XaU'Aara itAYi. tJlv' Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION, NORTHERN Fy. V PACIFIC RY. .via via Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS) OMAHA AMD AND St. Paul .Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers. Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN i FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. A N. Agent lit Ueppner, cr address W. H, HURLBURT, Geo. Faaa. Aft. PoBTIiAKD, OREOON, E.vMcNEltL, .President and Manager. QDIOK TI3VT33 1 SanFrqnolsoo And all pointa In California. via tha lit, Shasta ruuta of tha Southern Pacific Co FVi bih"r through California to all IwinU Eaat andfcVmth. Grand Heenlo Rout fthel'aolao (!oa,t. Pullman Buffet Bleeoara.. Haonnrf-Al... ui...-- JlHSJf! ""J" tr'". affording aaparior n7Z.7-T Z I I" """"no-oiase paeeeagera. a J L.tt0l"?i '"" oar.reeerretione, to MiinpoQoraddreaa . KOKill.KB, Manager, X. P. BOGIES, Ant. flan, f . e. Agt Portland. Oregon -TO THE- VIA THE UNION PACIFIC .SYSTEM. Through Pullman Paler Bleep ra. Tonrlat Weeper and Free Kecllnlng chair Car PA1LV to Chkago. " Many hour aared via thla Una to Kajtarn PolnU. STEAM HEAT. W)WKMT PINTSCH LIGHTS. lCaa. R. W. BAXTER, 0n. Agtnt, Portland, Ortgon. J. C, HART, Agt, llrppntr, Ortgon. a. V V.J 3 mom IB EAST SOUTHEAST !AfLaav. HARPER'S ROUND i v r.Mk f 14 AiYlw im tf r..t:t. .t - . . .i . THREE A LOYAL TRAfTOR A awe m nl wa el till t ttmm aawte aw. ivuvr fiPlfi Li f - ,n m mfntwrn. r Pmd Mmka . f A. mm4 0 Am rrnei HiatiwaC StmnnaitA iM. e. .a. ijuxMIMi . - a, a hm w fK 'IH", art i a at a a., e.a v rw aa tl Jf ami Im . Kv-pvee !. DwIkM 1 1 m Ht wvi i . yt 'tjr mm. w ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 189 CATAKKKI in LOCAL DISEASE sad lathe result elceMe and tMaliimtic ckarv.es. , Itcaa be cured bji pleasant nnwdr whick is applied di rectly into lb noatnla. Be bwqoickly abaotbadit give Ely's Cream Balm w acknowledged to b the moat thorough con for Kaaal Catarrh, Cold in Bead and Hay Fevar of all teoediea. ItopeneandeleanseethanssalpaaMgee, allay pain and Inflammation, heal thoeoree, pro tect Um asembraae from colds, restores tha aenaea of tasty snd.roelL IMceoXic.atDrtiralstaorbTmalL UX BltOTHERS, M Warren Street. Hew fork. THE NEI YORK, WORLD THRICE'A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Fear. It ataodt first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of - publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low prioeofa weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coon tries will vouch for the aocnraoy and fairness of ita news oolomns. It is splendidly illustrated and among its -special features are a fine, hnmnr page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living Amerioan and English authors, OONAN DOYLB, JebOMB K. JROMB. StakiiBT Wbtman, MabtE. Wilkins, Akthony Hope, Bbbt Habtk, - Bbandeb Mat-hut wb, Eto. We offer this uneqaaled newspaper and The Gazette together one year for $3.25. ,The regular Bobsoription price of the two papers ia $3.50. CHICAGO. milwaukee & St. Paul R'y Glance at this Map Of th Chicago, Milwaukee and flt Paul Rail way and not Ita connection! with all tranacon tlnanUl llnea and fit. Paul and ( malia, and remember that Ita tralna art lighted with elec tricity and heated by ateam. Ita eaulDment I. Ulierb. Elegant Buffet. Llbrarr. Rinnklnemil Bleeping care, with free reclining chalra. Kach aleeplng oar berth haa an elertria reading lamp, and Ita dining cars are tha beat In ih nri,i Othar llnea are longer than thla, but none are nortar, and no other offer Uieanov luiuriou aoooBiino-laUiina, Theeeara iiifllclent rrumi lorth popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon iciet agent la ary railroad oHlo will glre foil further Information, or addreaa C. J. KDDY, General Agent, J. W. CARET, Tray. I'u. Agent, rOKTLAKO, OaittO. till Aj;,.r .:tt .i i.. ' : -- ' '"7 " RCMABKAm P. TvrrVTV.Dl dt TMH PAINTED Dl HI'DT TNR A W f