-. .Seiej.. Vr" -il-tj(tlt IF.- TO THB JB GIVES THB CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RV. VIA Denver OMAHA CATARRH Ua LOCAL DISEASE end Is the retuH of colds and euddea climatic changes. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy which la applied di rect! r into the noetrila. Be inr quickly auaurbexi it give relief at on ce. Ely's Cream Balm la acknowledged to b the most thorotieh core for Nasal Catarrh, Cold In Head and Hay i ever of all remedies. It opens and cleansea the mealpagar Jee, allayi pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Price soc. at Drnairiats or hy mail, ELY BUOTHERS, fit Warren Street, New Voil SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. A GIDDY PRINCESS. THE ffl YOHK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 hm a Tear. St. Paul r Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full detaila'call on 0. R. Agent la Heppner, r address & N. W. O. HURLBURT, Gen. Fhh. Agt. Portland. Okeoon. E. McNEluL, Prasident and Manager, CJ 0ICK TIJVII3 t San FranciMOo And all poinU In California. vi the Mt Hhaate roiue of the Southern Pacific Co The mat hiehway throuirh California to all points r.aet anl South. Uran1 Mmnlr- limit of tlin Paolfln I'oiwt. Pullman Hnffet Hltmpere. Meonnd-fllaiMi Hleepers Attached to eipraae trains, artnrdiri nnenoi' oeomanmlntlnna fur eenond-clAKS peasHng-era. Fur rates, tioketa. alanpiug oar nwrvHtlina, eio, rail nnn irt ailflreee R. KOKHl.KK. MaiiHtrr. It. P. HOOKKH. Ami Ren t P Aft. Portland. Oregon m TICKETS It stands first amot'g "weekly" papers to iz, frtqnency of publication and freebnees, variety and reliability of con tents. It is prtioiicully a daily at the low prioe of a weekly; and its vast lint of subscribers, extending to every st ate and territory of tbe Union and foreign conn, tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and fairness of its news oolamns. It is splendiilly illustrated and Branny ita special features are a fine bnmor page, exhaustive market reports, oil tbe latest fashions for women and a lotitf series of stories by tbe greatest living AmeriOHD and English authors, ) CONAN DOYIiB, JEKOME K JerO&IB, Stanley Weyman, Maht R, Wilkinb. Anthony IJope, Phet Habtk, Bkandeh Matthkws, Etc We offer this unqnaled newapaper and Tl e Ouzette to"thr one year for 83.25. Tbe renlBrsnbfOriptinn prioe'i f tbe two papers is ('3 50. A report showing the averafr wajesof women servants in London is interesting to American housekeepers. The general housework girl in London I gets 16.50 a month, a cook about $9, a 1 nurse $8 and a laundress 88.25. . Dr. Chapman shows that the bobo- : links which nest west of the Rocky j mountains do not migrate southward j with the birds of that region, but re-' trace their steps and leave the United States by way of Florida, thus furnish ing evidence of the gradual extension of range westward and of the stability of the routes of migration. j Philadelphia's harbor is to be im proved by the city of Philadelphia by the removal of certain rocks and other obstructions in the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers. The work will be done under the direction of the di rector of public works, and two hun dred and twenty-five thousand dollars is available for this purpose. j That a plant appreciated by the cultivator in one country Ubut a weed in another, is exemplified by the sen sitive plant In our gardens few are more welcome. In India it is such a pest that it is regarded with as much disgust as the Canada thistle, horse nettle, or other notorious plants are by the American cultivator. It is con sidered one of the vilest weeds in India. At the Victoria institute, London, it was stated that all naturalists now admit that evolution as a working hypothesis has, as yet, proved insuffi cient to account for man's place in na ture. As regards the question of the "missing link" between man and the ape, it has been scientifically demon strated that in no case had a so-called missing link proved to be other than a