Upon having just what you call tor when yon go to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla. There is no substitute for Hood's. It is an in sult to your intelligence to try to sell you something else. Remember that all efforts to induce you to buy an article you do not want, are based simply n n y the desire to secure more profit. The dealer or clerk who does this cares noth ing for your welfare. Ha simply wants your money. Do not permit yourself to be deceived. Insist upon having nJOOcTs Sarsaparilla And only Hood's. It It the One True Blood Purifier. HnnH'c Pi lie easy buy. easy to take, nOOQ S flHS easy to operate. 25c. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great politioal campaign ia over end the winter season again with us, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE $2.50 and Weekly Oregonlan, (1.50 " 8. F. Examiner, 1.50. " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00... " Inter-Ocean, 11.00 " 8. F. Chronicle, 11.60 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World. 11.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50o a 50 Leslie's Weekly, $1.00 5.00 Here and There. Club Rate .... 50 8.75 8.00 8.25 Any over 00 at in the store at cost, Minor & Co. 2t Mrs. Mike Kenny is reported to be quite seriously ill. The celebrated Wakelee poiioo now on sala at Minor k Oo.'s. 2t What is tlop Uold7 Best beer on earth, bee ad. elsewhere. Before purohasing shoes 70a will do well to call on Minor k Go. 2t Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'. The Kedlignl people will treat you right. Call on them when in towo. If Died, at Hardman, Wednesday of last week ot typhoid oomplioatious, Eddie Howell. Minor k Co. have the largest, latest, best line of shoes in the city. Call and n amine. 2t . O.: Walt Smith, of lone, is visiting bis sisters, Misses Uraoa and Myrtle emitb, in Pendleton. Kill your squirrels before harvest. Minor A Co, have the celebrated Waki lee poisoo. Ouly 25o. 2t Mai Licbleutbel bas just received tbe latest styles in gents' aud ladies' shoes. You should sea them. a. Tbeo. O. Clladding, a well konwn trav eling mao and father ot tbe Multlpor otub, ot Portland, was in Ueppner Wed neaday. Jadae Bartholomew weot dowo to Bridal Veil oo Monday night's train. lis also spent a few bours lo lbe Dalles aod returned home Wednesday moraiog. Mrs. Oeo. Oooeer eotertalned tbe ladies' cornet band last evening. A light lonoh wae eerved as one of the features end very pleasant time is re ported. Old Uatt and Charley Jooee are as sociated together down at Cbarley'a old plaoe la tbe toneortal business. Call on them end get your whiskers A single type dropped from the forms ' of the Pittsburg Leader the other day, and its loss cost the paper $405. It ap pears that a Pittsburg conoern had ad vertised in that edition of tbe Leader a speoial sale of ladies' wrappers at 98 cents eaoh. In handling the form th figure 9 dropped out The loss was not noticed until next morning, when the store was besieged by ladies wanting to buy wrappers at 8 cents, as advertised. The firm stood by its guns until the last wrapper was sold. Then it sent in a bill for $405 to the Leader, this being the sum representing the difference between 8 cents and 98 cents on eaob wrapper sold. The Leader paid the bill without protest. The Washington "quarantine" bill has passed the house and will in all proba bility