IF Bp last and all the time Hood's Sarsaparilla has been advertised as a blood purifier. Its great cores have been accomplished through purified blood cures of scrofula, alt rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired feel ing. It cures when others fail, because It Ml ways Strikes at the root of the disease and eliminates every germ of impurity. Thousands testify to absolute cures" of blood diseases by Hood's Sarsaparilla, although discouraged by the failure of other medicines. Rembmber that s Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. HOOd'S PillSeeaasSl!jo0obKyteke' A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political oanopaign is over and the winter season again with ne, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette haB made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, 11.50 $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, 11,50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00.. 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50o 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Here and There. Any overcoat in the store at cost. Minor & Co. 2t The celebrated Wakelee poison now on sale at Minor & Co.'s. 2t Jodge Lowell delivers lecture in Tbe Dallea thia evening. Before parobasiog shoes you will do well to call on Minor k Co. 21 Miss Ida Ward arrived from Tbe Dalles on Sunday morning's train Drink tbe oelebrated J. H. Cotter Whiskey. On tnn at flhria Rnrnhora' toe ueaiigm people will treat you right. Call on tbera when in town, tt Minor & Co. have the largest, latest, best line of shoes in the city. Call and examine. 2t Kill your squirrels before harvest Minor A Co. have tbe oelebrated Wake lee poison. Only 25a. 2t Secretary of State Kincaid has Ibe tbaiki of the Gazette for neatly bound oopy of bis biennial report. lion, iieory uiacttmao earns up on . 8 and ay morning's train to spend day or two with his family. J. II. MoQaley came over from his Monument ranch last Friday for a abort stay wiih boms folks. St. Vales tine's day was not forgotten in tbie oily. Old and yooog alike were tbe recipients of valentines of every description. Mrs. 8. P. Garrignee arrived Lome Sunday morning from Mil too, Or., wiere she bad beeo to attend br sister wbo bad beeo seriously ill. bnl is now con valescing. Gid Halt sod Charley Jones ere as sociated together down at Charley's old plaoe lo tbe tonaorlal business. Call 00 tbsra and get Jour whiskers pushed in. Tbe old ladr was right wbeo she said, the child migbt die if the waited for tbe dnetor. She saved the li 111 one'e life with few doeee of One Mmole Congo Care. Ooossr k Brook. Boro-Oo Feb. 13, 1W, ia Ettbl Mi'e, Morrow eoaoty, to tbe wife of Thoe. W. Morgeo, 8 pound girL Wife end child foiling aloof eiosly sod T. W. convalescent. Otis' rattereno l berk from Heists. From bis grorrsl eppearaoee tbe? didol do a thing to bim" doaa there, lie complains (bat tbe climate te bed nd Ibe water worse. Warreo Certeer came op from port land Boadey, leering fur Ilereteck 00 borsebarh Ibe sane day. Mrs. Carensr ie toacb better eeder tbe Ireettneel she te rvcsiving el Portland. If fon know eoflhlng worth meotioa leg ia Ibe paper, aoastbteg Ibat m news, call op No. 3 from soy Ve Is Iowa A Osteite rsprsaeeleltve a ill be fooad el tbe other sad ef Ibe line F.. U.i Mte l!ibp rstaroed boot Ibis moreleg frotn H-rfo. abate abs bee beta vUH.b bw betrtbsr, CI U hnp Mmo Otsbop Btse bsa aiMDt from I'sadlsto lit ssvmsJ mm It. E. R. D.tbos rerslvsd word lest fii- day that bta lslt.sr, fi. B. P-sbo f I,adi", ih qeite 111. lie dprt4 tbel esu M PeedMna. Mie B-l!a tibnp alau rwtsresd k-.tne Wild him. tWf. W. E. Ptlee assae ask Ht ar