Ml 'a mmu m i ' 'in h ii mi' n1 ni 1 1 hit in TO THK J 2 , T GIVES Tan CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AMD AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. k N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Aft. Portland. Obeoon. E. McNEkL, President and Manager. QUIOIt TIVEE I TO San Franoisoo And all point In California, tU the Mt. Bhaats route of the Southern Pacific Co The area hiahway throngh California to all polntaKaetand South. Grand Hoenln Route Of thePaolflo Coast. Pullman Hnflet Biaepere. Booond-elase Bleapert Attached to aipreea train, atfnrdins; anpenor aocomaiodatlont for eeoonri-olaMi passenger. For rat, tioktta. limping oar reservation, to. oall npon or aridrme R. KOKHLKH, Manager, I. P. ROGERS, Attt Gen. F A P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon -TO TUB- east and mm VIA THE CMOS PACIFIC SYSTEM Through Pullman Palace Serpen. Tourltt Hleepert and Fres Reclllilnf Chair CtrtDAlLV UiChltago. Many hour iavett via thli line to Katteru Points. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS IyOWKMT HATKM. H. W, BAXTER, Oen. Agent, J'ortland, Oregon. J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. ft 11 HARPER'S ROUND F,k tfu ft.! mumhert ef Ihh feruJUtl n-ill efen v-ith ,ty rr torn, rtrtniU $f tie lki aulluri art siw etltw. JlmJtl Iht J'riu VJJ.rt TMRCO A LOYAL TRAITOR a BMfy " IM ww H Mil Sf 4mm a.aaM coamatt ratre mHMtwoH l ta.aut Sim, VII L. ilMtlwH -i 'rv , twm "c?f,.kf ft r. r- rmi mmM mi mm ,. mU'Urt m4 rr -rinrm. StmJ . tff f frrt A.-. .. 5 !?5 ' " ' " i r i..i,..a, ft mttU it Ul Jmr a. V J.f. (A r kAtMlA HC HtTlStJ , L , " i.unt.., m,t m,t,. J i MCUaje W tto mml 6 in i i a ami fmm tmrtm Km Ut law... nm Am Mm 0 . , V Mt H'tttrt WW kftrrU im a- -ft immn rmr 10 fti J..m.l.thJ Utm Itit mj J l.rue p H, rt Mtartl A tltNtlt. rSna. f iANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1897- O ATA B? B? Ml tea LOCAL DISEASE of colds and tudden climatic change. It can be cored by a pleasant remedy which it applied di rectly into the nostrils. Bo. Injriulckly aUorbed. it give Ely's Cream Balm fa acknowledged to be the most thorough core for Natal Catarrh, Cold In Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opene and cleanaet the natal passr gee, allayt pain and Inflammation, heals the toret, pro tecte the membrane from colds, restores the tense tasteandmell. Prtce80c.atDrnirifletaorbymll. U.X BK0TI1KRS, 6 Warren Street, New York THE NEf YORK WORLD THRICE'A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Fear. It standi first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of oon tents. It is praoticully a daily at the low prioeofa weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and fairness of its news oolnmns. It is splendidly illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women BDd a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, CONAN DOYLB, JeBPMB K. JbkOMB, Stanley Wbyman, MabyE. Wilkins, Anthony Hope, Bbkt Habtb, Brandbb Matth.wb, Etc We offer this unfqnaled newspaper and The Gazette together one year for 83.25. The regulareubforiptinn price cf the two papers is $3 50. OHIOAGO, iliHee & SI. Fail Q'jj dtAl'NriEAPOLIS) I to1 6 V t n. ur - V.V- A-K " X Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. !'a 1 Rail way and note It connection with all tranacon tlnenlal linos and Ht Paul and nialia, and remenitwr that Itttralna are IlKlitrd with elec tricity and heated by tUam, It eaiiiunient li uperb. Elfgant Buffet, Library, Hmoklng and Hlreplug cam, with Tree reclining c hair. Kuril looping car berth hat an electro roailluir lamn. and It dining car are the tx-at In the world. other line are longer than thli, but none are liortur, and no other otTur thealKive luiiirlou cromnKNUtlon. Thrteare ii(Tlolnt rcatont lorthe popularity ot"The Milwaukee." Conpnti It'kotageiit In ury rallmad ofllct 111 give