human being, with a lesser developed brain than usual. The Slater of Italy's King Cute Oaper on Wheels. , In Consequence ot Which the Frolic some Lady la Plaowd Under the Bam - of Koyal Dlapleaaure and Bent to Coventry. Ol IIOAQO. I1WM68 & SI. M t'y l TCTiTflEAPOUS .. PAUL The True Remedy. W. M. Rnin. editor Tiskilwa. Ill, "Cliief." ay: "We won't kpp,hone withnn Dr. Kiir'" New Discovery for (Wsnmptinn, Onnffh Rid O'drls. Ex perimented with many others, hnt nevAr tn f e 'me remedy until we need Dr. King's Nw Disoovprv. N" other reroedv 0'in fiike its plaoe in onr hom, as in il we hnv a certain and sure cure for 0) in(?li CoM. Whipping Cough, pro." It i idle to txper'ment with- other remedirs. even if they "re nroed on von n jii( ffond n IV. King' Nf w Di n ivrv. They r not as good, becanap this reTe'lv baa a re"r 1 i f oitp" and hi s'iImh J p-nnrnitpp 1 Tt 'i ver fnila niiu'v Tridl hn'tlpi free at Oonser A flnu Va ilrni aforp. M1NNE . ." T A -TO THE- east m mm VIA THE Um PACIFIC SYSTF.M. Thmufh Pullman Palace 8 eepera rotirlst Hleeps'-i and Free Ke lining thai' CaraLAlLV Uithkago. Many hours saved via this line to Eastern Point. STEAM HEAT. LOWICNP PINTSCH LIGHTS HATKM. R. W. JiAXTER, Gen Agrnt, I'orllund, Oregon. J. C. BART, Agent, llrj'pner, Oregon. ClTV i.N, Glance at this Map Ot the I'Mratfi). Milwaukee and Ht. Pa 1 Itnll vray and note ita eoiiim'tlona u 1th all Iran.i'on tlnental line ami Ht Paul and niaha, and Hit;., i Dt:. ' ir . f ..i : t:v I Oi ' 1 l : th.r: . .i I lita . . j fil.li . . , ! ctL ,- j at !!!: j ar.cii'tit pahiL'-!' I Acur tifju'j ' a l.vn iiii 1' r.,, !':'., lii.i! ; ( y t.: bin i'. in " n i hi :i re. ' f -i v- -illt Ion, i i- iout its uaea. 1 the recent ' i of one of ' r l!w province - ' '. which the ' in u nd said .tit i i;m aa- an ' . 1 in a certain i. ? lutty peasants ' .ril "tip" began irja.,'0. After i i unearthed two i ..l'j(l with mural ri' vuluable vaaea. y uncovered an an o of the rooms of y ropreticiitation of i.i the peasants de- rememlier that Its train-are llxhted with e'er- j cll;rijl to 1.0 tliO ir.ltige designated in thu tlrcutu, und it bus been an object of adoration to Die thousands of visit' ing ontUtisiiiHtH. An energetic priest bun e'.lalilii.lu'd on altar there, and al every j;ilrriin leuveHMnne money wher no visits it there has been araiaol (old if not of water. trlclty ami heated tiy steam. Ita equipment la siiirh. Eleiiant Hulli't, LHirary, HinoklnK and Hleeplng cars. Willi free reclining ehalrs. Kach aleoplns ear herth has an eli'i'ti e reading lamp, and Its dining cars are the liest In the world. Other lines are longer tha'i this hut none are shorter, and no other oilers the alMive luxurious areomtnnilatlona These are siillli'l'iit reasons lorthe M)pularlly of "The Milwaukee." Coupon Irket agenta In every railroad ntllce will five you (urther Inlnrniatlnii, or address C. J. KlillV, Genrral Agent, J. W.CASKV, Trav Pas Agent, PoaTLD. Oainow. The Ohietle will tske potato, pies, HtW or butter oo anbaoription aecooota. Any one owing Ibis t flips ran settle tbeir sccoonte io this manner and can't do il loo soon to fail ns. HARPER'S ROUND TABLE F.ih f tkl h-ln numbtn f thu ftrUJUal wilt eftn tiiV e iry h fm utr ef intrmahtntl fawn. 0 Ftrtnuti jiw fAw aulkfri enr uraj blew, UniMi lh i'nu Offtn W ffm WA Iktrt will tit :: THROB A LOYAL TRAITOR S twr? af eat NmI fa ef Mil y aa Ima RCMARKAI1LH TWCNTY-PART SCRIALS THB PAINTED W:Si:HT THB ROCK OP THB LION A Saw a 'm liaun A aT at mm aur. aiwaikw ftf Sim ataae Sy sail il fc.it Seh OMR OP THB SHORT fU RULS t maeoRit rarrn row vmioa Twt winmrm anwt, yn any wati-ta a, w o i AM AP!orar ov arvoaT Vy a ireaae m X ey Cays. Cauaus Smc, U a a. irT M- Mi Hi 0 M. CUage L. Ata TsdraM thna WMea vlua aaxt D Maa T. W. Ni(f aa 9 flirrF.VS XOl'Xi TABLE rfm, ft in $lnhrt ewr. f ?$ oo in friui ef I km (Ijuih, It ht UmJtJ i jelUin : .. ftlitin, l)o oo ; Amtlmr fk. trH? Uf- m , lt ft 'ie, ilf oo; ,m. n4 r.A u t ; ; ,77 , , , , ,7, ,77.77.7. A ,nUr ) I'nu temfftt- Item, IrmJ k 4.!Un tn4 fur JJtn . a A.. ii.'e M4 p un4 in yrmr mjlenal fe ga in Iki mft,t,n. Sni at en.t j.t fnit ttnttil ctn ulan and rraj aU Ikt tftn. Ms) m S m OaatSaaH m S Ma p W fa a a mw fame l( .'