r - V it ? C4 '1 It -PortJaad Library The... HeDoner NEVER ROBBED A HENROOST OFFICIAL sKJvti-ifi Oazette PAPER Advertise in it and do : business. The... Heppner Gazette flftf W WIDOWS AND ORPHANS f 2 has some of its own. - . - aw J V flh V i I FOURTEENTH YF a p -."t- f . H YEAR iflKPPNT; rnmm- Qr UJaBaar SHM.WB. vTT- ,,.rr- COUNTY, OREGON, lmX ' Z - WAIN UF PUBLISHKD fas Tuesdays and Fridays ; PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. Busii ' Editor Manager Mortising Rates Made, Known on Application. . 'THIS PAPKB i, kept .on file at E. C. Land Opficb at La Grandk, Orroon MOTTCE 18 HEREBY GiVnM E ofhI)olow.1,"g-named ettle' Bled notice fore the 0ounV(ile7o,Kw" on. at Heppner, Oregon, on February s, JAMES AYERS He names the fnlliu-)n..i. John Rnrlrap Ton.. tn a . .. George W. Ki5&a w"' B. V. WILSON. Register. 0. R. & N.--L0CAL CARD. Sunday? Trrive.Tffi'L' :Sm- dal1' day. Arnve . m. dally, except Mon- 4 1 iW.'SOTJfKB .Hemppner Ju- east bound 12:51 a. m. June P. m. and 6.45 a. in. ' ' Kumg we'c-6:ao United States Officials. - yp'iSuent::::::::: QATeAri ind BupBturvnMtot. .a Bl otevenson Hcmriry of Treasury" T .2 h af! Heoretary of War. Heorataryof '"'ei ? Laniont B-r.taryoUi;:::;;y.ngHMTC . owie or Oregon. Secretary of Bute'.'..'.' W h- Treasurer...... -J!-.."-..11""! Bant. Puhlin ln.(,; " ruiL-nmarhan Attorney General tienatora Congrowmen Printer Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for PnbJieatloo. XTOTICE 18 If ERFBV muyu m iiaJm j- t. McNabh.nf r,r,;'","A",i8if notice or tntn. ?,"i"'5Kn. named : " in. uiucH in h day in No. Mor8ftD nd Menzo A Olden 01& JAS: F. MOORE, Register. IcGlure e I, (4 hartn TT a of March i5i :V """e,aar. e mm Oregon. NOTICE OF INTENTION. .,a-L'' ltl- oce Is hereby eiven th.i. the follow n,rn.m-3.'S'reP7 ven that her Intention tn I "5'"?' L??". n'a oce of Oregon, on March 2nd, 197, vU SEVEN S Marazin o " "For '1897 GREAT SERIALS Japreme Judgot. ..(). M. Irwl 5?.- W'eman . J G. W. McHnd J. H. UitviMl, l rt. o. n.wn, 1 F, A. Mtwira. fC. K. Wulvertoo Sixth Judicial district. Morrow County Offltials. Joint Senator... . a m n J. W. Beokett. 11 era-. J. H. Ho wan I J. W. Morrow n i E L at look ynk (jj,,- .ttenool Huo't .!. ai ul:... ' -nron.. .... ..V..V. ,V." B. iVVXIS SSluXn .. .V.K?" """" the northi -"'" ',wrln or the EUNICE BROWN, Kbe names the following witnesses tn nrnv. to"thn.nW-(i'?S-v1;." .PiP-wr, .Walter 8, alB 18 JAS. MOORE. Register, SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE AT A TP I of Orenin for r,. iul STATE P. C. Thompson, Plaint ff, "l,r vs. ' 1. B. 8orry, 8. C. Bperry; Perry Snyder and the Oregon Rail road and Navigation Com- T fi-J -"!!?"? ? 8perrr, defendant. heret.v mm J",''11! 'You re Plaint Bled aal,,; T .rin"" 'L"""?.r ''?: ir '.T "': (r vr nr-t dy of th n is.umr inrrn ni Tim u , .... i enviueo court, to-wlt mPCH1li (AST SMteA1!?".!"' . treof. th iun. of tnV.. h".T. " To., for the dollarsa d r''"".'J,:Pr "! 