THE GOVERNOR APPOINTS. To those who are familiar with the doings of the recent leg islature it was no surprise when Governor Lord on last Saturday appointed Hon. H. W. Corbett, president of the First National Bank of Poitland, to succeed Hon. John H. Mitchell as senator from Oregon. Indeed this was expected. Mr. Corbett pot a large sum of money into the corruption fund, variously estimated to be from $80,000 to $100,000. It is said that it required $30,000 alone to handle one state eeuator, who lives not a thousand miles from Malt nornah county, on the first day of the joint convention, preventing the election of a senator by the legislature. Mr. Corbett, though totally unfit for the position of senator being palsied from old age, must be rewarded. Bat will he receive it? The history of senatorial ap pointments by governors of states leads Governor Lord himself to say that be does not know that his appointee will be seated. Gov ernor Lord knows he will not. Be ing a prominent factor in tbe hold-up and coming in for his share of tbe blame that is being bestowed upon tbe Simon coterie, by the chairman of the national republican committee and by the administration, he must do some thing to make a Bhowirjg. Simon will not permit a special session to be called because the represeuta. tives of the people might have an opportunity to elect legally and lawfully. Thus it is tliat Governor Lord shams at doing his duty. . Tbe selection of Corbett is sur rounded by similar fgnl condi- soect and insulting messages. It is not likely that any great influ ence will be lent by the adminis tration to assist the Simou-Dourue combination to illegally seat Mr. Corbett and to perpetuate in Ore gon, and in this great nation, as perfectly legitimate and bouorable, tbe most dastardly outrage eyer perpetrated on a free people. - Governor Lord is responsible mainly for the failure of the legis latore to do business and to choose a United States senator. It was his prerogative to have rpquired at tendance on tbe legislature and that members should bo sworn i and had he insisted on this, and spoken out boldly and Jtexr- lessly, as did the governor of Kan sas a few years ago, that failure to do their duty would mean Vhcant feats and special elections, why there would have been no difficulty. But Mr. Lord, while too deaf to hear a common conversation, heard plainly the buzzing of the sena torial bee, and thus a gubernatorial error was used to bold up re medial legislation and to prevent the election of a senator, to benefit directly one man, Joe Tbs eatitJg'of Corbott. in violation of all justice and right and In opposition to tbe preeedeot establish ! in the TJ. S. seunte in later yearn, dative to seoa- torirtl appointments in . sister states, is not Dev8ry to seoare tariff measure. It is a well known fact that repnblioans will not be opposed in their work of tar iff revision. What Is Paine s Celery Co Puine's celery compound is the one liver and kilneys, mental, depression, Whenever languor or pain attaok the mpound ? Thb Orrennian has an exoelleot pio tare in its Sunday issae ot H. W. Cor bett, wbnm that paper denominates as "Duited States Senator for Oregon." For the information of tbe Oregonian, and all others who feel that the world would oenee to move if Mr. Corbett should fail to warm a seat in the TJ. S. senate, tbe Gazcttp cheerfully refers them to tbe re publioiin senatorial oauuos on Muroh 6, belt! at Washinittoo, at whiob time it whs held that the deoision of the senate in tbe Mantle case stood in tbe way of an appointee being seated from either Kentucky or Oregon. remedy that can be trusted to make a hysteria and kindred troubles, are reo person well. ognized and dealt witb by Paine's oelery It stops the drain on tbe nervous sys- , compound, in a radical aod toientiflo tem; dispels harmful humors from the manner that embodies tbs most ad blood, and increases its volume and its vanoed medical ideas of this IbsI decade nourishing oapacity. . j of the century. Its ability to relieve those ailments ' "oa 8 T'y oonT? u , i " that seem to be peculiarly tbe mi8for. : h 'tomsoh when it is irr.table and in tune of women is overwhelmingly proved chned t0 , and prevents dys . ... . . ... pepeia; it relieves palpitatoa of tue .u u: i l i j- i boftrt that reanlti from irregnlar nerve ti. w,.r ,hBO ii- ! 