Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 26, 1897, Image 1

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    fettidna Librtr,
helps 1he widows
'and orphans
Heppner HENp0sst
Gazette : HENROjST -
Advertise in it and do
. It has 'some of its own.
WEEKLY rfO. 7Sfl
Tuesdays and Fridays
. . . . .. Editor
Business Manager
At $9.50 per year. H.2S for m months, 75 ots.
or three monens, strictly in advance.
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
Application. .
THI8 PAPEK is kept on file at S. C. Oake'a
Advertising Agenoy, 84 and 65 merchants
Exchange, Ban Franoiaoo, California, where oou
raote for advertising can be made tor it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. ra. daily, except
Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. dally, except Mon
day. .
West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc
tion 2:19a. m.; east bound 12:51 a. in.
Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going
east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 p. m. ; going west, 5:30
p. m. and 6.45 a. m.
Notice of Intention.
Land Omci at La Grakds, Orkgon,
December 2-1. 1H9B.
iN following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said prool will be made Be
fore the Uountv Cler of Morrow County. Oreg
on, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 3, lsa7.
viz: " i
H. E. No. 5279 for the NVt SKU Sec. 23 and NH
8Wi 8ec 24, Tp 1 N, K 27 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi,
mid land, viz :
John Barker, Isaac Vincent. Charles M. Long,
George W. rearson, ail otuauoway, Oregon.
504-11. ' B. F. WIL80N, Register.
Timber Culture Final Proof.
- Notice for Publication. -
United States Land Office,
The Dalles. Oregon. Jan. lfi. 1897.
T. McNabb, of Lexington, Oregon, has filed
notice of intention to make final proof before
JoseDh L. Gibson. TJ. 8. Com. at nia oflice in
Lexington. Oregon.'on Wednesday, the loth day
ot Marcn. ii7. on timDercuitureappiicauon no.
2984, for the NEH of section No. Si, in Township
No. 2 south. Ranee No. 24 east.
He names as witnesses: Thomas L. Dorman
and Vandevere L. Cotiev. of Eight Mile. Oregon.
Milton K. Morgan and Menzo A Olden, oi lone,
Oregon. J AS. JT. MOORE,
9-19 Register.
8 SPRAINS St. Jacobs Oil the fon. u g
0 and it and promptly feel the cure. That's O
PAINS Hl.j ,al, but at is something sure. ' . , g
3 Magazin
For 1897
. United States Officials. '
Ptosident ....Grover Cleveland
Vine-President Ad ai Stevenson
Beo-atary of State ....Hiohard S. Olney
Secretary of Treasury... John 6. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior t K. K. Francis
Mecreiury of War Daniel S. Lamont
tieoretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postinaeter-General ' William L. Wi son
AtMrnny-General Jndaon Harmon
Beeretary of Agriculture.. ....J. Sterling Morion
State of Oregon.
Governor ...W. P. Lord
Beoretary of State H. It. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Metschan
Snot. Public Instruction.
Attorney General
J Jan. 14, 1896. Notice Is hereby givei that
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
her intention to make final proof in support ol
her claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on March 2nd, 1897, viz:
Hd. K. No. 4236, for the NW4, sec. 29, Tp. 1 8, R
21 E, W. M.
Hhe names the following wltnes.es to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
John W. Cox, Andrew B. Grover, Walter 8.
Smith an " Chtlt Wilson, all of Io e. Oeiron.
5118-18 J AS. f. MOOKE, Register. '
Word Ploturs of Its Delights
ana Disappointments.
the Cora Shucking; at Uncle Moses' and
Its Interesting; Features Scenes of
Hilarity Among: the Dusky
iuprauie Judges...
(i. M. IrWin
M. IiMeman
( Hinger Hermann
W. K. Kllis
W. H. Leeds
S. Bwn,
i O. W. Mo
fj. H. Mi
i Hinger Her
IW. K.
(It. 8.
. F. A.
?C E.
Sixth Jetllclal Dlstrlet.
fiironit Judge Stephen A, Lowell
I'nMecuting Attorney H.
' Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator.
Uenrreontuti vs.
nnt.y Judge
'' V:nmieionors..
J. W. Heckett.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" Treasurer
' AseesMor
" Surveyor...
School Sup't...
" Coroner
, A, W. Oowan
J. N. Brown
(J. Hart hoi omew
.... ). K. Howard
... J. W. Morrow
,..F.. L. Vatliiok
,.. Frank Gilliam
, J. f. Willis
.... J. W, Hornor
..Jay W. Hhiploy
,...H. F. V.uglo
of Oregon for Morrow County.