1810 r.vr'"r"' "pons BirpgxB Town omorsa. Sfe Ar M? -o8 &,U Mr,ht A. A. Hoberta Precinct Offloerp. tlHMUbU. ,..N. 8. WlMtstuM L'aiuxl KutM UbI Offirara. na DAi.ua, ea. iwi ui 'recoil, i, nnrthfHLBt nnart dl.borwme.'.ti nfThi. ",,u ,or " nd in- iiinmons Is larval ..nn. - 1 . .. niica Judge ite red ilROWN 4 REDKIkLU, ' Attorneys for Pla ntlfl, Ho., by order of Hon. phin Lb.eli " w.wM U1V HKV III J.na.. 618-20. SUMMONS. R STATS Morrow, i'.fctt:.v:.v::::::; INTH,R c'"?1'" wrT op th l.H. Kobbina..." ""A"":"" SL" . n,r Defendant. In the name of the Puis of Or'- Y, tiSM'tatf 10 ",pr,r an'1 KAWLJ.N8 POST.NO.IL O.A.B. -h month. AlfftarMrelBttl o Ho. L 'iT..: . : Obo. W. Hiiitb. Adiutaot. U Comma, Ur. D.J. iMcFauT, M. OPPIOIti At Mrs. h. Welch's Residence. Kbjht telephone connertlou with the Palace liutol. Kalloiial m 01 Mwi on ar other- the abor. .n.i,i . I" o.t 01 .h. rzr: ur. . r.t tied oourL '.1."'" 01 nU Th First Day of March. 1BOT. ;nd If you fall to answer or etherwla lor want M,of. th. p"tnan PwUMik. mem aratnst ou I... .h. ... " ".' toaelhnr wl.h iT.LIV'.J'" " ".""" "llarsl d.r of itri ". ,m,n KUi . theruauh. rSVff 'Sl I', . J, from th. IWhdayof Jl' 7" and for th. sum i.l 7Vi.!?"..""ul Ihliinmmont la awr k kui.n-..a uaataaa a. , - . . ' PWWH bji 1 A New I If a jtf aq. rf Orat .verpOTed7TBtgt flrat ""thorltatlve and adequate Life of (Begins in May , " 8 Bt- Ives- Tha only novel of Stevenson's still unpublisl Charsea a. n. m n.. . vrrh""Ai...,"S""BC"onl'of War Time."' Mr. nna . Jb.T'ot,K Calinet, and is KOTttS recollections and corresponaeiife 8 Ve.n authot'"Jve hlstoiy of this period from hu Dlofi.ro. i . " "" w Lincoln. - itr.ri ; ." ."no- Piaiiy taken nnder the editor's direction r ' TEN FAMOUS WRITERS UN SSS' thB -- h th. except,on JOEL Cl'l'KE'a Maoazink. Uh Were c"Ktted from hi long ago, will ETOlpSfS ,D 1116 "eld " th8 , all of the short storih Kipling will coutrlh.it ,.n rrn.i,Tn . uunug meCOminar iu. vM i "Z' TJ' Prepartn. for the Maoax,k. . 'Z.. . ,,u appear, although each will be i complete Tin itself ' W VMch the M Anthony Hop n u. Frank R. Stockton SUnloy Wevrn-n ??btrt0B'r will all have storie. m . " y wymB Clark Ruaaall The,e,!ur,8 .?y ?!etn of the great and tmnl"fL - . .uu:ripon price of which is only " ""aa MAOAZiNifor One Dollar n Yr- I he S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It for THE WORLD. A Keeklaoe That Sold for Nearly Eighty Thousand Pounds. The Inmart of Muscat possesses a pearl weighing twelve and a half carats, through which you can see day light; it is worth about 33,000. The one owned by Princess Yousoupofl is unique for beauty. It was sold, says the Gentleman's Magazine, by Georgi bus, of Calais, in 1620, to Philip IV., of Spain, for 80,000 ducats; H. value is about 36,000. The pope, on his, accession, became the owner for the time being of a pearl, left by one of his predecessors upon the throne of the Vatican, which cannot be of less Value than 20,000. Empress Frederic h,. a necklace composed of thirty-two pearls, the total value