Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 12, 1897, Image 1

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    fotlUftd Library
Advertise in it and do
It has some of its . own.
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W.
Business Manager
At tS.50 per year. fl.2S for n months, 75 ote.
or three moncns, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPEK is kept on tile at E. C. Dake'n
Advertising Agency, Hi and SB Merchant
Exchangs, San Francisco, California, where oou
raota for advertising can be made (or it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. dally, except
Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a, m.-daily, except Mon
day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc
tion 2:19a. m. ; east bound 12:51 a. m.
Freight trains leave Heppner Junction goiue
east at 10:43 a. ra. and 8:45 p. ui.; going west, 5:30
p. m. and 6.45 a. m.
Bat the Pesterad Itattur Couldn't See It
Xliat Way.
A butler who had been 25 years in
tlie same family went one morning io
bis master and said that he wauled to
leave, says the Weekly Telegram. The
master, much astonished, asked what
his reason was. '
"Do you want your wages raised,
John?" .
"No, sir."
"Is it. the food that you're complain
ing of?"
"No, sir." jt&k
"Well, what is it, then?"
"I'd rather not say, sir."
"Now, John," said his master, losing
his patience, "you've been o long time
in Tnv employ, ami I insist upon your
telling me."
"Well, sir," said fhebutlcr, finally, "if
you must know, it's all along of the
missus. It's nag, nag, nag from morn
ing to night, and I can't stand it any
His master sighed and then said, sol
emnly: "John, go upstairs toyour bed
room, lock the door and then go down
upon your bended knees and thank
Heaven that you're not married to
i A Thumbscrew Torture to the BIGGEST NERVE Is
SCIATICA. St. Jacobs Oil
ES.f 1
I I lift
ii turns Dacnuie screw. it unwlndathetwlst. irswiniia. u cukes, r
United States Ofllcials.
P esident William McKiutey
V "n-Prenldent Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State ....John Sherman
toeoiHtaryof Treasury Lyman J Hag
Secretary of interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Beoretary of War Russell ' . Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James . (-iary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary bf Agrienltnre James Wilson
State of Oregon.
tiovernor W. P. Lord
Beoretary of State H. K. Kinoaid
Treeanrer Phil. Metachan
flnpt. Puhlio Instruction G.M. Irwin
Attorney General 0. M. Idleman
Benator j. H. Mitchel
J Binger Hermann
Congressmen w K E1Ui
Printer ...W. H. Leeds
SR. S. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
C K. Wolverton
Sixth I odlcial Dls'rjit.
Cironit Jnlge I I ,hen A. Lowell
Vmeecuting Attorney.... .....H. J. bean
Morrow County OIncial.
Joint Senator .......
Ctunty Judge A.
J. W. Beckett.
" rierk
" Sheriff
" Treasurer
' Assessor
" Surveyor.
School Sap't Jay W. Shipley
Coroner B. F. Vtughan
Mn .Thos. Morgan
L! KinRilmeu Geo. Conser. Frank
Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J. blooum, 11
l.iMttAntlukl .nil J. R. Himnns.
n ..i., W.A. Richardson
T easnrer L- W Brings
. Marshal A. A. Roberts
Jo.tia.nf tha P. ....W. K. Hichardson
Constable N. B. Whotstone
United State Land Officer.
J. P. Moor Register
A. 8. Biggs Receiver
i.a nuiini on.
B.F, Wilson , Register
J. H. Robbins Receiver
... A. W. Goto
.... J. N. Brown
(i. Bartholomew
.... . R. Howard
....J. W. Morrow
... E. L. Vat lock
,.. Frank Gilliam
J. C. Willi
, J. W. Hornor
ge:rst societies.
Q. A. B.
Meat at Lexington. Or., th last Hatnrday of
.ack month. All veterans are Invited to Join.
( c. Hnon. Geo. W . Smith.
