Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 05, 1897, Image 3

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    Tired Feeling
Makes you seem "all broken op," with
out life, ambition, energy or appetite.
It is often the forerunner of serious ill
ness, or the accompaniment of nervous
troubles. It is a positive proof of thin,
weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is
rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im
parts life and energy to every nerve,
organ and tissue of the body. The
necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
for that tired feeling is therefore apparent
to everv one. and r.hn rrnnA It. H11 An
1 (5 v urn u j juii
is equally beyond question. Kemember
Is the best-in fact the One Tree Blood Purifier.
HnnH'c Dillc cure'lver Ills, easy to take,
11UOU S r HIS easy to operate. 25ceuta.
T It- L L- 1 ... . . .
now man iub treat poiltioai campaign
is over and tbe winter season again with
ns, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for tbe
long evenings. Cognizant of (his tbe
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodioals and now
nfpAra frllft fnllnoHnflr kn all nam anil unan.
b1 subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, 11.50. $3.50
8. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.75
" N. y. Tribune, 11.00.. 8.00
" Iutor-Ocean, 11.00.. 8.25
" ' 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 '.. 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8 25
Webfoot Planter, 50e 2 60
Leslie's Weekly, 4.00.. 5.00
Here- and There.
"I'll not be engaged to any man
'Less a aohtire he will bring;"
She wag 20 then, she's 80 now;
She'd acoept most any old ring.
Thos. Woolery, of lone, is reported to
be quite ill.
This. Burnett was up from Lexingtou
last evening. ,
A mnsioal treat, M. E. oboroh, next
Monday evening.
Judge A. S. Bennett returned home to
The Dalles last ni.bt.
Attend tba mnsioal entertainment
Monlay eveoiog, Mikrob 8tb.
Assessor A. C. Pettey and son were
op from Petteysville Inst Tuesday.
Heppoer baa been having a siege of
regulation Maroh weatber this week.
Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Gutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'.
Miss Daisy Downing", of Condon, is
a guest of Mrs. W. E. Brook, of this oity.
J. S. Sharp, representing tbe Gbioago
Portrait Co., spent yesterday in tbis city.
Bora To tbe wife of Andrew Wright,
of Eight Mile, Feb. 22, nine pound
Commissioners Beckett and Howard
were both In attendance at oounty court
tbis week.
Wanted Lady or gentleman to work
on salary or commission. Address,
"Books," this office.
A recent sale of sbeep at II per bead
it reported among tbe spring stock
alet in Ibis county.
Last Wednesday m Ash Wednesday,
tba bsirinnicff of tbe holy Mason of Lent,
whioh continnet for forty days.
Epworth League mnsioal entertain
ment M. E. ohurob next Monday evn
tag. Admission tee, 10 and 20 oenU.
C. O. Sargent assumed charge of tbe
City hotel WedossJay. lie baa closed
tbe Oraod Central except for roomers.
a . Fell, formerly of tbis city, Is
mentioned as one of the poiibilitie for
the position of postmaster of PeuiUtoa.
Tbe attention of tbe wool growers of
Morrow county I Called to tbe notice of
tbeir kjooal meeting which appears
' elsewhere la this inns.
Joilgs Lowell edjoorued eonrt yester
day until April 6th and, in company
with Pros. Aty. Beeo, relorned to fo
dletoo on last nlgbt's traio.
A a-ranJ musical entertainment Beit
Monday evening el tbe M. E. church.
First a.pparaooe of lbs new orchestra
end dao John slab. User lbq.
K local showman o( Bkr Cif edm
tU'4 bts eotrtiUBot as tbe "Groat!
L i. I . k. m . - I all .Moanl
be ie Ibt only truthful showman 00 f
Gid Bait and Charley Joee are a
eooiated together doo at CberUy'e
Id pi toe la the tonsortal bnalnMS.
Call on tbm ana gi jour wun
poshed Id.
Wa. Bail", of fl.tniltoo, Moot, a
cattle boyr tor Marroa D.lf, ert4 ie
Htppner vWrdy. Us bpe lb-aW-
. I desire to attest to tbe merits of Cham
berlain's Coogb Remedy as one of tbe
most valuable and tffioieat preparations
on the market. It broke so exceedingly
dangerous oouah for me in 24 boors, and
in gratitude therefor, I desire to inform
yon that I will never be without it and
yon should feel proud of the bigb esteem
in which your remedies are held by peo
ple in general. It is tbe one remedy
among ten thousand. Success to It. O.
