FS i j u, use Vi Coca, opiate or nar cotic compounds la bad, decidedly bad. They undermine health and shatter the constitution and the patient is steadily growing into a worse condition -often resulting in the terrible slavery and misery of the cocaine and opium habit. oieep inauced by the use of Hood's Sarsa. Tom Buokley and Billy Binner met in combat down on the street Friday even ing and Billy came out with a badly cot scalp &s a result of Tom bitting bim with a cudgel. Buckley showed his fighting qualities for once in pretty good shape, and can now. be credited with winning oue fight. We did not learn jnet what was the oaase of the "sarip," but pre sume the foundation for it rented on an overflow of bourbon or something of tbat sort, as Banner was pretty much in- ...in. j x . . ,"uura nDl Perhaps come as quickly, toxioated at the time. The difficulty ' mru EUlt'y 8Ud more per" W88 8eUled with tbe "oorder by the par- Vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds 8t,Ch ps8,lme9- the nerves with life-giving energy and nBVB B'ven ObRmberlaiD'a Cough builds up the system and constitution RftDnedy a fair test and consider it one 01 from the very foundation of all health the very best remedies for croup that I ana me ine blood pure, rich, red blood, have ever found . Oue dose NU MARRIAGE FORMALITIES. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. HftnH's Dillc re "verms, easy to take, I1UUU S fills easy to operate. 26cents. A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over and the winter season again with us, all will want an adequate supply of freBb and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE a.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, 11.50...., $3.50 8. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25, " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. Wor)d,1.00 3.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Here and There. Ciroait oourt convenes next Monday in the store at Any overooat Minor & Co. oost. 2t Tbe celebrated WakeUe poison now on sale at Minor k Co.'a. 2t Wm. Douglass was ia from his Ratter oreek ranch yesterday. Befofe purchasing shoes you will do well to call on Minor k Co. 21 P. O. Thompson was looking after business ia Heppner Hatnrday, Jonef Mueller, tbe piano man, departed for Portland Saturday oisht. Drink tbe celebrated J. FJ. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borcbers'. Tbe Redlight people will treat yon right. Call 00 them when in town, tf Osmao Hager returned home Sunday miming from tbe State TJuivesity at Eajene. Minor & Co. have tbe largest, latest, beet line of shoes io the city. Call and examine. 2t Kill your squirrels before harvest. Minor & Co. have the celebrated Wake lee polsoo. Only 25j. 2t Mat Lirbleotbal baa Just received the latest style in gents' and ladies' shoes. Too should tee them. a. Mrs. Mark Hiodmen, sister of Mr. E. VT. Rbea, departed for tier home at Baker City on Batordsy evening. John Spray and family departed tbe latter part of last week (or their borne oyer io tbe Haystack country. Gid Ilstt and Charley Jones are se ocitted together dowo at Charley's old place la the tooeortsl business. Call on them and get your wbiskera pushed Io. Mrs. C E. Itedfleld, wife of Attorney Red field, of this oily, arrive! from Pen dleton Saodey morning 00 villi to ber bmbeod. Hue ws accompanied by their Uttl daoghter. Tbe Osteite will lake potatoes, at plea, eggs of botter 00 euboriplUm aecoonts. Any one owing Ibis offlesrso settls Ibeir ceooote Io this nsoner and sao'l do it loo soon Io soil as. has always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yields very readily to this mediome. I oau oouBOientiously recommend it for croup and