I! I 'S-JSJ Sl- KA!,P,JUrJ1tJVilll A JFVl STATEMENT. The following from the Pendle ton Tribune relative to the recent senatorial fight at Salem is cer tainly a fair and non-partisan statement of the case: There is but one view to take of the situation, regardless of the per sonal fitness of Senator Mitchell for re-election, no matter whether his election would prove a calamity or a God send to the state or na- and the senatorial deadlock would be a thiDg of the past Yet a little reflection will canse the western man to hesitate before pinning their faith to the certainty of leg islators carrying out their instruc tions. In South Carolina it is a, matter of honor to carry "out such instructions. Would it be a hope less task to educate the Oregon leg islators up to the South Carolina standard of political hocoi? WhAT OCR EXCHANGES AY. Bon. E. B. Dufnr is a demooret, and tLe Observer had bo band in sending him to Salem, bat went; say, candidly, be did nut, like Esan, sell bis birthright for a mesa of pottage, nor lend big name to Joe Sim m strewing to the winds every promise made for tbe relief of a loDR-srffering and poverty stricken peo ple. Moro Observer. Mr. Jones, of Wasco, remarks the News of that county, is a liv ing evidence that a good sheep- herder don't alwajs make a good statesman. The Cline diep"nsary bill for the state of Wnshiugton has been tabled by its ent-mies. However, Cline and his friends will make a stioug tffrt to have tbe bill res urrected. Next Thursday will give birth to two important events- the inau guration of another republican president and the retirement of the democratic failure Q rover Cleveland. By far tbe best cartoon of tbe legisla tive fiasco is that ic tbe "exclusive Sa lem bog" newspaper, entitled "A Yard of Pop-pies." It shows Bonrne, Craig, D'Beo and others as full blown poppies, Davis and Voi;le as bnds, and Riddle and Fo vey gone to seed. Tbe piotnre should be Been to be appreciated. Exchange. ' If Mitohull were a candidate for any offioe before tbe people of tbe state' he would at 'his dny poll a bigger vote man was ever netore given any mno. Tbe democrats are sstisBed witb him. tbe populists are satisfied witb bim and be baa the support of a great majority of the republican party. Senator Mitohell is the choice of the republican party now on a square ballot. Hs is the man to have io the annate at this time. Fort land Tribune (dura). . Wednesday the Portland Ore gonian published a letter addressed to the "Leading Republican Paper of Portland. Oregon." Suit ulinnlil tiou, and that is that the house be brought againet Hftrvey for DUUU.U -i,-, u, u. iu,. mcu- opPljlrjg other peoples' mat). This ell is not the choice of the majority ,etter was certainly not addressed ui mo quauuuu memoers or. DOin to him houses tbe name of some one else -1 1 J 1 11 1 . Bnou.u oe taaen up ana a senator HOMER DAVENPORT, the famous meuutu as uw earnest possime cttricaturi8t , who has been attend- time What tbe populist members of the leg- inlature mean by their ooorse this win ter is a mystery thai perhaps "no fellah can ever find oat."- Tticy seem to have delivered themselves over completely to Jonathan Bourne, Joseph Simon and H. W, Scrtt, neither of whom has any love for tbe genus populist. At least tbev re performing wnuderously as if these men were their masters. Portland Wel come (dm). inff the bedmile of his futlipr wlin ii is not ror one or two newspa- :9 m in SaIem wil, ia CjRrftn pers, nor a aozen or mteea repre- Nevad on the w to hia bome j l ' i n ' Bt7UiauivcB-cicub io Bay wuu suau or New york cU to illa8trate the shall not be elected United States Corbett-Kitzsimmnns prizefight for senator, inai quesuon can ouiy the New York Journal be uettled with satisfaction to the law-abiding people of this state in joint convention after tbe house According to Simon's ruling the has been properly organized. To Oregon legislature cannot adjourn ask a man who is undoubtedly the witnt)ut tbe consent of the house, choice of the majority of theDeoule BDd if the latter fails to organize r I . .ill of tnisstate.no matter what his " mu81 uoia oa lurever. now views, past, present or future, and ever h'8 deoi81n has not prevented