mmmmm&m 03 EH EE ED 33 IOQQ.gQQl va4iLiAi.ji ... i a majority on joint ballot bis oppo-1 nents have no moral right to stand in the way in. the manner they have adopted. No V matter bow well bunded their opposition may;, be, their action is a reproach to the state and a disgrace to themselves. The contest there furnishes an other example to be used hereafter when the fight for a change in the manner of election of senators shall come on in earnest. No one who has watched these contests in Tari ous states where there has been such bitter contention can fail to realize that it would be a blessing to have a system under which, when the appointed day should come, the matter would be quietly settled by the people as they settle all other elections. JONES NOT HANNA. The latest from Ohio is to the effect that Hanna will not get the sen a tor ship made vacant by Sher man's selection for the cabinet, but that Governor Bushnell will appoint "Mr. Jones." Now, it strikes us, remarks The Dalles Chronicle, that the experiment with the Jones family in political affairs has not proven satisfactory either to the public or the Jones family, ' Aa Old Settler. When the rbeumatis u first pre-empt certain traota of your anatomy it may be onsted easily, but when it becomes ao old settler it is pretty bard to badge. Remember this when you experience the first twinges of this obstinate and agon izing disease, and attack it with Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters. It will then "make tracks,", and possibly leave you unmolested and in peaceable possession of your own comfort in the fature. Peril always attend rheumatism, it it beoome cbronio, on account of its tendeooy to attack the heart. .Usually it is compli cated with kidney trouble. Certain it that the kidneys, when aroused by the Bitters, will eliminate impurities which give rise to rheumatism and dropsy. In or wet conditions of 'the Cured of Paralysis Carlos F. Shepard, a Member of t he Indianapolis Board of Trade is About once; More. A Case of Weighty Interest to Anyone Suffering With Nervous Complaints, for. the Patient was Cured by "Feeding" the Nerves. This is a New Term in Medicine. ; From the Newt, Indianapolis, lad. Nevada sent a republican to the senate, John P. Jones, and made ioclemeot populist out of him; Arkansas sent weather, the Bitters, taken in advanoe, a Jones, and that was the last of will often avert rheumatic trouble. Use him: Florida sent a Jones, who MDta Beneral family medioine for dyspep went chasing around all over the country after a grass widow, and achieved an unenviable notoriety. To come down to smaller game, Wasco county sent a Jones to the legislature, and he didn't know enough to find it Governor . Bushnell may well Hesitate before making me ap pointment The Dew administration is plan ning to create a department of 1 commerce and industry. A tariff a part of this department sia, biliousness, headache and oonstipa- tion. WHAT OUK EXCHANGES SAY. Let as assume a proposition. Boppose the populists have a bare majority in the oext legislature, and the republicans re fuse to organize. What are the ppps go ing to do about it? They having set the example, they oould find no fault if suoh a oonrse were pursued by the republicans. But let this be done, and every paper ad vooating the right of the present bold-np, One of the best known men about the Indianapolis Board of Trade is Carlos F. Sbepard, who for several years has been connected with the house of H. . Kiuney, grain broker. Mr. Sbepard is a bluff, hearty, old gentleman of medium heifbt, gray-beaded and with a mug taobe like a Frenob veterao. Be is a man of very decided views on all sub jects and is especially orthodox ia poli tics and medioine. Notwithstanding bis firmness in his oonviotions and the vigor with wbioh be maintains them be is a man of many friends for manly men, even though sometimes obstinate in their opinions, have the -force of oharaoter that win