PV1 SJ 6J1 3y TO i ' -. TUB JE ;S GIVES IBB OHOICB Of Two Transcontineiital GREAT UNION NORfHERN.Ry.V PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spol ane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA CATARRH It a LOCAL DISEASE ntf It the result of cold and sudden climatic chanaes. It can be eared by a pleaaant remedy which la applied di rectly into the nosirils. Be. in quickly ausorbedit give relief at once, Ely's Cream Balm Is acknowledged to be the moet thorough cor for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Bead and Ua; t em of ail remedies. It opens and cleanses tbe nieaJpassr;es, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colas, restores the sense of tasteandsmell. Price 50c. atDniseistsorbymall. ELX BKOTHBRS, M Warren Street, New York its RUB THE OTHER EYE. AdTlc of an Engineer Kafardlaaj the BemoTBl of Cinder. THE M YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details oall on 0. R. & N. Agent ta Heppner, t r address W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, OeD. Prhs. Agt. Portland. Obeoon. E. McNEluL, President and Manager. San Francisco Add all point In California, via the Mt. Bhaeta rout of the Southern Pacific Co The great tiiehway through California tn all points K.BHf and South, (iranrl Hcenln Konta or the Canine lloast. Fullmnn Hnffet Hliwpers. Hsoonri-oUuM H Import Attached to eiprees trains, attorrliii superior accommodations for secwui-olaM inumetiirer. For rates, ticks). sleeping car reservations, eto. oall niion or address B. K0KH1.KR. Manaier. R. P. R00HR8, Asst. Gen. m V. Aft. Portland. Oregon It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication ond freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is praotically a daily at the low prioe of a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, exteuding to every state and territory of the Union and foreign conn tries will vouch for the aocnraoy and fairness of its news oolnmns. It is splendidly Illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by tbe greatest living American and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jerome K Jekomb, Stanley Wetman, Maky E. Wilkins, Anthony Hope, Bbet Habtb, Bbandeb Matthbws, Eto. We offer this untqnaled newspaper and The Gazette together one year for 83.25. The rpgnlareubtoriptian prioe cf the two papers is $3 50. rVl I Nine persons out of every ten with a binder or any foreign substance in the eye will instantly begin to rub the eye with one hand while hunting for their handkerchief with the other. They may and sometimes do remove the of fending cinder, but more frequently they rub until the eye becomes in flamed, bind a handkerchief around the head, and go to bed. This is all wrong. The better way is not to rub the eye with the cinder in it at all, but rub the other eye as vigorously as you like, according to a writer in the Med ical Summary, who relates the follow ing experience: - "A few years since I was riding on the engine of a fust express. The en gineer threw open -t the front window, and I caught a cinder that gave me the most excruciating pain. I began to rub the eye with both hands. 'Let your eye alone and rub the other eye' (this from the engineer). I thought he was chaffing me, and worked the harder. 'I know you doctors think you know it all, but if you will let that eye alone and rub the other one, the cinder will be out in two minutes,' per sisted the engineer. I began to rub the other eye; soon I felt the cinder down near the inner canthus, and made ready to take it out. 