,, : ... "ij lrh'ij i jifTVairl .1 2 mmmmmmm 4 PRECEDENT. John Bach McMaster, in his book "With the Fathers," men tions a political hold-up similar to that at Salem in some respects, it occurring in Philadelphia in 1787, "The question of that day was ratification of the Federal Constl tution. A member of the asembly on the morning of the 28th, moved that a convention be called to con sider the constitution, and that a time be fixed for the choice of dele. gates. The opponents of the measure where in the minority, but by three of them absenting themselves there would be no quorum. The legislature was to adjourn on the 29th. The three members stayed out; the sergeant-at-arms was sent after them, but they refused to go in. A report of their conduct had spread abroad, aod the people hearing there was no quorum, went to the tavern, seized two of the absentees, dragg ed them into the state house, thrust them into the assembly chamber and blocked the doors. This com pleted the quorum, and the con vention was called." Tbe members of the Oregon legislature which is now dying might have followed this ancient example of legislature tuctics, adopted by our ancestors, with good results. and probably the most curious of recent date is that just received by Mr. McCall, of Massachusetts, from one of his constituents, asking him to "send at once one good, healthy male baby." But congressmen are not the only persons subject to freak inquiries. The secretary of the Chicago board of trade received a letter awhile ago from a Kansas man, who wrote: "Please send me at once all news and facts about Chicago." Another Westerner wrote to say that he had forwarded a carload of jack rabbits, and added: "Sell them at once and forward the money, as I need it right away." An Old Settler. When the rheumati o first pre-empts certain tracts of your anatomy it may be ousted easily, but when it becomes an old settler it is pretty bard to budge, Remember this when you experienoe the first twinges of this obstinate and agon izing disease, and attack it with Hostel ter's Stomaoh Bitters. It will then "make tracks," and possibly leave you unmolested and in peaceable possession of your own comfort in the future. Peril always attend rheumatism, if it become chronic, on account of its tendenoy to attack the heart. Usually it is oompli cated with kidney trouble. Certain it is that the kidneys, when aroused by the Bitters, will eliminate impurities which give rise to rheumatism and dropsy. In inclemeut or wet conditions of the weather, the Bitters, taken in advance, will often avert rheumiitio trouble. Ub6 this general family medicine for dyspep sia, biliousness, bendcobe and constipation. An Unprecedented Gain in Weight Tralnea Horse Mm Fifty inree Poigs ig a using One of the Most Remarkable Results on Record. Where is the blame of tho Oregon leg islative hold-up to fall? is the question that will confront the people of Oregon the next onmpaign. It cannot be lum at the door of tho Benson faotion, 2!) ol whom bave been regularly in thoir seats from the day that they should bave been organized to the present time. But as numerous republicans through out the state have Hided and abetted the obstructioniats, there will be some things hard ' to explain from diflretit quarters. We presume, however, that time will tell. McMinnville Transcript. Tina is the way tho Qoldendale, Wash., Sentinel puts it: "Turners good $hots won the day." McKinley will be the third Methodist president of the United States, the other two were Hayes and Grant The Washington legislature has paused a bill providing that no judgment can bo renewed or in any way live beyond a period o six years. Thoro wero ouly eight negative votes. Senator Driver has perpetuate! nn old joke hi tho ex pernio of Hep. resontative Itarkley. Ho said Ikikley