8aDDly t0 tba ' oraD- nd Pnt" new lite into tbe entire nervous system. Its regulating power does away with . Peraoo. in ,, hflBl.h ttra n. nnn "that dibheartened feeling." tinnally reminded of their heart, stm- The aggravated causes of disordered ch or liver by distress in those organs body there is no question as to the ar gent need of strengthening and restoring tbe health by Paine's oelery oompound. Women in trying occupations ; not only housewives, but saleswomen, teachers, bookkeepers and others penned up for long hours behind desks and counters will find their health and strength greatly improved by tbe use of Paine's oelery compound. A soundly nourished nervous Bystern and a rich, pure blood supply brought about by Puine's celery compound are tbe best bulwark against such diseases leesness. This great invigorator not only cures these diseases, bnt by build ing np the system prevents their gaining a lodgment in tbe body. When OLe hears it confidently declared by so many well known and representa tive men and women everywhere that Paine's celery compound positively and permanently oures diseases that at first glance seem so remote from eaob other as ohronic constipation, hjsteria and uervonsoess, inquiry into these diseases shows that their common origin is a run down, exhausted nervous system and vi- tiated blood, and Paine's celery ooui- of debility and impoverishment as rhen-1 pound builds np the one and putiflas matism, neuralgia, headaobes and sleep- and strengthens the other. - What Did O. P. O. Mean T "One of the most curious blunders of an author was that made by Thack- McKlNLEY. has called an extra eray, when collecting material for his session to convene on March 15, 'Ih Sketch Book.' Driving along a ' road, he saw at due intervals noKt.s set 1897. i iiD with the letters 'Q. P. O.' noon them. Overtaking a peasant, he in quired the meaning of these initials, and was gravely informed that they Qod Preserve O'Connell!" Out came the tourist's note book, in which a memorandum was at once dnivn rit (lift nnpirMin ctatAmatit J ..... UVU..UWU.. Beam inn With Bmlieg Are the countenances of people who have stood for found and thorough relief from malarial, kiduey, bilious, dyspeptio or nervous troubles through the aid of Hue- CI ' I tottor'a Ulnmnh Rittana I4iinh nrtilnta-' oimoD. i r l i- j nances are very numerous. 8o are let Mr. Mitchell and can get one in In the first edition of the sketches the PETITION FOR LICENSE. TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY COURT for the County of Morrow, State of Oregon: We, the nndersi rued 'egal voters and resi dents of lone precinct. Morrow County, Oregon, respectfully petition your honorable body to erant a license to Charles Koblnson to s 11 spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In less quantities than one gallon, in the town of lone ana your petitioners win ever pray J A Woolery j u tmery H A Timm O W Ginger J R Dooley O C Cochran John Cochran E H Sargent 8 P Haney Ker nelson Arthur Vaudrey Louis Male Giis Clock Clyde Sperry the right way, but the outrages committed in Salem will not be worse than repeated in Washing ton. Mr. Corbett will never be seated. SPRING advertisements are now dead ripe. Politics may be a little warm now, but the roseate hue that will permeate all Oregon enrly during tha year '98, all along till after the terfl from their owners attesting tbe efti- caoy of