of which has been estimated at 35,000. Her mother, Jueen Victoria, has a neekla f r.ii, pearls worth 16,000. That of Baro ness Gustave de Rothschild, made up of five rows of these precious stones, is valued at 40,000, while that of Bar ones AdoJphe de Rothschild is even more costly still. Both of these ladies have given orders to their jewelers to bring to them any "pearls of great price" which may come into their hands in the way of business. The gems are usually purchased by one or the other of these ladies and added to her necklace. ' Good judges are doubtful whether I "u awaru me palm to o)th above two or to that of the empress of wuo nas seven rows of pure white pearls, valued at SHIU1A...1.1.. v. 7 B -..w.uuitK, oul lne stones of which are perhaps less beant.i fni t The one belonirlntr to rinnri t..i..' ua, bix rows ana is said to have turn, au,uuu. -urn. n . . iuuo, uosnoe, a sister of M. Thiers has a necklace of several rows, which mCu uer inirty years 'to collect, and has cost her upward of 1S,000. The empressof Austria possesses some of the ueauuiut Dlack pearls it is possi Wo to find; her casket and tw urina of Russia are, in fact, the most famous in the world for pearls of thia Mme. Leonide Leblano sold her neck- .-v. pC.iri a year or two ago for bearly 80,000, but in consequence of v.u nmtiers wnicn were whispered -...u,MSBe Dought it back. The stones in it graduate In size, and iro exceedingly beautiful in shape and $5.00 fx J3Sl 1 WOMLELED A OFFER MeMO Ft, I IH A l vn At tor eys lor Plaintiff. To be educated one must read the beat literature. The best literature Is expensive. Losllo'a Illustrated Weekly, PiiMI.1,1 ... ...... " nun Avenue Sav' Nw York.lsfullofthar ithi..M' W 1U tllustraUons are superb; Its A stories inarming; and It literary ! department, are edited wltb coo- Vf homT ' U ' W"1" U .hould be In every S W.k. th, unparalleled ofl.r of a copy Vf Jj Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Sernl- V Wtrekly one year for only $5.00. 5 ..III.. ....... rw onisr or etierk to the CANVASBACKS IN ENGLAND. rate of ao Importation Into Graat BrlUln of an American Dallracy. An American woman who 1 m.tj I n I Kh Wlulre of h,tfh "deerreo J i"t 1"nin "ny story of the fute of half a dozen canvasback ducka Wkich she had arnt to England as a prewnt to her mother-in-law. The latter was an excellent housekeeper und had prof eiwed herself to bo anx jousto tiBte the renowned trans-At- llintic rlnlntv iMM. .1 l 1 . j ohd nuu nearu ho viruv,uru.nuw nnhul FEW WORDS. V. a. , m .ipoaient of a Dun-Ridden ' Debtor. He was a manf few words and fewer Atl y xne! ubicai?o. Post. , He m-h 1", . De aisturled, and he - . io enter into lengthy ex- Tlll.nfi. 1171 - r v.... .tueu a man came in, took a seat beside his desk and asked if he COllld cnHU A ...... u " " . j "r1"' 111116 account it tcouicu Him tO SaV! "Konll. T J but I haven't got the money to-day" And when Uie; man suggested that it had been running- a long time it Slm more