bud worn out tho knees of his pants praying and the Heat thereof bnckttliJiug. It is reported that our own Hin g'T nermann in to Ins the next coimuiHttioner of tho general laud ollico at ashington City. lUngor and President McKinley wero very cIoho friend when in congreH to gether. Now it it rumorpj that 1'reni tlent-Kloct McKinley will reeon- itruct his cabinet, and that Hen tor Sherman will not bo ecreUry of alate. Governor HunhneU'a dm termination not to appoint Mr Hanna to tho teat iu tho U. H. eu ate Sherman would vacato by rn tering the cabinet ie given a tho reaaon of tho prospective change. Ir Is reported that a new Uw Cllll Will CHtt buitiucM iu Nw Yotk City abort.. afUr tho 4th c March to consist of Treaideut G rover Cleveland, Sectary of tho freroiury J. (1. CarlUlo and 1W niAfter General vViUou. Tboaain aulhoritr aaye that thia di.tio-gnUbe-l firm i to be tho lrgl ad. - of the augar truL Two jrara ago tho California leinlatura appropriated a lomp um of U0,W tt tho aupjrt of it etate printing oflic, and tho I-nUUture bow iu MMioti vitv a jvial appropriation of 175,110 additional to tinn t drficimriea that ill ariwi In th conduct of tUt o:V,.' f..r h f d (,f th l i. tj. lii-d b'lta rn.lifijj in J mm f ,r WHAT OUtt EXCHANGES SAY. Ex Governor i'ennoyer'e viewi in re gard to the action ot the populists at Ha- lem art oorreot and well expressed. Those who accepted oertifloutea of oleo- tion and then refused to qualify as mem- Ders ot tun legislature Are gniliy ot a breaoh ot contraot. It would be the sumo thing if the situation was reversed; if the populists had a majority nud Pen nnyer, instead of Mitohell, was tlioolioice for senator. It this were the condition And rnpubliouni would nt uy out there would be the same grounds for ooud rui nation of their votes as there it now against the populists and others who are staying out. There ii some excuse for a dead lock within the legislature, but there is no excuse nor justification for the dog iu the uianger turtles by mliioh those who were elcotid to the legislature create a responsibility ami at the same time evade it by reluHing to qualify.- La Uremia Chronicle ( lem ) The position tnken by this paper bat all along btn that the legiHlativo work should he taken np without reference to the senatorial matter, and let the fair, square, open Vote deride who rhotild t senator, at the proper time for taking that vote, and whoever that wm eotild b sstUfm tory. Hut the opposition said nn; we ill defeat Mitchell if u ruin both state aud nation, and leave lltt mmv pie without any IrglsUtioo htever, Hy their unutterably corrupt and tUn genus methods iu the bold up plnimed and carried out so fr, they bave now place I the matter in such a situation that there Is only on- aafe way nut of It sid that is the eleotiou of rWnatur Hit obeli. We ssy this from so anbiam J etanjpoint and iu view of the situation ae it tunst pr-e-ol Uself In every fair, unbiased pernon who It in lie true light. There ie not ea iu.livi luttl capable ot reeeoning front cause to i(Te-t, bu will say, pfiiuiiitly and emplmlioally.that the sncoess ct biiunritjr in tttsrlhro log ths tiisj irity ie death to sUle and national government ae formed in the union ot threw t'nlled HUtee, and ths Ie riartly the situation in the Ointon 'taUHt disgrace aud dlhiiir at M- Urat. The only way to coupler that siltlalloU is to defeat that loll), -nty The ll.urt. rc!tn,fun.l.. i n the n,al entrap! nj -oaI,lh. not Immoral and uopatrMi mrtboU; nLta4 anJ np. held by the Milium ntwornpulona, sullls olfl'h and tir-lf re preleii.b d to lw balnl, away j aided, ab.lt-4 and really adopted, by i IregoMaa tiearr bate, tod bound to delral hy any hstarj b it,if allowed Iu bold easy would place the stale at Oreg e Ie the nl i. luteal tlebaachrd tat vt pruicipa tly la the entire