m--m3mMm. aw. ;?r-.-icwararx3-jH V-.. . ... . ..." ' . TO THE OIVKS THI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AMD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. K. t N. Agent ta Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon. E. McNEIlL, President and Manager. QCZOK TI3VXU 1 San Franolsoo And all points In California, ria the lit. Bbasta route of the Southern Pacific Co The treat hishway through California to all points East and South. Grand Hoenio Hoots Of the PaoiAo Coast. Pullman Bnffet Hleepere. 8eoond-olaa Hleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior aooomuodatioDS for saound-laas passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, eto. call upon or address R. KOKHI.EU, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Aait Gen. F. 4 P. Agt, Portland, Oregon H toio -TO THE- W AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Throngh Pullman Pelar B eeper. Tourist Hleepers and Fret Reclining Chair varsvaii-i uumtag". Many hours saved via this line to Eastern Points. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS LOWKMT HATKH, It. H'. HAXTKR, Gtn. Agent, J'ortluml, Orrgnn. J. C. HART, Aytnt, jjmrr, Vrtijnn. mmm B.S-y I I I . II I HARPER'S ROUND Fto 4 tf t4 tr t mimkr, Hi, fmojitat trill rftn with ,ly h mt tutUr if imUrmal,.,t Urn j 0 FtrtwU m fiw tf IhtM mlLrt tH A.V. fitUJ,, l, J'u Of,r, mnj tfftrt tf thtrt wtll t THREE A LOVAL TRAITOR a ? w m Ml) cnaroati. rasnw oiwwimioh iirv iiih a, t a a. l.akTM lit itfhtttm, Stml f.r 4 tf tnt fl.vii. mJ f,W trt. ir ess am. t war ,rr,mm savwi Ut ,Ht,fi,, '"' "' hiarmnc axriMXt " -- 1 ' . v m ii I. i. a, a am) MVOAt8 HCTIVMl Tlf on tal nt a, m ivm a 1 . t iu m . a at stiae P I Mr, a - ,tv 4 tf,m (I tt , tm4 ft 4 ttmf IS iMf '' ' '' H ". 1ANN0UNCEMENTS FOR 1897- Ui LOCAL DISEASE and it the result of coldi and sudden climatic change. It can be enred by a pleasant remedy which ia applied di rectly Into the nostrils. Be ing qnlckly abaorbed.it give relief at once, Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thorough core for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay revet of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nnealpassres, I allays psin and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores tbe sense of taste and smell. Price 5"c. at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, M Warren Street, Kew York THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers i Tear. It stands first among "weekly" papers Id size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price of a week); ; nnd its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state acid territory of the Union and foreign conn tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and fairness of its news oolomns. It is splendidly Illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living AmerioBD and English authors, Con an Doyle, Jebomb K. Jskomb, Stanlbt Weimar, Mart E. Wilkinb, Anthont Hope, Bbkt Habtb, Brandeb Matthbws, Eto. We offer this unrqnaled newspaper nnd The Gazette together one year for $3.25. The regnlarsnbsoription pnoe cf tbe two papers is $3.50. CHICAGO. Tliiwaukee & St. Paul in Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee ami Rt. t'ai'l Ball war and note Its connections with all transcon tinental lines and Ht Paul and malia, and remember that Its trains are lighted wllh elec tricity and heated hy stesm. Its equipment Is superb. Elegant ButM, Library, Himiklng and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chair. Each I - i. . a, i ., . 7 . . and Ita dining car ara tin beat In the world. Olhe, ll.. ar. longer than .1,1.. but aona ara shorter, and no other olTer theabor luiurlou aocomniodatloiie. These are sulncleiit reason lorthaopularltyolThtllwallke.,, Coupon Irkct agents In trery rallniad olDca w ill glv nu lurther lulorinatlon, or adilress C. ). EDDY, Oeneral Agent, I. W.CAHEY, Trar r.ss. Agent, rnaTi.sun, OasiioH. RCMARKAHLI! TWr.NTY.PART TW1 PAWI U IH l MX A tt-n it m mm Im OMR Of TNB BHOttT HI'RIAtJl Tin viii.ih mm fciwt tur . wsi.