Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 05, 1897, Image 2

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    Now for a special session and
remedial legislation.
Congress will be convened in
special session March 15th.
SAT3 the Yaqaina News: "The
Simon-Bourne farce is ended'
Will the twenty-nine Judas Iscar
iots please go and hang them
selves?" If justice were done, the twenty,
nine members of the Davis house
would all be eerviDg out sentences
for co u tempt, as they have iusulted
all the people, and stood them up
in genuine road-agent fashion.
Astoria Budget
MoKlNLEY's cabinet as published
in Tuesday's issue was correct with
the exception of the position of
secretary of the iuterior. C. N.
Bliss, of New York, was appointed
to this place instead of John J.
. McCook, of the same state.
Tbe supreme court of California
yesterday afternoon affirmed the
decision of the Durrant case, so
that the murderer of Blanche La.
mont can now be sentenced to be
banged by the superior court as
soon aa that tribunal desires.
Governor Lord promised sev
eral of tbe members of the legisla
ture that be would call a special
BesBion within ninety days in the
event of no legislation. This is
certainly the proper position and
the people of Oregon sincerely
hope that he will keep tbe prom
ise. The Oregon rump senate has
quit , Simon had previously ruled
that it could not adjourn sine die,
so by motion it "disnolved" Tues
day. This H certainly a very ap
propriate term. The Davis rump
House is also rapidly dissolving
and will in ail probability go to
pieces today.
a i
A lawyer in a court room may
call a uiau a liar, a scoundrel, vil
lain or a thief and no oue mikes a
complaint when court adjourns. If
a newspaper prints such a reflec
i. i.i. - -
a libel suit or a dad editor This
is owing to tho fact, temaiks an
exchange, that the people believe
what the editor Bays.
On last Tuesday Oongreflman
Hermann intioduod in the lower
house of the federal legislature
memoiial of the chamber of com
merce of Portland, for a delegate
from Alaska. That extensive and
valuable possession of this gov
ernment, up among the icebergs,
occupios an anomalous position
having do spokesman io tbe Da
tional law making body. Tbe da
mand for a delegate from Alaska
in the lower bouse is certaiuly an
altogether leasonable one.
Tns ioangural ceremonies that
marked the accession of William
McKtnley to the president'- chair
yesterday were perhaps the grand
est and most Impressive ever wit
nessed in this country with the
potuiible eiception ot Grant's first
inauguration. Tbis U certainly an
evidence of confidence ia the now
administration, to which President
MoKmley respoud.kl with ezpres
ion of gratitude to the pcoule for
the trust tbey had reposed ia him
a nswsrarEB man woo Bus
s . . - .
studied Speaker lled closely says
"Mr. Reed takes freqanot reaU by
calling members temporarily to
the chair. Hut yesterday, for iu
stance, was given over to motions
for suspension of the rule, lie
was afraid of what might come up,
o Le would Dot ttust another
member with the renponsibilities
of the chair. Hour after Lour i.f
this Cf (unless and monotonous
strain wears oat even his Titanic
vigor, lie becomes worn and ab
stracted. He is ofta jolly and
hakee with laughUr io the chair,
but cow he is severe aod form id.
able. The consulting clerk at his
right Land baa to tell him what
the tnotiou is. The weariness of
rising to put tautious is telliuu
npoo Llui, and by tbe tima be
brit.gs down Lis gavtl at 6.30
o'clock to tltvlare the Loose ad
jours!, Le would U about as
dangerous for ordinary approach
aa a Kansas cyclons ot a lUxky
loot Ot a lUxle
- 7
I IU IWtlJ.l Of lh
mountain gmtly
Tut Otitti is
Ibitlal LutiiUr ijf the HumiJf
Ktwt,(rttUi.bwJ it k. 4, U47toiZ?'m
& Co., at Sumpter, Baker county.
Fred's first issue is certainly very
neat and creditable and his many
Morrow county friends will cer
tainly wish him an abundance of
success in tbis vpnture. The paper
makes its appearance with the fol
lowing introductory remarks:
It is with a grat degree of hu
miliation that we launch forth tbis
little journal, and we feel tht an
apology is due our readers for hav
ing fallen short of our own expec
tations and the implied promises
to subscribers. We were in error
in fixing the date of our first issue
upon the 26th, for we over-estimated
our mechanical ability, aod
furthermore we were the recipients
of no lehS than doubl the adver
tising patronage anticipated. Our
office is somewhat nvre capacious
than an ordiuary sized cracker box,
and having to handle eight forms
we have no room to let
Under the circumstances we
deem it advisable to refrain from
making the tirae-houored declara
tion of principles and a multitude
of promises only to be over-ridden
and broken. Suffice it to say, then,
that the News will be devoted to
tbe development of the vast re
sources of the country tributary to
our little city to the end that ere
many months shall have passed
Sumpter will rank foremost among
the rich cities of Eastern Oregon.
