X 1f Ml 1 1 HTiTTTTllllrtffHIft 111 McCltjre's Magazine for March will contain full-page portraits, from receDt photographs, of Presi dent-Elect McKinley and bis mother. James A. Gary, of Baltimore, Iiib been offered a place in Presi dent McKinley's cabinet, and will in all probability be the next post master general. Gov. BusriNELt, of Ohio, has given out the statement that he will appoint Mark II an Da as sena tor to fill the unexpired term of John Sherman. He does this, he says, for the benefit of the people. proof that Mr. Gage regretted his action in that case is found in the i.cw i.jLiav 11 o um ujy iuio lut Cleve land the second and third time that he was a candidate and that be was especially active iu the support of McKinley and Ilobart and honest money, during the late campaign. His administration of the treasury department is likely to be very strong in business, and somewhat indifferent in ' partisan politics. Under existing circum stances, this may be the best possi ble sort of an administration of that important branch of the gov ernment, not only for the country but for the republican paity. An Old Settler. When the rheumntis u firet pre-empts certain tracts of your Hnstomy it may be ousted eauily, but wbeD it becomes au old settler it is pretty bard to budge Remember tbia when you experience the firet twin sea of this obstiunte and agon izing disease, and attack it with Hostel ter's Htomaoli Bitters. It will then "make tracks," and possibly leave you unmolested and in peaceable possession of your own comfort in the future. Peril always attend rheumatism, if it beoome chronic, on account of its teudeucy to attack the heart. Usually it is oompli cated witb kidney trouble. Certain it is that the kidueys, when arointed by the Bitters, will eliminate impurities wbicb give rise to rheumatiHrn and dropsy. Io lncleueut or wet conditions of the weather, the Bitters, taken in advance, will often avert rheumatio trouble. Use this general family medicine for dyspep sia, biliousness, headaohe and constipa tion. MAKVELOUS POWER Paine's Celery Compound Better Than Years of Doctoring. Forty thousand old veterans of the Union army answered their final roll call iu 1806. The fellows who havH been growling over "the enormous pension list" will be gratified, but there are million who will read the statement with heavy hearts. The only thing in the way of the election of a United States senator and the passage of the general ap propriation bill ami the repeal of tlio laws creating the useless com missionM, by the legislature, cleansed of its rubbish, is Joseph Simon, supremo boss of the sen ate and owner of the bodies and bouU of some of the members of that body. When these men die, they hopo to go to Joo Simon. Salem Statesman. WASU1NOTON NEWS. Washington, D. 0, Feb. 23 Inaugu ration echoes are now heard wherever one turns iu VVubLir.gtou. Work upon the street B tumid from which a portiouof the spectators will view the parade, which promises to be the hauddomest, if not the largest, ever seen, has been started, and the inauguration ontnmittee bits begun thedistributiou of 5l),00l) paper lings and 15,000 portraits of McKinley aud Iloburt, to be used by the residents long the route of the parade to asaistiti decorating ineir nouses. xnese are iven away by the committee. Bo gen eral ia tbe sentiment iu favor of having the West Point aud Annapolis oadet take pait in the parade that it seemx probable the joint resolution, ff Ted in the senate by Mr. Frye.nml in the hona f representatives by Mr. llaker, oi ISew Hampshire, requeuing the president to inter the Oidett and their bauds to Washington and