((kj a u INMB V 0 s I MINNESOTAaO V 4 X T ' HARM ITS &0CXD TABLE tf.n, l. if, tmnhr, tmff. Icswiifnul tf Ik ft iLiiii, It Ar IiuJiJ ti f,;mi , t,"l t."flihn, i vmi ; Amttimr '. t.sTi . 4 . mwV. a..- . MONEY prizes JnJ l tmt . fnmtmhil tmrnkn tmtl ,f iftfitf, I, U i-f Tit ,tf, twr ,f J kt tftt I nil i Itf nttuitf luv, H't, f ur, tm4 tt Av4im4, t. ,m;, , ,m A. fpUpn nooKAl a a: Tt n7a . s in sTs a 7 --- - it AXrA'S lUlfAt TAhth If tmrnU ssnni tmt iM(.siiilw Ttlll IMTV Of 1M vtHt VOTtV Nt t !, H . e- s m m . ,. . , , Itail 4ms-. .iniu l a, iw . fABUMXt AtTtir trtourcTwiM a a-isii.es . ts '" a, mmfm a, i.... a , . t.ait .v.. mwisi r' - - y t " Av i3vf "'ut' te m-Hm Umw ri iM,tM AVaire f,,!. t-t., I 7f 4 A 'to-. U4 tl L lit Sr. 7 tmm4mm i ,u,.m( tmt i.a.vW tmj ".t t', t Aj AMat. g kurte gj MStstlt. aMav. t BARGAINS IN INDIA. Merchants Sometimes Com Don with at Jump Id Their Prices. Indian travel Is full of surprise, pleasant and otherwise. A gentleman, wishing to purchase some of the beau tiful Cashmere shawls which are made not far from Delhi, wnt to one of the largest establishments in the city. The, merchant showed him a book in which was written recommendations of his goods by Gen. Grant and his son, as well a by many others, , , ' , ' ! Among the recommendations was this one in German: "I have bought shawls of this man and think I got them cheap; but do not offer him a third of what he asks." The gentleman selected two very beautiful shawls, and asked the price. The merchant, after a little consulta tion with his clerks said: "I have not sold a shawl to your party. I sell you very, very cheap. You may have these beautiful shawls for fourteen hundred rupees." "Absurd! Let us go!" said the gen tleman, having in mind the German's advice, and he started for the door. "Don't go," saifl the merchant; "make me an offer." "I will give you four hundred rupees for both shawls." To his astonishment the merchant replied: "Take them; I will send them to your hotel." At Jaipur the same traveler lodged in a hotel conducted -by a native, but owned by the rajah. lie found the following amusing notices posted in various places: "If visitors are not satisfied with the food or cooking they can deduct from the bill what they consider fair." "Guests are requested not to strike the servants." "Guests wishing ice are requested to give a day's notice and name how much they require." Thero la Nothing so Good. There is nothing fast rs good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it end do not permit (he dealer to sell yon some substitute. He will not claim there it anything better, but in order to make more profit be may claim something else to be just ss good. Yoo want Dr. King's New Discovery because yoo know it to be sure and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all sffeotions of Throat, Chest aod Lungs, there ii nothing ao good aa is Dr. King's New Diioovery. Trii.1 bottle fres at Oonser St. Brock'i. Regular site 60 oents and 11.00. Mr. Hilltop' Vctwprty I.Tpcrlcnce. "About as ir.ci.rr .'(i:'tr.l i un experi ence at I ever I:-!," said u ri'Llreil bur glar, "I hml in :i Ktni.H town in the interior of thh s'&t .. I had fono into a houso very lute s i ". not t. disturb the people, but lust ii.'i I turned into one of the rooms the li'st w:is turned nr, suj. denly, and an insl:;nt Inter I was pinned to the door by a k:ifo through my coat aleeve. lly tliii tino my ryra had got accustomed to tho H'ht, nnd I could sc a man sitting up in WmI. He had a row of knives Bttukintr. i t tho hcudboard of the bed over his l.tvwl and another knife in his IiiiikI. It i.cciiit tlmt this man j was a professional knlfo thrower, who made h hotnn In tliln