.' thaua" Bi 1 1 t. Tkh aW.7 etfhin enr eftr jvv 0 "if ajtr tmlmJti lit'anti , I't-re, .-mr, an 4 fit Kvti eat A, T 1 1 mi m i in ... A. 1 T B S ' - y v wan a at $tni v ...... rr..- ,. T en yVI' T'v' i" "-f ,f hU ,.4. jfri 77, vr Ur infmnfiumi la ItAKmrS SOt'A'O TAHIK lfsma .. WW. 1U VS.J f , I . - l. k Z t Bicycles caused no end of bad blood in more senses than one, it is to be feared before finally obtaining the right of citizenship among orthodox vehicles of the road; and, universal though they have now become among ordinary mortals, they have still a deal of up-hill work to accomplish before acquiring a status among the surround ings of royalty. Of course, a prince or king may bestride a "wheel," and do anything but break a record or "his neck; but were a princess so far to for , get what she owed to her house, her ! dignity and her long line of ancestors as to patronise this democratic means of locomotion, the whole civilized world would be expected to stand aghast at the desecration of royalty implied by the act. And this is the horrible deed that has just been announced by the telegraph, and has thrown Italian court circles into ceremonial convulsions, i The catastrophe, says a Rome corree. pondent of the London Telegraph, oc i eurred in Turin, and the heroine and victim the lady is both is the pretty, accomplished young widow,the duchess of Aosta, who is staying at the castle of Stupinigi. Princess Maria Loetizia is a sister-in-law of the present king of Italy, she having married in 1888 his brother, Prince Amadeo, duke of Aosta, who died in 1890. This lady, who is a Bonaparte, is not merely accomplished and pretty, but is brimful of life and fun, and takes a positive delight in tramping upon the rigid court ceremo nial of past ages. The last of her frolics was executed on a bicycle made for one. She set out a few days ago on one of these tabooed vehicles, accompanied by a maid of honor and two court cav aliers, and after a long ride the party v.'ere flying up one of the shady ave nues leading to the palace of the dukes of Aosta, when a company of soldiers commanded by a major met them half way, glanced at them furtively, and perhaps a trifle too curiously or crit ically, and marched on without making a sign. The duchess, rendered more sensitive than usual by the conscious ness that t-he was transgressing the bounds of court etiquette, felt hurt at not being saluted in the approved fash Ion by the major and his soldiers. This was perhaps human nature, and, as such, excut-able. But the lively lady went much further; she actually com plained of the conduct of tho major, who had, she afllrmed, culpably neg lected to salute her. The commandant of Turin, Gen. d'Oncian de la Batin, at ; once summoned the officer to appear bufore him and explain his conduct. The major said he was guiltless of any offense, as he did not recognize the high-born lady, oddly dressed and seated between two wheels, and would . never have permitted himself to think of her highness as a severe bicytlit.t. (lad he known or suspected it was he, of course he would have, etc., etc. Uwn. de la But in. uncertain what course ! to take, appealed to the Solomnnihtio wisdom of the war minister, to whom he forwarded a detailed report of the j whole occurrence, asking for instruc tions as to the punishment to lie mo tod I out to the major, whom he meanwhile kept in arrest. The minister of war, if not precisely a Solomon, was at lcuM quite hhrewd enough to see that the ground he was treading was courtly--if not holy and inhtend of taking the responsibility upon himself demanded an audience of the king, before whom ho laid the report of the commandant. The monarch cut the Gordinn knot in a twinkling. lie sent a telegraphic order to Turin releasing the major from arrest and entirely exonerating him in the matter. This, however.waa the solution of