admiration and friendship. So a few months ago when the news came to bis old associates on the Board of Trade that Mr. Shepard bad received a stroke of paralysis aod that the proba bilities were that his days of usefulness were over, and that perhaps, bis bonra were numbered, the deepest sympathy went out to the smitten man and bis family. It seemed to all bis friends al most impossible that this ragged old man, always so wholesomely hearty and oheerful, always a picture of health for BIS CHEBKS WBBB LIKB TH BOB! IN THE show; oould have been so suddenly laid low. Bat it was true and many weeks passed before his well known form and kindly faoe returned to bis former business hannls, . His re-appearance was made the oooasion of a hearty welcome and the story of bis Illness and recovery is well worth the telling. "I was taken sick," said Mr. Hhupard, 1895. As I bad would bowl like wolves. It would be a horse of a different color then. There is 00 lb of August, little danger, however, of the popa ever A opinion that I was getting oontrol, as ths people will retire I made of iron, yon may well believe tbat bureau may also probably be made ;bm 'n, tb" poiitioai attio chamber. WM nara for me to entertain the u.r vii tvniiuu.iunu. thmmhl that T M to ho lairl rm for more than a day or two.' I am 58 years The present legislative dead-lock adds 0i j, taa for 40 .eari 0l) fa the Urns of PRESIDENT CLEVELAND IS plan- another argument in favor of tha adop- this attack, I bad not bad a day's aiok . . . 1 a : a a . at.. 1 ... ning for an extensive trip around "ou Ul " uow ."'"n urrKiB. Ma. xbrdootor whq diagnosed my 1 me present oonsiumioo in requiring ..M ... once that it was e.methirjo that a quorum shall consist of two-third MrioQi; iBe. t flra, aaij that u WM lot tha members of either house allows the world immediately following Ilia manrrni-ntirtn rt It ! a mmnnauanr .u w..fe....ivu v. "vvu"'" 1 of the members of either house allows 1 i,k.n it,.n ui.iu.K.nm.ii.m ti,. Uis private secretary and several too muob power to the minority in the fln,n, oame tbe 00nolosl,D they did members of the cabinet will company him. ao- leglslatare, tor it allows, as in the pres ent oase, few designing individuals to hold np the legislature and block all needed legislation and relief to the tax- Lven Tennoyer condemns the payers of the state. This would all be hold-np of the Oregon legislature prevented bad our constitution the same as revolutionary, lie says: "Per. P'oion -1 of the Uniud 8t.t, annnllv I think tliA rinnnlmta in . " " 1 I members of either branob of oongress making a great mistake in prevent- ma, organise sol compel ths attendance inr organization nftliahmiaA. Rurh ol tha willfully absent members. -7:. . : Long Break Eagle. ninuu uu lui-w unii i. ictuiuiiuu- .... r.t 01 j iu totu ,, i.s..,, - attuU., .iu of affairs aalatina al Halatii Whlla fllalrainir I ha rr 1 1 a . I -a a ,be two iiousos 01 congress met df,al ot 8naUc Ml,obet for r,.,j. in joint session Wednosday for the tioa, bis opponents relate to assist ia or purpose of counting the electoral niiing the boa., tid.ati b.iog votes of the various states. The 'u M F I at au..l aat As.aa aai ra mm. am aa ... luaet rosult waa aa follows: McKinley r ut should the hou.. ofgaone.-U and Hobart, 271 each; Bryan, 176; Oraods Ubroo.oi- (d.m) Kewall. 149 and Watson. 27. Mo. I I Kinley and Uobart were then de clared duly elected. The latest silly charge naJe by lbs obslrnolioBitto la tbat Mitchell ia hold ing op tha lefUlalare by out Wevlog Salem. What DsilT-Baker Oily 1U- I'nilDENT JJcKlNLIl certainly pobiloan. a I 1 1 pui nimseu on record as doing a I very commendable deed in re questing that the proposed foO,- (NiO to be extended for the iuaa garal ball te oaed to alleviate the sufferings of the poor. This is what might I termed an early inauguration ot Lis fature policy. When Ibe Inside history of lbs legist live bolJap is writUa, it will be fooaJ thai tha aaoakirlal