PAPEK The... Heppncr Gazette OFFICIAL The...--Heppner Gazette - NEVER ROBBED A HENROOST HELPS THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS Advertise in it and do business. It has some of ifs own. WWW WWW - FOURTEENTH YEAR I1EPPNER, MORROW COUNTY; OREGON; TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1897. I WEEKLY WO. 7391 f 8EMI.rYWKX,Y NO 52ll SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. fUBLISHIO Tuesdays and" Fridays BY HE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COM. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager At S9.50 per year. tl.2!t tor six months, 7Sots. tor three moncns, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER it kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Airency. 64 and 85 merchants Exchange, San Franoisoo, California, where oou raote for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 4:aa a. m. aauy, except anon dav. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m.: east bound 12:51 a. m. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. and 6:45 p. m. ; going west, 6:30 p. m. ana a.v a. m. Nc Notice of Intention. Lakd Office at La Gkandk, Obroon, December 2a. 1896. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named' settler bas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Cleris of Morrow County, Oreg on, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 3, .1897, viz: JAMES AYKKB H. E. No. 5279 for the NK SFU Sec. 23 and Htf BW( Sec 24, Tp 1 N, K 27 K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz : John Barker. Isaac Vincent, cnanes M. Long, George W. Pearson, all of Galloway, Oregon. 604-n. B. r. wiusujm, tiegisier. McClure Mag SEVEN azine: For 1897 GREAT SERIALS TYPES OP INSANITY. Some Forms That Are Developing In Modern Times. Blental Disorders That Are Responsible for Various Kinds of Crime Opinions Advanced by an Expert In Such Disease. Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Publication. United 8tates Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 16. 1807. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WESLEY T. McNabb, of Lexington, Oregon, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Joseph L. Gibson, U. fl. Com. at his office in Lexington, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of March. 1897. on timber culture application No. 2934. for the NEK of Bection No. 34, in Township No. 2 south. Range No. 24 east. He names as witnesses: Thomas L. Dorman and Vandevere L. Oottey, of Eight Mile, Oregon. Milton R. Morgan and Menzo A. Olden, ol lone, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE,. 9-19 Register. - United States Officials. President.. G rover Cleveland Vine-Preeldent -. Ad ai Stevenson Secretary of State....'. Kiohard S. Olney Secretary of Treasury. .....John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior... E. 11 Francis Secretary of War Daniel 8. Laruont Secretary ot Navy. .., Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wilson Attorney-General JndBon Harmon Heoretary of Agrioulture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary ot State..., H. K. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Metechan Bnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman u ( G. W. MoBride osnators J J. H. Mitchell l Binger Hermann Congressmen W. R. Ellis ' Printer W. H. Leeds " I R. B. Bean, Mil rt mm A JniiffM i F. A. Moore. f C. . Wolverton 8ixth Judicial District. O'ronit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. Morrow Comity Officials, . NOTICE OF INTENTION. rAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Jan. 14, 1896. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 2nd, 1897, viz: EUN1CB BROWN, Hd. E. No. 4236. for the NW. sec. 29. Tp. I 8. R 24 E, W. M. Hue names tne following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John W. Cox, Andrew B. Grover, Walter 8. Smith an' Chilt Wilson, all of Io e. Oiegon. 