Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 09, 1897, Image 3

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"Merit talks" the
intrinsic value of
Hood's 8arsaparilla.
. -wiuiiio means tne power to
care. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual
and unequalled curative power and there
lore it has true merit. When you buy
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
cure any of the many blood diseases, you
are morally certain to receive benefit.
The power to cure is there. You are not
trying an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus
drive out the germs of disease, strengthen
the nerves and build up the wholesystem.
Is the best, In fact- the One True Blood Purifier
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.
Hood's Pills SftS
Now that tho great politioal campaign
ia over and the winter season again with
ne, nil will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. CogoiztiDt of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new nnd renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, 1.50 $3.50
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00. . 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8 25
Webfoot Planter, 60c : 2 50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Here and There.
Louis Kinney is slightly improved
Mrs. H. Welch is convalescent from
reoeot illness.
Mrs. Mike Kenny is convalescing from
recent illness.
Tackle the Gazette for job printing
and advertising.
Today Morrow county is having veri
table March weather.
Mrs. Jane Buyer is recovering frou an
attack of sore throat and grippe.
Some wood on nbforiptinn or on old
debts will bo graciously acoeph-d.
The Redligbt people will treat you
right. Call on them when in town. tt
Tbo Ueppner Transfer Go have wood
for eale. Gull on them. 23 Ira
Protraoted meeting closed at tfce M.
E. oburoli, South, on last Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Richardson is recovering
from a recent attack of rheumatism.
Drink the oelebrated J. H. Ontter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'.
B. F. Hevland is suffering from an at
tack of migraine or neuralgia of the
Mao Monteith, the popular tailor, vis
ited hit patrons here Sunday and yes
Sam Donaldson wi.i over from Fossil
last week to visit bit daughter, Mrs
Walter Richardson.
I . Jacobs, a well known traveling man,
was looking after the interests of his
boose in tbia oity yesterday
Mai Lithteotbal bat just received the
latest styles in gents' anil ladies' ihoet.
You thouli tea them.
Fred Bock bat returned boms from
Portland and once more holds down bit
poaitioo in the lower botcher shop.
Mia. C. Cate, accompanied by ber
daughter, Mist Bertha, left for Walla
Walla on last Friday eight, to visit rela
tivet and friends.
The Gazette it atill taking torlp 00
debts or tubtoriptiou at (act value, tod
if any balanet it due tbt patron we will
pay full rtth value for tame.
Dr. P. B. MiBwotdt it In receipt of
word from bit brother, Ctl McSworde, ol
Denver, thtt bt bat to far recovered
from to a'taok of poeuraooia at 10 be
able to tit np
The Osietle did Dot put ita areonott
io tbt btudt of to attorney tor collection
00 Jao. 1. But pttt leniency It 00
enereotee foe I he futnrt. Coma ia tod
tettlt op tons way.
J. A. Parttirtoo ia op at ItoisUod, B,
0.. luokijriK alter toint mining iolerrtlt
Wm. 8wt)ot it palliog tbt tbrottlt on
Ibt I!. t ruer branch daring bit ebteoee
Uld Halt and Charley Joore are ae-
ociated togMhar doo tt Ubtriey 1
old 1)1 act io h. tontorui OoaiOMt,
r.tt . iham auJ set lour whitkera
poshed Id.
li..,tnn M.rob tf. 1M7. at br bony
in Jacktouville, Or., Mitt Atbali
Bbahw. daughter of llt. I. M. HbuUt
Toe Oeiotte nl pabliah obituary
tica Io a tobtequeot lean.