oolds in children. Geo. E. Wolf, clerk of the nirouit court, Feroaodioa, Fla. Bold by Couser & Brook. George Shipley met with a very seri ous and painful aooident last Friday eveoiog. In attempting to jump out of his express wagon onto the pavement at tbe First National BaDk oomer, be was tripped by the lines which caused bim to fall, striking tbe hard pavement on ODe of his kuees badly breaking tbe knee cap and otherwise injuring him. He will be confined to his home sometime as a result of tbe aoeident. Although we have no rifles that will shoot through seventeen inches of Bes semer steel aud then burst a four-foot oak log into seven-foot hickory fence posts, we have a large Bupply of 22 oal. rifles that will shoot a bullet dear through a squirrel aud out ou the other side. Which gun is the greatest good to the country? Call at P. C. Thomp son Oo.'s and buy a rquirrel rifle and save your oropa. 2t. A few months ago, Mr. Byroo Every of Wooditook , Mich , was badly afflicted witb rheumatism, tdis right leg was swollen tbe full length, causing him great suffering. He was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Tbe first bottle of it helped bim oonaijerably and tbe seoond bottle effeoted a oure. 1'be 25 and 50 oent sizss are tor sale by Con ser k Brock. E. W. Rhea, of this city, acd W. L. Matlock, of Lone Rock, have a oontraot of furnishing something like 2,000 head of vatile to eastern buyers, aud have been very bny the past month gather ing tosether tbe required number. Cat tle busioens is pretty good and prices ere looking up. A move is on foot io Sherman county to build a railroad from Biggs to Wasco. Riitbls-of way have been secured for nearly the entire length of the (roposed road, on the Barer meet that work on the road shall be oouiuvooed by April 15. Thomas Thompson, deputy stock in spector for Umatilla county, reports tbat be has again been compelled to kill a number of horses sfllioted with mange. He aayi that there are good many of them sonttered through the county. The length of life may be increased by lnsseniug dangers. The majority of peo pie die from lung troubles. These may he averted by promptly oaeing One Minuto Cough Core. Couser k Brock Phill Cbo, manager of Hepptier's wsrelionae, will pay the highest market price for bides, for, sheep pelts, eto. Bring your biJes to him. tf One Japanese bowl given free with each one pound of English breakfast or Slider Leg tea at J. W. Veogbao's. 16 19 A Batter Creek Man Named Clark Gets la- to ber ions Trouble. From the E. O. The sheriffs office gathered in a man Saturday evening who may at least be oredited with adoptiug novel means to accomplish the ruiu of a young girl. His name isR B.Clark. He n abicbelor and lives out 00 Butter creek. Friday night, he took a young girl named Cntirmings from her borne io tbat neighborhood and started to attend a dance. Instead of going to the dance, he dr ve on to Pend leton with tbe girl, arriving here at 5 a. m. Saturday, aud first to the Golden Rule, wbere he registered as Ben Clark. During tbe day be requested William P. Alien, tbe clerk, to sorutoh the name from the register, giving as a reason tbat be had been in trouble and had not yet fixed up the matter, but would iu a few days have it arranged all right, Mr. Allen complied, aud Clark then went to tbe Willeke restaurant and procured room, wbere he took tbe girl and left ber. Clark prooeeded to the court bouse secured blank forms of marriage affida vit and lioeuse, saying be wanted tbtm for a friend who was going to marry a yonug lady who was under legal Bu'e and that, therefore, he must obtain the girl's parents' consent. Olark himself filled out the blanks and took them to the young girl and made her