R. DoWney, editor Demoorat, Albiou,
Ind. For sale by Coneer & Brook.
Nat Dickson was given bis liberty last
Tuesday, Judge Lowell slatiog that tbe
state was nnable to have the proseoutiog
witnesses show enough interest in the
case to appear in court and consequent
ly tbe district attorney bad moved that
defendant be released on bis own reoog
nizAnoe, bis bondsmen released and the
case continued for tba term. Diokson
was bound over last fall on charge of
sejHng liquor at lone without license.
E. O.: O. T. Douglas, of Willow oreek,
Morrow oonaty, is iu Peodletoo today.
He is an old resident of Eastern Oregon,
having come bere 26 years ago, and has
lived on Willow creek all tbe time.
Douglas station was named after him.
Mr. Douglas is looking for a new loca
lion. tie will visit several points before
seleotiug a home.
The Senter Peyton's. Big Comedy
Company will open a week's engagement
in tbe Heppoer opera bouse, commenc
ing Mnrob 8il). Tbey carry a brass
band aod orchestra. Their opening bill
will be ''Is Marriage a Failure." with a
change of bill uigbtly. Payton's popu
lar prices will prevail, 15, 25, 35.
Rev. Charles McPbearson, who has
been oouduoting revival servioes in tbe
M. E. cburon South, of tbis oity, for the
pn8t two weeks, returns to Pendleton
this evening. Mucb interest was tuatri
feeied iu the meetings and a number of
conversions were rooordad.
Austin Niohelson, wbo was held in tbe
oouut j iil einoe lust Suudiiy pendiog an
examiuatim for insanity, was yesterday
examined by Dr. P. B. Moewords aod
adjudged insane. He was taken belo
I not evening by Sheriff Matlock, assisted
by Green Matthews.
The old way of delivering messages
by postboys compared with tbe modern
telephone, illustrates tbe old tedious
methods of "brehkiug" colds compared
with their almost instantaneous cure by
One Minute Cugb Cure. Conser k
Alfred lUseh, a well known traveling
mau, spent yesterday interviewing bis
tleppuer customers and receiving con
gratulations, baviog J liurd tbe army of
beuediots sinoe bis last visit here.
Hick Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm Uhuje of Malbews & Geuiry,
are associated together in the btrber
business in tbe new stand, two doors
south of tbe postuffije. Tbey aolioit a
call. tf.
F. M. Page, wife, two daughters and a
oo arrived yesterday from Eugland no
tbeir way to Monument where tbey will
make an extended visit with H. A. Cup
per and family. Mrs. Page and Mrs.
Cupper are sisters.
Tuesday, March 2.
Wm. Penland vs. m. and Mary J.
Doooan; default and decree, 850 attorney
In the matter of assignment of E. 8.
and S. H. Cox; oontinne-i for term.
- Tbe Solicitors Lian & Trust Co. vs.
Cbas. W. Sburte; continued for term.
In tbe matter of tbe assignment of
Fell liros.; order directing assignee.
L. P.Dividson vs.S E.Walker; default
and judgment, ordered sale of attaohed
property, $15 attorney fee.
D E. Oilman vs W. G. McKinney; de
murrer filed.
. Tree Pruulng by a Specialist.
I bave served a foil apprenticeship In
tba raising and culture of trees. It yon
want your orchard trimmed and pruned
by one who guarantees bis work, ad
dress 0. L Boudrv, or leave orders with
P. C. Thompseo Co. 2t
Nolle to Weulsrewsr!
Tbe annual meeting of the Woolgrow
er Association of Morrow oounty will
be held at the oourt house Saturday,
March 13th. at 1 33 o. m. At this meet
ing will ooocr a re organization and re
electioo of offioers. M titers of interest
to tbe ahsspmtn will also be diacossed.
A full attendance of the member and all
woolgrow sri is desired.