to have to sav: .1, ; i ;n,W Ul r hBye en very SSl S f, "mothing for rf cclt. xnere vras too much chance for a man to get pressing and annoy him by. stringing out . the inter view. He tried keeping away from the office at. the hour his creditors Kam m tney changed the bothered and annoyed by their impor tunities just' when he was busiest Then he hit upon : a brilliant scheme, "e put m a day puttering around his desk arranging things, and the follow- ; 1 Uin ready when the first creditor arrived. He never looked up from his work' as the creditor began: 'Could you-" He simply pulled . string and a placard appeared which read: -No!" The creditor w-SelSS ly away without fini.or.ir.,, n.. .i. . He even forgot to ask when he should Call acrnin .1 . . VU1 wiree weeks now no creditor has received a verbal answer and the young man say. it is a great til Iocan answer their questions without, stopping his work, and the Placard has a discouraging effect that makes them leave the sooner. His only mistake has been when a man entered hurriedlyand began: "Would you like-" He pulled the placard Into view and the man replied: "Oh, very well; I am in no hurry, if you are not." " P just in time to see that it r... iw 1Uvo j eaten him. mxmm Absofutely Pure him and all to; "V- l"e 'ooa Kiit he cheap brands. ' rao common to. BAKING POWDER CO.. NKW T08K. ONE WOMAN'S SO DREADFULLY CANDID. Woes of the Writer or Artist Who Has Plaln-gpohen frloaC uo you write? flh r.n , friena .haUe, hl. a?, eLvr pUy' w whatever it is, says All Tho Year Ea,i v ' "y! rlnlr. 1 . . DO srr: . uc.n .ooa .w.k m you . .nv JCMI aaUTO. aXllrl sS sa about decaying powers and writing yourself OUt. till, lika Itenrw tr CToanr "VV. 111 .u . .. 'uu ti u r,u 01 tins man?" lernapsyou fanc vrtn .an r..i. i which easo hanariag-commltto..";; critics and dealer, are t .1. sav age Hon. In your path if you happen to be blcaapd with . . ,' 1 . ft.. vnum jriend. The WOr.t of it is. th mar. I. . .f" a and will i . I. " " "H of course without mnxh t....i.i. ... n thai ht .,f.rU'n Xtnt h k0 what ho is talklnir ahnnt are bound to have am. . .. Unl.i it. . . . "rwim tareiuiiy - " uogina ry gent y pranclna- man fiioua; " " "t",n' 01 wmporary aber- v nia opinion. Whoopl You've got It. Your shadow, .re r'r u 'our "fht pasty, your drawing 1. weak and your lei, i,"uo Urtngoutof tot,., and atth- -i A! "usianci 01 it all urn ma candid ler'i klodueae. wm. rntLAND. to. a. bihhop. PreaUeak CsaOiltw. STOCK EAND8. waue rwaaMBfMwsaDastftBtiaaiiAiA I rwr Braoa ta rreeof ekarsj. boakkrs eatUe. ie Iwft kOpT " im rtaht kip, I (U hr.ii .. Mivimiiuuwuuill a OWLi'l w ' Hehthii.. ZXr" I ane will ia nht. ' TRANS1CT3 1 6ENEUL B1VH0S BCSB1SS OOLLKOTIONS Had. oo Favorable Tenoa. Hoppnor, Orecoii. W pw Led in Ice the game arrived in good around your work rather in the oond lion, ami Lady M , the reclpi- 'of the commencement of a f nl, invited a couple of friends to par- war dance. . "Fancy my feeling - said th American, describing