town and who always enmn thero tvhon ho wasn't on i,0 -..u.i 1 h ul liupiH iieil t find him l h"""'. "' 1 waa within five ',,,.,...,..., . ... . , , r,,nutf f U r n MP jrnlriNt a !.M.r while he threw ku'TP ftt ,"'- 't ,Vi ""t Une- Pted and a litst umomfortable p- rienee; anil In-sl'lca ttit getting any- .t, . .. ... . nunc, wna nciiiuiiy (Mil the coal of a gmxl suit of clothe, fur the one I had n were never fit to wear afterwarda." H. Y. Sun. TABLE! SRRIALS TNU ROCK OP TUB IMH 0 0 0 a T tf Sp W 8MH , iui Bum aa w..ti-. a. it srvoar t a, a tt.m A T.W.Hgg. i rrW a.V Ikt tfrrt, a t Hwe J " I" rf . tr 4 W.H Vr, i mtim It fvm. HuToeic cAtar ciAtora Ufa a taeaa a. J at s.Kws . sitaesa llMtllwta ml KeaikM tas im eaee " ? tin t a tiitaaev virTAitit d 1h t lt- l.r. i S ' n i. t . I . , 1 1 f tbS ii . g a. m .. t t NESTOliS OF THE SENATE. Members of Congress Who Have - Served Long Terms. Statesmen Who Have Spent Orer a Quar ter of s Century In the Legis-. latlve Halls of the Nation. While the celebration of the eighty fourth birthday of Senator Justin S. Morrill, who has been aptly called the fathur of congress," is fresh m mind, it may be of especial interest to recall the terms of a few other men who have nearly or quite equaled him in the length of their public career at Wash ington, says the Washington Star. Senator Morrill, even, cannot sur pass the senate record of Thomas H. Benton, the member from Missouri to the first congress which convened after that state was admitted to the union, and who served from October 2, 1820, to March 4, 1851. He was afterward a member of the house for two years. Senator Morrill has been in congress, however, for thirty-nine years, and in tho senate for twenty-seven. William Rufuo King, who was vice president under Franklin Fierce, served in the senate for twenty-nine years, but his service was not continuous. He began his first term in 1610 nnd ended his last in 18;"3. Henry B. Anthony, of Rhode Island, had he lived to see the end of his last, term, would have equaled the recor .1 of Mr, Morrill. Ho was elected five times, but only served a year and a half of his hint term. lie died in 1884. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, comes ne::t ia point of length of serv ice. Practically he was in the senate continuously from 1848 to 1805. " Four years of this tima was as vice president under Lincoln, when he was presiding1 officer. Mr. Hamlin was elected to the upper hour.o iu ISO!) again, so that his service in that body was twenty-eight yer.rs find i;ix months, and ho had been six j'2'.irs i 1 t'.iil house before his first seniiv .iial cl.-a'.loa. It is true he .re signol x;y,i ;'u senate in 1857 to be cosio ;;.'. .'..i r of Maine, but he re turned in 1 jyi th'tn three months to hia sent In c.v. rivr.i. Am -n t!u Massachusetts senators ('hfil'i itimr.er has first place for Imi.'jta of cj;iliriuous service. In March, lb.M, he t ) A lii; seat, and was there whan he died, in 1074; Senator Sherman has tile congressional record next best to Mr. Morrill's. Had it not been for the" break in hia term, when ha was secretary of thp troasr.ry ii'.-.dr President Hayes, he would hi'.vj baen ia continuous service exHotly the s:'.mo length of time as the senator fnm Vermont. Senator Mor rill, it. will i3 remembered, refused a cabinet position under the Hayes ad ministration. Mr. Shermr.n has served twenty-nina years in tho senate. Mr. Allison, of Iowa, has been in congresa tliii'ty-one years, of which time twen-ty-ona have been iu the upper chamber; Mr. Alliuon i:i six years tho junior of Senator Sherman and eighteen years younger than Vermont's veteran. Mr. Harris, of Tcnnestec, was in con ) grew six 3'eftra lnfore Senator Morrill, j but his terms have not been continu ous, and in point of congreiwiiinal ex perience he stands but number ten to day. . There are two other scnatora who have