James F. Johnson,
Pendleton's postmaster, will probably
hold his present position for a long
period under the McKinley administra
tion. Mr, Johnson is one of the most
effioient servants in the postoffioe de
partment und one whose personal worth
is appreciated by those having the honor
of his acquaintance. He baa always
been a democrat, yet the republican
patrons of bis office are praotically unan
imous in the desire that he be retained
Milton Eagle.
Mr. Noltner criticises Mr. Dufur
creatwool markets of the East aa a "Mitchell, democrat" Which
militates much acainst the West- ia the mo8t desirable, a "Mitchell
em woolgrower. It must be re. democrat" or a "Simon democrat"?
I Y la 1 1 111 WW 1
membered also that most Western nner is tne latter, ue stanas
flWIIIILnm .mirin frm rJ with Simon at all times, and in
to 80 nor cent Those wools come every i8Bue bolsters up Simon and
in competition with the Australian tUe H1'- UDiU8 ttDl outrageous
article, almost identically the same appointment or. uovernor uora.
in fibre, only a croat dual lichter. Lot the P0OPle dooido between
" - " ' I -v at i
therefore what would ba from 14 ualat 9 woaa democracy ana mat
to 1G cents protection to the East- of ToDy Noltner'a and the latter
nrn ntnrAnmwat nrrtnM nnf nmnnnl I WOUIU DOb Do 1Q lb.
to more than 7 to 8 couts to the
woolgrower or tlio west. A specif- p0OR old weak-minded McMan
io duty takes into consideration us, of the Pendleton Tribune, is
weicht and not value. In addition just now deeply engaged in lament
ir, thiu ho- lrao,1 Unn Bta,l intf ovor Mitchell's political death,
., ... . . : ... McManus ib another one of those
there is the cost of transportation folIowa that wou,d ohMrfaI,y yo to
w mo iiwioru mnraoi wunre) lur- por(iition in the name of party, aud
cign wools are landed at much less no matter how corrupt a man may
cost for transportation. be, if he only sails under the flag
The ehecpraisors of the United f wpnWioanwtn, he will proudly
CJl 1 I'll 1 1 ii .i lUUfllllj UID lllfiinrj, UUVJU
oiaum ro uuueu io ail ine pro- Her?ilUy M jB exhibitoa by tLo
ocvion mny can gni, proviueu u is iribune, Ueppnor Uazette, and
not prohibatory, for this would de- half dozon other little country
foat the revenue feature. papors we could name is positively
The general trend of the Oreg- '"R'""' and causes one to pause
. . . . ami wominr wherein lies the lxviHt.
uuiau ariiuius is towarus iree i i i m
raiip, or a pureiy revenue measure Milton Eagle.
with as littlo protection as possu
Mrs. 0. C. Newoorab of 8t. Liuia finds
hraelf "a new womn," in the best
sense of the word.
Au iuvnli l woman is always a sad
niglit sadder even tbnn that of an in
valid man, because of her greater oapa-
oily for suffoi iug.
N MLbii'i, baokHobes, fits of deprea-
hiuu mid hnaiUcbeii cuoipal her to thiols
or work uitb halt ber brain, while the
o'ber half throbs as it it would go to
pieces. Tlmre are no more striking ex
amples of the great, praatioal value of
Paiue's celery compouud than are beard
from the lips of women who have been
made well.
Its ability to relieve those ills that
seem to be peculiarly the misfortune of
women is overwhelmingly proven by in-
nnmerable testimonials from women of
the highest standing in the communities
where they live.
If the editor of the Eagle had
half of the ability of Editor Mo-
Manns he would get out a better
paper. Aa to the consistency of
the Tribune, Gazette, and other re
publican papers, the Gazette leaves
that with the publio to judge.
Mrs. Newoomb, writing from her
home, 2205 Market St., St. Louis, says:
"I wis taken with a heavy oold, which
I negleoted, and pleurisy set in. Then
I was in bed for several weeks. When
I recovered so I could get up I bad
' that tirrid feeling,' and was never very
well. My doctor to'd me to take Paine's
celery compound, so I got a bottle and
have taken it. I feel much better than I
have for months. I was nervous and
could not sleep at night. Now I rest
easy, sleep well, eat well, and will say
that Paine's celery o impound has really
made me a new woman."
