PEBR The gieat farce at Salem baa ended. A company has been organized at Union, Or., to put in and oper ate a woolen mill at that city. Many of the big rivers of the East have been overflowing their banks the past week aud much Iobb of life aud property is reported as a result of the floods. It is said that tbe Kline liquor bill will be panned by the Wash iogtou legislature. The liquor dealers worked hard fifjainst the measure, but have given up the fight, saying the bill is bound to pass in spite oE all they could do. The working of this law will bo watched with much interest. J burdensome and oppressive as the other. Those who would serve the ) nonnla faifhfrrlltr afa nrtf ii. Jin habit of seeking office aud are, therefore, not selected, while those having selfish interests to serve are forever Beeking office and the legislatures are forever being made up of the latter kind, to the injury and abuse of good Government When the principle of the office seeking the man is once more in vogue legislation aud government will both be of a better brand. East Oregon ian. An Old Settler. When (be rbeumatis n first pre-empts certain tracts of your anatomy it may be ousted easily, but when it becomes an old settler it is pretty bard to badge. Remember tbis when you experience the first twinges of this obstinate and agon izing disease, and attack it with Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters. It will then "make tracks," and possibly leave you unmolested and in peaceable possession of your own comfort in the future. Peril always attend rheumatism, if it become cbronio, on account of its tendency to attack the heart. Usually it is compli cated with kidney trouble. Certain it is that the kidneys, wbeo aroused by the Bitters, will eliminate impurities which give rise to rheumatism and dropsy. In inclement or wet conditions of tbe weather, tbe Bitters, taken in advance, will often avert rheumatic trouble. Use tbis general family medioiun for dyspep. sis, biliousness, headache and ooristipa. tion. THAT CRACKED TBE SWOLLEN FLESH The Most wonderful Gore trom THIS Disease In Medical flnnais. Is iliere Anything to Compare in Misery It and From ihe Chronicle, Chicago, III, He Receives tlie Honor, Pi ntt-HlIng A Kill hit Acrepling It. General Koloff, who is r ported on his way ti Cuba with a steamer loaded u ith dynamite, rifles and ammunition, is the Cuban sec retary of war. lie was born iu Po; laud, but weut to Cuba when he was a boy and hat grown up with the country. He weut through the ten years' war with credit and a natural inclination to fight Span iards. Senator Reed, of Douglas, is not proud of having been a mem ber of the 19th legislature. In discussing a resolution to fix clerk's salaries yesterday ho said: "I have been accused of profanity on the floor of this senate, but as for me, I don't want future generations ever to suspect me of having been a member of this senate. I want it all buried down deep in 'h- T " In its constant efforts to keep up with the nowg from the populi storm cetiten, the New York Huu contributes the following among tho latest: ''Several thousau populists with a remarkable de velopment of wheel power have made themselves board in Kansas sinco the election, and Topoka whirrs audibly from the pfloots o the revolutions of the legislature Many aud ingenious are the meaa urea which have beeu brought forward by that renowned band o aagos, ami yet perhaps tint highest cheruo of all comes not from member of tho legislature, but from a lonely cogitator in the little town of Florence. According to the Kansas City Journal, thi tbiloopher is 'trying to induce the member from bis district to io troduce a bill into the !rnibUture which will ciempt every man who will tale oath that ho votes the populist ticket, from taiatuin. Thi Florentine ought to be crctitry of the agricultural iub troaaury when tho populists have