TO THB i GlVgS TBI 0HOIC1 Of 'Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION. NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver' MINNEAPOLIS: OMAHA ..AMD -.- AMD . St. Paul Kansas . City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean n Steamers v Leave r Portland Every S Days For SAN ' FRANCISCO. For fall detail, oall on O, S. k N. Agent ta Heppoer, tr address W. H. HURLBURT, , Geo. Pass., Agt. FoBTIiAND. ORMOK. ' E. McNEluL, President and Manager. San Franolsoo And all point in California, via tha ML Bbaau runt oi tha Southern Pacific Co Tha treat Meows throo-h California t all point Kaat and South. Grand Hoenle Rout of tha Faclfte (eet. Pullman Ballet Ueevera. Beoond-olae Hleeper Attached to ei prase trmina, Bffnrdine; ao parlor aoootnaodatleos fo eeoond-claae paseeiisera. Pnr rata, taoketa tieaptugioar reservatioae, tto.. oall a poo or address e.KOKHLJC&, Manager, I. P. ROGERS, Aart. Oan. t. A P. Aft.. Portland. Oron -TO THI- YIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Toroiif b Pullman Palaot Sleeper. Tourlit Hliffpari and Prae Kecllnlng Chair Can DAILY to CUkafO. Man hour tared via thli line to Eattarn folnU. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS. IrUWiMT MATItal. R. W. BAXTER, Otn. Agtnt, J'ortland, Ortgon. J. C HAHT,Agtnt,.llfiiper, Ortgon. mmm IHAllVlXED'.O. DATTlVm .J f' mbrt -TMRCC A LOYAL TBAITOeJ S aw 4 wm at Ml By lie UUM Sim, III trF mmj 'mult taJt. 1 jmi f ? ft, 4mi 4t I 4.4'mI tmj ymt ' wiry ttmtatm. 'rv e,e Mai I VV- V tt-m V.i ' . ft mil ftNTowSO fmrWMAA 7 lllMMl , , at I , t mm 1- fc , 0 a, mm ' WiiAtl rvfrrwafl tt l't a yae it J mmm mm-mt fA aa.a an Via . By va S mmm 3sV av . 4 BBk ... t &J t) P m 8& W m wur baaaaraAaB aw. DM m iikalv A t v' Ay' & r. aT f . 1 t ;.,(., '(w, U I v.J 1 Mlrt r U fW a,w lrte f J tm it:, eaW mrnf k yr avaAnw eej i v luvt,4 .. tmj f, ( iM ) 0 kkMit . II pa aaaa. . SaOf 4 Mttttt, KMHaa. bm vera ' aVxie fm er mmm IANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1897-. 1 . ka LOCAL DISEASE SBd lath raeuttofeaM' hMm etiawti eaaa. It can be cored by pleasant reaMdr which ia applied U lectlr into the aoetrus. Be in If quickly ghre relief al once. . 75$ it adaoirMnd to b the meet thorough car for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It open and eleansea the assalpaurges, allay pain ana inflammation, heala tha sores, pro tect the sMmbrane from coldaimtoreatiwaaiaea of taste and smell. Priee50c.atDrupKttaorbyniall. BLI BKOTUEK8, M Warren Street, Hew Xorfc THE THRIC-A-WEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. - 156 Papers a Tear. It stands first among ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of coo tents. It is practical ly a daily at the low prioe of a weekly; end its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign conn tries will vonch for the accuracy and fairness ol its newt columns. It is splendidly illustrated and among its, special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Conaw Doyl, Jerome K. Jerome, Stanley Wbymar, Mart E. Wilkins, Anthony. Hope. Brkt Harts, ' Bbamdbr Matthbws, Etc. We offer this unrqnaled newspaper and Tbe Gazette together one year for $3.25. Tbe regalarsnbsoription prioe cf tbe two papers Is $J.50. OEIIOAQO. milwauKBB & St5 Paul H'g Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt, Paul Rail way and not lla oouneotlont with all transcon llnental II net and BU Paul and tnaha, and rametnber that lla tralm are lighted wlthtlee-' trioltyand healed by tteam. , Ita aqiilpmantli superb. Klegant Buffet, Library, Rmoklnsand Meeptng ear, with free reclining chair. Kaeb sleeping ear berth baaaa l'ti; reading lamp, and Ita dlulni can are the beat In the world. Other line are longer than thl. but notiaar horter, and no other oner th above luxurloti aeonramodatloiit. Theaeara sufficient rnaannl lor tbe popularity of "Tha M llwaukee." Coupon trket agent m svery railroad cfrloe will sir fnu further Information, or addrce C. J. IDDY, General Aeont, . J. W. CAREY, Ttar Paa. Afrut, I'oRTLAaa, 0iw. tf Iku frritJUt trill tfm tiitk tltry h nar Ctrt RCMARKAHLC TWCNTY-PART TUB PAINTCD WIM BT A e-T 1 a t aee Ma OMR Of TMB SHORT (TRIALS vms wieeievea anwi. Tin anT waimaj By w u a.....a. 7 l"a im a" a po li 1 O W A V IIAKTEKS KOVS'D TAB IF. tfm, t in imtnl,rt My frjon i fri$ tf ftOFfuwa, ay t4t4 tt .. ; ivmfttiliem, i;o 00 ; Amltr tk- - . - AlONBYi PRIZES 4Jni ft 4 i,A..r,,'in y-a nJ tn . it tmpmtm. mt f fntt ttnltil iintj'i ti .O) ftt 0 ftfr tftmr !