Adintant, tf Commander,
Do not poultice an eye under any cir
cumstances whatever. Binding a wet
application over nn eye for several
Ivours, .must damage that eye, the asser
tions of those professing to have per
sonal experience in this to the contrary
notwithstanding. The failure to ag
gravate en existing trouble by binding
a moist' application over an inflamed
eye, which application is supposed to
remain fur an entire night, can only
be explained by the supposition that a
tuardian angel has watched over that
misguided case, and has displaced the
r.oultice before it has trot iir its fine
A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of
- Grant ever pi'blisned. (Begins in December.) .
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins iu May.)
tharles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dnna was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member oi Lincoln's (Jaoinet, aua is prooaoiy better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period Irom his
recoiiecuo"B ana correspondence.
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title oi
ma Ke, lid uir i lib ubiun irom waitningion to uncom.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which nave, in the "Sherlock Holme stories, given nun
a place beside Foe and Uaboriau.
IAN MACLAREN. All the fiction that he will write during the comine vear. with the exception
of two contributions to ano'her publication which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear in aiculukk b magazine.
JOEL CHANDLER HARKI4. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories.
RTJDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McClcbk's
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. i
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete iu itself.
Robert Bare
Clark Russell
A Queer Organization of Prison
ers Behind the Bars.
The ' Kangaroo Court and Its Varlon
- Officials An Initiation Into the
Hysterics of the Mys
tic Order.
1897, the subscription prlee of which Is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Might telephone connection with
the Palace Hotel.
Anthony Hop Bret Hart
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman
will all have stories in McClubk's for the coming year.
work. All oculists condemn the poul-1 These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClcrs's Magazine for
ice absolutely, in every shape and in
every fom. Tea leaves, bread and milk,
raw oysler3, scraped beef, scraped raw
turnip or raw potato, and the medley of
disgusting domestic remedies popular
ly recommended ars, one end all, capa
ble of producing irremediable damage
to the integrity of the tissue of the
vUual orran. N, Y. Ledcer.
' Was Looking for a Queen.
A son of the marquis of Salisbury is
much interested in bee farming, and
this very mild hobby resulted in the
wildest kind of excitement in the neigh
borhood of Hatfield recently. It all
came about in this manner: Young
Cecil, finding one of his hives queen
less, sent an order to- Welwyn, the
nearest town to Hatfield, for a Carni-
olan queen a famous Italian bee and
asked to be informed of the probable
time of 'its arrival. The lee dealer sent
oft the bee by the next train and wired:
"The queen will arrive by 3: -10 this aft
ernoon." When Lord Cecil reached the
station to take possession of his bee
he found the place thronged. The tele
graph clerk had interpreted the tele
gram that her majesty was paying a
sudden visit to Tlatllcld, and, being un
able to keep such interesting news to
hiniBelf, the information spread like
The late Lord Lilford, in his recently
published work on the birds of Korth-
aniptoiiEhire, England; tells this story
cf a singular incldoit which occurred
In ono of his frequent visit to ti ain:
"I first learned," lie soy, "the news
of President Abraham Lincoln's murder
from a scrap of a Spanish newspaper
found In ft neat of the kite by my
climber, AgBno,nrsr Aran uri."
A. Campaign
Of Education
how to Get it err A A
National Banv:
Lightness of Comets.
It is now estimated that a comet an
large as the earth, w ith a tail 3,000,000
miles long, would weigh less than 30
Mads on FaYorsble Terms.
First National Bank
T. A. Rhea,
Ceo. W. CONttft.
8. W. sCNCtn,
Vie President
Ass t Cashier
sh m n 1 1 n
Tnnwu a hntni mmt Dtutcrn.
Oa all parts of the world
Bought and Sold.
Collection mad on all points on
reaanaablt Terma.
surplus and ondltldsd Profits, f3t.0O0.0O.
Ontario-Bums Stale Line
a. r r
While yo aaap yoar tobeoriptfoD paid p yea
oaakaep your brand In freaof charts.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horse, P B Cfl left I
dhnoliJUri tilm him OB M)ft h 1 tl. I
C!bpln. H., Hardman. Or.-Horse branded WEEKLY
toorivht hio. I'auUbrwirUdthosam. A!ul
brands l.I on bone riant tliiab; aa'tl nasi
brand oa right skua Id r, and out on and
riaht ar, ,
Cook. A. J..Lma.Or. Hnrasa. SO 00 ricMshoal
dr. Cattle, saneon right hip: ear asark aqoar
rap od mi ana spin in nnu
DiHwl. W. M . OaUowar. Or.-Cattle. 1H
riahl aid. wajkw-fors la eaoh ar kurss, H LI
oa lrt kip.
vi. nn..u rw Tt.. k..ti ri Y
oa shAuldw, oat'tl Sam oa Uftaip. auto !
