Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 16, 1897, Image 1

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    fottimd Lihntt
Advertise in it and do
It has some of its own.
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W.
Business Manager
M $8.50 per year. 1.25 for mi months, 75 ots.
or three momna, strictly in advance.
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
'THIS I PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Duke's
., L Ad'srtising Agenoy, 84 and 65 Merchants
Lxohangs, San FranciBoo, California, where cou
raots for advertisinn can be made for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Irain leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. daily, except
Bnnday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon
day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc
tion 2:19a. m. ; east bound 12:51 a. m.
Freight trains leave Heppner Junction (mine
east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 p. m. ; going west, 5:30
p. m. and 6.45 a. m.
United States Officials.
P MHictent.... William McKinley
V -lreflldent Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
Ctooimary of Treasury Lyman J, Gage
benrotary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War.., Hussell . Alger
Secretary of Navy john D. Long
Fpetmaster-General ...James . Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Seorotaryof Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
iovernor yf p l0P()
Secretary of State H. K. Kinoaid
Treasurer...... ...Phil. Metsohan
Knpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin
auwrney uenerai (J. M. Idleman
f tt. W. McBridt
' I J. H. Mitchei
r.nnrraanman '
J Hi
! Dinger Hnrmanr
)w. R. Ellis
nw W. H. Leeds
, K. 8. Bean,
Supreme Judges ) F. A. Moore,
K. WolvertoE
Sixth Judicial District.
C'rcuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell
t'rosouT,ing Attorney.,.. H. J, Bean
Morrow County Officials.
Joiut Senator A, W. Qoww
Kepresnntativo J. N. Bruwn
"nnty Judge A. (t. Bartholomew
'.onmipsioner J, K. Uowar,,
J. W. Beckett.
" )' k J. W. Morrow
" Sheriff...., E. L. .Vatlock
Treisnrer.. Frank Gillian.
Aiifioesor J. s'. WillH
" Surveyor J. W. Hornor
School Snp't Jay W. Shipley
Coroner B. i Vuughan
Miyoi .Thos. Mnrgar
O ,el-neu Geo. Conser. Frank
Gi'Ham, Arthur Minor, K. J. Slocum, M
Lichtenthal and J. 11. Simons.
B corner W. A. Richardson
T wuiror L. W liriggs
atarohal...,., A. A. Robert
Precinct 0Ucr, -
Jnstioeof the Peace ....W. E. Richardson
f unstable N. 8. Whetstone
United States Land OtHuer.
J, P. Moore Register
A. S. Biggs Receiver
B. F, Wilson Register
J. H. Robbins Receiver
Q. A. R.
M te at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
ach month. All veterans are invited to Join.
: C. Boon, Gio. W . Smitb.
Adintant, tf Commander.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At Mrs. H. Welch's Residence.
Night telephone connection with
the Palace Hotel.
national Bank ol Jfepr.
Prealdent. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terma.
First National Bank
C. A. Rhea, f
T. A. Rhea
Vlee President
- Cashier
Ass't Cashier
cto. w. cNt,
Tracts a General Baokiog hmsi
isx change
On all parti ot the world
Bought and Sold.
Collections mad on all point on
reasonable Terma.
Surplus end undivided Profit, :i 5.0O0.0O,
Ontario-Burns Staic Line
Leave Barn Daily at 6 p. m. tod ar
rive at OuUrio to 42 boors.
S"iflle Fare $7.00.
Round Trip $1B.00
aTThmtich freight S1, rttu pr p"tin,l.
mm Hum dally, atcapl tn1r, Cntinarl
t I anyJ i ity Willi Hlpiv- MnimataM afar
swrt rtt In lntnf frt l'.,mti.i t vn u
with ti itiiUflo, Irtia-iiiia d Li
tal Burti.
The Startling Btory of the Amerloaa
Barkentlne Herbert Fuller.
The sea has ever been a favorable scene
with romancers for desperate conspira
cies and tragic crimes. This has been
due to the seclusion which it offers
and also, perhaps, to the traditions of
piracy which hang about it. There was
a time when the line of demarcation
between the pirate and the peaceful
mariner was not very sharply drawn,
and the late Prentice Mulford, who
grew up in a seafaring town and had
even, served on shipboard before the
mast, once wrote an article maintain
ing that the relations which still pre
vail between, the master and the crew
of a ship are a relic of the days when
all seafaring men were practically pi
rates. Possibly a juster explanation
of the harsh treatment to which sailors
are subjected would be found in the
arbitrary authority which law and cus
tom necessarily bestow upon a shipmas
ter, for it is almost an axiom that un
restricted power always leads to tyran
nythat nothing but lack of author
ity prevents every man from misusing
it. At all events, the reader of a sea
novel expects to meet with various
sorts of mysteriously dark deeds, while
the reader of the marine columns of
a newspaper is regaled with plenty of
actual crime, albeit of a irenerallv com.
monplace and uninteresting character.