508-18 JAS. MOORE, Register. SUMMONS. A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate "Life of Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains 'Cburageous."' ' (Begun in November.) '.' Robert Loula Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins iu May.) Charles A.Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the Inost critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series' of uortraiis it is intended to nubllrh special biographical studies under the general title, of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. . Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. 1 Stories of Adventure. A serial by CON AN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talei.t for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him ' a place beside Poe and Gaborlau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN. All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception of twe contributions to ano'her publication which were engaged from him long ago, will '' appear in McClube's Magazine. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCLCBE'g all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in Itself. Anthony Hop ' Bret Harts Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weymen Clark Russell will all have stories in McClcre's for the coming year. TbeBe are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCmjri'i Maoazine for i97, me subscription priee oi wnicn is oniy One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. 1 Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. Joint Senator... ... Representative. lountj Jndge Commissioners., J. W. Beokett. " Olork " Sheriff.... .Treasurer ' Assessor Hnrvevor.H School Sup't... ...A, A. W. Gnwan J. V Hrown G. Bartholomew ..... J. it. Howard 3. W. Morrow ,...E. L. rt'Btlook .... Frank Gilliam J. ('. Willi J. W. Horuor ...Jay W. Shipley B. F. Vonghan Coroner ti V I D M B fnwl OVCTGERH. ..mar Thoe. Morgan n -..ii... 8. Homer. K. J Hloeum, Frank Hovers, Geo. Conser, Irsnk Gilliam, Arthur Minor. ,, . Recorder J,F.,1,M", ""S p...,. . .... k. Is. Frmnn uirr."-:::: a. a. rrecinci umoerp. , , I.rfiMiift)i 9 am :...W. K. KiehalW rv.nd.hl. N. B. Whetstone United States Land OfBeers. ana n&T.T.KS. oa. J. F. Moors Histr A. H Hi,,M Bsosiver t.k arum. oi. B.F, Wilsos Regltr J.H. Robbins bsosiver ' sssxtxrr sjoczzmssj, RAWLINS POST, NO. IL O. A. B. MssUatLsxlngtor). Or., the last Saturday of -ach montn. AU vstsraua ara wviian vt tmu. i'-n Rnoa. Uso. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Commandar. D. J. McFaul, M. D. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE L of Oregon for Morrow County. P. C. Thompson, Plaintiff, vs. ). B. Bperry, 8. C. Bperry, Perry snyaer ana me iiregon Rail road and Navigation Com- Danv. defendants. To J. B. Sperry and 8. C. Bperry, defendants: in tne name oi tne mate oi ure 'on : i ou are horetiy required to appear and answer the coin olaint Hied against vou In the above entitled cause ou or before the nrt day of the next reular term ol the above entitled court, to-wlt: March 1st. 1897. and If you fall to answer for want thereof, the planum will lane judgment against yon ior tne sum of three hundred twouty-rlve and 18 10 ' dollars and lnteiest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from January 2. lttH, ana the s m of fifty dollars attorneys fees, upon a certain promissory note and to foreclose the mortg 'ge given ry you to secure tne payment oi said note upon the following real property sit uated in Morrow t;ouniy, maw or Oregon, w wit: The north half of the northeast quarter and the north half of the nnr'hwest quarter of section twenty nine In township three south of range twentv sli G. w. m.. ana lor tneooiusuu disbursements of tills suit. Thl summons Is served upon you by nunlica- tion by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of tha above wititlwt mrt, made snd entered In said sulton the l lth day of January. 