P. C. Thompson, PlalntlfT,
J. B. 8prry, 8. C. Bperry, Perry "
Bnyder and the Oregon Rail
road and Navigation Com
pany, defenrianta.
To J. B. Bperry and 8: C. flpcrrv, defendants:
In the name of the Htate oi ureon: oa are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint died against you In the above entitled
cause on or before the fim day of the next
regular term oi the above entitled court, to-wit:
March 1st, 1897,
and If vnu fall to answer for want thereof, the
DlMintiir will take judgment against you for the
sum of three hundred twenty-live and 1810
dollars and Interest thereon at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from January 2. 1894, and
the s m of fifty dollars sttorneys fees, upon a
certain promissory note and to foreclose the
A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begins in December.)
Dudvard Klollna'aV first American serial. "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.)
h.-i. . r, .. . niiQMiianHnni nf War iHniA " Mr nnnii war for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence .
rx..i iH.n.ir... f.nv nf t.hm miniihllNhed. In connection with this series
of portraits It is intended to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title of
t . MAKEKS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLK, In which he will use his extraordinary
talei t for mystery and Ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. . , . -
rim uim.iDVtf ' Ail i,a flrinn that ha will u'Hfa Hnriiiff thA cntntniF vear. with the exception
of two contributions to ano'her publication which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear In McCi.ubes magazinb.
JOEL CHANDLK HARKIS. A series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. . v
RUDYARD KIPLINO. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McClube's
all of the short stories be will write uurtng tne com.ug year.
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazihe a series of short stories In which the same
characters will appear, although each wU be, complete In itself.
, Anthony Hop . Brat rim . . Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton ' Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories in McCtCSE's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClure's Maoaiine for
1897, the subscription priee of which li only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
mnrtir iv el veil hv vnu to secure the payment ol I
said note uton the following real property sit-1
listen In Morrow county, mate oi uregnn, to-
sprNsa Tow omenta.
..1(.0, .Thos. Morgan
CmneilVnen'.'.;'.... & Horner. K. J.
Klocum. Frank Rogers, Geo. tonser, Frank
GjlUam. Arthur Minor.
th."." . A. HolrU
Jostiee of the Peaoe ,W. K- "'rV)"".
( onsubls N. B.WbUUme
Halted States Las 4 Officers.
.F. Moore
A. H. llicsa tUomvst
B.F. Wilson Sf"
I. H. Robtiins ....Meoslvat
mxoxixT scciiiTira.
kawuns potrr, no. it.
O. A. B.
Vsat Lexington. Or tha last fUtardaf of
achraontii. AU veterans ere Invtlod to Jois.
( C.B.K-. (iso. W. Ssiits.
AdloUnf. tf (oomuindar.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At Mas. H. Welch's Residence.
Night tlphone eonnsrtloq with
the falace UoUL
it: The north half of the northeast quarter I
and the north half of the northwest quarter ol I
section twenty nine In township three south of I
rage twenty six E. W. M , and lor the costs and I
dl.hu moments of this suit
Thl summons Is served noon you by puhllra
Hon by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, judge I
nf the above entitled court, made and entered I
in said suit on the l:uh day of Januarv, 1897.
6)8-29. Attorneys lor I'la utlfl.
I of Oregon for the County of Morrow.
L. P. Davidson, FlalutlR,
ft mil el K. Walker. Defendant.
Tit K.mni.1 K. ISs ker. Iefnnuaut:
In the name of the Hint of Oregon: Yon ah) I
herehv reonlred to iMni and answer or other-
in i,iil in tha Mimnlslnt lllol ssi I list von In
the shove entitled a'tlon on or before the first I
day ot the nest regular term of the above enti
tled court, to-wit:
Tha First Day of March, 1897,
and If yon fall to answer or otherwise plesd, I
lor waul thereof, the DUIntirf will take bids-1
ment agsln.t yoo lor the sun of lorty dollars I
together with li.trrest therein from the '7th I
dy of April. I. at the rale nf ten per rent per I
aumim until peio; ann lor in iimwr .inn n
one hunilrr.1 and thirty 6ve dollsrs fcllh Inter
est therein at the rale of ft per rent per annum
Irnin the IJtn day nf IM-bihrf. IK uutll tall.
and lor Hie sum of fifteen dollsrs attorite s Ir I
and lot his w and dUbunemeula lu Uiis I
1 his summons Is served fcy BiiMlcstlun per-
sosiit lo an ofler iH Htephen A. Lira-ell, Jii'lssl
ol the shore n till wi court, Inols on ins inn I
day ol January, is7.