'Let it alone and keep at the well eye,' shouted the doctor pro tem. I did so for a min ute longer, and looking in a small glass he gave me found the offender on my cheek. Since then I have tried it many times, and have advised many others, and have never known it to fail in one instance, unless it was as sharp as a piece of steel or something that cut into the ball and required an operation to remove it." SAWir;a wood. CHICAGO. Still mm ijwrwwi -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Through Pullman Pslscs 8 eeper. Tourist Weepers and Free Routining Chair VriAU-v to column. Many hours saved via till line ta Eastern Points. STEAM HEAT. LOWICMV PINTSCH LIGHTS MATICMi R. W. BAXTER, Cm. Aarnt, Portland, Orfgnn. J. C. HART, Agtnt, Htppner, Ortgon. llwaoles & St. Psul l'y pi!' CAPOLla PAUL M IN N E SOT Atv- O p V u iF y -ob-P 1 Glance at this Map Of the Chlcairo, Milwaukee and St. l'a- Rail way and note Its connection with all transcon tinental lines and Ht Paul and mshs, and remeniher that Its trains are Hithtrd wllheleo trlnltyand heated by steam. Its equipment Is superb. KIcKant Ilnltct, I.llirarr, HniiikliiK and Hleeplni cars, wllh Iree recllnlnn chair. Ksctj sleeping car berth hat an clwtilc rendlnir lamp, and II dlnhiK ran are the bint In the world. Other lines are longer than this, but nonesr shorter, and no other ofl'ur tliealHive luxurlnii acromnioilatlou. These are ultli'lciit nnsou lor the popularity of "The Mllwaukn)." CoiiKin Icketsiteut In every railroad oDIce will rIv rou lurlhir liilorinstlon, or aililresa C. J. Kt)I)V, General Agent, i. W. CARRY, Trar Pus. Agent, roTL4D, OBIKO. The Old Man Vt -.m Somewhat Posted, on limn:i:i Nature. 'Jlornin', boys," said Old Jack, who believed in judicious ilattery, and whose doings are reported in Harper's Young I'cople. Ar he fipoke ho laid down his saw. "I'celin' well, I hope? Yes? Good. Nothin' like fcelin' well to rnuke a follcr f jel good. You don't look powerful strong though, Tommy; you're thin. "What's that? You're wiry, be ye? I don't believe that. You couldn't saw one o' them stk'l:-, through. You kin? Ho! Seein's believin'l "Why, ye km saw purty well. Yer stronj.'cr'n ye look. I couldn't o' done that better myself, lie b.:ats you on savvin', uo'-h, 11 bby. LU? He can't? Yes, he kin, I bel-. ve. Ueat yo all hol ler. li.it? You 11 saw two sticks qu'e',;er'n he waved that ? Konsuns! "llok.-y! ye went tar.-tti'l. that like li;;lit 'iiii'; lut ..in.' r.tielt i-.ia't two sticks. No, i;:r. One ti'n't never two. Coin' to do the other? Well, well! Tommy, he's goin' to (In the other; whatever you woiu' t'i do? You'll do two? ' ' "Ihm't lira?, liobby. Ain't braggin'? Ye'll do three? Wu;:l, go uhead; don't let me liitcrii re. Aller glau to see boys f.puuky. Wh.il! the hull lot sowed? Wual, I'u nurprii ed. That liein the case, I think 1 11 fp indoors an' rest. Sawin' tillers did iiui!;u rue tired." The old man walked i.ito the house, and Hobby and Toininv went home, wondcrlu;; if their friend hadn't putup a little game on them, after all. ANTIQUITY OF SHORTHAND. It Was la Cse Before the Beginning of the Christian Era. Cicero is said to have been the in ventor of shorthand writing, and the freedman, Marcus Tullius Tiro, his friend, the first stenographer, and he undoubtedly did use a method of short hand writing as early as 60 B. C. The first English treatise was by Timothe Bright, entitled, "An Arte of Shorte Swifte and Secrete Writing by Charac ture, lnuented by Timothe Bright, Doctor of l'hisike,- Imprinted at Lon don by 1. Windet, tho assignee of Tim Bright, 15S8. Cum priuilegie Regiae Maiestatis. Forbidding all others to print the same." Dr. Bright in this work says: "Cicero did account it worthie his labour, and no less profita ble to the Uoman common weale (Most Gracious Soneratgnc) to inuent a spaedio kinde of wry ting by character, as Plutarch report eth in the life of Cato tho younjrer. This itiuention was in creased afterward by Seneca that the number of characters grue to 7,000. Whether through inure of time, or that the men gaue it over for tediousness of learning, nothing remaineth extant of Cicero's innention at this day." The stenographer who recalls the effbrts required to properly master the few characters used in the art to-day will wonder that of Cicero's system, with its 7,000 characters, nothing re-m-iins at this day. It was not until lC4a, according to the New Y'ork World, that the art became of any practical use, and it was first used in the house of lords in 1009 in taking testimony in a divorce suit. Stenographers were not regularly employed in parliament, however, until 180a. In many of the public schools of tbe country stenography is a part of the training. An evidence of its recent re rmirkable growth is shown by a circu lar issued by the bureau of education issued at Washington. Here it is shown that from July 1, 1889, to June 80, li-00. 