( .''fW flttt II I Tilt WT f ftt , tkt tfit t. levari Untrul rf I; Ik'tt, Itmr. a " '. i Amtw Av FREB. BOOKS tfilt Hi .. 1 mmt r ear tar, m, ti wty ar tup votrt .r a a r .i a, a a . , lean ei'- ' r . a Bt - ( rataOAA AtYHOes rUUAVTSJM ' FA NODS SONOM. The gong That Reaches Uar- Hearts la "Mr AM KaetacAj Borne." , I There is one ionfr in the JCntifb Ian puape tbet perhaps, conies eioavrta the hearts of Americans, particnlarly nit . they are far' from home and .kiruBirt ihan any. Other. 'That song: ruTMy Old Kentucky: Home." ' The imple, tner Mory H t?lland Its Irresistibreanelody famrliar to nearly -every ;oneH has lwi'jstH) by noted sirjpers.intery civilizpd eountry on the globe, and has been eulogirtd by author and critic of classical- taste; yet. its:' author,. Stephen' Foater, died unhononed ' -and, unsung', and unconscious of the master ly work he had wrought, i Like nearly nl 1 other great artiuts, however, Foster's recompense en me after he was dead, nnd it is safe to say thftt '.'My Old Ken- -tucky Home'' and its vrri tear's no me will live- so long as human tsentiment. and love of home endure.- Thoee -America r who were preeent at n Patti concert In the ; Grand . opera house of Paris in the early seventies are, many of them, old men and r women row, but-they can still vividly recall the indescribable scene when;thc diva appeared in Tesponse to an encore nnd sang, is only Patti coiild sing,, this sweet, simple ballud.; It wa entirely unexpected, ; . and before-, they , were awarei strong men were, weeping and women., were 'hysterically.- giving vent to emotions they did not try to eontroL At Its coii(;l)iion the great singer, was literally -ahowered-with - flowers and coHtly' gifts.; One rich ABtoriean threw a roll of bills over the footlights that was said to contain a sum of money up in the thousands.- The -demonstration was perhaps the most -magnificent ever accorded a suitor -for public favor. Aproos of , all this, the following from the Philadelphia Call illustrates, thei wonderful charm: the sowjj still l.oldfi: A street singer stopped to sing the oi her night In front of a well-known hotel. ..He. was an old chap, blind of One eye, and infirm, but gifted with the remnant of what was once a very sweet tenor voice. With him ns attendant and guide 'was his daughter, a child of minny Italy, sun-browned, large-eyed nnd attractive in her picturesque garb. The old fellow sang first that ditty of the; streets : "Just Tell Them That You Saw Mc," provoking, little attention. Then he began to sing in his tremulous, qtinvering voice an old favorite. As he proceeded the windows of the hotel were raised one by one nnd guests looked out with sympathetic eyes. Coins showered down to the picturesque little maid, who circulated about with her tambourine, collecting. Men strolled out of the eafe and gathered on the steps, listening with interest. One old fellow, a tall, soldierly-looking man. with flashing dark eyes and an air that was unmistakably southern, gave the child a note with the remark: 'It did my heart a dollnr"s worth of good." When the last strain of the touching old melody died away everylnxly pres ent wore that dreamy look that tells of old memories stirred and refreshed. The song was "The Old Kentucky Home;" the southerner touched by it rendition a former Kenturklan ruined by the ratngea of the war. Cincinnati Enquirer. , fttaad al tha Head. Aug. J. Bngel, tha leading drnggist Hhreveport, La., sajt; "Dr. Kjng't Ne Disooysry It tba only tbjog that cur. my ooogb, and it is tha best seller have." J. F. Campbell, merohant i Hafford, Aril, writes: 41 Dr.' King'" to Disoovsry is all thai is claimed for it; never fails, and is a aura our for Got sumption, Oonyhs and Colds.