Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 16, 1897, Image 2

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    did JE3,-a.-a a of
to 03 ff2 D3 E5 EE!
The vote today was unchanged
from that of last Friday and Sat
urday. Hudson, Wagner, Mitchell
and Vanghan were excused on ao
count of sickness. There will be
no change unless there are defeo
tions from the ranks of the oppo
sition and this is likely to occur at
any time. A number of senators
are ready to assist in the selection
of a senator to succeed Mr. Mitchell
when the proper time arrives.
In addition to the luxuries
maintained in the Eldridge block,
Salem, for the entertainment and
delectation of Mr. Bourne's guests,
including the populists, renegades,
Simon republicans and Elder Bar.
clay, is a well organized harem of
nearly a dozen females. These
are scattered around through the
crowd of the capitol corridor dur
ing the busy part of the day and
any signs of a "break" on the part
of one of the herd is duly reported
to the chief of the harem. When
the shades of night shut out the
world from view the recreant
member is wined and dined,
treated to revelry and song, and as
a final touch to make him solid
M 1.1 l i 1 . i
lor lue next iweive uours be is
turned over to one or more fair
charmers. Not long since a cousin
of one of the pops, a republican,
tried to have an interview with his
relative but was prevented by one
of the harem who cluDg on por
siHtently and effectively. And this
muBt all occur in Oregon.
There aro honorable ways of de
feating an opponent and there are
dishonorable ways, says the Ilills-
boro Independent This is true,
The oppouonts of Mitchell have
taken the most dishonorable man
nor that could be conceived of. An
honest enemy tneU the opposition
fairly in open field. Guerrilla war
fare in politics will not win in the
long run.
The Milton Eagle man, Hal, is
hanging around the capitol with
Davit, trying to assist in the
i.ii . ...
uoiu-up, uur irionii, null, was
an ardent Mitchell man until he
found that the division of Umatill
county might be brought about
through the friends of Bourne
and Simon, so from that time on
he bat boon assiduous in hie ef
fort to promote the holding up o
the itato, regardless of results, and
also very active in the opposition
to Mr. Mitchell. lie Las beon too
busily occupied to entertain the
lovelinet female on earth, much
! one of the "forlorn" sort And
all this to eocure the divitioo
Umatilla county with Milton as the
county eoat
And Hod. Geo, W. Patterson, of
Ililltboro, baa been talked of for
the senatorthip, sajs an eichange.
Lor J forbid! Why, I'attoraon is
too illiterate to make a good clerk
in a livery stable. He ihould
never have boen nom (natal for
state senator, in the first place.
His shameful disregard of prom
ar made daring the June earn.
igo ehould relegate hiia to the
quiVtof his coflin establishment,
Uck io the little town of IlilUloro,
Joe Long, boee work is reputed
to be awfully coarse, spent Sunday
io Portland Joe bae lva doing
the "go-between" act, but aa sack
iisresr do it to loud that be
tUrtlxe the gontleou-Uier with the
rattle of the cash. Jo U a pretty
r"J ffliow personally tut is over.
bflroikl with t aooutnenUl im.
pot Unce. He eomttini catches a
UiUr too, A frUad of ours iu
th objVt of J,x.'t attentions for
tnwUua nk. It crow itk.
Mine. Ue Jjr wLiie Jo m
"puBf-bg,- Ike f,i4 laJI.elf
stopped and informed the per
sistent Joe that it took money to
get information from him. In an
overawing whisper Joe says, "How
much ?" The friend thought about
1250. Joe thought he could fix it.
he said, but remembering his ex
perience with the newspaper man
who took $2,000 and "horse
laughed" the gang, "he never came
back." No, Joe's work isn't coarse.
It is simply rank.
'Tis laughable to see how hard
the combination tug and work at
their scheme, and all the time they
keep saying, "We have Mitchell
beaten." If so why not come in
and organize in a manner accept
able to all, and even in the short
time that remains mayhap some
thing can be done for Oregon. If
Mitchell is beaten why not get to
business? O, you deceivers! Like
the boy who whistles as he passes
through the graveyard to keep up
his courage, you say that Mitchell
is beaten to reassure yourself,
knowing that he is not beaten. If
he is not the choice of the major
ity, come in and elect some other
Salem, Or., Feb. 15, 1897.