Paine's oelery compound is used by
pbysioians in their own homfls as well us
prescribed to patients suffering from
nervous diseases, sleeplessness, neural
gia, rheumatism and a "run-down" con'
"Excuse me" obee'ved the man In
spectacles "but I am a surgeon, aud that
is not where the liver is." Never you
mind where the liver is." retorted the
other. ''If it was in his big toe or bis
left ear DeWitt's Little Early Risers
would reach it and shake it for him. On
that yon on bet your gig-lamps." Con
ger & Brock.
'It Is within the reach ot every
Mks. Hbnby Ward Bebcheb is dead.
She lived to the ripe old ageot 81.
Let's see? Isn't there a man named
Hull running a paper called the Milton
Buzzard, op at Milton what county is
U 7
Tbi Milton Eajle says the Gazette is
in favor ot tbe railroad commission.
Tis not trne. But the Gazjtte does not
think Gov. Lord oan make laws just to
suit himself.
Senator Wood, by appointment from
Kentuoky , has presented bis credentials
which have been referred to the proper
committee. Like tbe would be senator,
Oorbett, ot Oregon, that is as far at be
will get
Thi E. O raises the point that as tbe
legislature did not make any appropria
tion it is useless for Bounties to pay
slate taxes, depriving tbe people ot the
use of their money two years without
any return. Tbe E. O. Is right
ble. If its arguments are tenable.
it would be impossible to justify
the loast protection in the shape of
a tariff.
llowever, as the Oregouian does
not support the republican plat
form in tho matter of tariff, and
dooa not agroo with ita money
plank, its uttorancra will not have It is a well known fact that
any more weight with republicans forty-six legislators could have
than the mokt extreme free trade met in joiut convention aud elocted
sheet. The Oregouian does not a seuator down at Salen. Wheth-
proteud to support republican can-ler there wasapormtnentorganiza-
didatea unless it desires to do so, tion or not, the failure to elect
having aupportod more democrats must be charged to the neglect o
than republicans during its career, the legislature, and the stand tak
Las no renpect for party ethics oi Q that none of tho senatorial ap.
principle, ana has no principles of pointments, made by governors
it own that it will not barter like where suuh nogloct has caused
a hawker does banauaa or cabbage, vacancies, will be sealed, is both
It is edited by a man of abilitv just and timely. Such fiascos as
who is prejudice! and mall-tttultHL palem was disgraced with recently
The people of Oregon are to be only hastons the day when senators
congratulated that it is not a re. will be elected by a direct vote of
publican paper aud that it tug. tht people.
gestiont will not be heeded at rep-
rpsenung me wisnes of tbe repub-l Uabteh lUMilftOX baa again
licaos of Oregon and the West been placed in nomination by
Chicago democracy. Altgeld dom-
Tfll president proposes to push iah tLd Klh"lo8-
the matter of bringing about an
international agrcnent on the II. Cut Etans, who was elected
money question. This it io keep, governor of Tennessee in 1801, lias
log with the last republican plat. lnwn tnderid tho office of cotntnis-
form aud tbe people exuM to see slouer of pecsiona, lis U a largo
it observed ia its aatirety, nuns fact art of Cblttaaooga.
The Gazette has no patience
with any person who will contend
that a populist is better or any
purer just because be is a populist
Down at Salem the most notorious
"grafters" of tbe legislature were
the pops. Simon hail Corbott's
money and the pops were Simon's
allies from start to finish.
leading member of the oppositiou
to Mitchell, during the sham. If
the accusations of the Eagle are
true, there would not be so many
little pieces of paper in existence
with the editor's promise to pay
beantifully engraved upon it
Bramlua; With Bmlle
Are tbe countenaooesot people wbobave
found speedy and thorough reluf from
malarial, kidney, bilious, dyspeptic or
nervous troubles tbrongh the aid ot Hos-
tetter's fcitomsoh Bitters. Snob counts
nanoea are very numerous. Ho are let
ten from their owoert attesting the rfQ
oaoy of lh great family medicine. Among
the signals ot distress thrown out by the
stomach, bowels and liver io a stale o
disorder, are sick beadaohe, heartburn
nausea, loea of appetite, tallowing of the
skin and eyeballs, and an onoertain state
ot tbe bowels. They should be heeded
at one. If tbe Bitteia are resorted to,
the woe begone look whiob accompanies
siokness will give away to cheerful looks
produced by renewed health. It yoo are
drifting on the ooaat of disease, throw an
anchor lo windward by summoning tbe
Bitters to yonr assistance. It will keep
you io safety.