appropriating the money pay their expenses, will go through, It in known that Mr. Cleveland favors Laving the oaduts iu tha parade aud that he will gladly issue the order it oougriss will adopt the resolution. SUMMONS, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE I of Oregon, for the County oi Morrow. William Penland, Plaintiff, vs. William Doonan ar.d Mary J. Doonan, Defendants. To William Doonan, one of defendants herein: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are berebe required to appear and answer or other wise dead to the comDlaint Bird against ;oa In the above entitled suit on or before the next regular term of of the above entitled court, to- wit: The First Day of March. 1897, and If you fall to to answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof, the DlaintifT will take judg ment against you tor the sum oi nve nunarea and ninety-one and 13-100 dollars, together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 15th dav of October. 1895 until paid, ana lor t'.e sum Of nfty dollars attorneys lees and for his costs and disbursements in this suit: and the court shall decree that the mortg age executed by the paid William Doonan and Mary J. Doonan to plaintiff bererein, dated the 12th day of April, 181)4, upon the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter of section '28 and the south east quarter of section 28 and the south half of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty seven, all in township one south of range '27 east of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed, and the Bald real property sold and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to plaintiff of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, and all persons claim ing through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, interest and hen at law and In equity, and all equity of redemption, in and to, and upon every part of said real property. This Summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made atchambers, Pendle ton, umaunai ounty, uregon, on ine i;n aay oi January, lew. jiLiiis i l.tuns, 508-20. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SALE The situation at Salem remains unchanged. Senator Mitchell has given out the statement to the ef fect that ho is ready to step out of tlm way for any other man, should the majority of tho leginUture see fit to name another. However, it is probable that the Simon nth Houriifl faction will continue to use their obstructive tactics unless they are allowed to organize the houso and name a man for senator, This apiHiars to bo their attitude, at least, notwithstanding the claims of the OroRonian that Mitchell is the only man standing in the way or organization and harmony. A Wamiuxoton dispatch says that McKinley has determined to let financial reform wait upon a tariff revision. All lie will ,'ipeet of the extra session of cougrcss is that it shall speedily past a new tar i IT bill. He wants it to put the machinery in motion for enrreocy legislation at ft later date, however, by making provision for joiut com mission of senators and rrjirts scntatives and rort st the regit I a iar settHioo oi cottgres. a man Ccntty iu Canton said lie talked at length with McKiidey alut the ctr Mention, and he found the (incident fleet had determined t confine his tneoeage at the opening of that aceaioo rartieally t the tariff and currency, lie ill urge tho nj-dy i...k-o tariff bit for the double urtmti of Moist ing American indu.tii.