wlm roivp 47 mtoa i tl,o n,,l,. i"8 laiturul and conscientious lican caucus, to pack his grip-sack members from returning home, and get out of the state before any thing is to bo done, in not calou- A. New YouK man recently called lated to inspire the average voter on a magistrate and asked him for with a very high appreciation of a writ to compel his wife to sup- that immortal instrument which port him. When the request was grants to every man certain ina- refused he volunteered the state- lienablo rightB and among which mout that ho "might . j'ust as wel it must be confessed is the right to uot be married at all if there is no BRpire to a seat in the United way to compel a woman to do her Btatos penate. . dutv." Ia this the "new man?" If Mr. Mitchell is the choice of No one wbo expects to do anything or he anything in tbe future oan afford to participate in or uphold methods of ob struction. They are wrong in principle and praotioe. He who takes them up for expediency, to aoonmplisb some desired en I, will live to regret his mistake. Time, the leveler of all things, will sbow to him hia error. Honesty is tbe beet policy, al ways and every where. Streig ht forward oonduot pays in tbe end. Eugene Guard (dem). Blood Poison. Contagions B'ood Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of inankind. It is the one disease that physicians can not core; their mercurial aud potash remedies only bottle np the poison in the system,, to surely break forth in a more virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave., Wash- ington,D.C,says: I was for a long time under treat ment of two of the best physi cians of this city, for a severe case of blood poison, but my condition grew worse all the while, not withstanding the fact that they charged me three hundred dollars. My mouth was filled witu eatin? sores: my tongue was almost eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste any solid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I began to get better, and when I had finished eighteen bottles, I was cured sound and well, mv skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life of misery." S.S.S. (guaranteed purely ve?etable will cure any case of blood do 1 son. Hooks on ineaisease and its treat ment, mailed free by Swift Specific Co., v LJi K.l? Atlanta. U:. PETITION FOR LICENSE. rpo THE HONORABLE COUNTY COURT X (or the County of Morrow, State of Oregon: We. the undersigned legal voters and resi dents of lone precinct. Morrow County, Oregon, respectfully petition your honorable body to grant a license to Charles Robinson to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon, in the town of lone, ana your petitioners will ever pray: 1 a wooiery J C Emery H A Timm O W Ginger R Dooley C Cochran John Cochran a Sargent P Hanev Ret Nelson alter Cason perry Wooiery Ben Fleming Holland T McNtbb C Lewis L Pad berg Maronet H : esgue T 8tnith Dick Lahue eorgeW Utt a toe Hanev Frank Engelman Ed Engelman A Hugnes D Pad berg a snaw J Ritchie B t'ochxan M Thornton !otice is hereby given that the undersigned ill apply to the County Court of Morrow ountv, Oregon, at the March term, 1H97, on the 6th day of said month, for a license to sell ipirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon for a period of one year. CHARLES ROBINSON 514-22. Applicant. U3 hJ EIGHT MILE NOT iS. SUx'khoyers are around buying calves in J eows. The faithful members who have at tempted to get a compromise haven't been asked to do much. Joe Simon only wants tbem to sign a pledge, first, not to vote for John H. Mitchell tor senator, seoond, to vote for no man not friendly to Simon. That's all Joe wants. Bat tbe populists demand Bourne for speak er, six of tbe leading bouse committees, and the passage of tbe Initiative anj referendum. Would you, if yon were a republican member, submit? Woull you? Baker City Republican. A minister at Portland preaobed a eer rann last Sunday on tbe subjeot: "A Modern View of Hell." We did not bear bis sermon but he undoubtedly mnst hsve bad tbe Oregon lfgislature iu mind, Lincoln County Leader. the mnjority of the members-elect of the present legislature he should be elected. If he is not, his suc cessor should