succeeded in their lotig campaign again common sense and arithmetic," The Tacora News remarks that the muM pickle .f leginUture in Washington has two more wevk of life and it may accompli!) much g'xxl in that time, ami much barm ctilpiatl by tbe bu ttisy 1 mi prevf&M . (he other The News is 1.h ful, )tt)g "That on the win! the cvmpM wotk of the on.i.m may fuat) ri-awttiftblj sfttisfftftary compare with the work of re iut legisla ture. This cuhli l.'iic on tl part f the News is encouraging to tbte who look for improved Icjjig. u.'Q flora thM i bctivl ti?ht fron among the jxple. Tie We-LingUm lrKUUiufe kj fr Lm (Sme bulbing to tetatli.h cmt- From the E. O. Friday pVfnitiR lust,"S B. Kddy wns cli'PtHii t' the D'HtiMl StiifrH si-Hutu. TIih cli hi whs si'cmvd hy a !iltl ma-I iputtti'iti and a tifini'tidous mujnrity of j bo vntfs in j i u cnuveiitinu were triveti him. Iij tiotuiua itiu Kuecclii'D. sfvrl lnqiient orators prooluiiiiml bis lumiy virtues mid dt.",l tli at. Mr, KHy bail ived iina iu O-r'Kou nn J yet never bad ak.ed lb; io.Ih an nilht). He bad been an imliiitrioilH oitizmi, HtlHinlitig strictly to bis own bilMiiiess, leiiViug otberpeople toatteud t'i theirs. He bad been a brilliant j .nrualist and praoti cal farmer, aud ever ready to serve his ciDstitneuts withimt pay. Us was a very modest man, not to pusb himself forward, aud that in all proba bility if eleoted to the proud office of United Htatas ecuator it would be oeoes ry to use foron to compel ban to ao oept it. Long aud lou 1 utieerlng ensued. and wbeo soma one arose to nominate another oaodldate, be was thrown from the window and torn in pieces by the angry mob wbiou bad collected below nd filled tbe streets for blocks in every direotioo. Gol. Eddy was fairly burled into offloe. Us was foroed into the posi tion and tbe togs was put on him, while be was vaiuly protesting that be never wanted oflloe and would not take it. All this opourred in the third house which met Friday even inn sod provided endless srausemint while the legislature was preparing to vole and tbe outsiders were given tbe right of way. The third house was all right on that ocosaiiin. JIM KDDY HE NATO It. -Nut Ksw-lly night'' Thousand of people are io this con dition They are not elok and yet they srs by no means well. A single bottle of Hood's Haraaparille would lo them world of good. It would tn the stomsnh, errata so apelite, purify ami rminli the blood sod give wonderful vigor and vitality. Now is the time to take it. Hood's Tills are Ibe favorite family oatbartin. Kasy to lake, gei.Cr, tuild. !i3 Oeii Is. It was four years ajro next month that1 Mrs. M. M Hoyt, who lives at 2429 Wentworth Avenue, oame to Obioago. She was at that time bed-ridden, suffer ing from inflammatory rheumatism and not able to raise ber feet from tbe floor. One of tbe best physicians in Chicago treated ber here three weeks but was un able to effect even relief. He gave up ber oase, believing nothing could be done for her and that she bad bat a few days to live. Io speaking of her sufferings and tbe relief and permanent onre efleoted later she says: "When I was five years old I was taken down with inflammatory rheumatism, but after a comparatively nh'.r-t time it passed off, and I was free from all its symptoms until I was four teen years old. Then I had another at tack, of which I was oured, and did not have a sick day until four years ago Christens hftcrnooo 1802 "I had lived 2G years in Ludiogtoo, Mich., and 14 years in Manistee, Mioh., both towns beinir situated on the lake. The weather in both plaoes is even more damp, more raw aud in winter colder th'in it is here. Tbe attack on that Christmas afternoon oiime without warn- nn;. 1 was nn, lilc nly failed with chills imi rheumatic fevt-r, wliioli grew worse day by dnv. Msnistea pbysiuiaos did nil they could for me, but I was helping in bed until the eud of May. 1893. Tbe (ihyKioiaus advised me to leave tbe shores of tbe lake and especially Manis tee. I tonk their advice mid ouno to Chicago. 