beoome a law. It is desigoed to keep Oregon sheep from sum mering in the mountaios of Wash ington. Id the event of its passage 80,000 head of sheep that have been pasturing during the summer months in Washington will either have to be sold or driven to the already over-crowded Blue mountains for summer range. This will be a hard blow to many Waaoo and Gilliam county sheepmen who have always taken their sheep across the river for summer range. Grant county will probably feel tbe effdots of this law also, I have given Chamberlain's Couch Remedy a fair test and consider it one 01 the very best remedies for oroup that I have ever found. Oae dose has always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any oold my ohildren oontract yields very readily to this medicine. I oan conscientiously reoommend it for oroup and colds in ohildren. Geo. E. Wolf, clerk of the circuit court. Fernandina. Fla. Hold by Oonser & Brock. ' The Euterprise, of Wallowa county, says from present indications the man who has oattle'to sell next spring will have no difficulty in lieposing of them at a good price. A number of outside buyers have been around to see what oan be got hold of in tbe cattle line, and looal buyers are offering $13 for yearling steers and $17 for two-year olds. These are better prioes than have prevailed in that section for several years. Although we have no rifles tbat will shoot through seventeen inches ot Bes semer steel and then burst a four-foot oak: log into seven-toot hickory feooe posts, we have a large supply of 22 cal, rifles that will shoot a bullet olear Ibroogh a squirrel and out on tbe other side. Which gun is the greatest good to tbe country 7 Call at P. C. Thomp son Oo.'s and buy a rqmrrel rifle end save your crops. 2t. Six of tbe O. R. k N. officials arrived in Deppner in a speoial from Portland about five o'olook Wednesday evening, and remained about two bours in this city. They were President MoNeill, Superintendent O'Brieu, Master Me chanic Graham, Chief Engineer Ken nedy, General ltoadmaster Bnllins and Claim Agent II all. Tber are on a tour of geueral inspection of tbe road. A touoh of bumor io a paragraph is as enlivening as a dash of brandy in glaa of soda. Ac Alabama editor fired two bullets Into an onweloome oaller, and io mentioning tbe occurrence referred to his vtotim as a double leaded ' articl When tbe latter learned what the editor bad called htm, be was so tiokled tbat be wrote from lbe hospital, eoolosiog a year's subscription io advance. A few months ago, Mr. Byroa Every of Woodstock, Mich , waa bully filiated witb rheumatism. Hie rtgbl lg was wolleo tbe full length, ceosiog blm great inffarlog. He waa edvieed lo try Chamberlain's Paio Balm. JCBY UST. The following is the list ot jurors, drawn for the next regular term of cir cuit court whioh oonvenes a week from Monday, Maroh 1st, giving residence and oooupation as shown by tbe venire prepared by the olerk : J. J. MoQee, Dairy, farmer. George S. Crane, Wells Springs, farmer. . E. D. Rood, Eight Mile, farmer. F. D. Cox, Gentry, ' W. J. Wattenberger, Piue City, farmer. John L. Ayers, Lena, atookraiser. T. H. Bidbee, Heppner, merchant G. W. Swaggart, ' ' John Waddell, Lena, stockraiser. G. D. Coats, Eight Mile, farmer. E. 8. Keithl ey, Gentry, miller. James H. Alleu, Eight Mile, farmer. W. A. Kirk, Heppner, " Arthur