bo elected at once, The following is the cabinet as selected ty l resident nicKinley: Secretary of stale, John Sherman, (if Ohio: Hncrntarv of tlm trniiBiirv It is only by properly organizing t,,m.n J. flaon. nf Tllinni--pr. the house that the choice of the tftry of the navy, John D. Long, of legislature can be determined. Massachusetts; secretary of war, Those who oppose organization of RoMeU A Alc,r of Micilit:RD. the house in tbe hope of ridding popster general, James A. Gary, sue mate 01 mucueuism are lar of Maryland; secretary of agticul- gmuer enemies 10 mo state man turP( Jamflll WiUon, of low.; aU juiicueniBm run mau. lor thev .i i M-o..t. tasien upon uie state an actonus nf N York, and .ecrtsrv nf tl. ui iKBBiBu lUai noiuing BUOri OI Intorior. Jminnh MKr.nn (,f P.li revolution can disloilgo. fornia. Although it is oliumed the house is not organized, it is beld lbs senate oannot ailj nirn siue die without the consent o tint bonne. There is a oertaiu kind of elm club, referred to in profane history list might he used witb good effect in hringing abont adjournment of tbe bouse hu.I anuata sins die. The first necessary step in this direction would, of .oourse. be to elean ont tbe Bourne seraglio. randleton i'ribone. C1I00SINQ A SENATOR The South Carolina plan of bail so far: MonUy, Marrh L LAW. Lork Iks Dour Before tbe burse is stolen. I'urify, en rich and vitalise your blood and build op I vonr blivaioal system btifura diaeaas at- . . . . . . . CtOOBing t nitea Mates senator, taoks you and serloue aicknrss eotnet eema ueitinoa 10 navo a ran 01 uooa Harsapsriue win make yoo farorable comment throuch tbe l,',"sl vigorous and will ipi from newspaper-, iu view of the praise. oat "'""i'1 "u T" ' ,J 11.. ... disease. Take Hood Harsspatille now. wunuy iikus iu wuicu oouaior-i fleet Larle appears by contrast Hood's Tills are the favorite family with his rival aspiraut for the o'"a Kay to take, gentle, miij place, and with bis colleague-to-be a CP0,,,' Tillman. The method by which niutir ixanr fuiMtti'iNus t I a . . . I sss-s. lUUge iaiie was CUOien was Ibis: Circuit court convened yesterday The liametof the several candi- taornlng with Judge Lowell and other dat for United States senator m, offu iale present, wer eubmitt-,1 tn tl, ,!, Tbe folio. in prtree,llog bave beeo doraocratio primaries last summer, and the candidate receiving the highest number of votes was de clared tbe party nominee at the state convention. The democratic candidate for the legislature re garded this as a binding instrao tiontovote for Judge Karle, the Li default and d. re and HW attorae. candiJale receiving the Inchest - it.- t .1... :,.J 1'hillip MoN.hb vs. W. M. Hague vv- vit.u tun irpuit luti. lurrv I I e.,lll..l I wVa IB a v iV sn nirii SB w i iu tmww u s were no other Uetnocratio camli-1 caiMiik. dates U'fore the li'L-ialat urn. ll.-rel Htate of Orv.ia vs. Waldroo llbsa ia . tim,.U ..iU.i t d'tuift ' ' t dislrtol aik.reey . ,u, J Tutar.lanlil wbicn a popular vote can be Lad Hiate of Orrii vs. Lugo Jjbm; od for United Statca senator. I,et the Uuu tartv rwimin.ut f. i lt nfT"i lv lecUd at the regular primaries and -VA S fast IS Mill jIy as aouo as the l. giaUture baa ben good honest tea. well j;ra J electfj it will I known who is to rA (renh lus 11,. n..l . I . j ' r " " ' units ciaite roaKir.i ijnl, If this vstf-m .,nl.l l, u..J-. a,r"l,Sl'U lootboraUlca, could com Dear If '0U don't like it, 'OUr to the din-ct vote for acnator grocer returns your money ITiuap a near a we can cotn, io jn fviH tl-wi.f the ilifSvMtMb-a and il.-lais A. Haokuey vs. W. O. (ienlry; settled end lirniad 1) R tiilman vs. I. N. Haaey tod wife; rt tied and diamiaeed. nvrrr. II. 0. I T. Co. vs. il l Q Allen, el The Polk 0 mnty Observer offers to apology to its readers for having tap ported tbe oandidaoy of Mulkej for the senate last spring. The Mist also bas an apology to make for supporting Tat lerson, bat it lias tbe satisfaction knolng it did enpporl a man la lbs person of Mr. Merrill of whom it Is not hamed. Mr. Merrill bas done all any man eoulj have under tbe oiroomataooee. He bae been present aud ready to serve his constituents whenever so opportno ily presented itself. St. Helen's