07,1175 persons received instruc tion in the art of shorthand in schools and colleges in the United States. Five hour and live hundred and fifty of hC: e were in New York and Brooklyn. li!:o circular was issued by the bu- i an in 1S84, in which it was shown that during the year 1882 the number of pupils receiving instruction was 12,- 170. It is therefore quite safe to say that the number for 1893 exceeded 75,- 000. Hut this number does not take ipto consideration an army probably qually large who receive instruction From Mimo other rource or from pro- AN ELASTIC CONSCIENCE. Toe Sin of It Lay Uolj In He Ins; Found Out With Iler. The penalty attendant upon being detected is the entire foundation of many people's honesty. A woman, says a writer in the New Y'ork Recorder, in whose company 1 found myself re cently, was relating with pride an in stance of her shrewdness. She re marked as a preface to her story that anyone w!.o expected to get the better of her would have to be an early riser. Said she: "I went to the theater the other night and after the play a lady who sat in front of me asked me if the umbrella under her chair belonged to me. "I said no, and as no one else claimed it she left it at the box ofllce. It was a lovely umbrella with a silver handle. "WeU, now the joke begins. About a week later I went to the theater and asked if such an article had been found and if they had it. I described it per fectly and told when it was lost. I didn't say it was mine, but just let them infer it. It was there still the owner had never called for it proba bly never knew where it had been left. They handed it out when I had an swered all their questions, and I'm that much in. "I had just as good a right to it as the theater people, and it looked, after a week, as if the woman who found it wasn't going to put in a claim. I'm going to get a hat with the money ' I saved by being wide awake, for I in tended to buy a new umbrella." 'Exouse tae" observed the man lr pectao'eg "bat I am a surgeon, and tha not where the liver n." Never yo ivnd where the liver is." retorted tbe ther. '-If it woo in his big toe or bin -ft ear DWitt's Little Early Riser j.uild reaoh it and shake ft for him. On hat vnn cn bet yonr gig lamps." Con i-r & Brock. DREADED CONSUMPTION CAM BE CUBED. T. A. Sloeam, M. C, the Great Chemist and Scientist, Will Bead, Tree, Three Bottle of Bis Newly Discovered Kemedie to Sufferers. Editob Gazktti : I have discovered a reliable cure for Consumption aod all Bronchial, Throat and Lung Diseases. General Decline. Loea of Flesh and all Conditions of Wasting Away. By. its timely osa thousand of . apparently hopeless eases have been oured. Ho proof-poeitive em I of its power tn on re, 'bat to make its merits known, I will end, free, to soy afflicted reader of your pat er, three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remedies noon receipt of Ex oreHS and P Btnffioe address. T. A 8LOCTJM.M.0..98 PioeStreot.New York When writing the doctor, mention this paper. X A1 7 l Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-1 Jent business conducted for moderate Fees. Sour Office is Opposite 0, 8. patent Office Sand we cansecure patent in leu tune than those I Send model, drawing or photo with descrlp Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of f chanre. Our fee not due till patent is secured. (cost of same in the U. & and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office. Washington. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS .: Of the Old Reliable ? Ga.ult House, CHICAGO, ILL. The eomparatlvevalue of the twoeard) I known to meet persona. They Illustrate that greater quantity ta Not alway most to be desired. .". These card express the beneficial qual ity of RipansTabqles , 4a compared with any previously knowa DYSPEPSIA CURB Rlpan Tabule t Pric, 30 cent a boa, Of druggists, or by mail. - gIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprue St..W.T WANTED-AN IDEAoTSSg thing to patent? Protect your idea) they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKR BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, WasUUtttoft. D. C for their (1,800 prize offer. I The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50, aod) tha . regular price ot the Weekly Gregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year la advance can get both the - Gaietke aod Weekly Oregonian for $3.50.. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions fct one year in advanoe will be entitled tc tbe same. 1 Half block west of the Union Depot of c. a. Q., C. M. & 8t. P., G. A A , P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. dt P. Railroads. The Grandeat Ramady. Mr K U. (Ireeve, merchant, of Chil hrtwie, Va , certitles that be had eon nmptinn, waa given up to die, tough! all BiPiliOHl treatment that money could prorure, tried all oongb remedies ha eonld Hear or, tint got no relief; pnnt many night aitling op in a chair; whs Indnoed to try Dr. King's New Dmoovery. and was cured by use of two bottles. For tba pint three years ha beeo attending to nusine, stij says Dr. King's New Dig onvttry is (he grainiest remedy evarmade a it ha duo so much for bim and Mho for other in hi community. Dr, Kinu New Diaoovery is guaranteed for Congha, Colds and consumption. It don't fail. Trial botllei free at Gonser lirnrk'e drng tlor. nAfePFiyQ ft MINT. TAME Fa, k tht fftf-ta uumhtrt 0f thu ftrwJU! will ifn 4tk iery h trmi utr if inttrnttitnal famu. rrtnuU Aw utkort art fityaj Wb. UtiUti A frit Otrt aW ftri eWAj Ilur, utli h SO VBARS' KXPERIENOL -2JLJ 'J- - f HATKH 9B.OO PKH I A Y Cor. W. Madison and Clinton St., CHICAGO. ITiIj. Via the Colon Pacific System Baggage is cbeoked through frnni Port end to destination. The specialties on tbe Union Paoifio are nnexoatled track and tqnipment, union depots, fast lima through ours, steam heat, Pintsrh light and oonrteoos treatment to passengers. For rates Bud information apply to R. W. Baxter, Gen. Agt. D. P. aystem, Port land, Oregon. e:..- onr.l stenographers, Out of this 111 say, however, but a very small rum irii.y are cituer physically or men- ally qualified to become court report- jft or even ouiej amanuenses. TRADE MARKS. DESIGNS, COPYRICHTS AO. Anyone senrtlnu a sketch and description may qiuckW ascertain, free, whether an invention Is probahlr patentable. Communications strictly contldentlal. Oldest atreuoy for securing pntenta in America. We hare a Washinirton office. Patents taken thrown Maun A Co. reoolr special notice iu the TMU.S. GOVERNMENT! is, SHORT BUT QUEER RAILROAD. A Line In alKorrl t Where the Grade I six Keei In a llundie.t. California has a railroad so unique that tae mubt expert "railroadman" in tin; w jrld would be unable to name it ihoulil he aee'ulentally happen upon it at a t.mc when tho cars and engine were not in M flit. The word "engine" SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of snr scientific Journal, weekly, terms $3,110 a yeari 1,5(1 six months. Specimen oopies and ILlttD Look on Patents sent free. Addres MUNN & CO., 1 361 Broadwnv, Mew York. OF THE THRCB A LOYAL TRAITOR St-fT IS. M..d W. at 111 CnaKHUt nrrm mwitMtos REMARK A llLH TWCNTY-PART SERIALS TUB PAINTtD 111 M KT THB ROCK OP TUB LION k Stan it m annIM r al-uf In eeit4 A S"y tl IW lant Innn tui M,aue ftOMB OP THB SHORT SrRIALS Tut wimhT)I VoWt Tin Soy wati stu A AMBiiSinsrf S..T SftOAT at Mr. ti L 0 M. C Lsaf L.AImTsAhh 0e Watsr WOUmi .k W D IWea Tr. Ifjj-min 5 : us.