figbt bad little to do lib It Is the beginning The trouble arose from tha faet tbat a minority want ed to delate Ui a naelnflty. Nswberg Orapbta. not know what was the matter with me. t experienced no pain, my bead was clear, my appetite good, but X loat tbs nse ot myself from my bipa down. This was a bard stroke to an active man who has always bad an easy going pair of egt. My brother In law, who is a phy sician, came from a neighboring city to n me. Us proononoed my iltliotion to be locomotor ataxia. I am of the opin ion tbat be diagnosed tha case eorreotly for I was absolutely paralysed from the hips down. "Before be came, however, a day or ao before I bad brgon taking Dr. Williams' I'lnk Pills for file Teople. Tbat was 00 Ibe 20th day of leal Oalober. I read ao article in Ibe Indianapolis Mews and saw testimonials describing ease cured that ware similar to mioa. It ttrook me tbat the remedy could not do ma any barm and I began to tike Ibe pills. "Before I bfgsn taking tbem I conld Dal stir a pag, but bad to be carriml from place to place. I baJ out got far luto Ibe first box wbea ! fell tbat dli ranoo from my eo forced iuaottoa bad coma. Belore I finished Ibe eeoood box I was able to walk alone with lb aid of a eaoa. About bona 1 do hoi dm i cane bow bat wbeo I boom 00 1 00 the ellppery pevemaaU I feel that I Be! B lulls support U make my footing sore. I am still using Williams' Piuk Pills, bnt I have rednoed the dnse to one after each meal. It seems that t have been able to throw some disoredit on the pre dictions ot my dootors, thanks to the pills. They said I oould never walk again bnt here I am, aod I tbink the credit must be given to the pills. It is said the pills are stimulating, bat I can not say tbat they give me any sensations tbat I am aware of. They merely cure and that is quite enough for me. "Siuoe I have been out I have been a walking advertisement for Williame' Piuk Pills. I suppose -I have reoommeoded tbem to at least a hundred persons. What I You want to 'print all- Ibis? Wby.'my dear sir, I never gave a reoomi mendation to an; proprietary medioine before in my life. Perhaps it may not be a bad thing to do so this time if It will help any sufferer to regain health and bodily activity." Carlos F, Sliepurd has been a resident ot Indianapolis for over twetity years, e lives at No. 720 East Ohio street. He has always been an active, enterpris ing man and his many friends will re joice tbat he has literally been put upon bis feet again. He is not only well known locally but to grain shippers all over Indiana and Illinois. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tir Pale Pea pie are an unfailing remedy tor all dis eases arising from a poor and watery condition of the blood, saob as pale and sallow complexion, general muscular weakness, loss of appetite, depression of spirits, laok ot ambition, anemia, chlo rosis or green sickness, palpitation of the besrl, shortness of breath 00 slight ex ertioo, oollness of bands or feet, swell leg "f the feet and limbs, pain in tba back, nervous headache, dixxiness, loss ot memory, feebleness ot will, ringing in the ears, early decay, all forms ot fe male weakness, luncorrbaai, tardy or iv regular periods, suppression of menses, hysteria, paralysis, locomotor ataxia rbsuinatism, soiativa, all diseases de- ponding on vitiated humors in the blond, Oausing scrotal, swelled glands, fever sores, rioksts, hip j iot diseases, bunob bttok. . aqaied deformities, decayed bones, chronic erysipelas, catarrh, con somptiob ol the bols aod lungs, aod also t'ii invigorsting'tba blood and sys tsm wbea broken down by overwork, worry disaea, rxje and indiaore linns of living; reonvery from acute dis eaaea, men e ferers, etc, loss of vital powers,' tperiaalorrbat, early dioay, premature old age.' These pills are not a purgative medicine. Tliey contain nothing tbat oould In j ire the mist lli- oate system. Tbsy act directly on tha blood, supplying