Mist Pearl Joos bas moved on to tbe Oil- ltca flt- in spring hollow. Mr. Acbr contemplates purobasiog e lioie v Eight Mile, so dame rumor say. Charley Rescue r and wife are livipg at the old home place. They bave our beet wish. W. S. McKiuney sold bis boss to an Eastern borer. He hauled them to Ar lington and shipped from there. Ground squirrels are plentiful. Poi sons, gnus, trsps and snare strings are mployed to get away witb tbem. It bas been bad weather daring tbe last month for young lsmbs. John Si mon bas lost a great many of hie. We congratulate Mr, and Mrs. T. Mor gan and hope their little daughter will be a source of great comfort to them We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Blake, and hope their edded life may be happy and prosper us. Mrs 0. E. Jones is reeoverina: from r severe spell of sickness. Dr. Hun look wss ber pbysioiao, and Mrs. M. Baling ber nurse. It is rumored that a merobant from Lone Book is going to bring his store Irom there to Eight Mile Centre. This is 001iBi.lt.Ted a good buelnsss stand. Eight Mile Ceutre so boo! is eipeoted to begin on tbe first of April. Several young ladies from another district ex pect to board at Eight Mile Centre end go to school. There has been more sickness this winter aud more deaths than we bave ever heard of before in one winter. Mr. Far long's family bave surely bad tbeir share ol trouble end we sympathise with tbem, and bnptt the tide may tarn soon sad they will all eujny good health again. Farmers and farmers' wivee are woo dering whether it would be worth while to make garden, as tbey fear tbnt grass hoppers are going to be very numerous unleee something unexpectedly trans pires to destroy them. Tbey laid tbeir eggs here last fall. Tbey stripped th treee of their foliage last summer, sm then the trees put out their leaves again, and the leaves remained oa all winter, Whether il will Injure tbe treee or not remains to be seen. E. M. 0, Eight Mil, Or, IM. 20, 1337. iwpreDUtive Vaugbao passe through this city no Iwt eight's tram, en rout from the seal of warfare to bis home in Lane county. The olJ geotls mao eaye be will not rstnru ta HaUa nolens ordered to do so by the governo Mr. Vaauhsa looks as tboagb be bad not been bandied with gloves darlog th past 40 days, bavmg lost 08 pounds da ing I bat lima. Tbe representative set this was tbe first time be bad bees elec edlolhe legislator, aud If tbe Lor would only forgive him II would be lbs lasl lime. Brownsville Times. He As an nnreltnling, foolhardy end s useless fighter of as opponent Ih Oregooiao bas few rqaele. Ily its abase of tbe optioeitloB lo IVilpb two years ugo it succeeded ia defeating bim, SO tbe coarse it bse pereaed ia oppneln Miiobell baa bad the f ff-ot le cement b forces as J throw sympathy to bim. last ff uie la tbls aired toe to a ltiar pnbllshsJ. perpurling lo be front J. M Hi pie uf Jifferee, Oregon, slating It th writer Is e bri!,er ,,( Seoat-.r Mit chell, ae l wants lofurmalloa a to lb status of the senatorial contest la lb sulde rffft tbe Oreg-Hilaa peredee a Circumstance thai will Sever lie forgot ten, thai Reualof Mitchell's real Basse was tri ple, Ihongb It bae lg sleee tea worn threadbare, and col bo fiVurv la the precenl roelreveray. Times Mxealaleeet (Jets) Arthur Vandrey Louis Male Gus Clock Clyde Sparry Oscar Mitchell J H Ritchie E Rietraann Ed Cluff Mike Hale . TJ Mlhelm W A Morgan H Obner J Colestock C C Wilson Wm H Pad berg L M Hiils Gilbert A Id rich W 8 Smith Chas Bperry Paul Rietmann Mat Halvorsen Jas Nolan W H McCormick John Llndatrom M J Williams J J McKlllgott J W Kinr N Dickson H Pad berg Levi Hansford L B Knox W M Haguewood coram SALE STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. MOTICE IS HERERY RIVEN THAT THE AN. l nual meeting for the stockholders of the Morrow County 1 and & Trust Company will be held at the otlfce of the treasurer on the second Saturday in March at 7 p. m , for the purpose of electing officers and attending to such other Dueiness as may come before the meeting. 10-at k. p. axisu, secretary, Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON. JU Feb. 11. 