A Made and Merit Maintains theconfldenee of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I f a medicine cures you when sick j if it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond all question that medicinepossesses merit. That is Just the truth about Hood's Sar saparilla. We know it possesses merit because it cures, not once or twice or a huadredj times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat Sarsaparilla lathe best -In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills Kitt-SKS A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over and the winter season again with as, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied readiDg matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of Ibis the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a comber of periodicals, and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 2.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, S1.50 13.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00.. 8.00 " Inter-Occan, 11.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60..-. 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N..Y. World.Jl.OO ... 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 60c , 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, J4.00 5.00 The law purposed by a Kansas woman, making it an offense to wear c6rseta in that state, may be made to work so far as woman residents in Kansas are con cerned, but how, says the Chicago Chronicle, about those who pass through it on trains? Now when trains approach Kansas and Iowa waiters from the dining oars go among the passengers taking or ders for liquors whioh may be served but not ordered in those states. Will they, under the new law, come down the aisles wijh the request to "Remove your oorsets, please?'' - A musical entertainment with some new and interesting features will be given at the M. E. church Monday even ing, March 8th, under the auspices of the Epworth League. Prof. Henry's new orchestra will nlav. the mnndnlin olub will make its first publio appear- anoe, the professor will play a violin solo, there will be voonl solos, duets and new male quartette, also recitations, etc. Way down orloes 10 and 20 cents. Don't miss it. . , The armature of the Heppner Light plant for the inoandesoent system burned uu eon yesieruay morning, leaving a great mtijority uf Heppn'er's residents 10 darkness. Ike Ennia, the eleotriciao, promptly notified his customers and also lufoimed them that the breakage could not be repaired in less than week's time. As a result opal oil lamps were at a premium all day yesterday. Sheriff Matlock and son, Leslie, brought in from Gooseberry last Sunday Austin Nicholson, who is charged with insanity. This aotion was taken at the written request of several of the leading citizens of that locality, one of whom was bis father. The examination has not yet been made and no complaint has been filed. ' ' SKNATOR GOWAN HERE. Oar Joint Senator Here Called Back to Port land aa a Witness Kepreseutatives - Arrested. ELKS AT ALBANY. New Lodge Was Instituted There Last Toes V day Evening. Here and There. . Circuit oourt is now in session. County oourt oonvenes tomorrow, All wool suits at Minor & Co. Only 86.50. at Henry Blackman spent Sunday with home folks. Tbeoelebrated Rook Candy syrup only $2 at Minor & Co.'t 2t Jobn Shaw returned home from Port land on last eight's train. Minor k Co. have just reoeived their line ot spring olotbiog. . 2c Geo. II. Beck was over from Hamilton the latter part ot last week. E. L. Freeland is the offjoial steno grapher for this term of court. Drink the celebrated J. H, Cutter whiskey. On tap at Cbria Borohers'. The Ked light people will treat you right. Call on them when in town, tt Hon. A. W. Gowan , oar joint senator, oame up from Portland on last night's train. Call on Minor & Co. for your olothlng, the largest and beat line ever shown in the oity. 21 A. Andrews ot Alpine and E. D. Rood, of Eight Mile, are among the court vial tori this week. Minor k Co. bave over $0,000 worth of clothing. Jfou had ought to find a fit in this assortmeot. 