'KheiuqatUm was iu my hands, my feet and my bead, iu t tot it was nil over me besides having heart failure. Do you see ail tno-e white soars on my bunds? Well, let me tell yoo how I got them. My .hands became fearfully swoiinu with tbe rheumatism and were smooth and shiny just like a pieoo of glass. Tbe skin by tbe swelling was strelobed to snob a point that it burst wherever you see tbe soars and Irom tbe wonuds oame water for long time. My sufferings were almost unbearable, and I tried the treatment of oue of Chicago's oldest and best pbyiioisns. I took his medicine for three weeks, but only grew worse, lie gave up my oase and advised me to send for my husband. "I knew by that a that be did not giv me niUi'li lunger to live Instead I wont to one of rny daughters who lives iu tbe southern part of Iudiana, io El nora, Davis county, where ber husband, Asa ilaig, was one f ths prominent merchauts. I bad been io Elnnra about one week, not feeling any hotter, when one day 1 received from my daughter in Chicago three boles of Dr. Williams' 1'iuk Tills for Pais People, tolling me la her letter that she bad read In a news paper of tbe wonderful eures they had ter's bouse was full of company, making more or less noise, all tending to keep me nervous. Witb all that I commenoed to feel easier, a strange and quieting feeling I bad not experienced since tbit Christmas afternoon I was stricken down. I called to my daughter and said, &da, I dont know wbat has come over me, I feel ao restful and actually feel sleepy, I think I will try to go to sleep.' I could see that she was snr- prisod and pleased. Immediately she undressed me and put me to bed "I slept soundly from 9 till 1 o'clook SUMMONS. FN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE of Oregon, tor the County of Morrow. William Fenl&nd, Plaintiff, v. William Doonan ar.d Mary j. uoonan, ueienaants. To William Doonan, one of defendants herein: In the name of tbe Mate of Oregon: You are berebv required to appear and answer or other wise plead to the complaint fill d against you in the above entitled suit on or before the next regular term of of the above enUUed court, to wn: Tho First Day of March, 1897, ' and If you fall ao to answer or otherwise dead. ior want inereoi, me piaintin win lace judg ment against you for the sum of five hundred and ninety-one and 13-100 dollars, together witb interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 15th dav of October. 1895 until aia, ana tor we sum oi nity aollars attorneys ees and for his costs and disbursements in this suit: and the court shall decree that the mortg ace executed by the raid William Doonan and Mary j. uoonan to piaintin bererein, dated the 12th day of April, ltf.4. UDon the following- des cribed real estate, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter ol section 28 and the south east quarter of section 28 and tbe south half of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty- seven, all in township one south of range 27 east of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed, and the said real property sold and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to plaintiff of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, and all persons claim ing through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever bsrred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, Interest and hen at law and in equity, and all equity of redemption, in and to, and upon every part of said real property . This Summons is Dublished Dursuant to an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made at chambers, Pendle ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 13th day oi January, urji. jsll.18 s 508-20. , Attorneys for Plaintiff. 