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Umatilla County, Oregon at Pendleton, Oregon, on March 27, 1897, viz: SAMUEL W. WATTENBURGER, Hd. E. No. 5762, for the N NWU, Sec. 84 and W W 8W!4. Sec. 27. Tn. 2 N.. R. 27 .. W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz; f rank Bioan, ol uaiioway. Oregon, ana Henry Thompon. Albert Davis. Davis McCarty. all of Echo, Oregon. B. F. WILSON. oii-ii JiegiBier. e.AT.. BISHOP'S HEJPIMR, OREGON 20,000POTJNDS OF STORE mm m mm Consisting of Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book Cases, Lounges, Sofas, Spring MattregBes, Wool Mattresses, Parlor Suits, Center Tables, etc, etc. Brussels Carpets, Wool Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Baoks, Hanging Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., etc. All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at Half Value or Less. Will be Sold Kegardless of Cost. Fix up your homes at once witb Stylish Furniture, while this opportunity is offered. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLE9 OREGON, Feb. 2. 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on March, 15th, 1897, viz: HARLAN STANTON, Hd. E, No. 291, for the Vi NEJ, 8EJ4 NEX and n ! BR "4, fee. ii, i p. is, k. c. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz: John Jenkins. Allen W. Baling. Charles D. Asubaugh, of Eight Mile, Oregon, and Charles W. Ingraham, of Heppner, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 514-24. Register. Our Sale on General Merchandise Still Continues. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. , Farmers at a distance should oall soon, thereby getting a better selection. FRANK MGFflRLftND, MANAGER. Timber Culture, Final Proof: Nc Notice for Publication. United Btatir Land Orncs, The Dalles. Oregon. Feb. 2. 1897. OTICE IS HEKH.HY G1VJSN THAT KM mitt 8. Kelthlv. of Heppner. Oregon. hss filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. i. Morrow, county clerk, at his office in Heppner Oregon, on Monday, the 15th day of March, 18'.r7, on timber culture application No. ii79, for lot 8, NEHiMi and NbK4oi sec tion no. iv, in towiisnip no. o souiu, range no, 25 east. ha names aa witnesses: Charles H. Dalles, William Hicks, James H. Wyland, Joseph wsiker, ail ol uaraman, Oregon. 614-24 JAtt. F. MOUKE. Register. Notice of intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON I J Keb. 12. 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intvntlou to make final proof in support of his claim, ana mat saia proof will ne maar before J, W. Morrow, county clerk, at Ueppner, Oregon, ou Narcn a, iw;, vu : i'u i ui ar v 'S' vi i ru Hd. E. No. S5B8. for the NE! Boo. il. Tp. J8.. R. l K... W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and Cultivation oi said lana, vis: Frank Kugeiman, ( union vtnson, n. JAH. F. iiOOKB. Register. HELP WANTED ! We are preparing for a big spring trade, but must have help to make it a howling success. We are filling up and completing our stock of GROCERIES AND HARDWARE which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate busi ness. We have many customers now but there are still several vacancies in this department of our store, to be filled. Applications will be received at all hours of the day. Apply in person or by letter to P. C. Thompson Co. Corner Main and Willow Streets. 4r' "Eiense me" obeeeved tbe mea lo sctaolee nnt I am a surgeon, and that is ant where the liver Never yoo mind where tbe liver le." retorted tbe other. "If it waa in bis big toe or bis left ear IKWilt's Little Early Hiaers would reach it and shake It for Mm. Un that yoa can Let your gig lami-e." Coo eer ii roc a. tf ratifying aiiirijtluimta fi,ir t-CUatltutioii III. t.tO! wwuli Lara vwiee iu U matur i wilf ti ti, ii'THM'-v m t 't e..f til 1 rJOOOJS t o s . a i. !. tt saassK ie In ti e in. t 4 . I I m t--t.. the a. la III S !.. 4 l ( . ' M ..