A grand Motbrf Hobber.l U!l itl be
ivu al tbt op"a bona 00 tbe ftjtiiit
..1 u. i.i,.ik' VUdn Ur. SUreti
J7ib. Mnw by WaHceborurf jeJ
lograbtm. IWl dim 3 5
D.ek Senile eaa-.U tbt tbt only
ty tbat II W.C-b-t ill ataura li t
ooveted mI io "' h' mt
h. miat.kon t -r J J Ublt who U a
- iu ids merits 01 Uham.
berlain'a Cough Remedy as one of tbe
most valuable and tfficient preparations
on Ihe nrarket. It broke an exoeedinalv
angerous oouh for me io 24 hours, and
in gratitude therefor, I desire to inform
you that I will never be withont it and
you should feel proud of the high esteem
in which your remedies are held by peo
ple in general. It is tbe one remedy
among ten thousand. Sucoeea to It. O.
R. Downey, editor Dnmnnxt Aik;n..
- - - w.uv, UIUIUII,
od. For sale bv Co
The Maccabees held what miuht be
termed a very pleasant impromptu so-
cial session following the meeting of the
lodge last Friday evening. Just as the
lodge was doting tbe wives of the mem
bers ariived with well filled baskets
much to tbe surprise of all. However,
this in no way marred the pleasure of
tbe evening. Social sessions are bloom
ing almost a part of all secret orgnnizi-
Judd Wiley will spend the summer
working for Geo. Swaggnrt. The Gnzstte
s pleased to say that Jndd is ddnif well
and proposes to make a man of himself.
Io this he will receive HiinniirjnTum.t,
from all good citizens
The storms of last week kft a great
deal of enow in and about Heppner, but
as it is not oold and is melting away rap-
diy, all agree that njuob g-.0d will re-
uitirorait. bet us have a good crop
this year, and then take one with the
The Gi.z tSe notes that Joel M. Long
is interviewed by au Oregoniun reporter
and is very positive that FT. W rwhtt
will be seated and gushes oyer in praise
of his chief. Joe is more suonesRfnl In
Using up disputed O. R. & N. olaime
ibHo he is in politics.
Robert F. Hynd, secretary of tbe M.
O. L & T. Co., iuforms the UhzrHa thi
recent sale of Morrow county wool
was made by Judd & Root in the East
at 34 cents, scoured, which it two
cents more than any previous sale of this
grtide ut wool made this season.
The old way of delivering messmm
by postboys compared with tbe modern
elepbon , illUHtrtes the old tedious
uiellioda of brettklilg" colds 00m Dared
with their almost instantaneous cure by
One Minute Oouub Cure. flunnnr A
Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under
be him uauie of Mathews & Guuiry,
are Hnaooiitted together iu the birbnr
business in the new stand, two doors
tuutii of ihe poBtoffiue. Tbey solioit a
call. . tf.
The'bld lady was right when the said.
he otiild migLt die if tbev weitm! for th
doctor. ttb MbVrd lll little uuu'a life
with a lew doses of Oue Minute Cough
Cure. Mm ba t used it for oroup bef.irs.
Outer & Brook.
First day. ' -t t
County court met in regular session at
the court house Wednesday, March 8,
1897, with Judge Bartholomew, Commis
sioners Beckett and Howard, Sheriff
Matlock and Clerk Morrow present.
After convening court the following pro
ceedings were hid:
Total amount of mJeoellaoeous bills
allowed tbe first day, $1706.08.
Report of J. W. Osborn, road super,
visor district No. 4, examined and ao
oep'od and bill of $12 allowed. Same
mpervisor was re-appointed.
Iu tbe mattter of Beleotioo of stock in
spector, applications of J. H. Wyland,
Ike Vincent and Geo, Stephenson were
examined, and after due consideration
J. H Wylnnd was re appointed.
Sheriff Matlock made report relative
to collection of delinquent taxes. Re
port accepted and warrant Rgain issued
for collection of delinquent taxes for '93,
'91 and '95-
Report of W. E. Gentry, road super
visor for distriot No. 12, considered and
acoept d, and bill for $10 allowed. James
Seavey was appuintad supervisor of tbis
district for the coming year.
On reobmmeudation Chas. Valentine
wus appoiuted as director for second
district E. O. Fair Association.
Second day.
Official bond of Jas. H. Wyland as
stock inspector, exauiiu d and approved.