Greece is assisting the Cretan
insurgents in their war for inde
pendence. Turkey will ask the
powers of Europe to interfere and
it seems likely that they will do so.
Two famous Southern generate,
John Randolph Tucker and Joe
Shelby, passed to the beyond on
last Saturday, the former at Lex
ington, Va., the latter near Adrian,
Never Fails to Cure
Astonishing Record of the Great
Paine's Celery Compound.
The Oregonian's attack upon
Senator Brownell, of Clackamas
county, in a recent issue, was brutal
and wholly uncalled-for. Senator
Brownell supported Senator Dolph
two years ago until it became evi
dent that he could not be elected,
then he did what others did, tried
to elect some other person. Sena,
tor Brownell has always been i
friend of Senator Mitchell, and his
friendship has been intensified, no
doubt, by the character of the
tight that is being made at the
capitol. The Gazette can name
number of prominent citizens who
were not very ardent supporters
of Mr. Mitchell at the opening of
the legislature, but who have grown
warm in their advocacy of him be
cause his followers are the repub
licans who are making a clean
fight, within party lines, and in ao
oordance with party ethics and
party principles, limy are not
bolters, they are not political guor.
rillas. No wonder Senator Brown
ell grows stout and earnest in his
support of Mitchell and the re
publican party, and in view of the
past course and record of the Ore
gonian, and the utter abandon of
its editor who is possessed of
morbid nature of currish cussed
ness, it it no turpriso that it vent
itt spleen on a man who has barely
Urt the tick bed, and who baa
oommitted no worse error than
that of standing true to his friends.
"Haw U far all Sfcla Plam"
Hitnply apply "Hwavna' Ointment
No tat.raal mMlniD reuulre. Car
liar, MMina, Hob. all rnpttonioo lb
rM, Dola, no, ., vin lb akin
Uar. wbtt aoj baaltbv. IU (mat bea.1
in aaj cnraUv power ara pnaaeaatid
or do dinar rniiv. Ask jroor drag
ti rur Btimii uiDim.nl,
Faine'a celery compound bas never yet
(ailed to oare.
Where all other medical treatment baa
tailed to relieve Paine'e oelery oompoaod
bs succeeded time and time again.
John W. Boyd, of Mieuawaka, lad.,
ays of bis own oase:
"Last winter I was taken down with
very severe attack of nervous and mus
cular rheumatism, so bad that I could
not lie down, sit up or stand, without
the most norociating pain. I was all
the time under the oare ot two of the
best physicians ot the place, bat I did
not improve. I took different rheumatic
core and used an eleotrio battery a belt
hour each day for 10 day, without anv
"Finally I oonoluded to try Paine'
oelery oompoaod, and to my surprise
after using one-half of a bot'le 1 was
able to go oat and vote on eleotion day,
and before I used the whole bottle 1
went to work, and have worked every
Homa tbiaf a ara rsra and otbar aim
ply blood m taw. Of lb latter kioJ ia
tb priatd-Ia staUuaal mad by lb
Orrco&laa, ritrt4 by legislator,
npuawd to Benator Miloball, Ibat Milan
all tad bl frtaod ar boldiae op lb
legulatur. Tbar la not a word
bath ia tt, and iboa who make tb
artloo know tl. It U ssaJ to bolster
spa we raaa and for tb affact It eaay
bat it Iboa wbo di not uk lb Iron
bl to inform Ib.tueelva. Jiatba
lloarea, the Oregoaiia an J Jo Hi
aaanud by a lot of mlsa-iiijej Bopnliat
ara bolJisf up Iba letiatatar. Amui
lt tbet ar a faw renqblloaiia, tiia J.w
Himo a llr on, Tba ar Iba pao-
Il wbo ara boLlma It.a IuIiUum
ad aotwdi l.- lb lt.ll v'brotl!
lb oppoeaat i Haaalof Mitchell
lata that b baa la Iba forty gp-
portera, q,J, m tb Oregoni pate it,
ia adea4.N As lb bold ap of lb leg Uv
ular was f. tb avo4 parpoaof
bealing MiUball, and a Miteball, Ibay
ay, la deat. Mil Ibay bav a tnaj iif of
bH booaaa, wby J Ibay fat Io-
(alba and orgaais tb Tba
tralb k aaj Ibay a.a It. Ibal MiUball
Ma BiSJ W i; K im aoaa vara ooa
ot laoicad, bat ! ot bl apnrter
da A ouaatJar lb ltbaa b a Ugl
of aiiliatto. abd ! tlliag t
It it Tb toij tttty of tb lag ti.
tar aal If it ball i tb Mj wily ot lb
popl waat blai. aa4 yat la aUI
ball t Itk lnrat by Utea m . b
and all Ite btab Ma tt ltl4-ta4.-Tb
l.'a U ruawl.