th" great family medicine. Among the signals of diHtress thrown out by the fttomncb, biwela and liver in a state of disorder, are siok headache, heartburn, nausea, hiss of appetite, sllowiog of the skin and eyeballe, xnd an uncertain state of the bowclx. They should be hei-d d at ouce. If the Bitteis are resorted to, tbe woe benone look wbioh aoootnpaoies aiokness will give sway to cheerful looks produced by reuewed health. If yon are dri ting on tbe count of disease, throw an anchor to w'udwHrd by summoning the Bitters to your aseiatauce. It will keep you iu safety. fact was duly mentioned, but it was , Walter Oason suppressed in all the subsequent issues, owing to the tardy discovery that the initials stood for 'General Post Office,' indicatirg that the highway was a post road." It is due to the memory of William Makepeace Thackeray to say that the above happened not to him, but to Lord Haddington when riding into Dublin from Kingstown in 1834. See "Private Correspondence of Daniel O'Connell," by W. J. Fitzpatriok, (Lon don, J. Murray), Vol. I., page 604. Notes and Queries. lune election, will cauin the little tions as those appointments uihiIp flurry of .Innuary and February to in the stHtes of Washington, Mini- appear scarcely worth noticing. tana and Wyoming four years ago when the respective legislatures failed to elect. The claim is made that only one bonne of the Oregon legislature was permanently or ganizer, and tlifit in the disDosition of this case there is no precedent. 1,8 9 ,,ot " l,pl"n For argument stiko, let na concede Some vnliant souls in various parts of thfl stat ar blowing a right long loose in an eti'lenvur to shout that Mitchell is defeated 00V. LOUD MAKING LAWS. Governor Lord Having Made a Senator Now l'iiipops to MnUe Laws ll Will Get Knocked Oat. i.i. .1 i? is eiecieu to nine imh poien m me. senate. Let (Jov. Lord cull a i-pe-cinl BPHsiou and bijh w ho h d.jfented. Mr. Corbett would not Ust as long an h suowball iu hades in the hands of tbe legislature. that the hnue of representatives was not permanently organized. The dispoHitioii of the Idaho case shows conclusively that a perma nent organization is not necessary to legally elect a senator. Iu the ldauo session or. isuu tue senate President Cleveland vetoed failed to organize early in the tbe umuigiHtion bill ou March 2. session, but acting on the tempo- This bill had been carefully pre rary organization both houses met pared aud was held iu high favor in joint convention and u- all over the country, by both native bois. Later on the senate was and foreigu bom citizens. Cleve- permanently orgauized aud some land's claim that wealthy foreign fearing that the Dubois electiou ers are more dangerous than poorer would not be legal, fiually organ- classes is certainly a weak excuse lzed another joint convention, for vetoing such an imK)rtaiit aud which was participated in by a meritorious measure, majority of the members of the legislature, and Claggett was chosen as senator, but the United States senate seated Mr. Dubois. This Gov. Lor i refutes to recognize the railroad commission, or to approve the of p ?neiit incumbent. Wtiilethe (laZHlto it iipp to Hi railroad c m mi-aioo hs a ushI-'si and tiomimve lux ury, it a i) it see ho v the Governor oiii aboliah it, iu vit-w of the di O'Hinus m.nlr t 'vn em a uu hen the, salaii'-s ot I mm ii.buot w wuro re f ii8"l , hot on appeal wnr uu; I and iiuiutuUeuts retuiuud iu (.Hire. The governor no d mbt has some griev ance bmhisI (tin m Mnljrtig of the railroad coiiitnHHinn, for it i annouooeil that he will nut disturb either the Bnh aud game protector or the pilot commissioners. A man who neglect aod refutes to do his duty when a leuialatnre is trying to eleot a senator, in order to vent his spile ou an individual, will pUy tha cur when ever b ge,ts an opportunity L r.l will get it where the c'dokca got the ax. The present member of the railroad Commission are li. II. Compson, I. A. Mncrum and J. B. Eddy, with Lydell ltaker a clerk. Be Comfortable Wlille 'I'ravelins; In oool weather. The LTDion Pacific system heats its trains throughout by steam heat from the engine, thus roak ng every part of all its oars pleasan1 and oomfortiible. It also lights it car by the celebrated Pinion Liaht making thi'tn brill'ant at night. Passengers carried daily on the fast mMl. For sleeping-our reuervntions, tickets, or in. formation, call nn or arTdress R W. Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 Third St., Port land, Oregon. K O Sperry Thos Woolery Ben Fleming F E Holland W T McNtbb S C Lewis K L Padberir T Maronet W II eseue C T Smith Dick Lahtie Oeorge W Utt toe lianev Frank Engolman Ed Eogelinan i A Hughes J n Pad berg 8 A Shaw S J Kilchie B Cochran (I M Thornton Oscar Mitchell J H Ritchie E Kietmami Ed Clnff Mike Hale T J Wilhelra W A Morgan H Obner J ColcBtock C C Wilson Wm H Padberg L M Gilbert A Ulrica W S Smith Chas Sperry Paul Kietmann Mat Halvorsen Jas Nolan W H McOormick John Lindstrom M J YWlltama J J Mehlllgott . W King N Dickson If Padberg Levi Hansford L B Knox W M Hairuewood Notice is hereby nlven that the understened will apply to the County Court of Morrow oiiniy. oreit 'n. at the Mav term. 1K97. on the 5th day of said month, for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In less quantities than one gallon for a period of one year. itlAHLia hubinoh. 6:23-32. - Applicant. CONSIGNMENT SHE BISHOP'S STORE Toe Gazette editor has been away for some time, and now he case disposes of the argument that , hopes to get a little of tho old-time it.. ... i :. elected a senator, even though neither house were permanently organized, and failing to do so, it stands legally in the same position as the Washington case, if the opinion of the best constitutional lawyers of our country is worth anything. It must be remeiuberod, how. ever, that the so-called llenson our section in the pushing of any enterprise or project that may prove beneficial to them. In all matters the Ga.etto asks only the earnest co-operation of our resi. dents Let us all woik together to push business iu our locality. What is Hop Gold? Ile.t beer on rlli. Hee i t. fUswbrr. STATISTICS FOR IDLY CURiOUS. Air The Gazette has always had con siderable respect for a good, honest house was organized at tha sugges- populist, but if the populist mem tion and on the advice of such men hers-elect of tho rooeut legislature as Senators Hoar, Vilas, Thurston Bre Rn that party and and others. They believed that ,orl ' material that the popu such organization was legal for soy Par,y t"i,ia I"' "elect as purposo or for the dischargo of any oUieiaU, the Uaz tto is moved to duty required'of the legislature. y,MIord deliver us from any more It is well known to some geutlemen " them. ' Their lust work of re in Oregon that these men will not formation was tried on Joo Simon, go tack of their owe legal opinions n, tJ "never came back." Joe to help Governor Ixml aud hit Robbled np the whole flock allies out of a bad position, of II..! If - l . , ,r w prevent Ir John H. Mitchell was not the the election of a United State. c,,oic6 of ,hn Uiw9 B1K, tl)l senator by the representative, of -.,, ()f 0r.L,o wliv tli , 1 1. - r i ' I 1 I ritnlili(aiia BimiA ltiitt.ii lutmt Aside from the legal com plica- Mint, and three d.niotratii. niuler lions, it i. well to tote that lion, theleadershipof Himonand lUirne, Urneliu. N. Itliss, ho i. at the refuse to go into the hou of ret head or tbe I'rotivt ve TurifT League of the foited Slates, actually aj.urned iW die. am tK)oht to give the rrcalcitrant re. kheu there ere I.m than half i. publiran.- the Simon frtiou- the re pn-sentativ... at the i-apitol on auvice It. regard to the elec- mo-o than forly.five dy. afl.