nerved continuously for more than twenty years. They ore John Oaillurd, of South Carolina, whose term bognn in HOI and ended In H'.'rt, and N. R. Knight, of Ithode Inland, who served from 1K21 to 141. It la a remarkable fact that no man ever served thirty years In the house of representative. .Imbre Kelley, of Penn sylvania, was In his thirtieth year there when ho died. When Mr. O'.N'cil, of Pennsylvania, died he had served al nunt twenty-nine years. He was once told ly Mr. ll'ilmnn thnt he was ao strong he would boat hia record and serve hia thirty yenm, but he did not. If Mr. Ilnlmitu serve out hia prraent term, however, he will have beaten the record. He has met with the honae for twenty -nine year. Content mene the Only Spec-trie. A newspaper reporter tho other day laUfd tl. II. rhrady, the great American urgron and pliyairtun, the qtiretUm: "What manner of life do you think moat favorable to health?" Ilia reply was: "A moderate life. Take plenty .if alerp. Take plenty to eat Take plenty of exerrlxe. We need more walking phlliMviphrnt In this world Kern a contented mind. Remember Uiat the man who wanta little ia at ways rteh, and the man who baa muck bn t, always, rhitnetlmr a man own a hooxe, but Bumrtlmea the hiraae owns the man. It la better for the man to own the biruar, and War In mind that a eery big man can live In vrry little hime. I need not aay that little men often live In big bura. Thla life can only give a man at beet one thing contentment " 7e Oa'r fnair Car Use Te tbe eaat la the Uie r-e.ic East era etliee are rerbe4 Via tbte liae wit! fevee ebangee of ears tbaj tla elM llneo-rUteealearf IbeheMt. Ttehr' t or I root tmtnla la tbe L'nlle-I fllate ('kila. nr Earope t ) bf H W Halts. Ore. Agt. Itt S d Ht , Pottlaar BISMARCK'S MORTQAQCS. The rs-l-hsaevltoe liwsastaf l.as) tear M I he IJsMala ml IteMe. KoUklf In (nrrtnany baa fell the evil rff.-ela of tbe agrV-tiltural itrrreein a"T krsaly than has Itlamarrk. To wr..ti ! hare rra. of the mafnlfl rent prvsrhU given t I'lMttarek by tbe old rmrrtie It baa -n a turriria la Iram r--Mljr that bla eataU are beaslly h..Mf'-irT"L II U prewat tnnm th oi l rinprrxf aftr Ibe Ateln ataaj warnf Ik si as PV.ii.ii, , wltb Hit sere be lHtgbl bla rsilae at Var . Atrr the ! -rrsMls war h tri lrr-1 friss) the same han.l tbe frmt.m rl at t rW.lrW hrttH, salt! al : ,.).. ..1, U InKrrilr I the aiwstrs esiale at Mi'(is. It April I, iHMMrvl.li aeWntleiai Mrth lar. bla admlrrrs tbriirbwt tbe amrM fsve bint that tt s of tbe rVb. rrwrtjr st Kl. hj bl falHer bad twwa otltfw .i br II hra tinwa wrrs hsr.l The MM-ei'y valse nf tras j-trt siissh irnimt ll marrk U 1U1 rfuiillrr, IVvsHirf ae4 the tmmrt of Urr tr u ;rl U atmeatlttkMe vt snlacrs, k.,s.evf. aay. a strlUf In the U mw J.-smal. be bae f ran p.awl W t bfl lb BBt,fr, aasosatiag Irt m-mt whW h lawemUrs-t I.U att f rs.nr rnrs, lf bt irrM liwmx tots- taa tl: i ansa I it .-1 rf r tr ti pstir the la I, et .-n M .V ta, The Urn Is erral.t-t Ui IS oi l e i.elwrlb, ael be he rs"'. a ra.rlie I bi tite4 r i. LiYTLE TOO QUIEf. The Funereal fciience That Fervavdee the Channel Islands. Jersey and Guernsey are gardens, says a recent French visitor to the Channel islands. The fields are so neat, so caref uUy kept, that they seem rather like garden plots. The least corner of earth is cultivated the roadsides, every little hollow, and even "an inch of earth on the end of a rock." But these Edens are silent, the trav eler goes on to say. Now and then people on the islands smile; but no one ever laughs. Laughter is unbecoming, and to laugh aloud would be scandal ous. The birds sing, but not the people. Even the children are sober little men and women rather than children. The trees are yews, cypresses andv weeping willows. When the people go to walk, they take to the cemeteries. Lovers ex change vows upon tombstones, and houses that are near