Andrews, Alpine, stookraiser. R. Y. Ournn, Gentry, " Ed. Bartholomew, Alpine, farmer. L. W. Briggs, Heppuer, merobant. O. A. Repass, Eight Mile, farmer. J. W. Cox, lone, " Richard MoElligott, lone. " Freooh Burroughs, Heepner, " Paul Rietman, lone, " D. H. Grabill, " " JJ. B. Stalter, Hoppner, " Ed. Saling, " " S. P. Gnrrigues, " merchant. R. K. Simpson, Dry Fork, farmer. T. P. Graham, " Alex Young, " " 8. P. Dovin, Heppner, laborer. Frank Holmes, Dry Fork, farmer. Spring Fuhlons. As usual, that handsome journal, "Toilettes," is first in the field witb early spring fashions. The Maroh num ber (which is sold by all newsdealers at 23 oents) should be in every borne. It gives useful and elegant designs for young and old, and so many to seleot from. This number contains by actual oount 213 engraving; "Toilettes" is without a single exception, the best and cheapest magazine ia Amerioa, and when we know that the desigus are drawn from original models by the beet housHS ii Paris, and not cheap repro duotioos from other fashion books, we are astonished at the low price asked. Its beautiful colored lithographed plates are dainty and refined looking; in Met, there is s Ohio about this fashion book that cannot be imitated. It is published in Now York, at 126 West 23rd street, by the Tiilettes Publishing Oo. IONE ITEMS. A. Point to Remember. It yon wish to purify your blood you should tak'j a medioine wbiohenree blood diseases. Tbe reoord of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla proves that this is the best medioine fur tbe blood ever produoed. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures the most stub born oases and it is the medioine for you to take if your blood is impure. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill; assist digestion, cure headache. 25 cents. HOME INDUSTRY. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe Beat Salve iu the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, TJioers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Erup tions, ami positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Conser & Brook. For Rent. The Bailey Ditah company have for rent three or four 40 aore tracts of frnit and garden land under this ditch on the Columbia river below Umatilla whiob they desire to lease for a term of one or more years for oue-fonrth ot crop raised the renter to plant such trees as are furnished and care for them during the lease. The lands are well irrigated, have plenty of water and lay well are close to railroad or will sell on easy terms, long time and low rate of interest. For information write to the Bailey Ditch Company, Umatilla Or., or call at the oompany'a farm. From Puyallup Commerce. One ot tbe greatest drawbsx to tbe Paoiflo Northwest has been the sending ot raw material from here to be manu factured io tbe East and then brought baok for consumption here. Ot oourse tbe consumers paid - tbe freight and paid tbe expense ot manu facturing, and tbe wages ot tbe opera tives were spent io tbe east. But now a obange is coming and it is a obange thai will be of vast benefit to tbe Northwest. Eastern Oregon and Washington is the home ol tbe sheep. There tbe American sheep thrives and ia in bis element The Only Chair Car Line To the east is the Union Paoific. East ern oities are ranched via this line witb fewer changes ot oars thaa via other lines Rates always the lowest. Ticket, to or from points