-e aud filling the treasury iillE there are few tcpubli can iu rtingrYM whj would hat tan-. Mr. I.uuau J. (!, ha tlf-y been lin t . l..t l'n.idcijt McKiiile)'s keen tnry .f the trr ur), all nf ttioin i;ri in mm mm d it g tho rhoii-A now (list it ha Imt mad by Mj r MrKiulry. Many rcj ulilii-ati r nature I roiiref ul- fttivi-s are ereiiiallr acquaiotW ith Mr. (Sag, and thho hate Dot that honoi are familiar through Oll.i ra will) Lis plcn.Iid buetnees carper io Cldcag t, where L has re. idrd for tii'-re than forty tears. IV'in ft buirif. tat,dHii.t there i t t a IHw in tl.rt r.c.tr I of Mr ( 1 ' ; fi m a j tin ' t u I I ,-I. Ul M I I - .... t . 1 " " " r!,f 'M IU l.lt l .U. U '.ii,t tie tiil jlie Ul tiKiui km ti The deninorat ere already lieginning their h iwl ebout the totaUinouut of the appropriations that will bo uixde by the I'lftj-fourtti congrean. 1c in true tint! thet'iUlnf the eppropriHlloiiH for the two years will eioet-d 8 1,();K) (HKI.IMI, but the tlomoorata wutihl ehow ture winiIoiq if they would pidul out a tingle Hppro- prtati ti iiihcIh, or In bit made in the abort time reruHiniog of the i s-nm, thai ia Uot nerdi'd, or that the gnverintieiit will but get full value for, iuKleed ol yelling "ei traragant epproprint I. ma" like a lot of per rot a. The at-a ate ie not a re publican body would that it were yet it has uot only approved a I of the ap propriation! made by the limine, but haa In nearly every bill inoreiiael thetu. OtHiidna, it ihould Uot be forgotten that conaiJerable ami uut of the nj.iney ap propriated by thia eougrraa waa invla oeceeaary by eontiuuing o nilraola mode by the teat driiiiM-ratio onngrma f r river and harbor ituproveiui-uia, pnKlio I. mid Ingaaml the inorenawuf the nary. Chair- tuau Cai'iton, of the bouse Ooniiuittee on appropriatione, crriotly elated tlm aitu atlon when heaaid that eoutreote pre- ioualv made bad to be uWtvcd; that Ouogrtweoiiuld out allow niiuoiehetl pub- lid buildluga to rentals ripped io all kluda df weather, aud that the peualon lawe txul l pot be ignored. I a ehort. that so appropriatiooa have Leon made thai were Dot ueceeaary for the oolidikt of tbe govrrntnrot and the preeorvatiua of He In U real. Mr. Caooro'e lda of eonaomy In pohUc tX(MndititriHi are e rigid that be baa n(TndJ many wrmnel Iriende by rvfuaiog lueenciioa pr.ip.i- tl'ina f.r apiiropruiion hi,-n have Bi tne Iwl ire bie enmntitlee. TiK-r t nn Itfiu in any epproprutl male by the I Ifly lourtli poagrraa that any republi can bred be eatiarad of; tbe appr.ipne- tl.itu ar all pw.ltxl and tbe money le ail to b trbt aru.iug the fepte an I tor the fHple. It U about eetlle-l that tbe erbltrati. n Ireatr H ! te tul4 noon at Ibla er aino, bal will over t l lb tllre e-e aloa of the evnaU, thai eill nint Mareb 4th. euJ rinaia le a. iq at.ti In . ' ( Ira eat4in of Hie fall p.'egirM sikIi I t i a bee wa i fH-y . tti, 1 pil,on Id Ibe luatf in the eiite, j I lkprreceUtite Witodman , id I linoia, bee akej Ibe bouae wait at.4 iiiaua euntaiiltee to Inereeae Ibe meaae Ui oa eigweitwe fr.ua fit) eU t .) a Iboeaead. Mr. WaMnltaae'e otjet le to toy tbe em-'kiag el rtgaMiee by rbil l ree, nbieti be le a baUl wtica le deelrnylea ' )ulb, Adie wer Ibeeae Mylame aaJ abruadiag Is lUaaa, by tbe 4eelraeliaa, Wivnlally, atrall) aed byat fa'ly at lbU ;.ua ..n, of Ibe brel b4roe cf ear Ian 1." Mr U w lumi it la Me n b ! lb ianiU , - 4 There weg never a remedy eo emi nently MioopflHfnl, eo far ebove and be yoid nil competition, as Puioe's celery oom pound. i'niue's onlery onmpoaud f fleots mnr- velong curpB. Where other remedies miserably fail, nnd where dootora do nnl eucoeed, there PHine'e oelery componnd is found cariDg diRene, making people well and happy. Here ie the case of Mrs. Huff, who lives at 110 Summer Ave, Newark, N. J., and whose portrait it