1 nhl Mr.
PlnrMoa, L, A lUpsmar. Ot. Cattla, LP na
ri.hi hioi aurs F wit bar mndar oa riaht
Jnna. Hanr. Hppo. Or Hot brand 4
rl i oa th Uft slHKildw: ea'tl br.idd J oa
riaht bip. also eadarbil in left ear. ttan la
ortvw eoantr ,
Jntkm-m. Palli. Lea. fVr. Wot. sltrlsTM
l ft stifl! sail la, am oa ri-htaJp, saaa aaf
wo la ri wl bil! M rt , '
Rant. Mik. Hppnr. Or. W -rm srtwW
IN oa Urrt bio eittpsiaa) m afl twti
art aaW Unm a an rlarit
I iiltlnl W.( MnaX Tmos. f. I L
MUI f nht aa4 Irfl -. wilow fork ia I ft
ear and and ( ia Hbt r, Hur 1 Mm
brand oa laft htnluw, Hans In utaot eoantr,
LA. Wttit. to. Or.) t aa Ut hie
a aattt. era awl tlit oa fHrht r. Bun
aua bread aa lft savakWr. Haas tiraai
Lmk. W Maocinar tr. HoraM brand I
Laud A lt aoldari a(l oa l"M
brp. wkiliev rilit r. Ura alii la nhl
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 MHh Avenue,
New York, 1 full of the best things.
Its Illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con
summate skill.
Burn a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Leslie's Is II pe nnum.
We mak ths unparalleled oner of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before.. No such offer will ever be medo
again. The two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
Iloppneir, Oregon.
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place
New York
fsv Barns tlsilr at p. m. o4 sr
rifes at Ontario la 42 boors.
Single Fare $7.00.
Round Trip $10.00
f3tPThriagl freight V4 tant ar amin4
Im BnrneaailT. . ra"-a
zzwxrr-x. vantsd-lln Idea rr:
fls St Svru.
ktiaar, law, Happaae rr.-HarUa, 1 Dm
rifht blp; lamt M i MtnalMt.
Ilorrao, It. Mm H-n.por. Ur.-H'ir, M )
oa lft cxml-tt et Mnwoa Ut hip.
.l-r. i. W !miIm Or. i h-mm O oa Irt
lMiMr: milMUMe rbt hip.
Prk.r Kana. Hardmaa.Or.-Horsa lPoa
W-f aSoal.1.
ri-. i. H.. Iilnst.1. r. -Hriwsa. 1 .
aantad m laft hntiiUt aatUa. sas a Ut kip.
imW ktl la Mak au.
karu I. W,. Il'fpaar. Or. ttnran, JO m
fi aHoaldar. C'aiU. () oa riaht blp.
at-rrr K. O. Htfpnor. Or. rnl C aa
laft hip, v at fifM and i rti.l la laft rear,
aawWtiM IwifM W(m lat hnldar.
7Koipai, J. A llapfiaar, OrHnnn, g n
rft aSnalaVrj coiU. I om Ufl Maaldar.
Taiiar K. W .. Happaar. Or. a mail Mpl t
bfl skonldar, ti ii in raiu mj aa laft hip
.iti nl4whMliia
Ttmtntom, ft. M . Inn, Or Riavas twaad.4
BT taiBra4 aa Uf atinai ilia aua braaH.
Wa iaaliarcar. W, i, lMlbrvas.tMik.Maas
enarta mtr'm JT a fi(tit twimUl'. Mill
liaan at w i V aa Hciit kip Bad nM aalak
rr'.(. wi bnla ia Wft aaf, Hm g la Jlnrrvw and
LataUtt aaaatiaa.