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
William Penland, Plaintiff,
vs. -William
Doonan and Mary
J. Doonan, Defendants.
To William Doonan, one of defendants herein:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer or other
wise plead to the complaint filed against you in
the above entitled suit on or before the next
regular term of of the above entitled court,
The First Day of March, 1897,
and if you fail o to answer or otherwise plead,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judg
ment against you for the sum of five hundred
and ninety-one and 13-100 dollars, together with
interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per
annum from the 15th dav of October. 1RA5 until
paid, and for the sum of fifty dollars attorneys
fees and for his costs and disbursements in thl
suit; and the court shall decree that the mortg
age executed by the said William Doonan and
Mary J. Doonan to plaintiff hererein, dated the
12th day of April, 1894, upon the following des
cribed real estate, to-wlt: The east half of the
northeast quarter of section 28 and the south
east quarter of section 28 and the south half of
the southeast quarter and the south half
of the southwest quarter of section twenty
seven, all in township one south of range 27 east
of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed,
and the said real property sold and the proceeds
of such sale to be applied to the payment to
jjiaiuuu oi me aoove named sums ot money;
that all of the defendants, and all persons claim
ing through or under them, or any of them,
shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all
right, title, estate, interest and hen at law and
in equity, and all equity of redemption, In and
to, and upon every part of said real property.
This Summons is published pursuant to an
order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the
above entitled court, made atcharabers, Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 13th day
of January, 1897. ELLIS & LYONS,
508-20. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
day siooe. I have gained 20 pounds in
weight and am feeling first rate.
"My wife has also been taking it for
nervousness, and thinks that there Is
nothing like it. We both recommend it
to all ot our aoquaintanoes, and you are
at liberty to use this letter a you see fit,
for it iruly worked wonders in my oase."
And Paine'e oelery compound ia work-
log just suob wonders in every state,
oounty, oily and village ot the country
The reader must know aome one wbo
has tried it. Ask that person if be
she was not at ooce benefited 1
Don't let a dealer palm off anything
else ou you, however; for there ia as
maoh difference between Paine's celery
compound and all the ordinary sarsapa-
rillss, tonios, nervine and oompounrlaaa
there 1 between an eleotrio motor and
boy' windmill.
There ia power to oure in Paine'a cel
ery oompound.
of Oregon for the ounty of Morrow.
A. Woolery, Plaintiff,
Samuel E. Walker, Defendant.
To Samuel E. Walker. Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
nereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of tne next
regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit
March the first, 1897;
and If you fall to answer for want thereof, the
piainun wui lane juagment against yon for the
im, une nunarea sixty ana 6S-100 Dollars
ith interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum from the 11th day of Oct. 18i8. For
tne sum 01 une nunarea rwenty-nve ana m-ioo
Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of
Oct. 1896: for the sum of twenty-five dollars at
torney's fee and for his costs and disbursements.
ibis summons is served by publication pur
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of
tne aoove entitiea court, made on tne 2Kth day
Of Dec, 1890. J. N. BROWN,
606-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
J. of Oregon for Morrow County,
n. wnaueyanu wm. r.
M ul r, partners doing busi
ness as Whalley & Mulr.
James W. Swezea, Defendant.
To James W. Swezea, Defendant
In the name of the State of Oreirnn: Ynn am
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of the next
regular term of said court, to-wlt:
The first day of March, 1897;
and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof
tne piaintina win take judgment against you
for the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five
Dollars, with Interest th reon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the 14th dayof
April, 1H6 and for thelrcosts and disbursements
In this action.