only one-half of the question; the remaining moiety con cerned tbe lively young widow; and the king sent hie bicycle-loving sister-In-law an order forbidding her to at tire hcTM-lf in red. court coatutno for the apaee of two calendar months, a prohibition which la equivalent to strict domestic arrest for that period. The princes l therefore absolutely In visible to tbe good cltltens of Turin, who were wont to watch and salute her two or three times dally, aa ahe rode or drove or walked about the street ef the historic old city. The inhabitant console themarlve by faxing for hour through the win dow of the photographers' ahopa, where a trrles of ten magnificent por trait in various position and eoaturae attract hundreds of loyal sym path lie re. I Dov Iraru that sentence ba also been pronounced on on of the court cavalier who awooanpeinled the durhea on her biey cling expedition. The mar quia of Mouerlvcllo ha been summarily tliamiaiwd from his poet by order of the king, who la aald to be eitremrtr aa n)oJ at the evident determination of his Utrr-ln-law to put all traditional nullum of court etiquette at naught, and to have annonnee4 hi Intention to puulah more severely all future trane f reeakma. 1 0i raalr raw Ua To the eael i the Ub Tao Ae. Feat- em mliee are re.' bed via true lie with fewer c an eee if cere tbej Vis etlter lineHla aleaf the weL 1 rket. l of from potole la Ibe I'wllet ft ate. (Vaeada. n Eaeope f . eele br It W U.it.f. ()e. Agl, 1U 8'd Ml, rertlaaw Walklne; One Thousand 3IU.es to Chnrakw The history of Canada, especially ita earlier history, preserves the story of many a deed of heroism and devotion on the part of Christian missionaries who worked and perished among the In dians, but there are few stories which reflect so much credit on Indian piety as that published from Quebec. Mon tagnais and Eskimos came from the southern shore of Hudson straits to wor ship in the province of Quebec. This in volved a tramp on foot of 1,000 miles. Ko pilgrimage in the middle ages waa ever made in circumstances of greater hardship. The citizen who is loath to wall: a block to church along a smooth, dry pavement ought to think of these Indians plodding 1,000 mile through an inhospitable country, through for ests, across rivers, mountains and lakes, to render a duty they owe to their religion. DREADED CONSUMPTION CAM BK CUBED. T. A. Slot, at. C, tan Great CkemM aad Scientist, WIU bead, Free, Three Bottle or Bit Newly Discovered Remedies to Sufferers. Editob Oasittx : I- have discovered reliable enre for Consumption and all BronohieJ, Throat and Lnng Diseases, General Decline, Loss ot Flesh and all Conditions of Wasting Away. By its timely use thousand ot - apparently hopeless ..ease tiave been cured. Wo oroof-positive am I ot its power to onre, bat to make its morita known, I will end, free, to any afflicted reader ot yonr pauer. three bottles ot my Newly JJis covered Remedies npoo receipt of x- pps and Postoffioe address, T. A LOCUM,M.O., 98 Pine Street.New York When writing the doctor, mention this paper. From tiin Sands. And apropos of sea bathing, an amusing incident happened on the beach one morning. The girls were drying their bathing suits while sit ting a la Turque on the sand, and one who was hatless and stockingleBs was holding a parasol over her to keep the buii from burning her bare legs and freckling her nose. With hardly a mo ment's warning it commenced to rain, and there was a gathering up of wraps and a scampering for the bathhouses from all except the maid with the para sol. She danced out into the breakers, parasol and all, and was going to finish her bath in spite of the rain, but she wasn't going to get her "hair out Of curl." S Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-j feat buaineas conducted lor MeecnaTS Ptia. Sour Orricc la Opposite U, a. tint Orriec land we can secure patent in was time tuaa tnose 2 . ir v' r r mnra imTn HBUiin.um. I Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- ition. we ao' vise, if patentable of not, free of r tee not due tut patent la secured. ; LT, " How to Obtain Patents," with in the V. 5. aa toreiga count Address, A A CMrMMX An UlHlUHW II IAS WW Ore. Patent fpici, washwotoh, d. C. icost ot sa Stent tree. Soaly eruptions on the bend, chspped hands and lips, cuts, braises, soalds burns are qumkly cured by DoWitt'e Witoh H'izM Stive. It m at present th trtiole most used for nilea. and it alwaya narestbero. Conner Brock. 