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get it cr c? AA
For J)J.UU
Ml I Hi ,
ri.Un A I. TO.
Altor t lor I'lalntirr.
Ml Banui Met.
WH. riKtANP. ID. R. UHHOr.
FrMriseaL Caskler.
Ms4 oa FiTorahle Tana.
irst National Bank tr""' -
Flue ea, U A. RecxM. Or.-TltU. LF mm
lehi biei sMrw I wiU ear sjhW rieM
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 f ifth Avenne,
hew York, Is full of the best things
Its Illustrations ere superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con
summate skill.
Such a paper Is a freat popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Leslie's Is 14 pe nnum.
We make the unparalleled urTcr of s copy ol
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
Ho such offer was ever mails before. No sttrh offer vl'l ever be made
again. These two papers maks a Most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gill, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
ttemll by postal order or rberk le the
White yoo eet eabseHptioa paid ap pre
eaakeea fosw braeJ Is freaof ebarf.
TW. r. O.. Hmppnt. f- Hneese, P B . Isfl
wioahiert ex tie. ewne as left bio.
tlHuila. H.. Hardmaa, Or.-Hnraee tMa44
)oarU4,t kip, t atile brded the him. A1
tmuHle (J en aoe e nabt Uilti was
brand right ebuelder, e4 eat on M e
la. A. JlMAOrHM.lnoarieMelMal
1m Vile. eaoMnsi rlbl biei es ssatk Sqaaf
era ed left eori svltt la rtaM.
. tlnae'ea. W M . f UtluWes. Or.-4'allla. R l mm
rttii eWi. emkra-sWk ascA san kutess. II It
mm mi kiw
."A V-V- wiWiWA -r-V-w V'- -M.
Uncle Moses and his wife. Aunt Dilsy,
both being very old and afflicted, were
allowed to occupy a little old cabin anil
use whut land they could tend, rent
Uncle Moses requested that he be per
mitted "to cut de trees often dat ar li'l
branch, what runs from rrv bac yard,
please, Bali."
rermiBsion granted, Tjncle Moses
didn't look as if he could fell a sapling.
He was so afflicted that he couldn't
plow. It was Aunt Dilsy that plowed.
But he displayed an ability to cut down
trees that was truly astonishing. Soon
ho had a long, narrow strip of rich, low
ground, and Aunt Dilsy plowed it with
the cow. She plowed with the cow be
cause she was of a timid uaturt be
sides being afflicted. She would have
been afraid of any other beast, even if
she had had one, which f-be hadn't. And
now, behold the corn! Stloh a pile of
corn had been raised on "t!at ar li'l
branch bottom," that Its fame had
spread abroad over the plantation.
Very proud and boastful was Uncle
Moses, uud great was the crowd at his
corn shuclilnar. Old and young, rent
ers and hired hands, and even Uncle
Rristol Hunt, who owned seven acres
of land, were all there. As it was not
linker corn shucking," but a 'supper
corn Rhucking," the ladies were out In
full force.
Conspicuous among them were the
Conitchee girls. In red skirts and new
shirt waists, the belles of the evening.
Running them pretty close, though,
were the Turner girls, who wore only
gingham dresses, but had side combs
in their bangs and their back hair ar
ranged in Tsyches. The boys were
numerous and jolly, Beveral from "over
the crick" being present. .Timruie
(ioode, the crack banjo player, was also
"You, Jimmle, dai!" cried Uncle
Moses. "Don't you shuck none o my
corn; you pick dat banjo, so deBe nig
gers can wuk fast. Dis ain't no one
horse corn pile!"
"All right, Uncle Mot," assented
Jimmie, leadily. "Jesso I don't hafter
pick it at supper time, ' and the fasci
nating strains of "Ueorgie iiuck" nuea
the air.
The. shucking went on brlkly with
Increasing hilarity.
"Ill, dar, you niggers!" lnternipui
Uncle Moses. "Don't you dassen t piny
baseball wld my years o' corn," and
"You slop tint rasslin', you Ruin Jones
en Kiuli Hawkins! Miss Vat tie llclle
Cuiil tclirn ain't lookln' at yer en ycr
ain't got her tr study."
The task of preserving order kept
Uncle Moses busy and gave him little
time for telling any of his stories of
"tie good old time befo' de ft-nr."