1H97. BROWN A KEDHKi.ll, The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHBSTBRi KNG1VAND A. W PATTERSON, AGENT. oo i World 508-20. Attorneys for 1'la ntlfl. AT OPPIC15 Mrs. H. Welch's. Residence. Night telephons connection with the Palace Hotel. national BauK of am. WI. FINLAND. ED, Presides t' R. BISHOP. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BJLMING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS UJe on Fsrorsble Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD DF.PPNER tf OREOOS First National Bank op. HErPSEB C. A. HHIA, T. A. RMi'.. CtO. W. C0NCN, 8. W. SFtNCtR. . Protlslsnt Vie Prssldsnt CasKlor Asa't Csshlor Trspidj I Gmtril Boalia; Imtsx , ' Os all pans ! Us world Bought and Sold. prT S Ml It. Cottsrtlons mads on sll frtniM 0 tfuvtUt Tsnas. urplM sod o4lvids4 fmeta. IH.OOO 00. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THft STATE I I, of Oregon for the County of Morrow. L. P. Davidson, Plaintiff, Samuel K. Walket, Defendant. To Samuel K. Malker. defendant: In the name of the Stats ot Oregon: You are hereby reniilred to annear and answer or other wise plead to the complaint Bled against you In I the above entitled arllon on or before thsHmtl day of the next regular term of the above enti tled court, to-wlt: Tha First Day of March, 1897, and if yon fall to answer or otherwise plead, I lor want thereof, tha nlalntiff will uke bids-1 ment against you for ths sum of forty dollars! together with Interest thereon from ths 27tb day of April, IttM at the rate of ten percent per annum until paid; snd for ths further sum of one hundred and thirty fivs dollars with Inter est thereon st ths rats of 9 par rent per annum from the mn aay of octnrwr. imm nntu pain. and for the sum ol fifteen dollars attorneys fea I snd for his outs and dlsburaetasiils la this I artlnn. This summons la servea by pnlillratlon nM auatit to an onler of Htephan A. Iiwcll, Judge I ol trie sbnvs sntniiHi court, inatis ou ins inn i day ol January , vim. i 408-20 Attor..sys lor I'lalntin. bTOCK bran dm. Whits y wsp yoar snbscripUoo paid yra saakssff your brand la frssof eksrs. Bow. F. O.. Hspimse. Or. Hnrsss, Flbsteft tooaidari mttis, sams ea left bip. Ctwrrfn. H . Hardmaa. Or. Koreas bradxi l an rtcht blp. Cttls breaded ths same. Alau brands ( I on bnraas nht llilaht saiUs sas s brand oa risbt sbunuw , sua out off sod o risbtsar. Cook. A. J..Ina.OT. H ir. tooa right4nal srup off left sad split Ta natit. IVn!M. W. si. nalhnrav. Or.-Tsttls. BPm rfsht !. swaibiw -fork la sswa sst bursas, H l am toft hip, sn. T.i rw " mAi VI.V oa Wl sbonldar, eatUs sans ua UfUiip. ftols IF nbt sar. Flaranea. U A.. tUppnM-. Or.-TatUs. LF OS riant hipi boreas F wo bar asdar ao risM rioaidat. inaat, Harry. Happe. Ir Mnears beasjta4 H J sa tas Wt utilUr! eat 'is branUd J Ml M kip. sJsii aadWbtt Is bfl sar. Hansw ta sums suasty. inars. rlls. Lsas. Or. Nntaaa. slrelsT laft sttftai aauia. aama aa Hbt kip, aW half im la nM tut ai4il A lafl sar tana. Viks. HapMisr, Or-ftntaaj beaarUrf Ehf aa Ur Iiid aauisaawsasd arva a tafl sart asytar sWa aa tna rlaM nietaftand.W.n.. Masai f mot. Or. I L t Saut aa niU and Wft awlM. swallow fnck la I ft sar and aitW mv ta risb sar, Hmaw laft shuablar. IUii la Uraat snanlv Mapaaa, fas. Or, S) L aa Wl alt aruo and split aa rWM aar. M-ai araad OS lafl swaUar, Manas raa, Laahsy, J. W Happaar Or Harms BrsaU4 I. ana A i awiUlvi Mlia aa aa ltt kit, uia mr rxkt , Ikna aiiia la rill A Campaign Of. Education How to Get It (Tir'AA ForJ)J.UU Milium UNPARALLELED To bs educated one must read the beat literature. Tha best literature Is expensive. Laslla's Illustrated Waakly, Published at 110 fifth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things. Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con summate skill. Such paper Is s frost popular educator. It should be In every boms. Ths subscription pries of Laslla's I I PS unum, Wt msks ths unparalleled oner of a topy ol Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever mads before. Ho such offer will sver bs Bad again. These two papers snaks a most arcsptabls Christmas or birthday gilt, snd will bs constant reminders of ths glvsr't kindness. Remit by postal order or check to ths GAZETTE, y Hoppner, Orocon. rjr WEEKLY The MONTHLY Outlook Pwkllsksw Ivsry sstarday 13 Astor Place New York Oaa Ootario-llflm Stale Line -H; aa Ml si A N l tm. I ua fakn WMW STHBEUKE ".r' ' ' saxaa a. Ml a.i4a, aaSUa, saavs as laf kip. rkwar, npear nr. 4 atta. aaraa M aa lafl sauaMar. H. 9, Mappaar, Or.