ik tM Hiiiri -' - - w V A f ana awa OM8 Of TUB SHORT H'RIALS tn tUMuTiM iwi. Ta pt watnima tk 0$ in "t. PUW P ' i SI H t;i it ; - r!l v i! 1 T " tm-fw a tttttU rwaaaaewiaaaeaaeaaaeaaea 1 MONEY 'PRIZES tnn reavrf - a aa a.a. w I" Wnfttm vaj yw umj im &,mj fiK( ,m uUn t ... -J.. A. A.. .A. . i j T r in nullum in, . FREE DOOKSl -THliui i I a i a 1 1 i I i .1 AAA.,- HAKrf.irS A.U A i T4MK Urn tt twfi tJCTT fur mi torrw l,i , wt ra at attk a, . a i ,-. faait a.. ratiK a, aua, i a f AUnC AITHnr KOtllTnar i ?. a iwm a aiiami a .n ft , Wft . k . a . a. , . ... " ' ""r '- fr ea . . . A WATCH OF WOOD. rha Kemarkable Ingenuity Which Secure Pardon for a Russian Convict. A watch described in the Scientific American is an excellent illustration of what may be accotnDlished hv a. mmhl. nation of ingenuity, skill and persist ency, n ia a watch made almost wholly of wood by a watchmaker, who was convicted of some crime and sent to Siberia by the Russian o-overnment. The convict made this watch to while away his time, and was pardoned be cause of ids work. The only tool he had to work with was a penknife. Ir regularity in the work can onlv he dis cerned by examining it with a glass. ievenneiess it is remarkably accurate and the watch runs and keens fair time. The wood used was box wood. The numerals on the face are small niece of ivory, inlaid. The dial wheels are of ivory, and are set on the face of the J ! 1 fni uiai. ine nour, minute and second hands are of tortoise shell. Th dial ia recessed on the lower , part of the main dial. The wheels and plates of the movement are of wWi whila the pinions, balance, cylinder and es capement wheel are of ivory. The rachet spring is of wood. The plates are held together by wooden pins and the balance bridere bv ivorv screw. The key with which the watch is wound is made of wood with an ivory sip, and is made like a modern rachet key. The winding "square" is of ob long shape. This ingenious watch maker also constructed the box in which the watch is contained. All ih joints are perfect, so that th hnr it. practically dust proof. A LEGEND OF CALVARY. About the Soldier Who Pierced Carter Bide with the Npear. The name of the soldier who pierced Christ's side with the spear while he waa hanging on the cross has been pre- v- . v. icgcuunry Atire 01 me church as Longinus, says the St. Louis uepuDiic. 'i his man was one of the soldiers appointed to keep guard at the cross, and it is said that he was con verted by the miracles which attended the crucifixion. The legend even goes further, declaring that he was one of the company of watchers set to guard the sepulcher, and that he was. the only one who refused to be bribed to say that the body of our Saviour had been stolen by the . disciples. For his fidelity to this great truth, Pi late resolved upon his destruction. On this, account Longinus left the army, to devote his entire time to spreading the gospel; but he did this without first getting permission from the gov ernor of Judca, or from Kome. He and two fellow soldiers whom he had con verted retired to Cappadocia, where they began to preach tho word of Ood. At- the instigation of some of the loading Jews, however, IHlate sent out a detachment of soldiers who surprised the deserters at a pluco where they were holding a Chrihtian meeting, and where they had three crosses set up as an illustration of the tragedy which had occurred but a short while before at Jerusalem. All three were killed and beheaded, and their heads nailed upon the crosses and carried in triumph back to Jerusalem. Th Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Qreeva, meruhaot, of Cuil howie, Vs., certifies that ha had con sumption, was given np to die, tooght II medioa! treatment that money could procure, tried all ooiigh remedies be oould bear of, bat got no relief; spent msay nights sitting op in a chair; was Induoed lo try Dr. King's New Diaooirery, and waa cured by o of two bottle. For tba past three years haa been attending to bninea. and says Dr. King's New Dis covery is tba gramlt remedy ever mad, a it has duo so muoti for him and alo for other in his community. Dr. KlUil'a New lHanear ia u.....ni.. I - - - - "m irrii for Conghs, Cold and consumption. It uuo i tail, a rial Douiea Irea at Uonr Brock's drog (tors. TABLE ., mmitr tt lriMi,HM ft mi. crDitio axvir nm r.m wmm v-vaa war III U UtTW Katun Mm t fan Sum kutu AM 4Wrnra anv artaav -7 i m.1 D Neaa T.w. Miti'nn tmler rmt tf iki mtfl It r n4 a.V Ik, efr?,. . . t.trm A) a " t ' A"' lm.it 4. arw A). tt 4.4 litrattv rntt trirT la t nn r.ait a . I mm i tua ' -i fc-a lt1tMltC iAAtT llttl.itt I Hk ttAa ... . . ar itfft njwa, attea M a4a atn 6s) mtm itmm at mmmm AN I S IN FLORIDA. r of Then There-, Than In Any Othar Part of the World. i There are more ants to the square mile in Florida than in any other coun try in the world, sa.ya a writer in the Savannah News, , There are ants which will jneasure more than, half an inch in length,, and then there are ants so m all that they can scarcely be seen to move with the unaided eye. There are red ants and black ants, and , trouble some ants. But as bad as the ra T have never heard of them eating out the seat of ar man's trousers, as a mis sionary, Rev. Mr. Wilson, once told the writer he saw the. army ants do in India while the man was sitting on the earth for a few minutes beside him. . But the Florida ants will take out the . lettuce and other minute seeds from the soil in which they are planted and actually destroy the bed. They will suck the life out of acres of young cucumbers and . melon plants, uproot strawberry plants or cover the buds with earth to such an extent as to kill them. They will get into pie, pickle, sauce, sirup, sugar, on meat, in hash, will riddle a cake or fill a loaf of baker's tread till it is worthless. All remedies, failing," I, took to baiting them near, their nests with slices of meat, bones, apple and pear - parings, and when. 1 had from fifty to one hundred thousand out turned a kettle of bailing . water on them. .1, have killed in. one week over -one million in the space of a quarter acre lot, and I iiave almost wiped them out.' I had to uw wu io Becure any lettuce plants, and many unobservant farmers com plain of seedsmen when they should at tribute their troubles to insects. It is very curious and instructive to see how promptly the ants which es cape the scalding will go to work taking out the dead, and, after piling them outside first, then go to excavat ing again and rebuilding their cells and runways. This being , done very quicKiy ine next work on hand is the laying in of a supply of food, by haul ing the dead bodies of the hot-water victims into their storehouses. You may see a small black ant hauling and tugging at the carcass of a red ant twenty times ita own weight, and he always succeeds, in the end, in land ing it in the warehouse of the colony. Next you, may see a sort of ambulance corps searching for the disabled. These are taken carefully to the underground houBe, where the surgeons and nurses are in waiting. Then, too, you may see the timekeepers and bosses direct ing this one, or turning another back on some errand or to some other duty. There is not a moment's delay, no halt ing feet, no idle hands, but all move as if it was their last day on earth, and this was the only hour left in which to redeem a misspent life. Forlessonsin industry and perfect government go to the ants. i EUROPEAN . MONASTICISM. Bald to Bar Uegun on the Little Ialaad of Kt. Homirat. To the student of ecclesiastical his tory the little island of St. Ilonorat is one of the most Impressive spots in Europe, says the Thinker. Almost in visible on the map, it at one" time oc cupied a most conspicuous position In the eyes of the world aa one of its great historical sights. As a center of intellectual and moral Influence it had, aa Moutalewbert truly saya. a greater effect upon the progress of humanity than any famous inlo of the Oreclan arehipelago. It may well be called the lona of the south. It is a remark able circumstance that two little In slh'uillutttit Inlands, ono in the far north, amid tho dark clouds and mlsta of the wild Atlantic, and tho other In the far south, under th.t brilliant blue ky. and laved by the bluer water of the Mediterranean, should have formed the center whtoh drew ta them, and from whence were dispersed, all the spiritual and hiUllectuul furceof tlirla temlom during ita darkent ages. Meeting one day one of those wretched lepers, who wore a common in Kurojw in the early Christian cen turies as they are now in Asia. Hon orat took him home In hi ow.t room and began to anoint hi terrible aorra. SiiI.1.miI r lh. tiro Iful tnikHk of deform ity fell off, ami t!i neurro ! foa burst out Into tiveipiiwerart rj liimce; and In the traiu,rurv. L per he beheld with lnr-xpr).Hible awu im other than the lird Jean lllm elf. When St. lion, rat left hi northern home he wa aee.mipanled by hi siktrr, who waa rfrriU.xlly attached to hint. The alrU't ruluk of m in:vtlio life would not allow the prowtu' of a woman within the prvclneU. Tha rntlc and Waut ful girl, who at her bapttam aa a ( hri-Uan rvretved the name of Marfan t. waa roiiwjueetly aent to rrkiil In the neighboring Ula of lfu, where ah via cmtpletely tprat4 from hrr brother, lly her rnlxvaUaa alia at lat prevailed upon him to pruMtt to eotmi and aeo her oae a year. "Il ra kno," aalil aha, "at what Utmi I may bU for your com Ing, f.r that acaaou will l t m tha ooly araaou of the yrar." Th aalnt rapllenl that b Wonld (um when th almun.l Irvra rr lo tlMM.iu. Wberw P" h legend Ma th f.Waalira Maryarct aaaaih-d all th aalnu with her prayers and tear until ahe got her wih. that th almotil tr a In her ialaiul ahould anlraeahnaaty bliakaom niotjlhi and arel.rgea. h moetli abranrhl th algnlrkwnt flower t It to hrr brmher a rreat, ha datl tally cam to her at uaca, and hrr brart waa tha mad gU4 by th sight of hef brother t lea than lwv llaara tvtry year. Ta re all oU , to taJ aa la. dott al,ce pJi!y or til, aawl ais4y apt. by DaWitt'a WitoaHalt anraeJtag to tfirilraa. Ita aal Ilk artxa will mmptim fm. Ooaa k Drk. ravaj lka tVMMaoat, T.trf aln It m a 'WgaHii It , all AfrW aa rrj.Ml.iii. . K l,-ing h wvwit tl !.. ii.iM liiit: !i,!.tiH-n trm irvUlng Ure t.iSnrrf tr atlilWia. TH l'nti4 tkMMaMa, how tf, la tw truaiUinj into Ik eAa try rUly tkt the.r l .ina ran a, kiKigVf rvf nL 1 1 anklre .f Iher fnbik. lr Kri.1. t.- ..ii!i a.w. ., t0 f..Ha,aa4 , t-.B ;. ,0 'tk,B a4 fmm ak- to ) ,t,( ' " t aa-ajttkrv I !.) his, lie pTfptmtm t ria.l fr. r trt ro y Um J tVl ..f rwkkkikie tw-aMkWf to tajaaM a vtAr. frv tf to f e yr tha p W. ttuirtd rt Wfkm a:r)U to il'Uai U th kna l tlM traMaiiras aiH tmm wiy l-.t. af,4 u iM t- tw 1 1 a e hmm lie aaa tfcui lea,.ne . n. n , trt aaaaeaa ti ..Mala f i tirfi t.f , t' ! rv.aaWik tut ).aa ' a7 fawt .'' AUTHOHiTIiG DIFFER. A School Director Who ConOlctcd With Wcbatec. The reading clnss was standing in a row upon the floor of an Indiana school house, and a bright littla fellow was drawling a paniraph about a Roman massacre. The president of the school board was present on hia umi9. of inspection, and he pompously re- HuciiKu uiiii QO ooy "read that verse again." The "verse" was read again. "Ah! h'm!" said th m-ont rr, loud voice, "why do you pronounce that word massaker?" The boy was silent "It Bhould be pronounced massakre," continued the great man with a patronizing smile. The boy remained quiet, but the teacher finally spoke. "Pardon me. sir," she said, "but the fault is mini; if the word was mispro nounced. I have taught the class to pronouneo it liiaraalcor." "But why.'" insisted the gTeat man, as a look of surprise was followed by a look of pain rpon his benign features. : "I believe that Yi'cbsler favors that pronunciation," said the teacher, meekly. : "Impossible," said the great man. The dictionary was brought and the president of the school board turned over its leaves until he found the word. There was breathless silence as he looked up, for there the word was mas saker. "I am Hf.toni.ibcd, madam," he said, at last, "thut D :nif-t Webster should have made such a mistake aa that." Detroit Free Press. "Exoue me" observed the man in spectaoles "bnt I am a surgeon, and that is not wbere the liver is." Never yon mind where the liver is." retorted the other. ' If it was in his big toe or nie 'eft ear DeWitfg Little Earlj Risers would reach it and shake it for him. On that yon can bet your gig-lamps." Con sor & Brook. . 60 YEARS' fXPERIENOE. TRAOB MARKS, rftV DESION8, .Ud f na deecrlptlon may quloalj aaoertaln, free, whether an Invention la E5h'r..p?teA'.t.?ble- Communlcatlona atrlotly confldentlal. Oldest agency for securing patent ' P!?n,1cf v W bar a Waablngton office. wtLtt?ottt$r','h Co. reeelv. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Ltnilf.u,r11!n''n,t.ed' '"'"' "Irenlatloa of any aoleutlfle limrnal, weekly, terms a3.n1 yeari ll.au alz months. Specimen copies and ilAWD Booa: on Patbnts aeutfree. Addreaa MUNN & CO., , 361 Broadway, New York. .-.aaflStK UADIUG FAPEfJ m COKT mmm TRI CRBOmciJI ranka wlut tha graalaat Bewspapara In the United ataua. TH it Oil KONICLK baa do eqoal aa the PeelS Coast. It leeda ail la ability, enterprise aad new. Til K CMUONICLK's TalegTaphla Ha porta are the lataat aod Bloat reliable, lla Local New lit fullest and aplolesa. and Ita Kdlkortala froia in ablest pena in the euantrr. TIIK OMIUiai IOI.K baaalwaya beea. aod alwar will be, the trtend and ehampien of the people aa atiainat eomMnatlons, cllqui-a corporations, or emimiafcmeof any kind. It will a taaepeadeal ta evarUUug iteukral ia n'rllilng. if jeii''" Pi? Th rhrmilela Kalldlaa. THEDAILY My Ma t, IWaa raid, OiilySeTOaYcap. The Weekly Chronicle Th Grtvl i WciJj h tt CcMry, $1.50 a !a llaaws4: mmmtmt tm ear en tka fatted a ( awaaa aa4 Is-ikaK TttM Wtaat.V immil lk, im bnaktaat aa aai awpnaa wwaiji aia.,nsr la ta MM tr mm eianr a Mawaa. ar (wore l"'"a I irtf aa4 ttmnmrn I.Xas IM..W.ISV..KMI t,maMaiaeMSMk 8 AM ft t COPIES ilNT PRaC. IK YOU WANT TIIK CHRONICLE Reversible Map? .MlVIMl Tht UnitfJ Siilfi, Donicioa c( Cn4 aoJ Nortbera Mexico J Aaa Ike j Map of tho World Off THIS OTttatn PlIiH. 4 fean lata Mag, a4 We-fclf larwanlaf (tsM Ye, " I M -p aa4 raaA Alt'aa) .. 11 Am VflVrf, Bk mm s Bmin EBB 9 Tkh 4tfct f OBEADEO CONSrjHPTlON CAN BE CUBED. T. A. Sloeam. M. (X, tba Great Chemist aad Sclentlat, Will Bend, free, Three Bottle of B la Newly Mecovered Be nedir to HalTerer. Editob Gazbtti: I have discovered a reliable Cure for Consumption aod all Bronohlal, Throat and Lung Disease, General Decline, Lose 0f Flesh aad all Conditions of Wasting Away. By its timely use thousands of apparently hopelees cases bava been ourod. Ho proof-positive am I of its power o core, that to make its merite known, I will rend, free, to any afliicted reader of your paper, three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remedies npoa receipt of Ex press and Postoffioe address. T. A. 8LOCTJM, M. 0, 98 Fine 8treet,New York. When writing the doctor, mention thla paper. si Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-' ent business conducted for Moderate Fee. Our OrricE ia Oppobite. U, 8. Patent OrrieE aim twiwtuiB paicui iu icaa ume waa wose remote from Washinrton. Send odeU drawing or photo., with descrlp-i charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 1 A PAMPHLET, ',' How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries uuu. , c w.ik, u uaicmaoie or noc tree 01 sent tree. Avaaress, c.A.sr.ow&co. Opp. Patent OrricE, WAaHtNOTON, D. Gu minings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gau It House, CHICAGO, ILL;. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & Bt. P., C. 4 A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATBS CSS. 00 PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta., OHIOAaO. ILL. TMU. S. GOVERNMENT I' PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a m( relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? f ) THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE i NEW LAW $ To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new a law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it . to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present . fi?) your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the fii time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. fT-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice, vw No Fee unless successful. f?) The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street. WASHINGTON, D. C. () JT. B.Thlt Company it tonlrnlltd fcf nearly one Utoutand leading newt paptrt in Me United Stale, and it guaranteed by Mint. Attorneys at IVaw, All baaineaa attended to manner. Notaries OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. BEPPNEB, : i WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia Kiverand Puget Sound Navigation Co Sleasen TELETBONE. BAILEY GiTZERT AND OCEAN WAVH LtoB Alder Street Dock. PoHlaod, for A.torie. Ilwaoo. Long Beach, Ooe. Far and Nabcolt. Direct enDetko wfth Ilwaoo aUamert aod rail road; alee at Toaag'a Bay who ftaubora Kaitroad. Uar as Portland UK, Dally, tieept Sunday. Uarea AaUiria 7 P. at. Pally, eirept liaaday, IJAIIiEY OATZBnT Laaraa Portland P. M lally, eteept H.inUr. waturda nlrht. II P M lM,H Astoria rwn. a atS.es A. at., e.cept Mnd.y ..d Moaday. Vndaf night. r, M. " nrw V W anrv a Ura PorUaad I and ran direr! to llwaeo. Tueoday and Thursday at I A. M. Sa,nMsr 1 1 Ue.eell.acoWe.lu.!., end frUar at J A, at. Uu Suiutay algnt at t LUge mm Ifi EthU Dtsliiioi m rVvhn Frti f Eipem fa aafety, p4. Coaalort, Pleasure, Trarel oa Um Tetrphoaa. lUltey Oataert aad Oreaa Wat Ii: E::!:j I&slituls or- It to Advertisers .it f!- 1 . iilc. 1 1 hi nccti 11 in matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Pudusming Co, 7 ' The comparative value of theae twocard la known to moat persona. Ther llluatrat that greater quantity la Not always most to be dcalred. Theae card exprea the beneficial qual ity of Rlpans'Tabules A compared with any prevloualy knows DYSPEPSIA CURB Ripana Tabulea t Price, 50 cent a boa, Of druggiits, or by mail. .. BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Sprue St., N.T. WANTED-AN IDEA Xsxfl. thing to patent? Protect your Ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKR. BUHN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Waahlngtoa, I. 0., for their $1,800 prize offer. The regular subscription prioe o( the Semi-Weekly Gazette is; 92.50 npd the regular price of the Weekly Oregoniao is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tht Qazette and paying for one yeari advanoe cbb get both the Qazette ' and Weekly Oregoniun for $3.50. All old snb- SOribers navinir their snhoerintinna frr one year in advanoe will be entitled tc tnesama. Via the Dnlon Pacific System Baggage is cheoked through from Port and to destination. The specialties on tbe Union Paoific are nnexoelled track and equipment, union depots, fast lime through oars, steam beat, Pintseb light and oonrteons treatment to passengers. For rates and information- apply to R. W. Baxter. Gen. Aat. D. P. avatem. Port. land, Oregon. la a prompt and satisfactory Public and Collectors. t OREGON I P.M. For tho Curo o Liquor. Opium tsl Tobacco Habits tt k) loraM at HaSaaa, Oretoa, Tht Mutt Hrautifitl Tawm on tht Cxut Call at Ik n.ifrra mr tae parttrntan Mrvuyceaadaaual. Trwauoaol prtaKdMr ajr. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE v ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD .1 grc.it finnncial sacri- a your inisincss, and .is