to the blood its lifa giviug qualities by aUtiog it to abaorb oxygon, that great supporter of all or gaoio life Ia Ibis way lha blood, be soming "built op" aol being anpplied with ila lucking ronalitneote, becotnee rich aod red, noarisbta Ibe vsrl his or. gsos, stimulating them lo activity iu the performance ol their fanotiooa, aod tbos lo eliminate diwases from the eytUm Tbaae pills are manofactored by the Dr. Williams' Medioine oompaor.Hobeo eoladr, N. Y, and are sold lo boxes bearing Ibe firm's trade mark aod wrap per, al 30 ooU a box or six boxes lor aed are Dvr sold la balk. Tbey may be bad of all droggiete or direct by nail (mm Dr. Williame Medlrioo on paay. lbs price al which these pills art old make a oooree of treatment inex pensive m eoaipared with other remaJiHl SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of MoiTOW. William PenUnd, Plaintiff, vs. William Doonan ai d Mary 3. Uoonan, Defendant. To William IHranan, one of defendants herein: In the name of the titate of Oregon: vouare hereby required to appear and answer or other wise nlead to the eomDlaint filed aealnstvon in the above entitled suit on or before the next regular term of ot the above entitled court, to- : , i , The First Day of March, 1897, and If von fail so to answer or Otherwise nlead, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you for the sum of five hundred and nlnetv-one and 13-100 dollars, together with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 15th dav of October. IK'S until paid, and for tie sum of fifty dollars attorneys lees and for his costs and disbursements in thif suit: and the court shall decree that the mortg age executed by the raid William Doouan and Mary . Doonan to plaintiff hererein, dated the 12th day of April, 1894, upon the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: The east half of the norineast quarter oi section 28 and the south east quarter of section 28 and the south half of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty seven, all in township one south of range 27 east of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed, and the said real property sold and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to BISHOP'S STORE HEPPBR, OREGON plaint! II of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, ana all persons claim ing through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of ali "right, title, estate. Interest and hen at law and In equity, and all equity of redemption, in and to, and upon every part of said real property. This Summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made at chambers, Pendle ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 13th day of January. 1897. ELLIS & LYONS, DuH-ai. " Attorneys tor riaintin. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF X of Oregon for the THE STATE ounty of Morrow. J. A. Woolery, Plaintiff, vs.- Samuel E. Walker. Defendant. To Samuel E. Walker. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com Dlalnt filed against vou in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of tne next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: March the first, 1897; - and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the planum win taiie judgment against you lor me sum, One Hundred Sixty and 65-100 Dollars with Interest thereon at the rate of ten percent er annum from the 11th day of Oct. l9. for he sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100 Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of Oct. 189S: lor the sum ol twenty-rive dollars at' torney's fee and for his costs and disbursements, This Summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on tne atn aay Of Dec., l9tt. J. K. BKUWN, 605-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. OF I, 20,000 POUNDS m m m f Consisting of Tables, Chairs, Rookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book Caces, Lounges, Sofas, Spnnn Mattresses, Wool Mattresses, Parlor Suits. Center Tables, eto , etc. Brussels Carpets, Wool Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Rack", Hanging Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., etc. All the above Goods are Placed on bale at Half Value or Less. Will be SoldKegardless of Cost. Fix up your homes at once with Stylish Furniture, wbile this opportunity is offered. Our Sale on General Merchandise Still Continues. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. SUMMONS. -. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT Ot THE STATE X of Oregon for Morrow County, J. W. Whalley and Wm. T. Muir, partners doing husj- - . ness as Whalley it Muir, Plaintiffs, vs. James W. 8wezea, Defendant. lo James W. Sweiea. Defendant In tbe name of the State of Oregon: You are 1 hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint niea against you in tne aoove eniuiea cause on or belore tne nrst nay oi tne next regular term oi said court, to-wit: ' The first day of March, JH9T; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiffs will take lodgment against yon for the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars, with interest th reon at the rate of eight rer cent per annum from the 14th dayof April, 1H and for thetrcoats and disbursements in this action. This summons is served br DUblication fmr- snai4 to au order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court made on tne iota day of July, 1H. yi II A I mi in ana J. n, situvm, 606-17 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Farmers at a distance should oatl soon thereby getting a better seleotion. FRANK MGFftRLftND, MANAGER. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of THE STATE 1 of Oregon fur Morrow County. P. C. Thompson, Plaintiff, vs. . B. Hperry, Defendant. To J. B. Hnernr. Defendant: In the name of ths State of Oregon: Yon are herebv reotilred to auiwar and answer the com' plaint mm against von m ina aoove euiiuea action on or belore the next regular term of in aoov. tniiuea eouri. to-wic: March 1st. 1897, and If you fail In answer for want thereof, the planum win iae judgment against you inr tne sum ol fiirty-four and dollars and Interest thereon at ths rale of ten par rent per annum from May II. Ixut; for the sum of eighty-one an.l lH-llt) dollars and Interest thereon from January 2. IMtt; Inr the sum of thirty-nine ami M lioidnllara and Inwreat thereon at the rale of eight per rent per annum from October 1st, 1KH. lor me sum ni nity dollars attorneys lees and for tbs costs and disbursement wl this tlmi. This summons Is served upon yon hy publica tion Dtmimnt U an order nf the Hon Htephen A. Ixinell, Judge of lha above entitled rourt, mads and entered lo said action on the Uth day ol January, If7. snuwa s ii&iirir.i.u, tot X). Attorneys lor Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of THE 8TATI I of Oregon for the f miiity of Morrow. L, F. Davldsoo, Plaintiff, vs. Hsmnel R. Walker, Defendant. To Maiwl E. Reiser, Defendant: la the name of Ibe Htau of Oregon: HELP WANTED ! We are preparing for a big epriog trade, but must have . help to make it a howling success. We are filling up and completing our stock of ,. GROCERIES AND HARDWARE which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate busi ness. We have many customers now but there are Btill several vacancies in this department of our store, to be Applications will be received at all hours of the day. Apply in person or by letter to P. C. Thompson Co. Corner Main and Willow Streets. D 00TS AND SHOES D THt PLACE TO GET THE M IS AT He hat anything In thli Hu thnt yon may dinilre and you can depend on It you get a good rucirj wuea kii luarauuwi it. SHOES IN ALL THE Old Stand, Main Street. . LATEST STYLES Repairing Specialty. Yon are I ""Hi Do You Want a Rig ? I Don't You Want a Place to - Put up Your Team ? ! Are You in Need of a SruM's Horse ? hervtiT refill I red lo appear and ansaer or olher- 7JZ$XZl?2i orthrir." All