ftrainiq BUS? Nerves Just as snrely come from the ubt o Hood's Sarsaparilla as does the cure o scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-caIle blood diseases. This Is simply becausi the blood affects the condition of all th. MBves bones, muscles and tissues. If it is im pure u cannot properly sustain thesr parts. If made pure, rich, red and vital lZ in5T P0?1? SaParilla, it carrie, health instead of disease, and renai i h, worn, nervous system aa nothing else can Go. Thus nervous nrost.mtinn i,i,.t..M neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by Sarsaparilla Because it 1b the One True Blood Purifier. u i r-n are the best After-dinner UUUU S flUS pills, aid digestion. 2Sv A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. ods Now that the great political campaign ia over and the winter season again with ns, ail will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a Dumber of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and rene al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, 1.50 13.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1,50 8.75 " - N. Y. Tribune, $1.00.. 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00..... 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 . . . 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00.. 5.00 Here and There. tbe on Wm Douglas was ia from Galloway last Tuesday. Assessor Patteys was up from lone last Wednesday. Mrs. P. B. MoSwords entertained band last evening. B. P. and Ed. Doberty were seen our streets Wednesday. Dr. MoFaal returned borne from Pen dleton Wednesday morning. R. O. Wills returned boms from Port land Wednesday morning. Drink tbe oelebrated J. H. Cutter whittle?. On tan at f!hri TWnhpiV. J. A. Woolery and R. O. Hperry rep resented Ions at ths sale Wednesday. I lie Keangui people will treat you right. Call on them when in town. It Rev. W. F. Oowden departed Taesday evening for his home al Tacoma, Wash. Chas. Johnson, who has been quite ill at S tlem hospital, is rap irted to bs but- tar. Tom Lake, who has been visiting, bis brother, Jack, departed for boms last Monday evening. II. C. Thompson and Asa Thompson were over from the Oalloway ooontry last Wednesday. Rjv 11 0. Motor ts eondooting series ol interesting meetings at John Day, Orant county. The vacant room to 'he Palacs is be ing fitted op for a dab end billiard room by Chris Borchsrs. Mrs. i. W. Jeokios aod baby sou re turned to ineir boms al lne Velles on Taesday night's train. Geo. Oonser, departed Wednesday evening for brief a business visit lo Ths Dalles. Us relumed Ibis morning. Oas Japanese bowl given free with Mb ons pound of Eogllsb breakfast or 6 pi Jar Leg tea at J. W. Yeagbeo'. 1819 JuJge Lowell earns ovtr from Pendl too yesterday to bear sons fqiitv oa to ths oirouit tori Us ret a reed boms lsat svsalog. E. L. Mttloc., JoM Uaeller and . L. Freelaod also wsar very at Elk's I have given Chamberlain's Cjugh Remedy a fair test and consider it one of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. Oae dose has always been soffioient, although I use it freely. Any eold my ohildren contract yields very readily to this medicine. I can eonsoientiously recommend it for oroap end colds in ohildren. Geo. E. Wolf, clerk of tbe circuit oonrt. Feroaodina. Fla. Hold by Oonser k Brock. No one Days a heavier penalty for snoh greatness as may be his thaa do: Max Praoht of Ashland, says tbe Jack sonville Times. Que of the elate pa pers, in speaking of bis desire to govern Alaska says: "Tbe Yukon nw baa two months, ooe of whiob is 60 miles wide; but, if Praoht gets up there, both of them will g out of business " Times-Mono taibeer: Distriot Attorney A. A. Jayne arrived on the noon train from She Ids, Lion oouaty,.. aa 1 will ba present during the term of tbe circuit court. Mr. Jayne