-. I aano say nouiih for its merits." Dr. Kinn New Iieovry for Consumption, Ooagl and Golds It sol an experiment. It br been tried (or a qnarler of ulor and today aland at tha bead. It eave disappoint!. Free trial bottle IGonar k lirock't drug store. T A DTE I m mtlktr , inlmttitnml twu, m4 tffm ttt tStrt wtll tt SHRIALS j TUB ROCK Of TUB UOt S a aw 1 ". amy mmt Sum tf AS AH'nm any artAUT W By tmmt a Sraaaa i fii, litem: Ml, t.ou. rmirr tf ikt i7m I JhA. av Km,, ttni '.'I t -J vm mslmjl A. ' e rreV lit . tmfUi tor ,fm A , kvii , I. a Ma ' i. W. Vr, 11 lyJ i .,. 4 1-1 11 ' , Mtrtv rTt at rirsT tS a -. l .mm . .t W toe 1 .. a a B-e. A 1 rmroea; cavalry uitnrt as tavaiejv WAVW t ata ia. . al ta tfceaa J aviaeaaa J SlMlMal t at vtvai r , SHOD WITH'SNWSHOES.' Hone of the Sierra That Btrange Footgear. 'Wear thuf Are Compelled to Pull Hearvy Ixwd Aeroee tha Kouatslaa A Tioealera lataeaatisc XaaeHpUaak : of Bll Trip. ?Well, I can't aay that Tve seen horses skate, but I've seen them do the next thing to it use snowshoes and do their work with them on ust as well at they didn't have them on, or nearly so," said a gentleman xrom uaiuorma the other evening to a New York Herald man. This is the way It was: About the middle of April a year ago, 1 had busi ness up in r lumas county, vaiiiorma, and went by stage running from Oro ville to Quincy, the central point in Plumas county. , We left Oroville at seven in the morning in a four-horse jerky.' a sort of stage wagon specially built for rough mountain work. For the first six hours . the road was as dry as a board, but after the noon change of teams we struck patches of snow which soon merged into solid and deep snow, going. Toim, our driver, had called my attention to the new team as it was being hitched up, saying: Them'a our snow horses. -We'll soon have to leave the' wheel - and take tha 'sledders" when we get further up the road.'. .'., Though I had ridden behind and upon many kinds of horses in the west, yet I had never been introduced to the snow breed before, and I looked at them very closely. "They were all four white or gray, whether from age or natural disposition' I couldn't tell, but I was much im pressed by their tremendous self -consciousness, ' their extremely Blow mo tions, the deliberate way in which they stepped, straddling their legs as far part as possible, and their reluctance to raise more than one hoof off the ground at a time. . Every one of the lot was old enough to vote, and at a rough estimate twenty dollars a head would have been about fifteen dollars over their value. At the end of the trip I thought twenty dollars apiece was fully nine hundred and eighty dollars less than they were really worth. 'Don't think much of 'em, do you?' asked the driver "of me as he started them up with a click. 'No,' he contin ued, 'they're not much to look at, them four old hide packers, but the company wouldn't trade that lot for the best eight flyers in the crackest livery stable in Sacramento. : But for those invalua ble: critters the mails wouldn't get through six months in the year on this route. They're snow horses, they are, and when they strike the snow higher up they'll put their snow moccasins on and ahow you valley people how they earn their oats.' "That old gray quartette plodded and worked its way along very wearily to us until we got into the deeper snow and drew up to a large sleigh standing alongside tbe road. " 'Change cars,' called out the driver, and gents will please shift their own traps or they'll get left' Unhitching his team from the 'jerky,' Tom lined up his horses in pairs in front