,The story of the American barkem
tine Herbert Fuller, which the newspa
pers have been recently telling, however,
is as tragically startling as any ever
related by Stevenson or Eussell. The
officers of a vessel have often enough
been murdered by the crew, who then
seized the vessel, and it has sometimes
happened that some officer has joined
the crew in mutinying against the cap
tain, as in the case of the Bounty. What
adds especially to the sensational fea
tures of the crime on board the Herbert
Fuller is that it does not seem to he
known positively who killed the cap
tain, his wife and the second mate.
mi .1 ...
.me evidence ugainst the first mate
appears to rest on his supposed un
.......moo uu uiukc port, arter tne ai
covery of the murders. He is even sus
pected of having intended to turn the
vessel over to the Cuban insurgents.
What most have been the astonishment
of the pilot on going on board to find
tne vessel in charge of the colored
steward and a Harvard sophomore pas'
senger, the mate in irons, and the bodies
o., me tnree murdered persons towing
oouciu m me small boat I That last
touch is characteristic. The survivors
aid not dare throw the tKQies overboard
because they were needed as evidence
to protect themselves as well as to con-
vic l-ne ffwmy; VJieir a.qxsretHou no
tions were appalled at the notion of
Keeping the bodies on board the ves
sel; bo they compromised by towing
unaouDtecuy the Herbert Fuller
tragedy will form the plot of many a
iu,i.ure sea novel, iiut no romancer
could have afforded to invent so extraor-
ciinary a tale. He would have W.n
laughed at on account of the inherent
improbability of his incidents. The
murders might have passed muster, but
the Harvard student and the colored
steward In their extraordinary role
would ha-e been pronounced simply
Impossible. BuSalo Courier.
Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner
Eoho 8tHBe tine. PereoDB desiroos pf
visUiog Peodletoo on eave time and
money by taking this route. By ao
qualnting tbe aeats the previoni even
fog the tae will make conneonon with
2 "'clock train at Echo for PendlRton
OlHoe at City Drug 6tdT. W. D. Ird,
Whil rou keep oor ubcrlption paid op joo
o keap four brand is fraeof ehvg.
Bor, P.O., Heppnar. Or.-Hoi, PBci left
ihoolder; eattle, Hmtnn left hip.
Chapln, H.. Hardman. Or.-He.re branded
Ton rtaht hip. Cattle bramled 111 Mini, Alx.
brmnda (,I on horn rmht thluh; ca'tl m
brand on nght shoulder, and out off and o
rinht oar. , .
. . i
' A..,In.Or. Horww.WoB rirhtihorft
dxr, ( attle, mine on rishthip: aar mark annar
crop off left aod split in right
. Doiif laaa. W. M . flalhiwar. Or.-Tttla, H I) an
riRht ida.swailow.furk in aaeh aar; kuraaa, it JJ
on left hip.
E'r. Mr-ia .. Donclas. (b.-Rma kn vr v
pa l(t houlder, oattla aama on Mltiip. bolt
In rutht ear.
Flnranoa. L. A.. Hannna T.u t
right hips borsaa f with bar under on haul
Jonea, Harrf Hoppnar. Or Hone hraodad
H i on tha left ahiMiliiar! Mf(i. I, .,! i
nt.t hip. ali sndnrbit in left aar. Kanca u
Mcjrrow count jr.
inl,ii.m. ralii, Lan, Or.-Roa, nlrolaT n
irt atina: oallla. aama na kin i
imp In nt and aula n left aar
Rainr. Mika. RnnM fk " -- L. j
KMY on laft bip oallla aama and enp oil laft
r: nn.lor alopa on tha rliiht
anmfwlard.W.n. Monnt Varnoa 0 I !.,.
sail la on nht and Uft atibai. awUotr fork in U h
nr aau un rn mop is naht aar. Horaaaaaiw
brand oa laft shouUlw, Ilanaa In Gram
Lnftan. HlanHMv. toa.Ov.a I. i. li.