was mlted to She ids on aocoontot the siokoess of his mother, who was dangerously til, but was oan- valesoeut yesterday wheu Mr. Jayne left that place. A tew mouths ago, Mr. Byroo Every of Woodstook, Mich , was badly aftiioted with rheumatism, ilia right leg was swollen tbe full length, causing him great suffering. He was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm The first bottle of it helped bim considerably and the second bottle effected a oure. The 25 and 50 oent sizis are for sale by Con ger 4 Brook. Baptist Sentinel: The report we pub lished two weeks ago, in regard to the death of Eld. J. T. Moore, we are glad to say turns out to be false. From an editorial in the Pacific Baptist, we learn be is alive aod well, having aooepted a call to a ohnrcb in Arkansas, where be is located with bis family in a pleasant and prosperous pastorate. The second Sunday being the regular appointment at Liberty sobuol house, and also the quarterly meeting oooasion at tbe M. E. ohurob, there will be no oh arch service held in tbe M E. ohurob, South. Members are urged to attend tbe protraoted meeting now in progress at the M. E. ohurch. C. R. Howabd. Tbe sheriff's sale of property for de- lioqenl taxes last Wednesday brought quite a number of Morrow county's oitizens to Heppner that day. Some few spirited oontests in tbe bidding tor properly is reported , though in many ouses property was disposed of for taxes and costs. - T. L. Teeters, ths land lord of Castla Rock's hotel, was a visitor to Heppner laat Wednesday. It is reported that Mr. Teeters is now owner of a large portion of tbe original town aite of Castle Rock, aa a result of being an aotive bidder at tbe sheriffs sale Wednesday. A very pleasant party -was given by Mr. and Mrs- O. E. Farnsworth at their home in this city last Wednesday even ing which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Progressive wbiat was played daring tbe first hoars of tbe evening and resulted in prizes b-ing won as' follows: First prizes, Mrs. W. E. Brook aod A. W. Patters ju; consolation prizes, Mrs. E R Bishop and F. K. Bar tholomew. Following whist a sumptu ous and appetiz'ng lanoh was served. Tbe remainder of tbe evening was pleas antly spent in aooial intercourse, games and music." Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. S. Kinsman, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bartholo mew, Mr. aod Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oonser, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Dunn, Mr. aod Mrs. W. E Brook, Mr. aud Mrs. E. R. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Spencer, Mr. aod Mrs. J. O. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Minor, Mr, and M e. J. W. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Puill Cobo, Mr. and Mrs. F. MoFarland.Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rhea, Mr. aod Mrs. W. P. Dutton, Mrs. Henry Blackmao, Mrs. D. A. Her reo, Mrs. Hindman, Misses Ada Bartlett, of San Fraooisoo; Ada Jones, Etta Minor, Elizabeth Matlook, Messrs. Frank Farnsworth, of San Francisco; T. R. Lyons, R. F. Hynd and A.W. Patterson. Long; Creek City Eleetloa. Last Taesday was the annual o.ity eleotion in Long Creek, on which oooa sion officers were eleoted to fill all o! tbe official positions provided by tbe oity charier. There was no exoitement what ever, and very little interest taken in the matter by any one except the oandidate tor recorder and marshal. There was a lively oontest for those offices, tbe result being in favor of Ibe present iooum benls. The officers elected are as fol lows: Mayor, Orin Ii. Patterson; conn oilmen, T. B. Eeeney, D P. King, N. B. Oliver and E. 0. Woodall; recorder, T. F. Hall ; marshal!, Geo. F. Ward ; trea nrer, M. S. Keener. The new offliials will quality tomor row evening, that