21 O. E Fabhswobth, Pres.
Liadino Fxed YAsn-The feed yard
nxl door to the Guintie oflloe. now be
ing eoodoctftd by Wm. Gordon, la pr
fectly equipped In evwy particular. Billy
aolioits your patronag aod yon may rt
assured that yoor borse will be well
eared for when left in bis charge. Prices
very reasonable, lisy and grain fr
Tb trial of 'Otoe Jones wbkboocu
pled tbe altentlua of the court Tuesday
and Wedoredsy resulted Ie ao aeqniltei
The second case against 'Oeo was eon
Honed until the first dsy of lb otxt
term of oourt
The i 0 of court jut avlj mroed
was certainly a very economies! ae It
wu la section bat four day aaJ the
rand inrr r tamed no iedlelment
The latter fart epeaks well for th esor
aliiy of Marrow eoaat)' eiiiaeoa.
State of Oregon vs. N. Dickson; con
tinued for term. Bail exonerated, de
teud tnt allowed to go on own reoogni
zance. State of Oregon vs. N, Diokson; earns
as above.
Wednesday, March 3.
State of Oregon vs. Eugene Jones ;
jury returned verdiot of not guilty, de
fendant discharged aud bail exonerated
so far as relates to tbis indictment.
, State of Oregon vs. Eugene Jones;
oontinued until first day of next term of
court. Biil $250.
Whaley and Muir vs. James W. Swe.
zea; default and judgment, ordr for
aale of attaohed property. ,
J. A. Woolery vs. 8. E. Walker; de
fault aod judgment, $25 attorney fees,
sale of attaohed property ordered.
J. A. Woolery vs. S. E. Walker; same
as above.
Ouoar Sobafer vs N H. aod H. Leath
ers; default and judgment, $10 attorney
M. Liobtentbal vs. 0. S and J. T.
Kirk; settled and dismissed.
P. 0. Thompson vs. J. B. Sperrv; de
fault and judgment, $25 att'y fees, sale
of attaohed prope ty ordered.
D. E. Oilman vs. W. 8. McKinney; de
murrer sustained, one day for another
J. M. Russell C ). vs. J. G. Naiien;
judgment ou verdiot.
P. O. Thompson vs. J. B. Sperry et al.;
defanlt and decree, $50 att'y fee.
Henry Pad berg vs. H. D. Whitman et
al. ; nrler confirmation.
T. L. Dormao vs. Geo. W. Junkin; or
der directing sheriff to execute deed.
Thursday, March 4.
Tue Solicitors Loan & Trust Oo. vs.
Chas. W. Sburte; contiuud for term.
F. A. Howe vs. U. W. Swaggart;
amended decree in aocordanoe with
Julia E. Farrell vs. 8. L Jerking et al.;
default and deoree.
Bennett A May vs. Cba. Ktmsey et
al.; default aud deoree.
EHza It. Owens vs. Frank H. Bens et
al.; confirmation. , y
Id the Girouit Oonrt of lb State of Ore-
gr.n for Morrow County. In tbe mat
ter of the report of Grand Jury :
We, tbe grand jury empaueled and iu
trooted for tbe Maroh, 1897, term of tbe
above entitle 1 oourt bej leave to report
that we bave been in session three and
one-half day aud bave examined six
No reoogniaaocb of parties held loan-
wer were before ns, aud no one was in
jail waitiug for aotion of the grand jury.
We bave found no iodiolment.
We bave examined Ibe oounty jail aod
find it in fair condition.
W bav examined Ibe reorda iu tb
office of tb oounty clerk, sbenfl and
treasurer of tbis oounty and find them
kept in a neat aod orderly manner and
apparently in a good and proper condition.
We bave attendi-d to and inquired into
all matter brought belore u or called
to our attention.
W dwsir to tbaok lion. Stephen A.
Lowell, juJg of Ibis court, for bia kind
aod couileoo treatment, and to com
mend tb fair and abl manner in wbioh
th busineoa of tb eonrt I conducted.
W desire to Ibank tb district attor
ney and our bahff for their kloJ and
faiibful attention to tbeir duties.
Haying computed our duties w re
spectfully ak to be dlob'gel.
Dated thi 4tb day of March, 187.