fou lurtliiT Information, or addrva C. i. IDDY, Oeurral Agent, J. W.CAHEY, Trar Pu. Agent, roRTLAUD, nainoM. RnMARKABUJ TWCNTY-PART TMB PAINTI R i:st:HT a awr " twt Sr aiaa aloeue Mm OP TUB SHORT 0I RIALA Tilt WIIMim IkiWk auM lwut Pavwe Tilt watt IIU l w U Mwmm 1V 6? f MlNNESOTA&wO rt . S: x . OmWHMt DM T.t.Mu 4 IIAKTRFS XOl'Xn TABLE ef,n, u Hi -..nArrf emfr, aii.wd mi ..'Wi . sinr 'mpnri,n, f Ijooo .' MONEY PUmS ttinnitiiiininii - - - - - JJmi f.f m . ni,aj a ken h ttnj tn har mi mm.t j.i fntitnuii iin mun m4 ef erne lfti l"uhmltJ fik li t Ti !t 7 ttr im ,'mJil li'mntl e luv, tk'ft, .r, mml f?REG BOOK'S! - . ..... , , f ItAKrFk'S KiU'Xn r t A ' If m,t nikMr mm.-mm( erne ifi.tai ,J.r H 4 mt ft full Miixahl ii it.uuvtttt fA)i AlTrloga kecot irctKs riiiei, iMiitwoit.Mii aai !..... , . mmm awa.Hi FACTS A30UT JUP.TER. Wonderful Figures I'l l to Kipre Enough I concerulijfr tlia ;rct I I I let. j Our most eminent astronomers do not pretend to g-ive us exact reckon- ings on the great floating worlds out side of our own solar system, but with in that monstrous ag'retfation every thing has been reduced to certainty. The kingpin of the solar system it I Jupiter, "mighty Jupitor, the colossal ! giant of all the sun-kij,ed worlds." j His diameter is about 88,000 of our ! miles, being ubout eleven times that j of our own globe; the circurufcrenc. 3i5,000 miles at the equator, which would give the giant a volume exceed ing that of the earth by 1,284 times. Were it possible to bring the earth and Jupiter so close together that the dis tance separating thcin would be no greater than that which now separates tlie earth from the moon-aiout 240, 000 miles what wondrous sight would be in store for the residents of our lit tle globe. The world of Jupiter would appear to us to have a diameter forty times larger than that of our usual mighty attendant, and the surface of his disk would occupy a t;paee greater than that of 1,000 full moons. And this giant of the planets is re moved from the sun by a distance of 490,000,000 miles; has an orbit of more than 1,000,000,000 miles in extent, and makes a circuit of its clestial track once every 4,333 days. Thus it will be seen that a year on J upiter is equal to eleven years, ten months and seven teen days on our ,'lobe. The immensi ty of the world of Jupiter and its orbi t may be approximately measured by this comparison: In order to complete its orbit in the time given above, it must speed around the sun with a ve locity of 700,000 miles a day, or a little more than eight miles per second. COST OF CUP RACES. Lord llnnraven Hh Spent a Fortune Try ing to Beat the Vigilant. Yachting costs a gr;nt deal of money, especially such yachting as is indulged in to capture and defend the America's cup, remarks the New York Tribune. A friend of Lord Dunraven said recently that the carl told him that the total cost to him to build, equip and run tae Yulkyrie, together with his traveling e::psnsud to win the America's cup, would be fully one hun dred and fifty thousand dollars. The syndicate which built the Vigilant subscribed one hundred thousand dol lars originally, and has been called upon for an assessment besides, so that the total outlay upon the cup de fender is not fai from the amount ex pended on the Valkyrie. Add to these sums the money which the Jubilee, Colonia and I'ilgrim cost their owners, and the total cost of the latest utrug gle for the America's cup amounts to almost live hundred thousand dollars The honor of holding the America's cup, however, cannot be reckoned by dollars and cents, and American yacht men would not have been willing to part with the trophy at any cost. Tha practical benelit to boat building and the pleasure and profit to be derived from a pure and muuly sport must be added to the credit account Thar la Nothing so Good. There i nothing just aa good as Dr. Kinu's New