these tan be procured at Thompson A Dinns, Lower' Main Street, tleppner, uregon. Ttissw nllsmB at. well ai-analnted with OranL Rarner. Crunk, flltllam anil other annniUa ana ra saf. auiney ..a umi ia Biaiiug in.a. arcuoH. wita traveling aiea. rrtsw. In keeping with th. tlmas. Tue New leai't edition of tha KmI Oregon iao was lasued last Tueaday. While) rather Ut io making its apoaraDce, the editioo waa Dot larking iu quality. It wm firofuaHy illustrated and relct with frrah now a rnattrr regarding. Orri;oD, lo all it wm crrslitallo to the puliliahera, tbe city atd r.aatorn Orrgtu. The la4iB( dtsrrals of Clalexp oablf seJorw. lbprweiitatie Uratke'e aettoa U tba loanalatart. II has J titif .oeoariagtni trunk thi si tjlaoJiBg bl eottrta. Asturia Utfl (l.m.) Al.r BAMN l4KBIta Ctwasstl A Infers' rVaakar aalesma. th ll.l vf Cwsr.atew. I sr rrwaral Ke4 t far, nob I'IimkI, aoj strooi aal bwallby bud, tweenae aitb the approaeb of spflag e4 lb te(leUitf ol warsM year tiileal ! will aa Jeffo raJtal rhantf. All lb. laapart. tiM wbleb have araalat4 duhaf eol.Ur waalber aaasl o b. etpllJ ot from U R. (X Tba ay Irl.aJ of kVti Uob la Hit city will iUo4 bias IVMrttswt on. (rat.latki epo bt. welt arrival la lb atly, tba eoaai rt tba enof ti ri bis arna on WMwJay at I';. t II4. Marie H.wari. Mr. lUaeb) .pfMaU A IWtwr., a rurtl.a4 wbulswala b , a.J bia UU aa. a rl,U.I f It ska Cll CVowarw l.( lha wtalJin., Ibe lHytua OuM says: "AlfrwJ M. lUaeb. Ir.tsilof agtol tW C!.rtett A tWtwre' Dim, ksH4 lb aowatf a. Iitr W4.Jsy t. m.f. llrVtb. Ib.l b a4 llelea Jal.ri. HleW- art, ol Hif (My, as'iHt U eitJ la tba ta4. llk. Kt bi th. ";lnI(dl, iPills BswuM h. Is) t UiailT srdwiaw rKe aj4 .eery hrareUrf'S tna. IaT are M wm mi mmt swe .!. U ail rt UmmmrnM. SIlM S4 I aatkuM iaeiiiaAsw will rwaall. Th. Tlir H Dale ootnmittNl ou e!6 Ira blol txtriSar trora.atly la lino, havifitf docidnd toot lo re- ,b PMe . toJay ks Hares pa rin the Voibl catws no objection rtl1- Il'0,,,of ' . , .. 1 . . It aate arc tba lar fw la tbe wwtLL A - tUr .WPWflBll IU 1I I ,.m ltf. H.ta. A.i 1 1 a .III llirhard Kruney, the detaocratio Lrper ye tot twiai by Mrtfylaf aa4 M-ry fflJt lb-aa liM r.e rntr.tI'L wheo Lis fredotiala earvblat year t4.l as 4 Walss aa4 la-' lb. . A fit)! 4 Mr. Ms-b was rre J trwrnlol, although Stbetor IM yar wbol syetm. (hatidlor 4Mik advaiiUce of thai occaaiuo U state hi Uliof that tba aat ln-loris. rnhtfull to G4ooil l'u.tit, e l!if it ia tidliwe In Taarbasw issisa'l. TwtbV eieaalaaHua al Ibe I an.rl bnwaw Ww4.a.ay snWaao h4 01 rwraaia M aaala aaUl thk ra .1.. . . .1 ay, tbat ia auatiM ly evry repob. leg. W. L. ruia ta aaMii. licao aeoator, and which waa voted Hbiptty ta tb wtwi. Tba rwtl.i are I v thria at the laat krulas wt... rW'a: Ik. ..,li.u l..!l it . A Mra, C. W. Dm,, Ore taa.etl. UlU www-m - ) Uf UXUIt", I IfJ aol tsfuaal ly a bare majority to allow G.lorjrl Iuttt lobe eoaUd, an.l Uua rM-v IVIaeaie ot oe rt atfr, r Tte dfl -lark ia Orrgna ia eot rfM.UM Li ILuM rrfuaa Lil m roiil biiaioe. o i t mi lh( lUaO, Mbs4 niauek. May taf k4ea. Ay Cam a, ft., a. Dn4, Hp wf Akara, Uwla4 tHaato.. Clwwl KImWhi, tl IUl.l,(iTill i lHHo r b a4 Larwtsw tVwta. tele b n.l al Walla Walla tb lb r M ttiat b. a4 aa lb. rwwirwj atS. 411 Hb Ma iiMw.ri, b wm in ar H. th. I bab lra at f Ih. W. A 0L II poal lat, ts Ih. Irwta riew.1, II tmxwM lb yowot laly ltb the s..sary hwi whlrb b4 b pnar4 la Walla Walla iay. Tbe bypy apte b .. I M lb Mnia4e ol th. M. K. tbarwb, Uab, a a. lbw era 4a4 la twly w4leb by IU. Fraab Aik aa Mr. IUrb aal b'.l. lb lb. ! lliwsty lbfraiai far Waila WaJla.ataUy awb -Uwa4 allb tbr UpU lHt Kotlct of MnVQ. I o ornn at t piiiM rm-Mit. 14 r.fc a, l"T. ak as ttmrmbt fi.ea that Ike Mlel M4 aMUeS m-m l4 k. Itr. al kt. InkmlbHI fc MIS Saal l - ktfial ktaeiai. a1 IK I aw4 a HI mmAa Kelwf t W . ,, Inulf I !, M.ffaef, vr..a. M Man. II, l1, fll joiis w.auTiiry. s a . a a X r aa. I . a , ... Himms li-e Hun a a me his e-nii,. rVew afms tm4,llo ml. a4 