-r the ' m i w lion oi a senator, about four we k Uciunini of the nesaion. and afir " 1 "r """ a t a I w " 1.1. ...! , go, wuicu a construed into a the legally organic! boue of rri pun ior oeuator WilcUell. Mr. rentnlativrs had a.l .urni-d? Wh UliM wa. irtit io.ultii a telegram, was there Do ffrt to meet on eoiu. ana tbe Oregoniao howled that he won crouo l a. to matters of or was a cbep politician who oevrr ganintioo, so that all might agn e, maue toy great "uecet. at that and then let each IriM.tatnr ate LI. Fecallurlty of tho Mocking nirrt. The most remarkable thing about a mocking' birtl is its way of laying out a ratifro. In tho autumn It goes south and establishes itself on a piece of ground that will yield berries and oilier food enough to laiit until the following spring. The tra it i.i determined re specting boundaries with as much ae curacy as a- mming prospector would use in staking out a claim. Perhaps it may be ouly fifty yards square, and it may have a length and breadth of as much as one hundred yards. The space depends rnulnly upon the food supply in sl;ht, but the mocking bird is a great glutton and wants ten times the quantity that would be necessary to keep him alive. Having laid out his range, tho owner will defend it with his life, and no other fruit-eating bird sruCliliOLDEKS' UKEI'INU. VJOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AN 1 'I moil meetinir for the stockholders of the Morrow County l and & I rust Couuiriiv will be held at the office f the tressnrer on the second Saturday In March at 7 p. m , for the pur pone of electing otli'ers and attending to such other oiiHiicbs as may come heforc the meeting. in-n iv- iv. tlx Ml), Secretary. Notice of Intention. 1 AND OFFICE AT I.A GKANDE, OREGON. 14 leb 11. IH'j;. Notice in hercbv elven that inc ioiiowiiik named sctucr lias niea notice oil ins intention to miike nnal proof In support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before ('oiimv ( lerk. Uma'llla Countv. Oreiron. at renuieton, uregn, on Marcn it, 1'J7, vix: HAMCEL W. W A TT E N 11 U KG E R, H I. E No. S"fi2, for the K'X NWH.hec. S4 and '4 KWW, xec. . ' D 'I N.. R. 27 K.. W. M. He names the followluz witnesses to prove I his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, sulci land, viz; Frank Sloan, of Galloway Oregon, and Henry C Thomp-on, Albert Davis, Davis McCarty, all of Echo, Oregou, B. r. WILSON, 517-27 . KeKlster. HEPPER, OREGON mi ) w t uu 20,000 POUNDS OF in ids m mm, Consisting: of Tables, Chairs, Bookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book Caves, Lounges, Sofas, Sprint; Mattresses, Wool Mattresses, Parlor Suits, Center Tables, eto , eta. Brussels Carpets, Wool Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Bat Bucks, Hanging Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., eto, All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at Half Value or Less. Will be Sold Kegardless of Cost. Fix np your homes at once with Stylish Furniture, while this opportunity is offered. Our Sale on General Merchandise Still Continues. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Is If you arc using Japan tea of any other sort than Schil lings Best, you arc losing half your money. Your grocer returns your money in full if you don't lite it. Watches Smuggled In Milk. The French customs authorities on the Swiss frontier have detected a novel and ingenious swindling device. Watch es were sent across th border, sealed up In cans of condensed milk. , It is estimated that twenty-two thousand watches, valued at two million francs, have entered France thus In the past tlx months. A Sriiiltmg h (Ampi4f na rrrHl,ca Nolle to lariarr. I will plane for sal at Oonsor k Hrook'i a receipt for killing squirrel. nil gophers, wbioh is easily prepared ml oan b. mad at eo.1 not to Mfleed 5 oeott per galloo. They readily tak. t hi. poison and it i nooa lo vry particular, I will