world. Tlr Is only r ii) out I it and ibal w f ir ll,- wlm I dilu l-l ly tl 1 1 c n.e to lle,r i. and At ll.rir dulr i:.eyi o.n-l Albany II in! I. From the Gazette, Yonkera, N. Y. "I don't look much like a living skele ton now, do I? And yet two years ago I weighed just seventy-two pounds," said Mrs. J. W. Coffey, of 55 Warburton Avenue, Xonkers, N, Y., to a reporter. And we agreed with her, for she certainly looked anything but a living skeleton, but rather bore the appearance of a plump end attractive lady in exoellont health and spirits. Continuing she said : "I hud lost my appetite and was waiting away in fleah, losing some fifty pounds in a fe months. D jctors suid I was threatened with consumption, I was under whnt was regarded as first cIiish medioal treatment, but it had ap- piireutly little rr no effoot, for I kept getting worse until I was bo weak that I could not atteud to my household du ties and could hardly walk. My bus b'jud aud everybody who saw me thought surely that I would die, and there seemed no help for me. Tonics and stimulants and medicines all seemed useless, and I grew worse aud wore until at last I resolved to seek some new remedy one entirely out of the usual fine of nauseous drugs and doses of stuff which seemed to take away what little relish 1 might perhaps other wise have bad f r food. A friend told me of some wonderful cures effected by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' for Pale Peo ple aud I bought a boi. The eff eot from their use was notioeable from the first and soon appeared almost miraculous, for it seemed pretty nearly like the rais ing of one from the dead. "I soon oommeuoed to eat, something I had scarcely done before for weeks, and soon began to gaiu in flesh and strength. I went one day to tho doc tor's office and be was surprised at the ohnnge Iu me (or the better. I bad to ooijfcHS that I bad been taking the pills, and he was broad ir.lndod enough to ad- viue me to continue what was evidently .doing me so muob good. I took, in all, ail boxes, and increased in weight from 72 to 125 pounds, which is my regular and normal weight." "Are you sure the cure is permanent? "Well, yea. My work is that ot trained nurse, wnicn meune, as you proba'ily know, irregular hours and at tunes groat t-xbaustiun. During the two ycurs lime my rvoovery I bave bad mnuy engagements, and through them ull bave continued in good health take pleasare in bearing leatimony to the remarkable power of this great medical diioovcry. I know of other ouree effected by Iu A friend of mine suffered greatly at her monthly period. One boi re lieved and three boiea cured her. But I know of no case tqual to mine, for my situation was critical, deprale aod al niixl hopeless. " Mrs. Coffey has lived in Yonker fur eiitecn year, and for twelve year be followed the busioes of attending lb eiek, eioepiiog ouly tbe period ot ber ill tieiw, Hlie has hundred of acquaint ance and friend who know ber la bo cuphble and trustworthy. Many of ibera know bow very ill she wo and bow re tuaikulil was hi r recovery. Tu pill bav a Urge tal in Yonker and Wst ohrwter oounly, wbich wtll be greatly In creased ea their merit beooin belter kuown, tor they m Id t on of the rued k el tuarvel of lb g. "Being oonstautly asked by many of my friends if Dr. William's Pink Pills for Fale People were doing meauy good, I offer this unsolicited testimonial and answer. Never having seen a well day since I had typhoid fever last summer, I could retain soaroely any fo id, my limbs and joints aohed aod pained all the time. It was misery to me to rise up in bed and my mind was clouded, in fuofc I was a physical wreck aud I felt that ray life was drawing to a close, and I must oon- 8VMM0NS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THK STATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. , William