Report of Christ Aliiesoh, road super
visor for district No. 14. accepted and
bill of $20 allowed for expenses. Peter
Bauernfieud was appointed for the pres
eut year.
Report of Cyrus Lejda, road super
visor district No. 17, accepted and bill
for services of $28 allowed.
Total amount ol mihoellaneons bills
allowed on tbis day, $524 30.
Petition of J. J. Adkiiis et al , whioh
was continued from last term of oourt
was, after consideration, referred to J.
W. Beokett for further report.
Application of Mrs. Jennie Gilmore for
rebute over and above tbe taxes and
costs on property of D. J Parish sold
Feb 10, 1897, granted and rebate of
$22.25 allowed.
Application of Wm. Hughes for ap
propriation in road distriot No. 22
granted and $75 appropriated out of the
5 per oent. fund.
In the matter of jurors and witnesses
for the March term of oourt, claims for
tbe following amouut in total were al
lowed, $429.30.
Jas. P. Rhea was Appointed road
supervisor for distriot No. 18 for the
present year.
No fmther business appearing oourt
ndj jurned without date. .
All Her Life.
- Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga.,
lays that his daughter, Ida, inherited a
severe case of Eczema, which the usual
mercury and potash remedies failed to
relieve. Year by year she was treated
with various medicine J, external appli
cations and internal remedies, without
result. Her sufferings were intense,
and her condition grew steadily worse.
All the so-called blood remedies did not
seem tc reach the dis
ease at all until S.
S.S. was given, when
an improvement
was at once noticed.
The medicine was
continuecd with fav
orable results, and
now she is cured
sound and well, her
skin is perfectly
clear and pure and
she has been saved
from what threat
ened to blight her life forever.
S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable)
cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu
matism, or any other - blood trouble.
It is a real blocd remedy and always
cures even after all else fails.
A Real Blood Remedy.
Take a blood remedy for a blood disease;
a tonic won't cure it.
Our books
on blood and
skin diseases
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
Mr. Thos Urlskell Takei "Ronch ci tuts"
Bat tbe Timely Arrival 01 a Pbyalclaa
saves Htr Life.
About II o'clock on last Rued ay
morning a little ton of Thos. Driskei!
ruebed into H. E. Warren's drug ttore
in quest of Dr. P. B. McSwords, laying
thai bis mother had taken "Rough on
Rata" with tuioidal intent.
Tbe doctor found tbe patient suffering
considerably, but prompt measures
aavod ber life. At present she it en
tirely out of danger and Buffering but
little inconvenience from ber experience.
The Gbzette is unable to etBte tbe
causa of the attempted aoioide, but sin
cerely hopes that the attempt at eelf
icbtruotitu will oot be repeated.
Succumbed to Typhoid Pneumonia Son-in-
Law of Senator Mitchell.
London Btat
Startling Omission at
All was in readiness for the luncheon
which M. Ilanotaux, the foreign secre
tary, was giving to the members of the
Metrical convention and Sir Joseph
Rennls. About 13 o'clock the chief
steward bebtowed a Inst look of proud
satisfaction at the harmonious set-out
of the tnble. All at one he shnddered,
as a poet might have done, in the final
revision of his proofs, at the discovery
of a printer's error that would have
horribly disfigured his latest sonnet.
"The menu cards!" he exclaimed.
"they hove been forgotten; lay them
round at once; there's not a minute to
Search was made for the bills of fare
on the sideboards In the dining-room.
in the butler's pnntry, ot the foreign
ofhee, even in the minister a private
room. Not a truce of the menu carde
and the lord mavor might arrive any
moment! No such (lixnater had befallen
ainoe the days of poor Votel.
The fact wns communicated to M
Crozier with all the delicacy that the
circumstances demanded. Various pro
posals were submit U-d. At length it
wot decided thnt all the functionaries
great and small, who happened to bt
present ahould be laid under reqnisl
tion: even the non of the hall portet
found himself preawd for the nonce
into the nervier of the diplomatic corps
The ink of tbe last copy was hardlj
dry when the lord mayor entered thi
banqueting bull. Honor waa saved.