furnish with receipt dm s to make twenty gallons of th. poison for )1 and gnsrante th. drag, lo 0ot less loan S r.ot per gallon. tf D. F. HwAtiiuRT, llrppuor, Or, lotinni Tb. iuk ha birJIj Ul time to dry on th great cUilj U. lof ii wm tonoauctHl that Mr. Mm tJ ma tUted at McKiu. rfUry ot lb. inlfrior I'rot apical, from Mttk llim.a I own judgment m lo whom ht ought to upHrt for t ;niWl State lotiit. tor? It diJn't suit Jo Hituon. rmai'U'nl' mi r l him "Ho I'll, rr'oir t'(ililn A liiTMiiin lnver 'f llim' hna mad. tin ( ill. iv mi? I'uriiMM i .iliMilntidim, nays the lli'i liner A tn-n I I'mt: A limn amok I h If u pt'' nf mk'.Imivi ii I. lows nut of lit moil li ( r i verv '"in' hi till the ';h' i.l :niUe IiohIh. If In' amokra fniir piH ii tl.i f.-rteiity year h. lll.llVI llllt '' I. . M M'loltV t I.mkI tf ti li.viia 'iiii rur houra jt ifetlo ran l lli hvi r taUea or rtHlvra aoj Mvm--low l iit.i'.in-and each U1h l.nts li n M-t'oii'U Iu tlv ) rr' time tho w,.iil. l,.iitt .S.h) kiwa. and their hiMi woul'l Imvo Ui n imttrd the ui of f"itvi da):u4al Im hi r. If Mi? rntlri' lupiiLitli-n la eonaldcfrd lo l' I ti oi,i pi l lie I. nuns of tlii niniilter of human It "ufi Mould Hvlgli ninety irtrtu I.I'Ih nt Ihe hi linn y St I ir. The iiir preMoire on i-ron of urdl nary le U r.iiti vu and halt ton. . A man f lilty v r tif aire has la or dinary raw. undrvMl )ouvlf II JiO tintea, and, of rmirw, drraktnl klmlf lual a many tunrik. Wliro a i ;-rri nn th. street ralao 111 hat. lititUe a Imsv, th work uf ynd, ha la earn! Iy th movement of the rarth It t mrtrra r4 wllh Ui planet, ihrr. imlr rmnel th. aun. an Besuty niU ffwanla U th sua. T Uhfth of lif. m b larwaa'd by WMfilng iinr lb m.J oi; f i rrs to ft If lb hiruou cro J nul d' u",i' Ths uy , tbt Orttfvpiai witb gtof li.r- Uvb ttJV iv4t( j, On. t M . tv i i,4 tfTrcj allowed to enter It. Notice of Intention. AND OFflCE AT THE DAU.Ea OREGON, lJ r'eb. 1, 1S'7. Notloe Is lieri-lir niven 'hut the followlim-named settler has tiled notice ol his Intention to make tiiml iroof In support ol his elaim, and that siilil pronl will be made neioiaj. w. Morrow, t;onnty t;iern, at lieppuer, urt'Kon.on jiaren, lain, isji, vis: HARLAN STANTON, Hd. E, No. n. for the wu NE!i, fE(i NE! and NWIa 8aU.pee.r2.Tp.4 21 E. Hena'nea the followlnt: witnesses to prove nis continuons residence upon aim cultivation ol. said land, vis: John Jetikln. Allen W. Rallnr. Charles D. Ashbaiigti, ol Klfcht Mile, Oregon, and Charles W. Ingraham, ol Heppucr, Oregon. JAB. K. MOORE. 514-24. KeKlster. Farmers at a distance should call soon, thereby getting better selection. FRMK MGFflRLflND, MANAGER. Inlood HI miniate the stomach. rouse the liver, cure billnuv nrss, headarlie, dli'lnrsa, sour timiaeh, rontiMtlin, rlc. Wire eenla. Sold bf all ilrunrNt. Th oulr mut lo uka with Hud's Maruiatrllla. Pills for .Coxwtj D00TSAND SHOES D ownl THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT He has anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantees it SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Old Stand, Main Repairing a Sn.claltv. Timber Culture, Final Proof. Nolle, for Fablleatlaa. I'hitkd Stati s Land Orrira. The Dal lea, Oreiron, Feb. J. 1W7. OTirK 18 IIEKKBY OlVttf THAT KM- nil It 8. Kelihlv. ol Heppner, Oreaou. hss-flled notleeol Intention to make final proof heloraj. w. Morrow, county elerk, at blsorlira In Heppner Oreaon, on Monday, th. l.Mh day of 11rh, IW17, on II in ter rultur application No. .I7, tor lot ft. NK HM'and N4tiEUnl sec tion No. IK, In township No. 6 south, range No, a eaai. he name as wltneewea: Charles H. Halles. William Kti-ka, Jamea H. Wyland, Joseph waiter, ail oi uaruman, irernii. 61- 24 J Ait P. MOOKK, Register. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't .You Want a Place to Put tin Vnnr Tonm ? 