-1 lidvii-.S'lly. V, 1 . ii'i I.i-n-ililii' there i:i 111) danger of ( ..lr:',' r'.r.jf moro than one piece 1 : e'i:iery of that class upon this cu-ii!.r..rury "tuorourriuarc, ana s'i .ni l you come in contact with tho entire force of men with which the) road I ; equipped you could count the en tire "gutib"" on the lingers of one hand This west coast curiosity liea in, or rather runs up and down, a portion ot San Benito county, extending from Burt's lime kiln to Tres l ines, in what i 1 kr.own us the tlavilnn rainge. The ro.i l Is of the "bicycle" or biugle track variety, the engine and car Kitting vry low upon tho rail. The rail ia of the slot naltern. not unlike that seen 0:1 cable railways tho wheel of both the engine an I tho car having a toniriie of steel which work In tho groove. In addition to this each wheel hat a ilan're 011 both aide, and, tho whole track being of but one rail, the wheels, are. in reality, tongued roller with llungelike projection on each end. Every wh-H-1 In tho who'.c outfit belong ing to thin curious railroad la thue pro vided with four iH-arlngH, which pre vent It from lumping tho track on any of the iiiiuutuu Khort curve. Al lait aeeount them were but nine mile of road np rat-d by this "ay- tem." When completed It will be four teen mile Iroin one terminal atatlon l the other. In tno placo there ia ao eight hundred-fot (Trade, mounted at the rate of aix firt to the one hundred and on another net ion of the road there U a prade l-rt ween a quarter and half mile In length la which the average awrnt U fonr feet to each one bundrrd feet of track. The word -engine" rtWV'-Wrm for, according to the lr7CK IJtSaTiri V PniCT 1. there i:t no danger V-fT rAblliL LUVJ I THB CRnOincUi rank with an freatesl aswspapera la ths United Btatae. ' THS CUHON1CLB baa nesqaaloa thepaeu Coast. It leads all tn ability, enterprise aod news. THE CHHONIOl.K'N Telairaphle Report are tbe latest and moat reliable. Ite Looai News tbe fullest and splolest, and IU Ktfltortai frona Ue ahlest tens in tbs euuntry. THE cltHON IOLK ha always been, and alway will be, ths friend and eharaptoa the people a axaiuet eoaiBUiatloiia, clique, eorporatlons, at eppreaalons of any kind. It will b ladupaodsal la everyiutuf neutral la nuUilna, PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes It . to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present fi your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the i? time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. r5) 7"Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. e The Press Claims Company $ rillLIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. If. RTIHi Company it controlled Marly on Ihoutand leading neio f) papert in (A Vnittd Mala, and it guaranteed by thtm. (i f W tVH 5 o 1 It A RTF.K S XOl'Xn TAME rfrrt, . in n..,r,rVe nh, i:$oo in friwi f Ikrtt Mint, fV duiJii i ; M.'ty ifKfthlt,', 1 1 30 00; Anltut fl. .wfr imj. ti 1 iii 1 1 1 1 1 iii 1 its i its 1 sis 1,1 l$"Oi Ittznzi MONbY PRIZbSj sst'JS. UUn tmi f.-mr JJmi . i'hnri ,.- imj ,m wee mjltttat s jr m $k4 nmftiiHf. lni l H.t sr fn ,n,mUn trdj 4.1 lit rtri. SfnJ f.r a tfy if ' Ift pft ,inW i f rn .' n'jie swr tfrr frrt He.4i. 7" rftr tmluMi hrut tj tw, ft-ry, . ar, tie Avi m. , an ,w nf ?r A t'nti imlsim A tip kmnjrtj v , ft uml FREE BOOKS . A "t f mj Airy sWlt. If nt tf r"J r J 4- If irm St i. tv ' U.V L. . I . .. ... ...... I I atra v-ef t tkniii 1 a a a sua, htr. 1 1 k A It I if smw, 1 ,. r MWTtHlIC rsOYrVXHii UMisMiri stt si ! ret a, I ... -- - 1 11 1 l. n . a a H. ihi! wit of tun .mm toni .1 .. wstsA r . saS V- s ' a. .1 tf . i ! tt,t, a, a ms e.e t t t i J iW f ,--f, tf em flr, lLm,tlt4 frrft. I a In -w ' L" H f ,,' ,,'mu.a r tm .,, V , m mmfj, , ft ,tmtM ,mj tm' tt fittt I, ut-iJ lut " Va' , m,w4) 0 l.b"'i ffW. 12 H fee. KHMI lOtMtlt, r.H'iW. kee ft. ! ai( sse a .!. a . LANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1897- twMHMl MtXTlSfl tmt'UMi.i ...if tn a, m hi ...i s.., t.u m mil Wl vue f (MF. MMf fAHot a AiTTuxtf arcotircTmsa - t- tm i i'i a, e j.n a Sfta.. a, ! a M. Isait immt ui iiititi rtTrTAitMi-Ta Inl I. i t-t H.n rsatv A i r t Ihs ' a I 4 . hlttOtllC (AkAtaV OtAXUS i M4i.e a.iA. tttsa tea ttcittiwaa sfoteiae a. .M t t raalhmat of