Consisting of
Tables, Chairs, Bookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book
Cases, Lounges, Sofas, Spring Mattresses, Wool Mattresses,
Parlor Suits, Center Tables, etc., etc Brussels Carpets, Wool
Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Backs, HaDgiDg
Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., etc.
All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.
Fix up your homes at once with Stylish Furniture,
while this opportunity is offered.
Our Sale on 6eneral Merchandise
Still Continues.
farmers at a aistaoce suonia call soon
thereby getting a better seleotion.
Be Comfortable While Traveling
In cool weather. Tbe Union Pflcifio
system heats its trains throughout by
steam heat from the engine, thus mak
ng every part of all its oars pleasant
and comfortable. It also lights its cars
by tbe oelebrated Pin tech Light making
them brilliant at night. Passengers
carried daily on the fast mall. For
eleepiog-oar reservations, tickets, or in
formation, o!l on or address B. W.
Baxter, Oen. Agt., 135 Third St.. Port-
land, Oregon.
Leading Feed Yard. Tbe feed yard
next door to tbe Gazette office, now be
ing conducted by Wm. Gordon, is per
fectly equipped in every particular. Billy
solicits yonr patronage and you may rest
assured, that yonr horses will be well
oared for when left in Discharge. Prioes
very reasonable. Ha; and grain for
ale. tt
He ha anything tn this line that yon may desire and you can depend on It you get a good
article when Mat guarantees it.
Old Stand, Main Street.
Repairing a Specialty.
Tbe old way of delivering messages
by postboys compared with tbe modern
telephone, illustrates the old tedious
methods of "breaking" colds oompared
with their almost instantaneous care by
One Minute Dough Cure. Conser A
Tni Htppner Gazette ) that
Mr. Itourne malotnioi a harera at
Sal ora for tb accommodation of
liia potmtist followers, Tbe fact
that the editor of that paper stand
in with the Mitchell pushers throws
discredit on his ntaUment. That
at least would be the verdict of
thoae who know the aid editor's
weak points. Dispatch.
There it an old saying that
doesn't Gt the editor of the Gazette,
ay what you pleane about him,
but Mr. Noltner'a frequeut tripa to
the Houroe headquarters during
the recent legislative row, claaaea
him in that coterie.
Tbe Methodist, South, parsauage is
being eompleted rapidly, op near tbe
tbe ohurch building.
C. . Coiker, a St. Tsui sbeepbayer,
earn lo Friday and will drive buck this
season, if be oao Bud sbeep to suit blm.
Tni Milton paper assert that
the editor of the Gazette "bled"
Mitchell and that wat the reason ot
hi being ao active in Li "push."
Thi i really not worth noticing.
The editor ha boon called every
thing from a horsethiuf down to a
Mude" but never before ha he
been accused of being a "grafter"
on Li friend, or ouo who would
sacrifice principle for pvlf. The
editor U williaa to leave thi to
Jonathan Bourse Jr. or to any
For Hale or Trad.
It yon want Ilfppner property don't
fail to enntult J. W. Morrow. For tbe
right person, one who wants to garden,
milk a few eows, rait, chickens, eta, I
bav. a floe proposition to oftVr one.
Once developed will podiif r.venn. of
IliW yearly. Will be sold oa tuy
terms, would Dot otji to takiog 160
aorea aa part pay maul. 6l3lf
A BUaiady tt Thi
A French iair ulli the storr of a
dramatic Instructor who had aa a pu
pil a girl who was very pretty, but
woefully thin. Thinnest la so fatclnn
the stage xcrpt whtr there ii the
highost jrnlua. as la tbe eae of tbat
great aftrrM ot whoae admirers it i
said that they prrfer grace before
meat that be rontulted a physlelaa
about IU Tbe physician recommended
belladonna. Vhyrakdthedramat.o
Instrnclor. TVcauM," was the reply,
"tx-lladonnahaa the property of dilating
tbe pupil."