believe that that made the marriage legal without tbe oecessi ty of any further formalities. Ed O. Allen, proprietor of the Golden Rule hotel, bad bis suspicions aroused by the man's peculiar aotions and in formed the sheriff's offioe of his belief tbat something was wrong. A deputy was detailed to look up the matter aud found the couple iu the room at the Willeke restaurant. When inform -d of tbe true facts, tbe tbe young girl for tbe first time realized that she had been lured to ruin by Clark, and she swore to a complaint against him, Olark was arrested and taken to jail. He stated tbat be really intended to marry tbe girl, but made no denial of the allegations against bim. Mibs (Jummings says she is lb years old, whiob, it true, may save Clark from conviction under the statute defining rope, the statute placing the age of con sent at 16 years. The girl is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. rummiogs, who live io tbe Big Potts county near tbe line between Umatilla aud Morrow counties, Several persons living in Pendleton know the young lady and say tbat she is at least 17 years old, though some doubt this. Tbe obarge against Clark, in case it is shown io court that she is 16, will be seduction. He will be examined tomorrow in Jnstioe l'arkes' court. Cancer 05 tk Breast. Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paid no attention to a small lump which good and show that they are not Strang appeared in aer ureasi, dui u soon ae- era to the art of stage aotiog. The 00m- veloped into a cancer of the worst type, . . - . . . and notwithstanding the treatment ol p8Dy trRvel ln the,r own 8peo,l caf' the best physicians, it continued to have a good little band of seven pieces spread ana grow rapidly, eating two which is quite an attraction, and also an boles in ner Dreast. ine doctors nrf.htr. Tnniahi thev will s o w a prunouueeu Weber Dramatic Co. The Weber Dramatio Co. hav been playing in Heppner since Friday night to fair sized audiences. Tbis oompany is under the direotion of Mr. Frank Weber, a man of long years of experi ence in theetrioal matters, and is far above tbe average traveling troupe. Messrs. Fred Moore and J. A. Wolfe and Miss Ktsor, who play leading parts, are her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her, but she con tinued to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt and grandmother had died from cancer he gave the case up as hopeless. Someone then re commended S.S.S. present "T'riss, the Waif of Saoramento," which may bo the company's last perform auoe in tbis oity. Bnckleo's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tious, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give and though little hope remained, she perfeot satisfaction or money refunded oegun it, ana an impruvcuicm. was o- p , 05 0en,9 pef bo F ,e u ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign of the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Ecrema, Rheumatism Scrofula,-or any other blood disease. Our books will be mailed free to any ad dress. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta Ga. WEDDING BEliLS. To Do Given Away this year in valuable articles to smokers of I .SlIGEgSa till 1 Blackwell's Genuine Oyrham Tobacco Tho Best I SmoklngTobacco Made You will find one coupon in side each 2-ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ounce bag. Buynbng, readthecoupon and see how to get your share. Conser & Brook. Has Pole Contract. T. B. Harryman, of tbis valley, has been awarded tbe oontraot of putting the poles on the ground from Long Creek to Monument for tbe Heppner-Long Oreek Telephone oompany. Mr. Harry man has oommenced work on bis oon traot Bnd expects to have all the