Ditoovery for Consnmptinn, Cough and O'dds, so demand it and do not permit ths dttttlMr to sell yon some snhHtitutA. Hh will not olaim there is anything better, bat in order to mnke more un fit be may claim something els tn be jiiht as good. You want l)r. King's New iJiHOovery becatiHn yoo kuow it to tie siife and reliable, and gtisraDteed tn do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all suVotious of Throat, Cheat and Langs, there U "othing so good as is Dr. King's New Ditoovery. Trial Ixittle frea at Oonanr k Brook's, llrgulsr aiza 50 emits and SI 00. TABLE! tutker ,f inbmatienal am S nd ejftn e kvki iktrt uiil ht mS SHRIALS Trill HOCK OP THC UON A W Um m AN ai'iaontitrt any truiAT T on in fnwi ; jimaltmr i ft 15 no; . . . . , rmirr r rr iv rj mjl,n.,l A. rm rtm4 a, tit efttt. i, S lute ttfkim erne tire r.s ti M, Z " rl rt.J j .. A-. maiimf It pmi UTI.twV I V1 tTAOMtSTt iBt .'. ttit r.nt r.tit,.ff tut i 1 1 at i a 9 toN 4 HHtlMIH: CAltV tMARDtt tB4ii Hiia. tf rtlua ntata itMrmuM ? isi . a lwi ft Jf Iht f! mJ ,U,n -,w '. ( Ai) .) Iki atsw .Daa 1L av Wiiaa V 4 PRACTICAL. PHILANTHROPY. Ifietltatloa for the Training of Jewiah . Yonth at Hanorer. A novelty in practical philanthropy Is described by W. C. Fox, formerly consul to Brunswick, Germany, who has just returned to Washington. During my visit to Hanover," said Mr. I'ox in the course of a recent conver sation with a St. Louis Globe-Democrat correspondent, "I examined an insti tution for the training of Jewish youth. The institution is something entirely new. It has been established by Alexander Moritz Simon. Mr. Simon is the American vice consul at Banover, where he is also a prominent banker. Those who have knowledge of the situation in Russia and Germany to-day fully understand that one of the chief causes of the anti-Semitic move ments in those countries is that the Jews are solely dealers and traders. This is because children naturally ac quire a taste for and follow the occu pation of their parents and other rela tives. "Mr. Simon told me," continued Mr. Fox, "that in his visits to the United States in 1882 and 1890, he remarked the distressing conditions of the Jew ish immigrants, arising mainly from the fact that they were unable to per form such work as they could obtain from labor. Knowing no mechanical trade, they were of necessity driven to peddling. Mr. Simon, some time ago, became convinced that if many of the Jewish youth in . Russia and Eastern Persia were properly taught trades, it would be the best answer to the chief argument of the anti-Semitic agitators. Actuated by this belief, he founded tnia institution. He has purchased some seventy acres of land near the city of Hanover. The necessary build ings have been erected so that sixty boys can be accommodated. The prime object is to teach agriculture, garden ing and fruit culture in all their branches. Carpentering, locksmithing, shoemaking, baking and other trades will be taught. The movement and the institution have already received the hearty indorsement and assistance of prominent Israelites in Europe. There is every evidence that the ex periment will prove successful and pio neer the way for similar institutions in other parts of Europe." , THE "AUDISON." Aa laTwntloo to Brine; About a Heeded Reform In Telegraphy. At ft competitive trial of skill be tween the telegraph operators absurd ly called a tournament, which took place recently, one of the most inter esting features was a test of the ca pacity of a receiving machine tech nically known as the "Audison" a small instrument fitted to the head of the operator, giving a sound which, al though perfectly distinct to him, is wholly inaudible to anyone else. It is high time, says the Engineering Mag azine, that the use of a receiving in strument of this character became gen eral in the telegraph service. Under the present condition of