-ltnnas. M Iwal'Ut aaatai asaiS aa lafl alt. rMra. J. W.. Tlnastas IH I hntmmO aa Hf abnatdan altl. aaaM aa r Wt kia. H A. WILHM3. PtOR. osTAkio-nuitsa ! Barns IMly at p. bs. od mr rives at QoUrlo It U boars. Sinqle Faro $7.00. nound Trip 3 10.00 fsyT1ew Irstshl t4 Mts f Fs4. BURSS-CASYOS S4a M i. W . S4 Pa'Wjwaf'l 4 t o - n HaMklt JO s If. A. Mraar. . -Cawja (! Wl kip. m "i ,. I Wft faar. faiaai a hum w vaa aws sanan. TVaaiiajai. I. A, tfffH. Ory-Nnrsas aa Ufl aSMlSri ra.Ua. 1 aa lafl akaalaar. Tasaar H. W- Naaar I if. -a-all mm,,hm) 1 Wl mtl.Ui p i w 1. 1 aatUa saaw as tark k a.' aissWkaa ts.vb. M. St.. I. fMra-J Wra4. T aiai"d aa t-t M.Sai iiimi saa ; . . J .. I.i4a. .t anaiw ntr JW aa n$4 aWatlaar. aat r-rk JW s rS kit a4 M mAm, r.i '. k.u la Wfl sat. Mars la sWw a4 Mal'"H)lT ,,HI,M.t raaaarSJi . . i ...,. Sumw Smim'1 m a as Tbs Outlook will ha lo 1W7, m II bst bees dnrlaf aacb iA Its lasstr serss yssrt. History of Oar Oas Tims. Is its ftrtoas adilorisl drpsrlnsols Tbs Oatlixii rivrs s oompaet rsi of tbs orM's rrfgreas; It foflnas ailb rare all iba Inirfif ual vUilsotliropio sad to d iisl rial nv.tatoetlt (if tbs rltf j baa I roup I sis dprlnent of rslif Uos pss derates Barb spars to tha Ihtarsatt ol lbs bnrs; rttiawt aqrraat Iltisl0fs; fa rp ) li rbsarfal Ubla-U!k about ens ad thin as: and, ta tl.n, slrbt to rt frrsb lsrasfWa, trigutml nsWrtatMS, and reaantisUs sliUr'slornanl. fWf loolrf with tha Cfiy fl.flb tolsrns, lbs iaisr aill aasama lbs rrgaisf fsut lint Sii, wbinb will svM grsally lA Its .anstilrns ard a'tr arltaas. Tbs Oa'UkU ibli-l.J ttsry Halardsy Ifty to Issrrkss) soar. Tb first Issus la tab tteoaift Is aa UlnstsUl klaf sis KassW.aoaUmlaf tbatttlalnaM tasty pirrs as lbs oriinafy as, tfatkt Mb laf ft SSBiW of flcttraa. Tba prist of Tbs OulUx t Is tbrta distt star la adsaasa. or lass Has a rat day. Nrsd If st4aata "pf t1 IllustrtW Hootblog, soJ do! irritating, strength log, sud not wtskisf, tmtll bot, rffae tits soob art tba qntliilts of Dt Witt's Li I tit Etrly Kistrt b fsmoat lilllt pillt. Cuotar k Crook. Now U lb lima to get tba Warily Oregoaiao, lbs greatest sswspsptr of ths Wast. With tbt0asetta,botb Ptriet- ly la sdtaoca.ona itar, t-lSa No bstUr eornblnstioB of aawiptptrs ota ba nads tbs tlsU. Wslt. Tbomptoi) run slags bst w tea Dtppatr and Monumanl, srritlng ttsry ds tioept Moodsj sod IsstI&v tvtrjr day aiosplSnadar. Hoof last arid ebrtp at route lo tba inisrtof. Oonaar A BrK)k, teen's. Uepposr to PMdlttoo via Dppatf F.ebo HI sift Lift. PtrtuM daairoatof stsitiog ftadlatua eaa tsrt tima snd sTrnnss by taking tills foote. ISy qosltitlng Iba steels ihs prsviont to- Ing tba stsa trill malt MODS Hon t)llb 2 "clock traia at rbo for I'sodlatoo Oms at Oily Urng Hlort, W. U. UiKD, I'fopflstnr, Tbroagh ifstot es tbs O. R. A X, will raa Via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and IVndlaioii. Through tltaptra, first ttd aaoood fllaas, will run la amatllB wtlk ! L'tl'.a ifla. tha tsma as bsttto fiirt. A through first slast slaspat Tort- land ftpoksaa, fatstiog allli tba I rat tie alaapaf to fit. I'sol, Sad a IhiongU ViarUt alaspaf i'orilsod to HI Paal. II ran la t anrtioa itb lbs (Iresl 5r1barn tstlasf , If r-f tsit-inoti iblrty lost af rya bay, luoaUd tUial law tad oat-btll atitasof II sr dross. Alt 400 aorss tf gwt rtsga, fsasad, a w tb aatj lianiy ai pattwit gtitsrasastji rttgt tsf at bead. ribs. lav I . .,iii baad af hap or largt band if rstlU. (I nod bausa ra t -lasw. Call n Oassfla pfSat tot lartwiles. A rtra rbsara ta get tl ctttp. AU tigbt ta littU a Lt'd lfc!4 Pad 0t.a aft asbgPfpaa. If At the Post-Graduate Medical School of New York a lew days ago a well