poles along the line by the first or middle of April. It is learned tbat work is being pushed on the line, and that they will have the sameoompleted bere by at least tbe 10th of May. Long Creek Eagle. Piles! flint llrttlag fill Symptoms: Moisture; intense itcbing suit siinsiog; mi ml at night; worse by seratrhicg' If allowed to continue lam ors form wLich ofUo bll and nloorate beeomiog very sore. Nwsyoe's Oiut meat stops lbs Itching sod blenling bests olcerttinu, snd id moat oes re moves tbs 1 11 mors. At dtugiitais, or by mail, for 60 sent. Dr. hwayns a Hod, I'bilaJrlphis. Ou Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1897, at the residence of the bride's parents, eight miles south of lone, ooourred tbe mar riage of Miss Jennie Eincaid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kinoaid, to Mr. Thos. E. Woolery, of lone, Rev. B. F. King, of Heppner, officiating. Tbe bride was beautifully attired in drab broadcloth, trimmed in white bro cade silk and pearl beads, with orange blossoms, and wore gray kid slippers. Mies Clara Mason was biidemaid. Tbe groom wore a black Prinoe Albert suit with white tie and gloves. He was at tended by Mr. J. O. Eincaid. Tbe ceremony was performed in the presence of a tew friends and relatives of the contracting parties, and was followed by an elaborate wedding dinner, abound ing io all tbe luxuries that a frugal housewife oan prepare and under wblob tbe tables fairly groaned. It ia unneo. esssry to state tbat tbis part of tbe wed For Kent. The Bailey Ditah oompany have for rent three or tour 40 acre traots of fruit and garden land under this ditch on tbe Columbia river below Umatilla whiob they desire to lease for a term of one or more years for oue-fourth of crop raised the renter to plant such trees as are furnished and oare for them during the lease. The lands are well irrigated, bave plenty of water and lay well are close to railroad or will sell 00 easy terms, long time and low rate of iuterest. For information write to tbe Bailey Ditch Company, Umatilla Or., or call at the oompaoy's farm. J, mm HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, froo Guests will find the best of accom modations in every respect Schilling's Best tf coffe oda baking powdtr fla voi in turtcti and tpicr or extravagantly perfect Did You Eve Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for yonr troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. Tbis medioioe has been found to be particularly adapted fo tbe relief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength nn i toue to tbe orgaun. II you Imvt Lois of Aopntite, O instiga tion. Headache, r aiming Hpn, or are Nervous, Mlt-eplens, Kxoilable, Melan choly, or troubled witb Dizzy Hpells, hleotrio Hitters ia tbe medicine on ueed. Health and Strength are gunrau tre.l by its use. Fitly cents snd $1.00 at C(bt-r k brock 1 drug store. For lale by E. W. Rhea & Co. WAHHIMIIONH BIRTHDAY. Haw la Ut a PiUII Offlr. Many desirable offlj art wilbta lbs gift of tbs new sdmioistrelioo. Those bo wn tj koow wbat lae ran bs n. tin la ffnl them. CSQ bbltio this Tbs olJ IsJr was right wbeo sbs salJ, ltfofm,Ua0 b, iog 75 osots o Hoole A Co, Wsablngtoo, P. C, for tbs C. 8. I'.lus Book," showing all goveromvot of- tbe ebild might die tf tby waited for lbs doctor. Bbs saved lbs Mils oos's lifs vltb few doses of Ous M mots Coogb Cars, fibs bad osed it for eronp bvfors, Conser A Brock. HsUm Meieemeii! C. A. JnhriK. of o sod salarim witb Civil Horvto rol, sm(ils tsmlotlio qtiaslioas, ,10. Voder prmi'Ol Uws women elaod an iil ebsuos witb mi-a fur piii.os Ileppoer, number of lbs stale Ur4 of in. or a ooafrtb!s inoms f r qasliisiton from tbs stub district, la ur,. Tie"Uius li,k" gives