21 ' J. E. Latbrop, oity editor ot the Pen dlttoa East Oregonian, la the go eat of Heppner friends. Call and aee Minor k Co. 'e line ot 83 oita. It you wish something better we eao pleaae you. 2t Mat Lichlenthal baa jaat received the latest style in Rente' and ladies' shoes. Too should eee them. The oelebrated Pendleton .blanket, tbe beet In the world for tbe money, now on tale at Mioor k Co.'e. 2t Frank M. Holmes and R. K. Biro peon, both ot Gooseberry, ere among the jury men ot tbe present term of court. Mr. Bam DonalJeoD, mother ot Mrs. Andrew TillarJ, departed 00 laat even log's trato for bar borne la FoeeiL Mrs. E. O. Sloeo returned borne tbie tooroing from Portlaod where ebe baa tea visiting with her daughter. Mi Mane Toogoe, daughter of Oajgraetmaa Tonne, ot UilUboro, thovaest ot Mies Elisabeth Matlook, ol tbiioily. j We boy abera money bnye beet, el borne 6 abroad. Toil ear we are boy log 0-on clothing and blaikets. Minor AVU 21 Jodfstfl.ll and Pi". Atty. Beo arrived, tfadey morning from Pendleton to be la atteidaoo at tbe prevent term of eiroo.il eoU odge 8. A Dennett, ot The Dellre, i uoo( tbe legtl fraternity la atteadaoce I this Urm o. eoort lie eame up on (Saturday olghl traia. Tbe foUoaltif ar tbe grand Jurymen T. II. BiW. toranaa; Juba L. Ayni, Paul Kiolmao, J.'Jf. Cvl, O. D. Co.la, 3. i. MoOee and U K. Binapeoo. A. M. Cre. e MmtaDa ebaepbovr. arrived in tlppur lit morn lug. It ie reported I bet be d.ir-e about 13,000 of eee, two and Ibrw yeeaotd weathers. F.tntl Hrbaiff arrived kj Heppear from Rao Freaeleoo Hon laf ej.'.rnlog 00 bt war home to Orenl ennlj. He de- carted lot tbe inner aay tbie n!tr toon. Old II all and Charley are eorialf4 together dowe at Charity 14 plaee la lb tuneorlei buelueee. Call oa tbem end gal jour wbieleee pushed la. Tb aewlf ele4 eil oftUiels were InaUiUd ,eM nflWlaeleVfeieg. afstof Muf lea Ba4 ti.HI lb orfm of bis aaaaai eddre, reb, if r are trae, waa e Betr IT I RaM 1 (". 1 . w .... School meetings for tbe purpose of electing officers were held in every dis trict in the oounty yesterday afternoon. Tbe annual meeting of the Heppner dis trict was beld at Matlock's ball and re sulted in the re election ot both W. A. Kirk as director and J. J Riberts as olerk. Hon. T. T. Geer, who went east to de liver Oregon's presidential eleotoral vote, returned Dome last week ana expresses bimselt us highly pleased with his trip He says that nearly everybody 10 the East is pleased with the election of Mr. MoKinley and all look forward to better times. Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. Woolery returned from their wedding tour last Friday and leave this evening for Portland where they will make their future borne. Mrs. Woolery ia np from lone today visiting with ber aistbr-in-law, Mrs. J. A. Wool ery, who is ill at tbe Palace hotel. Regular servioes will be beld at tbe Christian ohuroh next Sunday, Marcb 7th. Elder Jeokina will preach both morning and evening, and tbe members are urged to be present. . An invitation ia extended all to attend. R. J. Hill and Charley Johnson are up from Lexington today. Charley arrived borne from Salem Friday morning after a two moot ha' eiege witi tbe fever. He looks very thin yet but ie gaining rapid ly in strength every day . Perry Houeer, who baa been employed in the butcher shopsot this oity (or some time past, returned home to FeDdletoo on Saturday night's train, where be ex pect to open up a shop in the near fa ture. Tbe old way of delivering messagee by postboys compared with tbe modern telepbime. illutrata tbe old tedioue mettibda of "breaking" colda oou pared with thmr almost Intlaotaoeous oura by One Minute Cogn Cure. Cooeer k Brock. Tbe following offloial appoiotmeota were made at tbe opening ol court yea- tarday mrtiog; Leelie Matlock, gen eral baliff; Oreeo Matthew, jory balifl Wm. J, Brown, grand jury baliff. Tbe Gatette will lake potatoes, apples eggs or butter 00 subscription aoconnta. Any one owing tbie ofBoecan e'ettle tbetr accounts io thu maouer and can't do it too eoon to suit ua. Rev. Cbarle T. UoPbeareon, of Pea dleton, ie now eondaotiog revival ear cjora at tbe U. t. church, Boutb. good attendance and muoh intereet being manifealed. New stock of tinware and granite ware just reoeived by P. O. Thompson Co. to be auld cbeap tor eaab. Call and see tbeir new patent pie tine, and luipecl Clock end prion generally. 