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. - Half block west of the Union Depot of C. 3. 4 Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A , P. n. W. AC, and the C. St. L. ds P, Railroads. w ATiie a.oo xici-e day Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta., . cMXCA-a-o. ii.ii. Theeoreparativevalueofthesetweeard , -Is known to most person. They Illustrate that greater quantity t . Not always most to be desired. ' Three cards express the beneficial qual ity of Ripans-Tabules . 4s compared with any previously know r DYSPEPSIA CURB Rlpana Tabules : Price, so cent a boa, -. Of druggists, or by mail. .. 8IPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Spruce 84., R.T. WANTED-AN IDEArn.nZ,Pn. thing to patent f Protect your Idea; they mar i bring toV wealth. Write JOHJf' WEDDErV ' BUHK 4 CO., Patent Attorneys, Waobir4gtoa, D. O.i for their J1.800 prize offer. : The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 1 end the regular price ot the Weekly uregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Oazette and paying for one year ia advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sub Boribers paying their eubsoritrtions . tcr one-year in advance will be entitled t the same. : Via the Onion Pacific Systtm Baggage is checked through from Port end to destination. The specialties on tbe Union Paoitic are nnexoelled truck and equipment, union depnte.'fsnt time throngh enrs, steam beat, Piutsth light and oonrieons treatment to passengers. For rates and information apply to R. W. Baxter, Gen. At. D. P. aysteni, Port land, Oregon. 5r TRAOI MARKS, SiVti DE8ICN8, COPYRIGHTS o. Anyone aendlng a nketrh and description may quii'kiv a-iccrtaln, freo, nhetber an Invention la pi-oUnhly pnteutable. Coiiiumnlcatlons strictly conilUtfiitlal. Ol'lest aneucy for securing patent In America. We have a Waablngton office. Patents taken through Uunn A Co. reoelv special uotioe iu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation any soleutlflo Journal, weekly, terms I3.UI a yi Loom mouths, Speolmen copies snd liAUO si iraoieuuno lournai, weekly, tennBU miayeari oojt on f atskts sent tree. Address MUNN 4 CO., 361 Brondway, New York. OF THE. THI CHROTICU ranks wHh Vae pre at sat aewapapere la Uie Untied steles. THIC CHKONICLE has a equal ea the Feci Coaat. H leads all la ability, eatersttae and a awe, TUB CHRONICLVS TelegraoKle Report at tbe latest and moat rallable, lie Local News to fullest and eploleaa, aad lu Bdttoitou) traaa la ablest pens la the euanlry. THKC'HIIONIOLK basal way been, aad eleraye will ba. tbe friend and eharaploa of the people aa aeainat eonblnatlons, ellqix-a. eorporattona, of eppreealone or any kind. II will aa ladsoeadeat bi every UUu aeutrai la notnlna. TMU.S. GOVERNMENT I is PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH i To persons who served In the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You i ' 1 relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars I on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive i pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new " law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the , time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. (7-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. - No Fee unless successful. ' The Press Claims Company PKIUP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. JT. B.TM Company it controlled by nearly one Ihoutand leading n-- papert in tkt United State, and i guaranteed by Uiem. ri a m Mk -rfr'K d j Haw ef 1ms lwee Nm aias IMae nrtTotsc Hovrtoon liriKMiMaa a' at.aeia