known professor oi nervous and mental diseases, who testified as an expert in a murder trial, delivered a lecture on insanity in its relation to homicide. The various types of insanity, said he, all hreed homicides, but some more than 6thers. Ilia classification of the various forms of insanity, says the Sun of that city, was as follows, and any phase of mental disorder, he said, would be found to fit under one head or the other: Mania, melancholia, de mentia, paranoia, and paresis.' The victims of melancholia are most subject to homicide ot suicidal out breaks. Paretics are least to be feared. Melancholia is often the result of some bodily ailment, or disappointed ambition may cause this morbid and dangerous state of mind. Insane homicidal outbreaks could not occur in perfectly healthy persons. They might be apparently sane, and be suddenly seized with an irresistible impul.oo to kill some one or to commit suicide, but there muat be a ground work of melancholia or some other unhealthy mental state to' incite the passion. ' Doctors now declare, the professor continued, "that there is no such thing as 'emotional' insanity. I believe the word was not used at all during the Fitzgerald trial, and I doubt if any ex pert would take the stand and testify that such a condition as emotional in sanity ever exists." "Paranoia" is a word of such wide application that it may be worn out in the endeavor to make it cover the thou sand and one varieties of mild and ex plosive cranks. "Paranoia is a very good word to use," said the professor to the young doctors, "as it enables you to classify your ' cranky acquaintances. Mono mania is the older name for the same peculiarities. The , condition, often manifests Itself by a fear of going to some particular place, by dread of crossing a street, or similar eccentrici ties. The subject Is usually possessed of a single delusion; perhaps has an ex aggerated idea of his own greatness, or is about to oonvulsa the world by a wonderful invention. Ther is fre quently, too, some physical peculiarity as a bad-shaped head or peculiarly- shaped ears or deformity of the Jaws." The professor grouped the paranoiac! together under several heads paranoia religiosa, the crank who talks snd thinks of nothing but. religion; par anoia inventoria, the victim of which it full of foolish schemes, a crank of the Col. Sellers type; paranoia litigosa, or litigious paranolacs, who are forever briuiring suits in the courts, frequently for the most trivial causes. "Cranks of this kind," said the pro feaaor, "are, I believe, more numerous in Europe than in the United (States, though the west produces a good many' In one notable instance a whole county was engaged In a fight over a tu. Uey in which a few dollars were at stake. "Lndor the head of paranoia ra- formatoria come a more ol-noxiout claan of monomaaiaca political offend ers, anarchists, and bomb thrower, who are convinced that only by the murder of a few crowned heads. priiiui'S, preaiilents, senators and mil lionaires and ' lie dost ruction oi prop rrty can the existing htuUj of affairs be clmnrrvd for the better." Uuitcaii the profiaor mentioned at one of tlm rxtruor'llnary csars oi hnirii' l'lal paranoia. 1', tha murderer of Mayor llurrUon. was an other. From "mania" all typrt of Inaanln rosy lr vr lop, l.xciianuny ana a generully happy, rariliaa frame i mind characterize this pim:. of lunary. though the liu-ittul ttate of the vk-l;in runt th whole niuui oi amotions. Iloinli iiial and tuicldul outburst! art frf,urnt. w Part-tk-s art generally hsntileaa, I'arrhia la a production of modern civl'.iJiliirn," aaid tha nrofitanr. "I don't know of a happier lot of paopla than t re the pit relies f r a timer. Thrir Imagination It txrwlinglf vivid. Ihry htvo bounilleM wenl;!i. In their own minds, or have a rvmnrkabla Invention which thr-y art aUmt to givt the world. This tiilful ttat of Ihlntrs continues for awhile, then tha patient becomes apathetic, rarrly datiifrroua," ngtrilitig tha rcp iii'.lbility