af fairs it is almost literally true that he who runs may read. Hundreds of tel egraphic stations in' hotels, railroad depots and other equally public places are equipped with noisy sounders, enabling every message that goes over the wire, to or from that or any other station, to be read by any person with in hearing who is able to do so. There is not the slightest attempt to pre serve the secrecy of communication, which ought to be one of the all-important requirements of the service. There are thousands of ex-operators and other persona in the community who can read these signals as easily as they co lid read a bulletin board, and there is obviously nothing whatever to prevent any one of tliem from obtain ing information of other peron' busi ness or personal matters in this way and using it to their own advantage. It is a state of affairs which calls loud ly for immediate reform. SCHOOLBOY PHILOSOPHY. A newer for Etery QnMtioa the Tearhet Caa Aaku The schoolboy has queer Ideas some times, says the Great Divide, as is de monstratr-d by the following answers given to teachers in -airh of Informa tion: A poor iHiy waskrd: "What is a gentlrmanr "A fellow that has a watch and chain." he rrpliod, adding, when he saw Hint hit answer was not perfectly aatiafaclory, "and loves Jm.- "Medieval la a wicked man who has Wrn tfinptwil." "A dema irogne Is a facl containing Wrr and other liquid. " "Tom, uae a acntrnr with rvar-maiblllty In If Torn a Id: "When one uiendrr button la gone there Is a great deal of reaponaibilltjr on the other one." "What la a ladr Inquired the teacher. A very small girl answered: "A thing for courting with." 'Hilvt the future of drink." "I'reaerit, he ttrlnka; future, he will be dmnk." "The plural f..r piMow." "Holaier." "Compare 111." "'II, worse, dead." This recalls the anawer of the boy who said: "Maaculinx, mam feminine, woman; neuter, eorpae." "Who u the flrt man?" al a teacher. "Washington. promptly answered the young American. No." aald the eacher. "Adam was the Brl man." tih. well. J anppnae yn- are right," r-ptUd the undaunted patr-a. "If y.m refer to furrlnera." 'Mow did thai Mot coins on jrirnreopy book, Kam "I think It la a tear. Wtae Wallace." "How could tear be blafk. ham?" "It moot have been a Colored boy wht dmpped It." suggested the reflective hamuel. "Whs I mads vhe Uiwemf riaa Iranf "The famine ta the land." Te rare all old antra, to heal aa ta dole at a leer, or speed il tore tilee. yen neej simply ri,y I, Witt's WilrbHaht soiLling to direct tons. lie saagia lite eetioa - 111 tup tee) on. (er Unci. The story . f i e r. U an r!Ung all he had ! , V i , ,, p.Hlf wM tbe an! J- , f , , . i,.., t , - rrfiiiQ h.nvtar v.. i, , r , . -,K Tl (. her ii) i . . ' , t:e ttt.l that the Won t rt bee Who! auenme l.i no, v.. a hnl.MLt -Vr, ! i )' -r c- I. bet aa Wight aa a d. '! !ar, si. I tf, t ne that the ii rt.- - , , t.,nn-r that I 1 - -t'r ..'.d a.-. I qtiir n I, I (i , Mu the !'. I r l e- ,rty, "if a titan ta I ..,, ., !,. (,4Wo n anlU I ton 4 Iv-, , i .. -- f ., Ufa ii is, t , I . f I' i t l a i to the I"' " ' -Uii,nl.ti:e girl I-..-. t ,.., nvrt-reneei ',. .. . i . U . t i l'i town tl t;i :,. ...(:,,,. f9fi U IW ... . ),,-. tmm," W Ui Uwi.f HELPED THEM DIE EASY. Tanner Leach'e Indorsement of tha Hog Cholera Cure. "In Nemaha county, southeaster Nebraska," said Representative Mercer, of Omaha, "there lives an old farmer named Rufus Leach. The hog cholera was raging in the county and Leach's hogs were dying fast, when along came a smooth-tongued fakir with a patent cholera cure for hogs. He showed Leach his goods, read him the .direc tions on the bottles, and sold him two or three bottles of the compound for five dollars. "Three or four weeks later Farmer Leach was standing at his gate in the evening when a well-dressed stranger, who was driving by, hailed him. There was an air of desolation