Le Fignro.
The time for waiior.ing wood tarle
very gTratly, extending from weekt Ir
the case of tome timber to man)
months or years io the cane of bard
drnae wood.
Truth Iu a NuUheil.
Impure blood it the natural result ot
close uoofinemeut iu houiie, school room
or shop.
Blood it purified by Hood's Harsapa-
rills, and all the disaureeabla rvauIU nf
impute blood disappear with tbe Die ot
tbis medicine.
ir yon wish to feel well, keep your
blood pure wiin Uood'd Sarsaparilla.
Hand's Pills are tbe best family oatbar
tic aud liver medicine. Uru'le, reliable,
After asbort illness, Robert Pell Helm
bold, son.in-la w of United States Senator
Mitchell, succumbed to an attack of ty.
phoid pneumonia, dying Thursday
morning at tbe family residence, 561 Ir-
ing street, Portland.
Deoeased came to Portland from New
York seven years ago, as special agent
ot the Maobatteo Life Insurance com-
pany, whioh offioe be he'd up to bit
death, having been a leading figure iu !
iusuranoe circles of tbe Paoifio North
west. He was respected and admired
by his business aoqoaintanoea for his
sterling bnnetty and ambitious push. A
yeur ago Mr. Helmbold married Mrs. J.
A. Handy, widow ot an official in tbe
treasury department and daughter ot
Senator Mitohell.
Mr. Helmbold visited Ueppner about
a year ago and mnde a number ot very
warm aoquaiutaooes during bis brief
stay here who will very much regret to
hear ot bit tudden demite.
LiADina Feed Yard. The faed ytrd
next door to tbt Gxr.etit nffliv, now be
ing coodiiatad by Wm. Oonlon, ia rr-
f telly rqnlppedinvrynarticnltr. Bill v
solicit yonr patrooag and you may ret
ttsnr1 thai ynor bnre will b !!
cartd for bee left In bit chnrga. Prion
very rtuaootbla. II ty sod grain for
al'. tf
A riewnnt Oreanlon.
Tbt United Artiatn lodge nf Lex log
too gave in their lodge room last evening
what ill alwt)t bi r-mrobered as oue
of tbe very pleasant tod iuterestiog fra
ternal entertainment! of tbtt city. The
program was musical and literary, the
former ptrt being farnihel by Josef
Mueller, assisted by Ueppner lalaui
Every ncmber wt warmly received, aud
not a few were the enoorea derona ded
la all the evening wtt one of rainh, en
joy meat and pleatore. Lpxingtou lodgs,
No. HH, it yet in its iulnnoy, bH from
the ioterett, barmouy and eothnslnsra
-xbibited last eveoiig, ita tutors wilt
oertaiuly be crowned wilb tbe tnioett
tbat Ibe order in geaural 11 riobly de-
Pllral flirt! ItcUlu riles.
Symptoms: Moitturt: intense itching
tod ttnigiug; moat at oigtit; worse by
I scratching- If allowed to eontiooe turn
ore form which often bleed aod ulcerate
broomiog very tore. Hwayoe't Oint
ment ttupt tbe itching aod bleeding
ueelt alceratioo, aod 10 most oases re
movrs tbe liimort. At dinggittt, or by
m til, for SOoeott. Dr. wyoe & Hon
flow's This?
We effer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for soy case ot Catarrh tbat oannot be
cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure!
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, tbe undersigned, baye knowo 1
J. Cheoey for the last 15 years, aud be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
oarry out any obligation made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O.
Walding, Kiunan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeo internally,
acting direotly upon tbe blood aod mu
cous surfaoe a of the system. Price 75o.
per botlle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes
timonials free.
i - .