3331 Gr : CONSIGNMENT SALS BISHOP'S STORE SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE JL of Oregon for the ountv of Morrow A. Woolery, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel E. Walker. Defendant, To Samuel E. Walker. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oresrnn: Yon are in tbe morning, and that mind you with 55.V3r .aiSrSSi.TVl?.. uouae iuu ot people. 1 remained on or Deiore tne nrst nay oi tne next ool,a ht. . .!.. u regmar term oi tne above entltieu court, to-wit " , UM """(""'"KU""" . . March the first, 197; man i nan tor montns, and went into a andifvnu fall to answer for want thereof, tbe sound sleep, never waking till 7 o'clock SVS "Vmrl iu me moruing. it was very not down wlln interest mennn at tne rate ot ten per cent . i u . .. . . , per annum irom me inn nay oi uct. is. or there 10 August, but from that time I the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20100 slnnt nnil rrtstR.l wall Tlon T Ut on, I Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rale of Slept ana rested well. Iben I felt and eight per cent per annum from the 11th dav of saw nn improvement gradually cointr i. lortnesumoi iwenty-nve nouarsat- 9 I In,....', taa anrl In. Kin nnm.a a nA rfl.k.. wunm An. 00, The tlrst thing I DotlOed was that This Summons is served bv Diiblieatlnn miri the HwelhriiT in mv h ui.U ,Q j !.. siiant to an order of Stephen A. lowell, Judge of trie swelling in my niuda wai going the above entitled court, made on the 20th day down ana arter several weeks assumt d OI."CC-,,JO- . . hkuwn. drawu skin, whiob loiked like glass disappeared altogether as well as tbe pain. Bef re this time whenever I tried to close my bsudi mv flnapr 1 tints wonld ornok end the same crsckinv sounds I biard when I bent my elb.ivs or tiled to raise my aru.s as blgb as my shoulders. All this left mx and also all tbe fierce rbeninatiu pains all through my body. I oame back to Chicno eu HEPPBR, OREGON 20,000 POUNDS OF IB mm l Ooxxsistiriig; of Tables, Chairs, Bookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book Gases, Lounges, Sofas, Spring Mattresses, Wool Mattresses, Parlor Suits, Center Tables, eto., eto. Brussels Carpets, Wool Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Baoks, Hanging Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., eto. All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at Half Value or Less. Will be Sold Regardless of Cost. Fix np your homes at once with Stylish Furniture, while this opportunity is offered. Our Sale on General Merchandise Still Continues. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. It IUXNA 8 l"OI U'Y. Will AM la. Mrklalry AJaHaiMrallwa k'vrry Way. I. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE 1 of iiregun for Morrow County. i. W. Whallev and Wm. T. Mulr, PHrtuersdnlng bust- teas as Whalley diMulr, riniiiiins, vs. James W. Sweaea. Defendant. I o James W. awezea. Defendant In the name of the ritate nf Oreirnnr Yon ar hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in tbe above entitled cause on or before the first (lav of tho next tirely oured, feeliug hale and hearty, regular term of said court, to-wit: and that alter having used the miraon- , The first day of March, W9, ; i ii i tvii m ... . and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof loUS 1'lnk Fills of Dr. Williams' for the nlalntitls will take ludirment airainst von for the sirtn of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars, with interest th reon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 14th dayof aprii, anu ior tneircosisauudlsbursementa in this action. This suinuions Is sorved by publication rnr- suant to an order of Htephen A. Lowell, Judge nf the shove entitled court made on the 16th day nf July, IH'xi. n HA but. I dt Ml'lK and J. N, BROWN, 505-17 Attorneys for Plalntlffa. Farmers at a distance should oall goon, thereby getting a better selection. FRANK