Penland, Plaintiff, vs. William Doonan ar.d Mary J. Doonan, Defendants. To William Doonan, one of defendants herein: In the name of theBtate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and anawer or other wise plead to the complaint filed against yoo in the above entitled suit on or before the next regular term of of the above entitled court, to wit: The First Day of March, 1897, and if you fail so to answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judg ment against you for the sum of five hundred and ninety-one and 13-100 dollars, together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum irom tne 1.1m day or uctooer, ihiis unui paid, and for the sum of fifty dollars attorneys tees and for his costs and disbursements In thip suit: and the court shall decree that the mortg age executed by the said William Doonan aud Mary j. ooonan to planum nererein, dated tne 12th day of April, 1894, upon the following des cribed real estate, to-wlt: The east half of the northeast quarter of section 28 and the south east quarter of section 28 and the south half of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty seven, all in township one south of range 27 east of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed, and the said real property sold and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to plalntiS'of the above named sumB of money; that all of the defendants, and all persons claim ing through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, Interest and lien at law and in equity, and all equity of redemption, in and to, and upon every part of said real property. This Summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made atchambers, Pendle ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 1:1th day of January. 1897. ELLIS & LYONS. wh-zu. Attorneys lor nainun. CONSIGNMENT A BISHOP'S STORE SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the i ounty of Morrow. A. Woolery, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. 1o Samuel E. Walker. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are nereby required to appear and answ er tnecom DlHint filed aeainst vou in the above entitled fotis it was without regret on my part as cause on or before the first day of tne next my sullerings were almost unbearable. "Siuce I commenced to tuke Dr. Will iams' Pink Pills, at the solicitation of my wife, I have taken four boxoi, and I feel like a new man. My appetite is good and I now retain what I cat, my limbs and joints are tree ot pain and I hive gained teu pounds iu weight. My life feels renewed una while not yet entirely well, I feel so muob better that I unhesi tatingly assert tout I believe Pink Pills for Pale People a good medicine for whac they are reoommeuded. Kt'owing that no mediuiue will save 1 fe uuder all oiroumstaocea or iu all ouaes, yet I do honestly bolieve that they have prolongod mine, or at least, where all was dark and gloomy and full of sufferiug it has been changed tor the better. "The manufacturers of this medicine do not know ot my taking it. Neither March the first, 1S97; and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the piaintui win take Judgment against you tor tne sum, One Hundred Sixty and 6j-100 Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the Uth day of Oct. 1898. For the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of uct. mm: lor tne sum ot twenty-nve dollars at torney i fee and for his costs aud disbursements. 