about the farm, a lull as of death, unrelieved by the musical bass grunts of a lot of contented hogs. " 'Good evening, Mr. Leach,' called out the stronger, pulling up at the gate. " 'Good evening,' said Leach. " 'You don't remember me, I see,' said the stranger. " 'No, not exactly,' said the farmer. " 'I sold you Bome cholera cure for your hogs a few weeks ago,' the stran ger explained. " 'Oh, you're the man, are you?' said Leach, quietly. " 'Yes,' said the fakir, 'and, by the way, how did it work.' " 'Well,' said Leach, in his complacent style, 'I don't know that it done any good, except to make the hogs die a little easier.' " "Excuse me" observed the man In pectaolea "but I am a surgeon, and that is not where the liver is." Never yon mind where the liver Is." retorted the other. "If it was in his big toe or bis left ear Da Wilt's Little Early Risers wonld resell it and shake it for him. On that yon can bet yonr gig-litmps." Con eer k Bronk. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRAD! MARKS DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS An. Anyone tending a aketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an InTention I probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest apency forsecuhng patents In America. We have a Washington office. Patent taken through Uunn A Co. reoelra special notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of inj scientific Inurnal, weekly, terms 13.00 a yeari l.Wslz months. Specimen copies and Uamo Boon ON Patents sent free. Addrett MUNN A CO 361 Broadway, Mew York. TUB CHROmCIJI tank with the si set sat aewipapem la the DalUd state. THK CliRONlCMt aa bo equal en the Pacta Coast. It lead all la ability, enterprta and news, THC CHKONICUfs Telegraphic Repurla art the lateet and most reliable, I la Local New to fullest and apleleet, and It Kdrtorlal from UM ablest pan In the country. TH K oil IIO.N 1CI.IC ha al wart been, and always will be. the friend and ehamptoa of the people a againet oomMnatlon. ellqua. corporations, at eppn-aalone of any kind. ItwIU be Ltdepeaileal la evarytuiuf neutral Ui aotuiua. m t mo 3D 1 $m$t .1 " P- v Jtv n W ST t trr" awanni v ii iC,.T-1 T i v r.TM The CkenMs ItalUI THE DAILY Mr Ma t, raeia. Paid. Only S 60 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle Hi Crtili Wet.! b lit Ct trj. $1.5 O a Ysai llaai4la s I n s i f any pan Wit CatteA uut anta a4 Urntmrn. T" oiak'UL mm mrtstmm, aw eMat wisit Wetiy Hiwwn I UM wwHA arM fmn'mrtf m rmtmmmm. mt iwn ml a aa iim-l laSwasa- mmm, mimm a aMgaisww ATWwHral tnearna4 ft am pl t cofits 8iNT rmt. IK) YOU WANT Tin: CHRONICLE Reversible Map? uowia Tbe United Sutei. Domialoa cl as- fEADiHC iPAPEtl Cinxix inj Nortbera Mexico Q Ae the ) Map of tho World OH 1IIM OTtlstn UttiR. 4 91 a4 tit tha Mas aa4 T.aF nrwtlrle f ay Oee Test, hwaHesr tesM Hip Sa4 reaaa. attoaaan M. It. Am YiM'Htl. r a V riiiiiai ... . HiSf ' AAs fnmx RSLSmwaal mf MmHtm Frof. W. H. Peeke, who make a specialty of II II fk. ' Kpiiepty, baa without saSl II II Vk doubt treated and cur . II II AkV ed more caaea than an v living Physician ; his access i astonishing. We bay heard of cases of at yean' atanding curea or him. Ho publishes a valuable work on this dis ease, which no aenas with a lartre bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any suffererr who may tend their P. O. and Express address. We advise any one within? a euro to address Prof.W. B. PEEKE, 7. J 4 Cedar St., Sew Turk Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat- eat business conducted for Moderate Fees. OUS OFFICE IS OPPOSITE. U . S. PATENT OFFICE and we can secure patent ux less tuna than, those mnte from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo- with descrip tion. We advise, it patentable or not. tree ol charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ! A Pamphlet, u How to Obtain Patents," with cost of tame in the U. & and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Wabhinoton. d. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS 01 the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL,, Hall block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 5t tl., C. M. Ht. P., C. ii A., V. Ft. W. 5l C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroad. HATES OB.OO PER DAY Cor. W. Madlton and Clinton Sts., CXZZCLO-O. I7-,T-u Qui fil TM U.S. GOVERNMENT I PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to y6u and is willing snd Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time 7 Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. fWrite for laws snd complete information. No Charge for advice. ') No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, Cj 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. r9 JT. B.Thlt Company it controlled by Marty one Oioutand leading newt paptn in the United Stalet, and I guaranteed by them. Attorneys tit Itixv, All business attended to in prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. . , OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, 'ti.t OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. n 1 1 Kirnr onrl PiifAt vnnnH WonWinn .01 n m ii mi (inn . t v a. v a vnv An. Mta. Stoers TELLTDOXE, BAILEY GATZET AND OCLiX WiVEL Leavios Alder Street Dtk. Portland, for Astoria, Ilwsoo, Looff Beach, Oceae Park and Nahcotla. Direot aonDeetioa with Ilwaoo steamers and rail road; also at Young's Bay with 6eaabor ltsilrosd. TBZjX.I'XZOKZ leave Portland 7 A. at. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. at. Dally, esrept Hundsy. Uatet Portland I P M. Ially, eipept Sunday. MatuMay nltht, II P. at. leaves Attnria Daily a al ii A. M ttcept Sunday and Monday, buuday nlgbt,7 p. al. OOBAW WA.VI leaves Portland and run dlrart to Ilwaoo, Tuesday and Thuraday at S A. M. Ratnrday al I P M Leave ilaare Wednesday and Friday at J. A, M. Oa Suuday nig.t at P. M. kgi'j Cbfdtd Is R3jm4 Dtslkilioa Both Mia Fret cf Eijxase. for Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel oa Ibe Telephone, Bailey Getter! and Oreaa W.v h Essls; Institute It to Advertisers .it .1 great sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson Puumsming Co. The comparative value of thete twoearda la known to moat person. They Illustrate that greater quantity la Not always most to bs deaired. Thete cards esprett the beneficial qual ity of RlpansTabules As compared with any previously known DYSPEPSIA CURB Ripens Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a box. Of druggists, or by mall. .. BIPAKS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprue ., .T. WANTED-AN IDEAoTS- thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDERr BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, WasbiitgtuA, D. 0.. for their $1,800 prize oiler. The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.60 and tha regular price ot the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tha Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for .3.50. All old sub senbers paying their subsoriotions for . one year in advance will be entitled tr : tbesnma. Vis the Union Pacific System Baggage is cbeoked through from Port end to destination. The specialties on the Union Paoiflc are unexoelled track; and equipment, onion depots, fast time tbrongh oars, stesm heat, Pintscb light snd oourteoos treatment to pasBeogers. For rates and information Apply to R. W. Baxter, Gen. At. U. P. Bystem, Port land, Oregon. urn in u u rw U llll IA A. I .! I A - I - For tho Curo oa Liquor. Opium is. Tobacco Habits It Is kwml4 at Salem, Orefne, TU Jtfuef Beautiful Town on fi Coast Call al ! flsltrra eieo tr wrtlralaet airvHJyroaa.leuUai. Trwateeal antaieasd tare euro. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE y:vARE WILLING TO UNLOAD t ur l li AL 1 a U 1 1 I J If