graveyards rent more readily and at a better price on that account. "We are admirably situated in our new house, "said a young Jersey woman to the French writer; "we are right op posite the cemetery, and I can see the tombs from the windows of my bed room. In the moonlight the view ia lovely." And still the Frenchman has to ad mit that there is something very at tractive in this solemnity and stillness. The longer he remained in the islanda the less he felt like comtng away. "Exonse me" observed tbe man In pectaoles "bnt I am a Bnrgeon.and that is not whore tbe liver ia." Never von mind whre the liver Ib." retorted tbe other. "Tf it was in bis bio toe or hia left ear D Witt's Little Earlj Riper would reach it and shake it for him. On that yon can bet yonr gig- lamps." Cod eer k Brook. SO YEARS BXPKRIENOC TRADE MARKS, DCSIONS, OOPVRIQHTa Aa. Anyone sending: a .ketch and description mar quickly i ascertain, free, whether an intention Is prohnlily patentable. Communications strictly ennmientlal. Oldest scene; forsecuiinc patents tn America. We have a Washington olBce. Talents taken through at una A Co. reoatva poeial notice lu the .Ta SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, lament elreulatloB of snr sdentine Journal, weekly, terms S3.uo a yeari ll.ousis months. Specimen ooples and Uajiu book ON Fatints seot free. Addrau book on f atints seot free. Address MUNN A CO., 361 Brsadway, Mew Yerk. E ADIIIG FAFEl J OF THE "3 cine caw nil THS CHROrTXCLB raak with she mlial aewapapers ta the Ualtad atatas. THU CHHONICLB has as eq sales the Feetas Coast. II leads all la eblllw. Dlsrprlae aad aews, THB CH HON tours TelscTaphl IU porta ass the latest aad aaost reliable, Us Local News abs fullest and apleiaaa, and IU Kdftortala tress las ablest pens la the eonntry. THKCHnoNIOLK has always been, and always will be, the friend and champion sf ins people a asaiaet esmbtnaUone, ollqass. eerporaUooa, sr sppnastoesof any kind. It will be laaepsadeal a erarytauif aeuwal la s v cs rrtrran ! Ct.rsiUU llaltslltip. waiaYMHaasasnla THE DAILY r Matt. rseas raid. Ooly S 670 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle TW tniti Wn'.lj b tt ftntry. S1-50 a hi B llasSadta 1 1 11 an ta aa. saws sf abs CaMad Ssaus l aaaSa a4 MeSMSt TNRWtVCLV rMoctJt, tbs wnsstast sews. " riarir at rmi,mm. m swales aaass sf . lianwa s4 m.il IMwa bM.wwt SMSMsael amwitrst UrwUMt SAMPLE COPIES 8INT fRiL io YOU WANT TIIK CHRONICLE Reversible Map? sllowiMrl Hit United Sutet, Dominion c C.sti. snJ Nortbera Mexico Off on at mtVK, , O - J Map of tho World ok trial otiikh iil es4 fa ee4 Oee lave Ma ea4 wehlf laraiils fe Oas Tsee, awetAate peasN es M.a es4 rs. 0 w. af naV. 1 W. ftMII.il .1 ail k r-i 1 ri . s se frmm rJLenMte JMIh Fref. W. E. reeks, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and car II ed more casei II living; Phyaii II h T ancoesa ia as lU, We hare hem Of as years' cases than any Physician ; hia a astonianing. heard of cases years standing; curea dv him. Ho publishes a valuable work on thia dis ease, which he senaa with a lartre bot tle of hia absolute cure, free to any Buffererf who mar aend their P. O. and Express address. We advise anv one wishing a cure to address frol.W. a. FEEEE, F.D..4 Cedar St, Hew York Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat- ent business conducted for MoorsATC Ftcs. Our Orrici 1 OrroaiTt; U.S. Patinv Orrict and we can secure patent in less tune than those Send model, drawing- or photo., With descrlo-i tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free o charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPMLCT, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Ops. Patent Ornci. Washinqton. D. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable atilt House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B, U. M. & Bt. Y., C. & A., r. Ft, W. A Q.. and the C. Bt. L. St P. Railroad. HATKH SS.OO PRR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8t., aaaaMeasssajysjSa a WW! TMU. S. GOVERNMENT i PAVING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the Widows, Children, or Parents. relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Ware on whom you depended for support?- THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing- and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. (7Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. , The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AY1RETT, Oeneral Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINQTON, D. C. , JT. B.TM Company U controlled by nearly on (hoMtani leading neve paptrt in (As Vnittd male, and U guaranteed by them. Attorneys at Law, All business attended to in s prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collector. OFFICE IN NATION AT. HAKK RriT.nrvn BEPPNER, iii.i WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia R on PiiCffttSnnndNav Sluatn TQU'DOSE, lilLCt Leaeiot Alder Street Dock. PortlanJ, for Astoria, Ilwaoo. Long Deaeh. Ooeaa Park sod Nabeotta. lireet eonneelioo with Ilwaoo steamer and rail road ; also at Young's Bay with Beaebor Railroad. TuuurnoivriJ Lears rortlsnd T A. M. tallf , ticspt Sundsy. Uars Astoria T P. M. Dally, aiespl Sunday. haiijEy oa-tsreiit Lssre Portlstwl t F. M Inillr, aseept "timUy. NatuMay alsht, 11 r. M. Usre Astoria Dally a at U A. M.,eanepl Sunday and Munlay. Sunday night, 7 f. M. OOXJAJNT WAVD Lssre Portland and runs dlrart to Ilwaoo. Tuesday and Tanrsrlay al A. St. Salnrday ill X, Ua.es lis aos Wednesday and 'rtdey M7.JU A. al. Un Sunday Digit at I P. It. Chff.f, tf EiHroad DtiMoi Bath Bfvk Fret cf Zxpn Pot Safety, Spssd, Coaafort, Plaasurs, Traral ea ths Tslephone, Ballsy OaUsrt and Oresn War The . Eeehy Instituis It to Advertisers at a grcnt financial sacri ficc You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. oi The eompsrstirsvslue ofthese twocarde la known to most persons. . They illustrate that (renter quantity la Met alway moat to be desired. These cards sxpress the beneficial qual Ityof RlpansTabules 4s compared with any previously knosra DYSPEPSIA CURB .. " ' ' Blpana Tabulea 1 Price, 50 cants a bor, Of druggiata, or by malt. B1PANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprue Sc., b.T. WANTED-AN IDEAJftsSlM thina- to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKR BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Waabiqgton, D. C. for tbelr 81,800 prize otter. The regular aobBoription pnoe of the Semi-Weekly Gazette ia $2.60 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregon inn is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one. year is advance can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oresonian for $3.60. All old sub scriber paying their enbaorictiona fcr one, year in advanoe will be entitled te tbeanme, Via the Onion Pacitte Systf m Baggage is oheoked throngh from Pbrt aiid to destination. The fpeoialtiea on tbe Union Pacific are unexcelled .track and eqnipment, nnion depots, fast lime throngh oars, (team beat, Pinterb light nnd courteous treatment to passepgere. For rates and information apply to R. W. Baxter, Gen. Agt. D. P. system, Port land, Oregon. . ... is .. i 1 wars of the United States or to their Do You receive a pension ? Had You a z OREGON J, Co Q V V PV V IS VA sV 1 Af I w G1TZKT AND OCEAN VIVE. fS. IVVIVII For tho Curo o Liquor. Opium d Tobacco Habits It t lorstsd at Sates., Or egos, TU iiumi Beautiful Town on (As Ctxul SBsssawSBBBk Call al ths fl.iarr es fnr sartlrnlara BSrtrUy enttBdssUai. Trssttaaeal arttsisaad tur OUR STOCK OF . . . ! SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING 1 1 1 1 TO UNLOAD evnttr 11 bis aeatt: U he bl atss M. II. 4e Vll?t, rue ' ' e e rs 1 1 .a. alterast) r4 fefrii)! Is bi es,i4rsa evl4 averse Vs eraU44