2t Dick Maibewi ami V. Gentry, onder tbe firm name of Matueae at Gantry, are eaauciaUd logeiber la the bubor buaiorae la Ibe n eland, two dxre eotb ot tbe puatofflo. They eulieit a Call. tf. Minor k Co. bate the larga, lalt aod bnat line of aooee to be ebowe la the city. 21 Hon. A. W. Gowan, our joint senator for Morrow, Grant and Harney oouotiea, arrived this morning tr m Portlaod with the intention ot making a brief visit with his Morrow oounty constituents. How ever, soon after bis arrival Mr. Gowac reoeived a telegram calling bim back to Portland as a witness in the case ot the arrest of O. E. Jennings, representative from Wallowa oounty, which ooourred in the presence of Senator Gowan at the depot. This of course was news to the Gazette reporter so be at onoe sought out the senator and from him learned the follow ing story : At the meeting of the Davis house yesterday morning a resolution was adopted authorizing the oh air to appoint all necessary assistant sergeant-at arms, with authority to arrest aod bring in tbe absentees. Tbe speaker named the fol lowing, after whioh the "rump" house adjourned until today: J. J. Stnrgill, L. H. MoHabao, M. K. Cunningham, Frank Williams, C. L. Parmeter, J. E. Povey, D. H. Weyant, P. J. Cotton and John D. Daly. In Portland it was not known that any further aotion would be immediately taken, but apparently the assistants quietly left for Portland, their first field of action, as a number ot representatives bad not yet left the oity. Uncle John Gurdatie, of Umatilla county, was ar rested just bs he was leaving the Per kins hotel. O. E. Jennings, representa tive from Wallowa oounty, in oompany with Mr. Gowan, bad just boarded the tram when J.'J. Sturgill, a Multnomah county populist, and Irvin, a well known slugger of Portland, arrested the depart ing legislator. He at first refused to go, but afterwards returned to tbe hotel with the "rump" officials. Mr. Gowan left on the train and so could . give no further information, though from the telegram be bad re oeived be inferred that habeas oorpus proceedinss would be instituted in Port land to test tbe authority of the Davis boose officials, tbe legality of tbe bouse, aod also, iocideotally.tbatof tbe Benson boose. The supreme oourt will iu this event be given an opportunity to render an official deoisioo whioh, it is thought, oan be given out within the next two weeks. In this event doubtless no fur- thfr aotion will be taken tor the present. Senator Oowan spent tbe day pleas antly with friends and aoquaintanoea in this oity, and will return to Portland 00 tonight's train. From The Evening Telegram. About 100 members of tba B. and P. O. Elks from Portland, Salem, Baker City, Pendleton, Eugene and elsewhere met in Albany last Tuesday,' where D. D., G. E. Ruler D. Solis Cohen, institut ed tbe baby lodge ot tbe order, and probably tbe last baby Elk Oregon will bave for some time to come. Tbe new lodge, to be known hereafter as Albany lodge No. 359, starts under the most auspicious oiroumstanoes, with 41 char ter members. . Tbe institution and in stallation ceremonies were beld in the evening with Brother D. G. E. R. OoheD bs G. E. R. ; Brother A. W. Patterson, ol Heppcer lodge, as G. E. L. K.; Brother Page, of Eugene, as G. E. Loyal Knight; Brother R. Alexander, of Pendleton lodge, as G. E. Leot. Knitibt, and Brotb er D. W. Semple, of Portland, as Gram' Esquire. Tbe degrees were exemplified during tbe