MGFflRLflND, MANAGER. nbjut (our months. I snppnse I. bad taken during these four months abjul ons and a half doxn boxes. "It is now over three years ago that al tbis happened, and I never full better in my lift. Tou cat see for yourself that I am spry on my foet. I have no pains, no aohes nor anything that would ne west to mo now the terrible tims I bad then. Tbers is another thing I wish to ty in regard to the Piok Pills, whiob to me liiiaifles a great deal. That is when ths weather changes from eitrem. beat to eitreme oold, or frorn dry w.ath.r Io raw, damp, Chilly wssther, as ws had the past two weeks, aud bare aver little while in Gbioago all tbe year around, I feel twiuges and little pains in my boulders or In ray arm, all I btve t) d is to lake a few ot tbe pills for a day or mo and they take every Indioaliuo of those paius away. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon fur Morrow County. P. C. Thompson, riatutln", vs. J. B. Hperry, Defendant To 1. B. Hperrv. Defendant: In the name of the Stataof Orevnn: Yon ara nereny reuuireu in apir and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled m-tlon on or liefnre the next regular t'.-rm of me auove entiiiea court, to-wit: March 1st. 1897. and If yon fall to answer for want thereof, the pmimin win rase jnogment against ynu lor the sum of torty-fonr and in iciO dollars and Intereat thereon at ths rale of ten ivcr rent nvr annum from May 14, 1m-i ; for the sum nf eighty-one an. i in uonani aim inicrest inerenn irom January IWM; for the sum of thirtv-nlne and M luodnllars and Interest thereon at the rate of eigni per cent per annum from Octotwr 1st, HELP WANTED ! We ara preparing for a big spring trade, but must have help to make it a bowling success. We are filling up and completing our stock of GROCERIES AND HARDWARE which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate busi ness. We have many customers now but there are still several vacancies in this department of our Btore, to bo filled. Applications will be received at all hours of the day. Apply io person or by letter to P. C. Thompson Co. Corner Main and Willow Streets. flT. oled. That she bad gone Io lb out- I elw wish io elate that the pills "With tbe eiOBptlon of the per bds Jorth.sumol fitly dollars attorneys lm ... .. , ... ,. . end lor U euala and disbursements of this when ths weather ie frightfully missr- action. . KU t I,... .i i.t.. ... nilu . This summons Is served upon yon hy public- .bls, I have out tekso any pills since I ti pr..nt man order o th. Hon uDh.n was enretl. And tbe pills I h ive te.eo '-""'l' 1,"1 ol ihe abov. entnie.1 coort, . . .. "ndand.iiteredlnsldactloqoothtnthday iiiiwTi uvi tu iiik ! uia truuiHd. I ui January, ijwi. I..t .! l.l.....l,..l.M.t...iJ.J.. BROW! A RfDriKf.O. " '"I""1" mm nil ms. Attorneys for Plaintiff. settle In en me patti of my boJy, sod which the pills have instantly driven notice of Mention. Cleveland. O., Feb. M.-M. A. tlanne said this afternooo regarding Ihe en that Oovrroor llnsliocll bad deot.led to appoint bint I'nllsxl Htatee senalor: "I rrf.iv.,1 a Utter from Governor Uusliosll Ibis mnrnitig epprUing m of hie to eppotel me. I have written a rply to (l.ernor ltaabn.ll ttianking htm fr lb. honor b. hvwlnw.j op a ua, and la particular f r a-lviaieg me of hie inl.ntta In a.Uaao o( lbs rswlenalion of Henatnr H her man. It glyee ne a rhane. prepare my ians for e new 1 1.. In li'e. O.iv-rnor luh. bell d.-ubllea. felt thai III. eeelimeal of Obbi Ineards ma was soeh Ibat he bad belief make me Ibe Bfilntmnl I shall da ell le mv pwr Io I worthy nf Ibe bon.-r. As far a. my liry g e. II will mi lit aid lh. MrKinley a lu.iuiatra lion, end la parlicular I i iwtt i fram ing el ol 0. a larif? bill Wblfb Will e-rk In rshre e-infl tri.e I i , .Mitilry sad git. a slimnios la oar oUta. 1 bat e ll,e chief tartxM i.f my IU. women th. newspaper spoke about and found thin and I bey lold ber every word said elxiul tbera ws true, Hhe pleaded that I try these pills sod (' hapa I wonld find the eerne benefits. 