printed here. "My doctor," y, "called my ilinetise liver oompluint, etomach trouble, oervoua dyepHpnta, and almost every other nnniM yon oonl l thi ik of. When I waa in t'ortlmid, Ur., I hed enlargement of ti e liver, end the dootor thought all the troubles eame from that severe epell of illnm. Thet wn 12 yeara egn, and I hnvedone nothing but doetor evereinoe I have had the beet physicians examine in, and ee if tbey cotild do anything for me. For months at a lima my atom nb and liver have been so sore that I oould lie In bed only in misery, and with eneti eevere pain in my bnok, and so weak that I oould hardly talk "Alter I bad a hud night I would send for tbe dootor, aud he would leave me a smell box of powders aud one or two other inedieinee, end it would Oust inn 8 1 every time I bed oni of Iheee epxlle. I believe I have taken more medicine I It nu any other living woman. "hunt March I hud a call from a laly friend of mine, who aeked me, "What I tbe matter with you?' I replied by aaying, "Uot well you luokP "Yee' be aid,"! never fell so well in my life." SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE JL of Oregon for the ounty of Morrow, J. A. Woolery, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel E, Walker, Defendant. To Samuel E. Walker. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are nereny required to appear and answer the com Dlaint tiled atrainst vou in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of tne next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit March the first, 197; and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the plalntltt will take lodgment against you for the sum, One Hundred Sixty and 65-100 Dollars witn interest tnereon at tne rate oi ten per cent per annum from the 11th day of Oct 1896. For the sura of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of Oct. l: lor the sum of twenty-Bve dollars at torney's fee and for his costs and disbursements. This Summons Is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 2fth day Of Dec., 18. J. N. BROWN. 605-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. A.1Vwe BISHOP'S HEPPBRi OREGON 20,000POTJNDS OF STORE BID MM. Consisting of Tables, Cbairs, Kooherf, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book Cases, Lounges, Sofas, 8pnng Mattresses, Wool Mattresses, Parlor Suits, Center Tables, eto , eto. Brussels Carpets, Wool Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Racks, Hanging Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., eto. ' All the above Goods are Placed on Sale . at Half Value or Less. Will be Sold Regardless of Cost. Fix np yonr homes at once with Stylish Furniture, wbile Ibis opportunity is offered. She isa woman of 45. ""And now," she said, "I want to give you a little advice. I have been rtlmnst at death's door witb liver trouble. After the dootor had done all that he oould for me I told him not to come again. 1 snowed mm a Dnitie or Paino'a celery compound and told bim I was going to give that a fair trial. As a result I am strong and well." "I sent right over to the drug store and got a bottle of Paine's oelery oompound, and when I had taken two bottles tbe if re nege bad left my stomach and my side felt much better. After I had taken four bot tles my side was mnob stronger, and I was in better spirits and felt aa though I might live and not be in snob misery. Working people nowadays work the vi tality all ont every week, and all I aak is to be able to euro tbe tuooey I have to every week. "Paine's oelery componnd baa enabled me to do tbia, and has dons me more good than all the aootors pnt together "Why, my nervons system