the affair after- r,., -wnen a pair of ducka were n u,rnt on uie table done to death ..... .tn ma witft onlona, aage and pota- .n, v.,,0 my lauier-in-law, carefully . tne portions to a and the el max r...i... after enduring disappointed and dUanl ,.. ....... un me pari of the guekta. .r.. ...era remarked; "I muat aar M:inrr., 41... t . . v.t . renter prefer our hngl Uh duckling to your canvaabacks.' I could not tell her that it ... Ifc- t I . . . S.IIB3 that had destroyed tha ehl.f .11 1. , 1 .. - "a. aai 1 ar fviiiH ill ri 1 f o . . at a . " - w -'....-w iiurfFTPr. Tnm mthtm - I rlanf frtil..-Ji . . ' " there and they had t I- A." . ."T".0"!!1 and th. D,,t d x had tho piuf ai.- r"M.TT ba5c eating a pa'r of my canvaaWb. bavabmn Ktrm.n.M. 7 .7 CHAT. he Would Fall in Love tn Spite of Her- eeir. j She was such a pretty girl, not too tall and just plump enough. Her eyes, like a child's, were full of , roguish laughter, and while she listened her dimples came and went. ,Vhen there was a cessation in the laughter she came forward and lpanori against my desk and the floor was hers. "No, I don't agree with you," she said. "I can't. I do like a big man, not a fat one, and he mut be rather tall, too, for I'd like to have him as near heaven as possible you know; but 1 don't agree with you about the bru nette, for my heart inclines toward blonds. "Can't say how it happens," she said, as she drew her eyebrows thought- .u.iy Horner out l think, I really do, that it is because the first Jtime I ever fell lu love, when I was of the serious age of thirteen, the boy was a blond. Aiiy way, 1 have noticed ever since then that every time I fall in love it's always with a blond, and I think it must be due to that first : impres sion. "Oh! I do fall in love continually. I can't seem to help it. Every single year I have at least one good ease and sometimes oftener. "But, as I said, It's alway. .with' a blond. Now I've Just' got acquainted with a new blond, and he la perfectly fascinating, and every time I think of the serious work I have planned out for the wlutcr I shake with apprehen sion, for I can't bo really and truly in love and accomplish any groat amount of work. "Usually I manace to fall In I,... i. the spring, and then I hare tha wlmi. summer before me, but here 1 am con fronted for the first time in the fall, with a case of serious lovn and work. Now. what's to bo Earnestly she looked at me and arm. pathetirally I looked at her-then I auggeated: "Well, go ahead! mayb. It will prove an Inaplratlon to you." Slowly she ehook her bead and pouted. "Hut It won't I never could do two things at once. "-St. Louis He- publlc. U that If . . ao IT i 7 " , 1 M Would W touch - Bifain aa mnn . . . n . but so as. I waa bound to give it to you," he WEEKLY The MONTHLY ootitbiog, aud n0 irriutlog, ,tftng(b. rnded up In a pte! It la iiI1m to ro- ''"Ht4i romady f , lrt, ati not we..io, s(Baj lo fff 'ate the ntorUBeatlon I suffered or tha ch",I'Ir1 hBd, cbllna, tlf-aneb ar. tbt qoslitie. 