W het the huge pile of corn was get
ting low, the magic announcement of
"Supper!" was wade and such a sup-
Aa Odd Pair of C hums to Tie Heea In the
Aquarlnm at Castle Garden.
The sea anemone Is very sensitive. It
closes at a hostile or thoughtless touch,
not rapidly, 'for It can't do anything
very rapidly, hut as rapidly as it can,
curling its tentacles inward and cover
ing them over with its outer skin and
flattening it down upon the rock, says
the New York Sun. But it is not dis
turbed by lt3 friends. In one of the
smaller glaas tanks at the city's aqua
rium at Castlo Garden there are several
little sea anemones taken from spiles
and stones abputhe battery. In the
same tank, almost within reach of these
anemones, are some common barnacles
little ones, half an inch or so in diam
eter. Lacking in beauty as the barna
cle may be, it is provided with a most
wonderful hand-like member, which it
throws up from its shell, with which it
sweeps the water for food, the minute
animalculio upon which it feeds. '
One of theso barnacles is so close to
one of the little an emones that when
he flings hjs net it almost or quite
touches the tips of tha anemone's ten
tacles, which spread out from the top of
the anemone's trunk like tho most del
icate and feathery of branches of the
tiniest little tree. But the anemone
doesn't close up a bit; here, down deep
in tho tank, Its branches wave in the
gentle agitated water, as. delicate as
they are, they might do in the gentlest
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for its great leavening strength
and healthfulnesa. Assures the food against
alum and all forms of adulteration. .common to
the cheap brands.
Lost Hie
How aa Aspirins Jouruallst
Job. 1
The experiences of young men who
are anxious to enter the newspaper
business because they think they are
born journalists on the strength of the
fact that they used to write "good com
positions" when they went to school
have been an inexhaustible theme lor
zephyrs on the land, and they wave the profe881onui j0ke muker from time
and wave as the barnacle throws its i ' mmiBi o,i ti,,. r not nil fnka
net. Perhaps the sea anemone has its
own benefit in mind through all this,
for it is quite probable that the agita
tion of the water brings to it food that
it might not . otherwise receive; but,
however that may be, the fact, re
mains that ' the little anemone , that
would close at the slightest touch of an
enemy is quite undisturbed by any
thing its friend and neighbor the bar
nacle might do.
Iloppnor, Orotron. tJ
C. A. PtHCA.
T. A. MtA.
Vlee PreeldeM
Aea't Cashier I
Truvii i Gtssenl hkt
Oa ell garteef the ot4
Bought and Sold.nr.'
7 I est awoia
ft!-le b4 e all palate ea
r wmlili Tevaaa.
Brpta s4 aadlvMed frwtHe, lit " oa.
Jws, flarrr. Nee. Or twaadaa
llles Ik Ml w-V.We; ejOe are d4 i oa
nM kip. ale aaWtat
i Pells. Iea, f -- W.rfe. MeMeT mm
eft ettnei lite seme mm rtM alp, e4e ball
ns la ffe suit a left ee
eeat. rteft-ie. ,-! neeae mAmA
S1 mm m" eMleeee4 " o see)
, ea-W tern ea She rtM
l,eWW W O HaeatTerana. V I Lee
SMite a n l Swl Uft ekW. eweiUtw fWt mmf
ear es4 Mw etnei ka rM eer. Wwreee ss wii
left efc.MUte. sVene la Ureal ewurtf
SMSiea, tt. Ov - La W1 kl
mmA selil eei rleM ear, n-wmm
mm Vml nyalas. ILaae "mm
Pwkllslie4 Ivery tataraey
HontLioff, and ant irritsilns;, etrsngtb
iog, and not weaktog, entail bnl, iffee
live eneb are lb qualillae of De Will's
Llllle Eertt Il eere the faraoos little
Mils. Ci.oeer k Ilrooa.
"13 Astor Place Jitw York
Uter i ff M-w- Ui-IIm hnmmm
t. mm k mm ilti Miaa eves e 11
t.e, wilke eves eye, tares side a rM
Ontario-liurns Slajc Lice j
1.4M rr s artie.
etet.1 mm, Imb mm left etinej mm.
nm, a Htieees tf -n.ei
m eteeJ tt eemle saa ea sell ks.
tV-wee f i Wees
aeee ee rel sip.
ea. HeMaeaate.-N.
H A. WSU.I.. r
ebsnbtae-i eale
rmt It lee,
Ml mmm liter.