aw Unlit si a . a, a nm TMR WTY OI TMf! ,W1 vOTIR an s " sail a ramiai wtaat Il I I H... , M . Ml I rtail ai.i- '! san mkI a Ik .aa . MfVilAMI HlWTtNO TMraoasiai tea ewait Its By aa IM .M triuatayae a .a Ml arm y Imwi r amh AiTrtotr Rrtot t rcrwi t w erv a, w Mt,, m tsai I it av eta wui Tal i ,n .a.wiM Ba la. .a S ,,ei a a anas UTtttAav rwirRTAitMiHta in !' a a. t r.aif a iM..fc, i. r.a.i yi, I . ... . a w a ay a .. tmToBH. CAV ALfeV CHAQf.lt at iikiii ait, at ti'ia it at mrttaaa a. ar tvt aa a. StnJ It a eft etwr I f(t i'arW "miWfwf. t ftt a A-raye M ef Ut fe . wa4f iMaat J Uj?, amj , tamf ff inauam; en' lb J,v ..aW'.W ii L'it anJ turn Of-n ?f't Sasat, ebsv'ailee rile, It ft ea. MAArfl t llotaill, Pekiita'. m TeH. tkl aHiiaa. A MnTnTTMPr U r.T.TT'O PAFi 1 0flr ? J i i iff tJ ltr, vm i L. - Attorneys BEPPNER, All bosioeM attended to Sa a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collector. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINQ. ! I OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. The Chrmlete ttnlldta. the"daily r Ma t, Faeieee raid. Ofl1y$6.70a'car. The Veellf Chronicle Ti Cfiit i WttJj b lit ftiitry. $1.50 a fa (leateaHa pnagai U any sn a Uae Called eaaiae ' eaaia aa4 Haalrei mwitSLT CHNiiH-l.av a ansei a4 aval susMiwe Waaaiy la tnm twt en ate mianr a eiaiaa ae W al Mew. I w a4 uwaerei laaataM. aww , ataa aa alava4 anmwel Kiianaiiaa, AMPtt. CJPICS SiNT FRaC Columbia R IV 1 v er and r u fit Soiinn Na (r Slium mtniOSF, tllLET GATZERT AND OCEIK W1VL ffilllfiO I ft The AlaMfie ba Ar , ' AnUta ataoer. If other do aot, that there are etatr ef the atronaphrrw whUh aaftra tmtlltir wbea they do Mot eotuval them. That I one reeaua) why they like the snol.t, all wry air ct Holland and tbe rray rTeUo emnvia la trance. Ibe air la thla fmatry. even a that rat. la brifhur and drier, bat ralnal1y, at thla tin nf year, lb air and aan team to piay trWrk with the eye. reeeat Any vtKra lb nnn was owreaat and the air r hill and bumWt. g lvlr.f aa lmprwaal,. nf thl. knea that would Snak ebjea-t tavWtble at a dUtanee tf two aiile. It n a.,tt.-.t that fntn the epprr win b cf the tail nftVe balblin: the hilU att Irra.it aad vials ll l,lar..la wrtv aa la tly to be aewa aa la the abarrarat tvtd-rr aali-St Itt all del. I w bbirred. aad tHe hlila ap fwarrd a rt rray-Wee, a U- tibWr like t thenv- Tb Ml la tf wee HM wr- eV el4 ! rK.I I aai,! J,a t lh.y tM l.,f ir4 'iiw. pks eeiaj IK l.nle ,f Leeviof AlJer 8 tree Dock, PortUad, for Atorla, Ilwaoo, Loo Beach, Oceae Park and Nabeotta. Ah reel aonneetioa with Ilwaoo steamer sad rail road; alto at Young's Day with Seaebors IUilroad. THTjUPHONH Leaves Fortland T A. M . Dally, eieept Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. Pally, eiewpt Knaday. nAILHY OATKEIIT Leare Portland P. M. Oally, eirept Hnnoay. Saturday nlaht. II P M. tsivra Astoria Dally a ill A. M., eieept Sunday aud Monday. Sunday night, 7 P.M. Ueva Portland and rune direct to II waco. Toeeday and Taurwday al I A. M. aalnnfay at I P. at. Leave llwaco wedaeaday aud rrlday al 7 A. at. Un Suuday atfil al r. M. Eavt Ctitf.fi to lihii DrilinttlM Both latin Free if Expense. ' For Rarefy, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel oo the Telephone, Kalley Gatsert and Oeeawe Wv aaaaeaawawasaasaaaaai 11 III lllll I I lib lefikj Isiul. For tho Curo o Liquor, Opium ui Tobacco Habits It la kxated at Sale an, Oreffoa, Tkt Voai Beautiful Town on f Ae Coevet Celt at tbe On err office toe ewrtieelar MrtrUyooaOdeaual. Treaunent erltaUaud sere ear. ix you want tiii: CHRONICLE Reversible Map? ellOWlMd Tin Ucltel Sutet, Dosicloa of Coidi tod Koribira Miic9 use ONat aUDIS, g ae ta ) Map of tho World OK Hl OTIIKS IDH. faea4 f 3 ae4 t Ik Ma d W htf wewaitfle t Oae Y" S evaval J I M .p 4 1'aB.j. OURSTOCK ,!f SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers .it a great fin.inciaL sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. 0 T i AScalw lau It h f.w 4nynt4 lb Miaeie rw.fc . Yfifrtrl. Thi PAmaaTst Publishing Co. eeeaJ rt Jt ffrwwf M.i