0 ruwiU'a W mm,i 0CT'r Introduce chr,"'to 7- tit LfU.sE.rl, Kir. ,b. UmZl "Htl.hp.Utea" Dr. . ..... Tetter. Halt-Itheum and Om. t.. itnmu hiDi nl smarting, Incl- rin llntmon 7 ' ,f r "' ny canvaabaeke en bare twn rtnant-nUr rnrrd by it It Iml. wh le the other, were actually le!ly eflknt for Itching tdlr and i1ed up In a plal It la nedlr.m to tl fritf Trx, f ivvJ U thai SHiwI fl...il- . . nHritxsul tasaaa..!- .Ll1at t . t . tf OREGON First National Bank Of IIElTNEIt Dmalaa. W. M . n.ii n. ... .u ci.-. . :" r ". h in i Kt, Bf-. rVm.Wa Or . It a PMrhl oar. ' brMl If I. saftlslp,. hole C. A. RHCA, T. A. RHCA. CCO. W. CONitR, 8. W. SPtNCCM. Preela'ent Vlee aVo.Ment - CaaMor Aaa'l CmMst bmloW. W a-uk tn SMdar sm iM 'w'wUU! " br,Ktij Truacii i Getenl Ml Eriia EXCHANGE Oa all tris af the world Bought aind Sold. Callarttoae aw4e m ail BAtlVti o. f"aaMlite fa via orpine a4 eedindaa froSta. Ut.onQ oq. rl '"Ml tmlf, Outlook N(hllsa4 ivory aatnr-ay ah m . uAsior Place New York tie r.-H, kail a w . Ian te,. ..-,.1 ami m.i A mm , , Iahtn4 ay Oatario-Barns Stage line M A. W L'. AMJ. P -ea OSTAklOBUliSS Daraa Daily at si m as. aa4 ar. rv at Us. tat ta 42 Mora. Si-iQlo Fore $7.00. Hound Trip $ 10.00 ffsrti r aaie y-t 4 arr-tfi1' P-I I..- as at.4 r',..,"f' a4 e Mi ssm. U,Mt.'uZ!T?"r LoriMt in... . .. 1 : i "iwnti as W mumrii uZ:. I fW'. prng,. f(1, eiiia ta r M VIM. MaMlwtii a s-fc siM. H O ae Ml Or-tfun mm tmH v.. r..L . ... - -" MiaJ. a.O..-- IF ' ". ft - ttM. I. W.. i. n iMitiie.. i MM; k(h 19. Jtl enth JO as Tarrw ? -r 1 Ji ili I a, at H fit w a .. s4WS HaXH aeraa. i Wanted-An Idea la ffclWpt aaaaaj "!ai . - t a rriL i .' . m - t a Tb. Ont!ok i I, , iw k. . I a p wa aariag aek of t aar, a Ui.iory of Oar Ooa Titsoa. I. lis) taraone .lltnrial .- . Mls ol the tlooa ailh . . all aba lattuat fbtlaa thPnttim Saa a. iral kovasaeat, lk, a. a . Ha 4patatot f reaiutte M.,, 4,,H' ro to U, , aMiaoj itvwos aarraat nt...i ...... A . .... " """ '""""' funoi tebla-laH abntil m aM. ta .ban, altas u tit a4 reaaottsM. Mlrtaitnal, ' "' Hh im ery e.rta tb ymt all a-sae tha frgal.r a.aa ...., wotra a hi adl raily I, tu " "! attrejrhe. Tb. Ottlvarfc i, taMul Wy N.Msday If f I Imsm. a yaw. TV. i,H M aa JJ.'oatr.M UMMjo Haai W, Uialot absral tors snset as) I bo of Jioary Us ooa, tv.tUf - r vw, Tba twtaoof The Oaiu.k t. .1. ..ll.awl,a4raaao, l. ,.. . rt d.v . looser A Uroak. puis. Now U U, wt to gt lb. Waklt Oftgooiao, lb. trealt aa.ar,.r .J h lb.Oasatbolb .trlol- lli VV'a.1. WITH THE WIND. M iara aaparaiaa) ttm M4 )m a. Band. ly In sdanco,oa.a,, 1.1.60, 2o bttar " l.,,,mrn ""'" ,B Meslco, e)trblo.t.m of oe.spt)rs CsB la ma.!. iT rHtirned Jurist, aeordlrig to tb UU. B"J 11,0 ?w V,k . I saw two Me.i. tr.,, . "T waaning f.r gold, and tb.lr vH, TDotupaoB mna at... tt....- I trxwliriir aim. L .. . . .... n m v., . r- 1 - - mm ..'r 1 a nu in 1 Ht.pa, aad Mooom-ot, amvlBf ovry fl-a?. Thry wro at w,rk la a dry Th. . day -wmf Mood., MJ U.tW f"' w'U."mA ktfn rf water I. u '.! , y eioepl NuaJsr. MbnrU.t .4 . . 