Pm-s. i tt . telem, f tf
Imtt MxUmi eel if, SB
m Das
O ea lei
le lef
Kerw , W . W-ei1". Or - W
I ten.
eetef. t etUe, 11 es rleM !
V.' I ... M ..... UJ - - L.
a, ea. aa4 ar-1 k e I -a
Tmmm. a . Sleeve. o - )
0i sfc. .il- eelk I mm tA asWti
Teree Um-rmm, f,-
. JO es
C ee
fWna Dalit al 4)
rivee al Ootarl il a'
S'iq1e Fore $7.00.
Hound Trip $15.00
jeTtrwectl fegM e per pe-.s4
Mrat ,n S.i m.rY e-.e
SI et-" r e
ea ei m mm mmtm
tWnee, p. . I.
Ut mmmm4 mm m-t e.l
S.kete ie, W. I , -i-e !
ee,e e mm fm eSewte..
"eni Me-
tim m4 mmtm le mH mmf Usees
aea ee
mm, Mm) f
t sen b p
e,.b le "e-V
tmr et .tea.
Wanted-In Idea
01 IxmZzMM U TiMtn.
f-" mm, t-ef e .fce ie ee-.
V .-. jam si ii.i i..i n e rMM
ee "S a.iii i ieu i. m t f m w e' r- eee
M kaa eS e see a ll eiai ms mm I, s.
The Oallook itl b la 107, aa II be
bees dorlog eaeb i4 Its taaat eerea
peart, History of Oar 0a Timee,
ita tertoaa eJitorial dfer1 meets The
Ouli fiM e w.rcpsof review nf tbe
verl.l'a prngyeee; tl fiHoa wilbrare
all Ita itatnrtaet bileaibrop sad ia-
daelrial aoeeata of I be day; baa a
ronlrl draaHmrnl of f rligWios eras
deevHee esarb ps.e ! !! lulereele tl
I be bn; frviees enrreal Htetaiart;
faraisbea rbeerf al Ub'e-tsik about m
sad l.'"r; end. la Phorf, aims lo pive
freeb (aliTBaettoa, rrtfieej i.bawrvalina,
aa4 reeaosUe eal.r ali.tneal.
rlaaia Villi I be fjftf I. fib Polusae.
tle ftepef a 111 aeeoraa I be rrfuler sbsg
tmaeif, lir'b aill aU greellp la Me
P Kiirnl'txe aed ante, tieeae I e
fjatbel bt paMieUd evert fUlardet
6fi; lea ae a fear. TVe B'sl .e
l eeb aai la aa Halad Masi ee
SaesW, aoalaialef sbaal lab ee k.sej
feage aa I be -t liasry eeeiee, gbef
aba large Uf A perlarea.
Tba (' l The (ell.ak fa U'ee
d4!are sear la adfaate, tx iVeeUsaa
! a dsy .
Heed a eHifee et-f sal I lstf e
Now la Iba lima to get Iba Weekly
OresfuoisD, Iba p-resteat aeaepeper of
IhaVVeeL Wllb lbeOeH,bolb etriel-
ly lo adraivee, ooa jeer, e-I W. No better
ocnblaation of aaaspspera tea be made
is Iba iltU.
Wall. Tbouipaoa roaa state belaeea
Urt'pftrr sed M on u men I, arrlvln every
day pioept Monday sad Irsvls every
dsy etoepl flaaday. BborWat sod sbrtp-
eel hn" Iba lelanor, Omeer A
Hrt,b, e-nts.
llepnaef lo IVodleUm fla Ilrpimer
F.obo HI sg a I Joe. Venae deefriMis tf
vwitioa I'eeJletoa aeo sate lima aad
money by teilcf lliie ftole. Ily
qnalnting Iba aala iba pferlnos eeo
le Ibe sdasra will make roaaenlKra allb
S a'rlork tfeia at K bo f r IoJletoo.
O.Tloe al Oily lre Ku.re, VT. II. o,
tr,,f.rUiir e
' w --
1 t.roogb iraiee tba O. IL A .H, will
ma vie. Ucneiiile, walla walla aad
rdle4a. Tbronfb sleepers, first aad
eeewd ptaae, will ma la e.naetra wtii
Iba I'eU recifla, Iba aeosa aa beeeU-
foe. A Ibmacb Bret alaee aleepet Iort
land to ftpoieaa, aeerrie with I be
Irelplaaa sleeftf In PH. I'sat, aad
hrnejfa tniret eleepef IStlekd lo HI.