I I r
1 1
tEST with a
Durham la
big B. Blackwell't Genuine Bull
Id a class by itself. You will find one
' coupon Inside each two ounce bag, and two cou
pons inside each four ounce bag of
Genuine Durham
Smoking Tobacco
Buy a bag of this celebrated tobaoco and read the coupon
which gives a Us tof valuable presents and how to get them.
Spoiled Washington Servants.
Washington Post: Representative El
lis, ot Oregon, is only one of many who
has wreRtled with the servant girl prob
lem in Washington. "Our greatest trou
ble," said Mr. Ellis recently ."has been to
uet a Ber van t who has not lived with the
Guatemalan minister, or oooked for M.
Patenotre, or been housekeeper at the
English legation. We have bad cooking
io seventeen different languages, some
ot them dead, I imagine, judging from
the cremation through whioh the things
served at meals had passed; but not one
of them baa been able to do good, plain
Amerioao oookiug. We have had more
blue-blooded servants, too, it seemed to
me, at our house than falls to the lot of
most people. The last one that left ut
informed Mrs. Ellit confidently, though
somewhat haughtily, I take it, that she
oame of a very good family herself, and
her sister waa married to a German syndicate."
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
The Trouble is Over!
We M ean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
We try to
ting's Best
make Schil-
Bncklen't Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cute,
Bruises, Mores, TJIoert, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, aod all Skio' Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or do
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect tatiefaotioo or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For tale by
Conser ft Brook.
Who never lets politics interfere with bnstoest. At tbe
tame old stand, next door to M. Licbteothal't.
tod a
btng powder
flivoiinr. extracts
and tpicca
just right every one.
Do we always hit the
mark ? You shall judge
your money back (at your
grocer's) if you don't like
For aatc by
E. W. Rhea & Ck.
Few realiie that each equirrel des
troy! $1.50 worth of graio annually.
Wakslee'a Squirrel and Gopher Exter
minator it tbe roost cffeolive aod eco
nomic! poison koowo. Prioe reduced
to 30 oenie. Conter k Brook aod Mionr
k Co.. agents, tleppner: J. A. Woolery,
ageot, loue; Niobole k Laaob, agent,
For Kent.
Tbe Bailey Dit.ih oompany have for
rent three or four 40 aore Iraote of fruit
and gardeo land onder tbia ditch 00 the
Columbia tiver below Umatilla which
they desire to lease for a term of one or
more yeara for one-fourth ot crop raised
Ihe renter to plant such trees at are
furnished aud care for them daring the
lease. The laodt art a ell irrigated,
have plenty of water aod lay well are
close to railroad or will tell 00 easy
terms, long time tod low rate of interest,
for inlorniatioo write to tbe Bailey
Uitcb Company, Umatilla Or., or call at
tbe oompaoy'e farm.
Hoaly eroptiont 00 tbe bead, chapped
bauda aod lipa, oats, broitet, toaldt,
burnt are qniokly cured by DtWitt'a
Witoh Uaml Salve. It it at present the
artiole motl osed fnr piles, and it alwayt
caret them. Conser Brock.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street. Ueppner, Oregon.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
This Space Beloggs to
llcppncr's Hardware Dealers.
A iurf -n Niria.
The moat remarkable caMt in Texas
le-'al hb-lory won tried . rvcently at
(HMnnd ln-'for Jiik Engliali Mr
L.l.i llailiiway v. J. II. Van AUtyne,
jij-k a ISonst'tii eorrcspomU'rit of the
M. 1,11111 (.lcile-lhMurTt. 1 lie cue
oiiMimcd the day and wet given to
the Jury at nlffht Before retiring the
Jury demanded that rarli man be paid
hU lifty-fTtit !. The Juhtice de
murred and ordered tln-m to britiir a
verdict or they would get wo re. The
jury retired end in flfiern minuto rn
t,-re'l court. They had a M-ali-d vrrdlrt.