on omnia. np and split n rtbt aar, il,,rvi
"'ao on tart ahoojdnf. Umntm Umni
Laaha. J. W M a..,n f w u i . .
and no laft nldr; eattla aama nn lf)
hip, vatUa irvar riht .re. Uira aiiu Id r,.hi
Minir. flanar HMiiuf rw . . , i . u r.
rt.blhipik.w-a M m lafl ah,,IM,
prn( H. N ttappaar. Or.-IIoraaa.il)
oa Ml ah).W, ft.it u aamaonlnfihiD.
rtt,rn. J W n.n.1. 1 1. . l . . . . .
honldar: ml I la mud up rlatit hip.
, Lf.,-1 """a. Hardma.(rf,-Hfaaall'-
Pip. i. H tf Ina-bm. r. .l,,n 19
parfad m. lafiahoail.lar; Oallla, aama on taf hip.
nda hti In aaen w.
Kt,M J. W H.i.mw II in
ta't aJMoktar. ( atlla. ( m rtattt hip.
Htawrr. K. fl tlabona Itr r...l. w 1
lft hip, rrnp of n', and nnaWbii in laft aw
dlail lNraa W C oa tatt afaool.W. '
Tli.m, t.,fi. t. A H.n.t,o.r (r.-H,maa. f or
laft atMHiMrr: raitla, 1 na lfl ah.mlrW
Taraar H. W Hnua, at.ii ,..i
laf alMmldar, horaaai aattia amis aa ta't h e
" ai.lit la Krna aara. '
Taiinm. II. at fw 11 j ,
Ht laifiivrtad on i-H atifta: t. aama brand.
Wa'ttttH,'(f, W, J , liillmii. II,,, l,m
qnartar -ifl. iW tm nht atwailclrs nut it
qiwriar airalaiW nn nM hip ami ntMrnl.,
"'P "d nta in Ml aar. K -a in Mnrrua mnA
K mat, ila ntMint tMa
Wanted-in Idea g
aaTkaa W -a
For 1897
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial. "Cantains CourairHniiii " mi.n i KmKo.
Rbe(Beg!f in MttyV)enS0"'S "St" Ive"-"
vearrt?h XT; Dana was three of the most critical
nttthan Rnv n Cabinet, and is probably better
gWean authoritatlve hl8to-y thlB P
PrtoVto?ftu??. w,c??s- y,anJ of unpublished. In connection with this series
MAKERS OP TnSpbllLh BE?clal MowaPbicHl studies under the general title ol
MAK.HKB OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
UN oAwVeoStrih1fMLnetnC.ntilat 1eW,l1, writ duriUK the coming year, with the exception
appear in ' from him long ego! will
Kabbit and the -Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories.
RUDIn o?th5ePhLoIrfnHrhwmRrt?,,n', cT,ra?,?mi8'" KiPlinS "1" contribute to McCtcaa's
ol lDe snort stories he will write durine the cnmincr vr.
cr-"-! u"""'b win
Anthony Hope Bret
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman
win an nave stories in McClu kb's for the coming year.
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions Bhould start with this number. '
The S..S. McClure Co., New York.
The Lancashire I
A Campaign
Of Education
W W oet it
r-u minute skill.
Huch a paper is a great popular
The subscription price of Lealle'a
a mate me unparalleled oiler of a copy ol ;
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- 5?
Weekly one year for only $5.00. $
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be mad W
analn. These two paper make a most acceptable Christina or birthday 0
gilt, and will tie constant reminders of the giver's kindness. ft
Remit by postal order or check to the
Heppner, Orecon. W
Published Erery Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
The Outlook will bm lo 1897, a il lias
been daring each of ite taenty rrn
yeare. a Uitory of Onr Oo Tima. In
lie varioue cMlitorfal deparlmaote Tbe
Outlook gie a eompaet reiew of the
wofld'e prngre; It follow with rare
all the important pliilatithmpio and in.
dotril moaaroapt of the dj haa
complete drparlraant of religimia oa;
dreotf tnacu pre to the lnlare.t nf
lb h'ime; review earrent liteteiare;
fareialiHi rh'-arful table-lalk almut met,
a,d thing: i,l, lo hnrt. elm tnlva
frh ielnrmiifliiu, rrltfinal cbaarvalion,
ami rurtonable anlrr'aintiiaot.