This summons Is served by publication pur
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge
of the above entitled court made ou the 16th
day of July, laws.
niULUi a aim ana J. N, bkuwn,
605-17 ' Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
fight against dollars. The opposition
rellea wholly now upon tba caBh persua
sive. There can be no possible doubt
that money ia being freely used and in
dividual payments run into Iba thous
ands, Tba Intense hatred ot the aaok
owner for Mr. Mitchell is shown in the
fact that all they ask now in return for
tbeir money ia bis defeat. Oorval lis
All sorts of rumors ar alloat regard
ing affair at Salem. On ot tb latest
is that our joint representative, Iloo. El
11 Lake, baa deserted to th obstruction
ists, Io which we give n i oredenoa what
ever. Mr. baka'plMlu-ea Himself Io tb
republican of Ibis oounty to aapport
Mitchell, and on that pledge be carried
It election, and we do ant for on
moment believe that ha would now vio
late that obligation. Taquina Bay New
(Unoolo Co.)
It Benator Mitobell i not tba oho toe
of tb majority, tbao wby do not tba
nisjonty elect aome on wbo la tbeir
cboioa T Mist.
Tb present session of lb legislator
boold go down ia history "Oregon'
Mammoth Diagraoa, with Joseph and
Jooelhao a lb arob oonspiralora. Miat.
Heoalor IL F. Malkay promised both
from tb stomp and pre Ibat ba would
support Mitchell, and II will b tmpoaei
bl lor bin to icq bia acta to tb
paopl of Tolk tiunly for not doing It
Polk Ooooty Observer.
Mr. Gladstone' Marriage.
Without in the least degree invading
the (tored domain of a great man' pri
yate life, it may be said that no mar
riage couia postiD'y Dave been more
bappy than that ot Mr. and Mrs. Glad-
atone. Th pair were young together,
became mature together, and grew old
together, I do nut merely mean to say
that they passed their livos io tba aume
dwelling, bnt what I do mean to say is
that they were always thoroughly to-
gelher in purpose and io spirit, in heart
and in aoul. There never could have
been a wife mora absolutely devoted to
her buabaod and to hi causa Ibaa Mrs.
Qledatone. lber was aometbiog no
apeakably touohing, eveo to ruxr and
oaaoal observer like myaelf, io lbs ten
dercsre wbtob she always lavished upon
mm, a car wlilub adrsuoiug years
seeojed rather to Increae tbao to dimiu
lah. On was reminded aometime ot
tba saying of Darke, Ibat h never bad
ao ootsule trouble iu bis lit wbiob did
ool vanish at tb aigbt of hi wife when
ba crossed lb threshold of bia bum.
Gladaton bad several ohlldren. Two wf
bi aon wer at on lira msmbr of
lb buna of commons. William Uaory
th aide! aoo, ba long since passed out
of lit, llarbert Gladstone is. I hot
and fully believe, declined to carry oo
tb roow ef th nam. From tb Feb
ruary Outlook Mtgaiio.
II 1 a aaf eelimat to say that 75 pa
oat ot lb voter of tb it prater
Miiohell foe atar; fully U pr caot
say "make Mifobell aeoalor and go o
with lb baaloase tor tb baiiafl I of tb
elate," wbil it may b oueadaj Ibat
Hie remsioing 10 ar real of tba Volar
oppoa Mitchell. Bat folly MO pr
cant o( lb republic 4rt of Ibastal
would ppoa esaklag Booros speaker
and orgeats lb legislator la tb inUe
el of popalwts. lUpatihraM be
otbing to arbitral, and tt lb rapvw
eantativa (mat ma Ibat tbav bava, aad
et oa Ibat Ueory. Ibay will I left.
Ilillalxiro iodpodot,
Notlct of Intention.
I Atnorrira at tms di.i.is, oamwii
4 r.l. i. W7. Notlra la hrtrb fltn
Ibal lha Mlnalti namnl arttli bu nlaj an.
U.ol his luUntlou h, mt liiai i.imil In su
(M ul bu nana, and thai aald fa alll ba
axla bal.tr J. . Mortu. (auniy Clack, al
n-ui, urvfua, aa sianra M, imi, u.
JgllS W. AUJlTUtr.
HI. I rii.i.Hiha Kh MW- sria nw
al lHNtVkv i Tp.l . a, .4 K.
"mums u, l.lluali alln.. in nt(
his roiiMiHiou raaulaiK uwa av4 tulutatUHl
HMhanl W, huMsna, asms a lUliwa, lah
" , rraihl M. itturlar, ail ul IimUX
ua, urvfuo.