of tha Insane, tha piifewor believed ihst par anoiata ahould I panMiad for their rlrra Tha anarch!', I mommiaiiiaea of tha (Julleau strlpw art very unpteaa ant. popl to hata al"tit. and ba thinks a few of the ni ahml! ba banged, tba others lorka I tin or sa iled. "I hot aoltie tiim," aaid he, "to tea them all corralled and tmnorUd to distant art Inland, where they can tvimmnnlettt with tha rv-atof the world tint one a ytar. Thry should bars no mm or tul-aoeo, Ibry ttunild t fed on fruits and vriretablrt, and they tbxmM bol i allowrd to lirrrl, and that W gradually sit. rmlnaled. This Co k m 1 sat Ion of paranolacs sua bt a achats of tha future " HAD ENOUGH OF SUBSTITUTES. Homemade Bostlilacklrig and the Embar raKaroorit It Caused a Tcxaa Woricr. Some gentlemen were discussing cur rent topics ' In ' the' lobby of the St.' George theothcr'eveniti, whrjn hopfen weiss, the new prohibition substitute for beer, was drawn into the discussion",' says the Baltimore News. Some had tried the new driiik and pronounced it equal in point of' flavor to the genuine article, and varioui opinions were ex changed relative to the right of persons to sell it' in' local option communities. "I am not competent to venture an opinion upon ' that phase Of the ques tion," said one of the party, "but as a' rule the man who monkeys with sub stitutes usually comes to grief in one way or another.' At any rate, that is my experience,-' and I will give you a case in point. - In the early days of Texas, when few of the modern con veniences that we tidw enjoy were Ob tainable, I was living in the country,1 working on a farm. A man named Bvown lived near my father's. Well, one day I learned that a couple of young ladies were visiting Mr; Brown and family. Of course, now, I would have to go over and see the young ladies.'' I had a tolerable good suit of clothes, but my shoes were consider ably worn, and never having come in contact with blacking,' very naturally were tough, and unpleasant to the sight. - So I set about trying to hit up on schemes whereby I could improve the complexion of my shoes. Finally an fdea struck me and I smiled tri umphantly as I congratulated myself on my shrewdness. ' I would take some soot from the chimney, use molasses as a vehicle, as the druggists say, and polish up my shoes with the compound. The toot would' certainly 'make' the shoes blactc enough and the molasses would hold it on. Capital idea.. There' fore I got to work and soon had my substitute ready and applied to the shoes. "The effect was not to say artistic, but It made the shoes black, and that was the end I sought to achieve. A short walk soon brought hie to ' our neighbor's, where the girls Were visit ing, and on my- arrival I was invited into the room which did service as a parlor; - The young Indies and I- had exchanged a few compliments 'relative to the weather when I unconsciously shifted my foot on the Hoor. ' Then tny ' heart sank Within the and I cursed the day that my Inventive talent got the tipper hand ol me and 1 monkeyed with substitutes, for when I moved my foot a swarm of flies filled the- room and roared like bets. They .had been after the molasses on my shoes, and the shifting of my foot had put them to flight. I felt that my face was get ting unbecomingly red and my nurve tx'tran to fail me, but I made a heroio effort to renew the conversation and stand my ground. ' Hut -it was useless. I could see that the girls were all but dying to laugh, and reenforttements of tlies were constantly appearing upon tho . scene. They roared and buzzed and fought each other for first place on my shoes. Directly I heard Mrs. llrown from the Other room say: 'John' rile, I think I hear the bees twarmlng. tio () and see aliout them.' That was too much,' and, gathering up my hat, I bade the young ladies a hurried good day and departed, enveloped in a halo of Hies as big at a balloon. As I cloned tho gate behind ma I heard 'Johnnie about: ilaw, the bees ain't ft swarm In'; they're after that