and by virtue ol an execution luued out
ot the Circuit Court of the Htate ol Oregon (or
county ol Morrow, under the teal thereof, and
to me directed and delivered, upon a decree
rendered and entered In Mid Court on the 3rd
day ol March, WOT. in favor of If. C. Thompson,
I'lalntlr), and tftaitut J. B. Hperry, A. C. rlperry,
Perry Hnyder and tbe Oregon Railway and
Navigation ComnanT. Defendants, for the mm
of Kour Hundred Thlrty-Nlnt and 34-MO Dollars
with Intereat thereon from '.' 8rd day of
March, WOT, at the rate of eight per rent per
annum and Fifty Dollara attorney's fee and the
further mm of Thirty-two and 70-100 Dollara
coatt; aud whereat by aald Judgment It wai
ordered and adjudged that the following det-
rrlled real property, to-wlt: The north one-half
of the northeaat quarter and the north one-half
01 we nnnnweai quarter of section twenty-nine
(.H) In townahlp three (:i)uth of range twenty,
tlx CM) eaat W. M., In Morrow County, BtaUj of
urrgon, oe ania to taotiy taia aecree, cotit ana
accruing coal, i will, oo
Haturday. the 10th day of April, 197,
at i o'clock P. M., of tald day, at the fiont door
of the court house In Heppuer, Morrow County.
Oregon, tell all tbs right, tltl and intereat of
the aald i. B. Sperry. . C. Hperry, Perry Snyder
ami uiaurrgon nan way anci navigation It
pany in ana to tne aoovt neacribed real prtiier-
lyaipuniic aoruon to tne nigneat
raah In hand, the proceola to be aim
aallafactlon ol aald execution aud all
roceola to be applied lo the
execution aud all matt aud
oottt that may accrue. K. L. NATUH K,
BhertrTnf Morrow County, Oregon.
Datad March 11th. WOT. bun
v ivn nrnrir it TniniiinnBinnu
lJ Mar. II, 1W7, Nolle It hereby 'given that
her Intention to make final proof In itippori of
nrr ciauii, ami mat aaiu pruoi will ot mailt
uv.orv. Morrow, otiniy v.itra, at neppntr,
virUH, vu May IU, invf, via;
H1. R. No. 4170. for the URi HEla, fVw. . NEU
r. uu 1 fftl, nwu. m. p. a o., IW JB r
Hh. names tht-ffollowtng wltnetatt toprnvt
ner poniiuuoiit reaiutuc. upon aud cultivation
t'harlea M. ' Emery, Jamet O, Wlltlama, Mrs,
Aim n. vnapvi, jvowaru . vox, an oi uartinian
Or.g..n. JaA. F. MHKK.
'4 Keglaler.
1 1
n n m
n(n)(n(r s
M M V rj
Are (alums ! rai.ry.
riuaineaa Riea aivl Irarrl.
fc'tt rarry Ibvai ui
aatkata, liiat mrvt Uma
M r" k fknaara ka. tk la
a Pills
Pendleton, Oregon.
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '07
At llptnr. Echo, reolleloe, Baker
City, Llgm and IIqdIidioo
tlarritta, Oamoii,
rtsoa and Bpeelflcatioea fnroiihtd oa
Contracting a Specialty.
AU kinds of repaint. Jou. al ra.abl
Oav orUare with f, t
Tboapec Co.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Putfup Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Hprse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Uregon.
Theae gentlemen are well anaualnted with Grant. Harnpv. Crook, nilllam ami nther emmtioa
and can tave money and time In making these lectlont with traveling men.
Pricet In keeping with the timet.
We are preparing for a big spring trade, bat must have
help to make it a howling success. We are filling np
and completing our stock of
which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate busi
, nese. We have many customers now but there are still
several vacancies in this department of our store, to bo
Applications will be received at all hours of the day.
Apply in person or by letter to
P. C. Thompson Co.
Corner Main and Willow Streets.
k Tfrt V
My Tritao
Farmers and Vlllaoers,
Potters and Mothers,
Sons and Dauohters,
nil the Famliu.
With the close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE
recognizes tbe fact that the American people are now anxious to give
their time to home aod business interests. To meet this condition
politic will have far less space and prominence, until another State or
National occasion demand a renewal of tbe fight for the principles for
which THE TRIBUNE has labored from it inception to the present
day, and won it greatest victories.
Every possible effort will b put forth, and money freely spent
to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-emineutly a
National Family Newspaper,
inteiesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member
We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
Tribune" one Year lor $3.00.
S4raa aU Ora art W