in the United States, Canada, or Europe for sale by R. W Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland Cooler aud windy weather prevails after some mild, spring-like weather. Born To the wife of Pan! Rietmann, a son. Congratulation!. His heading orew is now complete. T. J. League baa purchased the lone drug store recently and is also temporary postmaster. Best wishes tor snooess. A meeting ot the Congregational ohurcti of lone will be held Saturday. As this is the annual meeting all mem bers should be present. The la grippe has visited our neighbor hood frequently this season and very few have been spared. More sickness is prevalent than for many years. A remonstrance against lbe petition for the lone saloon is beinj oironlated. It is tbe duty of all opposed to the drinking habit to sign it. Mike no delay. This is a Tainy season for Eastern Oregon. Old settlers say the soil has not been so thoroughly soaked for more than ten years. Grain is in exoellent condi tion and the prospects are good. Two weddings have been reported io our neighborhood recently, that ot Miss Lena Wood and Lee Padberg, also Miss Jennie Kinoaid and Tom Woolory. The people of this place extend congratula tion, A petition was circulated sometime ago to annex distnot No. 8, north of loue, to the lone school district. There waa no opposition in lone sud very little in district No. 8. Tbe result is tbat the territory of our distriot baa been inoreaaed by several square miles and the two are now one. lone is awakening to the fact that new town cannot eojoy a healthy growth unless its eduoational faoilities ore look ed after. Oue distriot has already been anuoxed, and we are now awaiting the deoUion of the oouuty superintendent, to annex the Petteys school district With these three districts oombiaed we can without donbt have a six months term next year, and by raising a lax have eigbl months every year. Thus, people will find some inducement lo move into lone and our town will grow rapidly. Jam. Ionb, Or., Feby. 17, 1897. Jlis Ma SEE? BLACKWE1XS Tow will find one eoapoa Inside eaoh two oonee beg, and two eoapona Inalde each (bar ounce bog of Blaclt OTtll'l Durham. Buy 0 bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a lUt of valuable pres ents and how to get them. X Bis Bil ELuVI I run Hi, HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop m rout Guests will find the beet of accom modations in every respect You find out for nothing whether Schilling's Best lea coffee tede baklnf powder Dm Bivorlnr extracts and apices are what you want; for, if An Astoria restaurant man bas skip ped out. leaving many nnsettled bills. A eigu whiob be always displayed is still hanging in the window. It now bas an add -id meaning and reads as follows: "I lead. Let others follow who not. VOU Ptt VOUr HlOneV aain. For tale by E. W. Rhea & Co. can. Lbadixo Fkbd Yabd. The teed yard next door to tbe Qazetle offloe, now be lle mves no 8 or 9 1 log conduoted by Wm. Gordon, is per- oounds of wool a year, besides 2 or 3 fectly equipped in every particular. Billy offsprings. eolioits your patronage and you may rest H.rotof,ir hie evnnl haa hnan alilniwd assured that VOUr UOrieS Will OS Wei I . . . ..