1 did not hesitate, aa eoytLiug thai rom iswl relief, lei alone a eure, I wee only loo glad to try. I commenoed taking Ibt ni, lo pill Ihme times a day. ' For rigbl tnontbe pael ! had not been able Io comb mv Lair, dreee myself or wslk, sod bad to b. fed during all Ibis lime like a babe. Well, tbe first pille I rern.iuber disllootl), I look on Bator day, and Ibe following klooday I found I hie improveroeol ; namely, my trv eeenvd to be firmer and lbs pain lee. Ibie Monday ev.eleg I wee silting la my chair, and bear ie mied. my dsogb- JANDOrriCK AT LAORAHPR. ORRQO, 4 reh. a. ml. Nolle Is hereby flren that bav oured my h.arl Ir ioble, and io (act am in perfect beatlb io every respect." following named an iter has nied oni'c of Higned: Mas. M. M. Uott. his Intention to mads luaj Bond In support of his claim, and that aald proof will be mad. H.oro to and eobserib! before aTrc!l. hcitire I oiinty Cleis. I maillla Coimly, Oreaoo, Ibis 'iiud day of April, lm A. V. Foktma, Notary I'oblio Dr. Williams' I'mk fills for I'ale I'. h tle are e.speoiflo for troubles pwoallarlo lemalea, suob a. eoppreesbtne, irregular! lie and all forms of They build op Ibe blood and restore Ibe glow of health to pale and sallow ebeeks. Io ma tbe- effeol a radioed core to all on March 27, lhW7, via: MAMTEL W. WATTED Bl'ROKK, Hd. I nn. Ml 1,t the H' WWW, See. 14 and WHWVMc a. Tp 1 N.. R. TJ I..W.M. H. name. Ih. following wltneaaes to prny. his continuous reaideiic upoa ad cultliatiuo of.aald land, vis: Frank Hloan, of Oallnway Orrwon.and Henry C. Th.wipm, Albert liavla, Iis MH'arty, aJI 0, wno, irfn. a. w. t I . '1 Heglater. THC PLACE TO GET TH CM IS AT D00TS AND SHOES ST. WCHTJJXTI IVIv'iS Ms has anything In this Una thst yon ma desire and yon can depend on It you sot a sood article when Mat marantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing Specialty. k e t 1 ' Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle H orse All these can be procured at Thompson & Binnn, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. """"""" acquainted with Orant, Harney, rrook. Ollllaia and other counties and ran ear. money and Urns la making thees section lib travtltiig men. Prices la keeping witb th. times. THOMPSON & BTNNS, SUMMONS. Millwrd French was dowe from Ibe 11 m ton creek remit ).fedy. II lrcts Io depart ewi for Ihe Oreenhnra mining seclioo 00 a proapoeting In or. a if ina mi 1 11 101 Hr ir Ifll llill ease erasing from mental worry, er. 1 oi .ro m the i mi.iy ol Morrow, wrkort!OMeef wbeuver nalore, A. Woulery. iiainug. Tb.y are maoofeolored by tbe Ot. WH-1 . Walker, rvf.nd.nt liams MollOineCompaDy, HobeneClady, I In Ihe nameol lh m.w nt nnrw: Tesiet N T.aodareeotd by all droiitMU si iM m u mw. . 1., bbu r. swiu vi sill u'Kilww sm ,.!, itaA u.nM . In ihe ahe fa) cent a t ot eli bo is for f 1 W. r" m emt day 04 ihe mu iw em n ne snore entllle! court, ll; Ths tret dsy el Mareh, IW' and If yon fall as to answer, lor want theeenl me Piin in eni use slnt yo nf the turn of tlshlv .re and 10 Imllani. with InletMl ihre..n al Ihe rale ol lea ew eanl . aenum nm the Ma rt.r ol Ckl (iks). Ihe Notice of Intention. at Tin t lira, onr..oi. I Atorrtt t Ie r.i, U tw;. hu le eer.i r a Ihe Mine In nme4 solM kae Ble.1 sltea thai expire if sa at 'i I hts I..I--.H..B Ulutl Sil w4 In Sufi"! al 1 n4 " i kis claim. i4 Ihet aald .rtW will m L ' if dollars, aligner S lew, and lor bat n rwrniht, LHIoocI' Are aniH a in I He, ait MSbb, rea-tr. .wi.l. iilulir rJ ill e aree,te.44ur fc-r. III S rate ell b UK t .fce, fo4t, eelw- ttwe V eis. the ae.t r.os to toke e.l Ml IteiMs-itt-e ,1 HUeiHomiHanel by knhltralto) sne- b.i.. i. w , Hamt, enuelf rkerk. al Meepner. '""y ) Utwell, Ju ire rrs-m. on stan k . T. I " " mn, hhi on ine .1. lUil ITT It MS I i-wtxw, M . n I."" n HI g Hm V.. o Iks II.T ItV.B. "'' Attotner bv Itejatlg t k . W V Me aetme. Ihe fnllMerlite wltniaais la sei bis tinanM rs4enr ia a4 eulUtaOoa at aahi leiwi, i . ktank Inirinaa, IMIIo. WlteMi. N C, spent .J llM I i: Notice of Intention. 