iaHt. hi. kae. W a.4. lml a IUIM, r.Aa m. mm. P etwto M. I nllt(, ati 4 llskl a) i !, jasv,r ' lar et regular term of th. ebov. eull- lle-l eon rt, to wit: Tha rirat Day af March, 1897, and It ma tall to answer or otherwise tlee4. Inr waul Iheranl. th. plalmlf will tak. )u0 men l humi in. nf in. tun oi inn null bweiher alia Inlenwt thereon Irani the 771 dr al prtl, r at Ihe rate o ten ft rvnt per iimum amii ui : ani n.f in. turtner sum M one humlre.1 anil ininr Be. dollars with Inter eel Iheramt at Ihe raw ii oer rent per annum fn.m Uie l.'lh 4ar or rUlf. lw until Pl'l. I yr -w-1 -j. an4 lot Ihe sum trf Sflevn rtnllars atloraers lmm I JL JL'X limf ai ! km toau aixi aisnaraeawai. in this arllnw 1 his Summons Is Svrea4 or wnhlkealloa bef suanl la an order m .lephen A. toaail. Ju'lre oi uie anor. .nuiien roun, aM. on iu. lit ur ol antr . lai. koa J At tr .is lor rialniinT. HUM MUS S. ta Twa nact it rrn-ar or tmk itati I ol nno ne the wl Mueruw, A. Wiulery, f lain HIT. Samuel K. Walkef. tirfenant. tsauaw I Walker lHealaL la Ihe name nl Ihe ao ol tmsnB! Yon aes I hefi riulr4 In tiM aa4 ansae- lr mm. ptalnl Swd eealnet - In Ihe ' en I tiled regular tetaiol Ihe slant entltl.1 oann, to-all Th. IrH Aaf of Marnh, I art mi4 II IH Nil an I. .nans. In want theW I Ike Malnllf a III kit .Htmenl fenlnM ta Ik a o tifkl aa4ria Imtara. alia lMt4 thmtm., al Ik ! n I, per ro . M eaaum lnm Ik l.n. daf ol ll 1. Umt Ik I attt d.Mir. aiwaat ha, s4 M hkt tk naiiwiaoo! h MhHrarlna par.1 1 1 an oMrt ill Meplwn A lall. iu lr I -4 Ik atam i.ilil"! rim ft. w.t m Ik Xta 4 mt lt.. lam. J kii, lt Alleaf tut Hal ull f THOMPSON" & BT2ST2STS, ftasvaV v ab-ma-fcaayi w-rs94 AM, m York Mly Mono FOIt FanncR i and Vliiaocrs, Fathers and Mothers, von Sons and Dauohters, KOlt All the Family. tiotlce of Intuition. iffV t At TNI rUIMoRI'., awMk Clw ff ' I wwmaj ttawa sj saj wtawawa, eay. a S i 1 eV-1! 4Ve -I i'f US f .f gaassa L e, f -m ea . -.j latMi wwawatwai fcewak fcpjajaa t t WJ Ilia. (FERRY'S SEED lOIL I h I a4 wat ,M Asi apa ' I m-mAmmk T t baB fcaWM.if ' n A' -,we-e4 w v ti4w ia f Afl t lb lr.ila.( oaied ! ha il Mbs mi kl I '.I. it ..M. U. at ! la . (es'r mt Isnti . It.! ! an4 will ktM t, w !. I I tk. mt kt , iM. Mi.aHi . ran, ia;. Mtal l pf Alfl'M, n t is i. ia a f . r a a a it t n.k U (. M ' !.. Win .1 tU emtitaam ! Inn a IB. ..4 wlMltMI l Said ttad ! i -m,m lullu, AlWa W kiili. f VUa P AahkaMh. ol l iM Mikxlieaaaat, a4 hwfl. W. iMatia. of MriaM. iaa. p, til H haiWi timbtr Cttttvrt, final Proof. With the clone of the IWdcntial campaign THE THII3UNE ypogticr tbe fact tbat tbe American twopte are now aotinaa to give tbtr time to Lome and boeinwe lulrrrwl. To tnrtt tbia eoodiUoa polittce will have fay U apace avl tmtaioeic ttutil aootber Bute or Natiooal occMtnn dr-taae ls a y.oaaal t f tb Cgtt for tbe priocitdre fur which TUB TUIUtNC Laa Uborad from U to tbe (rMMct ,"4 day, aod woo ita prralct ticlnrtsaa. Eter? raaiU pfT.rt will t. pot furth, aod ovn frrr-lf ppfot lo mak. TIIK WKKKIsY TIUfit'.NB rMmIort,ily a fc-bl.a aaj H liniaiisc 4ragb- J , J y. ft 11, ew4 a4 .bi., lU tt. &- , . eJwiM A e..M.b ar. kt. s UWiif. I JaViiaV.NatJlLrei tl I Utu m w a f.m.s i.iu. J L-j- ,v:.;-y-'s -J u r4le, IWaaar A) Km a, . K ' i Tb I g'h el Ul. tey b lar! Vawawatiaf Uaoger. 1 h. e l a 1. J. frosa Ua Iro.bioa, tli .t kww pa f.hlwwiaa. l'SM w,ts 4a. Nl ft t m on r.i a is V'tTtfi ta niatat tis Mr t. .1 aKtit h .-., ol St., rmmm l a S 4 a ium ta MS iaa4 fs Mai w am, oi ! al aa I O l"a' mm Wa.if too t , Wh ! mt I ' hi , t h kd I t ,a-,.4H-an mm a. is, a tea ' -. I XMt, aa National Family Newspaper, ifiUteatieg, ioalrat ltvf, totprtaioirig aod iodi(6Mh!e to each Bratrr We lurnlsti "The Gazette" and "N. Y. weekly iriDune one year lor 53.00. OAall A.-4aJ a I fM Wrt t IfW ADVANCR. THE CAZETl E. 1-. as W t, v kt i at Wft. f Jial ltUrw. II IJ baa I ' Cab Owe. t-e, A Ureal .Vl 'TaVai. -Wi Jt 4 a aH M ths P,V 1 . . tHaafc, .1,1 h mailt ,Z, " bw aU I If araaiM:s i