young feller what Just left here. He's been ttealin' honey and they're after him about it. WuMi 'hey'd attng the trltlin' rascal to death, I do.' No, gentlemen, no sub stitutes for me, please. ' The bare meu tion of them makes my hair pull.' mxmm Absolutely Pure Celebrated for Its great leavenlnir strength . and health Inl ileus, ssures the food against'' alum and all forms of adulteration common to' the cheap brands. BOYAI, BAKIMQ rOWDKR CO., KIW T K COMBS ALL THE RAGE. New Fashions of Dressing tbs Hat and - " ' the Latest Ornaments. The women who have been fond of ' ' oresKtng- xneir narr witn learners ana aigrettes will have to give them up this , winter or be hopelessly out of date, for ' the feathers must go. Combs of all 1 ' ' sizes and shapes are the correct head f ! ornaments, so the fashionable jewelers 1 " and hair-dressers say, and they come in endless variety, so far as material andM ," design are concerned. There seems to be a very different ' way of arranging the hair for every face; and yet all are stylish. The - -'1 woman ' with dark, glistening locks ' 1 must wear her hair in the evening after the style of Kmpress Josephine if she' 1 , L. .. s 1 ..1.... .1 . .. ,1 .1 : mond and pearl tiara which gives the!' ' finishing touch to this very fetching ar rangement of her .ocks. ; If she can t afford the latter two or three strands i of imitation pearls look well wounTl hi - - and out among tho dark puffs. Dark hair docs not look well too much be-'1'1 frizzled. Crimping causes it to lose Its r luster, which it brought out by light oranments. On the other hand, the woman with yellow or reddish Hair'1'' should wave it on all aides and pad It up in a fluffy mass. W . V 1 X A 1 t .11 V. f jn.cuiuiii-aieu turtuine such cuaius ornamented wittt' applied' silver' are' - more ' popular than anything else just :" now, but they really show off better in light hair than in any other. ' Black gsraevsna mat jtnvinniissiiu nair-piua are being imported from Paris and are 1 already very popular. Many of them come in crescent and butterfly shapes, and are thickly studded with rhlne--- stones. The side combs match, and the effect of these novelties in blonde hair Is gorgeous and striking. I The silversmiths report ahlgron on the enameled and jeweled bodies of but-' terflles. The ornaments have an ar rangement at the bark which permits ' of ribbon wings of tho color of the : gown. The demure maid who clings to her rrimph-Hs part and coils her hair very high on her head may thrust one of these butterflies in at the back of the part and so relieve Its severity. She may even go further and fill ber hair with very small enameled and jeweled butterfly and flower pins and so obtaljt -an effect altogether Japanese. Few women can afford to dress their balr low on their necks, even with the " aid of er I nitis and puffs, but thoae who - do must not fail to art off the knot with an Immense tortoise-shell bsck comb " curving almost from ear to tar, If they wish to lie In the very latest style. - Toledo Blade. FIRST STRIKE ON RECORD. rrae nut. Haad ynar ad Iraat to II. P.. BntkUa A Co- Cbissgn, and gst a frte staple boiof Vt. King' Kev LI (a PitU. A trial toevlart yea of tbaif tnstita. Tsaaa pills are aasy la aatka tad are ptrtttolarty tffrtUva la Ibt ttrt at Use. ttipetloa tad Hirk flstdteba. fit Ma laria and Ltvt Imotlrt that bats bta pmvad lavtlatblt, Tbay art glare. Iaa4 to tia parfarHly fraa from svsrf dsUUrtnnt tbasaote sad to ba pqrsly vgtaM. Tbay do al sska try (Mr iriKil, hot by gllag t"t.s lotl'iparb tal tMiprit grsally In ngorat'tg tho tftttta, Ng'ilw s'e 2. par ti. Bj!J by CobMi A tfirst, if tfgUta. Raman rials I'layrr. H. C IOO, Saaaaasfal' ly Itasanlad Esrlaslosi f ran a Haaqaai. Llvy, In his famont book, "Tht An nuls," lx., 30, relatet In the following sufgeaUva words the story of a singular at rike which occurred at Rome In the year 300 II. C, and was probably tba Drat strike ever known: "That yetr occurred an event lit tle worthy of bring' related and