7 . """If" th. aurlfcrrr., frost Lit.- cta-pcr Ug. lr. I .ad r a r-.,I!ll,. u a ... iiTi111 J?"?" ia bad j eomlltldii. Twite. Mocdl twrin.. .a ..: , ' . .J,V t food but Miwlkli-o and the U.t la tta to put s rao la prim Cotidillun. IVf. . . ' .rm mm. uw ywr package. THE CONSCIENCE FUND. 'arty tm tht. f Mil ary. II " tm ai 10 ooe. A . '.nvirnc. run.!" has f!aTir. afatertw-rtte .f th traaur- Am. rVrx... A I ...1... - ---"--".. w. w.e . ( rUm.n n I i.... i... ...... ..' ti -L . m 1 .-..., -isrrs (II wind Lie W .tr...,,,!. I . . ri ". IS wai ""'v' "" a d.mB tk. ..11.. t.-i. r, " ' I "pvaort Uy th. rifb tr ti ... . .. I f-aratua ri,ri.ii.l ..t . .... prarttrM.r.t In 11 10 i pujiston via 11. . " " J eroir MUM ra.dl.to. .aaj .... H by Uklag ibkj roala. It aa. blaokr-t by th. Cntirr. th t.m.A tt.. qiaiblia tb aawat. ih at.,,. ... b'lfb aloft again and awis. ii ib .ia. trill ntk maasiM WISDOM NOT WELL ' FOUNDtD. A Toaa. Wornaa of Llttl. IeraUf Wke tall ad tpoa Itr. IIuImim. "I remember once In m ezrM.rl.no. remarked a literary yomuf woman, "of Uklng several ladies to call on tb late Dr. Oliver Wendell Holme, wbca I waa In aclio.il lu ItoeUm. j t.a.t known ih. Ilolmea alnro cbll.lliouil. and thera pretty morh aa I cl.ul ... often took frlroda of riita. will, me to ae tha good doctor. On this M-taalun one of the lali.. was a young marrted womaa. woo had never read any of 1. Holme.' books, and aha ln.i.it 11... I enah h.r a bit, ao that aha woald sua make any m.alakea. I uld br aaforal tlliaa. aol dwelt eepwially apno the 'Aatorrat of tha llr.akfast TabU.'ba. cause that was any favorite. tii,a ... aa Intelllffeat nraa n,l . rapid learner, ao that whan . .i.mi Out I felt twrfertlr that al.a ...,i.t Ao ana rrdit. Well. firytl.iog went swtmniiiigly along, and ah. wuwiy kept allfOlon lb. biatk .Miration. . ..( u amd tha eotnpliro.aU of tboaoofa who w.ra eonvrraaat with tha t.M,.- . bunks that la, swiuimlngly aatil Juat as wa were Waving. Tbra al.e sttwj 10 think aha otirbt to aar a.Mn.thln. sad aha di.1. waa iistealnf, aa It bapttoul. f.ir I bad rroa a lull car.lpaa, end bad tb. tight she watal to tr? b.r.lf. M f a -., a.at..4ufrtra4 4 ri.oMrTb U.tli. tt.. tfimm,Mf tt-ifjttr. mm trala at Erho t'..n.... --wwnnun. '"" F Vi at Btor. W. ti. tuo through ir. a. lb. O. R A N. lt '" via. fasaiiil., VTJia Walla aa4 Fodli, TSffogb lpra, f.,.1 aa4 noi ! fa la riieUna tth Ita fete. I'ar.fta. It( M mlmmbm.m tmk ia4 M "a..kax aoaasHiag itb h ..! alaa. aUap-, s,,. .. ... . I JI, m 11 ..a ia a.... ....- .. .. . 1 . . . - '-- . who sm "" ionaaa ra.Ja " TU wiad blew ,.y lh7 fln. , T fV .1 laat the, ud ther- r hl?. '. Jrl in IIM hlank.t a d rabla band fulof gravl and bavy aaad. la l.Ub gbiterwl afrwy.lw.,,k..f g.,1.1. A a rU on my M.h-an drlwr tld that tha two ma a.rs pfAmUt making threw ray f.mr d-lsr a day 4Hr,g tha tlmo thy workM. Ut that aa warn thry had wNMte tb.l ala up- thy w,ld go lato Kahta "' rrni. a.11 Uii waa f tha trvaaurv and Sl'lwara In IK. griitral fund of tint g..