'pt ail o Iims. irHi, I..4 lkM i arte. I pat, inm.w. JAa r '. UPPCw in it or ts rreatst Ihe int. rrraalotl iUi tll- pt 0f, tl U ' ' V?' II.. i 1. . ,e'iHn-s;,si w mm isistsi ""I1 h . h i rs-U. d,r-.l.y IU. I.....I .n .... . ' I a . . a a a Bswar. ef tHalateale I aiertb lbl ( a. lal. Omary, A lneiiiry will ,lelr y ths lei.a. of smell and e 'inpletolf drng Ih. hoi l slesa Whs atring tl IbrnaH Ibe meeo trf .-. Mtb, aro, le b-mll etef b. nlie;l. I'MOit I wo frvm reputable pbtsLt , a lb. 4iaetb.y w,l, i. lea f-ld I i ll. gl y ea fwi'il; Jlts froai ibam. Hall' i'slarrb t'. M'Mew l y I), f hlsi hternelir, ! rH'JLiqi.LbJj H. kvk ! eJit4 il. rj LJ Beat i eh e,.-. Toub..A t rl Mr. dnccr: we em't j;ct aUnj withitut you. Here arc tliou vantl i c f jnnplc u lm want tul tea. .mil tons of Siih'iits ' f.r t!rrn. Will mi vas ti sour ! customers for u: "Here k oue I. ti.lainir. i,,. 1. airt'. ,.f in. ,,,.o i b.ii iiii. Ala that I .mi sure of. I'll f...e ha- Notice of Intention. I Am orrt at tit nti tn..ii 1 rK a. bMU-e la ..t IMIMIullln(SSiM4 eMtlee be tHeet r s i. t ium ia se a "i pwt m ... r.ulolker.u, Ihet e4 " ""I "le hkmi 4 l M.M.., ta.i,.tf I le h, el imtas, aa sien a IV !;, tit 1..HS W. Al-UfttT. HI be r -. .ihe b He ea- t i.k.m.1. tn a I ate,aawe aslet ra 4 .UI(. el h.i I u.- .is b-h.4 w -i le.... AsftHt t Heleas. .4ii W S-IM. Seaaeht M toartef, a,l at tikl I II, I Airt orrti i utni cu rtnitnoii, I J eb t, l; Kotk-e le berehe ei.ea hal Ibe tnllaaluf Mm4 wilier bee 1 14 axrtlr. at kie Iniei. I. on in snake ! ranl In eurnnfl M ku.i.i.e sl lhal al4 s.n4 will be aeyt Wl.we i la M rfn.e l ani, ( i(i el H.feoer, trM,aii Maerb, Kb. o,, i. Htl.4 StAKTOK, HI . swl. bthei K4HIWat4 Htil, . ll lsli.k II HtM Ihe h.ll.. Ine alt ii, Mil as IMH ee.U.sUoa al ajli .is t ;Im W balln.. fbaHas It Au.iu(h. a liM Mi. i bar tea W la tfcm. ol geyiaet, imfM, 11 H aiewe. in it iaa. r st'W'it a ., Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION DfeMonabtt Advance. .Made on Clips of 'B7 "WOOL HOLD hmhtr Culture, final hoof. iVMIee See fshllealkaa t.ttse et.tas L.. rvswe tke fiwe nte.a f.t. s so N'otm t is Mts.mi.itai tav sW Skill b b.itkl. at , - has evatra al lni..tln he aete Seal e'-"- t m Met,., eaa-it eie a tWM in n-tr iMarn on .!. t Ibe 1Mb et h o iii n.un erth-twa m- t brf . llvH'. 4 ttilie It.. ie, n toeeokie k enib, m.-t bo. b. oeM a 1 1. 1 nmm I h..i-n n,i! wiumms bs do. st ,i4, j e-) m werM e- kit f at ett. ttef, THIS: h York Wly Tribune Tttaturtr't Notice. VM-t la til 1 1 at ib 1it tl 4 V. ..... i ..f .-., , t .4K , . " 4 ' lt a . . he fa. I an a,.s , H.,Ht , lnenet eaa-s a -t 'l-e 4. is of it . r.4,b itli, Immw as ,( ,rT pH Rr)y. inn. fr ak, r Farmers and Vlliaoers, roit Fathers and Mothers. Sons and Dauohtcrs, FOR All tne Family. With tba c!om of tb rrri(!cbtial campaign THE TIUUUNE rfoogoU" lb fact tbat the American pvll rn bow tniioot to girt tbfir titn to botne aoj bneiorg iDlerret. To mft tbia eoodition p1iti Ul bare far Ira p aoj pr.imiBoN, nctit tnotber Hlato or Nalional occasion rffroo.U rrnswal of tb tgii for tb rrinciplrg for wbich THE TKinUNE b UboroJ from lU iac,tin to lb prfarnt Af, aoil won it proatM icloric. Ett teitU tfr.irt will t pot forth, ao. mooer frfflf gn-Dt to THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE prtM-mio-ntl. a National Family Newspaper, leUmtieg. Ir.elroclitf, toUrUioicg tcj JiiJi.rDiuktli toracb BrnUr We lurnlsli "Be Gazette" and "n y. Weekly Triine" one Year lor $3.00. OAHM A llrens a.'l tn.) a M AtlVAMClt, THE GAZETTE. JM itSitiOfce rf t ne are K(1t !( f Mil. ' ' m.h., (i Al tlr, IVLo, r4tehra. t-al.f Vlt Uiw f lirrt, flfONM. )ae,i, HI bj rafe4 to t "T