(.; 1 t! - . to eastern mills, but a few years ago cared tor wnenien in niaooarga. tnoos nn t v ym nnonaA thut a terce verv reasonable. Hay and grain tor . -. - 1 - .. itah nt It nnuhi in . Want at home la Sale. The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With R HOWARD, Who never lets politios intorfere tame old etand, next door to rith business. At tbe M. Lichtentbal'a. benefit lbe people where it was raised. Mr. Fell organized in jooooeation witb Boston OBi'ltaliata a strong company and built a woolen mill aod scouring plant at Pendleton. Oregon, ia tbe midst of tbe greateol wool producing region on earth. Owing lo the central location, Mr, Fell bas bis pick ot lbs very best Heroes grown, aud this great advantage shows for iUsIt io lbe good qaalitiee if lbe gooJa produced al tbe l'eudletoo milU. Borne specimens of their goods recent ly received in Tat out a are creditable in lbe highest degree, especially the blaok- K D. Gordon's oil well, io Looking Glass, Douglas oounty, baa' ended like the let act ot a comedy, says Ilia Riddle Mite. A sample of the product was sent lo be tested, and the reply was sent O. O. D. at a cost of $10. Wben openod it aid the fluid ooutaioed so much pet oeut refined petroleum and so much "lard oil," aud advised the owner not tu continue operations. pushed in. I of his two eompanione by tbroaliof bU Baker City oaa boat! of lbe highest trm mt0 tbe cogs of a rapidly lornlog priced bitching poet 10 the United otalee. I wlodlaaa, and lo thai way prevented a II stands to f'ool ot tbe Pacific Brewery I heavy bockM of ore from falling oa tbe aod cost ll.&oa It is tbe top ot ea ar te tUn well. Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that Cos Ula Mercery Aa mercury will surely destroy lbs leuse Tbe first I eu. bioh are dreams of warmth, fioeness of amell aud completely derange lbe bottle ot It belpwd biro considerably and I and wear Ids' worth. Ladies wbo have whole system whso eutering il through Ihe eeoood botlle effected a oare. the I en them have trononnd them tiBaur. the mitoous surfaces. Uioh articles 25 aod 50 oeo! slsta are (jr eele by Coo- payable. I should never be n l except oo pretorlp aer t Brock. Bo It is 00 Inngor oteeeaar f.ir the linns from reputable physioioos, as tbe 1 ntxmlnMl i.l.Mk mamliaenf Pn I iwiinla n( Ilia North at la aeud aaal for damaue they Will d IS too fold lo the dleloo baa beadad a aobsorlDtlon list I tbolr wooleo aooda. for their borue mills good yoo can piasimy a mve iroin mem witb W for lbe relist r,f Jitn Ilemsworlb. oo supply Ihelr every weot. Hall's Catarrh Care, m oofaotureJ by Ik. U..1.n,l ,.., .....I k II.. I Kt !. enn vtt.t anetkino In thaaat I V. J. CbftUPV A Co.. Toledo, O , O'JUtaillS of wooleo goods, aeod your ordr to the IVodlnttio Woolo Mills, Pendleton, Or egoo. An exchange puts the following lan guage in lbe mouth of one ot our preach ers: "Tbe band wbloh made the mighty heaveos made a grain of sand; which made the lofty mountains made a drop of water; whioh made you made tbe grass in the field; whioh made me made a daisy." And bere tbe congregation bolted. HAVE YOL'll GRAIN. Few realice that eaoh squirrel des troys f 1 50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee'a Squirrel and Oopber Exter minator is the moat effsotive and eco nomical poison known. Pries reduoed to 30 oenle. Conser k Brook and Minor k Co., agenta, Heppner; J. A. Woolery, agent, Iooe; Niouols k Leaob, agents, Lexington. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Alain Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BORCI-IJllRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The oitians of Prioeville and viciuily have arranged for a big rabbit drive to lake plaoe 00 tbe 25th, oo tbe flats near tbat oily. Big oorrala bate beeo built and lone wiogs constructed. It la ex- petd that not leae thao 0,000 rabbits will be onugbl lo the drive. bead of bis eompeolooe io lbe shaft be- I01 TbeWetwr Dramalio Oo, arrived io and begin so a2ruenl of aeveral nights al lbe opera booee tootgbl. Inle company Irsvsl lo Ibelr owe epacteJ car, have good bead aed orcbeelra, aad are blgbly raCoratssbJed wherever tt.ey be e played by tbe pteae. They play the "Little llf etits" tonight. Tool Rhea retorted batae last Wedaee day eraoiog from aa riUoalre trip Ihroogb Ureal an J Uamy rouniee where be bee beo laokteg for cattle for sbtt.mU Tool speaks bifbly M !! Il't paer-catneol iitr evrelee aed eys It a by tar (be baet U I ha line aay have btea Uaf paf aad tlerM. Al a aMwtlng at !he Beleaa Binte'erlal etna lbe Mlowisg rweolelloa was F.Uosry la tbe sborteel moolb, bo! tl ,04 1IMUtA morning baa Weabia.Wa birthday. Ht Taleo- t(1Bijttm,ol of Mr.i B line s day, rouo4 bog day, Cblaa Tears, aod imellmte ia responsible for leap fear. A religiose sect bee e pro eg op I K ansae whiob loleede "to took U 0T for IU daily food. This will be a reel boon to Ibooaaoda of tram pa it II aa be made it work. Fra4 W. tlsodUy, tbe well ki.owe wool eommwattiiW man of Peodtaoe, la la lbe city. Fred bops la ateke adveerwe eo lbe HvDer clip tble eeeavia, Hani tie ad. la ihte leeae. A. Mueller, vice praal.l of tbe Star Brewery eooipeay.of Vaeeoetav, Waa a.. wberw the faatoaa "Hop 0W btr l saaofaetorvd. was Ulatlewtng bia Qappaar eti'toner ysatav day. Tbe old lad? wee riabt wbaa ehe sail, lbe c bilJ Biigbl die if I l-y waited for lbe &it. Hba aaTxt !) Mile uoa'e life lib a law 4ae ut One Meea rMeb Cur. bal aaad il fur areap bff. t-aew 111. tefl FomU erntta. b(ra4 wild snore lima aed k -f-e ibaa aey, ate plaaalag V go UWk to ewe lbe Hi 6M al Craa City om Mart b I7tt. Tbe nle ean be aa.le la la days. Beefy evepttoae ea tbe b!, tbeppad bJe eel lips, reU, Uoie. l4a. barae are qmckly eor by Iw Wul's W lUb llasal Halve. Il te al prNl Ua a lists a"t aa-d M pilaa. ae4 II alweya rars t!ra. Uar Prwb. Ilellf OnS, lb fU W-4 SifliM la lie wmU, r.aie br fe'e adite et-at neey ( Msavs ma U U'$ft p-hy U m eeaa .! Iblkaf baa -a eaa gl the beat U p't!e aad t ',.' l It e a a a'-1, j teit, aa U-nM e'.e a-ea Uf. eat j .bl .it w k bvl, aa Iba U ia) 0 we.t.l- r BVe..4a Wal laey e ea4 aae " Something te Knew It me? be worth aoroelblng to know tbat lbe very be-t mediciaa for restoring tbat tired onl oervoaa system lo a bealtby vigor if EUeUia Bitlera. Tbia medicine ia purely vegetable, acta by glvlog lone lo tSe nerve Orntres lo tbe etomacb, gently etimaleisa lbe liver and Kidneys, and aide lhaee org eee la Ibrowlog off oo mercury, aod la tekao lolnroally, aot log dirtily UK)i Hie blood and mnonns aorfaiei of Itie system. In bnyiog Hull's Catarrh Cure t sure you get tbe gaouine It It Ukeo loterually ,and made ia Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Chenay k Oo. Teetimoo- lolsfrao. H ld by drongiata. prioe 75o. per bottle. A bill baa b"o introduced Into the Uiaeourl UgUlature mikiog it a misJs uiaaoor fr a train mao lo llirt witb the lady paaaeogere aol impoeiog a fine " I 1. 