IWinniog wiih Ida fifty fjifii, ,a,
tb pr will aaaume the regular metre
fine ie, wlucb will add graatly to its
0 luvrliiruo aod atlrat tivaaaa. Tb
Ontlca- k le pnlliied ef,ry Halorday
Cfty teo leeor yaer. Tb firat l.aua
lo eaeh month, i ao Illatrta. liagaiiua
Number, eoatainlng abtinttwioeM bjsdv
pagae aa tbe ordinary iaanea, tgthr
lib Urge an a. bar of pirtarae.
The pneeef The Otithxik I tbr
dullare yr In edveeee, of le than a
f"l,t a day.
Mend fr a otfbo e ,pt n.j I.Uatret
ed pfpaelo l-ilti Oetlia.k, 3 laf
l'lao. Mew Tmk Cite
The only novel of Stevenson' still unpublist
animal tnrlo In h .om. a.m o- r,
"one, in which the same
u uujiiptum in iiseii.
Robert Barr
Clark Russell
trn ,
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature 1 expensive.
Lealle'a Illustrated
Published at 110 rifth Jtvenne,
New York, Is full of the best things!
Its illustrations are superb; it
torloa charming; and its literary
departments are edited with coii-
It should be In every
It $4 pe
Houthiog, sod pot irritating, strength
log, and not weakmg, mall but. fac.
tiye aoeh are the qialitle of DeWitt'
Little Early Itim the f.moo little
Pille. CJonaer A Brock.
Now le the time to gat tbe VTmkly
Oregoumn, tbe grnateat newepaper of
the Weat. With tbe 0eetta, both etrict
ly In adeanpe.oiie yeer. T.1.6(). No bHter
oowhination of neppcr oaa be made
o tbe etate.
Walt. Tboiupfin runa etage batweao
Uappncr and Monument, arriving erery
day einept Monday and leaving every
day exoept Suoday. Hhorteet and eheap
eet ronte ti the latarior. 0near t
Brook, ai"r 'a. e
On the morning of Feb. 20, WW, I a
eiok with rhtirntitn, and lay lo bad
ontil My 21t. whan I got briltl of
Cbemlwrlaio'e I'alo Balm. Tbe Aral p.
phealioo of it rehared tne el mo I eo
Iraly from the pain anj lb aaoond af
forded rimplala rallaf. Id a ah-.rt time
I waa able to )e up and alnint enin. A.
f. Moraaot, Lnearne, Minn. Hold by
Corlr k Brock.
I hroiigh train on the O. RAN. will
run i, Umatilla. Walla W.lla and
!tidlalo. Through elpar, firt and
aeeond flaa. will run in omnaetiio with
lb Union Perifia, the aarna a bar!,,.
'r. A through fjrat-claa l-par I'ort.
land lo ffpokoe, eouoarting with tbe
nralclna, apaf to fci. PbuI, and a
through, toariai alrpf l'tB.f to HI
Pl, will ran la ieinn with tha
Oraat Nnrtbara reilwey. if
t Mle-Aboat thirty ton of rye
bay, loeatad boat two and one-balf
ntilaeof Hardman, Alao iH) nra of
""I raege, fbad, to go wiib am.
I'laaty of cut!, gari.maal rang
ar at hand. Hbaitar for 2.KI0 had of
baep or Urg band of enl. CJood
booaa oe f laea. C. ,m O. latt bfflo
for l articular A rarai . hai,", , gt
bay oh-np. Alt einne ladieat e bard
wialet aod dale are daogarua. If
An English Explorer Penetrate the Ia
terlor of the Island.
A dispatch from Tromsoe, Swedenv
says that the expedition organized in
England by' Sir W. Martin Conway for
the exploration of the interior of Spits
bergen crossed the islands from west to
east and back from east to west in the
middle of July. The crossing was ex
tremely difficult owing to the preva
lence of storms, fogs and floods. This
is the first crossing of Spitsbergen, oa
Sir William Martin Conway, who, it
is reported in, the above dispatch, haa
succeeded ia crossing the icy wastes of
Spitzbergen, set out on his daring jour
ney, from London early in June. His
purpose was to explore the interior of
the islands. He sailed from Tromsoe.
. in Sweden, in company with his nephew,
Mr. irevor Uattye, and four other per
sons. The expedition was provided with
Norwegian ponies, sledges, tents and
other supplies. They reached Spitzber
gen in safety, as letters received in Lon
don a few weeks ago testified. It now
seems, if the above report is true, that
they have succeeded in accomplishing
their purpose, and it may be hoped will
soon be ready to turn homeward again.