I'eal, w l ma la e--eeeMtoe) a lib IM
(Ireef Sfqrlbarw rellasy. If
F'r tela Awwal Ibirty loa el rye
bay, bieated aboal w and oae-teH
itlea of ns'dsuaa. Alas 4 0 aarea al
fm rssg s, fteel, 4 1 1 with pema.
Ilea I y tt eniskj gevrrasreal leafS
peer al l.aad. rltte.le 1 luu b I af
jM-ri ra. ronau-u pig, luscious rnicKrn
iiir, spicy ptiiupkln pics, golden poisui
custards and the most wonderful cakes.
Aunt lilsy wnsactMik "ahorenuff.'
The compliment she received from
the appreciative consumers were fulrly
overwhelming. The crowning fi-alun-
v.o the i titling of the "live bird cuke.
It was a vrritalik; rake, brown and de-
licloiis. In Ihe center of which was a
bird, alive and fluttering. A voU was
taken to deride which of the young la
dies should hnve tha honor of cutting
the rake and lilierating the bird.
Kscltemenl rsn high, and through
I he rni-rr-rtlc efforla of Slab Hawkins,
Miss Taltie Hrlle Conltrhr rsme very
tienr Vipg rb rli il to that hnnnr. Hut
Miss tllnky Turner received the moat
loirs In the end. greatly lo (he fist Ion
f the Turner fuel inn. Miss C, inky Tur
ner was 1 I up to the rale table by Jlm
inie (;.Hle, his banjo swung Jauntily
over his shoulder, and she sliced the
rake wit to much gram and dexterity.
The live bird linprd out, and afur fly
ing almul the room In bewluirrmrnt,
n n bi d llarlf UKin m rs'ter, among
eage and fel pepirra, from which
l.eighl l. Mrmrl to view lhr irierel.
Inga tslHi a iiilical rye. The banjo
Wing again t'elb-l inlorrxjii'aillon, Jim
title l.te.lr .lyrd "Hud in a ( age.
Imr," all aiiiging siilb him. Thlawss
f.ilhiwrd by "(tat Yalter flaJ, Mie'e
Mine." a solo by Kiah llawhlrta. Jim
niie (bra plnvrd his liiiniilalite "John
nle. Cyain'l Yer l iimT bil It Wt
Ihediiitt tslrnlnof "fin-say Hrred" lhat
old I'm le Mows went U sleep unlrr
Jteeds a Goodly Amouat et the
It Is probable that the effect of night
on Individuals differs greatly, arid that
a process of natural selection Is contin
ually at work, men who cannot bear
night-work avoiding it, while those to
whom It is recuperative-i-and every
Journalist knows . such . men throng
into the professions in which sitting up,
if not obligatory, is at lcai.t advan
tageous. There are extraordinary dif
ferences of instinct in this respect, 4
few men being literally unable to bear
night-work, while m few others dclib.
erately leave their whole work to be
done after the sun has disappeared. ,
The incapacity and the faculty are
connected in some way with the differ
ences in the power of sleeping, which
still remain among the perplexities of
physicians. Why can 'some men sleep
at will, and soma "nervous" men, too,
while others, sometimes very "heavy"
men " frith apparently iramovablo
nerves, are ' tortured by insomnia?
Why, too, do some men seem to obtain
uftlclent rest with five hours sleep,
while others require nine? I)o soma
men "sleep slow?" aa Mr. Kmedley Joc
ularly argued in one of his amusing
stories, or do they actually require
more sleep? Wa cannot answer tha
question any more than the doctors
can, but we agree on ona side of tha
subject most heartily with the ItrilUb
Medical Journal The popular preju
dice against sleep works an Infinity of
mischief. There ara plenty of elug-
gards even among tbe cultivated claaa,
but the sleep-sluggard Is In that class
very rare specimen. Tha tendency of
the educated Is to wakefulness, and tha
man who does Intellectual work and
exhibits what his friends think a dispo
sition to oversleep la obeying a healthy
Instinct. Sleep recuperates him, and
be knows It.
immemorial, and they are not all fake
jokes that are written about them,
either, as tbe following real happening'
will show; .. ,
A reporter on an afternoon paper was
detaileu the other day to go out and
write up a fight that had occurred in
the northwestern part ot the city, and
in the course of his hunt for facts be
ran across a busy , young man , who
proved a very mine of information.
"You ought to know me," said this
young man to tha reporter, after tha
latter had pumped hiiu dry, "I used
to be a reporter ou your paper."