1 - -I n 111. Impu.iU.t In lbe blood. EUelrlc Bitters '"T, ' V imoroteaiibasDOflUa. aids dif-tli.e. and ibooght by cine that if lbe above lew M proooaeead by Ibtee who neve uim ovnirs Into futce II will booaropi an toe It aa lbe very bl bil ponrjer end ,...... . . T lj 1 . a rj . 1 , Bares iqiw, sry iwh n ur etura. buttle al Guaear k Brock'e drag J Sfe weH'S I eel era. Wednesday 'a Tiewe Uiaateineer baa lbe toliowlng lo ear ot Jedte Iall e lariore ia Ibal eiiy tbe prsviooa evealag . At lbe OxOffef aiioeal ehnmb a adepts.! by loel body j IWev.tved.Tbal L,,0!og JeUe Htapbaa A. Uwdi. et e, IU member of tba aalaUlerlel piyiat , aoirlinl a faireiied aa aaaneiailoa nl Haleca. Ofegoe. rfee to tray In alibar lbs aeeaie ot booea Hm bare aaltl the lrgteletor la loiwJly al work." Jaef Meeller Uatre for rortlaaj bv mnffnw ewftlef oa boamawe aoaaeead ilb bia bqwae, tbe WlUy II. All0 C--. Ilarlag anld eti lbe laaa be bat bare la lle...aer be will bt ln( a tew io-k lib l.iaaj ea lie lelare Ta l.y awn log (Ji M aa electing teaaeav eerorr4 ave as) Cbeae eiraat late WaJaa.tay afieesoH,. Tbe bea-y eauae la aoatart lib a lUtwe p4 ea-I waa aoaiJr- ably J-B..:ile.t, bet !b bora as aad eerareite I easily e0a4. Tk lalb e Itfe may be leavaaeed .y .aa tf 4aa(ee Tbe aa)nrtly tit peo pie Ja tfm leg I r . able. Tbea) easy b ,ii It trnaily ai- Una Ob a, atMae ,4 ll-Ka''e s'el-aee, will -ay la at-He aaa'kM ie) 14 b-a. aa, abaap pelia. a. li'M t i"r bt Us la b ie). if 0-e ieraaes ! iitw ei!b b .e i-f-l 4 )'( b. ek'e4 i Maaias Li la at i. V, . Vaaahaa a 141V dieae wtib a letter of aa bnr and a half oa lbe eobj-ct "Tbon Hbell N".'' Tba nSjrt waa ably bnlle., Jttdga tVtwetl being a aultarad and forceful apaake, aed toitk ae a Ibeme lbe pal. riiis-a of lbe giaet m at IH "rl I, wbl bave eewifid paraoaal awbitiaa bt a( lire we:ta aal rn. w im bi.ll a ef tbebwaareea. Tt.a Wlura ae wall rei4. ea I wae praeewJ awe ot Ike lel 4alltel It lbe tVfo far tbia winlaf. Ed. It. Iliebop, euoceeeor to Tbe Mo Farlaud Mercaullls Co., la still 00 daek, giving an al b.ralneln all liaae. Tbe et'Hk tuu.i be eluewl out, aod il Is sur pna.ug buw Cbeep Ibinge are. Cell oa IwaiA. rraab Jlcrerieoa, aaieamaa. Tills Is Your 4iiH,rtuulty. On mreliit of U a rente, cuah or staua, a uaneroua anmiila a ill t mailed of tlie? inokt pulr Caturrb and Hay r'evar Cure (Kly'e t'rreim llnlm ) sefReiant lo dtnon si rale the f-rt-ut merita ff the remedy. ELY MtOlllEI.B, 60 Wurna frX, Kcw York City XVeT. ,mn i.fii, er., -i ' inni -, reotitumeuded l'.ly'a raaui I'-elw lo me. t en empli"ire bin auu mttil, "It lea pnai (lee eira fur ralarrb If Oeert e direct aa. Itev. r ran.-W W. I'iMila. 1'a.tor Oeutrmi free. Cburcb, Helena, klout. Ely's Cream He'ra Is tbe arkanwledgad en re fir rnlarrb end eunlalna ao areury bor any lujurtous drug. Prioe, 60 ovate. I'ETITIOS tVlt LICESSS. rro Til K IIOWOBaai.g CtM'WTT fOUHTI 1 !r the 1 o'inty ol Murroe, aiau of (.r-a.Ht We, I he nri't-rett hen leal vniets sn r-el-denunl Inna prerliM-l, Morrnw launlf, Itreaoa, reetrilullf artliln your h'riwwei.le Irnly tn eranl a llrenee In CVarlea eu.Maana U aell llrlKi'Hit. ataJI and etiwma In leea lanililf Mian one sal Inn, la the biwa of !me, anl f'.'if ftl(tiilera alii aeer pfj: annur tewirey isniie aiaia This Space BeloQgs to GILLIAM &BISBEE, Hcppncr's Hardware Dealers. Ditircrc 'VI 112 FAMOUS Mop Oolcl Beer A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. Sltcir Brewery Coiiipfiiiy, J03 Waahl-tan St., fertle4,Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. Tba aid war of dellvrring maesagea b biUjiee'miara. nto iue mwisra I.U-tUoua. Illoauela lbe aid ledwoe ' . . ... . . .. II- o.elliu.lS ut ' Ofaaama vnm eaunrww lib tboir elm ei insianUnagoe eare bv Ooe Mibaie 0uab Cere. Oooear A Urixik. 