1 y am 'Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse 7 Notice of Intention. All these can be procured nt Thompgon A Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acqnatnted with Grant, Harney. Crook. Allium and other counties r a (u tr w atj a arn w t-itfwa MtvAal 1 J ?ib. 12. IW7. MoUeV li Baraby" atVan thai n(, monur ' Mine In making these section, with traveling men. FLY'S TRKAM RALM Is dmIU v rar. ArrJr lata Um aoatnia. It M aalckly ehenrb. M ciila al IHwrttauar by mail I eaaapics lot. by malt IX T BKOl IlkllS, M Warn av, Isw lurk Citr. ' 9rtkvmA kttiavr4 i4 f.iff with wm I jVt4 wf mm aw ft. 1 hf rm J f ml WAV r 1'r.f Ml hf Uft'lllifJ at FERRY'S SEED HKXUAL ' la fll mt bifttmallM f-v tr4v a4 t ! mI. r tkir. H p.f 1 Wilrf Iim 'i .l.n4 I I I'U.-n Sa , M. f arr k Oo..Oro It. SSiOT). -J the following named senior has fllej notice of his Intention to make final prixil In support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, urtwoo, on Marrn vis : ( IIAK1.RY T. fMITH. Fid. t. No. . for th. N K . Heo. 11. Tp. 2 S.. R 2.1 K . W. M. He names tb. following witneaaee to prove his continuous realdenc. upon and cultivation of said land, ts: v....k .. t . -.. wmAa woUH n II.MI KIIKriWIWI. .l.ltllH IIVU... n. perry, all of lone, Oregon, and Thomas ( aria. Prices lo keeping with th times. THOMPSON & BTNNS, 'perry )l Her tier, Oregon. JAS. r. MHIRR. Reglaler. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE A Writ, to T. ft. Qvnrctr, " Drawer U4, Chicago, ftecra. 'TT iry of th. Sraa Accicasn V f Cohsaut, fur Informatioa 4 V rrgatdleg Accident lasar Lp-' Nl c- Mention this paper. Py so doing yois cm mps membership fre. lias paid over IfOOfQQQQ (at nccUcnlal lujailt. Do your own Agent. no MEDIC At. EXAMINATION HrQCUED Notice of Intention. I AM) Om R AT TH R PA 1,1 M OHI'lilt. 4 . Iw. tsMr Is hrl y fit en that lh lull. In. a ne.1 tiler has flle.1 l tleolhls tittitltn In make fl ual pim.l In sup. put I ii4 bis rial in. and lhai aald r..f will he mane wehips J a. K'Unx. (nimy (lerk, al llefpiwl, r.nn. Marrtl TX l7, tit. Jill!t W. Al.t'TOTT. HI. It int. h-t iba w4 HWi. fv HWW and !,. I . tp.l h .'I I III ntmia Ihe bdinwln. wliwrine In pra. b's miitinuoue ralUoc apoq atid iIUatloa 4 sal.l land ls Kn hart W Hublann, Aamw R. M alr, Inha W lMket. rtancW U tuuittr, aU uf aihl Mite, liter'. mr Mount, SI K.g laier. A Dill SIS TRA TON'S SOTICK. NOTIft IU KIRfRY IV1 TRtTttr tr (4 nd!n'ailna) nn lha t4 IUlla M Ally. iWn., wee trnil ta the un.lnKne.l on (ha M4 daf ol Irb-tterV. Ii7, a. (he if Tourt lf lha ('nuaty nl lti.rt, Male cw .etn ail rwrA.a bavine rwt tnlMi tll Mawirt Pf"IM wi ihl.l im i'i in. I ! at h Mi ni a) . A I ta lupf r ne,.. wiit,tn .., iba ! ikf n. H Iba (, . uf ibf aba I b. t'prr Srrv lai Uila y i rVtarvaey, T I Tn" aVkaataatUtt Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '07 WOOL SOLD Al lUrr-o'. Eoten. fVndloto, Bake. 1'itj, t.lgin nI lla.tlngioo. C. E. RANOUS, IttrrvRR, OakOoR, nr'i in FOH l laaa atij dpeclCeallout fomishtd oa appiira'ioa. Contracting a Specialty. AU I n 1. td eepairto dim al raard)ab!t fate. ). tiMwr. all f, U ITrrxrm U Far it rs and Vliiaors, Fathers and Mothers, FOH Sons and Dauohters, FOU nil the Family. With tb cIom of tbe rrptijpiitial campaign THE TRIBUNE reeoguito tbe fact that tbe American jnopie are cow tixioa to gire tbeir time to home and baaineM iutercnta. To mt tbis condition piilitict will bare far kVa pace and prominenco, nntil another 8tate rr National occamon demand a renewal of tbe fiht for tbe principle, for which THE TRIBUNE bae labored from lU Inception to tbe preaent day, and woo it greateat victories. Erery poihle effort will be pnt forth, and monet freelt Rnent to make THE WEEKLY 1 HI BUN E pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, intore.ting. btructi?e, entertaining end InJiapenaalle to each member We lurnlsn "The Gazette" and "fi. y. weekly TrlDune" one Year lor $3.00. CAMII ftrta all er a IM ADVANCII, THE Cw2ETTKs