"I don't remember you," replied tha
chaser for news, figuring to himself
whether to brace for su application for
a loan or hint for a drink.
Whereupon the mine of information
cllowed thut he was a green, baud and
had worked only fouruas, though ha
did not volunteer any luloi uiutiou con
cerning tha reusou why he fulled lo
hold his job for a longer period.
; Ytheu the reporter got buck to tha
Office he asked his uity editor about the'
young man he hud spoken to, mention,
ing the youug man's uuiue. Tho city
editor thought aw hile and then he ra
"Oh, yea, I know LI in," he remarked,
"lie's the stiff that used to come In
every morning aud shake hands with
do, As soon us he woulU hit tbe oflice
,bu would chase up to me, giabuiy luuch,
hook and agitate It up uud down, at
tha same time making suliiitloui In
qulrlcs about the heulth of myavlf aud
my wife, i stood bis work for four
mornings aud then 1 II red him."
All of which goes to show that It la
poor policy for a kimi man to get too
familiar with his boss, tU Louis Ue-
Trtu-r, Hall-Kheem and litrma
Tha Intense Itching and smarting, Inci
dent to these dbv.-a, Is Instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eya and
Hkln Ointment. Many very bad case
have ben pe-trnAnrintly cured by It. It
Is equally efflt'bmt for Itching plica and
a favorite remedy for aura nlptdea,
chapped hands, chilblains, froet bll-i
and chronic sore eyea. j eta per out.
Dr. fa4ri CewdlUaa. render,
Just what a. horse rwLs when la bad
condition. Tonic, bkd pnrlfter and
Vermifuge. The ara not food bul
trtedklne and tha Uat la net to pat
horse la prime condition, rrka ti
cente per pa kage.
freleMlaas f Klaa Meellk
The in e.U.nsry l lad, a lirrmsg ley-
longing lo U nrti'liibiirg. riling from
AI,l.uiU. eats that one .ln la-ata,
who was rduralrd near I'.e.le. ami has
e-rn a riler1rur rif the Klif tlsll IlibW
eortrtr. neitViiig In Ilnrrsr aril Klxsa,
waa latii-n stl put In rl.alt a lucre I le
Siim be strrilw rreir1s lo rumsr.
K 'tt Ml.rlib mtt md ilrl'rwilned lo
siipiirrsst-seryrme who rnipl.l rejeirl bis
irriralMlis epalnsf the lUNana. I be
lift la riirr.iiii'lr-l, aais lr. I'bvl. by
Iretirh and IIiihIsa ermi tiers, and
le-ie.te I forehand of !! kl.ry over
tbe Peliens, and how he means lo art
f.H-ih frim the Tlgre to Jrrusalrm lo
free II f oly rlty, lie swede lhr help
rf Ilueeia, and irrnlare rb Wedy to
bis enMxre. lie tblnke b will do ail
Ibis aa easily ae be rarrVd out ft raid
lately artinet the Catlaa. killing Iba
men and Wiabirig alaa of the wotnea
ad il.il.1ren. lie de teres M te ft d-
feet lie see ltd a til of tatbl aad Ndorooa.
- Ir.l'in Vf s.
tessi'l WrMe Wss Aegrf.
Never write ft tetter to man, worn,
an or child when you ara angry with
Iba person In question, or prrbetie, 1
had better qualify my adilce by beg
ging you, ona and all, never to arnd an
angry letter for 4 hours after yon !ee
written II, aad ilien I would eugrret
reatling It carefully, and. aa tbe Irish
men said, "burn I nit itbefore aradlng It.
We bate many of tie r ibsueteU all our
rage la the fire of the b tter-wrlllur,
and have fell all the .Uligbte of a leillle
won by the proeesi.f our bs ltbt
the bo knrr f.ermallty of ptiating tbe
eplelle. Who Is there wb baa tt
writ lea Ills snrr out la Ibis ln.lee.inw
wsyt lo not. I prsy, aend a rrwel let
ter lo anyone) on bate ever loved. Yoi
ill but lie to regret tbe art, and p"-
s.l.ly with the IImI ailrne of dealb
tartweea yr, elid the Womided one. If
mortals were, la 1 lire prMt daya,
piful with lnls,.e tmoera, I would
wish to be Ibal spirit rnle4 with a
f-re wttM b would arrvsl ery argry
word at Ibe lip f ra. h sl.srp .lold,
heart break ing pen.-hU 4UiS lie pub-be.