1 1 nt I.l.e-k I'll le t-rry Plleat neet tbla file Hiwit.W.iM; M elure; tt.leia llfbihf al. 1 a'i'!; Wueaa by aa'rh.rg If l..ae-l N e-llaaa Inn . ,afira at-wb t-tU ttaveJ and eloe'ate tx ntiac evy e Meeyeae O.ut aal aUps lbe lrbli.g ea4 hf4wt, k. i. .ii. ea I ia aaoal eae a.ea Iha lanvwa. Al 4f '. 't e.l.f bieeala. H, Ca.)M , I 11,11.1..1,18. ( Ilwk UiiUtt at. I V l,.iy. ! Il.f.in )., il Va'Uaa A llaiT. aea a 'e. I .l;,ef la lie blf t,, ... I IM pm alae l. lea 4iee s-oHiUiU i4imi 1by !. I a aeiL 4 la the Aoairtan army many etpf IrrwriU mm male laat wlntor rteai K rak a 4 In t auUiituU'm of amivr rnnrwra f.ir tbetirilitiary ranrwm wltela Mat ti-tu vifi 1. In til.w lirr, i.f the Aaelrtan arlllUry. vturUthal tbe lrU reanttM f inal.If Wi tba Inrnrta lUm. Tbe ! la f IU rant.o were mak f at with strong brakes and atoel rurirra i.f a atviebai alU-rn were lemrxl atlUi me Ut I!m orxb ri.U u aih. Tte raijium rr ilra'ife4 f three IxHira in mhi Ivtwiwn hinrUea aavl twenty tiln imlxa ib-rp aad lt aatimale-l aailns' "f (T-1, la the Iraae irtiiu aaa a'le.imU!y twenty (We r t f,l tap.. rl Infta nvw tbaa1 thrr f'-t li'i.'b J-i'-'t wiltKml d.(Tily w e.linry iW- litM-a, tw aea at le murU wera abi In relalW Ue il ! r-" iUv- iit auliM MbtSy Aa .-" f" t r ,lt arrr! t' aw MirTee " 0 HriHU'-i at" W. 1 t Bb itig t.f m ' !.'! ilb rntitu r ffiMirt Un a,. now a m, l I'.i I- wul t4 XXmm i0 an-.Uii id I A Wimierf I i; rnnij II A 11m in I, W lili.eef I H l.i-r Oear Mlirhell ft I: .e-hraa I M hi ue is l.ilm l -tiraa R aietmaoa r N reat -1 I luff M Y H..-, Mike Mala Itel K.la.n T J aillmlnt Melte, lava W A Morten N t ei-rr. M Thus fcimleef j ( nlMt.H-k Hea rietnina i' il ene..n r MuHeM e M I oilier a T Mr! I. at Ml. Is a f leela i.UMrt ai.Irira f I. I H-ef W a amlia T Mer..e I t.aa i-"rff W il rue ! el-im.ea f t a..,im Mel Mel.oraea I l. ImH'i0 t N'.iea i..e W I'll W M Mri wmkl i-ie lieiiev i'.an lln4eiriMa I'.f. r-leae M f Williams rl ! iea i I M.eiilf.ill i A ll'ieh-a i kit I II I -n-ig t-1 B,a a A H i-iiri B I Hit. Me jl Meala,4 i M lire a . a kiw II M 1 hit..a W e) Mesueannil a.rii. e la a-'i- flea li.al the ae-terete-aerf alii et't.it W lbe C.Mtf I n,p M M'm I ratnlf . l.ree'.n at Ue Marrfc terai. leet, aa Ha aa t SMirtiiM enaJl qtentiiHie laaa I ' I ml :W1TH pie : mm : mi i Youro BOUND to Take 'Km. Leaves No Constipation, Coree It, ae well aa all ISIlltoaeeaae, Hi. k Itaedaebe aad Malaria. Tba oalf r.wr.arBi.a pill la lbe world. rVl.l by ell rlrafetaie ft eatil by maU ea rer-jipt of pnee, eanU pm Us. I'llKMIrJl m inu.b ui , Haa I raaeleeo, Cal N" ?tnr MAXAOlOaMIOXlM H awMtb. u tCMaka aeil Y CT TYTii T-l CT liW lleaea C'lseertfea U I., re oq ran r-1 a hreU MTV II ( VV V X tlaea Mfl at Ltting iSatee. Vl i. X IlUlIiUj French Cook, and White Labor only, Employed. Good Rooms and Excellent Service en tN'iiiikiur irni otic iiiNfiinr iitvre tt vt A )ml eii-( N ! .... l...i.Wre e4 t He K -rfii, e .. t l.r.4 4 t hi "iHe.ir a II) 4 el t the te..r t.e .1 .. i, m (, .ifa a III l '!- 4 e e el . i. '-s 'h mHt t m m aa eet Wei -- i.. e .1 M. r. at tt, r'-y.