oooasion be ng tbe regular meetiug night for February. A GOOD TRAMP 8T0BT- Kxperieace of Oaa Weary Willi Wk Took. " to Hlatetf a Wue. A humorous oitizen-of Pendleton gives tbe East Ocegoniao a. good tramp ator ia the following language; A tramp oalled at a certain boose in the oity yesterday and asked a band out. On being ipvited to wield the axe for a while, to give him an appetite, he readily complied, od split up a nioe pile of wood, filled up all the wood botes and then tbe cook eet a Bobetautial spread before bim. - While filling himself up he said he knew a young mau who applied for some thing to eat, and was asked lo split some wood. ' Having oomplied and been liber ally filled up, he was asked by tbe young lady to oome again. He did so, aod tbe young lady told bim she hd some 'land she wanted oleared up. He proceeded to olean up the laud. She wanted a cabin built. He proceeded to build a oabio The land being cleared, tbe cabin built, tbe young lady said abe wanted a bus- band. So they were married and be came the' most popular people in Ibe town. He was eleoted to congress, and later to tbe Oregon legislature, aod they lived happy ever afterward. ... . , , Beware or Ointments for Catarrh that Cou taia Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange ths whole system wheo entering it through the muoius surface.,, Snan articles should never be used ezoeplon preaorip tions from reputable physicians, as tbe damage they will do is tea, fold, to the gdod you oan possibly drnva from them. Hall's Catarrh Care, minufaotured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,.0JuUiu8 bo mercury and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of tbe system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Oure be sure you get the genuine. Ills taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.. Cheney & Qo, Testimon ials free. Hold by druggists, pric 75o. per bottle. AUID" OF TOPACCO. How a Small Thiol 8 tapped Operations a a Groat War Ship. Lieut. Emile Duboc tells an amusing- story of an event, which, be says, cer tainly led to the downfall of hydraulic machinery in tbe French, service. A few years ago the authorities of a great shipbuilding firm were very much per turbed when the trials for turning the turrets of a new battle ship, in the pres ence of the commit tee appointed to take over the ahip, were failures. A day or two before everything had gone satis factorily. But now the turret, after some slight movements, stuck fast. The gauges indicated the normal pres sure; there was nothing wrong with the turret or with th racka for rotat ing it; there was no perceptible leak in any of the pipes, and it was so im- ' possible to assign any reason for the behavior of the turret that tne com mittee had to go home without seeing it revolve. That evening and the fol lowing day a complete overhaul was made of the system of piping, and it was then discovered that one small but important pipe was completely choked by a "quid" of chewed tobacco, which a workman had doubtless let fall into it inadvertently. When this was re moved the turret worked aa wen as ever, but the disquietude caused by the want of success of the day before was only increased when it was discovered how insignificant the cause had been. From that day the naval authorities ae- cided that in future wherever practic able the power for battle, ship opera tions should be carried by a wire in stead of a steam pipe. Japan is preparing an official ac count" of the war with China, written by the general staff. The naval and military maneuvers will be published m separate parts. - i DOLLY flow She MADISON'S TACT.. HAVE YOUR GRAIN. Few realize that each squirrel des troys $1.50 ' worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exter minator is tbe most effeotivs and eco nomical poison known. ' Prioe reduced to 30 oents. Oonser k Brook and Minor k Co., agents, Heppner; J A. Woolery, agent, lone; Niohols k Laaoh, agents, Lexington. Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner Eoho Stage Line. Persons desirous of visiting Pebdleton can save time and money by taking this route. By ao Bow It Happened. The Fossil Journal gives the following aocouot of Cal Robinson's recent loss oi a thumb: Cal Robinson, of Tjodb Rook, bad his thumb of tbe right band bitten oil near tbe first joint on Saturday last by a dog. Tbe Lone Rock boys, who are always on the outlook for sport, bad found a coy ote fast in a trap and, after surrounding him with dogs, turned tbe varmint loose, Ooe big dog tackled the coyote ' and tbe rest ot tbe dogs wound up ia a general dog fight. Cal extrioated bis dog from tbe melee and held il in bis arms, and another dog made a rush at Cal' dog, missed it. sod got a quarter section of n,.iniino iha aoanta iha nravinna even- Cal's thumb, besides biting a hole dear I i 1 1 . : 1 1 I I . U I lk,Annh hi. little ftnoAr Heppner, is at the Hotel Pendleton Dr MoFsul reoently removed from Adams to Heppner, and has been successful in building up a practice ot considerable volume. He will ret or a borne this svsn iog. : ' Baker City wants tho 1897 fireman's tournament, acd wants it 1700 worth Walla Walla has aires iy autborisd her delegates to offr S300 aod now Baker City bas "seen" Walla Walla and -raised" bar t'200. Ia lbs arlioU abont lbs ohurob dedi cation lo laat lasae it was stated Ibat tbs amount ot indebtedness to ba provided for was 675, wbea 11 should bevs read $765. Prioiers will make mistakes sometimes. Pros. Atty. Been was ever from Peo- dletoo yesterday arranging for tb work of lbs March lera ot ooart II departed last evening for ttelsoi, wbers ha will spend a tew days wa'chiag lbs flgbt. Tbs old wav of delivering massages br Doslbovs compared with the modern telephone, tlloatraUs lbs old tedious methods of "breaking" cold compered with lhair a lav l luiisolaosoai eur by Una Miou Ooab Unra. t)of Brook. roasil bs takao tb to Mary pre liminary tup to saoar a talvpoa tin from Arlington. Il la rporld that a 2 o'clock train at Echo tor Peodlelon. OfBoe at City Drug Store. W. D. Lord, Proprietor. . . .. ..m . ..... aomoaar be boo orgsafztJ for bt vysM taJ wm m I wm I VI ivt vi mmrw iw- i - - eotlr lnagor.t4. P'P" ' tUk vt v30' Th- a-li,. at Iha ... ahiirch alwd Tb tm of Will BloeOOl, Of llil Todf vf.log. A roll of lb eity, ha bo diilvd. lb latter ba iwoaablag svvaral a (am'r war 4J4 to lb cbureb. flUI Cuba. Dagr of i!ppDt's srabooM, will pay lb big boat mark ROUMANIAN KISSING FESTIVAL A Qaear Aaanal Fair at rjelmaa-oa aaf the Strang Origin Alleged. Ilelmagen, a Roumanian conntn town of twelve hundred inhabitants holds its annual fair on the feast of St Theodora. On this occasion the plac swarms with newly married bride; from sixty or eighty villages in the dis trict; wldowa who have taken frear husbands remain at home. The young women in festive attire, and generally attended by their mothers-in-law, carry jugs ot wine enwreathed with flower .n their hands. Tho Rumauischt Wochenachrift aa ys they kiss evcryonr they meet, and afterward present thf Jug to bis lip for a "nip." The Indi vidual thus regaled bestows a small gift on the fair Cybele. Not to partake of the proffered wina is regarded aa an Insult to the young wife and her family. 8be la, therefore, reserved to ward atrangera, and only kiaaea thoae whom she thinks likely to taste of hef wine. The klaalng la carried on every where In the street. In the taverns and La private bousea. The origin of this custom Is veiled In obacurity. Horn say that It dates back to th time when tb Turk mad frequent raids Into Tran sylvania, and carried away all tb young women they could lay their band on. Such of them as contrived to eacap from captivity, happening to return to llalmagvn at the tim of th fair, kUard their friend and relative. and ven strangers who congratulated them'on tVcbr wonderful deliverance. This 1 Your Opportunity. - On receipt of ten rests, cash or slnnris, " . ,1. . .1.