evening, and tbe baby Elkf receiving tbe floor work will have ocoa- sion to retain the memory ot Albany' institution. After tbe lodge had closed, the entire party was escorted to the banquet hall, which was most profusely decorated foi tbe oooasion, and the substantial desires and thirsty wishes were . more than satiated through the unbounded hospi tality of tbe Albany brethren. Tbe fol lowing program ot toast and response was oarefully oarried out, interspersed with musio by the Albany orchestra; Hon. J. K. Weatherford noting as toast master: TOASTS. Weloome.... G. W. Masten B, P. O. E.... D. Solis Ooher Our Guests J. R. Wyati Fraternity A. W. Patterson Our Baby Elk ...D. W. Semple Our Country W. R. Bilyeu The Elk ..R. Alexander The Ludlea P. H. D'Aroe The Boye D. M. Dunne Our Absent Brothers. . .Dr. E. A. Pierce The Pioneer Elk H. J. Hopkins Our State S. H. Friendly Whist Social. A very pleasant whist social was that given by Miss Elizabeth Matlook at ber borne in this oity last evening in honor ot Miss Marie Tongue, of Hillsboro. The early hours of the evening were pleasantly passed away at the whist tables, following whioh an appropriate and appetizing lunob waa served. The remainder of the evening was spent at games, music and social intercourse. Those present were: Miss Marie Tongue, of Hillsboro ; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Datton, Mr. end Mrs. Geo. Oonser, Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Pbill Coho, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MoFarland. Misi Etta Minor, J. E. Lathrop, of Pendleton, and T. R. Lyons. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hauds, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup 'iouB, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give oerfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Oonser & Brook. ' On tbe morning of Feb. 20, 1895, 1 waa siok with rheumatism, and lay in bed until May 21st, wben I got a bottle of Obamberlaiu'a Paio Balm. Tbe first ap plication of it relieved me almost en tirely from tbe pain and the aeoood af forded complete relief. Id a short time waa able to be np and about again. A. , Moreaux, Luverne, Minn. Sold by Oonser k Brock.' It is. or should be. tbe highest aim o' every merchant to please his customers ; and that the wide-awake drug flrnro Meyers k Eshelmao, Sterling, 111., is do ing so, is proven by tbe following, tron Mr. Esbelman: "In my sixteen yean- experience in tbe drug business I bavi never seen or sold or tried a medioini that gave aa good satisfaction as Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy." Sold by Oonser k Brook. Sad News. Mrs. Thos. Rhea reoeived a telegram last Sunday informing ber that ber brother, Frank Oeoil, had been found that morning near Douglas, Wyo., frozen to death, da other information was re- eived bnt it is thought that be wai rid ing tbe range at tbe time be met with ieath. Frank ia well and favorably ttnown in this county, having lived al uost from childhood near Douglas. He ieft last spring tor Wyoming where he has sinoe been working. 'Ibe remains will be interred at Douglas, Wyoming The sympathy of tbe many friends is ex tended to tbe relatives in tbis the hour if bereavement. , For Rent. Tbe Bailey Ditah oompany bave for rent three or four 40 sore traots of fruit and garden land under tbis ditch on tbe Colombia river below Umatilla which they desire to lease for a term of one or more years tor oue-fourth of orop raised tbe renter to plant such trees aa are furnished and oare for them daring the ease. The lands are well irrigated ave plenty of water and lay well are lose to railroad or will sell 00 easy trmi, long time and low rate of interest 'or information write to tbe Bailey litcb Company, Umatilla Or., or call at he oompBoy'a farm. ot making Lincoln freskntablk. Mr. Ltacola "Fixed Up" the Pisaldent-eleet to Meet a Delcgatioa. A novo) mtto J of praeoottng the new eat and freehee! Kaaterttde ereattooa ef Pari millieorc