Ih f.r turning It over to the juotlce the
Jury atwk for their bard-rarned for.
t ndr prtiU"t Ihe jatU'' irave earn,
juror fifty crnta. He oprned the verdict,
which nad: "The Jury cannot agree
Thi enraged Ihe court, lie demanded
the flftv rente ea-h Jurr had tarn
oilil. The Jury rrfuwd and the court
orlrrfd them lox-ard up until a verdict
Vi.t ira til WiHil.nvtn!
The aoooal meeting of ibt Wo lUroe-
ert' Aaaooittlon of Morrow o mniy win
be oeld at Ibe oourt bouse tMnrdty,
March I3lb, at 1 3J p m At thie meet-
mg will occur a re orgaunti in aod re-
leotioo ol olusert. Mtttere ot inlerixl
to tbe thtepmto will al be diteutwd.
.1 (nil ttlendtnreof the members end ail
oolgroft it derirrd.
2 4 O. E FaamwoKTtf, Pres.
No Man
How much better1 ha mlht fare, whan baying, until ha InvMtlsat.
Tu remalo In tin (lark ntratia 0.iw,rtuiiltlra last dollars wuted.
Art yot certain you art fi-ttlrig- all thr is In II lor you? auppoae
you Inraatla-att. Yon can't tll whal'i In lUira lor you hare It 't
worth Inoklnf Into. Enough Mid, Wt ra a hiuiaa of law worlt but
many decda.
tor Ktia or Tra4t.
If yno want llrptoer properly diu'l
fail t 0'niilt J. W. M irr-.w. fuf the
right pr'n. one who want to girjeo,
ail'k a e 0'iw, raite cbirkroa, elo , 1
have a fine prnpoaiiioe 'o flr one.
Ooce develnp4 will p-o I Jr t fevton of
1410 yearly. Will be toll no ee?
term, would aot ntJl ti taking W
aer at pri j ay men t. C'J3tf
A t Hixr.M.c
a k , , a . a
blkl'f mo add moch orner aoa" wet given pro or con. ai wr wing ou
ik b.nkr another boor the Jury reported that
" . ,L.r,u,,Ml they were etill unable to agree. Jndge
IUf.W.E. Polwlue.of lheEpel ElUh y,,, d.manded therelar.ol
eboreb. will bu erke e - ,1 , t n lorore refoard to ear-
ei...rrh fildtf tffuli.f. Me'eb 11 all JO for Md t fine of two dollare and
Oo Friday n.orcii.g at 1JJwiii oecor efty ceoU each waa rrj ana u,ir
ti . .l.br.lloa of tbt bl rnmuuiiloo. lorarceratloii ordered. A cnmprotnlte
the etl.lKtii o of waa finally n-arhl by foor of the jury
returning the feet and the other two
paying the fine of two dollare aod fifty
iot. The higher court will be la
fiicted with Ihe eaxt.
T i rare a 1 , i !' ae le
oUr.t e'ef,er er'', " ee
irei oi.'y ttilr I) Will a Wiiflbft ft
..i-oJ,ti in d,r riK-t. lie w ime
One of the Deeds
A hanilanma, ilyllah, tlnglt nrcatMl Na k t'llt, fnaranld all wool,
IimI of llnlnt. ranlllM form, Ilia tml that monay ran aruHura.
Quirk Mllart. Irlr $8.60
Tbt beat Iu Ilia world lor the monay.
All are lovitad
M tT ..nm R." nlMVd the t
rrta t "bel I am a toftwn.aed Ibtt
to 90 wore hvr i- " I'" J '
Bind wbe Ibe lie It" lelofted tbe
til.r. If H aa M Ma Wg loe c Be
Ml ear li.vlnt e I. 'e r arl !
1 ...hI 11 an i Ukt H at !'. lm
I brrrby tene a ehallruge Io an no
in )'-"0 Io roe a f ( ree any diattnre
frniia oot tt liuty flt Millet f rar.y
reeenetble Dorae d'ti'ed AdJrwee 3r3
Morrwoa twe-i, rriUud, 0'eoe.
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