Spitzbergen is not one island, but a
group of islands, lying in the Arctic
sea about 400 miles north of Norway.
The three largest members of the croup
are West Spitzbergen, Northeast Land
and Stans I"greland. By far the largest
and more important of these is West
Spitzbergen, with an area of 15,260
square miles. The entire region is ice
bound, and there are splendid glaciers
and several sharp peaks almost a mile
in height, whence the German name
Spitz(needle like) Bergen (mountain)
comes. The eastern shores are usually
very difficult of access owing to their
being swept by a cold arctic current
from the north, but the Gulf Stream
tempers the climate on the west aide of
the group. For this reason nearly all
attempts at exploration have heretofore
been confined to the east.
According to reports previously re
ceived, Sir W. Martin Conway may add
mucn mat is new to our knowledge con
cerning this land no vegetation
flourishes in Spitzbergen but a polar
willow -and a couple of berry bushes,
barring, of course, several species of
mosses and lichens. Reindeer, polar
bears, arctic foxes and vast swarms of
sea fowl, such as gulls, eider duck and
wild geese, are the chief nn.imnl in.
habitants on the islands, though arctic
explorers and whale hunters frequently
visit the land. Earlier, whales and seals
were very, abundant in these waters,
but, on account of wholesale depreda
tion by the hunters, they have been al
most exterminated. The islands are
laid to have been discovered aa early aa
Sir William Martin Conwav is an ex
plorer of wide experience. He won his
spurs in the Himalayas. In 1894 he con
ducted important explorations among
the mountain summit of India, and by
reason of his discoveries he was
knighted by the late liberal govern
ment. He has also done much climbing
in the Alps, and a few months ago pub
lihed a book called "The Alps from
End to End," which described his jour
neys among the high peak, pause and
Ice fields of Switzerland. Sir William
Martin Conway was ot one time pro
fesHor of arts in, University College, at
Liverpool, and he cliniba and explorea
because he enjoys it. Detroit Free
rropoaltlon of a China Grand at the
Russian Coronation.
At the recent celebration of tj.e coro
nation of the czar a la-eut.iful AnM-ricnia
girl, who had tlut honor of a special In
vitation to all the atate function, at
tracted muoh attcntion, and anmnp; her
many admirera waa a iimgni fluent and
altogether illut.rioua young graniWof
tlie east, attar-hi-d to the suite of Mm am
bANwuror extraordinary, LI Hung
Tbl youth calmly announced to her
rienpln that he would like U buy her,
whatever tha prim might lie. Wlar-n it
wa explained to him that AdiitItbh
girU were not reganh-d a mnrktnbl
rsirnmodrtif, ami that In any everttiirr
family did not drwlr to part with bT,
Im wan greatly diaappninti'd; but grace
fully accepting hi IU,mlwial, iu nelu-d
leave to perform to hrr aa "ar t of hom
age," aiu h aa waaoffnd In hi country
to prlirn-aaMi of th blond royal.
1 Hie eourUy, of mrw, could not ba
refuel, and a rbw waa aiiriirtl fr tlwi
cremmila,l, the young lady and tier
irlfluda) fwjitig naturally vkmt rirrUci
and a trifle nervotw aa to what thia "act
of homage- might er.iiawt of. At eh
tlm apxmifend the yoiuig orient! n.
tie arriviwl, arnrrmpan,ird by a nurrwrau
retinue of frienda and wmrnnta, quit
like Aladdin In th atrry of tln wondT-
ful lamp. All war rind In the moat
maTnJflcnit gamnnt. IVy dr-w up
twfom the houim where lm girl wna
at ay In g, while Uae rejurti-d suitor, or
rather tli would -Im ptin hr.r, with a
smaller following, eotcrad, hi at
trndnta Inuring an ermrna-nM Urrvo-
alma or half rirrlrlof flowrra. Thus hi
laJd at tU yraing ktdv'a fnrt, whila- fan
drJier an equally flmr-ry ralkm In
Uia native tongue, w hirh wa tranaJatrd
for her la-ln-fil by hi lntrprptr.
It, waa aJto-Ui'T an iiiharrawi(njr
but vary prr-tty cwmonW.Tarrj
Trtir-r, hali-lthr-uin and l cioaw
The liiU-nm. Iti hlng aod aiuartlng, tm t
d utti tli'-aadli iuaa, UlriaUiilly ailayml
hr applying Cbamba-rlain'e Lya and
Kkla Oiiitim-nt. Many vary Wl raw-
have bwn pr-rmanaritly rnrxl by H. It
t einlly eflU Vnt t hlng plli and
a favortut ramwlv f, aom nlptih-a,
chapped hand, chilblain, frat Idtraj
and throtilcja-re eye. jfi eta. ir Uji.
Ir. f'adj'a (ondltlaa f.w4era, are
Juat wfcat a bora) nU bn In bavl
.tj.wvJii.on. Tonic, bhaal rurin.r and
, vn.iifiH'e. Th-r ar not ru1 but
I !' and the Uat In uj t trut a
jbotae la prima oitdjUJB. Ilk Zi
au pwr pai kag.
16, 1897.
Berlin, having determined to be
come a seaport like Paris and Manches
ter, is now debating whether its outlet
shall be Stettin and the Oder, which
means the deepening of the Oder-Spree
eanai, or Hamburg and the Elbe.
England's nickel trade is passing
through a severe crisis, owing to the
diminished consumption of the metal
in German coinage and the competition
of the French Nickel company, which
has reduced the price from four dollars
a pound to 27 cents.
Kussia is a gold-producing country,
so it is not remarkable that the circulat
ing medium comprises $422,000,000 of
gold, to only $41,000,000 of silver. The
deficiency in subsidiary money is made
up by an enormous mass of outstanding
paper rouble, the total amounting in
our money to $550,100,000.
The range of the human, voice is
quite astounding, there being about
nine perfect tones, but 17,592,186,044,
515 different sounds; thus 14 direct
muscles, alone or together, produce 16,
363; 30 indirect muscles ditto, 173,741,
823, alld all in cooperation produce the
number we have named; and these in
dependently of different degrees of in
tensity, A Hamburg young man has just
had his sanity proved by the Roentgen
rays, ne declared ten years ago that
he had a bullet in his head which he
had fired into it in trying to commit
suicide, lie complained of the pain
and, as he attacked his keepers and the
doctors could find no trace of a wtmnd,
was locked up as a danccrous lunatic.
The Boentgen rays have now shown the
exact place of the bullet.
Japanese coal is to be placed upon
the California market in competition
with the standard grades that have been
used there for years. Three large
steamers are loading coal at Kobe for
San Irancisco, and two more steamers
are under charter to carry similar car
goes lor the same destination within
the next 30 days. The bulk of the coal
confcumcd in California now comes
from Puget Sound and British Colum
bia mines, while a big ahare is supplied
Dy Australia.
The production of coal in India is
steadily increasing. In 1885 there wore
mined 1,295,000 tona, while last year the
ngurea were increased to 3,167,000 tons,
ine iiengol collieries are responsible
ior about 2,500,000 of the total. Much
attention has also been paid of late
years to the discovery of mineral oil
wells, but the success attained has not
been very encourngiug so far, though
some 36,000 gallons of oil were obtained
from the Digboi field in 1895. The bor
lug at Sukkur has failed to reach an oil
bed, though it has been carried to a
depth of 1,500 feet, and is to beeunk 200
icet further before being abandoned.
Coafeulon of a Jocular Man Who Lived
Up to III Reoord.
I have been told that I came into this
world with a grin on my piuk face. In
stead of protesting w hen theelerirynion
who baptized me aprinkled the water
in my left eye, I took tbe whole thing
aa a good joke, which led my nunie to
predict that I would have a short life.
My conduct during my first couple of
years showed that I hod mado up my
mind to make it a merry one. The
reputation for good nature which I
have bod from my earliest childhood
has proved my greatest affliction. The
popularity which I enjoyed a a baby
with all those who came In contact
with me haa stuck like a leech. Having
reachad the age of discretion. I am ex.
pected to lie happy under all poaaiblu
circumstance. My friend tell me that
they never met anyone who eoiuiled me
In evenneea of temja-r. They are care
ful to spread my renown among thoae
who are stronger to me. The result I
that I feel obliged to live tip to my re
pute. I go almut ready to turn on a
fictitious amlle at a moment' notice.
My tailor may be preening me for pay
ment of his bills, I may Ire Buffering
irom the remorse that follow a late
dinner. I may have Indlireatlnn. or. In
fact, aufTi-r from any of the ilia Unit
afflict humanity! yet If I see a friend In
the street I must irrln like a nionki.
and laugh like a mule. Why? Ite-
cause I am a good-natured man. Smil
ing haa become auch a habit that I
beam unroncioiily, and If there la a
baby in the elevated ear or Mreet enr
at the time, the Uttl wretch I aura to
eipreaa di-slre to alt on my knee and
pun my mustache, all of whic h I a
cauaa of extremn enil,rraan-nt
Naturally aby and diffident, my albved
good-nature givea ro an air of elreme
eaan In nValing with at ranger, eaiic.
elally old maid, rlergymim and police.
my lire i ona Jong bluff. I am a
whlUnl acpuli her. There I dwelt In
the corner of my month and tha twinkle
of my eye. I am not allowed to Indulge
In the blur or to miar-rable. If any
one I di-apondi-rit, he or h would
rem-nt my fnilura to nmke fun a a per
sonal Insult. I hava taren In lova many
tlniaa, hut In no rnm f,s tha gli
di lfc-ncd to take me aeriotlaly. I'arhnpa
It I Juat a wall, Irrranar- In tha nw-
jrW aUile tha niaak Uquli kly torn off.
j What a revalntlnn my rr al tmture would
i have bwri! The wort thing of all I
I that f am loofcd nn a hrtnl-. Tha
I world K.itivalv r'fi to aaaor-Uta
guile with ao pr-ninl a min. Vat I f.-
that I routd I a mast and hlatorln
criminal If I had th opportunity. I
uppra i anon I unrbtiirr. to the lf,
,h 1 k l,.L . I. I . . t a
. r,rr.-,i, i
"" ,
'Haw ta Car all ski litaaaaa
liT no Othaf rrnaly, Aak
Ifial for Hra' ()iaimnt.
oar drag
lb Ualail will Uka Mitatoaa, t pla
ira of butter 00 leriptNin aei'ai.'a.
Any owing I hi nffina rn aattl lhaf
ateoaata la thi aaaaf a4 aan'l da it
toa awas U tail m.
Himply applr ,Mwyn' Otrsttti.!.' la Japan, both actually and In nrotaie-
Nolntarnal tiia.ll. io r,qirl. Unra Ikm to te total nnmtar-r nf AMha. In
lar, white aa. b.althy. It r..l b-ed '7 T ,ta ,,"r,",t-
d.aaa.l enr.liaa r.,..,. ... I H't" o4 rvr tluU dlirltitf theaM
WEEKLY pIO. 7411
tv v '"jns
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for Its great leavening strength
and healthfulnesa. issnres the food against
alma and all forms of adulteration common to
the eheap brands.
Btqd9pBplqj-aTp3i TJ
aaois puucxI-009 u J3aiAojq una airie-n
'ESH ut 81iloai;uifjsuo3 jo eSais q ni
sioiq aqj sniBSu -ji iiauioqujfl ijiinq
aioix suna aSaui .0,3a 'sjtoHqAVBjp aeaqi
jo 8ids ui -aizznui eq u uj pajaAoqa
SU M, aapAvod aq; pu 'oqs' 10 pasn adA
azts aqi tns jo soaojg -pasop pua uo
qiA 'ssuaq jo ;no aqn JSatjasa Xq nsq
iaqti; v uuoj o sdooq qqiiAV aaqjaSoi
s.ioq uoai 3aipatq Xq ag aq- 'ponj-js
-uoa uii3 pun dn uo bum. norjsiaa
-flns q-j otnsi siq aaja noog n'loap
jo sauiSua u asti sp i9a33ns o sjrr
aq sb,w 'uoaa; jaSotf '3uoai qstiaua
S9SI noqn juq aM0U5( sj j'gBdaotn
-ei aqj uj io japAvodunJ jo eanijoBj
nuuw aq; jo uiaijo aq wq-) aujUBJQ
V&ioism japatodnno
SAai oaBaiq
amoq v pip aCBAvrB qa sn ejairj pip
aqa 'jaASAtoii uouoq ub qons o patuoj
-snaaB aaaM. Xaq joj 'oaa sauaA"
Maj b aaaq; Surjunq sbav ssajdma q
uaqM puTqajr u asua q iCpjjoadsa sum
srm pua 'erana mjaadoii un eBpomuioo
!b & paSB iCuappn Sujaq mn
HBqB uaiBj fiBqAwuios uaaq 9Aq old
-oad urm pooa e iCirBjnd 'nj majp
o jBsodajp g.safBui jaq i paod aq
jCbuj mooa j qi wnbM pub aniSica
ubuijooj qj uaqA 'aatn aqj jo pooqjoq
-qSjaa aq- uj aq oj suaddsq qajqAi osnoq
s.uutnanuaa iJaa o dn 9Aup o gjapjo
sq naujqoBoa aqx aSBixrtia aaqiono ta;
moijoj oqM 'saaswaap 9q; Xq qSnojq
I Jiireqasaoq no 4B9a ,saadura q
ioj pajpnbaa iJuiqjaAa m aaa 04 s
Anp 9soqA 'aaiiBA. uj eoipiq oa
jb iCeofBui jaq q-jjv 'aam eanjiasa
rtaBuipao fluiJBaAi 'uiuqanojq b nj jo
no.vqp aoq a n(q).ia o aaAjip uri
ua3 aqa oou.ipisaj jq ujojj 9q &i aaad
-dBq qwia oq; pire J8urjnnq i tmaiduia
oq u,qA 'AVofom Jq jfq Uii8b nappji
WAau j pua jadiua jo aua Moqs jo
aauaj n v aitrjisaq aouo -jar jnq aoj
Ib oj ai!i jbumo 0qj eojad iCiiB .soaii
spunuiuioa jajunq 88fla-'sag jChbsj y
ifuipja tiAo wq aoj aatuoq uoodojn nj
ntmiOAV jairio Xu traq uoiu tpuada
aijsny jo asajdui aqi iqaqoaj
fxiMoit aai jq
Dr. King' New Dlaoovery for
Thii i the best medioine lo the world
for all forma of Oongln and Cold and
for Cousnmption. Every bottle ia guar
anteed. It will on re and not disappoint.
II baa no equal for Whooping Cough,
Ailbma, liny Fever, Pneumonia, bron-
tihitia, Ijh Grippe, Uoh ia the llad and
mr Uouaiimptmn. It ia safe for all eg,
pleaaaut to take, and, above all, a aura
enr. It ia alwaya well to taka Dr.
King's Naw Life Pilla in connection
with Dr. King's New Discovery, aa they
regulate and tone tbe atomach and
bowel. We goarantee perfect stifa
Hon or return monay. Fraa trial bottle
at Oonaer A Itroi-k'a droir store, ltaanlar
sir. 60 centa and $1 IK).
Prasarvad I'aarhaa.
' Tare the peaches or drop them Into
boiling water, letting them atand for
two minute, then the skins can be
tripped oft easily. Drop thcra, when
akinnrd. Into cold water to prevent dia
coloration. Allow three-fourths of a
jKiund of augar to one pound of fruit.
and one cupful of water to each xiund
or sugar, wnen the sirup boil, add the
pea he, a few at a time, and cook until
tender, then put thern in Inra. When
all are done, fill up the jnr with sirup.
i-raciie may be halved or ucd whole,
a fpw atone li ft In the halve give a
good flavor to the irrrve. (Jood
Mr. Whiffle (rending) "The em-
preaa of Austria Buffer from liijoninla."
Mr. Whiffle (nirdifltlvey) "Well, no
wonder. I'm aura If I wna an rtunrra
I'd lie ao proud of it I couldn't sleep a
!iik.M-.N. Y. Weekly.
You can
make the ac
of Schilling's
Ixltnf poortar
flavmin lliarls
nd fcH a
for nothing and welcome.
Your grocer knows.
tm salt lif
J. W. Vauuhan
SaMda la Japan.
An vrtr on tlte IiretJ.ira nf ai.UULa
In Japan haa liwn written bv Mr Haitu
. , . '
noHuiu, a naiiv alatlatu-ian.
Ilia a I a.
tiaUca eitoiHl over ten year and atxrw
hit uiriilf baa tiecn on tba lotrfaa
yr thar was a graat rla In the prlca
pf tha necaarU of lifn, Ia the raaa
of Jaftantwe wonwn llm aga at w hirh
auiciiln U roost fraquant la alaiui 80;
the corn ai-iij I r 7 raxl wiib men la
25, CintHMiralitflv trw moiiicu n.minil
tuh-ala afu r tla tw.-t.ty-rifiii jaar. but
Uta r 1,0 1 tU uulil tUy are awil to.