Benmli.15 With Hmlieg
Are tbe countenances if people whnbave
found apeely and thorough relief from
muluriiil, kidney, bilious, rlynpeiptio "r
nervous troubles through the Hid of Hus-
tetter'a 8toaiou Bitters. Snob ounte
nimoeg are very uamirom. 8 ) re let
lers from tbelr owners attesting tbe iffl-
osoy of tbuereat family me.dioin. Among
the signals of distress thrown oat by tbe
torn net, bowels uud livnr io a sUte ol
Iteorder, are sink beiiiUolie, heartburn,
nutlseA, Jobs of appetite, sallowing of tbe
akin nnd evf btlle, nd on nno-rtmn stiite
of tbe bowel. They should b') be d d
at once. If tbe Uitteia are res'ir-'ed to.
tbe woe begone look wbiob uHMiiipuiiea
iokneng will give away to cheerful looks
produced by renewed btmhh. It you are
dri'ting ou tbe 0nt of Unease, throw hu
anchor to w'udw.ird by sniiitn niu the
Hitter to your ae-ilMsuuo. It will keep
you iu safety.
Orauite It Iohhoiiih.
Mr. Aft B Tiioqiiuhi and Wise Currie
A. Hiat Blil were ninrmii on Sii'nUy,
cnoibernu Hu ter (iretk, H.v. Mr, Dm
ills of this city ( fflditiii. About 40
Kiieeta we present, nearly all Imii.g
relatives of the tiride anl groom. A
amnptnoui weil.llng 'exst followed tbe
oereniony, after which the young eimple
left for Portland. The Broom ig well
itnd favotMbly known here and is a m o
f O. F. TboniH-m, a former sheiiff of
Umatilla county, and the tiride ia t
dailuliterof the Ute H N StimQebl. The
OMB.tte join with the tuiu.y Morro
flonnly friends of Mr. and Mrs. Asa
Thompson, in wishing them happy
aud prosperous uiarned life. 1
Free Hills.
8nd yoor sJilrees to U. E. Buoklen
k Co., Chicago, snd get a free sample
tx.iof Dr. Kiug's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince yon of tbiir merits,
Tb pills are eajr Iu hot, on ami are
particularly efTctiv la lli enre of (Jon.
Iipatmn Knit Mick ileadaolie. For Ms
Inria and Liver trmitilea tbat Lne In-eo
proved invaluatile. They are guaran
teed In be perfectly fre from every
deleterious mbManoe ami Io lie pnirly
vejjelalile. They do not weakeo by llieir
action, tint by giving tone to etnrueeb
aod bowels itreatly invitforaliiift the
system. Urgular sis a. per boi. H..IJ
by Cooaer A Urot k, druists.
Jlat lUadrraautt Dea4.
Tba news of tha death ot lion. Jinirs
UeoJerth ilt, of Cove, Colon County, was
reooceived lu ibis city yesterday. Ilia
demi-e occurred at his hnius after aeveral
weeks' lllueaa nc Fllday eveninu. Mr.
Iletdersh itl's sg was about C3 yea-s.
Tbe devaed has been proroioent
ftgart to Orrgno p.. lilies for over I weolv
Bva year, having served as representa
tive and senator from Uuion tsinot)
several lerrus. lis was aa uiUmohmg
democrat of Hit old school and waa
always si hit fxtt of doty flabling for
tht (inm) of bit parly. His drtniae will
tx regrelil by bun Ireds of frteujs
tbrongbnat tht state D.ker iVwooiat.
Mtv: ornfort .mil pleas
ure front t.u try SchiliHs
No rik if you don't like
it, the grocer returns your
money in full.
a .mi.. t i'MeMy
H'tiely U I, fioia an n, ban Willi
lh pflsuf aaloiu eli., Weleaiu
that lbt)uui g UJim ol In lua ikVa
or-auli a 'Hp Itial Wm, It liqiitw abll
v lot'ob uiiua'uiub Ibvyunosi at
have letalialod Uy wrgaMUtua a 'iiiuba-that-wear-blxomef
Ittli lHl i ) bu t tluU."
f Ileal fil luklaf rtle.