eoplw Imoat entirely rteowJ soJ thiols of lsvlng for tis boms In a short tims, J. V. Craig. KngHie'i drfsBltleg I- B,Mlr, bas Iwi tsksn into taaiudy by lbs CsiUd Hulrs nartbal. and M now loJII ilbtioodsfltJat I torn, wbirh bs baa tbts far been on able to isis tw. I!ut.t.rk was rall4 to Hufr k Kalardav Io S bfr. M'7 Wl k a a a. lottrneUon lot otuw sas w oma ft, sod is Ueldx S VaUshlc Ixx'k tf n f-frne Biticb In demand. reek rftlOfdey 10 tr. " , , ..MbtofOeo 8blck..bol.ver,serl. f J'''"?' ooslr III. Mr. hbk sndf.mil, are no. "J .U. living on one ut J Vey's flses no Ititt'er orevk. 0.0 Cnfbln dle4 t btS b Op In lbs soniitin ye4r sMer n sbrl IHnrtS. Tbe fsel t k nlee tl Ine M K elorrb in like iiiy lfct I'lon-ms, nflr obi'b tbe rwliiS e ll.ler4 ) lbs ll't (' eniery. Ur Ults reH' ll"' 4 !' ttf S f bl4fS. !. will fs'Sib good bos'4 l y ikB.lslre dCtUe istee. H"' '' ill be first flwe. f fsHnr PMHsn la's f:i si .i U. kiea In ftrwn I will Ue f ir sls at Cow k llrnrk's n reNH.l fr litliog surls ad rn'if. wbtoti is r.ty propr suJ e be ma Is at n l not te sissl tabs very iMeular. I M fnub w.m reeiei Attd to SKk tsei.1 lls of tts .l-s lt ft ! gMnle tbs dfojs to Mil ItwS ltS 4 reW pf tf !. f. He . Utl, Or, 1W fete re f-ete4 trbm tbef tr.t-n'-e- f er by If I s Hsfsf tl'.S. Tp'T ' ten b b'Mieet I et S'S pti, lt1g.fWti .ll4 fHs Tm b 8Ue in ,41 neepVil-e i-ee - II s-Miiy s4 t "! -, h) rW el e.ee f I. In tbe Ann artny msnjr esrf InvnU Wfte mU U-t winU-r tr I Krks In t loU'S f runrwr tl lHnry rr,rn.o iUll Ms) irrn l'.!.'i.t't''r. tif the AUUit artLt-ry. Ikiw ritihl the Vrt r.,.Hr f.l.! t-t ! IntKr?. Ii., Tbe wWU. I'rfi c wr nU f ! with trrttj so I ti rqnnefe 'f lnil fHrrn wr UntsA t l'e vvU-rU ! earn, Tbe cantfrti rf 4.l f" IJifre br In m let ween btrwteen Sl I r' ., irv tU'P n4 h .,r."l u'.i "f (Trt hlletriM February 22, of taoli year, ia observed by this country and bas been set apart as Datiooal holiday, to bs appropriately oelebmtod nod commemorated aa tbe birtbdy of (Urm Washington, tbe first president of tbe United Pistes. Tbis oo Ossioo was fittingly observed Io Ueppner y eeter diiy by tbs flying of the national Colors nod Ihs cliog of bnaioess booses. At tbs Deppoer school so rx tra effiirt was male to bring tbs Import ance of lbs event to lbs minds of tbs children by lbs prepsratloo and delivery of a vorr petriotto program by soma of be larger papile. A large number of viillnrs wars Is attend snee acd wars well repaid for lb tims spsnt. Through tbs kiodnees of Prof. V. C. Howard, prineipal of lbs school, arc enable.) to gis oar readers lbs program n fall ns rendered. To s IJ to Ihs forrs of the recilaliuos, songs nod raesys, ers pic I a ree drawn 00 lbs blackboard of Waabtsgton, btsbtrtbptaee.ele ,by tbs papile, wbicb deeerv speeial Uieolkon, being tbs work of Uerlrode Iliabop, Or ills Jooea and Har'os Wk. ftllwtog Is lbs prngram: Al lrr o I be Flag, l'role liarrigoe. Ilit"fy of onr Flg. reeiuti n, Kll.arl taol'io. Hlar Hpsngled Raoner, soeg, srl.red Tbs AmefiMn t'Lf, re. iU'I'Mi, KM!i r.f.r. Tbs American FUg, resiling, Ma'l llrln. A Vieim, reeitatloa, tl irton Peek. Tat UitiC rVlee I )tt. qintallB The 1'irtUUy of vaebtngtin V.t ll'inortd, sor.g br lb erbnol. Mlinsif Waebinsttti. qt taiinn, Wabis. Il f1t.'ly,t Ki'k An Hour Mub M'sebisgtun, raa-l.ug Fl'trs Ia.l. A'ot4 or WeUlt, rarllslien J.ftnl Ki'k. Vt aaUSt..o femta Seasy, IMlie Ilia.. u.i(xt..1.re Dy, Hst So I Sbotsa, ltHian M Nf. ! ulea Mk, I) irt m IV k sad I'ervle (larrigtM OU ttt tt'seltiflf l-w's lt(lhlay, ree. taimn, F."ntn Fswoii. Itirciy of Waab , Harese Kirk. nioeiig Ilia ie, leriit'l n, tll , II lUnJ. fa'.er t4 IM are as good as they can be ding cremonies wss grestly enjoyed by not prudishly Or foolishly Bit