. . . JAi. f MiMlKC,
V kaatatar,
Ara istnins tatof
.(- siva an !
Ms aany tavaa Mi
ykM, aa nnt
Ni ata. WvalMi
(Ms la i ,,a
i r.1 k m ... .'- ff
hiW lirifbaM It sastiag l!aa
Queer way t. sell tea?
Vour gnncr elU you n
package of &uVii$ fast.
If you don't like it he gives
you your money hade
Makes jukk la. Uki an J
plenty of it
a as a raff
a fmiin . aL
Dot let of Intention.
I Anorru-R t tmi pi i, ..x
Si r.ti it mn. Kirfir it hmni f mitm Utal
ii. !..!; in hm4 IMIM kaa (14
at itrnll..a In ata aa4 la suiuX ol
fcia tmim. a4 ll au4 .f J am ba sa.W
I !, anuais rl, a li.i.i.iw,,
lfi.., aa Hank M. at. tu:
J 1 w M M U k R . Sm. 1 1, T J a.
11 mm im tniMsin illnwun ba yr
m "i tm vi ,t
ytai.k ..ri".n. Iklllua Villa.... a
r an M Uk , a-1 T a i
(". ik r 'tr
l'r a
of Ht .i.
20,000 POUNDS OF
Consisting of
Tables, Chairs, Bookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book
Cases, Lounges, Sofas, Spring MattresBes, Wool Mattresses,
Parlor Suits, Center Tables, etc., eto. Brussels Carpets, Wool
Carpets, Mattings, Sideboords, Mirrors, Hat Racks, Hanging '
Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., eto. .
All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be SoldKegardless of Cost.
Fix np your homes at once with Stylish Furniture,
while this opportunity ia offered. .
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
farmers at a msiaoce snouia can soon
thereby getting a better selection
1 FRANK MofflRLflND,
of Orevon (or Morrow Couutv.
KC. Thompson, PlaluUir,
J. B. SrM-rry, Defendant.
To 1. B. Pperrv, Defendant:
In tha name nil tha Htatanf Oraann! Von ara
nureliy required to apuvar anil answer the eom
plaint filed airalnst you In tha above entitled
artlon on or before the next regular t-jrm of
me aiKiva eniiiiea couri, io-wh;
March 1st. 189T.
and If you fall to answer for want thereof, tha
plaintiff will take jiidiritient atalnst ynn for the
nun ni mrty-tiMir anil iviKi dollars and Intereal
thereon at the rata of ten per cent per annum
from May 14, for tha sum of eighty-one
an.i in-mi ijniiara ana intereat inereon irnm
January 2. M; for the sum of thlrtv-nlne and
l linidnllara and Intereat thereon at the rate of
elKht per cent Per annum from October 1st.
14. Iir the sum ol fifty dollars attorneys fees
sud for tha coals and disbursement of this
This summons la served upon you hv publica
tion puraiiant to an order of tha Hon Hteuhen
A. Ixiwell, JurtKe ol tha above entitled court,
made and entered lu said action on tha UUi day
SOt-JO. Attorneys for I'lalntlfT.
notice of Intention.
I J Feb. :i. IW7. Notice la hereby rtran that
the following named settler haa (lied notlra of
his lnUnUon to mass Bnal proof In support of
his claim, and that aald Proof will ba made
before I nnnty Oerk. t malllla Cnunty. Oreaon.
si i snuieuin, ureon, on Marcn n, ikut, yu:
fid. E No. ATHX for tha M' RWu. Sec. 14 and
w H I ac. U, Tn. I N., R. T7 K, W,
Ha names tha fol owlnt wltnuaes to nmva
his continuous residence urns aad cultivation
oi, aain linn, via:
r rani nioao, oi iiaiioway reon. and Henry
C. Thnmpwn. Allien l)ala, Iavla Nmrtt, all
m wnn, in-afon. B.r. niivuin.
We are preparing for a big Bpring trade, but must have
help to make it a howling success. We are .filling up
and completing our stock of
which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate busi
ness. We have many customers now but there are still
several vacancies in this department of our store, to bo
Applications will be received at all hours of the day.
Apply in person or by letter to
P. C. Thompson Co.
Corner Main and Willow Streets.
He has anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a good
article when Mat guarantees It
Old Stand, Main Strt.
Repairing Specialty.