1 his SummotiB is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of tne aoove entitled court, made on tne 2titn aay Ot Uec, 1S9U. J. H. UKUWN, 606-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. HBPPBR, OREGON OF DIB, 20,000 POUNDS 10 Ml m F Consisting of Tables, Chairs, Hookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book Cases, Lounges, Sofas, Bpnug Mattresses, Wool MattreeseH, Parlor Suits, Center Tables, etc, etc Brussels Carpets, Wool Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Baoks, Hanging Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., etc. All the above Goods, are Placed on Sale at Half Value or Less. Will be SoldKegardless of Cost. Fii np your homes at once with StyliBh Furniture, while this opportunity is offered. Our Sale on General Merchandise Still Continues. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE A of Oregon for Morrow County, j. w. wnauey ana win. r. M ulr, partners doing busi ness as Whalley & Muir, riainiiiis, vs. James W. Swezca, Defendant. lo James W. Hwezea, Defendant In the name of the Htate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint Hied against vou in the above entitled catiflA on or ftpfore thn flmt ditv nf thn nAxt am i paid tor tills statemeot , but give it regular term ot said court, to wn freelv in nnsitAr tu friti,i nn.l th aAi- The first day of March, 1897; , , , . and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof vui m mis tot. tne piaintins win tniie judgment against you Siirna.t- TnuM Rininv.a Atlanta T.a. mr me mn m um Miino vatvM) viin V-IUUII alUKIt V r A 'M9 Farmer at a distance Bhould call soon, thereby getting a better selection. FRANK MGFflRLflND, MANAGER. Sworn to aod subsoribed before me this 27th day of March, 1896. R. M. Blatdeh, Notary Public. Regarding the above testimonial of John Baugress, beg to say that on man atunda higher for honesty and veracity in a 11 tbis section than John Baugreas. W. H. Wbioht, for the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five I Dollars, with Interest th'reon at the rate oil eight per cent per annum from the Uth daynf April, lH'.Kl and for theircoata and disbursements in this action. This summons is served by publication pur-I snant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge I ot tne aoove entitled court made on the 10th day ol July, iww. "HALLtl dt Mt'lKanH 1. N, HKOWN, 50.V17 Attorneys for Plaintiff's. SUMMONS. Editor and proprietor of the Demo- 1"! Wm f. U. Thompson, I'lalntlll, vs. J. B. Bperry, TMendsnt To J. B. Biwrrv. Defendant: In the name of tha HtAtanf Oriwon: Yon ara hereby required to annar ami answer Ihs com- niKiui uieo against you in tne aoove entitled artlon nn or Itefora the next regular term ot I tne aoove entiiieo court, lo-wn: March 1t, 1897, orat, Atlanta, Texas Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pal Peo ple are au unfailing remedy for all die ease arising from a poor and watery oondltino of to blood, sacb a pal and allow completion, general muscular weaknesa, loos of appetite, depression of I nd If you fall to answer fur want thereof, the i.. u .. , i luainiiii win laie inugmeni againai you lor tne H.ir.ii,, ,m a ui inuoiiinu, anw'UIB, OlilO- I ,m forty fonr and 2V-lou dollars and Intern rolor green siokot'ss, palpitation of h'rn' at th rate often rwr rent p.;ranuum , , , , ' , ' v y""'"" irom May 14, 1H; for the sum of eighty-one the heart, shortness of breath on slight M I'"' dollars and Intareat thereon from jaiMinrT t, irvj.t: mr ine Bum ni miriv-mne ami M livdollara and Interest thereon at the rale of log of the fuel and limb, puiu in the Ti!,VM,r,lont I "''",, "..Ocur ut. . ' I IK', for the sum of fitly dollars attorneys fen back, nervous besdaobe, dirtiness, loian, for ths axis and disbursements ol this of memory, feebleness of will, ringing in Thl.'.nmmons Is serve.! upon yon by public. f I, a mmrm ...I. J .11 ,.... f i. I Hon piirauant to an order of tha Hon. Htetihrn ...,. IU, UOUI.J!.!, . I ,-.)