preaeni. The list of presents, many of whioh were very fins, is as follows: Mrs. J. A. Woolery, ten dollars in gold; Mr. J. A. Woolery, ten dollars In sold; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Walker, parlor lamp; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kinoaid, table linen, napkins and set silver spoons; Mr. J. O. Kinoaid, set silver knives snd forks; Misses An drie, Edna and Velmalitia Woolery, set silver table spoons; Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Dorg, silver sugar spoon snd butter knife; Mr, 8. M. Ilulzel, Wsukeeny, Kansas, silver sugar spoon snd botter knife. Mr. and Mrs. Woolery depsrted 00 Thursday evening for short wedding trip, after wbicb tbey expect to return and begin housekeeping. Tbe Osztte joins witb tbeir roaoy friends io wishing tbis young onnple many long years of unalloyed happiness. The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With R HOWARD. HAVE YOUR GRAIN. Few realise that each squirrel des troys SI. 50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exter minator is tbe moat effeotive and eco nomical poison known. Prios reduced to 30 cents. Conser k Brook and Minor k Co., agents, Heppner; J. A. Woolery, agent, lone; Niobols k Leaob, agsnts, Lexington. Who never lets politios interfere with business. At the same old stand, next door to M. Lichtenthal's. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. AFTKK Rr.RIOl'9 ILI.NKM. Wrak aa4 Dlaoaaracag t'ntll Heed's Xaina- nsrllla tiavs llralth sad Slrnjlk. "After an illness of two years, daring wbicb tims I underwent several surgical operations, I at Isst began to improve but my improvement wss so slow tbat I breams diaeooraged nod It seemed as though I would osver gel strong again. I was very morh run down nod it did not seem as though I had any sppetils snd 1 did not ear Io livs. Oos dsy I met n frieoil who bsd taken Uoods Hsr aparille snd I was ndviesd to try it After I bsd taken a few doses I began to feel better and bad a belief sppetils. 1 gained from Iwo to tbrss poouJs n week sod grew stronger every day, f took two or three bolllrs of Hood's Haraaps- rilla, and am now as strong ss I ever wea in ny life, and I pteiss Hood's Hsrsaps- nils for bringing roe beak to health." F.mily Bellinger, 10 Orand Ave., Mouth I'ertlsod, Oregon. Tlila Ia lour (lMirtuully. On moeii't of tn cenla. enh or stnu'i, gene roll sample will tie nuiilcd of the rni ht jKipular Calurrh nr.d Hay Fever Cure I Kly's Cream llnlin ) unfllcient to demon, strala the grv:it merit c f the rnn.Jr. ely unoriiritH, 60 WnrnuU, New York City Ilov. John Iteld. Jr. . 1 f f.r. nl Falla, Mont, recoiumemled l.ly's t reuni llm to ins. 1 can aniliaixe bin s'aU 1111 lit, ''Itlsaimal live cure for ealurrh if need aailireded." Hev. Frannia W. rH.la. 1'aMor Central 1'rea. Church, Helena, JIouL F.lv's Cream Tla'm Is tbe erlcnowledgl cure for ealarrh and contains no nmrotry nor any injurious drug. I'rlos, 00 cents. THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. I30ROI-IKRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars This Space Beloggs to GILLIAM & BISBEE, Ucppncr's Hardware Dealers. Iks Oaly Chair Tar Uss To lb ssst is tbe Union IVIflc. East srn cities ars reschsd via Ibis line witb fswer obsnges ( ears Ibaj fla cllier lines Itatas always tbs lowest Ticket to or from points tn lbs United Hst Canada, or Eorope for sale by R W Kaiter. Urn. AgU 133 3rd ML, Fortlsnd Tbs old way or delivering messagrt by postboys rum pared with lbs mndsm UlrplKine, tllnalrates the eld tsdions niethoila of "break In ' colds compared with Itieir SI moat Inalaniansoo com tf Oue Miuuis O'Ogb Cor. Conner A llirCIC TII15 FAMOUS I Hop Oolcl Beer e, I JL. A COOL, HCFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. Stfir Ilrowery Coinpfiiiy, 203 WaeMnntoft St., Psrilsng.Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. Lnoisa Fsso Yisu-Tba feed yard neil dH,r ti lbs (J -ttc nffl i, now be ing diie'e. by Wot. (lor.bm, Is per fectly 1'ilf.ed In every particular. Billy ailieita yoir patronage snd yon may real axsted Ibat yc.nr bnre will tie well eired lor wbrolell In biscbarge. Prices very rewxiaabln. II sy sad grain for Sale. if luware ef Olalaeala t-f CaUrrk ISlt--lala MrrtmtJ, As tnersiiry will surely dMroy Ibe cabas of sniell and impleto! drsnge lit ..! a;. Un !, olefins' It thr ough lbs mil in a irfa-a. H lots nnkles sbrill I never m nsat siaaplso pfttrip lHrta from repola pbyaioi-tas, ne ti datosg they will l Is Us fold l i the t-l )tt cn poaetbly d'nt,froTi lhm. Hall's Catarrh C ire. nms'seinrel If F. J. Cbeoey A (., Toll 1. O, nntas no merrnry, I Is lake Islersalty, net Ins direetly ntnt the bbetd sod n ie j snrfarae nl Ibe syelent tn bs;ltfg Hail's 1 Catarrh Ctee be a era ya) f Ibe teeiue i l li Us Ine i.!ly ,an I mi le Til I , 1 . ATro.v ton uccssl; riVJ TIIR ll'iNriRsnt.R VOI'MX roi.'RT 1 In, lha ninl, ul Mrm, aula al liruun: lit uiwirlel lvl vHra at4 t iftla fl lot. irt lurt, M.rr i wnily, rM. ilili, ailiirn ymir li'tti.fl.la !ty In I trai.l a ltt. tn harlM Hohlxa,, io aril 1.1 r It '! mall a4 Mumn llum.ra In Ira, I tt..Miitira than ota aanoti. in ti,a ijib ol ina. al "ir uu..ra III ar .r, I a ..iry I i: tmmtf H 11mm 1.1 -r I R l.iv O 1 1 .l,ian l.ltn 1 bran a h f.iu n f Hai.c, s,.n Wallet 1 -a I Th. ...!-y an rirmli.f r r 11. a ..l W 1 Mr M,M a f ,,i r I, i ,itg r 1 a w M -a I T amlth III. I . t W I M . lia'-r r-a' I'lima r i rian t II I l I'fl'of a S .a a I SlIrHM IP" nrhran M W 1 ,-. edl ai , Fslberteee, H.I '.S. j Ohl . by t.i. CHeaey A Ol. TellW Ualsfr . r.ld by drcsgtata. flea 7is. 11 r. r ' a ' 'y t ' ' I1 'npn"s yljal r.i k..rf.l ,l,Ma nve II. aj , lse I IKfN l 1.. 'f willvml, weeMagl-.o as lUwafai. eaeay, (tails lllis. 4.!T f fr l ry it;,!, twt , fUed. 1 st th r si t fla ( M ah if, , i ..a , f-.tat-.e, Ortill JKa I Hnaly srtM)s en I! bsl, cbspj I K -I ft A aeM i' Vl. T.fe-a Ui'a,ee er,'t. hauls Sit llj. rsla. In,.., -a.U, tn r IT I ' lub.t.a U Vln;il r,, t,r.g ? v! "i'ir""'"'T"l' bn r.. ' , J r. I. t.l f Ua Arll.uf Vawlrey Ionia Bala fl'.a I I? ! ai,fy M.I. roll I II Klwl.la t Hl.in-.ana Hit (lata 1 1 liilni W A U'.'iaa J I ,... I .lrfffk f I K it m M I a4l( t. i.i;irl OilrVa W a n t l.aa ay I ail liHmi.a Mai Hamma f aa ...a W II MM n,n,lf m i ii ium J w. n.i.m J w ao.t H 'I' feat-a M la-1-.f !' MaMlt4 . M M.iet, 'tvt (l.an IKI ih ,Mniil I Ih -:'W 1TM mm : wmm : nu i Youn) HOUN D to Tiiko fJfim. Leaves No Constipation, vv Cores li, ss well ae all llilioar., Hok ll.a lacl.a ad Malaria. Tbs esly rnrftatI.R IjiII In Ihe world. Mold If ei dniala a, by sasll en reel iif ptlee, i. eei.te ier U I I lil.MlhM AirPICAt. CXI. Han I'raeeiaeo, t'l. .a iMni, I ,1 4 M'ma I ......i, ( al Mak !. I, m, lta t -t.f 1 .ai.til,. u,aa k.l TL Air l. I a . o l .1 J n-w tut Si, siess te. Nef i !.! f a i,nirkl e ,t: ,y lV 's Ki't! .fl H.ive It sa( paei,l lt, s)i n."l at f r (U. ! I it !; N aNIJW aMANAOKsMISNT I " ai ia Ha a ". iw. la I m , w "W w W V 1 V fv M .iii, m i ii..m, hen 1 I I Ia'I'Iw Mow ISeaas llsearafea r.i:r.:r r.l. llll!ileD ........... it a e i re) a'Mi". I ( v- u V CITY HOTEL, French Cook, ami White Labor only, employed. Good Ioomsand Excellent Service T" an-M otnir nrriii it t ta ttr.r r u rv tt tws Wliern ton ran r t n First. Claas Meal at .'i lUU-n, ..a ik M a t I I .. ... I ! ,a - I rM'.f I av.'t.fi'.tf,.. ) a I M.. i.e.a a-l a'- ' '- . I I . '4 ' I btb.1 tik li - 9lstet. U.I.Se Ulkf '- H axa a a. i SM IV f MIS ! l , ,. v-m .