StBpW.tns: Mixeiur; u.tu itching
aitJ etingiag; as.t at nigiiij wtxa by
aetatrbitig If alloaeJ Io eoitiiua luut
re l..im elwh .ll.a ble, and mefae
eeeoutmg a . i. A '. y ,.
beet e ra t,,u, akd iu m- i-
Al UiU(aKte, ut by
IM. Iinn at Bwt..
r t i i r r
nemarKaDie oure ui a
was Afflicted With Salt-Rheum
and Rheumatism.
Both Promptly Cured by
for Pale
From the Herald,
Tlione wh ) buve bad the misfortune to
be i ffl ctid iib suit-rheum, more eepeo-'
ibll) l,eii ii has ci me in early childhood,
t i n bi pn ciide bat it ia to ' dootor" for
tbis B'nji gt n.cnrbbJe trouble. Tbey al-mot-t
all testify tbut tbey have''doototed"
for) earn, aud often with some of the
It admit pby aioiaua, spending large snmg
of itoiiey wilboct obtaioing relief
W ben t bis is complicated witb an attack
of rheumatism, efpeoiaIl; in tbe case of
a man whose advocation is one tbat ex
poses him to it, tbe serious nature of bis
phyt-ioul ills may be imagined, and also
I tie potent tffieHry of euoh a remedy as
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
which bus proved able to oooquer suob
a cotict nous of bodily problems, and to
pui tbe mau iuto a condition of vigor as
a substitute fur oue of a most disheart
ening outlook.
In view of the circumstances it is not
surprising tbat many iu Boston, eepeoi
an) tbi ie t f tbe railroad men, who have
bem familiar both witb tbe individual
and tlieaittr.dutit circumstances, should
make so much comment on tbe cure
wrought in tbe case of Mr. James Free
man, for a number of years past em
ployed as a bnkeman ou ih Old Colony
Division of the New York, New Huven
aud tdortfuid ltailroad. This gentleman
bad been iffl cted with alt rbeum from
infancy a d liig blood bad a decided ten
aency to tinmoie, iu addition to which
the exposed oharauier of big occupation
piomoted au aggravated attack of man
cwur rtieumatiain wbiob threatened to
destroy bis usefulness and deprive bitu
nl ton means of livelihood.
but leaiuiug of tbe remarkable testi
mony which had be-u giveu Io the effi-
OMi:y of Dr. Wlllums' Piuk Pills for Pale
People whenever tried lor these aud
kindred dilHuuilies, particularly suob an
ffune (ruin au impoverished or disordereu
condition ut the biood, be was iuducen
Io try them, und (he result has been
gratifying that he baa became a (iouee
iu ti oi'Uiuiending tbeu to bis fello.
woikuieu, who through bis words am.
tu Ujauiteet lecultg ol bis e ample bav
lu view of the degree of attenti,,,
which the oase attracted, particularly i.
ilstlT Ot of promoting me use of ihepiu
Biuimg meu who are not in tbe babit o.
n-auig uituioiue, tiie oiroumataDoe were
Uctujtd wurlbynl personal iuvesligatlou,
aud auoiirdiuitly a rep i ter made a call
at II, e os borne of Mr. Freeman, at 233
Hnawmout Avenue, Bos too, Mass., where
be and bit ile were found to be thor
uiiKlilj Iree aud uurcaerved in slating
I o tacts, aid tunst mrdial io apprcoia
liou of the 1'iuk fills.
"Yet, it is trne," be taid In response
to enquiry, "I have the greatest satisfac
tion iu given my word at to what Dr.
Williams' i'iok I'll It have doot tor me.
I bave do personal interest io (peaking
abool the matter riutipt tbat 1 (eel
grateful (or the oure they have oaused,
aud I think it it ouly right that I should
try and Ut others bave lb tame oppor
tunity (or beoelll at myself." Io regard
to the origin of bit use ot the Pink Tills
he remarked:
"I wte first led to try tbem on account
of a certificate from a Montreal man
which was published io tbe pspert, aod
I thought the tame tbing that bad done
to much (or bim would help me.