The Ootlook will be Io 1897, as il
bees darlog each of Ha twenty-seven
years, a History of Oar Oe-o Times. Io
ds various adiUirial deparlaieots The
Outlook give a eompsot review of ths
world' progress; il follows with rare
all lb Iroportsst pbilBthroi,io sod id-
osirial moT-roeoU of lh day; bas a
couplets department nt relieiotis news;
devotee moch Spar Io the interests of
lb borne; reviews earreet litetslare;
farslsb" cheerful table-talk sbont piaa
add tbiaas: and, is sharl, aims to give
fresh tt.lormatl'in, rrlginal dbaarvslioo,
and raasnnabl atilertainmaot.
CrgibDiaf with lbs flfl fiiflb vulnme,
lb paper will aaanro lb regular
giot HI, which will add greatly to Its
0ottbltifl and atlrarlivaoaa. The
Oullm k I phlifhed evary Helnrday
flfiy tao iasur a jtar. Tbe first Issue
Id each saoatb is n Illustrated Mag sme
Noaibar, eoatatnioc about !! s tossy
page lb ordlosry iaaue, l'iglbf
hb large aamberof pu lura.
Tb l'fi of The Oatluok I tbiee
dollar a year io advene, or Iras Ibaa s
raiit dy
Hend for a peiinan py and ,ntrt
Mouthing, and pot ir Itatiog, strength
leg, utI oot weakio - small but, effec
tive snob are the qualities of De Witt's
Little Early Itinera tb famous little
pills. 0 .er k Brook.
Now is tb time to get tb Weekly
Oregoman, tb greatest newspaper of
the West. Witb tbaMtte,botb strict
ly Id advance, ona year, $-1.60. No better
oorobiustioD of newspapers Can b mad
'0 tb Stat.
Walt. Thompson run stag between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day eioept Wonday and leaving every
day except Sunday. Bbortest sod cheap
est ronl tb Interior. Conser k
Brook, fnte.
On lbs morning of Feb. 20, 1895, 1 wi
siok wilb rheumatism, nd lay in bed
onlil Msy 21st, wbeo I got a boltl of
Clieruberlein's Psio Balm. Tb flrsl Sp-
plioatioo of it relieved me almost en
tirely from tb pain and ib Moond af
forded complete relief. In a short lim
I was sbl to b Op and shoot aa.nl. A,
T. Moraaos, Lnverss, Minn. Sold by
Conser k Brock.
Throogb tram oo tb O. II 4 N. will
run via. Umatilla, Walla Wills and
Pendleton. Through sleepers, first and
eorudclae, will run io ooeUoo witb
tb Union Pacific, tb asm a hereto
fore. A throogb first olae sis par port-
land to Fpokao, coooeotiog wilh tbe
first etaa sleeper to Rl. Tanl, and
through ton r 11 sleeper Portland to HI
Paul, will ron Io tvioueotion wilb tbt
Oreal N'rt barn railway. If
Fur sal Aboat thirty Ion or ry
bay, loeeUd slmnt I wo and oe-blf
anil) bf Oardmaa. Also 4'iO acre of
fifxl rssua, feooed, to go witb same.
Planty of ootsld govsmnwal rang
aear al hand. Hbe.r f .r 2.11 Lad of
beep or larg band of rilll. Oiw
porta nn tilae. Call oo 0"tt offla
The most interesting of these im
promptu clubs is the one called in thi
vernacular "The Kangaroo Court." I'
is found almost entirely in county jail
In which petty offenders and persom
awaiting trial are confined. During
the day, writes Josiah Flynt in Har
per's Magazine, the prisoners arc al
lowed the freedom of a large hall and
at night they lodge iu cells, the locks of
whicil are sometimes fastened and
sometimes not. Tbe ball contains
tables, benches, daily papers, and ir
some instances stoves and kitchen uteri
ails. The prisoners can and do walk
jump, and play various games. Aftoi
awhile these games become tiresomt
nd "The Kangaroo Court" is formed.