of the sleigh and then took out of it A couple of gunny sacks, from which he pro duced sixteen pieces of wood having the appearance of flat diahea, which he said were the anow shoos used by the fonr horses. I examined tha 'shoes' with much curiosity. - , 'The 'shoe' was made of a stout, sea soned, one-inch plank of tough hickory wood, fourteen inches) square, strength ened on one side by a covering of oil cloth and two one-inch wide strips of hickory wood screwed on to the main plate. So situated that when adjust ed a horse's foot would be right in the center of the shoe were three holes clear through the t wood and oilcloth underneath. One of the holes was large enough to let the heavy and very high toe calk of the horse's shoe psf through, while the two other hole at readily permitted the two hind calks ol the shoe to enter and come out as AM the toe calk. Then a wrought imr band, separated in the center, swunf on a hook and eye on either aide of th borae's hoof after he had been flttel lib, the snowahoe, by passing thl calks through, was brought together ir front of tha hoof an inch below the cor onrt, and then tightly joined by a screw and nut paaaed through holes bored It the projecting ends of the band. Kv erythlnf fitted as anug as possible, am! when the screw waa tightened up at arm rant of scraping or kicking couU loosen it from a horse's foot. The enow team understood the business perfect! and took it at a matter of course thai they should be thns decorated. "They artaally seemed to know little more about it even than Tom did. Indeed, on old plug held Bp his oft bind and knocked Tom oa the am with his shoe as a hint to have the nut screwed a little tighter on the Iroe band. Though I never before saw horaea Bit qnrerly shod and Spparvntli anchored with three strange grariar, the animals seemed to eoaaMer It cutu the proper thing to have the shoes oa. "Tbe paaaengors having by this ttmt plk4 all their traps Into the sleigh a aade another start for Qulaey, but a a saall's pare as far as tpeed was eon erraed. After we got ender way a firaivt the sajnw fvttlnr dorpee evert yard, antU la plaere, judging by th trees, It meat have beet at leaM flfteea feet sWp. I became qelte Intervale? In the aeTjrlty of the foar horaee sod their singular elevereras ta handling thrmaelvre on their aowaual footing. 1 amrtd oel why they were art slow to moving and why they straddled at aWte. Their ehmeeaa was te prevent sinking l rWp In the limw front Ihi heavy tretvllmr and the elrevddllag k bes taeta trass sklanJef l4r leg m tutting a Wn.lue with the edges ( Ux torweivare, "A Mtonta later, rm any it t una. abet the ruat were clear of sow, It oeJt Wn.k twelve Kir to teeae the trip fnut VJvlarjr to OvwvtlU, tbosgfc la email, aeatrty thirty -ait anare were r eatee,' tkt the I a P,e f aet Baggage at rhreied I Wreath frees rVrt e4 iatiaata. The etarwal'lee ee tha peine l sB are aavteaaked lr sed ,!( ra eat, aatne il.iwie. fa.l tiaia lhmb eere, ataeas beet. Meter b bfM see enerteeee raaat la eaeta foe alee s4 tefite apply o K W. Halt, ilea. At. U. p. tr.iMa. rrt VaaJ, Oreg. Te eete tt t44 aaeve, m b se la eUaat aawe.tile a!, tee i aeaJ aiaaplr tri lf ttaWnt wlebSl t.-imt t 4-re,toat 1 ssaelk KlUe ;. Cttf Crvet - TO BUY THE FOPE A CITY. Daautajttinople, More Than Rome, I Likely to Be Purchaaed. It is suggested that the Itoman Catho lics of Christendom shall subscribe $1, 000,000,000 to buy Borne and a near-by seaport, for the pope, says Harper's Weekly. The belief is expressed that : the Italian government might sell the property without serious detriment to its political integrity and that the money could be used to great advantage in relieving Italy of part of the bunlcc of her public debt It is not proposed to turn over the principal to the venders, but to place it in trust and to pay its annual proceeds into the Italian treas ury as long as the pope remains undis turbed in the papal territory. The plan is a very pretty one and there are those who think the money might be raised and that King Hum bert's government would appreciate the advantages of such a bargain.' Tlut would Kome be the best purchase the pope could make with the money? Chicago would take him vastly chcupei and give him port privileges on Lake Michigan, but she could not engage tc uiake h'm monarch of nn A inericstn t.