is so entirely strengthened I fuel like a new being, and what is more, I look tbe good the meJi cine b dona me, right in my face and eyes. Just tell all women that for medicine to build one np, give Paiue'e celery compound a trial, aud it it doee not do it, then they might as wt-ll die. 1 bsve recommended it to several nnd It bus helped in every oee. I have great deal to wot ry me, and a dose of the compound gives me quiet sleep and then I Can work. If any one w lubes to write me tbny can da so." Why should a sick person do anything else but try a bottle of Talue's celery oompoood? of the reach of achool children, then Mr. Chairman we may look fr a mitigation of the evil. Then may we look for a protection that protects. Then may we congratulate ooratdvee on having per formed one act the results of wbicb tbe whole nation, witb on acoord, will ap prove." lU-prearotutive White, of Chicago. ma le quite a atir at the lal meeting of lb house committee on public buildings and grounds by charging that tbe inser tion of the name of F.i Mayor Orent, of New Toik, sou lo law of Senator Mur. phy, aa una of the five cotunituioorra provided f i in tbe bill for tha New York eiiatoru bouse, and of on of tbe other OornmUaionere, was the reeatt of a dl. I be eimruiionrfs are to gl 15,0ml a year and no limit is set Id Ibe lima they are lit take f. Ibe sale of the treanl j custom bona and erwcllnii of tbe pro- r-rd new one. I ha bill le Bow bf,ire t'ie cmtnllloe cm eee-mni of awnd nifiila edd'4 by tbe am at, one ( attic b le Mr. (Iraut'e iiamn. Mr. Wbiteaante to alt ike out tbe erutularu entirely. Hu Kalirvly Hreovarva. Mra. Fannie Smith, who was Oominilted to the asylum at Kalrm from tbis ooonty about a year ago, bee beeo pronounced on red by tha pbyaiciant of that lostito lino and will leave io a few days tor bar new borne In Hallnas, CaL, wbera Mr Smith holds a position on tha railroad atn.ilar to that wbicb ba held bera for eevrral yeara. Tbis is Indeed good Da Io Mrs Smith's lei ge number of llepp arr friends who will rejoice with bar over ber complete roo very, end ebs ei pr an bar smears thaoke la Iboee fiieode brre who so kludly assisted caring for bar Io bar affliction. Mrs. ritnttb will leave Hal.ra for California about the last of tbia month. n n nj InJOQO S Ut take ellef a nurl , !.., rut t a M ml s e 1te4 l I I Hm a I Ilt. Um loke sllef a nnrl, pVSSk, 4 xre axt t' iCm m I I f r eeati..i,. u I I I e4s,ie - ew4 ett as SI e7 I t IS D 1,1 1.4 IMk eaH.,tlii f Ymm rr.tr nm :t Jr. i p fca Notict of Intention. I Ainorrti t r ttia huh okcloh 14 '' M !". entire le hem.y (! Ibal lt, f.n.e lug heme-t -il."f he ti4 MMaol Ms Intention Io mil ai.l srM In aniirt at him ixle. Iltel mm it .". Bi t e4 t !' t, . Mntmw, iK-untt tiers, at Heppaer, f "W mmn m f, ,w , vit - t iitai ay r Mlllt. Il l I Ma X,.4lle k !. II. TP ta . W He mim Ike f..ll,.ef. iltnmi in e k nMiiinu.M. Miifw Han a4 euliltaiioa o4 MM l. l. Is lnot . f. ,n. I kl.loa Wl'ene. R l "! all at I.m. res". 4 1l".ee arte. ( ll-l I M.f. Mi..a. f M.wiMS, A'olct 0 Inttntlon. orrn at lilt Ott t la omi.mi KM bil lt,Uu l Ifttif ,i 4,M fft I- IMMr , I hl Mil be x.ee kt.-rt t W M. ... iv i,,t, I lek, al . I u.i, mt Hoik IK IU J.lM W. AllT 'lt. Our Sale on General Merchandise Still Continues. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. SUMMONS. IS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County, J. W. Whitlley and Wm. T. Mulr, partners doing busi ness as Whalley & Mulr, PlHlntllfs, vs. James VV. Swesea, Defendant. Io .lames W. bweiea. Defendant In the name of tne Htaie of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term oi sain court, to wn: The first day of March, 1897; and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof the piaintins win take luuitment axaliut you for the sum of One Hunrlrid and Twenty-five Dollars, with Interest th reou at the rate of iKht per cent per annum from the Hth dayof .prtl. ii and for thelrcoauanddtsbursemeius In this action. This summons Is served by nubllratlon pur suant to an order of Htephnn A. Ixiwell. Judie it tne annve entitled court made ou tne lbth y of July, IK'.ni. whallli n Ml ik ana i. n, kkuw.n. S05-17 Att(irne)slor FialntlfTs. Farmers at a distance should call soon, thereby getting a better seleotion. FRANK MGFflRLUHD, MANAGER. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT Of THE BTATE of Orea-on fur Morrow County. P. C. Thompson, I'lalntKT, va. J. B. apTrv, Defendant lo J. B. Mrrv. Iieivnilani: In the naina of the euuinf Oreeon: Yon are hereby reoulred to apiwar and auser the i-ora- plaint men anainst you in the above entitled ai'tlnn on or Iw'ore the next regular firm of tne above entitled court, to-wit: March 1st. 1697. and If ynu fall to answer Inr want thereof, the itaiiititt win rake jmlirmeiii acalnat you for the um oi lortT tour and iVlKi Hollers and Interval IhMreon at tha rate of len per rent Per annum from Mav 14, fi; for tha sum ol elehty-oue and 1H HO dnllara and Interest thereon from January 1. 1 H".tt : for Ibe sum of thirty-nine aud M lisiilnllars and Interrat Ihereon at tha rate of eivbt per rent per aniiiim Imm October lit, lH. lor the sum of fitly dollars attorneya fees and for tbe coau and dlsbunnmeuia ui this tion. This summons Is served upon yon by nntiltra. tion pimuent to an oriler of the lion Menhen A. Ixierll. Juilire of I lie almve entitled rourt, made and entered in aald action on the Hth day of January, lev". bkuwm a RKDriri.n, 5"31. Attoreeys for I'laintiff, HELP WANTED ! We are preparing for a big spring trade, but must have help to make it a bowling success. We are filling np and completing oar stock of GROCERIES AND HARDWARE which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate busi ness. We have many customers now but there are still several vacancies ia this department of our store, to bo filled. Applications will be received at all hours of the day. Apply io person or by letter to P. C. Thompson Co. Corner Main and Willow Streets. notice of Intention. r AND OFPICR AT t-A (IRANDE, ORKOOM Ij Fen. :i. iwT. Notice Is hereby alven that Ibe follnwlnf named settler hu filed notice of his Intention lo make Inal pmof In support of his rlaim. and that aald frattl will be atadt Iwli.re i niitilr t ler. I mil Cnnnlv. Oreenn. al Tendlelon, Oreon, en March 77, u7, vl: SAM TEL. W. WATTE KBl'HdKa, 114. a No. M-,t for the NU N'V. V. 14 t4 IS HWI. ere -n, Tp 1 N.. K.T7 1,W.M. loiiowlna witneaeee to prove cultivation He namea I lie followlna witm ma ronuiiiirnn reeldeuce upon nf mmlA ln.t k ( Frent Hla. of Oalloway. Oreenn. and Henry Ihommnn. Albert liavla. Ilavls Vn rtv. ell 01 r no, tireeun, . W. w llxiN, el 1 Tt Restate SUMMONS. TH TBI flRrt'IT Ot'RT Of THE VTATI a 01 1 if.n Iff the 1 unir of Murrow. 4. A. Wwiery, rialuUIT, va atmnel E. Wallet. FMendant. To Kemuol a. Welkef. IMen-tanL In Ihe aeme nf the Mela of fena: Yon are nerrhy required to appear en4 anawet the ma plaint Six) nrelnet f n In the ebnva entitled rauee on nf hi..re Ibe Sret eey of the 1 rrguiM leraa el Ibe abovs eatliled cesrt, to-ell Tne I ret aay of Marea, tVT- an4 If ynq fall an la anewer, Inr want Iheeenl Ibe pleiniie will take )iultmel aeelnel yon fnf he tuna nl Etehly ee and no th.liare. mik tnleraet imik'S al Ibe relent len per rent rat annum fr.tn the Ink dav nl