oa bte Mara fre Pottlsed last Friday end I4 ikH ibsl evseief el tbebofae of Freok M(rsrl4 to tbie etty. lie dfH4 fr Pedia Fttttay alibi's trsia. rWjr etK4 Ibe beL cbpi-l beads sal lit. '. essi-ie. barms are oni-Hr eM by IVWttfe tftiieb Ilvt HtJte. tl is at a-as-al Ua artiste eaJ fr $!. eel it atas.s rsr lbte 0sf iWk k, Word e s-e frees Maeeevaat Ual ftay Wslrb a as emstJ let Wsdese CA.y ed trfeM bMe JestWie Boeatea To definitely settle a reoent disonsaion in this oity relative to tbe wealth of the leading oountiea in Oregon the Gazette will atate that the six leading oountiea according to the returns from tbe state board of equalization for the past six years are as follows: Multnomah, arion, Linn, Umatilla, Lane and Yamhill. Aooording to tbe returns from the oounty boards of equalization Lane has at different times exoeeded Umatilla ooonty, bat tbe state board has always ohanged the result, thus giving Umatilla fourth place. Judge S. A. Lowell and Proseouting Attorney Bean came over from Pendle ton and held ooort on Thursday of last week. The court's time was oooupied in some equity matters, and tbe hearing of a divoroe case, in whioh Mrs. Lillie Cohn was granted a divoroe from Jerry Oohn, both very well known in Heppner. The grounds on whioh same was granted were that of Cruel and inhuman treat ment. Mr. Cohn did not appear and tbe decree was granted by default. Miss Ada Bartlatt, wbo has been the guest of tbe family of ber nnole, O. E. Farnswortb, for several months, depart ed last Saturday evening for Portland, and after a brief visit with friends there she will leave for ber home in San Fran oisoo. Saturday evening, previous to Miss Bartlett's departure, a five o'clock tea was given in her honor by Mrs, Otis Patterson. A few of Miss Bartlett's many friends were present and ably assisted in making the evening a pleas ant one. T. W. Davenport, of Salem, who has been quite ill, is now considered to be out of danger. When be was at bis worst a telegram was sent to bis son, Homer Davenport, tbe ca toonist on tbe New York Journal, wbo made a great hit during the reoent campaign in oar toooing Mark Hanna. Homer oame at once to S.ilem and will remain until bis father has completely reoovered, when he will aooompaoy him to Southern California. I have given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fair test and consider it one of the very best remedies for oroup that I have ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any oold my ohildren oontract yields very readily to this medicine. I ean oonsoientiouely reoommeod it for oroup and colds in children. Geo. E. Wolf, clerk of tbe circuit court, Fernaodioa, Fla. Sold by Conser & Brook. A petition prepared by Register Wil son of the lund office at Burns, to the department at Washington, is reoeiving numerous signatures. It is for a topo graphical and geologioal survey of a portion of Oregon exteoding west from Soaks river between tbe base line and tbe third standard parallel, In the vioio ityofVala. Within tbie distr ct is a large eoope of mineral country. A few months ago, Mr. Byron Evsry of Woodstook, Mich , was badly afflicted un rneumaiisra. ms right leg was swollen tbe full length, canning him great suffering. He was advised to try Chamberlain's. Fain Bulra Tbe first bottle of it helped bim considerably and Ibe second bottle elTeoted a oure. The 25 and 50 oent sizes ars tor sale by Con ser k Brock. TELEPHONE LINES COST MONEY Bat We Hast Have Them Our Local Com pany to Complete Their Llue Early in the Spring Telephone Talk. The editor of the Gazette was shown through tbe quarters of the Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co, at Port land, recently by tbe president, Mr. W. B. King. The company's 'line extends as far eastward as the John Day river joining at this place the line of the Inland Telephone Co.. with headquar ters at Spokane. Both oompanies nse copper wire sod the very best of electric al material throughout, in order to ob tain good results. Though out of Mr. King's territory, be disoussed freely the probability of putting Heppner on the "longdistance." In his opinion it would oost $10,000, or something like that amount, as it would require two copper wires the entire dis tance between Heppner and Heppner Junotion, besides the usual telephoniu paraphernalia, and said the business of ueppner would hardly justify tbe ex pense. However, it has been currently reported that Mr. Hopkins, president of the Inland Telephone Co., has signified his intention not only to build into Heppner this year, but to extend bis line into interior points. Heppner is not worrying much, bow ever, over tbe fact that she has no tele phonic connection with the outside world, or with the interior, for this con dition will not ooutiuue long, since a oompany of Heppner capitalists have de termined to meet the demands of our people by constructing these lines. The line into the interior will be com pleted very early this summer, and then tbe matter of other extensions will be taken np by our local oompany. Bottled Dp! Whether in the form of pill powder or liquid, the doctor's prescription for blood diseases is always the same mercury or potash. These drugs bottle np the poison and dry it np in the system, but they also dry up the marrow iu luc uuac9 at iuc same lime. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, and 11 is dui a snorx step to a pair ol crutches. Then comes falling of the hair and decay of the bones, a con- uiuon iruiy norriDie. Contagious Blood Poison the curse of mankind is the most horrible of all diseases, and has al ways baffled the doctors. Their pot ash and mercurv bottle up the poison, um 11 always Dreaks forth again attack ing some delicate organ, frequently the mouth and throat, filling them with eating sores. S.S.S., is the only known cure for this disease. It is guar anteed purely vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the contrary. It never fails to cure Contagions Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of the blood. If you have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. ueware 01 mercury; aon't ao violence to your system. Don't get- bottled up ! Uur books sent free to any address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. iPOTASHj? A aother Heir. , Recently, Mrs. Mary L. Davis, of Hope, Arkansas, wrote to Sheriff Houser, 1 of Pendleton, for information concerning one David Leatherman. In answer to the request, Thomas Avers, jr., now of Pendleton, formerly a Heppnerite, in formed the East Oregonian that about two years ago he as ooroner held an inquest oyer the body of David Leather man, and that there was considerable mystery surrounding his death whioh was not oleared np. There was some ranoh property in this oounty snd one brother was found in California as an heir. Mrs. Davis wrote that she was an heir and desired to have tbe estate settled. A. S. Wells was appointed adminis trator of tbe estate by the probate judge of this oounty. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itohing and stinging ; most at nigbt; worse by soratohiog If allowed to oontinne tum ors form whioh often bleed and ulcerate becoming very sore. Swayoe's Oint ment stops tbe itohing and bleeding, beals oloeration, and in most oases re moves tbe tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60 oents. ' Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. . r A PUACT1CAL TEST Of Wakelee Original Patent Bqntrrel and Gopher Exterminator. Although we bavo no rifles Ibat will shoot through seventeen inches of Bes semer steel and then burst a four-foot oaK lug into seven-foot hickory fence posts, we bare a large sopply of 22 caL rifles tbst will shoot a bullet clear tbroagh a squirrel aed out 00 the other side. Which gun is tbe frailest good to tbs country T Call at P. C. Thomp son Co.'s and boy a iquirrel rifle and ssvs your orope. 2t. Wsabingtoo Co. Datsbet; Mr. EL . Buicbell and family, of Diliey, wbo bave beeo residents of Ibis oounty for Ibe past tisbl years, started lbs fore part ol tbe week fur Leiiogtoa, Morrow ooooty, wbere they will berssJUr make Ibeir home. Bob Bsard ditpossd of bis baod of Hbs bad nsed it for oroup before, sheep to J. L. Howard al a prioe of $1 75 for tbe lambs and 1150 for tbe si Later Mr. lioward sold the lambs, &2 0 Bomber, back to Bob, lo be delivered after sbsariag, tor II 30. Tbe BeppDsr-Loog Creek Istepbooe line has received a carload of wirewbieb will be distributed as sooa as the poise are sal and ready for it. Tbe company tipaot lo bavo tbe lias e-implslsd by April L Tbe leegtb of life may be laeressed by Issssttiftg dee fare. Tbe majority of peo pit die froej long troebU. These nsy be avsrtod by preaiplly Basing Oris MiealsOoeghCerv. CoossrA Brock Lit Kseesf bad tbs atiafurtaaa to lose bis See dog. Little Joe, by polsoa to day. Any fwraoa bo will put oat potsoa for dogs Saosut bs loo severely oedomeed. Ed. II. lit bp ern td boots froes Pea- dtetrio Ibis tnoratajr. eesueapsaisd bv bis fslbsr , U H Itwbnp, abo Is ysl eery iU frnei reseat UUeea. One Jspaesse bowl givsa frs a lib each utis pound t4 tUglkah breakfast or Mm.UIUsslJ.W. Vsestss's. Id 19 Mrs. D P, Odwsa dpsr4 last M a- dy evaslsg fur a vail wiib frktads aad ralaUt at Tbe DsJUe, AIM (I. R .tuasoe, at Lnatsvilla, Xt, Is te llt psf today tatfodittinf a b bars loaf dip. KiiiLoaa, Sonoma Co., Gal., Oct. 16, 1896. Messrs. Wakelee A Co , San Fran- cisoo, Cal. Gentlemen : As a result of the squirrel poisoning by your rep re seoiative, 1 wouia say mat tour men poisoned eleven fields, covering over one thousand sores, in two days, doing the work thoroughly, and using 143 pounas 01 your exterminator, with an equal quantity of ordinary wheat. Two men and boys io three hours in a 100 aore field picked op about 400 squirrels from tbe top of tbe ground. As we poisoned close to tbe boles, I do not think we could flud more than a third of those killed, so tbe majority go into their bolee after eatiog tbe poison. I think, taking this test of a few hours' won in pioiiog mem np, mat as a re sult of tbe entire work, you have killed al least 7,600 squirrels. As it is eeti mated that eeoh squirrel will eat 100 pounds of grain annually, which I think is a fair estimate, yon bave made an en- no al ssving of 875 Ions of grain worth o,owior mysen ana neighbors, at a oost of $36 for poison. The result is onderful, snd your representstivs's claim that it is poitiible with "Wskelee's Exterminator" to entirely exterminate tbe squirrels is eetablisbed to my satis faction. ttave used yonr exterminator in a small wsy for over twenty years, and find it more effective and eoooomical thaa any other poison I can either make or boy. Strychnine to acoomplieh Ibis result woold bare oost many times as mnob. I cannot reoommeud it Ioj highly to my friends sod ranchers gen erally. Ymirs truly, C. U. Holms. Mr. tiaimes Is the owner 01 ao 8,ti0 acre raooh. speech. He introduced tbe delegation, paid a high tribute to Oregon and Ore gonians, and welcoming Mr. Mead, gave him the keys of the city and told bim to do as be pleased. Then it was in order for Mr. Meal to reply, and he literally threw himself 10 tbe effort. He shook hands all around, said he was very proud he looked it and then ioyited all hands lo bave a ball. After ball one, there were balls three, balls six, balls eight and so on nntil the loafers from Paradise alley be gan to think it was all right with tbem. Just to show them that he was equal to tbe honors thrust upon bim the Port land oounoilmao dispensed prodigious hospitality. JnBt abonl the time the affair drew to a close some one put Billy "on. At first he refused lo believe that be was so heartlessly deoeived, but be swallowed bis feelings and now be is at borne fig uring out a plan for revenge on Tapa- rall and Nadeao. The "job" oost tbs oounoilman a pretty penny and be says be thinks tbe Britons are a smart set. But it was a snsp f ir tbe bums. . A Successful Organizer. J. L. Mitobell, of Portland, deputy supreme commander of tbe Enigbts of Maooabees, has arrived in the oity aod is stopping at the Warshauer. Mr Mitchell la recognized as , tbe most suo oeestul fraternal organizer in the West, During 1896 he added more members to his order than any other organizer in the united states, tie is an ex-news paperman of reoognized ability and the press everywhere bos spoken well of bis work. He is here to stimulate bis order, now tbe second largest beneficiary order in the world. Baker Oily Republican. You can have t cot! soda baklai- powder flavoring extract! and spicea r-EST with a big B. BlaokweU's Genuine Ball rs Durham la In a class by Itself. You will And one coupon lnalde sash two ouncs bag, and two cou pons lnslds each four ounce bag of Blackwell's ' Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Buy a bag of this oelebrated tobacco and read the coupon wblcn gives a lis tor valuable presents and now to get them. Si if till imam?::. Hotel HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will find the best of accom modations in every respect on trial. Your, grocer pays you back your money in full if you don't like Schilling's Best u For sale by E. W. Rhea & Co. Backlea's Araiea Halve. The Best Salvs in the world for Cuts, Braises, Hores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skio Erup tions, and positively cares Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaotioo or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Cooser k Brook. A Wicked Weapon. Minor k Co. recently received a gun of tbe Savage make whioh shoots Ibe government oartrldge of 80 8 10 oal., smokeless powder, steel-cased bullet. Io a reoent test at thirty yards it shot tbroagh of an inob of Iron and then four inches into wood A stick of wood at tbe same distance was penetrated forty inches, tbe ball following the grain. The weapon will shoot and kill at a dis tance of three miles, it Is said. The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With R HOWARD. Who never lets politics interfere with business. At tbe same old stand, next door to M. Licbtenthal's. A lll'alCAli TKEAT. Absolutely pars, perfect! harmless, aod Invariably reliable are Ibe quali ties of One Minute Cough Cure. II oever fails ia oolds, croup aad lung troubles. Cblldrea like it because It is plessanl to take aod helps tbem. Coo ser k Brook. ON 0.1 BILL MEAD. Haw Purilaad frealsrsl ef Iks Ceaeril aad AaataUal Mayor Wss Kstortslssd al His Owa Ksssaaa. Tra'B le a .eal latere M4 Is tbe aeursj rsswtl 4 ets etM.Baat la bees, arbsai roa ar tllt4 Is par iS4 hf II Hrsp rills, e4 all lbs da4raKla rells sf It fret bi4 aWitpsaf wita Ibe ass f 1 1, is ttnas. If a fuh t fl wall. ka fer Uoud tare tia U-'i Rvaasa'Nls. Hand's ti;ls es Iks bl faatll Sales. tar aad !. B4 oas. 0t. rsiiaUs. "N4oseisl eka'4 wn a ! '. k. " " '' , ffci!! r-U. aat-r M II. (( i -a f l . gs. I . e gl I von , vi. tr t-s ktUM Ma'kH ? ..1 U. aJ llswri be eUa M Mi-a. Isis. s. i ss4 tks atns as. 1 Il-ppoanles will remember Billy Msad Port lead's asstsisol mayor, as oea of lbs promlosot msmbsrs of tbe bsrd of Elks Ibat reeaulty vtaitsd this oily. It Billy wbo, oa that oeesaloa, was to spoed to lbs tosal.-Tus Bois This was lo as the rff ,rt of bis Itfs.butowiog to tbs laUnsss of Ibe boor lbs oasiber wes col oat csoeb to Ibe chsgrla of Tort- land's railroad magoatsaad eooerilmse. Dewsvir, JuJglag Imm Ibe following story frooi tba Erealeg Tslegrata, Billy ia still oa earta: Tbs local dslsgslioa of railway pass ertgsrmeawbe aams back from Vaa oOTr FrUlsy, wbsfe Ibsy have bo boldlag a avwtiog, ars tailing wilb great gtss bow Billy Mrai. euaociltnaa aod railroad man, was atsde lbs vinitn of a kof-lsh, a bile lo Tsaooavsr. Mr. Maad Is aot a mvmbsr of tbe Lal asassngsf ttiva's aasaHsttoa, bat be bsir psi H to bs la Tsacoavar al tbe ume. stlmag apbaatassa. ttwssaotsdamaa4 Ibat lbs eslebfstsd astistsal sasfof af t'otllsad wm la twa, aed aa lbs sag t astlua of a rallfwj atsa Ibsl doe be t-ild besboao lbs vislinr, ffytimM Tsparall, ef Ibe bot.l, aoj Aal Najraa, uf tbe Nortbsfa Pseifle al M.aitla, ar ranged ff tbe aasaansailbg Billy la re- alve a dsUgaltua af Isadieg eit La.tsd bf Magiairals fibs to eiuad tbs frssdoss al lbs any alwag wilb Ibstr 4aisgtoas4 avasidrslas, Tbe railroad aaa aad lb b.ul ptoprt. Hwr sat, I f k iato las bifbaaie aad b;wa;s aad galleJ as f"r ai.kawa basM of aaMtata 4'grsa, bat 4 a tbirstr a ai era. Magistrate Hea wss kssia ato esrvis. tie bsal4 tbe dsUgstioa abl sssrsbsd tskslbe b-issl wilb dsa aulssMitf to HI rpt to Iks aan aa, tia m l-l ikt t was la h !) r4pat of IS rati Tt a raiis-er SB'S ' l bd 4 as is s t lbs tad bwllt vf lbs U. . MaaWals Baa wm 4i.4 (L Perhaps one of the best mntical treats aver giveo ia this oily wm the musical soiree at tbe Palace hotel last Friday eveoing giveo by Joaet Mueller, Wile? B. Allen's representative, satiated by lo cal talent. Every camber 00 tbe pro gram wm rendered io a creditable man ner, aod Dot a few were Iba snoorss de manded. Mr. Mueller began tbe even ing's soterlalomoot with a few appropri ate words of welcome. Following Iba renditloo of Iba program aa excellent lonoh wm served, after wbleb Iba re mainder of tbe evening wm very pleas antly spent la eoeiel intercourse, games aod music. Ia all tbe evening wm one that will not sooo be forgotu-n. Tbe following ie tbe program m reodsrad : Vienna Military March for two Plsoos Mrs. tl.Bartbotomsw and Joeaf Maeller Beritooe eolo A. W. Petlereno -Pal M Offal nffalo"...Joesf Moellsr (Comic rJnag) Piaooeolo Mrs. II. Bartholomew Soprano elo Miss Ada Dartlstt ( II. W. Bartholomew Trio...., Josl Mnstler f A- W. PalUreon Uao for two Piaaos Mrs. U. Bartboloms aod Miss tlsMIMt Cumleenng Jf If nallsf "I IhJn l Keow It Wee fl.ars." Do at Miss Hart Ull and A. MT.Psltareoa "la Old Madrid." Hi tag lef MostUr "Mother Wee a Ls-lj." The fsmoas Frsacb Oaaaral Boalatiiisr March I f two piaaoa-Mra.lL Bar Ibol ioisw aad JmwI Masllsr, HAVC YOLK GRAIN. Few realise Ibat eeoh squirrel des troys f 1 SO worth of grain snnually. Wakolee's Squirrel and Oopher Exter minator is the most effective snd eo nominal poison known. Prios reduoed to 30 orate. Cooser A Brook aod Mioor A Co., agents, Ueppner; J. A. Woolery, agent, Iooe; Niobols A Lsaob, sgsnts, Lexington. Dick Mslbewe aod V. Gentry, under the firm name of Matbewa A O entry, are associated together io tbe bsrber bnainese In the new stand, two doors sonlb of the poetofRoa. They soliolt call. tt. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL BAli, J. C. BQHOII3CRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars This Space Belongs to GILLIAM &BISBEE, Heppncr's Hardware Dealers. The Lancashiri: Insurance Co. Kt.V'a rXtlM BAt.M la a rssKtvsaars. Applf tsiaUM BsstrUa. il a skl, ahwhot. ts smIs at IMwfM "f awM I aaairM la, hf atatt. XX T BKin lir.KA. M W ama Haw lark Ciu. t'ETlTIOS rOH LlCESHt. ryo Tint HonnsAfiis mrsTT rot'kT Wa, lha 4nen4 I ! nta iivl rat Snla n I'rfva trrlf I. M-rn I ntnlf ,lrsnf, rwatr ttiiilf wuiina tif hntwwabla tmlr In ran a IWaa la I M'-l RoMnans ta S.II .lfll.irxi.. malt aM tanta Ikm-ita la m juaiilHias l.n nna talLm. la tha ansa el loss. an4 fnuf HliiMri all! ! bfr Samattiiag ta Kaaw II mar be worlb solbib' to kaow Ibat Ibe ry I t mslKaa for reloriag Ibsl iirsdool asrvaMeratseitoebssitby vigor if Kiaetria BiiWra. Tbia sssdiriaa ie ersly v.gUt4s, acts by glvleg lows to IHa arrva atrM la tbe ebwaerh, gatly tisUls tbe Liver ead Kidasye, a.d side I t.ass Mgses ia Ikrowlog aff lutperiiis la las Mood, t'.Wstrte Idtisrs ta(.foa Iks af fiallia, a.lt di-'S, ant as pfnoaeel by Ib-as U bas If 14 It M Its Vary bl blwid .OMft and arvs lusts. Try IL rVM ! U tt II. V) p bvtUs at Casr A Brsrk ' drag Ijttvtii Fsao Tr Tbs fl yard ail 4rr to Ibe Oasslta a(Ss, aoe Us lag aris lnoUrl by Waj. (td'a. fcl faHy t-iip4 laessry psfttswlsr. Hdly s-4i.U 1 vtr piraas aad yva assy rssi aasaral Iksl yoar bae wi bs wall asrad f ehsa Isft la kiaetisrfs. rrto vary rsaauasbia. Ilsy aai graia far ala. tf Tea aid wsy al 4titrt laaass bf ymwl wsSat ait a lr "tf U I i.atra4a ths aid ta-lMsS Btift" U Ml 'VhlH ' i4 la s-asra 1 tik !!- Bits ! toatsalanaua Sns tif M aake O-asb Csra. twasr A Urvak. i4 f I A W-..lff j t: r mwtj H Hmm u w iiii.t-r 1 a iopit i ( 1 cvhna loha iif.s k 11 .. t a r Hiw, k4 ft.s aana a 1: r-,'r T' V m.mry Bf4 VHmlr.a r s m - ... I W t Mr. Ml a r Im K . mw T M.rrHMl W H ftoawa 1- V n (Mr iMf a 1 U t' tlanf r.- t.fifi H "iiiMa I II. (M 1 !,!.-.; a A a I Bikhia 1 a kras N W IkntnM ImM Ma ll . l,l. t fU i trf IWM Mikhail N klirhla g K IX mass 1 i Miaa Mala T J anaaias w a M-'.a I KlMlOC I r t: Wat M r-.nMf 1. M Mlila iiurt aMrtrk W B ataii t has I .ui MH.a fctal llil'WVI II M4 anab-k 4 "h m I Jftftfftv J aiiH.iaa M.ilirs4 k ms a t.a) u a 1 a W M Masn4 Bntlr ia IimvM ai' KI iMiim4 Sill .If'T W, 114 (.mot, I mnf 4 ln 1 nwir. ("- al IIhi M ... a tf . at, mm tfcs Uk4a 4 a4 a-.Hi. a a ! a a.l ...irii at a4 lwa IW, la ..llli. u.a Mtl," s Im - t lumra k"i"'" t ft itlaf. Itachtr$' lamination. Nun-1 is arsrsr rnvra 1H4T ra Ika .'M. atllu 1. ,imi,u ! a. I - ft m, mm lltftifta aa M 4aft , tftt IM iHOMaol Ihia rmmt liNLiM i.K ifca -it wftftte4.fttt IKftftftwaf V1U h4 S .av.ifc.twm 1 im ft.n a.n. aa p.nM Mf ...f flta f t)J kkM S4 , Ma la aMriauLtiiiisf inula N rr1rf H arav 'ilf VWT VBf t Ol MANCIIKBITItHt ICrM(IANI W riTTERSOX IGDiT. !.!-- T : WITH nsns : mm pis Youro JIOUNI) to Take MOm. Lcnvcs No Consllpntion, Ceras It. ss wall as all Iliittoe. Huk asdsba aad Malaria. Tbe aaly oriamattaMi pill la lbs it4, Kld by sil rlas .ia m k I t axail sa l llt.Mlr.rt Mi l IC At. iXt, fla a I'laaeisen, I'al. farsipt of arise, '45 asate par tt. I. J. njYBIS "-."rr..tr"- Where tntt ran H a I Irsl- 1 f f 11 r II iWttt Class Meal at I.tfibjf VI 1 I 1 1 J I I i lif I rinch Cook, and IVMtf Ubor only, Employed. Good Rooms and Excellent Service in; i .... i. at.' a ft. I a W -nn i ,-.,.t s4 4 ., fcft. I - - 4 I . lrftft . a..... -4 .4n.4f i-. ajft-a . i m it , . ., 4 4ft. i a a4 a44 a s a tra rr v as aa asa f is t a. r siii, Tho GAZETTE;'$2,5o A Year (or CASH, at