-.vr -ship at any price. Hut.' there is Con stantinople, an excellent city, :wheic popes have lived before, full of ready made churches built by Christians nnd nearly ripe now for rcconsccration. Constantinople seems liable to come into the market any day. If the pope could buy it of the sultan that would be a deal worth subscribing to and worth turning a page of history to record. , "Excuse me" observed the man:; In spectacles "but I am a surgeon, and that ! is not whore tbe liver is." Never yna mind where the liver is." retorted the other. 'If it ws in his big toe or bis i left ear -Drt Witt's Little Early Risers : would reach it and shake it for him. On that yon can bet your gtglamps." Con ser & Brook. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. i7 . .j TRADE MARKSt rr DBSIOMS, r',' copyrights Ao. Anvone mndlnir a iiketnh and deacription may oulckhr aacortaln, free, whether an Invention la probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest ageuoy for swurinK patent In America. We have a Washlnnton oSlee. Patenta taken throuiih Munn A Co. reoaiva apeclal notice in tbe w SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, lanrest circulation of anyaolentlfic Journal, weekly, terms 3.l a yeari alx months. Specimen copies and UAitD BooJt ON iATNTS sent free. Adore MUNN & CO., . - 361 Broadway, New York. SLEADII1G PAPEIli THB CHROXICLE ranks with tha svaateat ewapapera in in unite statea. TUB C1IH.ONICLB baa ao equal an thePaRlAe iomi. it Mads all In ability, microns and nam. THE CHM0X1CLKH Talairaphle HeporU are tn lataa aid ntoat rellabla. IU Loaal Neva lha fuilaet an aplclrst, an It Editorial from Ui ableet pens In the Country. . TH K VH Kt)!IOI,K baa al war been, and eh. ere wlU ba. the friend aad ehamploa ol tha paonlaa oomDinaiiona, ciuiw. eorrnratloaa, ol aiiraalniia nf any kind, It wlU ba ladapeadaul a crer.ruunt ecutral In aoUilns, T. A rtt Kll . pSlPSI S3 .l--i,v.tV?r"a!u mmm The rtraiH. tlldaa THE DA I LY Mr wa t. Ta as faJ4. (My $6.70 a, car. The :Veekly Chronicle Us Grta Wft.l,- b . $1:50 a.!a tlan ,..W" tm aay mmn 1 1 He f H4 -a m4m4 Mi VwewtaKi.t ruvite ta tea ml,mrm . a I i ,f la ttta a tjm-mnr a raieeiaa. mt ti.e pa el .1 mi .,... a "a mmi leeway . a a .m AaravKeras tiiinai a. s.Mn.i ojrie s iht rE. yo you want tiik CHRONICLE Reversible Map? IIOWN(l Tbe UcitcJ Statfi, Dominion of CADtiU and Kortbont Mizico ur ena wmr. Am e ' .. eJ i warn -A. t ! I'll 1 I". JJH" IJLamawswAaWsaal ffmnt coast SMI ,1 if f Bfc-N. . Map of tho World ON Tit OTItm KtDsV e4 tt ae4 it the Map a4 te lily t bmeirle 1 1 n Taee, sweag apvpale M p ae4 ff M IM A. II. de VOL? WCf, r a f Plaaeiaia mm -w ii!,lMr!tUe Fits asss VAJmmrmmlmf Mmtlemt Trot. w. H. Peeke, who nukes a apecialty of Epilepsy, haa rithout doubt treated and cur ed more caaea than any living Physician; his aueceaa ia aatontahlng. We have heard of cases of so years' atandinar w n aosoiuie cure, free to any auffererf who may send their P. O. and ExDres address. We arlvli ise any one wishing a euro toaddrosa Prof .W. B. PS, 1. 