It consists of all the prisoners, and the
officers are elected by them. The posi
tions they fill are the "judgeship," the
"searchership," the "spankership," and
general "juryship." To illustrate the
duties of these various officials, I shall
give a personal experience iu a county
Jail in New York state. It was my first
encounter with "The Kangaroo Court."
I bad been arrested for sleeping in an
empty "box car." The watchman
found me and lodged me in the station
house, where I spent a most gloomy
night, wondering what my punishment
would be. Early in the morning I was
brought before "the squire." He asked
me what my name might be, and I re
plied that "it might be Billy Rice."
"What are' you doing "arouud here,
Billy?" he queried further.
- "Looking for work, your honor."
"Thirty days," he thundered at me,
and I was led away to the jail proper.
I had three companions at the time,
and after we had passed the sheriff
and his clerk, who had noted down all
the facts, imaginary and otherwise,
that we had cared to give him about
our family histories, we were ushered
pell-mell into the large hall. Sur
rounded in a twinkling by the other
prisoners, we were asked to explain
our general principles and misdemean
ors. This over, and a few salutations
exchanged, a tall and lanky rogue cried
out in a J jud voice:
"The Kangru will now klectl"
There were about twenty present,
and they soon planted themselves about
us in a most solemn: . manner. Some
rested on their haunches, others
lounged against the walls, and still
others sat quietly on the flagstones
As soon as entire quiet had been
reached, the tall, fellow, who, by tli
way, was the judge, instructed a half-
grown companion, whom be nicknamed
'the searcher," to bring his charges
against the newcomers. lie ap
pronched us solemnly, and in most
conventional manner, and said:
"I'risoucrs you are charged witn
havin' boodle in yer pockets. Wha'
docs ye plead guilty or not guilty?"
I was the first in line, and pleaded
not guilty.
Are ye willin' to be searched?"
asked the judge.
"I am, your honor," I replied.
Then the searcher inspected all my
pockets, the lining of my coat, the
"leutlicr bund inside my hat, my aboes
ml socks, and, finding nothing In the
shape of money, declared that I was
"You are discharged, exclaimed the
utlgc, anil the jury ratified he decision
with a grunt.
A young fellow, a vagrant by prcfcs-
eiiui, wiiM the next cae. He pleaded
not guilty, and allowed ldmi'.elf to be
itrehcd. Hut unfortunately he had
forgotten a solitary cent which was In
lii.'i vct.t rwx'ket. It was quickly oonUe-
euleil, and he was roinundod for trial
m the charge of contempt of tho "Kan
gru." 1 ho next victim pleU'K'il guilty
to the txiUM'H.slon of thirty-Mx cents,
uml wu't relieved of half. Tbe last man,
tin! I'lilltiest of all, although he pleaded
Inri'xvrioe, waa found out, and his three
illitrs were taken away fruin him in
fctjrittr, lie, too, was charged with
contempt of court. Ills ctute came up
wkw ufter the preliminaries were over,
and lie waa sentenced by the Judge to
walk the length of 'the corridor on
hundred and two times eaoh day of hi
ronfinctnciit, besides washing all tli
dkhei um-iI after dinner for a week.
Afler all the trials were over, the
confN'-iited money was handed to the
genuine turnkey, with Inktructions tha
it Ut liivfhtcd In tobacco. Iater in tha
day the tohncco was brought into tb
Jail and equally divided among all th
prl wmers.
The next day I, with the other late
urrlv:il, was Initiated as a member of
tlio knn;rtinio court. It waa a very aim
pie iirncceding. I had to prouiiae that
j would always do my share of the Deo
i-sHry cleaning and waahing, and also
be !,(inrnt and fair in judging the cases
wl.i. h inlght coins up for triui.
. Siin-o then 1 have bad opportunities
of .,'u. lying otlu-r kangaroo courts, but
llii-y huvu all been very much Ilk th
iiiot I iiavs iiiat OetH.-niMMi. I never
l, Ji aix-iiiltatic and autocratic, and at
tirtin tliey are very funny. Hut wher-
iv. r IHry are they com in ana the
r r.f jiiilhlrrift, and If a prisoner In
'i,,', tlio court he la punished very
ri rely. Moreover, it avails him noth
n-r to complain to th authorities. II
iiu i too many against him, and th beat
Jiin? he can do 1 to broom oti oi
'U iu a soon aa poeeibl.
A. Position of Responsibility with an Army
of Subordinates to Overdue.
It may surprise some old globe trot
ters to know that the big ocean grey
hounds running- between New York
and the European ports carry on an av
erage nineteen thousand pieces of
sterling silverware for their table serv
ice, and that this large amount of plate
is handled during the voyage by from
two hundred to two hundred and forty
waiters or "stewartls,"as they are called
on shipboard. The chief steward is
responsible for every piece, says the
New York Mail and Express. He must
be a man of quick powers of observa
tion, a student of human nature and be
up to all the little devices of a small
army of subordinates usually keener
and quicker witted than those found
ashore in the same calling. It is . a
busy day for the steward twenty-four
hours before the time set for departure.
He has purchased or contracted for all
the supplies and an assistant sees that
the contracts are fulfilled. But his per
sonal attention must be given to silver
ware. He. keeps a regular debit and
credit account and can tell to a tooth
pick just what he will start away with.
On the voyage passengers are apt to
lose Bpoons or forks or other ware by
accident, and occasionally a gay blade
may think it amusement to toss a sugar
bowl or half a dozen knives through a
port hole. It is needless to say that he
furnishes a quid pro quo before he
goes ashore.1 When the other side is
reached the chief steward spends a day
in balancing accounts. He started with
so much, and so much should be on
hand. If there is a difference he seeks
to find it, and if he can't find it he
makes good'' himself. The responsi
bility of such a position naturally com
mands a high salary, and every chief
steward on every ocean steamship run
ning from this port is, without excep
tion, a man of unimpeachable Integ
rity. The extraordinary record is that
in thirty years there have been but
two accusations of a betrayal of a trust.
Absolutely Pgr f
Celebrated for Its great leavening strength ,
and healthfulness snores the food agalltct
slum and all (ormi of adulteration, comuipu to
the cheap brands. '
Waa of Groat Moment . In a
Tonnossoo Murdor Case.
Cu4 iTxaMa br Im-n
f t mr M
' . JOM IM
. W
m law W
- - w taia -a i r - - - -. I , - i
,SZ7i aV'a " Tb. Ou.L,k, 13 A.tor I ft.
f.Vrf- "TVr.ftT I'Uce, X Xk Oitv. 'wl.le
psrlic ilar. A rare t-bane to gat
iu. Alt sign Ia4il bar
aad daisy wr dsBgerv, - tl
Theories Advanced as to Their Orlcli
Common In Eastern Montana. '
The well-known circle on the pas
ture lands about six miles east of
Helena, near the old overland stage
road, and which bas been a curiosity
and a source of speculation for years.
is identical with the fairy rings so com
mon In some parts of England. -There
were formerly two of these rings, says
the Helena (Mont.) Independent, but
one has entirely disappeared within
the last few years. The remaining one
is about two hundred feet in diameter
and forms a perfect circle. The ground
forming the circle is about two yards
wide and quite destitute of vegetation.
Many theories have been advanced as
to the cause of these rings. Some say
that it is the result of lightning; others
that a herd of buffalo, pursued by
wolves, stopped and formed themselves
into a circle as a meant) of defending
their young, and thus tramped out the
grass. Those rings have attracted the
attention of scientific men, and recent
investigations have shown they are the
result of centrifugal development of
certain kinds of fungi, among which is
the common mushroom, which shows a
tendency to grow in this manner. The
spot where it has grown is unfitted for
its continued nourishment, and the
spawn extends outward to new soil,
forming the circle. These rings are
common in eastern Montana, along the
Musselshell river, but the one near
Helena ia tha most perfect in tha state
Bomethisg to Depead oa.
Mr. James Jonei, of tb drag firm of
Jones & Hon, Cowden, Ills., in speaking
of Dr. King's New Disoovery, isyi tbst
last wiuter bis wife was atlaoked with
La QritiD. and ber oaa grew so serious
that physicians at Cowden and fsna
could do nothing for bar. II seemed to
develop into llaety Consumption. Hsv
ins Lr. King INew Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, b took a bottle
bums, and to th surprise of all she be
gan to get better from first doe, and
half dosen dollar bottles oured ber sound
and well. Lr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs aod Colds is guar
suteed to do this good work. Try it
Free trial bottle at Coosor ot Brock
Drug Store.
Th Thlrti-an Snnarstl tlon.
It is said this i-trriii.Tn superatitlon
extends away lm-'i toUic time of King
Arthur. When tlio g'xxl Ilrltlhli klug
founded the. f.".mHi Hound Table, he
requested Merlin, the cne'ianter, to ar
range the caK Merl'n iirrangcu one
set to reprcwrt t'ir litxrstletij twelve
were for the faith fill '.h jrvnUof Jeans
Christ awl the tl.'rlocatli for the traitor
Judas. Tlie fir-it wi-r-.- never orcupici
save by the litii;'ht i lii .linirnlkhed for
their acblcvi'iiu'iit"., nrvl vtU-n n death
occurred anon" Uiem t!ic scat n-iiiuim-d
vacant until a l("i;:'it. uirptiM.liig him
In heroic ami u.ir-lia uUaintiiouta,
should be com.iili n-d wnrt'iv to fill thr
place. If on u-nvortliy kni;,-l,t mm,
the vacant chair lie wan repelled by
Some magic powi r. Tim tliirteunth
scat was never iwvd i I but c i er. 1
vtory roc tlirt a lu'i-!.ty and lusoieii
Haraccn kni"'it, r qt iloi upon it ati
waa Imtnedia'. -ty v I 'in by th
earth. Ever nfier it .-.'. : I.ixn.-ii an the
"perilous wut," br. I. bjvr; lb rt-le'
bratcil knl'htitDf fin i:nnr.1 TaM are
said to barn t--n. oot one ever Imd th
con rags tokitontlie Ihittcinth thslr
and toe aupaTHlition aga.nat it fUll sur-
Tha Animal's Vrovt r! fill Sagacity Was
Proved In a &t&rttiii . Manner A
Pantomimic Lci rlptlou of
' the Tragedy.
The horse hes been known to act in
the capacity of a defective. Tbus, in
Shelby comity, Tcun., a shocking mur-
dcr was comraitted and the trial of tho
murderer came oil in a district which
wns divided from one of another juris
diction by tho highway on which the
deed was committed. The body waa
found a few yards from the road, from
which it had evidently been dragged, .
nnd tho doubt arose as tb which civil
district the murder hid been committed
in, which gave ru;e to the probability
that tho murderer would escape conylc-t
Several months passed away before
the trial was commenced, when one of
the witueuses, mounted on the borse of
the deceased, ' and accompanied by -a
large number of persona, was riding
toward the courthouse. , When the
horse readied the vicinity of the scene
of tho murder ho bepun jto show BympJ
totjis of alarm, which conduct greatly
Burpri tei nil v.ho witnessed It, for the
ptlier horticy of tho company betrayed
up Judications of .f cor. As the party
proeeedovl onward the limitation of the
hor-e lncroa-"cd, ami when he ' reached
a point ia the road opposite where tho
body was found hij excitement was so
great that ho became unmanageable
altogether. Tho gentlemen present
camu to a halt and looked on in per'
feet astcnloluncnt. His ilesh quivered,
hia noL.tril.i dilr.tod, and his eyes glano-
injr into tho woo.I near bv lie stood
auoi'mi'U Mint 't-u'"gi piut-ure vi m
wildest tscUcllil!:lt,", - - .
Ono of the gcntlenwn present, sus-
peeling the eiuibc of tho horse's agita
tion, ifiiggo.'dcd tliut .ho should have a
louse rein, whidi. bi'imr ' granted, the
noble iUuiiwil ruuliud into the thicket,
and, coming to a certain tree, com
menced puwln? at its roots. Then
making bis way further Into the forest
he circled round and returned to the
sumo spot, where ho stxd trembling
with ugitutiou nnd pawing until he
was violently foreod iiwuy, und when
ever afterwurd be piiNt-d that same
spot hit conduct wus invariably the
Ho LIixhI had ever been iwcu upon
the road und no up)c:ir.iiici- of any un
usual ftruggle lii..l over In-en dlseov-
erctl. If (he la-.tri'.er tjol; place iu ths
hlghwny tho Iiorc would have .nowi
nothing of the tree in thj ncighbtiriii);
thicket; if it w:ih eoiiiiir.t'.ed where the
body wus found then tUc court had no
urindictioii und the i.iurdurer would
go hcot fi-te.
Lpon this trial the tcHtimony of the
dumb uniinul niruiui.t the prisoner
proved mo-.t i.t.tr'.lit:g. Ilia augucity
was proverliiul in the neighborhood
where be U'loiijid. uu I bit littuchment
to his inuhter .i- tuidi tliut be fol
lowed him roi-.nd like a dug. Iu un-
mint nku bit pi;. it- iniiiie hii t-iiiu ted the
comiiiilUl of tint i iiiiilt f. piutured tb
dueity Into thu W n., t!ie evtiluut' da-
miid for gold i' t'n' ileuth struggle
under tho Ircciuid tliiiH the doom of
tbe prisoner wu.t m ;,lc I.
"Maw to Car all tkla I) !. "
Hiinply apply "Hesyna's OinlmoL-
No interne! tnedlaio riijlrel. Core
altar, aegarna. Hob, all raptlm oo lb
feoa. band, ooee, leaving lb skin
lar. whit end beslthy, IU great btl
ing sad corsliv powers ar poeseaaed
by ao ntber rernedv. Ak yoar drag-
gist for Msi Uinttnanl.
Msl Lirblelitbal ba jtit l lvd Iba
latrst stU In genU' as I lediee' lbti
i To (boald tbaio.
Tetter, Halt. Itken pi and I'aweiroa.
Tha intense Ib hlnu and smarting, tnol
deut to tliean diwaatte, is lustautly albtyisd
h atmlvlnir f liaiiilmrlalii a Eve and
Kkln Ointment. ' Many rerr bad eaae
have btiati permanently enred by tt. It
la equally efllctant lor itching pile and
a favorite remedy for aor nipple,
cbAppnd hands, chilblains, frost bite
I and chronic sora eye. gJ) ct. per bo
Schillings Best arc, on
the whole, the best
flsvntW.g (Stracts
there arc
as vc can say.
money back
like them.
For sal by
J. W. Vaughan
and spurt
That is as near
No your
if you don't
A Momanlooa Prodlag.
Io Mr. Montague's "Talc of a
Knaiad" he aaya that In the old days
tho llorr seldom untd bis pen, but
when he did there was a regular com
motion In tho house. "Iluxh. IWt quiet
all i'f you. Prlve out the duck and
thu get- , and tbe pigs and the fowl.
I'atiirr ia going to write bis name.'
And then the old gentleman, with el
bows njuarcd on the table, would
arise the pen with a fluiirUh, aud put
ting on a Irt-rmin"d lk, a if he
were going to tack) an adversary,
vrculd I wnd down hi Ifsd until it
eenrly ttmrhed Ida left arm, vtrite bla
qame with many a splutter, and then,
throw lug dow n the Ma and puthing
tU chair, would look round with an
air of mltirtcd pride and realgnaUoo
and aav: ' I hove d nis It."
YA. VL Ilisbof, smtseaor to Tb
Ii. J cjitL i lJiM ar I
. i ' i imi mwvn -.--, , ... ... , ... .
Jnt what a horae nrt when In bad! ransna M.roantn i.., i still mi ae
condition. Totiio, bluoJ purifier and giving graat bsrgaio io all line. Th
vermifuge. TV y are not fovd but gioci, tjoo.l b eUd ool, and HUiur-
nDxlictn aal to beat la Ut tnit a .nm ,i,inM ... r.u .
bora io prUue Aettkiot. PtU U pn-lat bow ob... tbiog. are. Call oo
cent ). pMkfi fm..ti ksefatUil. eabstfj,