which I would pakt la silence had it not ap peared at Involving rrllglon. Tba flute players, illaaatinfled because tba laUrat ceiiMirt had forbidden them to Uke part lathe banquet In Junltrr'sUm pie, according ti the ancient euatom. withrlrr w, every one of them, toTlbur, so that nobialy was left at Rome to play during the sacrifice. This Inel dent shocked tha religious sentiment of tha senate, and tht senators sent tnrtarngrrt to Invito tht Inhabitants of Tlbur to make every effort In order that tht playcra ahould be restored to the Romans. The Tlburtlttea, having pmiulMd not to nrglacl anything nenraaary for that purpose, eaaasd the flute players to eome to the plae where tha senate met and sihortrd them to go trftck to Rom. rWIng that they could not prevail upon them to do to they tmployad a ttrslsgens In k rap ing with their cbarartor. (hi a day of festival, tinder tha pre test that maale would I tic re sat the Joy of tba feaat. rvery rtllen Invlud the flute players Individually to bit boat, and wine, of whl. h paople of that profraalon are usually fond, was given to them In such qutntitlet that they Ml into a deep sleep. Tbey Wert thrown InlO wairont tad tratispnrixl to Un. Tin y only became aware of what bad Impj. iH .1 on tha day after, when dawn turpriMd dam lyiAsf "n tha tarta, which had bran left In tha forwm. A Itrgt errmd had aaarmblad and thsy wrro Indiierd to promise that they would rrmaln at Home. Tha right of attending tht ba aqua It was rattorv4 to tbtat flute playtra," Teiter, Balt-Hheum and Kcaemaw The Intense lU hlng andtmartlug.lnot dent to these dine sues. It IntUntly allayed by applying Chamberlain'! Eye and Hkin Ointment. Many very bad caste bave been permanently enred by It. It la equally for itctung pur ana a favorite remeoy yor sore nippies, chapped hands, chilblains, frost lltea ' and chronic sore eyre. V eta. per box. Dr. CanVt CeadltloB Pswdm, re Just what a horse neml when In bad - oofxlitlon. Tonic, lkhki puriner ana vertnlrnge. They are not rooa ooi medicine and the beet In etg to tmi horse In prime condition, l'rice U cents per package. . Fralty fatly la a Fit. A showman at tha fair potteed a btautlfnl parrot, wblch aceotnpaU4 him everywhere on bit ptrvgHoatlooe through town and country, and tirtud tht admiration of tht gaptng crowd by Its rtpllal IrnllaUon of tha tkuwmao'a voice and turn whtn Inviting the pub lle to ttep Into the booth. Ont day tha faithless crettort broWt Ita chain and ear a pad Into a ptlsrhboriag plaatatkan, Hoon a number of mra and tvs were on IU track, but Itfore thry bad gone far they beard a loud nolae eaaead by the aeveachlur of birds In the wood. Oa arriving at the spot whence the aoondi proeetdtd, tbsy found poor r4l lurched oa the withered branch ef a tree, btrtft ot moat of IU frtlhsrs, and serroundtd by a flock of tx-rtecblna rruwt that were aitrellaatly packUig at It with tkair bvaka, JwutwilhsUodlnf this pll.abls suu of affairs, tba crowd of serkrr could not rvfrtia rrora laagh log a thsy beard tha " victim arrrsm out st ths top of IU volcai '1nt at a time, g eotUmrnl Don't crash to, pteaaal Tskt year 11 ids 1 There " plsn 1 of roots r'lttUrnaUonaie largaak Iroond btt been broken for lbs rail road up the Jungfrau la Ihr H ls Alps,, aoaniienring at N brldrgg, and It la tf acted to be opened trM tu Bitter ta far as tba tigsr gUtitr. The rbWpHat la ; a bold one, Involving aa Immense amount of tunorlliif . tbt lint for mora of tbrditisace. Indeed, bvtuff In ttanett- New W Csrt all Ik la trkwasse ' Htiaply apply UosyBt'p Olotmeal" No isleras) taeJtaiM sMaUed. : Cartt tils, tetsoia, tub, all trtptiaas ea Ibe f d. 11 Ilitbop. tvraaa.f to The Wt. face, fctt U, prsta, Aa., Istvltg Ibe tkla ftrlsoJ Usresntlls Co., ts (till oa dark tUtr, ebltt sad b'tllhy. lit grsel bwai giving grl bstgalas la all liaae. Tba leg tad rnrslivt potttg afp pitaet4 tt.k most U thead eal, ted llletur ty bo t'Lsr f1y. Aik tetu 6.194 pntibg bntj ii,p iblngt art. Call aa UI IvflrUMI OiatsaMb tat flMa tstftsieei. taitatkM.'