-rntnri-t under in. nra.i or inin t. ........ m 1. . . tr,)iiia l.lk oihf r aiuwte t.f the tra..,,. 1. ho U..-I V any tmrnra that e......, .y ur.n pr.tfr. iu origin waa due to th. fart that away back ia tb be- tot ssla-Abo.i Mb lha tf '! I f l V IA.. . W ...I k.a t...A .... ' ' 'lm 1 ta and .aa.k I ilaif.r Oardmaa. Ale f aarM f ajs '-as d. to g, liWalf af HIUl. si baa. Us. .. 1 rt . . i4MI a tl. ..it. ,w pa"trira, 4 ka a, 1 a , . .--ep. aii ei.aa aa4 9.1.,. at daaasaaaa, lit prvarot rrnturv asnr tmm irgaa l fr tk. alien. Immm i n . la a. ,11.. a... I.. b defaulted tha trrr..r-,., ... fruld find IUf ot,y Ivy rvtaroiag lh W-wt-y to th trveMMiry. Tbl was the beglnolng rf tha amat showing th. f-wipte .,f tta.tMy l y tha g.rr.rnm.t,t trm ahbnowa prrwioa. u,. fund baa IWa aramtsllrg n U,t, nd small auma, until at tha arnt tima It aggrvg.te aarly arrfi rssi. V.m MltUotwa ar rTlv.4 arsrlr " wjuaadrr Iba lM alrk Ui. bad a 71, 'r'" P ,.r ,a In wbi.ky.nd airmt. brf.aw u.y woull ,. ,U 'l'1 off ao W tha rah b to wort Mr. W.rl I. ftrniib. of rrHl.riiiketea. Ifa, aa Imobled with sbroaU aiarrb.ak f'av-flblfly year. II. fc4 (msmsm 'ally eafiaf. II, a! ti mm. M. . .... n of a abort t.e until b would bar to ft a a. a ,d hwi teealaJ he anMof the HmI t.Hral, iae la Canua a4 Aen.rir but H tm aaraaaaaal m. Itaf. Oum day b 'ia-l ap aaaeaaoay ei ahanaa to r..d aa ati.riiw.Ml t ftaR.hvlaiha (V.lia. Cl.l. ..j I ar, iUm1f He S bottle of it. ibe BM .1 bMaad hi,, sad Ite ana. tiaa-4 aa faral falsa. aala faa Onaeaf A llrvek. .aftia. 0s raaaa l ... iadMai a aswd Ml . f wla.i.i,ie WkM. 1revi a U a-l u.f. Tb t'.k tVifW u M Irsia Ibroagboat by Ih vAflaa, iko tas. . .M 4 a)) t. aar, ,4aAM. asf aosaf.-ubia. i .Urn liahta e Mrs by II -.Uarai.4 1'iaf 14m M.ki at U.K.at.1 M aiyt,t. I'm,!,.,, '1f last r ataa,. af f.'t,t,M( H a.ta. .4 a. .....ar, i. e. agi, i Tb.i4 ad, Ot.goo, v-...Ki.rai.iv. arxl kawUmst a f..rv angBi.iapaaa bef.ar a a.-aA,a.aioUn) kt rewired, showing that ev.a a men reBra ran fw th. ,ffw ( wvm'. 'Hew ta fere all Mia tn-awe-WaJiily araly "S,ai (N-,ioaLM 5 1 ieoraal ta4li(. ralrd Cart a(r,Mi.iaa, tub, alt frMata lha fsaa. bae le, m-mm, tn, .,i.t (faa ,,,a lar, akita a4 b'sltbr It. f rel k-a.1 tagead rare!, ar lai.4f. A.I taaf eeg- M fW asao yiaiasaat. A tei-a IHs I. lean aa Sat, "- try, aaya lha Load. airrnhttt . tha ..-rkalilra I'ai. Wrra fn-tr, lUivoUy. la Ait l.lrrr.. rUt.l mwrnhmg la Ik-aa Iy t-..k ..t with him a eat wkkk ha U pfmmm to a frtoa lalB'lia, Nm day afwy taaamvaJ ftf 11.. steaoHr In !..M,Lay uwy war .aa4. and, trwf h aha wa awrvlMe bb a4 bw,ha waa sArrwtartw tc ba fnad. Iir oa.r bad nulla giraa br ap f bt a bra ha rriv4 1. WllVgaoe fmta H.gtaat tbel tke rat b4 hiada bar ariaraa.a at bt ,.JJ LivTt... b,,,a lh t)ih ,f tartuh,, aa ratf, and ,ila,i. M tymf m lo la.Ha aod lav b waa .pit. a tha ar d,f.ay Mnn ..f h,f ijf 1 k4 tmfU 1 y lv..Uf f-'. aJ Iht-r la t., r .a to cVbl Umt t StasjUai m are.