T. IL I matt, Foreman.
John L Arias,
Pact. KlBTaUMH,
J. W. Cox.
G. D. Coat.
R. K. SlMPeOK,
J.J. MtOsa, Clerk.
The world will have nothing more
from the magio pen of the late Robert
Louis Stevenson after tbe romantic
novel of "St. Ives," wbioh begins publi
cation in- tbe Maroh number of Mo
01 u re's Magazine. We know from Stev
enson's letter to 8idney Colvin, already
published, that he waa engaged on tbis
novel down almost to the moment of his
sudden death, and that it interested him
deeply. He had the good fortune to
leave it substantially complete. Tbe
last two ohapters, perhaps, were not
fully written ; but he left such a sum
mary of them that the oonrse and con
clusion of tbe story are quite satisfactor
ily shown. Persons who bave read tbe
novel pronounce it unhesitatingly one of
tbe most engaging of Stevenson's works.
It is written in his most obeerful vein ;
it moves with a rapidity and thrill of in
cident unsurpassed; and it presents a
snooesBion of personages ofv the utmost
variety, subtlety and attractiveness. It
s a love story, and tbe heroine is as ir
resistible' as she who engaged the affec
tions of Mr. David Balfour and of all
wbo read the immortal reoord of bis ad
ventures Tbe right of serial publica
tion of "St. Ives" ja America waa pur
chased by MoOlnrtt's Magazine of his ex
ecutor very soon after Mr. Stevenson's
It is, or should be, tbe highest aim of
every merohaut to please his customers;
and that the wide-awake drug firm of
Meyers A Eshelman, Sterling, 111., ie do
ing so, is proven by tbe following, from
Mr. Eshelman: "In my sixteen years'
experience in tbe drug business I bave
never seen or sold or tried a medioine
that gave as good satisfaction as Cbam
berlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy." Sold by Conser & Brook.
Tbe Waterloo girl is praotical if she is
anything. The other night after a Linn
oounty youth had passionately kissed
bis companion six times in snooession he
paused to oatoh bia breath and tenderly
inquired it she loved him "Young
man," said tbe girl as she rolled ber
gum in a wad preparatory to sticking it
under tbe table, "you think I'm endur
ing all this tor my health?"
Bnoklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Braises, Sores, TJloer. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or oo
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Prioe25 rents per box. For aale by
Conser A Brook.
A good j 'ke on a sobool ma am oomes
from Cumberland Gap, and is told by the
Middlewortb News. A lady teacher told
ooenf tbe boy tonmeU tba presidents,
aod wben be replied that he couldn't tbe
teacher said: "When I was a old aa
yon I oould name all tbe presidents iu
thair order." "There wasn't many
then," tbe boy replied; '
Tbe attempted arrest of tbe members
of the bonse as mentioned in tbe last
issue of the Gazette, proved to be a faroo
and as a result two assistant sargeanta-at-arms
were arrested, obarged with
assault, and will be given a bearing
today in Justice McDevitt' oonrt in
Portland. The following aooonnt of tbe
above action is from tbe Portland Tele
gram: "Ou tbe train arriving here last even
ing from tbe oapital were Assistant Ser-geaots-at-Arms
E. B. Irving and J. J.
Storgill, looking for truant members of
the defunot Benson bouse. At the depot
tbey met Representative O. E. Jennings,
of Wallowa, one of tbe men tbey were in
search of, and upon bis telling tbe
offioers that be bad a surfeit of legisla
tive experience at Salem they told tbe
reoaloitrant legislator to oonsider him
self under arrest till he reached Salem
to assist in the permanent organization
of tba house of representatives. Mr.
Jennings was taken to tbe PerRiue hotel,
where he was released upon Mr. Perkim
vouohlng for tbe law-making prisoner's
appearance wben wanted tbis morning
to return to Salem.
"Meanwhile Mr. Jennings sought legal
advice, and a game of strategy began.
At about 11 o'olook last night as Chief
Deputy Sheriff Tbielsen was about ac
companying a party of ladies from the
theatre, warrants for the arrest of Irving
and Stnrgill were plaoed in bis bands
Tbey charged them with teobnioal as
BBult and battery upon Mr. Jennings.
These men were eanily found, bat being
comparatively strangers here, it was
midnight almost before seouring bonds
for tbeir appearance in Justioe Mo-
Devitt's court today.
"Tbe appearaooe of tbe defendants
snd the complainants in court this fore
noon betokened that tbey fully realized
tbat tbey were engaged in no boy's play,
but tbat an important principle waa in
volved in the matter.
"Wben tbe oases were oalled, Deputy
District Attorney Fitzgerald stated tbat
owing to tbe absence of bo important
witness he would have to ask for a con
tinuance. Tbis was agreed to by Hon.
H. E. McGion, for tbe defense, and tbe
time fixed for examination is at 10 a. m.
on Friday."
This case has exoited considerable in
terest, as it is an original one.
is the
very best
Blackwell's Genuine
Ton will find one coupon Inside each 1 onnce bag and two coupons inside MCb 4 ounce beg.
Buy a bag, read tbe coupon and see bow to get your share of 250,000 In presents.
7:-vv i::s;; .-, -
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find tbe best of accom
modations in every reBpect.
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
OWe Excellent Performances.
The Fay ton Comedy oompany haa
been giving some exoellent performances
tbis week, and are receiving a liberal,
well deserved patronage. "Tbe Octo
roon," last evening is one of their strong
est pieces aod was splendidly presented.
Tbe play for tonight is "Uocle Dao'l,"
and mast be seen to be appreciated, Mr.
Par Ion appearing at bis best aa tbe
Messenger from Jarvis Seotion." Van
coo ver Register.
How's Tbis?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that oanoot be
cured by Hail's Catarrb Cure I
F. J. Cubnby & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, tbe undersigns 1, baye known F
J. Cbeoev for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligation made by their
West & Trnax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O.
W aiding, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Ball's Catarrb Care is taken internally,
acting direotly npon tbe blood aod mu
cins surfaces of tbe system. Prioe 75o
per botlle. Bold by all Dmggiets. Tea
limoniala free.
Wbo never lets politics interfere with business. At tbe
same old stand, next door to M. Lichteothal'i.
Few realise that each squirrel des
troys $1 60 worth of grain annually.
Wakelee'a Squirrel and Gopher Exter
minator is tbe most effective and eon
uomioal ooison known. 1'rice rdnoel
to 80 oeata. Conser k Brook and Mioor
k Co.. aaenta. Ileppner; J. A. Woolery,
agent, Ioe: Niobols Leacb, agents,
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
For Kf Bt.
Tbe Bailey Ditah oompany bave for
rent three or four 40 aore traota of fro it
and garden land nnder this ditch on tbe fl Fini-Cr WinPS ifllinrc ntlfl fjfr.irS.
Colombia river below Dmattlla whiob "J" " . ' -4 o
tbey desire to lease for a term of one or
more yeara for one-fourth of crop raised
the renter to plant such trees aa are
famished and oare for them daring tbe
leuse. The lands arc well irrigated,
Lava plenty of water and lay well are
close to railroad or will sell oo easy
terms, long time and low rate of internet.
For Information write to tbe Bailey
Uitab Company, Umatilla Or., or call at
tbe oompaoy'a farm.
What ia IIop Gold? Best
earth. Mte ad. elsewhere.
beer on I
This Space Belor)gs to
llcppncr's Hardware Dealers.
No Man
My JUtekkoc T.U Ma
Abnal Mood's Raraapartl'a ana advis4
ma to try it -this is Ibe kind of edvr
tUlng wbb b give Uood'e Haraaparilla
the Unrest saUs to Ibe world. Friend
Do you know the mean- true fne.i itsi ud's Hersapaniu
enrra ; iiki is gives mreugia, ' m,
ta'tlt and vlr-r, and whole neighbor
hoods os It aa a fs'Bilf wJkins.
How much bettor be might far, whan burlnc, anttl a InttstlxatM.
To rvtntln la tb dark mrans opiwrtutitllm Il-lallars !.
Aroa certain too ar fHil.i all tbr Is In It lur TuT upp
to lnvsi!st. Yon ns'l tall what's la store far fo hr-H s
worth Uwklna into. Xnouih 4I. W r a buus of lw words but
toaar dMrit.
ingof Schilling s Destf
It means
a...aif MIc1S
tm4 -m
to Ship 10 Carloads of br,f caUl. from f 1 Crack a dtl l)C
tt.1 nnlnl. i " "
w " I ... t -.1 L . .
mainuincu wunoui wuav
E. fl. Tbompaon. i rprnUii
from Ma!laonab cauaty, (it yl-r-dar
la Ibis ettf la Ibe iaieel of Ibe
Bridal Veil Lomberlag eompany, ef
blob be ta a eobr.
A graod MotUr HabbaH ball will H
five lb opa bo ee lb al
rrf Ki. I'aifiek e Ur, wdea-Ur, March
17ib. Mok ly WaMaborr aod
lograhsoi. lo't M.
"Kimse tna" oHmv4 in la
etMrtaelee ! I aw a sort-Mi.aad ibal
ts an were the br r "
salad wbr lb lit ie " r'rld tfc
Ib-f. 'if rl la bus Wt !
tft a ItoWiti'e sUttlo lUfl K f
oaM iNtk ll anl bke II l hm. ()
that y e-n hl year fig Ubsiw." Coe
ar A Ilrk.
nr."" .mi I " ''?
1'. W. Rha & Co,
it. A. Fl't, aJvaeea agt
rUfiir rtr frolr 0 mpr
of the
ll.o.J's IMI aat Uv and pmmirtlr
tm tba lwr aol bowel. Care sick
TVe llr fswritatt.
The Palo lVMJy Compaay, en
toting if KtMlMS niDj!ri, arrived
oo lb lUtnlil r last bight, arid will
opa lbtr ne day' d(tbI al Ibe
Vt llah. la lh baM eomicly,
It Marriatf a Fallar." Tbe l'.)l"a
bite bo b' I el' bfr, and are
Leaves No Constipation, wW
Cores It, as well aa all lllinnna. Hi k tldacbe aod Malaria. Tbe only
CoMroRTiaus pill In tb world. Bold by all rtrnf lte nr ot by an all en
reoeiptof price, iSoenU per b-l. llltMlhH MKDIUAL CO ,
Haa rraaelMo. Cel.
bMw..ritoh.ainIi.ri4I a.,.i. ,.r.r,ii .a tuq GAZETTE. Sq.o A Year for CASH.
t 4 llBlns. ril lrm, lb ImI lhl atMy ra rxliM. -w---i 1 Y"JW
One of the Deeds
e4 llolnss. rillM b.rw, lb
Quirk llrs. Trie $8. SO
Tb bt la lb aofld lot lb utnr.
him day and taf la tbl any arrsir- ' Mtril fav'tri'aa with Tba Dll to-
iDgforlbe above enapy bib will ! pi. Hn-t rrna U a tin enmedian,
t,p a wk'e aanot bare nil aaJ lb Mi Lacy and Vma la lhi
MaUf. piiie ar a.ldea jiU4. Mr.
a W. rc-f, of MkaM, Miaa.,,CaM.b-itk lb bv part, lea
fprwaaliag the LUk Maaf. t. of Sw j ''"
Tork,.pl vra.laa.day Ie Ibt tr. U . ! J-irant la e-Ueil kle eepport.Hle
ro.Uf U W.yaJ t4 tb bof" ' y lb air-re will add
aaJ ryal'y trtiad by tbe Ml eir-atfb t tb py. PnM 35
Elks darltg bt Kftat etay la IIf.jm-f. ja4 8-C.rairU. Tb Il!.
Ta rar tl old . lo bl aa la
d.i'r.i r r"liiv l'. a
! it'f ai r'r DVii'e l-b!a
rJlt.g to .lirf' ,r.. ll ' like
mUw w4itiBia. Cues A two
fblll (l-bi. rani- f Hm tibvr'e
trriwrfsM, will f ! blWI ak4
pr" fit b 'i1. h-p pH, !.
tnof wn kUa su bi. tl
Hop GVolcl Beer
yjq Ww.M. U., .. Or. VANOXrVlA, WAH,
l- mm ortGON Yk
I LLL f M,U M CotPM . fJr
ivnrii A.DCtu. A 4
It mhi BMaiO'ta. T
BooKicmiNrt, Smohtiiand, TitrGRAPHy. A h
fcnififl!l'P. htDltjTMFUTiet! IIIPC
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