ItrL tavat. kit tbe in a4 but d-Uera. aii-rtaey s lee, aed lul ale vie etMt di'rt.rinetiie. Ihla eumamne le aervad by pubilrellan mini ta is ohM o Mapban A Lee at I. Ju.tre ibe aie ecllilr-l rvsit, made on (be ua saa m ieniiie, i.euax 1 saowx i tl. Attorney lot lleintlf jja ! - , aitbi at a reB a t e itia I , a-i.i. At: yo. willing to try .1 new t, t at o.ir expense ? Ytmr rH r will sell you a p.u l.ic oiSi iMtts Ikst. ami rvturn snnr uvucv in full if mi i! i't c it Pi iu's ! '-.v, hut cnini Mk Nl t r i.MlM aa-, ,. anv, m w tf ,. m. Ha a ln .. '..(. mi. e -'e r..tae ere av4 laiihUM aa, I ia ..I an. e. t in Aamei a lia, I k, Maa. I lam H laaltol a 1 ie. 1 raaaj. h r.ai ita. r ' t Saeaer VWVW 11T lit M.MI II H I II H 1 s nthi inr L I II Y Pendleton, Oregon. KOOU COMMISSION Hr if.ort.ibte Aiivancrt .MatJe on Clips of 07 WOOL 8C)hD Hotlce of Inttntlon. f tii orrti 1 at tm r.t.i Moniium 14 Feb t. !: a.l. la kerehe (Iran Ibel tbe Inline In Kema.1 aalllat kaa Sled Mln e te Iwlanl.nn l anake Snel tlaal In euflnrt ol bie nelxa al Ibel aal t am4 nlll t m,I Mt.nef.eJ H'rtenn nonlyl IMS, al Hefeet, "wn. aa pans, i nn. Im . . It NIIUH ftASMN, m I in Mbew,ir4 r .nrws.nd Mlt Is l, j 11 t.a a 1 1. a ..!).. le elln mi In t ble rnnlli.m.rf eeeMaHSte eaaMI a4 m.UtnUaaa ea a4 iaa4 1 1 J t.a J.t.na aiw W amiK. Ourtan ttl.i.w(k. a Stettl lile,iraai, tm4 tbetlaa ltebe. dmffpmt. ltaHi e r h 'via r D00TSAND SHOES D r. THC PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT ax. iviciiXKivriirv's lie bas anything to this line that you may desire and ynn ran depend on It vou get a good article when Mat guarantees It SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty. aaop.M Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can ba procured at Thompaoo & Binns, lower Main Street, ueppner, uregon. Theae eentleroea are wall arnnelnled with flrant. ttarnae faktlT ft I M I ai earn a ai Mlr.ee aAiieiKa . . -V , . ... f, a--aa, uiiiibih BIIU V MV'I VVUHild 04 en mv monrj iod Um lo making tbM vctiaitc Uh trTeUug n. rnc in loping Vila tb Umcc TI-lOMPSOlSr & BTNNS, A J l. asssi UlLni. V " - II M s York Weekly Triune FOR Farmers and Vliiaoers, roil Fathers ; and Mothers, Sons and Dauoliters, FOll All the Famiiti. limber Cuttvrt, final Proof. Jaeitr tee ftkllaelaaa t etae St.ata Lae nerve The 1 '-a IKafn. ,, aT Vt'TU la Hlaill wla 1M.T til a s HI a l.tik,. aaT ttareta IW.... aae Sia a-i-a M Btaaan In ir aa a I a. a-w4 Mature I .at-a,a.M(, 4 HV, In a.t-ae - aw .lat Ut e. a-a, law! am Hatha. UmI as, it,!, , .1 4m a. a, In tasaaais a I swnia. ta,., - aaia4 en ee en aaas (a.t aj. a:u, ait.i.v ia- N t ... 1. J .rj a , a4 tt ttt-a t' t a aiat. (Utlaaat. Irtumnr't totict. Ntt Is n)tt .t vent alt Sf . 1 . ataa e.fvia.4 re f e- 1 1. Via, I I... a W aa.4 a t - ' ' a al 'k. 1 "a a r . 1 ... Al Hefiee-, lael.te, feeiat . sa ut t. With lk cloa of IL rrftiJeDtial crorvign THE TniI5L'.SE rwosoiteej lit f4rt that the Atsericto j-oj.l rc now mnUn to girt lhir tiro) ia torn-) Ami baiio lolerrnla. Jo raf t thi cimJilioo, Hitpa til bare far teat er tuJ t,roroinenyi, colli tothr StaU or National occairtn ,e mao.ls rtfi. t,f tha fight fr tU ,rir)d.ten for hich THE TRinilNE hea Uit from tU irKVtion ti th rreol djr, n. oo iU greatoat ictorii. Etef f twieail.U eff(t will U put kxf, ftDtJ tjoooy fffl. , f-nt to tt.U THE WEF.KLY 1UIDU.NE rrtffiioettly National Family Newspaper, fftUiMtaflg, eatrof tivs, eDterlalniog arl bJet6ahU tontwh ttrml-r We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly Trlhune" one Year lor $3.00. I AIIVANCKi, THE GA2ETTE. Oa aan SllraeS a t tea ie .r ' f. .t a.a a.4 a -.aa e s a-a.l r.-4 t4 tl i r,aa a, eirv-, - , .