"I needed to tike be Pmk Pille (or
Ibe condition of tbe blooj aod for rhtq.
mat lam. Tba (art it Ibat my blood bat
been of a very bumory oalur tod I bev
bieu troubled witb tail rheum from In
fancy. My bead waa eovervd witb tl
aud a good deal of my hair earn off. It
at vry uncomfortable tod nothing
that I could do termed Io care it.
"Then eeaie my rheoaiatto trooble
Hrpreaeatallvt Brawa Uklaloa.
J. N. Urowo, Morrow eouuly'e mera
ber of Ibe lea i statu re, glvetlb following
opiuioo of to preswnt elalue of affaire
relative lu the attempt to organise tbe
"I tio flm Io lb Whet ibal Ibe legi.
la'ute ee..ait bow legally tttio be to
teoed nabs the orrnar eall a teial
tewino. The present eteelnn baa bswn
euilrtl, and it t on not Io th pnr of
Urn tueiiilwr (,f ibe two b die to re-eoa
v.u wiiboiit lh rl.lel eieenll later
poM aud rieiciM ti neMgitva, Is
mat f. of oours ibe leaialalii' ran
b- b'oua-tit loaetbrr (.ore eaure, aud only
Io that way ran H bo aeMinipliabra."
The Imgtb ot life mat b ieeraed by
Immmiio- danger. 1 b Oiajoilly of pxt
pie die fria lung lrMatl. ttieae may
! a rl4 by promptly seinc On
MitiUt Ctmgh Cwr (Vitiarr a lltotk
MrSialeji' At.
Maj tr M' Kmley wa, al lb time ol
bi inaegaratmo. tt year of eg. Nine
pr ai.l nu oUrf. It White Hon tt
aa earlier age (1 ant at 4? Cld al
44. Uaffleld ad Pierce at i) t'olk al fill,
ri m .r. atUi. TjleraeJ Arthtr t 61.
aad Liaeola at tl
l I jK df0 9S
J J Vsaaai vV
hl,.. .-, ff ! I
i"'i sm . rHit r
Mr f Wj m
r i J
Dosion man vvnorHvs
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
Boston. Mass.
during three months of last witter. I
think it onme from exposure Jn tbe rail
road yarn during bad weather, it was
mueoulnr rheumatism aud. was located
urinoipally in my right arm so that I
could hardly lit it tbat high."
Here Mr. Freeman raised bis out
stretched right arm slow ly to a position
below tbe middle of bis breast and gave
a graphic idea of the difiionlty and dis
tress which aoonmoamed tbat effirt be
tore taking tbe Pink Pills.
'I began to receive bf ceQt from
tne brst time that I took tbe pills, and
t Lava ner kn.,.n r.h.m t fail nl
doiD2 ffood. The trouble with a ffood
many people is that tbey tbtnk tbey do
everything by taking the first small
quantity of any remedy. 1 urn not one
of tbose who are satisfied witb tbat kiud
nt .om. .i;.. . j i i .
of sampling, and when 1 became satis-
Bed tbat they were the right thing for
. ... I
me 1 resolved to ose tbem with fullest
ttTect. I eoon secured about 25 boxes,
I bonjibt tbem mostly from Jaues'
Apothecary Store on Washington Street.
Oue of tbe first good effeots I found
was an increase of appetite and tbe
benefit of a general tonic. My blood
became purer end better, and tbe etTeots
of tbe musoular rheumatism rapidly dis-
appeared. As 1 took do other medicine
the whole (fleet must hae come from
Dr. Williams' rink fills. 1 was so
gratified witb tbeir effect tbat I must
have bocght altogether about eighty
"The let-nlt was tbat I was enabled to
attend to my work as a brakemau on
tbe care, which, as you well know re
quires a pretty free strength io the arms
aud 1 found my general health and spir
its timed up,
"In the early periods of taking tbe
pills I took one as a dose, and latterly 1
increased to two and then three, tbe ton
ng tflVct being ell tbe stronger without
tiy disagreeable eflVot,
' "I was so planned with tbe results of
the Pink Pills in my oase tbat I reoom
mended them to all the railroad men an 4
ihera wilbin my kDowl'de tbat I knew
'4 1.k4 .t.l. W-a.. A A M vttUo
.ueiiee quite a onmber began their use,
ud from all Ibat I hear tbeir effects were
. ery satisfactory, to tbat I doubt not
bey would be willing to reinforce my
I ert8oal witb tbeir own testimony."
Mr, Frrtmnu's remarks were oorrobo-
latt d at Intervals by bit wife, who WtS a
par i ko pant iu Ibe oouveitution and
maniffstly shared bis genniue entbusi-
am (or the curative effeots of wbiob the
had been a wituesa, aud fur wbiob the
uiime of Dr. Williams' Piuk Pillt baa be
come synonymous.
lie certainly looked well end do one
Oould imagine by bit appearand) und
manifestation of energy Ibe double siege
of rheumatism and sslt-rbeom from
wbicb tbe Piuk Pills bae rescued bim.
"I am aa satisfled ha aaiil in lha I 'bat th followlne named settler has Died no
i am eo saiisuea, oe sau, aa to Ibe t(r. 0( h(i ltltoIll7on to ,nak, Bnal proo( , ,UD.
Iroe results wbiob tbe Piuk Pillt have port of bis claim, and that eeld proof will b
l.,n,l m-h. f :t- ni.
.... . . t.ui., a1-'
afflJavit before a notary to tbat effect.
All who know ma and Ibe circumstance
of my ctia will, however, (eel oontioced
without tbe oeod of Ibat."
fr lltttf a sr. t a nt.. . .
ir. v, iiiiamt rioa 1 iu contain, io a
oooJeosed form, all tbe elementt aeoee-
sary Io give oew life sad riohness to tbe
blood oi reeUiresbatterwdoervee. They
ere to oofailiog specifio (or toon dieeaaet
tt looomotor alalia, partial partly tit, 81.
VltOS daoce.tclatioa, neuralgia, rbeoma-
.. t. .t t. .i - .
iistn, nervoo beadaobe, tbe trier effuct
ot It grippe. palpltttioo o( the be.rl, p.l.
aud tallow Oomplef ions, all (orme of
i ,,, , , . ,
wkooe, either la male or (rmale.
Pink Pill are eold by all da.Ua. or will
be tent pol paid on re oeipt of price, 50
cent a bo i or ail boie (or 12 50. by ad-
dratioa Dr. William' Mediciae Com-1
pony, BebcuMttdy , Nw York.
Tk Mlaalag lade I Meatgeaiery.
Kaaaell Montgomery, eoa o( Mr. J. IX
Mobtgoiuery, of Portland, who bat btes
mourned ae dead a'.mott a year, te re-
polled Io bavs boeo teen trr laUlr la
Coba. tt a lieateatel la tbe morgan!
. Si WMIMTtl fttlfi tl ABMD
oli toaJeoy, end (ailing in bie eiamina-
lioa the preupilie was that be com
uiltud tuiride.
Wliao lb aewt o( bi diaappearaoc
raaebH bit bun both Mr. tad lira
Montgomery Wrr proelreled Tbe bl
deWetivra Ibat eoold be f juod were el
oaee pal apoe Ibe Owe, and foe b
imxiibe there bae ba ae SMaaitua ot
ff.irl among tbe era'cbera.
tbie Infortaaltoo le savyej ia a let
tee I ruro Virgtaia. written bf aa leaargaei
ifBi-wr a bo aat.t bum toe tretMt ot
wnaaJa ha ttimd ih KaiiU 1 1.
e ia o( very reevnt date, aoj tbe writer
elaimt hi know )oang Uoeitomery very
well. He taya wbaa be lael eaw bisa be
wtt la eiealloet baalib aad spirit.
There Is no roeia ti d mbl ibe ewpurt,
e It la reeaetabered Ibat ibe ead.t wa
eveeeoibeaiaai.ste lb cans Cuba
1 1 he. Tbat be b..tld bav toad Li
way ti Ibe talaad aad -loed tbe tatar
gaoie le tgerled ae bigbly prbU.
I1m1I M'lgKrery waa appniewd at
a aaval edl at Aeeapnti by Uerra
Mas Eila a treall t4 as laaaiaatkHi
l ll bi air 1...kib 1'u.l.auJ ala.le
)! ao.
at at Lie b'ebikal La ja retvivej ib
laleet ttyU la g-fit aj Jj' tt.
j Xn tbveU Ma) taftV s.
A for the County of Morrow, Stato of Oregon:
Ve. the nnrieral.'ned leeal votera and real-
dent of lone precinct. Morrow County, Oregon,
resnectfnllv nelition vour honorable body to
grant a license to Cliarlee Koblnaon to aell
spirituous, malt and vinoui llquora in li
quantitlea than one gallon. In the town of lone,
and your petitioner! will erer pray:
Arcnur vauarey
Louli Male
Oua Glock
a w Ginger
1 R Doolcy
o C Cochran
John Cochran
Clvde SDerry
Oscar Mitchell
J H Ritchie
E Rletmana
Ed Cluff
Mike Hale
T J ilhelm
w A Morgan
H Obner
J Colestock
C C Wilson
Wm H Padberg
L M Hiila
Gilbert A Id rich
W S Smith
Chaa Sperry
Paul Rietmann
Mat Halvorsen
Jas Nolan
W H McCormick
John Linistrom
M J WilliHins
J J MeKlligott
J W King
N Dickson
U Padberg
Levi Hansford
L B Knox
E H Sargent
S V flaney
Ke Nelson
Walter Cason
R C Bperry
Thos woolery
Ben Fleming
w n en hub
C T 8mith
Dick Lahue
George W Utt
Joe Ilanev
Frank Kngelman
Ed Eneelman
J A Hughe)
J D Padberg
S A Shaw
S J Ritchie
0 B Tehran
H M Thornton
W M Haguewood
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
will aunlv to the Countv Court of Morrow
County. Oregon, at the March term, 1897, on the
6th day of said month, for a license to sell
nlrltunua. malt and vinous liauors in less
quantities than one gallon for a period of one
nual meeting for the stockholders of the
Morrow County 1 and & Trust Company will be
Saturday In March at 7 p. m , for the purpose of
electing omcers ana auena ng io a icu uuiw
himlneaa an mav come netore tnemeeung.
16-24 R. V. HYND, Secretary.
Notice of Intention,
i h'Ah M IXU7 Notice ia hereby arlveii that
the following named settler has filed notice of
his intention to mae nnai prooi iu auppurun
hil claim, and that said proof will be made
before ( ounty cierk, umatiiia coun, wregon,
at Pendleton. Oregon, on March 27, 1897, viz:
wimitri.w wattrnritrorr.
Hd. E. No. 5762. for the N& N Vt'V, Pec. 84 and
W t4 HW44. HeC. n. ID. I B. it r... n. ai
tin rin i lien the fnllowlnir witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz;
Frank Sloan, ol uauoway wregon, aim neurjr
C Thomp on, Albeit Davis, Davis Mccarty, all
ol Ecno, Oregon. a. r. uiuoon,
617-Z7 negmer
Notice of Intention.
1 a Keh. 1. 1K'.I7 Notice is hereby given
that the followlne-named settler has Hied notice
ot his Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
befoie J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at tieppuer,
Oregon, on March, 15th, 1'J, viz:
Hd. E. No 4201, for the WV4 NE'.SENEKand
NW H ), ec. vi, rp. m,ii. i r..
He na'es the following witnesses to prove
hta continuous residence upon aud cultivation
ot. said laud, viz:
John Jankiii. Allen W. Haling. Charles V.
Ashbaugh, ot Eight Mile, Oreaon, and Charles
W. Ingraham, ol tleppner; Oregon.
514-24. Kegiater.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
Notice for Publication.
UriiTitn Status Lakd Orrin,
The Dallas, Oregon. Feb. 4, 1897.
1 mitt 8. Kclthlv. of Tteooner. Oregon
has tiled notice of Intention to make final proof
before J. . Morrow, county clerk, at hl office
In neppuer Oregon, on Monday, the lftth day
of March, 1H!I7, on timber culture apnllcation
No 917V, for lots, N E 8 54 and NHKnf sec
tion No. U. In township No, 6 south, range No.
tie names as witnesses: innriPB n. Dane.
Wllibtm Klein. James H. Wylaud, Joseph
waller, all ol uaraman, oregon.
6li-i4 jab. v. muuue, Hegister.
Notice of ntention.
ilj Feb. 12. iml, hotiee Is hereby given that
th tr, l,,ul iiv 11 m. ,1 .nttla. hu. H luit .ntlm nl
his Intention to mak Dual proof In auppurtof
ms cmiui, aim ina Mill iinMti win ue niaiir
before J. W. Morrow, comity elerk. at Uenuner
Oregon, ou msrrn en, iwi, vis :
I'HA KI.K Y 1 K.M11H.
Hd. K. No. XM. for tbe N EV. Bee. 11. To. 2 8.. R.
li K... W. M.
He names the toll.iwlna witnesses to orovt
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
oi sain land, vis:
frank Kiiftelmen, Chilton Wilson, R. O,
PiM-rry, all of lone, Oregou, and Thomas Carl.
oi ni'iipucr, Oregon.
Notice of Intention.
kj Feb. 4, IHV7. Nolle la hereby aiv
P.'"1" "" J.W.M..rr..w, County Clerk, at
i tirppner, ureinn, on Marcb xi, 1W7, vis:
Hd. K. No T,S. for th NU NW. SFU MWIa
and bWV NEl. aee. V. To. I . k. it E.
It name the following w unease to prov
nis roiiunuoua raaiaanc uion anu cuiuvaiioo
of, aald land, rli:
KU'hani w. Kohlson. Aaron B. Halnea. John
W. Berket, FrancU at. Courier, ail ol Elcbt
lie, ureton.
615-21 Heitr.
ll teraol altnlniruilou on th estate of
Hellan M. Allyn, deeMet. ware a-natcd to lh
underalaned On lh Wrd day of February, IW7,
av thtciumy court for th County oi Morrow,
loaifir aimaane al th oraea ol kill A
Lyons. In H.npn.r, (rfon, wllhln sis months
after th da of ut uoUce or tby shall u
DU4 Uila la day of Febmary, 197.
i. k. LYOxa
Wrii le T. S. Ortwciv,
Drawer LA Chicago, Secre
tary of tbe Braa Acctoaart
f Corv, foe laformatloa
regariliBg Acddeat laaar
aac. Mratloa Ibis paprr.
Fty aa tfolag yoa caa sav
"T,WflV.P.i fW te
I fr Lair tats! Im lur4aei
Da your own Areot.
fmd umm,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '07
W UUlj oUJLslJ
I At llepiaa'. Erb PwedUtew, It.ktr
I it, t.lgia ana llat'ingioe.
ilirraaa, Oatoxa.
Plaaa a! HpeiHeati a ffnlabH as
Contracting a Specialty.
ill k ) ol t I'tiMlf (t.x-a al reaeaabte
Leave 0J WMh r. U
Consisting of
Tables, Chairs, Bookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book
Cases, Lounges, Sofas, Spring Mattresses, Wool Mattresses,
Parlor Suits, Center Tables, etc, eto. Brussels Carpets, Wool
Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Racks, Hanging
Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., etc.
All the above Goods
Half Value or Less.
Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.
Fix op your homes at once with Stylish Furniture,
wbile this opportunity is offered.
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
Farmers at a distance should call goon,
. thereby getting better selection.
We are preparing for a big spring trade, bat must have
help to make it a bowling success. We are filling up
and completing oar stock of
which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate busi
ness. We have many customers now bat there are still
several vacancies iu this department of our Btore, to bo
Applications will be received at all hours of the day.
Apply io person or by letter to
P. C. Thompson Co.
Corner Main and Willow Streets.
U has anything In this line that yon may desire and you can depend on It you eet a cood
article when Mat luarautees It.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty.
All these can b procured at Thompson A Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppuer, Oregon.
Thee tntlmn are wall acquainted with Grant. Harney, Croei Gilliam aad other eountlea
and caa aav saonay aud Urn la making tbas aecUoui witb travlln, Tmiu eountle
Prices In keeping with the Umea.
Jew M
With tba doe of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE
reeogtiii the fact that the American people are bow tuiou to gUt
their time to borne and t.aaioree intermts. To met this condition
polities will have far leae apace and prominences oat, I another Bute or
National ore. ion demands a renewal of tba fiht for tbe principles for
which THE TRIBUNE baa labored from its inception lo thepreaeni
day, and won its greaUat Tictoriee.
Erer. poa.ible effort will be pot forth, and money fredr sneot
to mske THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE preeminently a
National Family Newspaper
intetMtiog. iBstrocUte, entertaining and InditpentabJe to each meniUr
We lornlsti "Be Gazette" and "fi. y. weekly
Trloune" one Year lor $3.00.
Mtrm al svean
are Placed on Sale at
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
flj Tiiljiiii
Farmers and VMaoer
Fatliers and Mothers,
Sons and DaiiQliters,
All Me Family.