Te .,. ell ol.l eueee. la teal aft la
.beep nf large U..J of tl!.. n.m4 J j ,,, B,t M peedilp Pure .ilea.
tare., i en oa isssiie eoee
par'ieaiare, a rare rnsae su e es , ., u hk.
Mtlva wtil PipiieP a. Cvseer A U'vek
A sera ihi,M an ee4
.J ....u. s., ll.e fl.lL... 1J Aefoe , . - '. ... ... - .. 1
' ' r ' - - - - j m,mm s's. an l.ie imihh e si's i
r,ae, Jiew T k CM . I a lata1 aad detsyi are daagaraaa. tf
A trrasasaee Telle what Me saw la a
Kail road terd.
"Oue Christmas 1 wasdown watching
tha 'yard get-so' or switchmen la tba
yard at Ottumwa, lu.," aaid the drum
mer to a buu Automo tuples Utan.
"Tbe whole crew were twlebistlng,
mors or Iras, and hud puld many visile
lo The liouil to llcll,' kept by old
blormy Jordan, who buckril the probl
bltion law e long. A ft-lluw la Iba
crew 'pulling pins,' tall, lank, blue
tioae from the VMelrrn built of Noift
bvot ia,w is alwa) s'vhew lug I lie rsg and
'rawhldilig' with f lie "rugle e)a'or engi
neer on the yard engine. Ilutb were
pretty well looked and gut lo blurting
each oilier, aud Dually the blue ttuee
bet Ibe engineer be i wuld atund la Iba
middle of the Irsi k and grt ou tbe bead
end of tha engine as fust aa she could
tjrn a wheel.
They put up :J ft side, but tbsl
wssn't all the siakra. lailure meeot
rrtala death for Iba swiUbniaa and
trial of Ibe eugiiieer lor murder.
They went out into the yerd lo arte
tie it. There stood the eiub engine
all 'hot.' Tbe ground wae f rosea aad
slippery and the Irsib full ot bard,
pecked and frozen snow to the top of
tba fall. I'p lo Ibrn wa Ibuugbllbey
were bluffing, but when Ibry look tbe
engine bat k qusrtrr for a start wa
tried lo get Ibe fool off tba list s, bit
be was armed wltb a tag pin aad stood
us off.
"1 be engine re tne al full speed, 1 ee
ti miles aa hour s.y; thet fellow slotel
staggenug drunk la tbe sealer of iba
lieik ai..l lieter tiMi.e.J. Wbeatbaea
gins Ire. l.l biui be leenel 'way bach,
eel ona l'l up on tl step end aba
pirbed bliu up Uke ft tmmm and ftevtf
eea threw boa bp ega.nsl Ibe Irva
band rail I 1 bey went Ui a lo tbe aa
boa and oi.e iwma di tab apiee pal 'eaa
bwtb aaJ" p."
-Mew es rare ail Pste ptaeeeee"
Hiaiply apply "fleeyea'a fnalraeal.
No laieraal paedMae repaired. Carea
etler. eet'ois, lieu, all eeefrlloae aa Iba
faaa, bee la, pyaa, km, leavleg Ibe skta
elesr. a bite aad bttby. Its f real beat
Ing aad fareUve fammt ara praeeased
by atbep r4y. Ak fear 4af
W4 fat lesyae'l Oislaveab
Mr. Ward U Haiilb.of frderteisWwa,
If i . was rabled wilb ebr.Hile disrvWea
It ever ibirty esra. lie bad b-eaa
fatly sli.fle. tbsl H waa oal ft
tioa t4 sbyirt lisve aalU ka woulj lav
lo le ftp, He bed treated by
eosae et Ibe keel pkyektaM la Itsmpa
aad Ataertea bat ( no perssseeal re
lief. CH.e day k pteled ap a aeaspapef
e4 sbsaee. H feed aa advertieesaeal
of (!et.hrleie'p ih, CboWa ar4
iReriWee lbae.y. Ita go ft k.4l!e af
tt. Ike Bret dueft kelpd klaa aad IU .
Iiaaed m eared bim. fit sale by
Uvaser A Itroek.
f,4. II ItUbi.p. eaivaeeof ka Tba kte
r arise I UereaallleO , bs et.tl a deek
gtvieg pteal bs'gsias la all lieea. Tb
pttfk fssel Wa elaed eal, ft4 M la safe
prietsg kw pUap Ikiag art. Cail
ffaak airsfaa4. ealesaisa.