baa txxo adplt by Tb Ledire' Home Journal fur Ma'oh Ie ibat taatio tbe nw French bale end bonnet will b pictured aa lby are wore. Tbie anlpe dUplay ia uefol ll.arrfur. ia tMoliof oat Clearly not only Fabl'a dWr, bat lb etylei la b4 dra tx-at sniUj to evveral en- treat type end fa. !. Ie t-t-vmi a abru aa.U witi aiatl'd il M , M .).la tU.ll"t Ifay lever t f (IJ'e t'rw I a uii MifVMtil la tUmi"- Strai tb r."'t a r'te H U rtfely. IX I'i'OI.M! ".. Ui warr-M rt.TCew Totk CUy Job I".' I if , Or..! Fa'U. MoO. ...n.iuul.l 1 lt'a ( mw I -a ru ! r a. I m a mu M.t-t. "It I e t"4 titeatra 1 rafarrh o-l x dir.Hi." rtv. rra W. I taatru '. Clorrb, IWa, A.Mt.t. fl.'a CrMD fVtn I 0 axIwwWir"! or f' 'a-rb 1 iw'nM M ar7 atf l.jh'ie dr Ia narrating "Wben Lincoln waa First Inaugurated," lu the Marcb Ladies' Home Journal, Stephen Flake writes in terestingly of tbe memorable journey from Springfield, III, to tbe national capital, and tella ot Mre. Linoojn'e ef forts to bave ber husband look prevent able when receiving a delegation tbat waa to greet tbem upon reaobing New York City. 'The train atopped," writes Mr. Fieke, and tbroni(b tbe windows immense crowds could be aen: the cheering drowned tbe blowing off steam ot tbe locomotive. Tben Mrs. Lincoln opened ber bsndbeg and laid; "'Abraham, I inoit fix yoo op a bit for these city folks.' "Mr. Lincoln gently lifted ber upon tbe eat before bim ; abe parUnl, combed aod brnahed bia batr aod arranged bis black necktie. "l)o I took nloe now, motberf be at terlionataly asked. "Well, you'll do, Abraham.' replied Mrs. Lincoln critically. Ho be klaaed er and lifted ber down from tbe eeet, end lamed to meot Mayor Wood, c only and mate, and to bave bia band shaken by tbe other New York 1 ffieiala." Plleat flleat licalag file. Hymptma: Moiatare; Intene itching I and clinging: mwt at night; worse by soratoliltf It allowed to ennttnne tarn- ore form wbtch ofla bld end alparate becoming very enre. Hweyoa'e Oint ment at pa tbe Itrblng aod blaedlog, baala oicratioe, and in moel eea r- mnvra ibe 1 11 mora. At drngglata, or by mail, fur U) eenta. Dr. Swaio A Hoa, I'biladelphla. BOW TO KILL BQL'IRRELB. Testimonials From Well Knowa Farmers Baa Lais Obispo Coanty, Paao Robles Bprlnge, California. Messrs. Wakelee 4 Co. Gentlemeu: In reply to your note we would state tbat, after having given your Squirrel Exterminator a thorough trial, we can unhesitatingly pronounoe it tbe most ef flceoioua and destructive agent we bave ever employed against squirrels. We bave used stryobnioe aod pboa pboroi, anJ oan confidently atate aa to tbeir merits, compared with those ot your Exterminator, either ei regarda cbeapoeee or destruotibility, tbe odds are greatly in favor ot the r. x terminator. Many ot our neigbbora are uaiog it, aud witb tbe most satisfactory reaults. Tbe squirreli, many of tbem, die be fore tbey can get to their boles; aod fields, wbiob a tew weeks ago swarmed witb the pet'i r 0 comparatively free.- Respectfully yours, W. D. Illinowobth, 0, 1) MoBHOD8f, W. T. Johnson. you r IB- 1 ILL. HAVI Nothing BUT THE GENUINE Ton will And one coupon Inside each two ounce bag and two coupons Inside each four ounce bagof BlackweU'e Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and how to get them. " Hotel HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop GaeBts will find tbe beet of accom modations in every respect. Trial ia Progress. The trial of Eugene Jones, charged with tbe laroeny ot a horse from J. Kirk, is now in progress. Tbe oase waa called up tbia morning by tbe court, an tbe greater portion ot tbe forenoon was peot in tbe selection ot jurors. A Bennett, of Tbe JJalles, and T. R. Lyons, ot this oity, represent Mr. Jones, while Proi. Atty. Bean is looking after the in terests ot tbe atate. Tbe following is tbe jury as selected: Jas. Waddell, 8. P. Devin, S, P. Oarriauei, A. Andrews, D. H. Grabill, Alex Yoong, French Bur roughs, D. B. Stalter, R. McElligott, Ed. Baling, 0. A. Repass apd J. H. Allen. The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With . R HOWARD. Who never lets politioa interfere with business. At tbe aame old stand, next door to M. Licbteothale. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. Ba ComrnrtabU While Traveling Io cool weather. Tbe Uoion Paciflo system heats ite train! throughout by steam beat from the eogloe, thus mek 02 every part ol all its care pleasant and eomfortabia. It also lights its cars by the celebrated I'inleoh Light making tbem brilliant at night. Paaeengare carried daily on the last malt. For sleeping oar reaervationa, tii'keta, or In formation, call on or addreaa It. W. Batter, 00. A at.. 133 Third St. Port land, Oregon. Fblli Oobo, manager of Heppner'a warehouse, will pay tbe bigbeet market price for hl lea, tare, abeep pells, etc. Bring yoor biJes to bim. tf Coffee goes by the taste alone. Try Schilling's Best Ira halting powder coffee Savoring tiuact aoda and apices. All money-back. a For aale by E. W. Rhea & Co. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOHOI-I3CRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars MAVK YOU It GRAIN. Few realise that each squirrel des troys $1 50 wortb of grain annually. Wakelee'a Squirrel and Gopher Exter minator is tbe moat rffeolive and eco nomical poieon known. Price redaoed to 30 ceoie. Cooser k Brook and Minor k Go., agent, Heppner; J. A. Woolery, agent, lone; Miobola Lieaoo, agenu, Lexington. The length of life may ba increased bj lessening dangers. Tbe majority ot peo ple die from lung trouble. These may be averted bj promptly neelng One Minnte Congh Cor. Comer k Brock What ie Hop Gold? Beat ear lb. Bee ad. else w ber. beer rn e This Space Belongs to GILLIAM &BISBEE, Ucppncr's Hardware Dealers. THIS FAMOUS Hop Oolcl Beer A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. Stnr Brewery Coinpnny, 203 Waahlngtan St., Pertlene", Or. VANCOUVER, WAIH, Hle to faraaera. I alii place for aale at Oouear k Urnrk's a receipt for killing eqalrrel and gopbare, wblob te easily prepared aud can Im made at a ct nut to eised tteenle pr galloe. Tbey readily take tbU pieua and It ie a eueeeee ia evry partieular. I will taroleh with receipt drugs to make twenty gallons ot the pnieoa t f It an I guaranty tbe drags to e t lrnwi lb h reel pf aallin. tf B. F. HwAooaar, tlppr. Or. No Man Knoweth 1 Tb editor of Concordia lllade.a pnp I let Kaueae fit, urge lb popolUl members of tb legwlalore of Kaoea to take all li.e UkmII offered tbm ae'lbef will b ko.kea pa eo. fgajt aa tbirve anyway." A 9. ire political ia bleilla Kaeeae beet U Is l wore eaie tbaa er. Row eanrb Utur a ealatit laea, when tayln(, nnUI tie laetlMta. To reaaala la the dark means eppuftuBltlaa laV-4lollara aelt. Ar foti eertaln yu ar fttln all lhara tt la ll M yoT Uuppat yo InTeeUaaW. To eaa'l lell whal e la Htm tut fun bra-lrs werta looking Into. Knoug h aaUt, We're a kouaa of lew woMi but avatif daada. jWITH 1 : 1IJI : FILLS ! One of the Deeds Youro J3QUKD to Tako 'Km. Leaves No Constipation, Core m ee well e all Itillioaanaa. Hub lleedeebe aad Malaria, Tbe ealf oMaTaai,a pill Io lh world. rMJ by ' trif eleia e.e ami by mail aa raoaipt of priee, J3 CeoU pr l.i. I KK.M Ifft M rDICAL U).. A ba4aM. eirllafc, ainsle BrM1a4 Bark akjit, tuarania all wool, bm e4 llalaca. Fawltleae Mat, tbe baat thai atoaay eaa aro4iar. gulrkH'Xra, Mm $0.60 Tb baa la ue wwrwi to ibe awaey. Lspia rtao Yan.-Tbe f4 yerd B'tt oW ibe OsfoiM ofne, now b- tna, M eaate. leg conduct! ly Wi. (tnHoa, la tr- fortif eiitd In evf y peripolar. Iiillf T" rwr a'l fid ee, in bl e Ie- a-Jte te . pfi ae4 yo may rt dulent a'e, t eativ w-te )o ai'l at yur borate will !! seal aimi-'t a; i l.U .ti's ttii bt-aNe e'l U Lea t lob'tehar,,.. ri afriit. t a.e'.i.i, ll o.a Ue very futvutV.t. Q aol ffaia for atia wUieeprtaeiba. Co4ef A trb. sale. MINOR 4 CO Where yoa eao gt a FireU ( 1 1fl'V If (VV V T . ClM.Mf-UtUvbglUtP. Vl A X IlUllilif French Cook, and White Labsr only, Employed. iGood Rooms and Excellent Service