- V-l M SS tM sf tut stM. i a Jsdgs Lawell's Lettar. The East Oregon lao bae tbe Mlowieg to say of JoJge Lowell'g lecture ia that oily last FriJay evrolog : Judge rJtepbea A. Lowell delivered aa instructive lectors ia 1'eodUtno la sveeiDg. He cbnee aa hie eubject. Woman's No." It was a thoughtful nt lerenoe, ably delivered and soiled Ut the linee. J edge Lowell touched many fxi polar chords la its delivery, ed e re- sled maiiy Ideate nt value to rising geo erationa, particularly pleasing te tbe gstler eel. Tber wave many good (blags ia the lertare, many mental ptc turee epta bioU the spiniest, the ial slJe, ol mao could feast with benefit le tbe material, of preellf J eide. As Jodg Lnw.ll eo ably pointed cat, ma bae al lowed o maey ideals lo eeeape bits se be ie worae off and g'.wieg ux-m eo be ranee of It. Jadge Loe.ll worredly eioetJr that tbe pnraqlt of emetbte f nothing" te tbe worst ol ail persolta perry, all of lone, Oregon, and Thomas arle, I ueppner, uregon. 617-27 B OOTS AND SHOES e Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DA LLFft, OREGON, J Feb. 4. 1NU7. Nolle. Is hereby liven that th. following named settler baa Bled no tice of his Intention to make final proof In sup port ol nis claim, and thai asm proof win d mad. beior. I. W. Morrow, Comity Cl.rk, at Happn.r, ureon, on March d, irni, vu: JOHM W. ALLSTOTT, fid. E. No 7M. forth. NU NWU. EU NWU and eWV NKV. Hee. S.l.Tp.18 . k. its K. tie name. in. following witnesses io prov. tils continuous residciK. upon and cultivation of. aaid land, vis: Hlcharil w. ttohlson, Aaron n. Haines, John . Herket. FraucU at. Courier, all ol Itsht Mil., Oregon. jab. w. aisins, tll-2t Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICI IS ttlRKBY 0IVF.il THAT LIT lersot admlnlsrtatlnn on th. eatat. of ttellen M. Allja, dereased. war. (ranted lo Ihs underalsned ou th. ird day ol February, Iw7, Uf Ihs Ciunty Court for th. County of Morrow, Mai. ol Orecon. All persons bsrlne claims sslnsl said MUU ara required Sa .ihiblt th.ns to me for allowance al Ih. ome. ol Kills Lynns, la Heppner, Oregon, within Mi months sfier Ih. dai. ol Ibis notice or Ihsr shall b. forever ha r red. leted this JMh day of February. te7. T. R. LVOSH, 5X It. Administrator. THE PLACE TO OCT THEM IS AT Us has anything In this line that yon may desire and yon can depend on It you get a good article when Mat guarantees It, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. The, gentlemen are well aeqnalntad with Orant, Barney, Crook, Gilliam and other counties and ceo savs moo.y and Urns la making tb.s. sections with traveling man. Prices to keeping with lbs times. ' Thompson" & Biisnsrs; LTtrxnTuxir, sxmrxzt. i .. . V THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE A Write to T. ft. QcTMcav, Tpf tery of lb. fttaa ActlMtrt f CoaivaMV, fur laformalwe regarateg accmc l law ace. Mrellea this psprr. y se dulng yoo caa save BirmherUlp fee, Has paid evw pjoCoxgD lot eciUmlat taJtMlee. De your own A tent. MO MKDICAL CXAUIKATION KKQl'iaKO un i. mm, Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD it Hertner, frbA, re.dletoe, llaker l tty. 1-lf'B ami HaaMegtoa. C. E. RANOUS, Harreaa, Oasoua, ttleetreto all eat la tbe metlts t.lCliato- bocleia'e CVega Remedy as owo of the m l ealosble aa4 ej.'i.t araraiioas oa th aaiket. It broke ea i!ing!y Jatigemos ib (or ae la U boare,aa le gralKe l (here,, I Jaaire 4 lafofi Jo that I will eever be Hb.mt II an I 70a sba!4 le.lj.ro. M tbe big eetweta la abicb nr l. mxlie are k I b i.t s l"te In eierl. tt ie the wee r.f!y j ansi-l al tee II, .... J Ki.a. II it I it t...i.y, .4.1. tw..i. lSbo.,.!Uk. ,,.l,l4','",,J",,r;,w 'ie. iniaisviMHsiesmii t!sse sad ftpeifliee faral.a.4 ea apt 'ira'i i. Contracting a Specialty. THIS: WDDkly TrifjUHO A FOR Farmers and VHiaoers, FOIt Tacaioa 6. Fathers and Mothers. Sons andi)ayoliters, FOlt All the Family. With tb doaa of tha Irfaulential campaign THE TRIBUNE reeogButf tba fact that tha AtDricao popla ara now aoiloua to gl their tiraa to homa and basioeea interrata, To rnfft thia condition, politic H 'r Im pax promiucDtv, notit another BtaU or National occaamn demand a renewal of the fight for the principle, for which THE TIUUUNE baa labored from tU inception to tha preaent day, and won ita greateat victories Eterf poaeiMa effort will t pnt forth, and money tWelj gpent to naka THE WEEKLT TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, Intei eating, instructive, antertainiog and InJUpenaalU to each ractnber We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "fi. y. Weekly OAsan a 44 rasa aj Oe.es e If ADVANt'i:. THE GAZETTE.