! ,.i .., ...,,,1. weaaueas, louoorruuu, taruy or irregular maoe " "wi in said action on tua liito day ui aiiuarj, imi, HELP WANTED ! We are preparing for a big spring trade, but must have help to make it a bowling success. We are filling up and completing our stock of GROCERIES AND HARDWARE which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate busi ness. We have many customers now but there are still several vacancies in this department of our store, to bo filled. Applications will be received at all hours of the day. Apply in person or by letter to P. C. Thompson Co. Corner Main and Willow Streets. D00TSAND SHOES THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT He has anything In this Una that you may desire and you can depend on it Ton got a good article when Mat guarantees it, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Old Stand, Main Str..t. RD.lrlno So.et.Hw. period, suppression of menses, hysteria, paralysis, looomotor alalia, rheumatism, olstioa, all dieeaae rrsnltlog from viti ated humor in tbe blood, eausing oro(- ma, (welled glands, fever or, rioksU, bip-joint diM, bauohbark, aoquired deformitie, decayed bone, obronlo ry Ipelaa, catarrh, consuupiioo of lb WSM. BKOWN k KKDFIKI.n. AtUirney lor I'lalulirr. notice of Intent ton. FkHnOmC AT LA GRAPHIC, ORKOON, 4 feh. '.I, I-U7. NotK-a la here . (Ivsn that Iba following named srtllrr ba. fllwi notlraof nia IntauUon tu make (ual Pnmf In support ol hla rlaim, and that aald unml will tw mails hrfnrv I funl C lf.rk. I malma t ntintv. IkrMf.n ooveis ana lung, ana aio rur invlgor- I ' 'wiieutn. tirvcon, o. Marca 77. wn, vu; VAMCKl. W. WATTE!) Bl'RdEK, tf A m a - aoat t a.. SX I ksfa at. J I , , , I si'. rs. i"T ill n t rV m ftDQ ! -"iiw;fwwwn,wwrr;, u , VI I p1, in m. It, Tp 2 !., H, T7 KM W. M, ' 1 nia eoiHiiiumia rcatuanr. uuoa .jmi euiutatlA. Ilnway OriwoB. and Henri Inert Pavla, Ihttla Mn any, all ol hn, in JI l'mUl'irKU TfNriMti!UL. 'riw the VnuN-mf, AtUtnttt, Tttti. ttf from acuU dtaeasa. auoli as (sTsr. I '. ; , , . , . 1 r 'na Ki,n. offl etc., bM ol vital power, perntorrhu I r. Thnmpm. aiii rly d'ay, premslur old age. They ot direolly oo the blood, eupplyiog to lb blmtd it life giving qualities by a sis ting to absorb oiyg.u, tbt great atporter of all organic I f. I'lnk Till are .l. by all d.ai.r. or ill b sol xi.t paid oa re.lpt of prios f) eel a but or H boi". far J M, by dJraio Dr. M ilh.ro' )ii loa, C J, rioboeo lady, N. T. b. r. ii!. kisir. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson A Dinns, Lower Main Street, Ifeppner, Oregon. Tha tnttn.B ara well qnalnW with Orant. Harm.-. Cr,k. Olltlam and other eonntla and tsa aav. mony anl Um la making tbe sections ltu traveling un. w i nrra in iMpiiif witn ta. llmaa. TEiOMPSOlSr Ss BTNNS, SUMMONS. tit tii nRrriTmriiT or thi itati TLIliV" Tli. enlrrpriaing lilt! to.a ot Duma, tb etiety at of Harney county, pro his to Lav wet.rwoik aal !. trio light tin lo tb fulnro. Tb bleu council has irentrd a f ram hla to a I.n el rorapaey, allomg I'-i. rompany four )ar io ahUb to eai,-l lbs slrr e4 light iom. Hlood's I- Ma r -! SvtMS) MBtAv 4 Uw t.-ta Oa a4 Htv ffB m I I f Ut Mw, War. I I I all t 0iwal 4(4,. ar rM h r -mxw Tt ti-- mm. t-fM4 -olr H t t It-4 la. t-(t. Mm I.. ti Uo St j ; t j iUl t, a va IUo la 1.-1 a I"i.ii om. Many d-lratil i fT.ii ar. tihi lb. gift f tb n.sr alinin,ttali . Tb. h ewti I kn.t ),.! . rait t ba-l and bo In g-t lli-m. r. t biaiuthi. i.f.itat.H m by e-ndiiig 'I rx l t t N.hiU A ta, W a.l,il., t. l it, "l K. Itluo t..k,H .baait.g l g ia.i 0 and Urt-a a ill) I'iiil tWtf f I. l1.il.ll IS) , lotto., 'm 1 -.,! .s tl , aa ij il rtti r rU ru- I i i .a 11. at inur. p. n,f l.l.'. ir ia f life, 1.. . I- ' 0, .t i.l. Ibitisl m f . . 1 . k ft I I k I S. ! I U l ... ! I, i.U, I-. . , t SMl.ktM 1 w I -I Don't wait till your tea U out tell your nvcr: "I want to try X A i. 'tug's Vj if I can without tost cither U myself nr you, m the alvvttiM inmti vay. ! am uillitv to pay f r the tea if I l.U- it; ij. -t if! tU n't; but of 'r-io .r Ih r.ia.if el ilomiar. , A. W.-.lriv. I lailitm, Aamn-I K. WatkM. fM-nanl. ToMamiivl K. alk-r. ll-t. Unl. I. lh Mat nt iHm um ol tra-in; Ym ar. rl r r-.iilr. la appear iM imki Ih. nna fiainl aio( t. I. lit. ahor. anllil-H n. f l...ra th. rM 4a o4 U. a It r-itiat lra el la. aw. t.uu-d nmrL lu-wtt: Tbm Oral 4af el Manah, ta7' IM If jm tail o to ana-, for anl Uwrvnl lha flalnli .III tat u.lmnl a-aln-l rM n mtara, vita i:: Ih ni nl kl(Mv S.t an t To ! M Ih-r-... .1 Ih faL a( Imt Ml. In Ih l.-tk) .tr ol Itr u ol SO dollar. tlbmHri If, and lot hi I ai4.aannta. I Hotlce of Intention. I Arornr at tiii pai i m, naRi.oM H l' It I-':. SiMI.la hti tsal Ih ii, a banM-l aii4h. -. a-iir i hi InUHtliili InlKM SimU br-l It, tuM.4t ol I .! tM Klarutua. a'.'l thai Mil l t,-.f al ha .! I 1hU qaaa.n I -rv-4 Mr.. ro,Mt rlt4 .1 llto, I , a. ol M Mht .'I.., H P. O F. I , Vlf HAM ftV T SMITH. h i i.u a ii. t .. . II .- IK fn,V' In " - - An ai r-nM..w- r mmh avl .ultlvauo. Of ! lart-l. tit f'-i-t ttfii.. IMiln. Uan. R f, t-v. ail t lon " -. a4 Th"" , m n.i ft, I . A r. ktu-r. I Mltllratla. a-l av. I Ura-ll. is,) II. ). aiitl- wrt, K,-1 o lha AM. at inmlM, IMkV J n laniti ah. Aiwxe- to rui.ur rVofcit oflnttntion. I Ar orrn at tat ptt nsrgK. s s. i-7, a la hf- tra Hotlce of Intention. I At nrrn ar th pai it otiKxin H .1 Ih. h. I. ..)..( M m4 MM KM --ft ..I.,ifc. l a-4 lm .p. rMkni,i. ail Mil 4 h !!. , I St W .an.-, ,a, .1 iijtM,unf.M Su.li w ,m i.M . AI4T"TT. IM ft. v i ,k. tt"v t 4 )c 4 'il - ), t, ii t .t Mo. t, k. ' -..( iiiuav. ta m.. , h-4 "!-, i vm.it a4 ...ultu r-.ta M immttmt. a., M t a LI "I Ih h.tioati.f MMrf .itl- a. t -H MW I n4 k( mi-..-.a h. S nl rv.l a a,n nl kulrlai-a ,M lhal at4 fn4 -Bill h a.a.v I l-i.M-1. ia,i,, , wrt, at llt M-4, 1 mmn m. i - a, , via llsat-A TtTO, r'txttata4 !. . HA, It liKt . I ti n't .. at it ;.t )mr i uhQhkmuh gt ria ltlUrwfMM . t. 4. -4 r; use. A- ava r - CI frd i mm, Pcntllclon, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Hforutlf Advanrrt 4Jc on Clips of '0 WOOL SOLI) At ltii, r.a, r-. v.-w, t.ka Jtf-a aal IL.ttak-. I Ml . .m. a . -y . . fe. m avi ta ui. i. a At Mat - , 1 1. t.M,.lt. oil hi -.-.iiaa-M r-aho a M4 K. l U J..h iMUM Alua W aatlt.-, nart-a A.i.i-ih. mi I i(M MIMt. ikn-aa, t ikafl. tsahai. 4 llrf. tnf.- lA. r K"nat. ' aMt. to York Wily Tri I l'OIt Farmers and Vlllaoers, i-o it FatHers and Mothers, KOI I Sons and Dauotitcrs, von nil t!ic Family. kkr rW f ahtw.lh.-, t".' t..tt' 1 U M It-M., I IBS N't'TI'i f MAKSMtr i.lts. 1MT IH ' , -4 Hi s, llr(ri, h Sl4 U "4 tal-.t.-, te - ni ,4 .-.- I ). . an-alf a AalnSVa I 'tt -) ,-( Ah. lh - t mm II ,h- -a arrk. With tb cIom of tbe I 'rcahl'b tial catDpaijjn TliK Tnil'L'NE .p- .o4 -.tuian-. ff-ogtiii-a the fact that tbe American pojle ere oo aoiioua i dvt tbf ir tune to Lome aoj tuinr irjlcrrttv. To tcif-t tbU conJiUotv, rolittre will bare far .) arace ao.l ttuineoeis oetil totbr Bute or National orcMtoo tIroao! ft rrcawal of tbe tgll tot tbe priacif.1- for bicti THK. TIU151JNK b4 I!irr-J frorn jU ioc-ptioq to tbe rrej. iJy, ao.J trno iU gTMUtat vicloriMi. timttr Catfirf, final Proof. a - M a4 A a I . i la, la kv.wM.iB a a tM t. .- M . H .. a I -4 M.-t- a J f ! It H m ivm4. , tttamttr'e Kvtxe, Kttf $.iUe ff .rt i!t te r.et frtb, an t bjoopt frr!y aretit t male THK WLKKLY TUIDl'.NC rre-tniBtll a National Family Newspaper 'T btrteelioe. ittroliT, totertalulfig r. Imfi.-oaaUe jevrb rafa.t-r Wc lornlsn "The Gazette" and "N. y. weekly Tlkllr'' an M J f - tk I A a. 1 m sfX iriuuiic uuu zed. lur jt.uu. A. rt' 1 -l Ni tt mi rr h i tt tf Alt' - -m -.l h.&Mf 1 . .! I - - X.t I !- . ta, f. i mm 4 114 t A a ..Ml I IH CAMII Atl'-o ail l4.a k THE CAZLTn-:. i (. tmt m a M-r! -4 t i , m a a.,.n -. -. f ma . i s a- t . tt mfmmm, v-a-wsk) r ts lass.