avaerUeg. In veara irone br Ireland badaaa- crrd oak drdiralrd to M. ( vlumblan. one of the peculiarities ot the trre be ing that whoever carrteil a amall bit of the wood or bark ta hi mouth would never meet with a violent drath. It be Ing cicoially eClcaeloua la aavina; t hrlstian martyr frtn the block. It I wa known throughout the Hrltiah lalee a the holy oak of Kenware. AfterUte lapoe of many eentariet this eacrea oak waa uprw.tcd by a atorm. after hlch It taaa aaUl to tie f uaiMcU by angel to keep heretic from (father ing the wood for fuel. At last a wkkea tanner barked" oae of tt largest limb and tanned aonte leather, which he made In'o ahwa for hlmarlf. Imagin ing that surh rrhee would brinf hiua I wraith and power. He wore them bat once, how ?rr. tut that one time waa euoufh to wake hi in aa incurable leper. mm till mm Attorneys tit Iaw, HEPPNER, All baaineea attended to ia a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL DANK BUILDLNO. t t t t OREOOH WHITE COLLAR LINE. n l l Loniian ftiinn iviorinpotiAn I a viva v.w T . . wr sw mmmm PIT, Ta rare all old aoree, to bl aa la-' dole at aleer.er sreedilt eore ilea, yea seed simply rtl IwWitt's w Ilea Salve arewdina la dieeetsoe. Its Ble like aetlaa will eapeise yoa, Cuaeef k Urt-cl The rhrwwIeU BIUIa THEDAILY r Ma't, reetae rA4. Only $670 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle Ts) Crtil il Vfi'.lj b ill Ciiiirj. $1.50 a fa rt i ta t rt i it lrnponn miupat Mil ( I V MM 11(1 u u Steamers TELETDONE. BAILEY GIHERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leeeioff Alder Street Dw)k, Portlaod, for Astoria. Uwaoo, Look Beech, Ooea-s I'ark aod Nebeotla. Direot eooneotion aritb llwtoo ateamert aod rail road; also at Yoooi'a Bay with Besabor Ilailroad. Leave Portland T A. kt. Dally, ucep Sunday. Leave Astoria J P. at. Dally, aieept Sunday. D-A-XX-aJD-y GrJK.TOrmTKV Leaf Portland I t. M. tHIIr, eirept Mnnday, Hatuntaf nlht, II P M. Leaves Astoria Dallv a at & A. M., sieept Sunday and Monday. Sunday night. 7 P. M. OOEA.M WAVH Leave Pertlaad and ran dlrart ta llwaro, Tnaaday and ThursrUy at I A. M. KainHay'at I P. kt. Leaves tlaace Wednesday and Friday all. A) A. at. Oa Sunday Digit at a p. M. Fti CkU Is Biibai Deslkalici Both locln Free cf ExptKe. Par Safety, p4. Com tort. Pleasure, Travel OB the Telephone, Bailey Oetiert and Oeeaa Wsv For tho Cur o Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits It kt loraled at Salem, Orefoa, TU Jfuef l)rautil Town tm tkt Coamt Celt al the Otiarra eaiee loe jrnUw StrtrtlyevaAdeaUai. Treaimeat erttawd sure tlasteAlae tnsesir swnli raited eiatA t aw4a a4 vetht. TTta W HUT CHMiICI.R. t wrxwa aa isaast W s if a i i, s, n ta last SHWV4, pnSS tmtmmtt a :. mitt suns t I iwrsMf sa o .! ! Iwteveaaawiaws ArMwri feaneaew4 6AMlLt CJflKS 8iNT fRiC An f rsie. All that eMinrtit hUt kx" atsraet f- iti baa lalr'y twwa V14 to the rr i wd of ntrrvt-wla Jfaraallats who have weitrd r" thvoa, sod the papra have rmMUHrd cil mt ei rolarn as of tottcntiirr. aayaa Tars rsrTvfwwd- eat of the lxl Truth. I. eery body n know that t Atw are stomal aika- Wh.I artatnf frttn imip.illi I whftrk are drw.lt y prtnoa, tt sWas tr - ia a roros ate fco r. f i f aii t.1 ue nur tire, UxsuM a Uly ttwtf rwlwe e at'y lt' ssm a.i"i.la a after death. M a.at. wImh, after Wiac faaisiai4 It t.ittnnLirr. twrawd aatw a'.ly M pr4t, tit that U la sul U pW rea h aaiitarHresl wita ihe ireeatMl (Haae y thuM who eflr4ail how do IW la-inirios' ple who have a lt f.e irtoe pUiil its f tersktatef 1,1 imUim waslef ll.e do you want this CHRONICLE Reversible Map? U IIOWINlt A Tie UnittJ Sutci, Domidoa cf Canid.aui Nortbsnt llexico a sj See tfce f Map of tho World orf Tit) oTMcn trs. e4 ft awd flA ike M a4 kl lkreil f Oa Teae, pM.sf reeii 1 e M ip a4 f axes AM OUR STOCK .OF-. . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers .it .1 grc.it finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tub Patterson Publishing Co. VW;i : fwxieiM a Ihe ar ht k atreaWf 14. It. Am vnifi, xastsirxd thai ad ettrMri i af t 'aAl.