- a generous sample yvlil d mnuea oi mi moat bODulnr Ciiturrk and Hay Fever Cure (Ely'a Cream. Balin) sttffioisot to demon- strata tue great ncr,TH ni uie remeuy. ELY BliOTHEES. 6(1 Wuri eu Kt., Kcw York City Rev. John Held, Jr. . r-f 0 rr at Foils, Mont. , recommended Elv'a Cream I'ulm to me. I can amphaxize his tatemnt, "It is a posi tive enre for ratnrrh if used a directed." Kev. FranoUW. Po4e. Pastor Central Pres. Cbureb, Helena, AlouL Ely's Cream Balm Is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug, rnce, 50 cent. Managed to Win Everybody's Heart. It was the tnct and genuine kindli ness of Dolly Madison that made her one of the most prominent of American women. Several eipisodes mentioned in Mrs. Goodwin's "Life of Dolly Madi foil" are significant of this. At one of her levees, her attention was drawn to a rustic visitor, a youth who Was evidently suffering all the torments of embarrassment. He had at last ven tured to help himself to a cup of cof fee, when Mrs. Madison walked up and addressed him. In the surprise of the moment, the lad dropped the saucer and Kt rove to crowd the cup into his pocket. His tactful hostess took no notice of the accident, except to observe that in such a crowd no one could avoid being jostled, and straightway turned . the conversation to the boy's family, and ended by sending her regards to his excellent mother, and bidding the serv ant bring another cup of coffee. On nuother occasion two old ladie from the country arrived at the white house while the family were still at break fast. . To the surprise of the rural vis itor, the woman they had come to see Appeared in a stuff drees of dark gray, protected by a large housewifely white apron, and with a linen kerchief pinned about her neck. Her simplicity of manner and attire completely . swept away their awe, and before departing one of them found courage to aaki "Perhaps you would u't mind if I kissed you just to tell the folks about!""- - ilMSvihVKM I 1! This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Blackwell's Genuine (BULL DURHAM Too will find one coupon buide each t ounce bat and two coupons Inside Mch 4 ounce sac. Buy a bas, read tbe coupon and aee how to get your anare of SSO,0O0 la presents. Hotel .....HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will find the best ot accom modations in every respect The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With R HOWARD. Who never lets politics interfere with business. At tbe same old stand, next door to M. Licbteotbal'i. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOROI-I35RS, Prop. Tb Oaly Chair Car Lias To tb east is tb Union Pacific. East ern cities ar reached via thi line with fewer cbauaes of oar tbaj via othrr line RsUs always tb lowest. Ticket i m I i I . n. Ii I Mi l.. to or irom point in n uniiea mate. - . .w.. T . o.nade, or Europe tor ..le by r w. Keens the iMnest Wines. Liouors and viitrars. BazUr. Qan. A at.. 135 Brd Ht. Fort and. I i o log diepoaad ot bx iatrt lo Mr. Wills, bo will eoatina tb boaiooe at tb old loii'a. prioa for bklaa, tors, sbeap palU, te iStiDg your bUa to bias. . tt Leal will com lataf Ibl 7 ear tbaa asiaL Aab WJedy, lb biig of L.bLI.11 JUafch 81. Tui will bri CmW oa April W b. tiid Uetl and Chly Joa ar orlalad tutbf duwa al CbaU' M pi ao la tb totauftaJ boainaaa. Call osi Ibaoi aad et )or blla poebed i. A bortof b'baadaofd la tb La Ufaada paiufn aMola. W. A. Wixsbt, aa aaawtaal ta tb p t tT.or, be bJ ladtoiad b U 'J jar tb ;H p-f. tMell (bwl buJ eal Wa, b- Mai.1. ai qticaly if4 by lvitt' M 1Kb Hail Half, il M at 'l lit ailitla iwel ! I t kit. m-i tt Jf arIUav sVwii. ill I, W. tlb'pU aad Al' Ula , i, t4 frta I' tlaad ILM ' Ilerle Oleav, daafbiaf W itU (tla l P ait tbas. M RaifUy t ' aiaall lpw4. Oaa. tly a4 W. Iljb.f p fruaa lala UM VT.4Jf. E4. Ie4 jaa M'1 Ta4e tium tf t.lla, bw ba lit fat tt H HI fasxly m,U fo- saa la ll : tbM Maaw. Tb 44 M rM " 4, ik. rt. u wi.t 4 if if M t,U4. ea-l lla (.Mia UU 4 l - M.i C f. are 11 ail M bfe. My Kelakker TaU H Aboal Uood' Brpril' aoJ advid to try tt-lbt i tb kiad ot alvav lialkf wbkrb gttew ttood' Hrpartll lb largest ! M Iha arorU. FrMad tall ffiea l that II od't Hrpard: that II 1M alrvoglb, kwallb. i la ity aaJ vi'f, aad ol faigbboc b(w.te a II a I ! aseJicia. lluiHr Td'- at eil ad pr jasUlj oa Iba llvaf aa 1 bU. Car beaderb. larH4. Lxl a4a4y 4 II '! I at lb bow of IL H. Ulantll, ooeatrad lb asarrlag f daagbWr. Uf lria Jl .d IW4. of rbi Dollar. Tb fUUig raraaxtay ff frpopn l.l pmUmm bf B. F- P. Or,! mt tbi ri If, aad maaaj by abal 01 ll'l gata. Isaj4iaWlf fullaw lag tb SMeavKif IM gaat wefe aald al lb aoMir g ltU, ablrb sdf l4a vilb ao4 Ibikg. biab ll Uialf Ji4 aaipla JvMmm. Tb ! ! 'l Vera lb raifial at a a.W 'I eiopiie a 4 t i.Mal. tVHb Mr ea4 Mr fWerd ae il aa4 fevcbr kMei ta lb aaaatf Ml aftealy bee lb w4 & Ike r a.T lM4e. FALLING MOUNTAINS. Oaa Taaavy tot Iha Itaaaat Kartb.aaaa Advlca from Yokohama by ittira- ship ay that Mr. Inrhl, dlrrrV of (ilfu oharrvaUiry, has bra riamlnlng lh (lUlrk t whrra th shuck waa lnat arvrra. At thla plai a. una year ag bite apprarrd In tlx ground to which bo bottom aould b fouml. and It waa twU4 lbT aommunlraiMi with Iro hu MellWa tmr kaWiar. Ur. tirarkl bytba I'ujiyt mountains slipping inV) Ihvea ravarn. la th dilrWt of Ono an tmmanaa laifUIUU t-K.k plaoa, dam mlng Maaorlvrr. A lake U now fm ng, vrhU-h U already fifty fcl darp. Astntbar larva lake ta being f.irmad Ut iha mom way by ll Ant.iba river at NairT. Tb artbuak waa iil ritt Novror , aavaa bonJrM a4 thirty aHork brinT fr,t In tb twanty prvoatling boars. Tbi ta wvt thai to rr minttU. Tb graat want la tb artbik rpsVm la Klu-r. Ther I aanVw-nt f'4 ti prevent a-taal elarva Una, but rvr Imf bandrad thoaaaad ar honw-i, with alnxatt ao rbMnf, Wlnlr ta rptIty apprnsab Inf at4 Iba euffortng will ti very great A ar. m iA atat thirty aallea oa lb railroad fr-xa Toklo to Kljelowe ao warb4afBgdtbalitwUl prtiably have tot ratiraly reboilt, A rkra fart hi that aa aoouTBvMM writer anl a Irtu r to Ut O HI Aal Tear. Grand Chancellor of Grand Domain ot Orrgoo, Kalgbt of Pythias, Tamer Oliver, will start about tb middl of th moBih on hi offioiel toor of lospeotioo of every lodga ot this state, aars tb Ba kr City Democrat . U will first visit tb WilUmatt valley lodge wbiob will nquirfis weeks' lim. providing be visit on ob oigbt. Tbi lodir I coming to lb lead ver; upldly, being orgaoiaad ouly 83 yr ago, l today IU mtmbersblp oombars fkO.OOO, aod Its membar hav be a boord ta vry position of trail Ibat I within tba gift ol tba pwpl. . Mr. MoKinUy aad Mr. Brf aa ar both members aod both ar etbuetksti wurkere, tb only piao of Jewelry wora bf Mr. Urjss biogaarn blwa at tb order. Lvery governor of Oblo lUd wltbia tb lt dafl'ad ba breo a Katgbt It is hard to tell the facts about Schilling's Best tea co Its soda beklnf eawiler tavin( direct a aake .... because eacn nas its own goodness. All money-back, though. For sale by E. V. Rhea & Co. You Should all Sec It. Con)e in at Once. GILLIAM & BISBEE. Main Street, I HCPPNCR, OREGON, Hiflk Mslbcw and V. Gentry, nnderl IS'ffiWLit Lancashire Insurance Co. bnainaM la th new stand, two doors I MANUIIRHTBHt RNObANII L W PlmRSOx. AGENT, on i tiiaiiMt m th wprit sonth ot lb postofflo. eal I. Tby olielt tf. PETITION FOR LICENSE. ' ! o x ci n Sr hillings Be si tea cost so little and be so good ? liasy. It h roasted every day in San Francisco like ircsh co.Vcc antl peanuts. Other tea is roasted once a year in Japan, etc like stale coffee and stale pea nuts. A a, a aaaftM rpo THg HOMOtARLK COt'KTT CO0IT A Inf th. CoiinlT ol Mofma. auu of Of.f.rtl: We, the Uni1iraiin4 leeel Vfttate anit re. denle M lone prarlort, Mnrntw ( ountr. rM(wtfullr aetlima vmir bnni.le lxlf In I tranl a Itrenee lo kfla koMtieoa lo sell I plrlluotis. mall aan vlamie liWf la uenlltM lle ana eailon, la the low ol I e4 nur evuuoaere am eer ptf I A wil.rt Arthur Vi I C gmery II A Tlraat w i.ii.for I It fxn.i-r n ( t'liaa June br.a ft H N I MiMf km h.i.n Matter l aao a c Tbaa fc onlary Hn plmltie r ft M'lln4 W T Mr K. lib a C lM ft I. I'ealwrg ' r Marimel W II itm V T Soilth ((. I.h.i. i .at lei 411 re Back Weal, a tH Hall for a dlvntw baa baaw aoesaie. 4 bf A ge IWk Frevt IWwk, ia tb ! riffill sasrl, m lbs gmaad ot iaaeftrti. Tb ft'tak war B err led la Ibl ! la I Vtnbef, n. and U f b left bar ia M, Tb b a4 I a rafting Is U.pff a btHaf, 4 Mr Itork k tbl b b sd to pef 17 a B4ilh for ib eapo, ol ltir salnnf rtl4, aad tbal t b glee B II lag al rabiMat two enoatb mtn awat-wlf Oragaai. anwmix Ing a national ealawlty woabl tab filac (VU.r U. Tbia wm tb rf def of tba artbaak. TH Maf as faawvad ta Ibw fwverarBabt arrbivea. Aanlalf sara, paefeailf prataa. a4 laMf r liable tb eell lie t4 Ota Mleata 0gb fi It , Mtae ti I m,Hm, rvg aa4 lag Iriabia. Ck'l Ire li H bae II m flkwt rtleet loktag fUM alaaara, lataaa tlfbiag m4 iegg: aenat at aigt; by aMetrbier If aaloaaw to aalaea laat mmUmw mimtt artaa bla a4 ataas kMteg tee. fa. Haataa' thai tal et ll.a II. i.ltg a4 baa la raf eluHi. a4 la l a.a.1. 14 Ui ata. Ut. ( A a. btat ta lak 4 M !. Co- '! Aral Balra Tb Haat Half ta th wnvM for t''. rVaiaaa, Nnea. tlaev. Hail Mbaasa, faaaa ft. Tat, Capp4 LfsaAa, CfeilbUiaa. Gwa. a4 ail Htl Ea I !. 4 aattielf tare ft'e a t retired. Il I gaarantaevt lo arte Hee aatlefelli M teenet raf4a.. TrW2S rat par U 1. Far '. by ! C A Braa. iMwfye I It fno fl.lwf fiank Snt'lBM A II ' l r-utiMf A h. I Mir Me a i irttr.e M M IkwaM Arthur Vau4r tout Mela (in. (! k l4e irrv river Mibh.ll I N Itllrlile ft Klxmwia ftrt ( luff Mike Hale T $ aiu.-lta W A Mraa ft (It.Mf i I alMtork r c aiiann Wta M faoliarg L M Ml, la !illhrt AMrtrh W S emllk f he. fmr I .id Mai HetvtJteaa Jaa Nnlan w II Neonates ink a linalmaa M J WllliaaM J M.riii(ui w ki N I l. k hi N av Hanafortt I. . M Haanawnn n ) : AV1TII SI ffTf : mm : IS la kMefcT 1a ll.a aarfa 'III apple aa Ue Itninli Ctairt 4 Mwma I Miiiif , (meiM. al th. Marrk Ufm. a1, aa Iha M4r m aM aih, tat a tbee ta eil I eatirilwme, aMil aa4 ilMal H..iiMe la V.nlii Uien ee (."..n l" s p"M nf aaal t i oai'. a.lW. Arfllraal. Uachtrt' nomination. V'Tl'IM smut nun Tf M IV Iha ewrfnaa mt aatl aa eteaalaelina ta all araraia aaaaaf rtr lhaiaol aa as eeiwO Am I. Ii mam iJ .A IL U 1 . NMhiM Hi fliatunaa. iha vm. abmi ewavnnte4eal lh ! alii bail a ahiw aaaaiaiN ai tea rmn aria as staeaa elnf mmmmAmt. I Mh Maia4 tka Ma eat al iaa u m jr w sNtnar. arWoul Boat., Sara. I a YouroBOTJNp to Tako 'JSm. ! Leaves No Constipation,.--mwv Care it, a well a all llllhoaaaaaa, Hirk Ueadaob aad Malaria. TV ealf rtMroaTiai.a pill la lb world. HI4 by U Irt.gcieta nr aeet by await a rarwptotpriM,.3BtpMU'i. IKKMlr-rl Mri'lCALai. Ha I'raatiao'i, t al. ruri mrLtitiur itrtai rmrrtarMTiitvTwr tai a. IJ. J. IIJYERS CITY HOTEL, Trench Cook, nd White Labor only, Employed. Good Foomsand Excellent Service Whr o can get a FirL Claag MiaU At y Vlbg ItaUa. M it M I a" I a t immtn aill he k I el Ibe M Ida ifaau' a Iha a. n a I aakwaf la Man k al I a 1-1 the a e-...s bCare e4 e)4'' la k ataar laa ae aaaie a.a i Tho GAZETTE,$3,5o A Year for CASH I k.le-VUe. ear i rl . . a. r a i a,