. . a,f,",WiW
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put im Vmir TVnm ?
aa m w MBv a W V a Jk W l e
f l zffl Arc You in Need of a Saddle
i riorse
All these can be procured at Thompnon V Binna, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
Thaaa rentlemeo ara wall acquainted with Orant. Harney. Cmni. Oltllam and other couttUe
and can aav money and Urn In snaking ttiee seclluns with travtllng nett.
rrW la keeping with th time.
In the riRrriT rorRT or the state
of Omron lor the rnualf ol Morrow,
4. A. W.wrary, I'lalnUfT,
amnel E. Walker, tvlendant
Toeamnel R. Walker. IMendanL
la tha name of tba ataia of Hreexn: Toa ar
hervt.y ra-iulred to appear and Iniw.r th con.
pUInt tied ae-elnat .. In tha ahnv. entitled
rauee an ot lha Brat dav of tha neat
rce;uuM farm of the atwv anUtlad court, to-a II :
The Aral day of March, 7-
and If yna tall an ta anawar, tor want thereof
the plaintiff a 111 Ul. )nlmenl efalnet you lr
tha fim at rtihty va and i ln.llara. with
laten! lhe..n al the rla of tea frt ceol ry
aunuia lna the I .'lb day ul tk-L av h lha
sum of liy dollars, attorney It-a, and lor hi
c.t and dtabt. omenta,
1 bia sum axons la eat ved by pobllrallna par.
ttanl to an ordef of Stephen A. Lowell, Ju.lya
ol the a tana entitled euurt, anada oa the t
dav nf Ixrambar, latav J. M RNOW H
'" 11. Altovtwy M I'lalnUlT
Notice of Intention.
Ir Cffl R ATTIIR rI I t riRRiMIN,
lea, I l-7. K..ue la herel.y (1i.a
that lha f..llnwi aanmt altle haa tied a.4tra
4 au i,u-,it..,e to aiasa il pru4 la aopport
othiariat-a and thai aatd ft"" will ba auute
Ht.e J, m i ui,ir .1 Uetraef,
tmHi,a Matvh. I 4a, w;, vta.
HI E la H.MtM H gt r',RIt,,M
t! aav, ae 11. Is 4B.R A R
llMaiea the ..l..ain aiirneea n m
nta mttiie,Mua eaa.teiww u)mhr a4 raiUvatlwa
at MI4 lau.t. . I
J-a ieatisa. A ilea W ll. OiartM t
Au.ilk. M I igfct MlSa. (fev.w, w4 harUt)
Insraaaas, cat Npaet, imiaa
jas, r M'"ia.
ma a
Icat!in dealers
everywhere sell
!- mm af , Waw 4 im4
fW ) t . .
.a tlttJf It I
t fJaV I
a 4
. at. aav a co
1 alefaHllMhMl J-,-
V tkM aas
asa. aav-
ni Plat,.
t' U t :
a ne r
, e--e M
UTItR Uar.
io at
W "V I ',
a lit l.r
' ,.t
timbtr Culture, final Proof.
Rett, far Mai !-
t'aivart attfta I tsa ni a
the t .N ikm.. eh a ia
v aiu a a.i.k.,. ai tt.eaoae. t e
t l.ed w4 itet m ana. Iaj pm4
.. t ina,iHM,,iM M kteapVe
laa'tr H..a.t the lwfc mt
"4 W . k lrl m Hkl.i ...t . , . . . .
a u t. as ,ia',,M , mi.f
m York fc
(ly Tin
Farmers and Viliaoers,
FathersSid Mothers,
Sons and Danohters,
All tne Family.
With tU clow of tl rrMiJeotial earapaign THE TRIDUNE
reeojjoiaA lb fart that Iba American poopla ar now anilooa to gi
thrir tiro to Lntn ao.l bQaior ictormtav. To meet this emoJilion,
politic, will hav far If sparo ao l promioc'oc nattt aootbor 8tU or
National occasion drrnaa.l a rt&owal of th fight for tb principlf for
bleb TIIK Till HUNK baa UUr.J from it location to tb prr-ot
tly, anl won its prratt x " " - .
Kveff hiMi or mnBfJ ffcJ ai
li teak THE Wp
S I (HI '-M '"
t a'.-
If m-e'
kit at
V',r' taT
.1 H ...
a- -1 . A