9., 4 Cedar St., Bew York fA Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent busineas conducted for MoocRATC Fees. , Our Orricc ia Opposite U. 8. PATtNTOrricr and we can secure patent, in less tunc than, those rffmntA frnm WAihinirtori- 1 Send model, drawing or photo., with decrip-i tion. - 111 aavue, it paieiuaDie or not, ires oi charge. Our fee not due till patent la secured. ( A Pamphlet, "w 10 uotain racenis, " witn cost of same in tha U. S. aad foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. PaTrnv Orricc, Washinoton, D. C. Cu minings Sc Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & O.. C. M & St. P., C. & A:, P. Ft. W. & C, - ana tne u. est. u f. Kaiiroaas. RArixea a.oo pkh n a y Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CiIIC-6.3-0. ZZjZj. mm Itiieu. S;Government' f) ... is ... I PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH CfS To persons who served in the wars as wiuows, i-niiurcn, or rarenis. uo ivu receive a pension r nau tuua y relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars Vft) on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW ml To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law sre entitled to an increase of pension. The government owe it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present -your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. gPWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. . JT. D.TKU Company it anntrolltrt by nearly one thoutand Uadbxj nt in paper in Iht United Slalet, and it guaranteed by them. Attorneys nt Lnw, All bnainesa attended to manner. Notaries OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINQ. tlEPPNER, i WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pnget-Sonnd Navigation Co Steamers TELETDONE, BAILEY 61TZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Abler Street Dock. Portlsod, for Aloria, Ilwsoo, Long Beseh, Ocese f srk and nabcotta. Direct oonneolioo with Ilwsoo steamers sad rail road ; also at Young' Hay with Bessbura IUilroad. THIiDPnONB lare Portland T A. M. rlly, tiotpt Sondaf. Uaa Aatorla 7 P. at. bally, teept sunder. DAIIjBY OATIKBnT Leave Portland $ P. M. Iiljr. erpt Sundav. alt it A. M., ati-rK Sunday and OOOAN Leaves Portland and run dlreei to llocro. Tuaaday aiid Thursday al S A. M. Saturday at I P. M. Lawr llaaro Wednaailajt and frMay al 1: A. H. On Sumlajr Blf !l at t V. M. Bi;e Clifflfd to Railrotfi Drslimuo. Both Bftcbn Free tf Eipttst Poi Safety, jed. Comfort, Pleaaur. Tryl i r m lit Institute . . or It to Advertisers at .1 great financial sacri fice. , You need it in your business, and as .1 matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson PciiI-isiiing Co. Thicomparatlvcealue of the twoeards la known to moat persona. They Illustrate that greater quantity Is . Hot alwaya most to be desired. . .. The cards expree the beneficial qual ity of RipansiTabules A compared with any previously knows -DYSPEPSIA CURB ' .. Ripan Tabulea : Price, 50 cent a bor, ' Of druggisU, or by mail. BIPAttS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprue ., N.Y. : WANTED-AN IDlKeie thine to patent? Protect your ideas; they may. bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER. BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Waabington, D. G for their $100 prize offer. .-, The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and, tbe. regular prioe of the. . Weekly. Oregon ian is 31.50. : Any one subscribing for tbe : Gatette' and paying . f or ods yeBi advance can get both the Gaxete-. end Weekly Oregonian for 83.50. All old auk soribers paying their snbsoriotions fcr ' one year in advanoe will be entitled'U thP'aRmn. '' '' Nbw Fbed YABD.Wm. Gordon hat opened up the feed yard next. door, to the Gazette- office, and. now solicits, a share of your patronage. Billy iB rlghl at . home at Ibis bnsiness, and youi horses will be well looked after.' Prioei reesnnable. " Bay and grain 'forsslo. II of the United States or to their L ia a prompt and satisfactory i'oblic and Collectors. ! OREOOH Saturday nUht. II p. M. tae Aatorla Daily a Monday, rmxlay alfht. 7 P.M. WAVD ea the Tslepkona. Bailey Oattert and Ones Wv . ...!'. For tlio Curo o Liquor, Opium isi Tobacco Habits It Is Inratee St Saleas, Orifoa, rihf JaW fttatiml Tovn on tht Coatt Call at the Osiews affiee tnt partlmlar atrWlljccwBdMUai. T reaunent rtaat aad aur ur. OUR STOCK . 9F . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD